Deeds: B.3301 - B.3400

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.3301 - B.3400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.3301 - B.3400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.3301 - B.3400". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.3301 - B.3400

[Hants.] B. 3301. Demise by the prior and convent of [St. Denis] by Southampton, to Thomas Bours, burgess of Southampton, and Isabel [his wife], of [a tenement] in St. Laurence's parish, Southampton, paying 40s. yearly. St. Leonard the abbot's day, 40 [Edward III.] Portion of document gone. Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3302. Sale by Nicholas la Wayte and Cicely his wife, to John Horn, burgess of Southampton, of 6d. yearly rent, which they received for the messuage which they sold to him in Great English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Walter le Flameng and Thourstan Heerun, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named).
[Surrey.] B. 3303. Release by Albin son of Fordwin, to the monks of Battle, of land in St. Olave's parish, Southwark, which he warrants to them on security of his land and capital dwelling-house in St. Margaret's parish towards London Bridge. Witnesses:—Henry de Pir', and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3304. Grant by Bartholomew de la Bulehuse, to William de Arundel, of two houses (stagias) adjacent, with curtilage, in English street, Southampton, in Holy Cross parish, paying 8s. yearly. Witnesses:— Matthew Geyse, alderman of Southampton, Henry le Fleming, steward, Nicholas de Barbeflut', John Blund and William Thikeman, bailiffs, John Fortin and Nicholas de Beket, wardens (scabinis), and others (named), Serjeants of the town.
[Hants.] B. 3305. Release by Bartholomew le Long of Southampton, son and heir of the late Roger le Long, to the prior and convent of St. Denis, of his right in a tenement with curtilage in All Saints' parish, within the east gate of Southampton. Witnesses:—John le Flemeng, alderman, John Baluayr and Richard Bagg, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). Seal of town of Southampton.
[Hants.] B. 3306. Grant by Nicholas, Roger, John and Simon, sons and heirs of Roger de Shyrlye, to the same, of 8s. yearly rent from a house in St. Laurence's parish, Southampton, in the high street, in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Henry le Flameng, Nicholas de Bareflut, and others (named). Two seals and fragment of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3307. Obligation of Robert Virgun to pay to the same, for the soul of Mabel Doget, 12d. yearly from his tenement in English street, Southampton, in Holy Cross parish. Witnesses:—Robert le Mercyr, alderman, John de Puteo and Adam le Hordyr, bailiffs, and others (named). Injured. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3308. Conveyance by Rueland, the prior, and the convent of St Denis by Southampton, to Thomas le Portur of Southampton, of a shop in the same by the gate of the friars minors, paying half a mark yearly. Witnesses:—Benet son of Azo, mayor, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3309. Grant by Roger son of Roger Tonellarius, and Alice his wife, to the church of St. Denis, in frank almoin, of 20d. rent from their messuage in English street, St. Laurence's parish [Southampton]. Witnesses:—John de Bolehosa, Roger Bonhait, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Hants.] B. 3310. Release by Peter le Moudner, son and heir of Isabel Bochel of Southampton, deceased, to the prior and convent of St. Denis by Southampton, of all his right in a tenement in the west part of English street, in Holy Cross parish, Southampton, paying to him 5s. yearly for life. Witnesses:—Peter de Lyons, alderman of Southampton, John de Puteo and Adam le Horder, bailiffs, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3311. Grant by Henry, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, to Adam le Hordyr, burgess of Southampton, of a hill called 'Levenedon' in the suburb of the town, at 'la Strond.' Witnesses:— Robert le Mercier, alderman of Southampton, Thomas le Blund and John de Schirle, bailiffs, and others (named). Portion of seal of arms.
[Hants.] B. 3312. Sale by Nicholas, the prior, and the convent of the same, to Petronilla, late the wife of William Stordi of Southampton, deceased, of a messuage in English street in St. Laurence's parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Ralph le Petit and Thomas de Andevor, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named).
[Hunts.] B. 3313. Release by Thomas de Kingeswolle, with consent of Margery his wife, to Alice Hereman, late the wife of Elyas le Caretir, of a house with a curtilage in English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Henry le Fleming, bailiff of Southampton, and others (named). Injured.
[Hants.] B. 3314. Release by Thomas de Bynedon, burgess of Southampton, to the convent of St. Denis, of all his right in a tenement in English street, [Southampton], in Holy Cross parish. Saturday before the Purification, 13 Edward III. Much injured.
[Sussex.] B. 3315. Confirmation by the abbot and convent of St. Martin's, Seez (de Sagio), of the demise by William Oliver, their proctor general in England, to William Costard of Gates, and Juliana his wife, of land with houses in the field called 'Northfeld' by the road from Gates to Slyndon, and land called 'Stothamstighele' in the same field, for their lives, paying to the abbey 25s. 10d. yearly. Thursday the morrow of Midsummer-day, A.D. 1304. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] B. 3316. Release by Peter de Buell' and Mary his wife, to Sir Hugh, the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, of all their right in land, &c., within the limits of Suthlyngedon park. Witnesses:—Sir Richard son of Ralph, knight, then coroner, and others (named). [A.D. 1254–1267.] Two seals, injured.
Kent. B. 3317. Grant by John Shyrewode of Southflete, to John Ketyll of the same, of land and two 'dayweres' in Southflete, in a field called 'Elselond.' 24 December, 1 Edward IV. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3318. Grant by John Elyn of Suthorp, and Agnes his wife, to Geoffrey Clerk, son of Alexander Clerk, of the same, of all their lands and tenements in Suthorp. Sunday before St. James the Apostle, 1 Henry IV. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3319. Release in frank almoin by Robert son of Matilda Scot, of Suthorp, to the nuns of St. Michael without Stanford, of all his right in a toft, and land abutting on Blakesik, in Suthorp. Witnesses:—Thomas son of Robert, Hugh and Geoffrey Fauvel, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] B. 3320. Grant by John Kende of Suthorp, to the same, of land in Suthorp, upon Dalhawe, in frank almoin. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas son of Robert of Suthorp, Sir Hugh Fauvel, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Surrey.] B. 3321. Demise by Alan de Hibernia of Southwark, to H., abbot of Battle, of his chief houses in Southwark (except his rents without the gate thereof) for three years from Michaelmas, 16 Edward I., paying 3½ marks yearly. London, feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 16 Edward I. Injured.
Surrey. B. 3322. Demise by William Chambre of the county of Lancaster, gentleman, to William Haxey, mercer, and others (named), of the premises which he released to them in B. 3295. 10 March, 34 Henry VI.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3323. Release by Reginald Champyon of Southsandham (Sandown), to the prior and convent of Brommore, of all his right in a croft with two granges built thereon in Southsandham, in Brerdyng (Brading) parish. Witnesses:—John Kyng, vicar of Godeshull church, and others (named). Wednesday the feast of St. Laurence the Martyr, 30 Edward III. Seal.
Surrey. B. 3324. Release by John Colyns and John Parker, citizen and court hand writer of London, to William Haxey, mercer, John Polhill, haberdasher, and John Dey, cutler, citizens of London, of all their right in the tenement called 'le Rose,' with cottage and garden annexed, at 'lez Stewesside' in St. Margaret's parish, Southwark. 28 August, 35 Henry VI Seal, broken.
Surrey. B. 3325. Release by Walter Moyle, a justice of the Common Bench, and Philip Lewyston, to the same, and to the above-mentioned Colyns and Parker, of all their right in the above tenement. 24 July, 34 Henry VI.
Surrey. B. 3326. Grant by Geoffrey Verherde, to the monks of Battle, in frank almoin, of land in [Grimescroft ?] at Southwark in St. Olave's parish, stretching to the Thames from the high road to St. Saviour's, as he held it for a day and a night; paying 5s. yearly to Edith, daughter of Alexander son of Ailbricht. Witnesses:—Stephen Eswi, Richard de Clare, and others (named).
Surrey. B. 3327. Demise by William Haxey, mercer, John Polhill, haberdasher, and John Dey, cutler, citizens of London, to Robert Colyns, citizen and cofferer of London, William Melford and John Halle, gentlemen, Richard Davy of the king's household, John Colyns, and John Parker, citizen and court hand writer of London, of a tenement called 'le Rose' with other premises in St. Margaret's parish, Southwark. 10 September, 36 Henry VI. Seal and fragment of seal.
Surrey. B. 3328. Letter of attorney by Haxey and Polhill, authorising John Dey to deliver to Robert Colyns and the others above named, peaceable possession of the tenement called 'le Rose,' with other premises. 10 September, 36 Henry VI.
[Warw. ?] B. 3329. Grant by Sampson de Bremesgrave, rector of Hereuerton, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of Sidenhale grange (which he held of them for release of 200 marks formerly due to him) for support of two monks who are to be presented by the prior of Wig' (Wigmore ?) for the time being; also grant of 13s. 6d. yearly rent which he used to receive from Richard de Portar' of Feckam, and William de la Rowenhulle. Witnesses:—Sirs J. Walrant, Henry Huband, Walter de Stanes, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] B. 3330. Grant by John son of Oliver de Vallibus, to John le Maltis tere of Wenhavestun, of land and wood in Sybetun, by the boundary of Jokesford, &c., part of the land abutting southward on the bank running toward Jokesford, and part of the wood on Rahawe; grant also of Walter Burchard, the grantor's bondman, with all his land and issue, &c. Witnesses:—Sirs Philip de Boclond, Hubert de Bavent and Thomas de Craven', knights, and others (named).
[Suff.] B. 3331. Certificate of Hamo son of Nicholas de Sibetune, that he has done homage to the abbot and convent of Sibetune, for a tenement in Sibetune, with the consent of the lady Nicholaa de Meysi, late the wife of Eoger de Leystune, of whom he formerly held it. Witnesses:—John de Linstede, William de Alencun, and others (named).
Endorsed:— Carta Hamon' de Sybet' de homag' suo abbati de Sybet' facto. Carta est optima.
[Suff.] B. 3332. Confirmation by John son of Oliver de Vallibus, to the monks of Sybetune, in frank almoin, of the grant that Nicholaa de Meisi, late the wife of Roger de Leistune, widow, made to them of the homage of Hamo son of Nicholas de Sybetune, with all his tenement which he held of her in Sybetune. Witnesses:—Sirs Hubert de Bavent and Thomas de Craven, knights, and others (named).
[Suff.] B. 3333. Release by the same, to John le Maltistere of Wenhavestune, and to the monks of Sybetune, of 1 lb. of cumin of yearly rent which the said John paid to him for the land, &c., granted to him in B. 3330. Witnesses as above.
[York.] B. 3334. Grant by Robert Beverage and Isabel Laykan his wife, daughter of the late Hugh Laykan, to Sir Thomas de Chauncy, lord of Skirpinbek, of all their land in the field of 'le Bochem' in Skirpinbek. Witnesses:—Sir Roger Grimet', knight, Sir El[ias], rector of Skirpinbek, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Warw.?] B. 3335. Agreement between Sir William, the abbot, and the convent of Bordesley, and Matthew, rector of the church of Alvithechirch; the convent shall have two gates upon the ditch between the wood of Surthewod and 'La Leye,' with free ingress and egress to and from the said wood, and by them Matthew's servants can lead in and out of the wood forty pigs from Michaelmas to Christmas; before Michaelmas the abbot's servants shall not beat down acorns in the wood, and neither party shall gather them between the said feasts. Matthew releases to the abbot all common of pasture in the convent's lands, and if his beasts are found therein they shall be driven out, but without injury, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Henry Huband, knight, and others (named) Ypesley, Thursday the morrow of the Purification, A.D. 1249.
[Lanc. ?] B. 3336. Grant by Nicholas de Halgheford, to Robert ate Brech of Haverchenesham, of a curtilage abutting westward on the common of Haverchenesham called 'le Bradene,' and of land adjoining the said curtilage in the field called 'Sutheworth.' Sunday before St. Margaret the Virgin, A.D. 1299, 27 Edward I.
[Warw.] B. 3337. Conveyance by Peter de Wolveye, to John Ernald, of land in Sowe for twelve years, on condition of his cropping it as specified herein. Michaelmas, 19 Edward [I.]
[Warw.] B. 3338. Release by Robert, son and heir of Ralph the smith (fabri) of Sowe, to Robert Jabet, of all his right in a messuage and land in Sowe. Friday the feast of St. Swithin, 33 Edward I. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3339. Demise by Geoffrey de Craft, for the life of Avice his mother, to Robert Jabet, of a meadow in Sowe which the said Avice held as dower after the death of Robert Bagod her late husband, in a place called 'Wrotholm.' Kirkeby, Tuesday before St. John the Baptist, 33 Edward [I.]
[Warw.] B. 3340. Demise by William de Pynnelee, to Robert Jabet and Alice his wife, and to Katherine his own sister, for their lives, of all his messuage and land in Sowe and in Wykene, paying 16s. yearly. Thursday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 34 Edward I. Seal.
[Surrey]. B. 3341. Duplicate of B. 3326.
[N'hamp.] B. 3342. Grant by Richard Baret of Sutthorp, son of Ralph Baret, to the nuns of St. Michael's without Stanford, of land in Sutthorp, abutting southwards on Sutton wood. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh Fauvel, knight, John Kende, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3343. Grant in frank almoin by Maurice and Sara his sister, heirs of Nicholas the clerk (clerici) and Mariota his wife, of Southampton, to the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, of ½d. yearly rent issuing from land in the same. Witnesses:—Robert Bonheyt, Nicholas de Barbeflut', and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3344. Release by John le Graunt, son and heir of Hugh le Graunt, late burgess of Southampton, to the same, of all his right in a tenement in Southampton which they had by bequest from Sir William de Arundel, late parson of Mickelham church. Witnesses:—Thomas de Bynedon, mayor of the said town, Robert de la Barre and Walter de Brackeley, bailiffs, and others (named). Seal and portion of town seal.
[Hants.] B. 3345. Declaration by N. the prior, and the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, that Sir Thomas Peverel, knight, has given to them 5s. yearly rent, issuing from a tenement in English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton, to celebrate the anniversary of Andrew Peverel his father. Witnesses:—Sir William de Wintreshulle and John de Botteligh, knights, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3346. Grant by William son of Reginald de la Wike, to William son of William de la Leye, of a moiety of an assart with a messuage under Sowe wood. Witnesses:—Vitalis de Folkyshul, Geoffrey de Wilenhale and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3347. Release by Thomas son of Hugh de Loges in Sowe, to Robert Jabet, of all his right in land in Sowe lying upon the tillage called 'le Wowe,' with a 'swat' of meadow called 'le Smale Swayes' in the common meadow. Witnesses;—Simon Erneys, Robert Bagod, and others (named). Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3348. Grant by Robert son of Roger Balle, to Robert Jabet, of land in Sowe, part at Sticheforde, part upon Suyniforlong, part upon 'le Wowe,' and part upon 'le Ferniforlong.' Witnesses:—Peter Hervi, Hugh de Stivichale, and others (named). Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3349. Grant by Simon son of Joylin of Sowe, to Alice daughter of Robert de Pinel', of land in Sowe, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Viel de Folkishull, Robert de Paris, and others (named). Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3350. Grant by Ranulph Spalding of Sowe, to William de Coxhale, tailor, of land in Sowe, part lying upon Smitinghul, stretching upon Longefriday, part at Rodmerewell, upon Draybrocforlong, at Woldhale, upon Wowelond, stretching to Smiteweye, upon Sichesfordeforlong, at Meregrene upon Sweynesforlong, at Folefen, at Elrenegrene stretching into Gretemure, upon Ferniforlong, at Bernardes cros stretching into Smiteweye upon Hasshull, and upon Musebroc stretching into Draybrochulles. Witnesses:—Simon Joylin, Peter Hervy and others (named). Seal.
[York.] B. 3351. Grant by William de Middelton, to Ralph, earl of Westmoreland, for 40l., of all his estate in lands and tenements in the lordship of Skirtenbeck, which he had by gift of the abbey of St. Agatha by Richmond which are now of the value of seventeen marks 2s. 2d. yearly for fourteen years from Martinmas next; paying yearly 46s. 8d. to the church of St. Peter's, York, and 3s. to the vicars of the said church. 16 January, 3 Henry IV. French. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3352. Grant by William de Corton, to Sir Simon, the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, of land and two parts of a messuage in Slepe, held of the king in chief; and the reversion of lands and the third part of a messuage which Matilda, late the wife of Alan le Hauekere, and Alice, late the wife of Simon le Hauekere, respectively hold in dower, and of a messuage that Nicholas le Hauekere, of St. Ives, holds for life in the same place; they providing a chaplain to celebrate daily for his soul in St. Benet's church, Ramsey. Witnesses:—Sirs William le Moigne and John de Swyneford, and others (named). London, Saturday the feast of St. Catherine the Virgin, 12 Edward II. Illuminated initial letter. Seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3353. Demise by Henry son of Robert Gerard of Sloutre, rector of the church of Over Sloutre (Upper Slaughter), to the abbot and convent of Bruerne, of all his right in the land and messuage in Over Sloutre which Walter, parson of Newinton, formerly gave to them. Witnesses:—Sir Jordan, rector of Widindon, William the clerk of Sloutre, Robert le Champiun, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3354. Release by Sir Nicholas, the prior, and the convent of Ordburi (Erdbury), to Geoffrey son of Robert de Sireford, of the suit which he was wont to do every three weeks at their court for the tenement which he holds in Sireford, he paying 4s. yearly rent instead of 3s. for the same, and doing suit twice a year at their court, &c. Witnesses:—Master John de Billisleya, Viel de Folkeshulle, Richard Morin the clerk of Winchecumbe, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[York.] B. 3355. Release by Margaret, relict of William son of Roger de Horworth, to . . . . . of Raby, of all her right in lands and tenements in Great Smythton (Great Smeaton), which she had of the gift of the said William. Much faded. Seal.
[Leic] B. 3356. Grant by Robert Salveyn of Thorp by Langeton, to Peter le Taylour of Slauston, and Alice his wife, of land in Slauston upon Peysehul. Sunday before St. Augustine, 20 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Leic] B. 3357. Grant by Thomas Underwode, vicar of Weston, and Richard son of Simon de Cravenhowe, to John Attehalle of Stretton, and Henry de Sterre of Braundeston, of all the lands and tenements which they had of the gift of Alice, relict of Ralph Andreu, in Slauston. Feast of the Invention of Holy Cross, 28 Edward III. Two seals.
Glouc. B. 3358. Release by James, lord of Berkeley, knight, William Berkeley, knight, James, Maurice, and Thomas Berkeley, esquires, to John, earl of Shrewsbury, and Margaret his wife, of all their right in nine messuages and certain lands in Slymbrugge, and in a pasture called 'le Warthe' and a meadow called 'le Nevelese' lying between the Severn and Slymbrugge lordship, and stretching from Hynton lordship to the bridge called 'le Warthe Brugge' by Frampton on Severn. 20 October, 30 Henry VI. Two seals.
Endorsed: 'Irrotulatur coram Domino Rege apud Westm' termino Sancti Hill' anno r.r. Henrici sexti post conquestum tricesimo, Ro. xlj°.'
[Warw.] B. 3359. Grant by Roger Schepey of Arley, chaplain, to Richard son of Agnes la Smythes of Arleye, of land with buildings in Sloleye, abutting on the high road from Coventry to Lych[field]. Sunday the feast of Holy Innocents, 22 Edward III.
[Derby.] B. 3360. Demise by Henry Rolleston, John Bradshawe, William Dethik, clerk, William Saucheverell, Henry Stathum, and Henry Reddeford, chaplain, to William Zouche and Joan his wife, daughter and heiress of Henry Stathum, late lord of Morley, for their lives, of all the messuages and lands, &c., in Smalley which they had of the grant of the said Joan, with remainder to her right heirs; also letter of attorney authorising Milo Blackwall and Thomas Mongombre to deliver seisin of the said premises. 18 May, 2 Henry VII. Two seals.
[N'hamp. ?] B. 3361. Sale by Richard Pek of Stanford, with the consent of Alice his wife, to Master Alexander son of Richard son of Seluf de Stanford, of his croft under Smithill with a toft without the gate of Scoftegate reaching to Smethell, for 37 marks. Witnesses:—Walter de Tikote, Terric de Colonia, and others (named).
[Warw.] B. 3362. Confirmation by John de Burleia, son of William, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, with his own body, of land which his father gave to them, next the way from Snitenefeld and in Greneslede, and of land that Nicholas his grandfather gave to them. Witnesses:—William Cumin, William de Bissopesdune, Alan de Blez, and others (named).
[Montg.] B. 3363. Demise by John Brygtwardyn, the prior, and the convent of Chirbury, to Jevan ap Rees, of a pasture at Snede in the lordship of Halcetyr, called 'Golewgoed,' for forty-one years, paying 16d. yearly. 28 March, 23 Edward IV. Seal.
[York.] B. 3364. Grant by Mary de Nevill', lady of Middelham, to Gilbert son of Roger de Helton, of two messuages, three tofts and two tenements in Snape, with housbote and heybote in Snapewood, for his life. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Rychem', and Richard de Berningham, knights, and others (named). Friday the feast of St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist, A.D. 1313. Seal.
[Leic.] B. 3365. Grant by Geoffrey Trussel, to the monks of St. Nicholas of Kirkebi, in frank almoin, of Sarneford church, Robert being prior of Kirkebi. Witnesses:—Geoffrey, prior of Spalding, Siward the priest of Kirkebi, Adam the priest of Widibroc, Roger de Mulbrai, and others (named). Twelfth century.
[Heref.] B. 3366. Confirmation by Robert de Chaundos, son of Roger de Chaundos, lord of Snodhull, of the grant made by his father, herein recited to the monks of Dore, in frank almoin, of the grove between the boundaries of Snodhull and the fee of Clifford, one part reaching to Wudebir' the other with Shedricheshale to Heyheleye, all the assarts between Heyheleye and Alwineleye, and so all the grove to the spring of Aldid and to Lameleye, and so to the road from Lameleye to Heyheleye, and thence to the land of Sir William de Solariis on the north; and of common of pasture on his land beyond the water of Dore to Wilmeston. Witnesses:— Sirs John Lestrange (Extraneo), John de Tregoz, Andrew de Bascrevil, Richard de Bachinden and William Rufus, canon of Hereford, and others (named). [c. A.D. 1276.] Seal.
[Somers.] B. 3367. Grant by Roger Branche, to Peter his son, of half his land of Snyffemore with a messuage, land in Dunkehulle, part by Harnam wood, and an acre in Ake meadow by the road called 'la Walle,' paying 5s. 3d. yearly; with remainder to the survivor. Witnesses:—Maurice de Lege, Hugh Punchard, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3368. Sale by Matilda, daughter of Serle le Tapinir, to William Ayllet of Southampton, of land in Estret in All Saints' parish, Southampton, next the houses (stagiis) which Joan Ysembard holds of the prior of St. Denis. Witnesses:—Benet Azonis, mayor of Southampton, Walter le Flameng, bailiff, and others (named). 19 October, A.D. 1243. Seal.
[Warw. ?] B. 3369. Grant by William de Badbi, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of land part by the boundary of Sudhang', part against Farduna, and part 'inter garas.' Witnesses:—Nicholas de Kirkebi, Gilbert de Vado, and others (named).
[Herts.] B. 3370. Grant by Richard Gardyner of Bishops Hatfield, to William Fraynshe of St. Albans, and Agnes his wife, of a messuage with a curtilage in Sopwellane, St. Albans, abutting on the stream of water running from Halywelle to Sopwelle mill. Witnesses:—John de Wynslowe, bailiff of St. Albans, and others (named). Thursday the Purification, 26 Edward III.
Leic. B. 3371. Grant by Ralph Wodeford, William Asshby, esquires, and William Vyllers, chaplain, to George, earl of Shrewsbury,' Edward, lord of Hastynges, Master Richard Hastynges, Robert Staunton, and others named, of messuages, land, a horse-mill and croft in Somerby, and land, two crofts, and a toft in Little Dalby, with letter of attorney authorising Edward Beer and John Whithed to deliver seisin of the said premises. 6 August, 2 Henry VII. Three seals.
[Heref.] B. 3372. Obligation of John de Forda, son of William de Forda, to pay to the abbot and monks of Dore, two marks yearly for the support which they have granted to Walter son of Hugh de Homenesse, in their house; if he fail to pay he will resign his land of Sarnefeud and Gramanton into the hands of the king or his son Edward, and will pay to the abbot 12d. for each day he fails; on his death provision must be made for payment of the two marks before any of his goods are disposed of; if he or his heirs fail in such payment the abbey shall not be responsible to Walter for anything, but he shall forthwith restore to Walter the land of Homeness' and Gramanton. Michaelmas day, A.D. 1263. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3373. Demise by Augustus son of Alan de Tropi, with consent of Amabel his wife, to Felicia, the prioress, and the convent of Catesby, of the portion of a toft and croft belonging to his wife as dower in Solegrafe (Sulgrave), to hold during Amabel's life, paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—Ralph de Hinton, and others named. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3374. Grant by Robert Roand of Langley, to the church of St. Mary of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of land by the road from Sudhang' to Warwick, by the boundaries of Sudhang' and Langley. Witnesses:—Gilbert son of Gilbert de Vado, Nicholas son of William de Burleia, and others (named). Twelfth century. Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3375. Conveyance by Robert Notyare, to John Chikerel and Cristina his wife, for their lives, of all his lands, &c., in Soppele. 12 June, 1 Henry IV.
[Warw.] B. 3376. Release by John Greswold, son and heir of John Greswold of Rowynton, and Richard Greswold his son, to Robert Greswold of Solyhull, of all their right in the messuages and lands, &c., in Olton in Solyhull parish which formerly belonged to the said releasor, John Greswold, by the demise of Thomas Beynam of Henley. 23 November, 12 Edward IV. Two seals.
[Hants.] B. 3377. Sale by Nicholas la Wete, and Cicely his wife, to John Horn, for 10 marks and a tunic to Cicely, of a shop in Southampton in Great English street, St. Laurence's parish. Witnesses:—W . . . . le Flameng and Matthew Gese, bailiffs, and others (named). 20 November, A.D. 1249. Portion of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3378. Grant by John Gresewold, son and heir of John Gresewold of Rowinton, to Richard Gresewold his brother, vicar of Toneworth, Thomas Beynam of Henley, and William Blount of the same, of all the messuages and lands, &c., in Olton in Solihull parish which he inherited on his father's death. 22 May, 37 Henry VI.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3379. Grant by Elyas de Phalasia, to the monks of Quarr, in frank almoin, of his land in the tillage called 'Sortlond' and 'Combwol,' with part of the tillage called 'Alfricheslond' stretching eastward to land called 'Semereslond,' by land of the tenants of Foxore. Witnesses:—John de Bottelye, William de Pageham, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Carta Elie de Phalesia de terra de Rupenore.'
[Warw.] B. 3380. Letter of attorney by Thomas Beynam of Henley, authorising John Hawe, son of Thomas de Gerardes, and William Hawe, barber, to deliver seisin to Robert Greswold of Solyhull, of the lands, &c., in Olton referred to in B. 3378. 20 November, 12 Edward IV. Fragments of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3381. Grant by John Greswold of Solyhull, the elder, esquire, to Robert Greswold of Solyhull, of a croft in the same. Feast of St. Catherine the Virgin, 20 Edward IV. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3382. Release by Cicely, late the wife of Nicholas la Wayte of Southampton, widow, to John Horn, burgess of Southampton, of all her right in a messuage in English street, St. Laurence's parish. Witnesses:—Henry le Flameng and William Dykman, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). June, 55 Henry III.
[Hants.] B. 3383. Grant by Nicholas, rector of St. Michael's, Southampton, to William de Arundel, his nephew, of land with houses (stagiis), curtilages, and a garden in English street, Holy Cross parish [Southampton], reaching to the town ditch. Witnesses:—Benet Azonis, mayor of Hampton, Walter the Fleming (Flandr') and William Fortin, bailiffs, and others (named). 14 May, A.D. 1248.
[Hants.] B. 3384. Grant in frank almoin by Nicholas de Cumba, chamberlain, to the canons of Brommore, of land with a messuage in Rokeburn, paying 3s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Kernett' and Robert de Ponchardon, knights, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3385. Demise by Richard, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, to John de Puteo, burgess of Southampton, and Hawise his wife, of a tenement with three shops in Southampton, in the street called 'Englisschestrete,' St. Laurence's parish, for their lives, paying 23s. 4d. yearly; with remainders to John, Nicholas, and Robert, their sons, in succession. Witnesses:—John de Schyrlie, alderman of Southampton, Nigel de la Wilderne and Thomas Stout, bailiffs, and others (named) xvij Kal. Junii, [16 May], A.D. 1300, 28 Edward I.
[Hants.] B. 3386. Grant by Cicely la Wayte, late the wife of Nicholas le Wayte, to Richard Tebaud, burgess of Southampton., of 2s. yearly quit rent in Southampton, issuing from a house in English street, St. Laurence's parish. Witnesses:—Robert Bonheit and Thomas le Blund, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). Translation of St. Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury A.D. 1272. Two seals, one of the bailiff's of the town.
[Hants.] B. 3387. Grant by Thomas de Bynedone, burgess of Southampton, to the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, in frank almoin, of 6s. yearly quit rent from his tenement in Holy Cross parish, Southampton, from which they were wont to receive 11d. rent. Witnesses:—Henry de Lym, alderman, John Roude and Nicholas Sampson, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). St. Peter ad Vincula, 15 Edward II. Seal of arms broken, and fragments of the provosts' seal.
[Hants.] B. 3388. Confirmation by R. the prior, and the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, of the grant made by Walter le Barbur to Robert Page, of a shop in Southampton by the gate of the Friars Minors. Witnesses:—Matthew Gese, Thomas le Mercier, Peter Dikeman and Michael Pudele, bailiffs of Hampton, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3389. Grant by Matilda, daughter of the late William Bassingron, the elder, of Southampton, and Petronilla called 'la Halveknight,' his wife, to Walter de Brackelye, burgess of Southampton, of a void piece of land in St. John's parish, Southampton, north of a house called 'the long chamber,' of a tenement called 'la Westhalle,' and stretching from 'la Bolestrete' on the west to the little chamber called 'la Garderobe' on the east; and a small piece of land adjoining. St. Peter in Cathedra, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3390. Demise by Florya the bakeress (pistrix), of Southampton, late the wife of Robert the tailor (parmentarii), to the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, in frank almoin, of a messuage in Estrete, Southampton, within the east gate. 8 Edward I., A.D. 1279. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3391. Grant by Thomas le Hordir, son and co-heir of William le Hordir, sometime burgess of Southampton, to Guy le Hordir his brother, of a messuage with a curtilage in English street, Holy Cross parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Thomas de Binedone, alderman of Southampton, and others (named). Friday before Holy Trinity, 13 Edward II. Portion of town seal.
[Hants.] B. 3392. Demise by the prior and convent of St. Denis by Southampton, to Roger [de Stonham], Petronilla his wife and Alice their daughter, for their lives, of a tenement with a curtilage in All Saints' parish within the east gate, Southampton, paying to them 4s. yearly and 12d. to the rector of All Saints. Witnesses:—Bartholomew Ace and Richard de Barbefluet, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). Tuesday . . . . . ., 9 Edward II. Injured.
[Hants.] B. 3393. Grant by Robert le Norays, son of Richard le Norays, of the Isle of Wight, to Thomas de Bynedone, burgess of Southampton, of houses in English street, Southampton, in Holy Cross parish. Witnesses:—Richard de Sutton and John de Vaus, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). Monday after Palm Sunday, 10 Edward II. Two seals, one of the town.
[Hants.] B. 3394. Indenture whereby Robert Natheles of Southampton, and Isabel his wife, agree to pay yearly, for life, to the prior and convent of St. Denis by Southampton, 18d. for their tenement in All Saints' parish in the street called 'Loberies Stret'; and Richard called 'le Sometir,' burgess of Southampton, agrees to pay to the same 18d. yearly for land which he acquired in fee by grant of Robert and Isabel, &c. Wednesday after St. Augustine, 3 Edward III.
[Hants.] B. 3395. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, to Michael Mone, burgess of Southampton, of the tenement released to him by John Underdone, son of the late Roger Underdone, in the suburb of Southampton under Levedon, at 'la Stronde.' Morrow of St. Leger, 7 Edward III.
[Hants.] B. 3396. Grant by Thomas Sampson, to Walter Dreu, both burgesses of Southampton, of his quay at Westhuth without the town gate by 'Pilegrimes putte,' in the way towards the castle, in St. Michael's parish. Witnesses:—Roger Normand, alderman, Robert de la Barre and Nicholas de Mountdenard, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). 1 August, 5 Edward III. Portion of seal of arms.
[Hants.] B. 3397. Partition between Thomas le Halveknyght and Emma la Halveknyght, co-heirs of Thomas le Halveknyght, their late father, and Matilda de Borgoyne, relict of the latter, of a tenement in French Street, Southampton. Witnesses:—John de Roude, alderman, Henry Frost and Laurence de Mees, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). Friday before St. Nicholas, 1 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3398. Grant by Isabel, late the wife of John de Ichulle, widow, to William Bassyngroum of Southampton, of her moiety of a tenement in the east part of English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton. Winchester, Thursday after the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 31 Edward I. Seal and town seal.
[Hants.] B. 3399. Letter of attorney by Matilda, late the wife of John Dryberd, burgess of Southampton, authorising Sir Adam de Sonnynges, parson of St. Laurence's, Southampton, to place Sir John Donston, parson of All Saints, and Roger de Petresfeld in full seisin of her tenement in English street, St. Laurence's parish. Wednesday before the Annunciation, 12 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3400. Grant by Richard de Sothewell called 'le Whelar' of Southampton, and Cicely his wife, to William le Schetere of the same, and Joan his wife, of a void piece of land without the north gate of Southampton in the street called 'Fulflode,' in the parish of All Saints. Witnesses:—Thomas de Bynedone, alderman, Robert de la Barre and Walter de Brackele, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). Thursday after the Purification, 11 Edward III. Portion of seal.