Deeds: B.3201 - B.3300

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.3201 - B.3300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.3201 - B.3300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.3201 - B.3300". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.3201 - B.3300

[N'hamp.] B. 3201. Confirmation by Richard son of William de Berch, to the canons of Finnesheved, of the grant which Master Alexander de Stanford made to them of a croft without the gate of Scoftegate, and of the said Richard's right to 12d. rent issuing from the same; confirmation also of the grant which William de Coventre made to them in frank almoin of three messuages in Stanford. Witnesses:—Henry Hodiern, Henry Sybici, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: 'De crofto extra portam Staunford.'
[Norf.] B. 3202. Grant by Richard de Bailly of Secheford, to Sir Thomas son of William de Hakeford, of land in Secheford next Lady Olive de Hakeford's tillage called 'Redelond.' Witnesses:—William son of Robert de Secheford, Walter de Etone, Albin de Stanford, and others (named). Seal, injured.
[ ] B. 3203. Grant by Master Nigel, to Matilda de Campeden, and her children by him, of the messuage which he held from Osbert the clerk (clerico) in Ruinestret, with a house, chamber, and curtilage upon Stantibroc, with free exit from the house to the water. Witnesses:—John, then dean of Wich', William the chaplain of St. Nicholas, and others (named). Seal.
[Hunt.] Camb. B. 3204. Grant by John Hore of Childerley co. Cambridge, esquire, to John Wodehows, esquire, William Lassels, John Burdet, Thomas Pulter, clerks, Robert Large and John Eyr, of the manor of Great Raveley, and land in Sawetre, co. Huntingdon, rent issuing from Sawetre manor, the advowson of the third part of All Saints' church in Sawetre, and a marsh called 'Seggefen' in Marcheford co. Cambridge, formerly belonging to William Moigne, knight, except the lands held for life by Roger Banastre of Wakefield co. York and except John Attehill, the grantor's bondsman, with his issue. Witnesses:—Nicholas Styvecle, knight, and others (named). 5 May, 5 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[ ] B. 3205. Grant by William son of Geoffrey de [Ha]keton?, to the canons of St. Mary of . . . . ., of 12d. yearly rent issuing from a messuage in [Hake]tone ? to be received as a pitance (ad pitanciam) on the anniversary of Katherine his wife. Witnesses:—Richard de Maidewell, clerk, and others (named). Very much injured.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3206. Grant by Walter Elaf, to the monks of Quarr in frank almoin, of land in Scoffluta, part in the tillage called 'Othelle' by the marle pit, part called 'Brodacher,' part in 'la Buthme' between the ditch of Sir Geoffrey de Insula and the road; and two messuages, one called 'Pinnukesheye.' Witnesses:—Master Thomas Crespiu, William de la Mar', and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Salop or Heref. ?] B. 3207. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of Clifford, to Roger the chaplain of Calmitone and William son of William de Dodinghop', of land called 'la Lee' in Scitheton and land in Brademore for their lives, paying 10s. yearly and a beast or 5s. at the death of either: the grantees submit to the jurisdiction of the dean of Lodelawe to compel performance thereof. Witnesses:—William, prior of Clifford, Philip Sturmi, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Leic. B. 3208. Release by Eda daughter of Serlo, to the abbey and canons of St. Andrew's, Osolveston, of all her right in land in Scaldeford (Scalford) which she claimed against them by the king's writ of right. Witnesses:— William de Folevill', William de Martivaus, and others (named).
[Rutl.] B. 3209. Grant by Richard son of Roger de Seyton, to Simon de Heyford of Seyton and Margery his wife, of land in Seyton, part in the west field extending beyond the road to Uppingham and abutting upon Sandhowes, part at Sandhowes, and part in Botinggeshowes, abutting on Glastonbrok. Witnesses:—Robert de Bellafago, Robert de Morcote, and others (named).
[York.] B. 3210. Sale by William de Moreby, rector of a moiety of Ketelwelle church, to Sir John de Gray, for 110 marks, of all his stock as specified, alive or dead, in Scoulcotes manor. Tuesday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, archbishop of Canterbury, 29 Edward [I].
[Linc.] B. 3211. Release by John le Wautrer son of William le Wautrer of Barow, to William Southiby of Saxby and Beatrice his wife, of all his right in land on either side of Saxby, which he had demised to William for a term of years; also grant to the same of 6s. yearly rent which William Coke and Agnes his wife pay for a toft in Saxby which they hold of John for life, with the reversion of the said toft after their death: paying 10s. yearly to the prior and convent of St. Fromund. Thursday before St. Mary Magdalene, 17 Edward II. Seal.
[York.] B. 3212. Grant by William de Moreby, rector of a moiety of the church of Ketelwelle, to Sir John de Gray and Margaret his wife, of Scoulecotes manor with the bondmen and their issue belonging thereto, &c., and the advowson of the church there, and of land and rent, &c. in Sutton, Dripol and Suthburton. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Sutton, Simon de Grousel, knights, Sir William, rector of the chapel of Sutton, Sir Thomas, rector of Scoulecotes church, and others (named). Tuesday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 2[9] Edward [I.] Injured. Seal.
Berks. B. 3213. Grant by William Fitzwaryn of Bryghtlegh, kinsman and heir of John de Stouford, knight, to John de Estbury, the elder, of the advowson of the church of Shaghes by Nywebury which he inherited by the death of the said Stouford, his uncle: his own seal being unknown, that of the mayoralty of Barnestapol, co. Devon, is affixed. 1 April, 36 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Kent. B. 3214. Release by Alice Goldwell and Cristina Drylond, widows, daughters and heiresses of John Haute, late of Plukle, esquire, to William Haute, knight, son and heir of William Haute, late of Bysshoppysbourne esquire, of all their estate in the lands, &c., in Sellynge by Monks Horton and Lymme which were John Haute's, in land in Waltham parish in a field called 'Sundreyfeld' and in a croft called 'Sterlescroft' at a place called 'Gogwey' in the said parish, and land in Stellyng parish called 'Whetesole' near a field called 'Wolvele.' 24 September, 13 Edward IV. Two seals, one injured.
[Rutl.] B. 3215. Release by Ralph . . . . and William . . . ., to . . . . Hille, chaplain, John Gery, John Raynolld the younger, and Nicholas Broun (?), of all their right in lands, &c., in Sayton, Thorpbythewatir, Byssbroke, Barroghdon, and Southeluffenham. . . September, 38 Henry VI. Injured.
[Notts.] B. 3216. Release by Sir William de Cantilupo, to Simon de Grenhill and Lecia his wife, of all actions for waste in the lands which they hold for life of his inheritance in Sellestone; for which they grant to him all mines of coal and iron in the same lands, he giving to them thirty-two horsecartloads of coal in each year during which he works the coal mine. London, Tuesday after St. Martin in Winter, 34 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
Notts. B. 3217. Confirmation by John Dey, vicar of Selstone parish church, John Chaumberlane of Bevall, yeoman, and Alice, late the wife of William Arnalde of Selstone, to the prior and convent of Beauvale, for ninety-nine years from Christmas, 36 Henry VI., of the grant made to them by the late William Arnalde dated Christmas, 36 Henry VI., of all coal and the right of digging for the same in Selstone parish, and all wood growing there to make 'punches and proppes,' paying 13s. 4d. yearly as long as they obtain coal; the said William having made over to the said Dey, Chaumberlane and Alice, all his lands, &c., in Selstone by grant dated 10 October, 37 Henry VI. Witnesses:—Master Thomas Diachon', vicar of Greseley, and others (named). Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, A.D. 1462, 2 Edward IV. Three seals.
[Herts.] B. 3218. Confirmation by Ralph Chainneduit, son of William Chainneduit, to the nuns of Sopwell, of the grant made to them by Ralph Cheinneduit his grandfather, of land of the patrimony and marriage portion of Avelina, the latter's mother, and of assarted land in Senele, for half a mark yearly, and of pasture for their beasts in Senele. Witnesses:—Henry de Gorham, Geoffrey and Roger de Childewic, and others (named). [Henry III.] Injured.
[Bedf.] B. 3219. Release by John Chadde of Dunstaple, to the heirs of Hugh Garlec of the same, of all right in a yearly rent of ½d. from land in Sewelle. Tuesday after the Assumption, 21 Edward [I]. Seal.
[Sussex.] B. 3220. Grant by Simon son of Robert the smith (fabri) of Sesele, deceased, to the abbot and convent of Battle, of a field called 'Pirifeld' and of a grove adjacent called 'Rugehoke,' upon Sesele down (dennam). Witnesses:—Thomas de Ecclesia, Ralph de Castro, and others (named).
[Wilts ?] B. 3221. Release in frank almoin by Peter de Kenet, son of Sir Thomas de Kenet, to the monks of St. Mary Magdalene's, Farlegh, of the homage and service and 6s. 6d. yearly rent paid by Benjamin de Septun' for a tenement in Septun' (?). Witnesses:—John Luce, Walter de Litlecote, and others named. Much injured. Portion of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3222. Demise by Beatrice, the prioress, and the convent of Seward (Sewardesley), to Henry Tireboll' and Edenia his wife, for their lives, of a messuage called 'le Pukesede' in Setelh' (Shuttlehanger ?), paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Walter Aldred, and others (named). Much injured.
York. Lincoln. B. 3223. Grant by Francis Bigod, knight, to William Parr, esquire, Edward Gower, knight, Edmund Knyghtley, serjeant-at-law, Ralph Eure, John Constable, Robert Constable, Richard Norton, esquires, Richard Threplandd, clerk, master of the hospital of Wells, and John Laton, gentleman, of his manors of Setteryngton, Westow, Homandby, Lokyngton, Whetelay and Dogeleby, co. York, with advowsons of churches and other benefices, rents, and services therein, lands in Norton, 30s. rent in Westown, and the manor of Ewerby, co. Lincoln, in execution of agreements made on the marriage of his son and heir; with appointment of attornies to deliver seisin of the same. 12 October, 26 Henry VIII. Seal.
Signed: 'Francis Bigod, knyght.'
[Bedf.] B. 3224. Grant by Ralph son of Ralph le Lavender of Sewelle, to John son of Thomas Coleman, of Hougthon, and Agnes Cag', his wife, of a moiety of a messuage in Sewell which Ralph had of the gift of John son of Muriel de Kenesworth, and Joan his wife. Monday the feast of St. Femund (sic) [Ldmund], King and Martyr, 6 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Bedf.] B. 3225. Grant by John son of Thomas Coleman of Hougthon Regis, to Adam son of John Saundre of Sewell, of the above moiety of a tenement in Sewell. Sunday before St. Mary Magdalene, 10 Edward III.
[N'hamp.] B. 3226. Demise by Matilda, the prioress, and the convent of Sewardesley, to John Scheperde of Hulcote, for life, of a house in Sewardeslye between their church and the house called 'Newehouse,' land in Estneston and Hulcote, viz. at Haschehok, upon Hangyndelond, upon Schertebanlond, in Horscroft, upon 'le Hul,' at Hulmede, under 'le Wode,' upon Chaldenhul, at Smalethornes, and in 'le Soutmede,' viz. in Weldole, Longe, and 'le Estmuste'; a cartload of straw yearly from their grange, and for two weeks a flagon of ale, and easement for a cock and six hens in their close; they will also find him a boy to keep his sheep from St. Martin's day to the Invention of Holy Cross: he paying 4s. 4d. yearly. Sunday the feast of St. Alban, 45 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Bedf.] B. 3227. Grant by Richard Trollard of Sewelle in the parish of Hougthon Regis, to Robert Webbe of the same; of a messuage with croft in Sewell. Sunday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 41 Edward III. Much injured. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3228. Acknowledgment by Thomas le Flemmeng of Harewold [co. Bedford], that he is bound to pay 12d. yearly to maintain a lamp in the choir of Sewardesley as attorney of lady Letia Passelewe, formerly a nun of Sewardesley. Witnesses:—Master Hugh de Setelh', and others (named).
[N'hamp.] B. 3229. Notification by Richard de Lestre, to Robert, bishop of Lincoln, that he has granted Sewardeslege and Wimundeslege and all his land beyond the wood towards Stoches, to the nuns of Sewardesley, and that they may have three oxen, ten cows, and two hundred sheep in his pasture; the nuns having promised that in receiving nuns they will use his counsel as advocate, and will not receive any except through him. Witnesses:— Ralph, archdeacon of Land' (Llandaff), Richard de Lundon', Hugh Gobion, and others (named). Twelfth century.
[Bedf.] B. 3230. Grant by John son of Robert de Bowenulle of Sewelle to Geoffrey de Pullokeshulle (Pulloxhill) and Marjory his wife, of a tenement in Sewelle. Trinity Sunday, 14 Edward II. Seal.
[Bedf.] B. 3231. Grant by John son of Peter of Sewelle, to Richard le Gardiner of the same, of a messuage with curtilages, &c., in the hamlet of Sewelle. Wednesday after St. Augustine, the Apostle of the English, 26 Edward [I].
[N'hamp.] B. 3232. Demise by Lady Alice Basynges, prioress of Sewardesley, to William Evesham of Northampton, butcher, Margery his wife, and their son, for their lives, of a shop on the south side of 'le Bochersrowe,' paying 13s. 4d. yearly. 8 January, 10 Henry VI. Seal.
[Bedf.] B. 3233. Grant by Richard son of Athelina de Sewelle, to Alexander son of Ralph, of a portion of his curtilage in Sewelle. Witnesses:—John de Sewelle, Robert Faiteplace, and others (named). Injured.
[Leic] B. 3234. Release by Agnes, daughter of John de Blaston of Seustern, to Thomas de Friseby, Thomas de Quenby, Thomas de Derby, and John de Burgh of Thurmaston, of all her right in a messuage and land in Seusterne, with six acres of meadow in the moor there. Witnesses: —Richard, vicar of Bukemynstre church, and others (named). Saturday the Invention of Holy Cross, 22 Richard II.
[Leic.] B. 3235. Grant by John Pate of Seusterne, clerk, and Robert Tyre of Bukmynstre, to Robert Mason of Seusterne and Margaret his wife, of a toft with croft in Seusterne, between the tenements which John Peryson holds of the prior of Kyrkeby, and a cottage of the said prior, &c. St. Edmund's day, King and Martyr, 3 Henry VI.
Linc. Leic. B. 3236. Grant by Bartholomew Brokesby of Fryseby, co. Leicester, esquire, to Henry, the prior, and the convent of Kyrkeby upon Wrethek, of a messuage and croft in Seusterne, with land in Seusterne and Bukmynstre, co. Leicester, and in Gunby and North Wythom, co. Lincoln. Witnesses:—Sirs Ralph Crumwell, John, lord of Belmont, and others (named). 12 April, 16 Henry VI.
[Leic.] B. 3237. Grant by John Jonson, John Grene, and John Warde, all of Seusterne, to John Reresseby of Waynflete, alias of Reresseby, mason, of lands, &c., in Seusterne and Bukmynstre. 5 August, 20 Henry VI. Much injured. Seal, broken.
[Glouc.] B. 3238. Grant by Roger son of William of Sesencote, to Cicely his daughter, of land in Sesencote and upon Hetinehill. Witnesses:—Henry de Cheverincwrd, Hugh de Cloptona, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3239. Release by Helyas, son of William the skinner (pelliparii), to William the smith (fabro) of Francheton, of all the portion of land that belonged to Adam the smith (fabri), brother of Helyas, except the third part of the land upon the hill (super hulla), for 5 marks and the building (fabricam) in the market which Helyas held of William Blund, skinner. Witnesses:—William de Brinkelawa, William de Folcheshul, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Warw.] B. 3240. Grant by Stephen Cornish (Cornubiensis), to the prior and monks of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Kirkeby, of all his goods, if he survive Juliana his wife, and himself as a servant of the house, in which case they are to give to him a virgate of the land of Brochurst which his wife held, at a yearly rent of 4s., a virgate of the land of Kirkeby being restored to the said house; if his wife survive him, she is to receive a moiety of their goods. Witnesses:—Master Th. de Stude, Sir Roger de Neuham, and others (named).
Leic. Linc. B. 3241. Grant by Bartholomew Brokesby of Friseby, co. Leicester, esquire, to Henry Dalby, the prior, and the convent of Kyrkeby upon Wrethek, of lands and tenements &c. in Seusterne, Bukmynstre, Gunby, and North Wythom. Witnesses:—Laurence Berkle and Robert Wodeforde, knights, and others (named). 12 April, 22 Henry VI. Seal.
[Dorset.] B. 3242. Acquittance by John Kynemere and Hugh Croxale, wardens of the goods of the commonalty of Shafton' (Shaftesbury), for 6s. 8d. received from the prior and convent of Maydenbradelegh in full payment of the rent of a tenement in St. Laurence's parish, Shaftesbury. The Epiphany, 9 Henry IV. Two seals.
[Dorset.] B. 3243. Grant by John Goky called 'Cosyn' of Shaftesbury, to Nicholas Freoud and Alice his wife, of 7s. yearly rent, and the reversion of two shops in St. Andrew's parish in Shaftesbury market-place, from which the rent issues, after the death of John le Gardiner and Christina his wife. Tuesday the Anunciation, 17 Edward III. Seal.
I. of Wight. B. 3244. Demise by Geoffrey Neuchirche, the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, to Thomas Bourman, esquire, and Joan his wife, for their lives, of Shaldecombe manor, paying 12 marks yearly, and keeping in repair the roof of a house called 'la Shepyn'; also letter of attorney authorising Richard Triket to deliver seisin. 15 January, 16 Edward IV.
[Dorset.] B. 3245. Demise by Robert Jakes, the prior, and the convent of Maydenbradelegh, to William Cole of Bokesweston, and Juliana his wife, of a messuage with garden in Holy Trinity parish, Shaftesbury, abutting on a messuage of the abbess of Shaftesbury, for their lives, paying 20s. yearly. Witnesses:—Robert Wilkyns, mayor of the said borough, and others (named). 5 June, 2 Henry VI.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3246. Release by Henry Trenchard, son and heir of John Trenchard, to Richard de Burne, clerk, of all his right in land in 'la Eldelonde' next the gate of his park of Shaldeflete, together with the advowson of Shaldeflete church, of which he delivered seisin to Richard on Monday before Midsummer day, 3 Edward II. Witnesess:—Sirs John de Insula and Robert de Glammorgan, knights, and others (named). Sunday after the said feast, 3 Edward II. Seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3247. Demise by Robert, the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, to John Overnoon, Isabella his wife, and John his son, of their grange of Hamstede in Schaldeflete parish, except the oaks and ash trees, for their lives, paying 60s. yearly. 4 October, 8 Henry VI. Fragments of two seals.
[I. of Wight] B. 3248. Demise by Thomas London, the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, to William Frensch, and Thomas, John and Laurence his sons, for their lives, of the reversion of Agnes Overnone, late the wife of John Overnone, of their grange in Hampstede, paying 60s. yearly and 106s. 8d. for a fine at entry. 20 November, 9 Henry VII. Two seals and fragment.
[I. of Wight] B. 3249. Demise by Thomas, the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, to John Maket of Shenclyn, husbandman, of all their tithes in Shenclyn for thirty-one years, paying 20s. yearly. Michaelmas, 19 Henry VII. Seal.
[Camb.] B. 3250. Demise by John Ormond, esquire, lord of Fulbourne, to Richard Wryght of the same, of his manor of Shardelowes in Fulbourne with a windmill, &c., and with 'les shredyngs' of the trees for firebote, &c. for seven years from Michaelmas next, paying 17 marks 6s. 8d. the first year, 18 marks the second, and 20 marks each year after. 10 April, 17 Henry VI. Seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3251. Release by Richard son of Roger le Deveneis of Middelton, to the abbot and convent of Bruerne, for 20s., of 20d. yearly rent which they paid for part of a tenement in Schcsnecote belonging to his mother Emma, daughter of Thomas le Chamberlein of Middelton. Witnesess:—Sirs Roger de Nodariis, John son of Nigel, Richard de Willamescote, and John Golafre, knights, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3252. Request of Gilbert son of Martin de Morton, to Sir Hugh Passelewe of Swelle, Bartholomew Cokes of Iccumb, and others (named) to be witnesses that he has released to the monks of Bruerne, for 4 marks 40d., the 5s. yearly rent which they paid for the hide of land in Shesnecote lately held by them from Alan de Gray.
Leic. B. 3253. Release by Nicholas Danvers, lord of Frollesworth, to the prior and monks of Kirkeby Monks, of all his right in the advowson of Scharneford church. Witnesses:—Robert de Stoke, Adam Nel of Polteneie, and others (named).
[Berks.] B. 3254. Attornement of Richard de Grendon to Robert de Shawes, his lord, for a messuage and land in Shawes which he holds by a service of 8s. yearly. Neubury, Wednesday the feast of St. Dunstan the archbishop, 18 Edward III. Seal, broken.
Berks. B. 3255. Grant by Philip More, to William Combe, John White and Thomas Aschborn, clerks, Thomas Welle and Thomas Faukes, of all the lands, &c. in Shawe which he inherited from Alice More his mother, formerly belonging to Philip Benham, Alice's father. 8 August, 1 Henry VII.
Salop. B. 3256. Grant by William Banastre and Margaret his wife, to James Taylour, parson of Russhebury church, John Corkyn, parson of Eton-Constantyn church, and Thomas de Conde, chaplain, of their lands, &c. in Sheynton by Cressege, with the third part of the advowson and patronage of Sheynton church. Sunday before St. Luke the Evangelist, . . Henry IV. Much injured.
Oxford. B. 3257. Demise by Thomas Pope, esquire, Treasurer of the Court of Augmentations and Margaret his wife, to Robert Colman of Wardyngton, husbandman, of land in Wardyngton, lately belonging to Chakeham priory, co. Northampton, for thirty-one years from Michaelmas next, with sufficient hedgebote, cartbote, and ploughbote, paying 3l. 6s. 8d. yearly. 24 April, 29 Henry VIII. Seal.
[Herts.] B. 3258. Grant by Thomas Skrene, to Thomas Mathewe, of all the lands called 'Bromes londes' in Schephale and Stebenhach (Shephall and Stevenage), for seven years from Michaelmas last, paying 30s. yearly; Mathewe to pay all out rents, for which Skrine shall allow him, upon payment of the said farm, 10s. 6d. to Halfehide, 12d. to Brokes, 12d. to Wilmondley, and 40d. to Stebenhacchbury, &c. 4 December, 21 Henry VI. English.
[York.] B. 3259. Release by Peris de Mauleay, the elder, to Sir Ralph de Neville, son and heir of Sir Randolf de Neville, of all right to his service on account of the manor of Scherefhoton. Witnesses:—Sirs Ralph de Hastenges and William de Bruse, knights, and others (named). Lokynton, 12 June, A.D. 1331, 5 Edward III. French. Portion of seal of arms.
[York.] B. 3260. Grant by Richard Rasy of Bilburgh, to John de Neville, knight, lord of Raby, and Robert de Coverham, of three tofts and twelve bovates of land in Shirrefhoton. 21 August, 6 Richard II. Seal.
[Surrey.] B. 3261. Release by Richard de Shyrefeld, clerk, to Henry de Somerusbury, of all right in half an acre of land under Howelle. Codyntone, Tuesday the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 10 Edward II. Seal.
Endorsed: Shyrefeld.
[Wilts.] B. 3262. Grant by John London, the prior, and the convent of Bremmore, to Edith Howes, late the wife of John Howes, the elder, John Howes her son, and Isabel, John's wife, for their lives, of all lands, &c., which the said John Howes and Isabel his wife held of them in Necton in Southyngton, in the parish of Shereneton; paying to the convent 3s. yearly, and 12s. to the abbess and convent of Lakoc. 26 April, 10 Henry VI.
[Wilts.] B. 3263. Duplicate of B. 3262.
Somers. B. 3264. Demise by Thomas Fissher, Richard Apmerike and William Trippe, to Thomas Welshotte and Marion his wife, for their lives, and to their heirs for sixty years longer, of a cottage, garden and close in Shetterne by Taunton, paying 20d. yearly. 6 August, 14 Henry VII. Two seals.
[Norf.] B. 3265. Release by John Hawes of Aylmerton, to the king, Sir William de Walleworth, knight, and John Hestyng of Crowmere, of all his right in a parcel of land with a spring, called 'Wellezerd,' in Schipden, by the rectory. Saturday after the Epiphany, 6 Richard II. Seal.
Norf. B. 3266. Grant by John, the prior, and the convent of the Charterhouse near London, to the king, of the first presentation to the church of Shipden by the sea, when it falls vacant by death or resignation. 5 December, 5 Richard II.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll.
[Oxford.] B. 3267. Release by Joan, late the wife of Thomas de Benefeld, widow, to Robert de Benefeld her son, of all the third part which she held as dower in his inheritance in a croft called 'Astcrofte' in Shiplake, by 'la Hyde.' Witnesses:—Henry de Assendene, John le Blauncmester of Dunesdene, and others (named).
[Oxford.] B. 3268. Release by Roger Rokayle of Middelton, to Sirs John Lovel and Richard Abberbury, knights, of all his right in a meadow called 'Capronemede' in Shupton under Wycchewode. 15 May, 14 Richard II. Seal broken.
[Oxford.] B. 3269. Grant by David Bradewell, clerk, to Sirs John Lovel and Richard Abberbury, knights, and Roger Rokayle, of the above meadow called 'Capronemede' in Shupton under the forest of Whycchewode. Witnesses:—John Golafre and Thomas Paynel, knights, and others (named). 14 May, 14 Richard II. Seal.
[Oxford.] B. 3270. Release by John Lovell, lord of Lovell and Holand, to Sir Richard Abberbury, knight, of all his right in the above meadow called 'Capronemede.' Witnesses:—Thomas Paynell and Thomas Powr, knights, and others (named). Munstrelovell, Thursday before St. Laurence the Martyr, 16 Richard II. Fragments of two seals.
[Oxford.] B. 3271. Grant by Richard Abberbury, knight, to the king, of the above meadow called 'Capronemede.' Wednesday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 16 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Worc.] B. 3272. Release by Peter Baudre of Nortun, to the monks of Bordesley, of all his right in land called 'Schortebuttes' at Hundesfeld. Witnesses:—John de Cuteleg', Richard de Monhulle, and others (named). Injured.
[Kent.] B. 3273. Grant by Geoffrey Mayhew of Chalk parish, to William Martyn of the same, of land in Shorne parish, in the field called 'Rogeriscroffte,' abutting on land of the master of Cobeham chantry 14 April 10 Richard II.
Kent. B. 3274. Grant by Henry Etwelle and Agnes his wife, to Thomas Palmere of Otford, John Chymbham and Henry Rowe of the county of Kent, of a moiety of Rye manor and of a moiety of a rent of three quarters of barley in Shorham and Otteford, which the grantors had of the grant of George Bylesby and Massia his wife. 6 March, 8 Henry VI. Seal.
[Worc.] B. 3275. Release by Hawise, late the wife of Henry Burdun of Northon, to the monks of Bordesley, of all her right of dower in the tillage called 'Schoryebuttes.' Witnesses:—Richard de Monhull, John de Cutteleya, and others (named). Injured.
[York.] B. 3276. Sale by John de Gray, to Sir William de Moreby, rector of a moiety of Ketelwell church, for 100 marks, of all his stock, dead and alive, in the manor of Scoulecotes. Opton, Sunday the feast of St. George, 29 Edward [I.].
[Hants.] B. 3277. Grant by Joan, daughter of Ralph Acelin, to the canons of St. Michael's, Brumore, in frank almoin, of land upon Rihull, one end stretching along the prior's meadow in Smalemersche. Witnesses:— Geoffrey de Pusieres, Hugh Hakepruest, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3278. Release by John le Trumpour and Margery his wife, to the prior and convent of St. Denis by Southampton, of their right in six shops in the suburb of Southampton, upon the sea shore at Lefestdon. St. Mary Magdalen's day, 5 Edward III. Seal and portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3279. Sale by Nicholas la Weyte and Cicely his wife, in their great need, to John Horn, burgess of Southampton, of a piece of their curtilage in St. Laurence's parish, Southampton, for 35s. and a tunic for Cicely worth 5s. Witnesses:—Thorstan Heyron, Simon de la Bulehuse, bailiffs of Southampton, Walter the Fleming (Flandrensi), steward, and others (named). 35 Henry III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3280. Release by Peter Jacobi of Southampton, to the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, in frank almoin, of yearly rents of 1 lb. of pepper for a house within the north gate of Southampton, 12d. from a tenement south of the said house, and a pair of gloves or 1d. from a house in St. Laurence's parish. Witnesses:—Walter the Fleming, Simon de la Bulehus, Turstan Hairon, bailiffs, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3281. Grant by Isabel de Sirlegh, late the wife of Roger de Sirlegh, widow, to the same canons, in frank almoin, of 8s. yearly rent issuing from a tenement in the high street in St. Laurence's parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Henry the Fleming, Nicholas Becket, and others (named). Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3282. Grant in frank almoin by Walter called 'Goldsmith' of Winchester, to the same canons, of 2s. yearly quit rent from certain houses (stagiis) and a garden at the south end of the street called 'Eststret' in the suburb of Southampton. Witnesses:—Robert Barbir, alderman of Southampton, John de Holebury and John de Schirl', bailiffs, and others (named). Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3283. Release by the abbot and convent of Letthlyte (Netley), to Nicholas, bishop of Winchester, in frank almoin, of all right in the lands, &c. in Southampton which they had of the gift of Agnes Peverel, late relict of Richard de Wockesy. Witnesses:—Adam de Lecford, warden of Southampton, Henry le Flemeng, and others (named). [A.D. 1268–1280.]
Endorsed: 'Quieta clamantia Abbatis de Lettelega de lviij solidis redd' in Suthampton.'
[Hants.] B. 3284. Grant by Bartholomew de la Bulehuse, to the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, of land in Southampton, in a croft on the east side of the granges of St. Mary's church, to observe, each year, the anniversaries of his parents, and of himself and Isabel his wife, in their church, &c. Witnesses:—Robert Bonhayt and Thomas Blund, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3285. Release by Peter son of Bavo, of Southampton, to William de Arendel, parson of Michel . . . . [Mitchelmersh ?], of one mark yearly rent issuing from a portion of a messuage in English street, Southampton, at the west end of Holy Cross church. Witnesses:—Robert Bonnait, alderman of Southampton, Nicholas de Barflut and Henry Longho, bailiffs of the same, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3286. Release by Hugh Buchel, son of the late William Buchel, William Buchel, son of the late John Buchel, and Peter called 'le Mouner,' son of the late Robert le Mouner, of Southampton, to the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, of a tenement in English street, Southampton, in Holy Cross parish. Witnesses:—Peter de Lyons, alderman of Southampton, John de Puteo and Adam le Horder, bailiffs of the same, and others (named). Seal, and portion of town seal.
[Hants.] B. 3287. Release by Thomas, son and heir of Thomas le Halveknizt, late burgess of Southampton, and of Cristina his wife, to William Bassingrom, burgess of Southampton, and Petronilla his wife, the releasor's sister, of all his right in a house in English street, Southampton. Witnesses:—Robert le Barb', alderman, John de Holebur' and John de Schirl, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). Injured.
[Hants.] B. 3288. Grant by Margery Baluayr, late the wife of Roger Baluayr, burgess of Southampton, widow, to the canons of St. Denis [by Southampton], in frank almoin, of land in Southampton, in the croft called 'St. Andrew's Croft.' Witnesses:—John de Shirleya, alderman of Southampton, Nigel de la Wilderne and Thomas Stut, bailiffs of the same, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3289. Grant, in frank almoin, by William de Lavyntona, burgess of Southampton, to the same canons, of 20d. yearly quit rent from a messuage in English street, Southampton, in St. Laurence's parish. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Barmeflut' and James Blund, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3290. Grant by Richard de Durlye, smith, and Matilda his wife, to the prior and convent of St. Denis by Southampton, of a messuage with curtilage in the east part of English street, Southampton, in All Saints' parish, paying 6d. yearly to the warden of St. Mary Magdalene's church, and to the grantor a loaf of bread or ¼d. Witnesses:—Thomas le Blunt, alderman of Southampton, Peter de Lyuns, bailiff of the same, and others (named). Two seals.
[Hants.] B. 3291. Sale by Margery, daughter of William de Lavinton, deceased, to Richard de Derlyhe, smith, of a house in All Saints' parish, Southampton, paying 4s. yearly to the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, and 6d. to the vendor. Witnesses:—Bernard de Totenes and Robert Bonheyt, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3292. Certificate of Nicholas de Sigillo, to the provost and men of Hamton (Southampton), that he has granted to the canons of St. Denis, in frank almoin, all the lands and rents which were given to them by his father, mother and brethren, specially the lands which William son of Robert, Richard de Porland, and Geoffrey de Hamtona gave to them; also grant of a messuage and six acres, part of the land being before, and part behind, the infirmary (domum infirmorum). Witnesses:—Master Hamo de Wintonia, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3293. Grant by Nicholas, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis, to Richard called 'Le Bretun,' burgess of Southampton, for 11 marks, of land in the west field, behind the houses and garden of the Lepers of St. Mary Magdalene in the suburb of Southampton, in All Saints' parish, paying 12s. yearly. Witnesses:—Walter le Flameng, steward of Southampton, Roger Noweyl and the said Richard, bailiffs of the same, and others (named).
Surrey. B. 3294. Release by Ralph Moorton, John Colyns, son and heir of Robert Colyns, late citizen of London, deceased, and John Parker, to William Melford, Miles Metcalf, Richard Davy, John Borell, and William Est, gentlemen, of all their right in the tenement called 'le Rose,' with a cottage and garden at 'lez Stwes side' in St. Margaret's parish, Southwark, by a tenement called 'le Barge' on the west, and stretching northwards from the Thames to a lane called 'Maydenlane.' 2 May, 18 Edward IV. Two seals.
Surrey. B. 3295. Release by William Chambre of the county of Lancaster, gentleman, to William Haxey, mercer, John Polhill, haberdasher, John Colyns, John Dey, cutler, and John Parker, scrivener, citizens of London, of all his right in the above tenement called 'le Rose.' 17 March, 34 Henry VI. Portion of seal.
[Surrey.] B. 3296. Demise by Thomas Dursle, citizen and fishmonger of London, to Thomas Wylford, citizen and fishmonger of London, John Fray, Master John Stopyndon, clerk, Sir Thomas Chaworth, Henry Parveys, William Colston and John Horn, of the same tenement. 26 January, 18 Henry VI. Portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3297. Grant by Vincent le Milleward and Hawise his wife, to William de Cheleworth and Alice his wife, of a void plot of ground in the parish of All Saints, in Southampton, upon the sea shore at 'la Stronde.' Witnesses:—Henry de Lym, alderman of Southampton, John le Barber and Nicholas de Moundenard, bailiffs of the same, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3298. Grant, in exchange, by William Erneys of Sowe, to Alice, daughter of Alice Jabet of Sowe, and to Katherine her sister, with remainder to William de Stockiford their brother, of a messuage and land in Sowe, part of the land lying on 'le Wichegeneforlong,' part abutting on Mosebroc, part reaching to Warwykewey, part on 'le Gorebrode,' part near 'le Hiebrigge,' and part reaching to 'le Threthornesford.' Monday after Ascension Day, 16 Edward II. Seal, injured.
[Hants.] B. 3299. Release by the prior and convent of St. Denis by Southampton, to Peter de Lions, burgess of the same, of a mark yearly rent which they received from two houses (stagiis) in English street, Southampton. Witnesses:—John de Puteo and Adam le Hordier, bailiffs of the said town, and others (named). Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3300. Grant by Walter de Wilton, to the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, in frank almoin, of 20s. yearly rent from tenements in English street, Southampton, in St. Laurence's parish, for increasing their diet in Advent and Lent. Witnesses:—Henry le Flameng and James Yseneberd, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named).