Deeds: B.3401 - B.3500

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.3401 - B.3500', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.3401 - B.3500', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.3401 - B.3500". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.3401 - B.3500

[Hants.] B. 3401. Grant in frank almoin by John Pudel of Southampton, chaplain, son and heir of John Pudel, late burgess of the same, to the prior and convent of St. Denis, of land in English street, St. Laurence's parish, stretching to the Castle ditch, paying 4s. yearly to the Domus Dei Southampton; and of 3s. 4d. yearly rent, part from land in St. Mary's parish in the suburb of Southampton in a croft called 'Seynt Andreu Croft,' extending to Holy Trinity chapel, and part from a house in a street called 'Bovebarrestrete.' Monday the feast of St. Lucy the Virgin 13 Edward III. Portions of two seals, one being the town seal.
[Hants.] B. 3402. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, to Roger le Bour, Cristina his wife, relict of Robert le Brun, and Stephen their eldest son, for their lives, of a tenement in the street called 'Estrete' in the suburb of Southampton, in the east part of the way called 'Bradewey' with the adjacent land extending towards Kyngeslond, paying 6s. yearly. Feast of St. Katherine the Virgin, 13 Edward III. Two seals.
[Hants.] B. 3403. Grant by Matilda Driberd, late the wife of John Driberd, burgess of Southampton, widow, to Sir John Donston, rector of All Saints, Southampton, and Roger de Petrisfelde, of her tenement in English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton, paying to the prior and convent of St. Denis 2s. 4d. yearly. Thursday before the Annunciation, 12 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3404. Grant by Richard le Someter, to John Fifmark, both burgesses of Southampton, of his grange and adjacent land in the suburb of Southampton, without the east gate in the lane leading to Nyweton. Michaelmas, 8 Edward III. Fragment of document.
[Hants.] B. 3405. Release by William, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, to Henry le Flemyng, burgess of Southampton, son of the late John le Flemyng, to Margaret his wife, and Benet their son, of 5s. out of the yearly rent of 9s. which they owe for void land in St. Michael's parish, in the south part of the street called 'la Fisschepyng.' Witnesses:—John Forst, mayor, Nicholas Lony and Walter de Brakkele, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). Saturday after St. Augustine, 14 Edwa III. Seal and portion of town seal.
[Hants.] B. 3406. Grant by Thomas de Bynedone, burgess of Southampton, to Sir John Dunstan, parson of All Saints', Southampton, and to Roger de Peteresfeld, of two tenements in Southampton, and land on which his wine tavern formerly stood, and the way and land adjoining leading from English street into French street, the said tenements being situate by the prior of St. Denis' tenement, in which Thomas dwelt before the burning of the town; also grant of certain land enclosed with stone walls. Sunday before the Purification, 15 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3407. Release by John Driberd, son of John Driberd, sometime burgess of Southampton, to Sir John Dunstan, parson of All Saints, and Roger de Peteresfeld, of all his right in the tenement granted to them by his mother in B. 3403. Wednesday the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, 15 Edward III. Two seals, one of the town.
[Hants.] B. 3408. Release by Roger de Petresfelde, to the prior and convent of St. Denis by Southampton, of all his right in lands, &c., in Southampton which he had of the gift of Thomas de Bynedone, sometime burgess there, and of Matilda Dryberd, late the wife of John Dryberd, also a burgess. Swathelyng, Friday before St. Barnabas the Apostle, 16 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3409. Release by Isabel, relict of John Barnabas, sometime burgess of Southampton, to the same, of all her right in the plots of two tenements in English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton, which she and her husband had of the convent, for their lives, before the burning of the town. Sunday after St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 16 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3410. Release by John, Alice, and Margery Loc, to the same, of all their right in a messuage in Southampton, in Great English street, All Saints' parish. Friday after St. Barnabas the Apostle, 17 Edward III. Portions of three seals.
[Hants.] B. 3411. Grant by Gilbert de Hull, burgess of Southampton, to Robert Wrangy, son and co-heir of John Wrangy, the elder, also a burgess, of a plot with a curtilage and garden in the street called 'le Estrete,' All Saints' parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Henry le Flemying, mayor, John le Clerk, bailiff, of Southampton, and others (named). 24 March, 19 Edward III. Town seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3412. Grant by John Wrangy, son and co-heir of John Wrangy, deceased, burgess of Southampton, to Robert Wrangy, bis brother, of a quarter of an acre in the suburb of Southampton in 'la Magdaleinstrete,' in exchange for land in the street called 'la Estrete.' 20 July, 19 Edward III. Seal and portion of town seal.
[Hants.] B. 3413. Grant by Nicholas Wrangy, son and co-heir of John Wrangy, the elder, to Robert, his brother, of a similar piece of land in 'la Magdeleinstrete,' in exchange for land in the field called 'Dodecroft.' 10 July, 19 Edward III. Portion of town seal.
Annexed: 'xxvjto die Junii a° r.r. Henrici iiiiti sexto colect' xvme de Insula Vecta pro meditate xvme reciperunt de Neuport iiili. xiis. vid.' Slip of parchment.
[Hants.] B. 3414. Release by John Druemede, burgess of Southampton, and Isabel his wife, daughter and co-heir of John Driberd, also a burgess, to the prior and convent of St. Denis, of all their right in a tenement formerly the said Driberd's in English street, St. Laurence's parish. Witnesses:— Nicholas Lovye, mayor of Southampton, John Wytegod and Nicholas Sampson, the younger, bailiffs of the same, and others (named). Michaelmas, 22 Edward III. Seal and portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3415. Grant by John atte Barre, son of Robert atte Barre, sometime burgess of Southampton, to Robert de Marleburgh, also a burgess, of land in the field called 'Paylonde,' by the road to Winchester. Witnesses:— Richard de Elmele, mayor, John Wytegod, bailiff, of Southampton, and others (named). Saturday after Martinmas, 22 Edward III.
[Hants.] B. 3416. Grant by Nicholas Sampson, the younger, burgess of Southampton, to the prior and convent of St. Denis, of 2s. yearly rent from a tenement in Southampton in French street, St. John's parish, concerning which a controversy had arisen between the said parties. Tuesday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 22 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3417. Grant by Henry de Cheppenham, parson of St. John's, Southampton, to John de Hockele, a burgess of the said town, and Margery his wife, of a messuage in St. Michael's parish in the lane called 'Wytegodeslane,' a cottage with curtilage by 'le Stronde,' and a moiety of a croft called 'La Lenydoune,' in All Saints' parish. Witnesses:—John Fyfmark, mayor of Southampton, Robert de Colyngburn, bailiff of the same, Richard de Elmele and Nicholas Sampson, the younger, customers, and others(named). 18 April, 21 Edward III.
[Hants.] B. 3418. Letter of attorney by Richard de Elyng, rector of St. John's in Soke, Winchester, and John Haywode, the younger, authorising John le Nappere to deliver seisin to Roger Hay wode of lands, &c. in Southampton, which were John Aungier's. Friday before the Assumption, 41 Edward III. Portions of two seals.
[Hants.] B. 3419. Demise by Richard, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, to John Martyn, burgess of Southampton, Alice his wife, and William their son, of the third part of a tenement in English street, Holy Cross parish, for their lives, paying 10s. 6d. yearly, &c. Feast of St. Kenelm the Martyr, 43 Edward III. Two seals, one broken.
[Hants.] B. 3420. Defeasance of a grant by Robert Wrangy, to John Jardyn, both burgesses of Southampton, of a plot of vacant ground with garden in the street called 'Estrete,' All Saints parish, Southampton; witnessing that if John has undisturbed possession of the premises for twelve years from Michaelmas next, the said grant shall be void. Witnesses:—John Forst, mayor, John Heyne, bailiff, of Southampton, and others (named). Tuesday the morrow of St. Mary Magdalene, 27 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Hunts.] B. 3421. Demise by Richard, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis by Southampton, to Simon Martyn, burgess of Southampton, Matilda his wife and Cristina their daughter, of a cottage with curtilage in the street called 'Bovebarrestret', All Saints parish, Southampton, for their lives, paying 2s. yearly. Thursday after All Saints, 41 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3422. Duplicate of B. 3421. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: 'Remembranse de Rockesden.'
[Hants.] B. 3423. Demise by the same, to Hugh Smyhf, Alice his wife and John their son, of a tenement in English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton, for their lives, paying 26s. 8d. yearly. Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 47 Edward III. Two seals, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3424. Demise by the same, to Henry Baus of Suthinton, Emma his wife, and Agnes their daughter, of land with the house thereon in the street called 'Maudelaystrete,' All Saints parish, Southampton, for their lives, paying 2s. yearly. The Annunciation, 49 Edward III.
[Hants.] B. 3425. Demise by the same, to Richard Nelot of Southampton and Joan his wife, for their lives, of a tenement in English street, St, Laurence's parish, Southampton, paying 26s. 8d. yearly. Michaelmas. 42 Edward III. Two seals.
[Hants.] B. 3426. Demise by the same, to Robert the smith (fabro) of Southampton and Alice his wife, for their lives, of a tenement with curtilage in English street, All Saints parish, paying 12s. yearly. Witnesses:—William Malmeshill, mayor, Richard Mey, bailiff, William Bowyere, steward, of Southampton, 22 December, 2 Richard II. Two seals.
[Hants.] B. 3427. Demise by the same, to Richard Sherwynd of Southampton, Felicia his wife, and John his son, for their lives, of a messuage in English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton, paying 50s. yearly. Morrow of the Annunciation, 8 Richard II. Seal and portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3428. Demise by the same, to William Joygnour and Alice his wife, for their lives, of a shop with curtilage within the east gate of Southampton in All Saints parish, being the fifth shop from the gate towards the west, paying 8s. yearly. Morrow of the Purification, 9 Richard II.
[Hants.] B. 3429. Demise by the same, to John Saunder, barber, and Cristina his wife, of a tenement in English street, All Saints parish, by a lane called 'Castellane,' Southampton, paying 16s. yearly. Feast of St. Nicholas, 11 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3430. Demise by John, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis, to William Cake of Southampton, of a tenement with a garden in St. Laurence's parish, Southampton, for fifty years, paying 53s. 4d. yearly and repairing it within two years. 22 April, 16 Richard II. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3431. Demise by the same, to John Fourbour, the younger, for life, of a tenement in English street, Holy Cross parish, Southampton, paying 18s. yearly. Feast of St. Matthew, 23 Richard II.
[Hants.] B. 3432. Release by John Baker, chaplain, son of William Baker and Christina his wife, late of Southampton, to Richard Burgays and Joan his wife, of all his right in a messuage with garden and void land in English Street, All Saints parish Southampton. Witnesses:—Peter Jamys, mayor of Southampton, John William, sheriff there, and others (named). 3 August, 27 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3433. Grant by John Whitehed, esquire, son and heir of Robert Whitehed, esquire, late of Southampton, to Andrew Gosselyn, burgess and merchant of Southampton, and Agnes his wife, of a messuage with a garden in the street called 'Bolestrete,' in St. Michael's parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—John Walker, mayor, Vincent Pitlisden, sheriff, of Southampton, and others (named). 18 May, 7 Edward IV. Portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3434. Demise by Thomas, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis, to John Herendon of Southampton, of a tenement with curtilage in English street, All Saints parish, Southampton, by a lane leading to the castle, for his life, paying 13s. 4d. yearly. Feast of St. Matthew the Apostle, 13 Henry IV. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3435. Grant by Walter le Horder, burgess of Southampton, to Robert de la Strete, clerk, of a house in English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Robert le Mercer, alderman, Peter de Lyons and Adam le Horder, bailiffs, and others (named). Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3436. Sale by Bovo de Sancto Laurencio, to the lady Claremunda of Southampton, of 2s. yearly rent from land [in Southampton], stretching to the new wall of Martines Halle. Witnesses:—Walter the Fleming (Flandriens'), Matthew Gese, bailiffs, and others (named). Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3437. Grant by Adam le Hordyer, to Walter called 'Attehalle,' both burgesses of Southampton, of a shop with curtilage in English street, Southampton, at the east end of Holy Cross church. Witnesses:— Robert le Barbyer, alderman, John de Puteo, bailiff, of Southampton, and others (named). Town seal.
[Hants.] B. 3438. Release by Petronilla Bosse, relict of John Wilemot, to the prior and convent of St. Denis by Southampton, of all her right in six shops in the suburb of Southampton upon the seashore, at Lefefedon, which Ralph Bosse held of them for life. St. Mary Magdalene's day, 5 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3439. Release by William le Strout and Agnes his wife, to the same, of all their right in a tenement with curtilage, formerly Roger le Long's, Agues's father, in All Saints parish, within the east gate of Southampton. Witnesses:—John le Flemeng, alderman, John Balvayr and Richard Bagg, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). Town seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3440. Grant by Margery Sailant, widow, to the abbot and convent of Quarr, in frank almoin, of all her land called 'Niwetune' in the suburb of Southampton. Witnesses:—Walter le Flameng, Richard le Bretun, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3441. Grant by Robert le Moyne, burgess of Southampton, with the consent of Cristina his wife, to the canons of St. Denis, in frank almoin, of two messuages with a curtilage in the suburb of Southampton, in the north end of the street of Niweton, two messuages in Estret in St. Mary's parish, three houses in French street, in St. Michael's parish, yearly rents of 6s., 3s., and 2s., a grange towards Magdal', land towards Kingeslond and in Hundewelle, Leyham, &c., and houses within the Bar. Witnesses:— Walter the Fleming (Flandr'), and Matthew Geyse, bailiffs, and others (named). First week of Lent, 34 Henry III, Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3442. Demise by Richard, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis, to Reginald le Cordewanyr of Southampton, Alice his wife, and Thomas their son, for life, of a garden with land and three shops abutting on the road from Southampton to St. Mary's church in Estrete, and on the stone gate called 'Estgathe,' paying 20s. yearly. Witnesses:—John de Schyrlye, alderman, Nigel de la Wyldrone and Thomas Stut, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3443. Grant by Walter atte Hall, to Thomas de Bynedone, both burgesses of Southampton, of a shop in English street at the east end of Holy Cross church. Saturday the morrow of St. John ante Portam Latinam. . [Edward I. ?] Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3444. Confirmation by Robert Peverel, to the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, of the lands and rents, amounting to 18s. yearly, which William de Munford, his kinsman, bequeathed to them with his body. Witnesses:—Alan de Rumesia, Robert Isemb[ard], and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3445. Grant by Robert Hardewin, at the instance of Agnes his wife, to the same, in frank almoin, of his house with garden within the east gate of Southampton, and six acres of land of Agnes's dower by St. Mary's churchyard, after her death: the canons to provide a priest to celebrate daily for ever for the souls of himself and his wife, John Hardewin his father, Albrea his mother and Herbert his brother. Witnesses:—Master Roger de Hamton, John Herbrand, Roger then dean, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3446. Grant by John Balvayr, to Adam Scoye, butcher, both burgesses of Southampton, of 20d. yearly rent issuing from a tenement in English street, St. Laurence's parish. Witnesses:—Thomas de Bynedone, alderman of Southampton, Nicholas de Lyons and Hugh Sampson, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3447. Grant by Philip, the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, to James Isumbard of Southampton, of the tenement which they had of the gift of the lady Claremund, late the wife of Stephen Gotehaume, in Southampton in the street called 'la Bulestrete,' with a cellar belonging, adjoining the great house called 'la Bulehus,' and of land with a shop and house: paying to them 6s. yearly and 8s. to the Domus Dei, Southampton. Witnesses:—Nicholas Becat, alderman of Southampton, Henry le Flemeng, steward, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3448. Sale by Walter Courly and Agnes his wife, daughter of Herbert le Maceun and Edith his wife, to William Ayllet, of a part of certain land and a messuage which belonged to Herbert and Edith in Estret, All Saints parish, Southampton, the said William paying 4½d. yearly to the monks of Letely, and giving 50s. to the vendors with a blue cloak, worth 3s., to Agnes. Witnesses:—Walter le Flameng and Richard the clerk, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3449. Indenture whereby John, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis, at the instance of the lady Alezia, countess of Kent, agree to take 2s. for the arrears that William Raveneston, burgess of Southampton, and Alice his wife, owe for a tenement in French street, St. John's parish, Southampton, and to remit 12d. of the yearly rent of 2s. for term of their lives. 21 March, 12 Henry IV. Seal, broken, and portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3450. Grant by Nicholas, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis, to Stephen Dysett' of Southampton, for 20s., of two houses (stagias) in Estrete, St. Mary's parish in the suburb of Southampton, paying 4s. yearly. Witnesses:—Matthew Gese, Henry the Fleming (Flandrens'), and others (named). Seal.
[Hunts.] B. 3451. Demise by Isabel, formerly lady of Schirlie, to Helias called 'le carectir,' burgess of Southampton, and Alice his wife, for 24s., of 8s. yearly rent issuing from a house in English street, St. Laurence's parish, for four years from Michaelmas, A.D. 1274. Witnesses:—Bernard de Tottenais and Ralph the Little (parvo), bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). A.D. 1274.
[Hants.] B. 3452. Conveyance by Nicholas, prior of St. Denis by Southampton, and Master Richard called 'English' (Anglicus), executors of Claremund, a woman of Southampton, deceased, to Thomas le Hordir of Southampton, of a messuage in Estrete without the east gate of Southampton, paying 3s. yearly, and 12d. to the monks of Letely. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Becket, Henry the Fleming (Flandrens'), and others (named).
[Hants] B. 3453. Sale by Eichard Tebaud, to John Horn, burgess of Southampton, of 2s. yearly quit rent issuing from a house in English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Robert Bonheit and Thomas le Blund, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named). A.D. 1272. Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3454. Release by Matilda, relict of Richard the smith (fabr') of Southampton, widow, to the prior and convent of St. Denis, of all her right in a tenement in English street, All Saints parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Peter de Lyuns, alderman, John de Holebury and William Bassinggrom, bailiffs, of Southampton, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3455. Grant by Robert called 'le Exer,' chaplain, to Benet le Parmenter of Southampton, of a messuage in English street, St. Laurence's parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Henry le Flemyng and Robert le Mercir, bailiffs of Southampton, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3456. Release by Hugh Bochel, clerk, son and heir of William Bochel of Southampton, deceased, to the canons of St. Denis, in frank almoin, of all his right in a tenement in English street, Holy Cross parish, Southampton. Witnesses:—Peter de Lyouns, alderman of Southampton, and others (named). Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3457. Demise by Nicholas, the prior, and the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, to Richard called 'English' (Anglico), burgess of Southampton, and Cicely his wife, for 30 marks, of land in the suburb of Southampton in Hoggheslonde, paying 10s. yearly. Witnesses:—William de Beaubek, bailiff of Southampton, and others (named).
[Hants.] B. 3458. Grant by Henry, the prior, and the convent of St. Denis, to Adam le Hordier, burgess of Southampton, of land in the suburb of Southampton, in Estgarston, paying to them 6s. yearly, 3d. to the church of St. Mary Magdalen, and 6d. towards the light in All Saints church. Witnesses:—Robert Bonheyt, alderman of Southampton, and others (named). Seal.
[Hants]. B. 3459. Grant by William Ace, to the canons of St. Denis by Southampton, in frank almoin, of meadow and land at the south part of the new ditch; for which they have released to him 3s. yearly rent which he was bound to pay to them, and have also given to him the corrody of a servitor, as long as he and his wife live. Witnesses:—Roger de Molendinis William Bretun, and others (named).
Hants. B. 3460. Demise by Thomas Tyrell, knight, Andrew Wyndesore, esquire, Thomas Jakes, and Robert Cornewales to George, earl of Shrewsbury, William Hastynges, esquire, William Froste, Robert Moreton, John Porte and Henry Sacheverell, of Chaloughton manor and all lands, &c. in co. Southampton that were Gilbert Talbot's or Elizabeth's, late Lady Say, deceased. Appointment of Robert Keersley and Robert Wyntershull as attorneys to deliver seisin. 13 February, 20 Henry VII. Four seals, one of arms, and signatures attached.
[N'hamp.] B. 3461. Release by Robert de Pynkeny of Wedune Pynkeny, to Simon le Wyte of Wappenham, of all actions by reason of any account to be rendered to him of goods received or spent, up to the morrow of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, 11 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—Richard de Sancto Johanne, and others (named). Sunday after St. Edmund, 11 Edward [I]. Seal of arms.
Essex. B. 3462. Sale by Robert de Teye and Richard de Wydeford, to Robert Berle and John Claydon of Waldon, of all the wood and underwood on Asshedon manor called 'Halis,' and the great wood of Overhall, for two years, provided they leave a hundred oaks (keynis) on each acre, &c., and do not cut the woods from St. Peter ad Vincula to All Saints day. St. Thomas the Apostle's day, 27 Edward III. French. Two seals of arms, one broken.
[Hants.] B. 3463. Grant by Hamo Lestrange (extraneus), to Sir Robert his brother, of Chaueton manor. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Clifford, John Lovel, and others (named), [circa 1 Edward I.] Seal of arms.
[Essex.] B. 3464. Grant by John de Bovill, son of William de Bovill, of Ardlegh, to Ralph son of Walter de Sancta Ositha, for 100s., of all the lands, &c., that Robert del Hel formerly held of the said William in Ardlegh, and the bodies of Richard del Hel, son of Ralph de Campo and Leueva his wife, and of Richard son of Robert del Hel, and Alice his sister, with their issue and chattels, paying to him 8s. yearly, to the ward of Rouecestr' 4¾d., to the sheriff's aid 3d., and towards 'Wardpani' [Wardpeny] 2d. Witnesses:—Hugh Grosso, Ralph Martel, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Essex.] B. 3465. Grant by the same, to the same and Agnes his wife, of free access to all his heath in Ardlegh, to feed his animals and to take whatever grows on the said heath. Witnesses:—Richard Bataill', Richard de Asketot, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Camb.] B. 3466. Release by Master John Derby, clerk, to Sir John Conysby, late the rector of Sneyllwelle, of all his right in a messuage lately called 'Olyvers tenement' by the manor of Shardelowes in Fulburn, in land in Rosshecroft called 'le glebe,' with the advowson of St. Vigor's church at Fulburn and in other lands there. Sunday before the Assumption, 19 Henry VI. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3467. Grant by John de Kenteburi in Attleberge, to John de Hynkeleye, clerk, perpetual vicar of Nunne Eton, of a messuage with gardens, &c. and land in Attleberge. Friday after St. Ambrose the Bishop, 2 Edward II. Seal.
[Leic] B. 3468. Release by Lady Matilda, called 'de Hanvile,' of Barkeby, relict of Sir Thomas de Lincoln', in frank almoin, to the nuns of St. Mary's, Langeley by Bredon, of all her right in a messuage in Barkeby, except the area assigned to her park extending by the road to the bridge over the water called 'Paris.' Witnesses:—Sirs Eustace de Folevill, Ralph the chamberlain (camerario), Peter son of Roger de Leycestria, knights, and others (named). Seal.
[Somers.] B. 3469. Grant by John Cadehaye and Oreng' his wife, to John Oseborn of Taunton, of the third part of the manor of Bagdripp and Walepulle, which Oreng' holds in dower as fully as Joan, late the wife of John de Durburgh, knight, formerly held it in dower, for Oreng's life, paying 6l. yearly in St. Mary Magdalene's chapel, Taunton. Thursday before the chair of St. Peter, 29 Edward III. Two seals, one of arms.
[Norf.] B. 3470. Grant by John Brydale and Simon Toppe of Causton, to Alice lngges of the same, of a cottage in Causton in the street called 'Sygate.' Monday after the Purification, 9 Richard II. Two seals.
[Warw.] B. 3471. Agreement whereby Adam son of Adam le Fysschere of Asschesho, grants to John, son and heir of Geoffrey le Symely of Radeford, all the moiety of the wood of 'le Netherebirches' in Asschesho, and after seisin delivered, the said John has re-granted for life to the said Adam son of Adam the whole moiety aforesaid. Thursday the feast of St. . . ., 18 Edward II. Seal of arms.
Glouc. B. 3472. Certificate by William Somervill, rector of Aston Somervill, and Henry de Aston, attorneys of John Somervill, knight, lord of Aston Somervill, that they have, on the day named below, delivered seisin to Richard Patty of Bengeworthe, and John de Newenham, chaplains, of land in Aston Somervill, in Stretforlong, with advowson of the church, and glebe there. Friday the vigil of the Epiphany, 37 Edward III. Seal of arms, broken.
[Norf.] B. 3473. Letter of attorney by Peter Bayfeld of Causton, Robert Ardern and Rotland Adhams of the same, authorising Ralph Hardyng to deliver seisin to William Greve of Causton, Philip Lepeyate, clerk, rector of Salle, John Segeford and William Peket, of land in Causton, at Oldemarketf[or]de. 28 April, 10 Edward IV. Injured. Two seals, and fragment.
[Chesh.] B. 3474. Release by Robert le Bern of Chester, to the abbot and convent of Vale Royal, in frank almoin, of land in Chester by land of the Hospital of St. John, and a house, two shops, and eleven shops called 'Shoemakers' shops' (selde sutorum) in Brugestrete. Witnesses:—Sir Guncelin de Baddelesmere, Justice of Chester, Sirs Bartholomew de Suhleg', Vrian de Sancto Petro, Thomas de Maynwaryn, Richard del Holt, Walter de Vernoun, and Leo son of Leo, the king's clerk, then chamberlain of Chester, John Ernwey, mayor of Chester, Richard the clerk (clerico), citizen of Chester, Randulf de Deresburi and Philip the clerk (clerico), sheriffs of Chester, and others (named). Seal.
[Worc.?] B. 3475. Grant in frank almoin by Herbert Putot and Eustace his son, to the monks of Bordesley, of land upon the dyke of St. Chad, where first their houses had been built. Witnesses:—William de Balance, Richard son of Pavelie, Robert de Clive, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Endorsed: 'Ocle.'
[Norf.] B. 3476. Grant by William Redmane of Causton, 'le glovere,' and Joan his wife, to John Pecard of the same, and Emma his wife, of land in Causton and in the field of Netherboywode, abutting northward on the highway called 'Bullislane.' Thursday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 3 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Norf.] B. 3477. Demise by Robert Gregson of Causon, to Edmund Pickrell, of a messuage with land in Causon. 9 January, 35 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: Causton.
[Norf.] B. 3478. Demise by Margaret, late the wife of Robert Gylys of Causton, widow, Robert Ardern and Henry Pyket of the same, to Robert Elward of Causton, John Isowde, and Geoffrey Capell, of the same, of land in Causton, at Pynhill and Wyndmyllefeld. 12 June, 10 Edward IV. Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3479. Grant by John son of William de Kentebury, living in Attilberge, to John de Hynkel, clerk, perpetual vicar of Nunne Eton, of three acres in Attilberge, part at Ruggethurne extending into Mukkelslade, part on 'le Stonihul,' upon Laftereshul and upon Hornetehul; and the reversion of five acres in Attilberge lying at Murehulles, in Mukkelslade, upon Roggethurne, in 'le Honginde,' upon Lefterdeheth, and in Gingestret. Witnesses:—William son of Ralph Page of Attilberge, and others (named). Seal.
Surrey. B. 3480. Grant by John Abell of Chabam, gentleman, Elizabeth his wife, and Thomas Manory, son and heir of John Manory, late of Chertesey, to Richard Merland, Thomas Manory of Asshe, Robert Parys, Thomas Purvoche, Walter Crwmwell and Henry Wykes, of a tenement with curtilage and garden by Chertesey parish church, between the high road from the abbey to 'le Esthaeche' towards the south, 'le Amery croft' towards the north, a tenement called 'le Swanne' towards the west, and the vicarage towards the east. 15 May, 10 Henry VII. Three seals.
[Hants.] B. 3481. Indenture witnessing that whereas Sir John Lestrange has brought an assize of novel disseisin against Richard de Hangelton, for having disseised him of three hundred acres of wood in Chalghton and two pieces of land in Kateryngton, at the earl of Arundel's request it is agreed that Richard will surrender the said wood and lands to Sir John for ever; in return for which surrender Sir John has agreed to receive amends according to the earl of Arundel's appointment if he will undertake it, if not, according to the appointment of Sirs Hugh de St. John, Henry Husee, John del Isle and John Giffard, to whom the parties submit themselves. Richard will only claim reasonable housbote and heybote for the tenement which he inherited in Kateryngton, to be taken in the part of the wood called 'Estrenche' and by view of Sir John's bailiffs, with common for his beasts in the said wood. Winchester, Wednesday after St. James the Apostle, 8 Edward III. French. Seal.
[Camb.] B. 3482. Conveyance by Richard de Wrattynge, the prior, and the convent of St. Mary's, Anglesey [co. Cambridge], to John Tele of Bernewelle, Sarra his wife, and Eudo their son, for their lives, of a messuage, &c. with shops by a lane called 'Acelane' in Bernewelle, and land in Cambridge, Bernewelle, and Hyntone, lying in Clayhangles, in Crofter of Bernewelle, by Brademere, in Milkforlong, in Coldhamcroft, at Sterisbregge, by 'le Melnedich' and abutting on Hyntonemore, at 'le Grenedich,' abutting on Horseweye, in Middilfeld, land called 'Kynggesacre' upon Coldham, abutting on Puschilweye, in Lowefeld, in Hyntonefeld, and at Trompyngtoneforth: paying 55s. 4d. yearly. Anglesey, Sunday after St. . . . . Incomplete, Two seals.
[Sussex.] B. 3483. Grant by William le Gore son and heir of Richard le Gore of Salvyugton, to William Caunvile, merchant and burgess of Aroundell, of a messuage with curtilage, land, and pasture for one ox in Atherington, the land lying in Estfeld in the tillage called 'Brokforlong.' Friday the feast of St. Botulph, 19 Edward III. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3484. Grant by William son of William Anger of Blacolvesle, to the canons of Esseby, in frank almoin, of 4d. yearly rent. Witnesses:— John Reymer, William son of Hugh Waleys, and others (named). Seal, imperfect.
[Sussex.] B. 3485. Release by Peter Malebraunche, son and heir of the late Roger Malebraunche, of Atheringtone. to the abbot and convent of Seez, for 6 marks which he has received from brother William Olyvyr, bailiff of Atheringtone, of all his right to land in Atheringtone, by the road to Codelowe, extending to the road to Toccesham mill. Witnesses:—William de Bulesham, Martin de Elmere, and others (named). Seal.
[Notts.] B. 3486. Release by William Ferour of Neuthorp, to William de Worthington of Watenowe, of all actions up i to the date of this release. Wednesday after St. Gregory the Pope, 34 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[ ] B. 3487. Release by Roger de Pirebroc, to Hugh de Kingestune, of all right in a measure of wheat and a measure of hay which he receives yearly from his daughter Alice for land which she holds of him. Witnesses:— Philip de Stepeltone, Thomas de Haselow, and others (named). Seal.
[Leic.] B. 3488. Grant by Peter de Lincolnia, to John de Wintonia, archdeacon of Leicester, for 24 marks, of the land in Barkeby with a toft and croft which Yvo Ileberd and Richard the gardener (gardinarius) his brother held of Peter. Witnesses:—William de Martivaws, Robert de Foleville, William de Seneville, knights, and others (named). A.D. 1240. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3489. Grant by Richard de Upton and Isolda his wife, to Cicely de la Porte of Northampton, and William her son, of land in Atteneston, part in the east field by Leyenardesslade, part in the west field upon Bradewelle, between Westweye and Berestrete, and part in 'le Wold,' stretching towards the fields of Plumton. Friday after Easter, 11 Edward II. Two seals.
[Leic.] B. 3490. Release by Peter son of Roger de Leycestria, to the nuns of St. Mary's, Langeley, in frank almoin, of 18s. yearly rent issuing from land in Barkebi and Thorp. Witnesses:—Sir John, archdeacon of Leicester, Sir Roger Blund, Master Walter, rector of Belegrave church, and others (named). Seal.
[Oxford.] B. 3491. Grant by Geoffrey the marshal (marescallus), of Banneberi, with consent of Thomas his son, to the canons of Essebi in frank almoin, of the land and rent in Banneberi which William son of Walter gave to him in exchange for land in Upwelle; the grantor and his son having taken a vow of service with the said canons, to whom he has given full seisin in the bishop's court. Witnesses:—Roger dean of Pateshul, Alexander dean of Eudon, Simon de Pinkeni, and others (named). Seal.
[ ] B. 3492. Sale by Hugh son of Wimund, to Acard son of Inghemund, of land lying in crofts between the land of Henry son of Isaac, and of Thomas son of Leuwin, heading on the toft Selleuar, for 40s. Witnesses:— Clement the provost, Gilbert Patent, and others (named). Twelfth century. Seal.
[Heref ?] B. 3493. Sale by John son of Worgan de Treyssach, to Adam son of Abraham Frere, for 5s., of land lying between Adlebuch and the land of Treyssach, under Adlebuch extending to the lands of Meurich son of Rugge and Mael son of Rugge, upon the hill under John son of Wevelyn's house, and between Porthedich and Treyssach. Witnesses:— William Wevelyn, and others (named). Seal.
[Somers.] B. 3494. Conveyance by John de Wollop, prior of Brommore, to John Wale of Portbury, of a toft of pasture in Edelyneham by the pasture of Sir Thomas de Berkeleye, in exchange for other pasture by a meadow called 'Saymoresham.' Saturday after Michaelmas, 16 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Somers.] B. 3495. Grant by Jordan de Welles 'ken,' to Robert Achard and Alice his wife, of land lying upon Arblastirsdoune. Witnesses:—Ralph de Wolvertone, John de Wyvyle, Robert Urry and others (named). Seal.
[Leic.] B. 3496. Demise by Margaret the prioress, and the other sisters of Langley, to Thomas, son of Sir Peter de Lincoln, of the third part of the land which lady Amice, relict of Sir Peter, held as dower in Barkeby, until he has received therefrom the winter and spring crop for A.D. 1279, for 10s. yearly; they securing the land to him from the feast of St. [Martin] in Winter, in the said year, till Michaelmas following. Witnesses:—Alan de Wyteby, William le Poer of Barkeby, and others (named). Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3497. Grant by Walter Bricterich of Atteneston, to Robert Kynne of Maydeford, of a croft in Atteneston. Witnesses:—Ralph son of Richard de Atteneston, Walter de Launey, and others (named). Seal.
[Berks.] B. 3498. Confirmation in frank almoin by Henry de Lascy, earl of Lincoln and Constable of Chester, and Margaret his wife, to the canons of Burncestre, of land in Ardingtone which they have of the gift of Robert de Rokeby, with meadow in Calvecroft and pasture for three oxen, sixty sheep, and four pigs in the demesne of the said town. Witnesses:— Sirs John Bek, Roger de Trompinton, William le Vavasur, and Robert Daumari, knights, and others (named). French. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3499. Grant by Alan son and heir of John Pride of Andevere, to Robert atte Watere, clerk, of a place in the iron market of Andevere, between the place of Thomas de Foxcote, lord of Foxcote, and the high road leading to John de Povynton's hall called 'Assehalle.' Witnesses:—John Spircok and Robert Ingolf, bailiffs of Andevere, and others (named). Thursday the feast of St. James the Apostle, 19 Edward II. Seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3500. Grant by John de Horingeford, son of Geoffrey de Horingeford, to the monks of Quarr, of land with a messuage which Thomas Cotel held of him. Witnesses:—William de la Hale, William Urri, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: 'Arreton vel Horyngford.'