Deeds: B.3501 - B.3600

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.3501 - B.3600', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.3501 - B.3600', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.3501 - B.3600". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.3501 - B.3600

[I. of Wight.] B. 3501. Grant in frank almoin by Robert le Lucie, to the same, of five acres of the fee of Alwardestone. Witnesses:—William de Glamorgan, Thomas de Evercy, Jordan de Kingeston, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[N'hamp.] B. 3502. Grant by John atte well (ad fontem) in Attenestone, to the canons of Esseby, of land between the roads of the east field of Attenestone, and in the west field upon Fordehul. Witnesses:—Walter Britrich, Robert Fareman, and others (named). Seal.
[Leic.] B. 3503. Demise by Margaret, the prioress, and the other sisters of Langley, to Thomas, son of Sir Peter de Lincoln', of two parts of their arable land in Barkeby, except the meadow belonging to the said two parts, until he has taken from it the winter and spring crop of the year A.D. 1279, paying 20s. yearly: with full easement for the said crop from St. Andrew's day, A.D. 1279, to Michaelmas following. Witnesses:— Master Alan de Wyteby, William le Poer of Barkeby, and others (named). Seal.
[ ] B. 3504. Certificate by Peter de Guldeford, rector of the chapel of Apeldreham, that whereas Reginald, the abbot, and the convent of . . . have granted to him an acre adjoining his court of Apeldreham, for 4s. yearly, with consent of Sir Walter, bishop of Exeter, he has granted to them the right of distress in his said court if he fail to pay that rent or the relief that falls due on the death of the parson of the said chapel. [A.D. 1308—1326.] Seal, broken.
[N'hamp. ?] B. 3505. Grant by Thomas Webbe relating to Atteneston (?), illegible.
Endorsed: 'T. Webbe.'
[Somers.] B. 3506. Letter of attorney by Peter son of Peter le Foghalare of Kyngestone, authorising Richard Wakele, burgess of Axebrugge, to deliver to William de Dreycote seisin of one 'morheye' in Axebrugge. Monday after the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 22 Edward III. Seal.
[N'hamp.?] B. 3507. Conveyance by William Maye . . . . of Allardynton (?), to Thomas. . . . . . and Margery his wife, for their lives, of all his lands and tenements in Atteneston (?). Sunday after the feast of Peter and Paul, 2 Richard II. Almost illegible.
[Leic.] B. 3508. Confirmation in frank almoin by Sir Peter de Linc', son of Thomas de Linc', to the nuns of Langeley by Bredon, of the release made to them by Lady Matilda, his mother, of a messuage in Barkeby, except the area assigned to his park, which area extends by the road from a certain ash tree of the nuns, to the bridge over the water called 'Parys,' and contains twenty-four feet. Witnesses:—Sirs Eustace de Fovevill', Ralph the chamberlain (camerario), Peter son of Roger de Leycestria, knights, and others (named). Seal of arms.
[N'hamp.] B. 3509. Final agreement, whereby John Gregory and Henry bis son acknowledge that they hold a messuage and land in Atneston of Thomas de Arderne, of the same, by the service of 5s. 6d. yearly. Michaelmas, 5 Henry V.
[Linc.] B. 3510. Release by Robert de Misterton and John de Westhorp, chaplains, to Ralph de Brunham, of all their right in the lands &c. which they formerly had jointly of his grant in the Isle of Axiholm or elsewhere in England. Overbrunham, Saturday before Michaelmas,. 8 Richard II. Two seals.
[N'hamp.] B. 3511. Fragment of deed relating to land in Atteneston. Illegible.
[Oxford.] B. 3512. Grant by John Brauncestre of Bannebury, knight, to Katherine his sister, of 12d. yearly rent issuing from John Stoke's tenement, for her life. Bannebury, 20 March, 39 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Oxford.] [Camb. and Norf.] B. 3513. Grant by William son of Walter de Banneburi, to Geoffrey the marshal (marescallo) of Banneburi, and Thomas his son, of a chief messuage in Banbury with houses, court, and 8s. 4d. rent; for this grant Geoffrey and Thomas have given to him all the land which they hold in Upwelle of Simon de Patheshul. Witnesses:—David de Haclinton Richard de Grimescote, and others (named). Seal.
[Oxford.] B. 3514. Grant by William son of Walter, to Robert Gerard of Bannebiri, of a messuage in Bannebiri, paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:— Hugh Gerard, Richard Taillard, and others (named). Seal.
[Nthld.] B. 3515. Agreement witnessing that Sir Thomas Gray, lord of Heton, dwells for life, in peace or war, with Ralph, earl of Westmoreland, lord of Neville and Marshal of England, who has purchased and bestowed on him the office of Constable of Bamburgh Castle; in return for which Thomas releases all actions against the said earl, who promises in time of war to pay to him the same wages as to others of his degree. 6 August, 5 Henry IV. French.
[Herts.] B. 3516. Grant by John Hicheman of St. Albans, to Thomas Bordale, Robert Thorne and William Wyche, of a tenement in the street called 'le Hayrowe,' in St. Albans. Witnesses:—Thomas Hayne, bailiff of St. Albans, and others (named). Thursday the feast of St. Agnes the Virgin, 13 Henry IV. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3517. Grant by Walter, bishop of Worcester, to the hospital of Theulisford [Thelesford], relative to the churches of Hampton and Wellesbourne. Rameseye, A.D. 1240. Much faded and mostly illegible.
[Hants.] B. 3518. Grant by Hamo de Bachamton, knight, to the canons of Brommore, in frank almoin, of one mark yearly rent, issuing from a tenement in Cherdeford. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Kernet', William de Cardenwill, knights, and others (named).
[ ] B. 3519. Release by John de Maydebury, clerk, to lady Joan de Ferrers, of all his right in the lands, &c., which he lately had by feoffment of John de Bokyngham, clerk, dean of Licchefeld. London, Sunday after St. Nicholas the bishop, 34 [?] Edward III. Injured. Seal, broken.
[Norf.] B. 3520. Grant by John Wylmyn, Thomas Banburgh and Nicholas Hadon, of Causton, to William Wafen, and William Mony, of the same, of a messuage with land in Causton, at Syg . . . . Saturday before St. Dunstan, 16 Henry VI. Injured. Seal.
[Herts.] B. 3521. Grant by Richard de Perers, with consent of Joan his wife, to Sir Robert Burnel, bishop of Bath and Wells, of one mark yearly rent, to be paid by Walter the clerk (clerico), and Reginald Dogginon, of Chestehonte, with six acres in Chestehunte meadow. Witnesses:— . . . de Wormeleye, William de Kersbrok, and others (named). [A.D. 1275–1292.]
[Berks.] B. 3522. Demise by Sir John Fairfax, rector of Prestecote church, attorney general of Sir John de Neville, knight, lord of Raby, to John Perkyn of Catmer, butcher, of Catmer manor for six years from St. Mark's day, 3 Richard II., paying 11 marks yearly; the first payment to be made a Michaelmas next. Sunday before St. Mark the Evangelist, 3 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3523. Grant by John Pecard of Causton and Emma his wife, to John Skenere of the same and Margery his wife, of land in Causton at Netherboywode, in a place called 'Jelykokes.' Friday after the Purification, 6 Henry VI. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3524. Grant by Simon Colling of Wylmeleycton, to lady Joan de Plumberwe, of land of the fee of Chaucumbe in Wylmeleycton, lying south of Bothemewey, upon 'le Pesforlong,' at 'le Inlondesslade,' upon Cockebile, upon 'le Longelond" next the road called 'Wyrpleswey,' at Stonhemedich, upon 'le Rede' next the ditch, upon 'le Theruebanlond,' and in the west part 'del Blakeput'; all adjoining the land of Sir Nicholas de Cuggeho. Witnesses:—Sir John Passelewe, Robert Bygod of Fennycumpton, Simon, lord of Knyttecote, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Essex. B. 3525. Grant by John de Redbourne, butcher, and Isabella his wife, to William le Ploumer of Heyham in Wolcumstowe, of all their lands and tenements in Chykewelle. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas de Barntone and Sir Geoffrey Morel, knights, and others (named). Sunday before Ascension Day, 12 Edward II. Two seals.
[N'hamp.] B. 3526. Indenture witnessing that whereas Sir John de Segrave, Adam, the prior, and the convent of Chaucumbe, John Denes, and Robert Freman, free tenants of Chaucumbe, granted to Henry, lord of Williamescote, Robert Basset, Robert Warner, and John Cosyn, free tenants of Williamescote, that as often as they chanced to go towards Chaucumbe by the road extending from Chaucumbe priory beyond the pasture of Sir John and the prior and of their tenants, and also that of the said Henry and his tenants, to the mill called 'Thokyes mulne' towards Bourton, they might go on foot or on horseback with cattle and carts at all hours; and the said Henry, moreover, granted to the said Sir John, Sir Adam, the prior, and their tenants of Chaucumbe, that they might go to and from Williamescote in like manner: Thomas de Williamescote knight, Thomas de Baddeby, clerk, John de Herdwyk, and Hugh de Willamescote, chaplain, late the parson of Cudyngton church, grant to Henry, the prior, and convent of Chaucumbe, that they may freely use the aforesaid way and drive cattle and sheep to their common pasture in Wardinton and Williamescote, &c. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Cotesford, John de Lyouns, and Thomas de Brougton, knights, and others (named). Feast of the Apostles Philip and James, 44 Edward III. Two seals, one of arms.
[Camb.] B. 3527. Grant by John Pawe of Cambridge, to Andrew de Hychen, burgess of Cambridge, of land in Cambridge in 'le Carmefeld,' abutting on 'le Brodebalks.' Witnesses:—Guy le Spicer, mayor of Cambridge, and others (named). Monday the vigil of St. Andrew, 5 Edward II. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3528. Letter of attorney by Edmund, earl of Kent, George Grey, knight, William Lucy, John Hulcote and William Newenham, esquires, authorising John Assheby and William Norton to receive possession of lands and tenements in Atteneston. 4 January, 20 Edward IV. Four seals, one broken, and portion of seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3529. Grant by John de Brackele of Atnestone, to John Masoun of the same, of three cottages with curtilages, &c. in Atnestone. Tuesday after St. Ambrose the Bishop, 41 Edward III. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3530. Grant by Richard, son and heir of Ralph Deynte of Atneston, and Agnes his wife, to Roger de Hegham, of all reversions of certain messuages with gardens in Atneston, of 2s. yearly rent, of eight acres in Atneston and four acres in Morton, and of other lands and rents. Thursday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 22 Edward III. Two seals.
[Surrey.] B. 3531. Grant by John Prymejole of Surbeton, to Thomas de Hamme of Kyngestone, of land in the marsh upon Capenore. Sunday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 1 Edward III. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3532. Certificate by Walter Gibbes, clerk, licentiate in laws, commissary general of Sir William, archbishop of Canterbury, to visit the clergy, laity, and monasteries of Lincoln diocese, that having inspected their instruments he finds that the prioress and convent of Catesby do rightfully possess the parish churches of Catesby and Assheby, in Lincoln diocese. Monastery of Assheby Canons, 21 March, A.D. 1389.
[ ] B. 3533. Release by Robert son of Peter Freman of Iseldon, to Adam de Basing, citizen of London, of all his right in the land that William Pecok the releasor's brother granted to the said Adam. Witnesses:— William de Oreseye, Richard de Camerwelle, and others (named). Seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3534. Grant in frank almoin by Robert de Botebrigge and Alice his wife, daughter of Richard de Calleshale, to the abbot and convent of Quarr, of a portion of their meadow of 'la Rydemede,' in the east part of the road from Botebrigge to 'la Rydeforde,' extending from that road to the portion of the meadow which the rector of Adherton holds as tithe. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Insula, Theobald Roussel, John de Glamorgan, knights, and others (named). Wednesday before St. Potenciana, A.D. 1331, 5 Edward III. Two seals.
[Oxford.] B. 3535. Letter of attorney by Thomas de Stapenhull, authorising Nicholas Reynald, clerk, to deliver seisin to Master John de Ratford, Sir Thomas Cok, chaplain of Muddlyngton, Sir Robert de Chesterton, chaplain, Sir William de Stratton, chaplain of Langeton, and Sir Richard de Caveresfeld, chaplain, of lands and tenements &c. in Burencestre and Muddlyngton. Thursday after St. Pancras the Martyr, 23 Edward III. Seal of arms, injured.
[N'hamp.] B. 3536. Release by Stephen de la More and Robert de Neubold, to Felicia, the prioress, and the convent of Catesby, of all right which they may have of common of pasture in the fields of Catesby, the said prioress undertaking to restore to them without ransom any of their cattle that may stray. Witnesses:—Robert Young (juvene) of Everdon, Richard de Stanton, and others (named). A.D. 1265. Injured.
[Warw.] B. 3537. Grant by Martin son of Nicholas de Berton, to the abbot and convent of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of 12d. yearly rent from land in Budiford. Witnesses:—Simon de Bolne, Ralph Pancefoth, and others (named). Seal.
Camb. B. 3538. Bond of Alan Percy of Fulburn, co. Cambridge, clerk, to Anne Seyntleger, and Margaret Boleyn, widows, Thomas Boleyn and George Seyntleger, knights, in 200 marks to be paid at Easter next. 4 February, 8 Henry VIII. Signature and seal.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond, viz. that if the said Percy obey the award of Robert Brudenell and Leves Pollard, two of the king's justices, concerning the patronage and advowson of St. Vigor's church in Fulburn, to be delivered before Ascension day next, the said bond shall be void.
[N'hamp.] B. 3539. Grant by Osmund de Willescote, to the canons of Chaucumbe, in frank almoin, of six and a half acres of land, in the furlong called 'Hancgandelonde,' under Blakemor, abutting on Cotmansiche, in Aldecroft, upon Goldewellehul, at Sandbec, abutting on Rigweye and on Prudehavedlond, &c.; also of land of Osmund's fee which they hold from Benet son of Roger Urri. Witnesses:—William de Prestcote, William Basset, and others (named). Seal.
[Worc.] B. 3540. Grant by Henry de Harleg', son and heir of Henry de Harleg', to William de Tywe, for 12 marks, of 4s. rent from a messuage in the high street of Benigwrth (Bengworth), and of 8s. rent from land in the fields of Benigwrth, paying for the same 2s. yearly to William de Bello Campo. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Persora, William the steward (senescallo) of Evesham, and others (named). Injured. Seal.
[ ] B. 3541. Grant by John son of John son of Philip de Alynton, to William his brother, of a toft, croft, and virgate of land in Alinton. Witnesses:—William son of Ralph de Pokebroc, John de Lullinton, John Cardun of Wynewik, William le Chevaler of Wykmesthorp, and others (named). Seal.
[Worc.] B. 3542. Grant by Osbert de Bradesleia, to the abbey of Bordesley, of all the land which they hold of him, viz., from the boundary of Oleweie to Wetesleiweie, thence to the road from Wic, and thence to Rugeweie, and all the land of Colothor, paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:— William de Graftune, William de Stones, Godric de Coftune, Edvic son of Norman, Ernald de Ipesle, and others (named). Twelfth century.
Annexed: Duplicate of the above.
[York.] B. 3543. Acquittance by Sir William de la Pole for 680l. 3s. 4¼d. received by him from the collectors of the old custom on wools, hides and woolfells in the port of Kingston upon Hull, granted to him by the king 11 March, 20 Edward III., in recompense of the manors of Brustwyk, Whitlee and Gryngelee lately seized into the King's hands, which customs Sir William is to receive till the said manors are restored to him, or till he is repaid the sum which he paid to the King for them. 27 September, 27 Edward III. Portion of seal of arms.
[Oxford.] B. 3544. Demise by Sir John de Broughton, knight, to the prior and convent of Wroxston, of 13s. 4d. yearly rent issuing from tenements in Broughton and Northnewenton, for thirty years from the date of this demise. Sunday after St. Matthias the Apostle, 14 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Camb.] B. 3545. Grant by John Robyton (?), son and heir of Richard Robyton (?), to Sirs William de Arderne and Seman de Wycheresfeld, chaplains, of [land] in Bodekesham. Witnesses:—Richard Pychard, Richard le Harpour, and others (named). Fragment of deed. Portion of seal.
I. of Wight. B. 3546. Demise by Thomas London, the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, to Simon Payne, of their manor of Roughberough with its members called 'Roughbrigge,' 'Breyanesheth,', Shortrigge,' 'Raudon,' and 'Salynglond' alias 'Saltlond,' in the parishes of Carysbroke and Shorwell, together with the great and small tithes, for eighty-one years, paying 53s. 4d. yearly for the manor and 10s. for the tithes, &c. Michaelmas, 15 Henry VII.
[Worc.] B. 3547. Grant by Thomas Patty, to Roger, the abbot, and the convent of Evesham, of five messuages, a toft and two acres in Bengeworthe and Uffenham, the reversion of two messuages in Evesham which William Ambresley holds for life, of a messuage and three shops and of other property in Evesham. Witnesses:—. . . .[Ambr]esleye and Richard Lenche, bailiffs of Evesham, and others (named). Thursday before Michaelmas, 16 Richard II. Very much injured. Fragment of seal.
[Heref.] B. 3548. Grant by Adam Muschet, son of John Muschet of Bredwardine, to John son of Walter the clerk (clerici) of West Bredewardine, of land upon Benefeld by the way called 'le Somerwey,' for 8 marks. Witnesses:—Sir Henry de Solers, Walter de Baskervill, and others (named). Injured.
[Hants.] B. 3549. Demise by John de Brommore, to Sir John, the prior, and the convent of Brommore, of all the lands and tenements which Henry Stagard, Walter le Smyth, Alice, Walter's wife, and John their son, held of him in Brommore, and of the rents and services due from the tenants named, for other lands therein, for forty years. Wednesday, Christmas Eve 22 Edward III. Seal of arms, broken.
[Wilts.] B. 3550. Release by John Ace of Bluntesdone St. Andrew, to Sir William Fytz Garyn, knight, of all his right in the manor, and advowson of the church, of Bluntesdon St. Andrew, and in land in the tillage called 'Merschforlang' in the same. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Sancto Mauro, Thomas de Sancto Omero, Edward Seynt John, knights, and others (named). Wednesday after the Annunciation, 31 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Linc.] B. 3551. Release by Matilda de Nevill, late the wife of Walter de Brunham, of Haxay, to Master John son of Thomas de Brunham, of all her right in the lands and tenements that formerly belonged to Robert son of Nicholas de Overbrunham, or which Master John had by grant of her late husband. Monday after All Saints, A.D. 1336. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3552. Release by John de Nafford, lord of Bereford, to Sir William de Lucy, knight, of all his right in 4d. rent of assise from land on 'le Pleystowe' in Bereford, and in other rents and lands in Bereford. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Bisshopisdon, Robert de Vaal, knights, and others (named). Monday after Christmas, 4 Edward III. Injured. Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3553. Grant by Edmund Upehulle of Brommore, and Agnes his wife, to John, the prior, and the convent of Brommore, of land in Brommore lying next the prior's land called 'Walewell.' Sunday the morrow of St. Gregory the Pope, 19 Edward III. Seal, broken.
N'hamp. B. 3554. Grant by Richard Folk . . . ., John Cosyn, vicar of Haryngworth, and others (names illegible), to William la Zouche of Braunfeld, John Tyndale of Deen, John Mulsho of Neweton, John Paton, John Marchant, parson, of Batherwyk, Andrew Deen, chaplain, William Bertelot, vicar of . . . ., John Toly, Christopher de Walton, and Nicholas Beaufo of Stokeston, of lands and tenements &c. in Blatherwyk, Laxton, and Bullewyk. Witnesses:—Sir William Bernak, knight, Master David Kynwardle, and others (named). Vigil of St. Thcmas the Apostle, 5 Richard II. Much injured and illegible. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 3555. Demise by Robert Flessheuer of Misterton,chaplain, and Adam Cogan of Estlound, to Robert son of Emma de Misterton, dwelling in Estlound, of a tillage called 'Godrykhagh' in Overbrunham, by the lane leading to Methelwod, of land by Elfletehagh abutting on land called 'Twentyacres,' and of the reversion of lands that Joan, late the wife of Ralph de Garton, holds for life in Overbrunham. Sunday after Michaelmas, A.D. 1371. Two seals.
[Linc.] B. 3556. Grant by Margery de Franton, relict of Sir Alan de Multon, to the nuns of St. Mary and St. Michael without Stanford, in frank almoin, of 40s. yearly quit rent from land in St. Botulfs beyond 'le Barredic' Witnesses:—Sirs James de Bussey, Thomas de Multon, knights, and others (named). Seal and counterseal.
[Warw.] B. 3557. Grant by Henry de Bereford, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of his mills of Bereford, with the aid of his men to repair the pool when necessary, a little meadow, the right of taking land for repair of the mills and ponds where they like in Bereford, and pasture for seven cows. Witnesses:—Nicholas the chaplain of Wasperton, Sir William de Curli, Master Roger de Cherlecote, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3558. Grant by John Gouys, kinsman and heir of Roger Turtele, to John de Mershton and John de Stouerton, of 5s. yearly rent payable by the convent of Maydene Bradelegh for two shops by St. Audowin's (St. Ewins) church in the street called 'Cornstret,' Bristol. Witnesses:— Richard Bremton, mayor of Bristol, and others (named). Thursday before St. John the Baptist, 37 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Oxford.] B. 3559. Grant by Agnes de Chesney, widow, to the cauons of Chaucumbe, of the mill of Hereford St. Michael and all the suit of Bereford and Neuynton belonging thereto, the free course of water coming from Northdon mill to Bereford mill and receding therefrom to the next mill below, land in Bereford, a meadow called 'la More,' a messuage in Bereford, all his right in Northdon mill, and 8s. yearly rent from land in Bereford, to support two chaplains in the said house, to celebrate daily for herself, &c. Witnesses:—Sirs Peter le Botiler, Ralph Dyve, and others (named). Injured.
[Bedf.] B. 3560. Grant by Walter [son ?] of Nicholas Pertesoyl of Bolnhurst, to John de Toternho, yeoman (valleto) of the prior of Esseby, for 40s., of land in Bolnhurst. Witnesses:—Robert Gleyve of Podington, and others (named). Injured.
[Linc.] B. 3561. Demise by John de Insula of Nether Brunham, to John Galian, of a toft in Nether Brunham called 'Wydewilecroft' by 'le Risschegate,' and land by 'le Beckedikes,' for his life, paying 4s. yearly and building a house thereon. Witnesses:—Thomas de Brunham, Geoffrey de Ros, and others (named). Seal of arms.
[Linc.] B. 3562. Foot of Fine whereby Richard Skynner and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and heiress of William Eston, release to Richard Boston, the prior of the house of St. Mary in the Isle of Axiholme, two messuages, two cottages, lands, and 71s. rent, &c. in Netherburneham, Upper Burneham, Westwode, Ouston, Eppeworthe, Estlande and Haxay in the Isle of Axiholme, for 40l. Octave of the Purification, 2 Richard III.
[Warw.] B. 3563. Grant by William de Blez, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of land in Brocfurlung stretching into Brademedwe, and of the excursio of his acre over against the hill of Ferndune. Witnesses:—Peter son of Robert de Wlvardinton, Alan de Blez, and others (named). Seal.
[Linc.] B. 3564. Grant by Oliver son of Ralph Helewys of Brunham, to John son of John de Garton of Brunham, of land in Over Brunham by the lane leading to Methelwode, and by Elfletehagh abutting on land called 'Twentiacres.' Michaelmas, A.D. 1333. Seal.
[Linc.] B. 3565. Release by Richard son of John de Insula of Netherbrunham, to Master John son of Thomas de Brunham, and to John and Thomas, sons of William de Brunham, of all his right in land in Netherbrunham, in a place called 'Cartercroft.' 5 June, A.D. 1334. Seal of arms.
[Heref.] B. 3566. Obligation of William de Brocbury, lord of Brocbury, to repay 50 marks lent to him by William de Staundon, at Michaelmas next in Brocbury church. Friday before Holy Trinity, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[Camb.] B. 3567. Sale by Beatrice, late the wife of Jordan the chamberlain (camerarii), to brother Richard de Angleseie, of Geoffrey de Wilburham her bondman, son of A.luard, the like, for 10 marks. This sale was made in her court at Wilburham. Witnesses:—Roger son of Geoffrey, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Linc.] B. 3568. Grant by Robert Takel of Haxey, to the abbot and canons of Suleby, of land in Buterwic opposite. Swirkeswat, land by Toftslute, and in the south part thereof, at Hodic, in Wilwefletslute, at Thornes in the north part of Buterwic at Haunelandes, at Marthorn,and by Neuflet, reaching from the bank of Trent to the marsh; and one 'Utende' at Bideille, from Midgate to the marsh. Witnesses:—Roger de Beltoft, Henry de Beltoft, and others (named). Injured.
[Hants.] B. 3569. Grant by Thomas Polet of Brommore, to Richard Osbern, son of Ralph Osebern of 'la Muletone,' of land in Brommore in the tillage called 'Ryhulle,' extending upon Smalemersche on the east, and 'la Belehegghe' in Witherslade on the west. Witnesses:—Thomas, prior of Brommore, Thomas Baudewine and others (named). Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3570. Confirmation by Hugh, bishop of Lincoln, of the grant made by Robert de Bottendon, knight, to the prior and canons of Chaucumbe, of the advowson of a moiety of Bottendon church. Witnesses:—Master Reginald de Cestria, subdean of Lincoln, Master R . . . . de Gravel', canon of Lincoln, Masters Nicholas de Evesham and Richard de Tinghurst, and others (named). By the hand of William de Thornaco, archdeacon of Stow. Banbury, ninth Kalends of September [24 August], 8th year of Hugh's pontificate. [A.D. 1217.] Injured.
York. B. 3571. Indenture between Jane, countess of Westmoreland, and Sir John Gryffyth, knight, for the marriage of Walter, son and heir of the latter, with Jane, daughter of Sir Ralph Neville, knight, and of Mary, the countess's daughter, the espousals to be solemnized on the sixth of November next. Sir John is to settle on Walter and Jane lands in Anneys Burton (Burton Agnes) and elsewhere in Yorkshire to the yearly value of 100 marks, &c. 23 September, 14 Henry VI. English. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3572. Demise by Thomas, the abbot, and the convent of Kenilworth, to William, the abbot, and the monastery of Bordesley, of the rectory of Budeford (Bidford) for twenty years, paying 22 marks the first year and 60s. yearly thereafter. Monday, Midsummer-eve, 33 Henry VI. Much injured.
[Wilts ?] B. 3573. Release by John de Aypred, to Master Bartholomew de Mere, of all his right in a meadow called 'le Brodemede' and in 10s. yearly rent for the same; in return for which Bartholomew has given to him all his share in a meadow called 'le Langemede' and 14 marks. Witnesses:—Roger de Colyngeborn, William de Hynedon, clerk, and others (named). Seal.
[Durham.] B. 3574. Demise by Sir John de Nevylle, lord of Raby, to John del Loge, of a vessel of 10 blooms (un olyner de x blomes) in the week for a year, and to support the said 'olyner' wood blown down by the wind in the park and forest of Brancepath (except what might serve for timber, which shall be reserved for Sir John) and of estovers and dry wood therein, for which John de la Loge shall pay thirty 'pers' of iron a week for forty weeks in the year. 29 January, 49 Edward III. French. Seal of arms.
Endorsed: 'Indentura de Olivero ferri.'
Berks. B. 3575. Grant by William Warbelton, esquire, to John Norys, esquire, of all his lands in Bray in the field called 'Halsehille,' in exchange for lands in the fields called 'lez Lyghfieldys.' 3 February, 27 Henry VI. Seal of arms, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3576. Confirmation by Hugh de Curtenay, patron of the priory of Brommore, of the grants made to the canons there, by Thomas and William Polet of Brommore, of a tenement and land in Brommore and land in Cherlewode, and of six acres in Brembelfurlang, Attenellene stubbe, 'la berze,' in Ryehulle, and by Cherhcweye. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Ripariis, Adam de la Forde, and John Byset, knights, Sir William de Strete, Sir John Moriz, and others (named). Seal of arms.
[Durham.] B. 3577. Defeasance of a grant by Thomas Redehugh, esquire, to Sir Ralph Nevyle, earl of Westmorland, of a yearly rent of 26s. 8d. from his lands in Westbrandou in the bishopric of Durham; viz. the said grant shall be void if the said Thomas shall pay to the said Sir Ralph, in Raby, 100s. before Midsummer-day next. 27 March, 12 Henry IV. Seal of arms.
[Hants.] B. 3578. Release by John de Brommore, to Sir John, the prior, and the convent of Brommore, of all his right in certain lands, &c. in Brommore which he lately demised to them for forty years. Wednesday after Epiphany, 22 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Hants.] B. 3579. Demise by Richard Alpher, to Cristina his sister, for life, of a messuage in Brommore in the north part of the dower of his late mother Matilda. Friday the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 20 Edward III. Seal.
N'hamp. B. 3580. Grant by Sir John Hauberk, knight, Nicholas Bernak, Sir William Bealassise, and John Pacoun, the younger, to William Warde and Stephen Chapman, of Blathirwyk, of all the lands &c. in Blathirwyk, Laxton, and Bolewyk which they had of the gift of Alienora, late the wife of William de Walton, widow. Monday after the Conception, 20 Richard II. Portion of seal of arms.
[Linc.] B. 3581. Grant by Nicholas son of Thomas the clerk (clerici) of Stanford, by consent of Amabel his mother, to Walter de Sancto Edmundo, of his houses in the parish of St. Mary's, Binnewere (Benniworth), doing yearly service to the nuns of St. Michael's and the lord of the town of Stanford. Witnesses:—Walter Flemeng, Robert de Norton, and others (named). Two seals.
[Hants.] B. 3582. Confirmation by Hugh de Cortenay of the grant by Mabel, daughter of Lucy la Lavendere, of Brommore, to the canons of Brommore, of a messuage and curtilage there, to provide a lamp to burn before the cross in their church. Vigil of St. Lucy, 19 Edward II. Fragment of seal of arms.
[Hunt.] B. 3583. Grant by John le Forester of Kenebauton, to John Waleman of Stonle, and Agnes his wife, of land upon Brithomwyk in Stonle. Sunday after St. Valentine the Martyr, 14 Edward II. Injured.
[Hants.] B. 3584. Manumission by John, the prior, and the convent of Brommore, for 10 marks and two oxen, of William le Coupere and all his issue (sequela), and all the issue of James le Coupere, William's father, viz. James and William, his younger brother, and Margery their sister with their issue. Friday before the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, 40 Edward III. Portion of seal of arms.
[Surrey.] B. 3585. Release by Thomas atte Hyde of Wonerhs (Wonersh) parish, to Richard de Somerburi, of all his right in the lands which he inherited from John atte Hyde, his father, called 'le Innomes' by 'la Rysbryg,' except two acres which the said John gave to Thomas de Wyppelegh and Edith his wife, and which the said Thomas atte Hyde has lately released to Kersandra, Matilda and Edith, their daughters. Sunday the morrow of the Assumption, 23 Edward III. Portion of seal of arms.
[Sussex.] B. 3586. Release by Richard called 'Parkere' of Brede, to the abbot and convent of Fecamp, of all his right in land in Brede called 'Wykelond,' by the land of Stokelye on the north, and abutting on the high road to Brede, for one mark received by the hands of brother Henry de Vallebadonis, then bailiff in England. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Snotthyngehulle, and others (named). Injured.
[Hants.] B. 3587. Release by Henry Polain of Christchurch, with consent of Isolda his wife and Andrew his son and heir, to William le Frye, chaplain, of Brummore, of all his right in a curtilage and land in Bruramore, part in the field called 'la Howe' and part by the cross in the north field. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Kernet, John Bacon, and others (named).
[Heref.] B. 3588. Indenture whereby the dean and chapter of Hereford and Anne, the prioress, and the convent of Acornebury, agree to refer their disputes concerning the tithes of a portion of Bruggesolers by Way in the south part of Hereford diocese, to twelve arbitrators, six to be chosen by each party, who shall give their award by the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula next, or appoint an umpire to act in their stead; both parties meanwhile abstaining from the collection of the said tithes. Paper draft.
[Hants.] B. 3589. Release by Henry Polain of Christchurch, to William le Frye of Brummore, chaplain, of all his right in a messuage in Brummore. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Kernet, Hugh de la Pelote, and others (named).
[Berks.] B. 3590. Acknowledgment by John de Burton, sub-dean of Salisbury, and rector of Bristwalton, that whereas the abbot and convent of Battle have assigned to his use land in Bristwalton parish on which to build a sheepfold, neither he nor his successors shall have any claim in the said land after his days. October, A.D. 1268.
[Berks.] B. 3591. Release by Elias [Par ?]ker of Westwode, to the abbot and convent of Battle, of all his right in land and wood in Brithwaltone. Witnesses:—John de Hildesle, Edmund and Geoffrey his brothers, and others (named). Portion of document only.
[Berks.] B. 3592. Grant by Ralph de Fraxino, to Walter Godeshalf, of land and a messuage in Bristwalton manor for 25s. and a supertunic of black burnet, paying 14d. yearly. Witnesses:—John Reginald of Huldeslegh, and others (named). Injured.
[Hants.] B. 3593. Certificate by John, the prior, and the convent of Brommore, that they have received John de Brommore, Gena his wife and John their son, into their brotherhood, to partake of all benefits bestowed on their house; grant also by the said prior and convent that they will celebrate their anniversaries with placebo, dirige, and a mass for them and for John and Agnes, the said John's parents, twice a year, and will distribute 3s. worth of bread to a hundred and forty-four poor people in Fordyngebrigge on their anniversary. Saturday after the Epiphany, 22 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Derby.] B. 3594. Certificate by Alexander, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, that at the presentation of Ralph de Grendon he has admitted Walter son of William de Lichfield, priest, as rector of that moiety of Boylleston church which Master Roger de Grendon, called 'Simple' (simplex), held, by consolidating that moiety with the moiety to which he admitted him on the presentation of Walter de Ridewar'. Derby, eighteenth Kalends of January [15 December], A.D. 1238.
[Middx.] B. 3595. Demise by James de Novo Redditu, son of Ralph the mason (cymentarii), to Andrew Bukerell, for 8 marks, of four acres at Bredefed by the highway towards the south leading to St. Pancras, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Roger Duk (duce), mayor, Henry Chocham and Stephen Bukerell, sheriffs, of London, Richard son of Walter, sheriff of Middlesex, and others (named). [12–13 Henry III.]
[N'hamp.] B. 3596. Grant by John Cleydon of Bulewik, son and heir of William Cleydon of the same, to Stephen Chapman and Emma his wife, John's daughter, of a messuage in Bulewik. Monday after All Saints, 49 Edward III. Injured. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3597. Release by William de Sumerford, to Sir Eanulph, the abbot, and the convent of Ramsey, in frank almoin, of 3d. yearly rent to be received from Philip de Claris Vallibus for land in Broucton. Witnesses: —Sirs Walter Camberlan, William le Moyne, and Simon de Copmanneford, and others (named). Seal.
Middx. B. 3598. Release by Henry Hareburgh, clerk, John Elmede, chaplain, John Vyncent, John Haddon, and John atte Hill, the elder, to Henry Maupas, clerk, and others (named), of all their right in a field called 'Bromfeld' with land thereby and an acre called 'Goldbeteresacre' in Totnalfeld, which the said Henry Maupas and others (named) had by feoffment of John Askewyth, citizen of London. 1 March, 12 Henry IV. Four seals, one broken.
[Hunt.] B. 3599. Grant by Gocelin de Rouceby, to Philip de Claris Vallibus, of land in Broucton, part in Halewikweye, part abutting towards Depeslade, and part towards Netherewodeweye. Witnesses:—Sirs William le Moyne, John de Claris Vallibus, and others (named). Injured. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3600. Demise by John de Brommore, to John, the prior, and the convent of Brommore, of the rents and services which Thomas Brian pays yearly for land in Brommore, in the field called 'Multona,' and the reversion of the land after Brian's death, for forty years. Wednesday, Christmas Eve, 22 Edward III. Seal of arms.