Deeds: B.3601 - B.3700

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.3601 - B.3700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.3601 - B.3700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.3601 - B.3700". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.3601 - B.3700

[Hunt.] B. 3601. Letter of attorney by William del Chambre and A . . . . his wife, authorising John Ravele to deliver seisin to Robert Wary, John Lufwyk and John de Bretton of land in Broughton. Huntingdon, 8 May, 5 Richard [II]. Much injured. Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3602. Duplicate of B. 3600. Rokebourn, Saturday before Christmas, 22 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Hants.] B. 3603. Agreement to settle the disputes between Thomas, the prior, and the convent of Brommore, and John Trenchard of Hordhulle. The convent releases to John all injuries inflicted on them by him, while he releases to them all right in the soil, course and channel of the water descending from their mill without 'la Langemede,' by the high road from Farnhulle to Hordhulle church, and thence to the bridge called 'Tadebrigge' in Hordulle, and grants to them their share of four plots of land, two of which are built over, with land between the high road and Tadeford water, the moiety of a plot at Choppeton, and a share in the plot of Bekctone. Friday after the Invention of Holy Cros3, 4 Edward II. Seal.
[Leic.] B. 3604. Release, in frank almoin, by Roger Beler, knight, to the warden and chaplains of the chapel of St. Peter, Kirkeby upon Wrethek, of all his right in the lands, tenements, and bondmen, &c. granted to them by his deceased father in Belegrave and Thurmaston, and in all the lands which the said Roger has of the gift of the late Sir Nicholas de Chellaston, chaplain, in the said towns. Witnesses:—John Folvill, Matthias Folvill, John Brabason, knights, and others (named). Sunday before Martinmas, 27 Edward III. Portion of seal of arms.
[Middx ?] B. 3605. Letter of attorney by Richard Lescrop, knight, authorising William Giffard and John Elmeshale to deliver seisin to Henry Snayth, clerk, of the park called 'Bedeleshooparc,' granted to him for life. London, Thursday in the quinzaine of Michaelmas, 3 Richard II. French. Seal of arms, broken.
[Durham.] B. 3606. Grant by Alexander de Neville, knight, to Ralph de Neville, lord of Raby, of a yearly rent of 20l. issuing from his lands in Carlebyry and Ulnby in the bishopric of Durham. Witnesses:—William de Bowes, Robert Conyers, knights, and others (named). Tuesday in Whitsun week, 14 Richard II. Portion of seal of arms.
[Bucks ?] B. 3607. Grant by Richard de Bradewelle, with consent of Walter his heir, to Ranulf son of Frewin, the Templars' man, of demesne land in the west field between Hulmed of Bradelame and Sittemor upon Hothulle, upon Futemorsterte, towards Dunheme Abbeswelle, in the east field upon Fernhulle, and in Folemorforlonge over against Bradelomes puttez; paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—Simon de Swelle, preceptor of Gutinge, Walter de Swelle his son, Godfrey, parson of Bradewelle, and others (named). Seal of arms.
[Warw.] B. 3608. Grant by Isabel de Turvilla, widow, for the soul of Sir William de Turvilla her late husband, and that of William their son, to the canons of Erthbr' (Erdbury), in frank almoin, of land in Bedewrth wood, by their tillage called 'Thelicthe,' and extending to the willow tree in the hedge of the said monks. Witnesses:—Sir R. de Suthl', Alan de Peilintun, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
Endorsed: 'Carta Ysabele de Turvile de bosco que (sic) vocatur le Hook.'
Essex. B. 3609. Demise by John, the prior, and the convent of Charterhouse, near London, to Richard Bukford of Little Canfield, and Sir William —, of the rectory of Branketre church for three years from Michaelmas next, paying 16 marks yearly. Covenants as to repairs, &c. 26 August, 4 Henry VI., A.D. 1426. Seal.
[Glouc ?] B. 3610. Demise by Thomas Benet of Marleclyve and Alice his wife, to Henry Boltupryht of Brome and Ydonea his wife, of meadow in Avenham extending near Gristelmere, by meadow of the lord of Overesleye, for their lives. If Thomas or Alice should grant the said land to any one against the will of Henry and Ydonea and during their lives, they bind themselves to pay to the latter 2s. yearly. Kyngusbrome, Sunday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 50 Edward III. Clause as to reversion of lands, on rider attached.
[Norf.] B. 3611. Grant by John son of Robert le Hay of Frenge, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, knight, of land in Frenge in the tillage called 'Nortdelehil,' abutting northwards on Nortdelesty. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Birrun, knight, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3612. Graut by Helena daughter of Ailward de Secheford, widow, to Richard and Geoffrey, sons of Nicholas de Frenge, of two pieces of land in Frenge, one called 'Slodaker,' the other lying at Sevenakeres. Witnesses: —Sir Helias de Burn', William de Hakeford, and others (named). Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3613. Grant by John de Coners, to the nuns of Katesby, in frank almoin, of a yearly rent of 2s. in Flecho, for the support of a lamp to burn before the relics in Katesby church. Witnesses:—Sirs Giles de Erdinton, William Trussel, and Robert Hasteing, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Flekenho.'
[Norf.] B. 3614. Grant by Geoffrey son of Nicholas de Dockinge, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, of two acres in Frenge, lying in Cumadtherdeles. Witnesses:—Martin de Suthmere, John Charles of Frenge, and others (named).
[Norf.] B. 3615. Grant by Elias son of Richard son of William de Frenge, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, and Joan his wife, of the homage and service of William Scharp and 10½d. yearly rent which he pays for a croft in Frenge, and the homage and service of Nicholas Fairchild and 1d. yearly rent which he pays for land in Frenge at Schortfurlong. Witnesses: —Ralph de Birun, Hugh Malemuche, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
Camb. B. 3616. Graut by William Fulbourne of Fulbourne, to Thomas Bernard and Thomas Mylde. esquires, William Smyth, William Barkere, John Prentise and John Sare, all of Clare, of land in Resshecroft called 'le Gleebe,' with the advowson of St. Vigor's church, Fulbourne, which the said William Fulbourne lately had of the grant (recited) of John Conesby alias Conyngesby, clerk, dated Tuesday the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, 19 Henry VI. Saturday after the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 20 Henry VI. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll.
[Norf.] B. 3617. Grant by Thomas son of William de Hakeford, knight, and Joan his wife, to John Charle of Frenge, and Olive his wife, of eight pieces of land in Frenge, viz. a croft in Suthgate abutting southward on the road from Frenge to Brecham, land at Seneherge, and another piece by land of the prior of Cokesford abutting on Brechamgate westward, also at Lammecotes, and abutting on Michelhowgate northward, at Sevenacrcs, at Sevenacres abutting westward on Strete, and other land abutting on Flichamgate; in exchange for seven pieces of land granted to them by the said John and Olive in the said town, part in Nortdele abutting on Nortdelesty, part upon Nortdelehil, at Rotholvesaker, at Sortefurlong, by land of the rector of Frenge, and a croft in Estgate abutting on the road from Frenge to Dockingg. Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Toftes, Ralph de Birrun, knights, and others (named). Seal, injured.
Somers. B. 3618. Release by Henry Dawbeney, knight, lord Dawbeney, to Thomas Arundell, of all actions to be hereafter prosecuted by the releasor relative to the manors of Flyntford and Raddon, and lands in Flyntford, Raddon and Fromzelewode, which the said Henry formerly sold to Thomas Horner who impleaded the said Henry by writ of entry in le post for the said manors, &c. before the Justices of the Bench, the said Arundell being vouched to warranty by the said Henry. 25 Henry VIII. Seal.
[Wilts ?] B. 3619. Grant by Thomas Salvagins, to Thomas son of Robert Payn, of a messuage and croft in Fobesunte, a croft between 'la churcheweye' and Wykle, and land at Pusdene, &c., with the right to keep two animals with the grantor's cattle, except in his wood of West, and a bullock and four pigs with the grantor's pigs: paying to him 8d. yearly and 12d. to the convent of Bradelegh. Witnesses:—Robert and Richard Salvage, and others (named). Paper.
Underwritten: 'Copia carte quam Johannes Gyrberd habet de feffamento suo.'
[I. of Wight ?] B. 3620. Release by William de Stapelherst, to Adam, the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, of all his right in land in 'la Panne,' lying in Fordell and Moreshulle. Witnesses:—William de la Mare, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3621. Grant by Roger Gopyl son of the late John Gopyl of Wahtburle, to the monks of Stonley, in frank almoin, of land that Joan his mother held as dower [in Flichamstede]. Witnesses:—Thomas Boydin, of Stratton, Henry de Hokkele in Weston, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'In Flichamstude.'
[Middx.] B. 3622. Acquittance by Robert, the abbot of the exempt monastery of Holy Cross, Waltham, and perpetual commendatory of the priory of St. Bartholomew, Westsmythfyld, London, to John Howzhton, prior of the Charterhouse near London, for 100s. being the half year's rent due at Michaelmas last, for lands in Fogwell and by Longlane. The morrow of Michaelmas, 24 Henry VIII.
[Notts.] B. 3623. Demise by Robert de Neuyopk, to Ralph Wychals of Neuyorp and Helena his wife, of a toft and croft, land in 'le Neuefeld,' at 'le Rutandepol,' and at 'le Wychenegrene' with free ingress and egress in Folwode with their cattle, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Henry Pascasius of Estweyt, John son of Hugh, of Neuyorp, and others (named). Seal.
[Chester.] B. 3624. Conveyance by Richard son of Moyke of Fadile, Agnes his wife, and Matilda and Felicia, daughters of Hugh le Neper, to Urian. de Sancto Petro, for 10s., of their assart called 'Ouwanis Buding' in Fadile for eight years from Christmas, A.D. 1271. Witnesses:—Richard de Sporstov, Hugh le Quelp, and others (named).
[Camb.] B. 3625. Release by Sir Edmund de Hemegrave, knight, of Robert son of William Flemying, from warranty of the dower claimed by Lucy late the wife of Robert Noreis of Fordham, out of the tenement that was her said husband's in Fordham, concerning which Sir Edmund had vouched the said Robert to warranty. Hemegrave, Friday after St. Dunstan, 13 Edward II. Seal of arms.
[Warw.] B. 3626. Grant by John, the abbot, and the convent of Stonley, to Alice, late the wife of [Thomas Campiun], of land in Flichamstede, paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—Roger de la More, John de Fynham, and others (named). Much injured.
[Norf.] B. 3627. Grant by Leviva de Stanhowe, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, knight, and Joan his wife, for 17s., of land in Frenge in the tillage called 'Calcrindeldele.' Witnesses:—Sirs Roger de Thoftes, Ralph le Birrun, knights, and others (named).
[Norf.] B. 3628. Grant by Nicholas son of Bartholomew Hachard of Frenge, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, and Joan his wife, for 22s., of land in Frenge abutting westward on the way called 'Northgate,' and the service of Thomas Humanz and ½d. yearly rent, which the grantee pays for land in Frenge at D . . . ehowe, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph le Birun, knight, and others (named).
[Norf.] B. 3629. Release by Amabel, late the wife of Richard de Merston, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, knight, of all her right in land in Frenge at Bradesty, in land that John de Byrun, rector of Frenge, holds at Mochowe, and in lands at Comaterdeles, Rodolnesaker, &c. Saturday after the Assumption, 22 Edward [I].
[Camb.] B. 3630. Confirmation by Wimar de Torington, of the release which Edmund de Kemesek made to John de Eston, of all customs which he was wont to pay for land which he holds of the marriage of Matilda, Wimar's daughter, in Fordham, for 6s. 9d. paid by the said John yearly to the said Edmund. Witnesses:—Walter de Yselham, Robert de Fordham, and others (named).
Staff. B. 3631. Grant by William le Heustere, chaplain, son of Richard le Heustere of Forebrugge, Stafford, to John, prior of the Augustinian friars of Forebrugge, Stafford, and his co-friars, of land in Forebrugge in frank almoin. Feast of St. Matthias the Apostle, A.D. 1348. Seal.
Staff. B. 3632. Demise by Margery, late the wife of Richard de Burton, and Robert her son, of Forbruge by Stafford, to Richard de Longedon and Margery his wife, of a messuage with a curtilage in the fee of Forbruge, for four years. Thursday, Christmas Eve, 12 Edward III. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3633. Release by Robert Thorgar of Spalding, to Sir John, the prior, and the convent of St. Mary's, Fynneshed, of all his right in 12d. yearly rent issuing from the horse-mill of the said prior and convent. Spalding, . . . . 37 Edward III. Injured.
[Wilts.] B. 3634. Acquittance by Matthew de Furnieus for 25 marks received from Master Bartholomew de Mere in part payment of 50 marks owing for land which Matthew sold to him in Fontel Giffard: if Bartholomew is disturbed in the possession of the land Matthew submits himself to the sheriffs of Wilts and Somerset to be compelled to restore the money within a month. Thursday in Easter week, 14 Edward [I].
Staff. B. 3635. Release, in frank almoin, by Richard son of Richard le Heustere of Stafford, to John de Wyrkesworthe, the prior, and the Augustinian friars of Stafford, of all claim to the lands which they had of his gift in 'le Forbrugg' of Stafford. Thursday after the Purification, 24 Edward III. Seal.
[Staff.] B. 3636. Grant by Ivo le Blancheur of Stafford, to Hugh son of Walter Wunethave of Stafford, for 30s., of a moiety of his land with a spring in Forebrugge, paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—Robert Costard, and others (named).
Staff. B. 3637. Letter of attorney by John Bagot, knight, lord of Blithefeld, authorising John Wolaston, chaplain, to receive seisin of land in Forzate, Stafford, which he has of the gift of William de Hayteley of Stronkshulfe, and Margery his wife. Tuesday after St. Ambrose, 13 Henry VI.
[Hants.] B. 3638. Release by Katherine, daughter and heir of Adam Clement and Margaret his wife, to Robert Michel, chaplain, and John de Cirecestre, perpetual vicar of Wychebury [co. Wilts], of all right in the lands that Richard le Taverner of Cranebourne, gave to the said Adam and Margaret in Fordyngebrigg. Tuesday before the Purification, 31 Edward III. Seal.
[Salop.] B. 3639. Release by Alice, relict of John Baudewyn of Sandhulle, to Adam Clement, son of Henry Clement of Forde, and to Alice his wife, of all the right which she has (by virtue of a grant from Thomas Baudewyn to John her husband and herself of his tenements in Forde hundred) in a tenement with a curtilage in Forde. Monday the feast of St. Martin, 8 Edward II. Seal.
[Notts.] B. 3640. Release by Robert son of John de Neuyorp, to Sir William, the prior, and the convent of Lenton, of land in Folewode where their sheepfold and other buildings are, of land from the place called 'Neubyri' to Collebeynoc and thence to the gate of the new mill towards Esteweyt, land called 'Aldamerzs' abutting on the ditch extending from 'le Hyndeford' and land under Lincroft abutting at one end on 'le Neufeld' and at the other towards Esteweyt; in return for which they grant to Robert and to four of his cottagers (named) free common in all their pasture of Folewode &c. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Strelley and Ranulph de Wandesley, knights, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'This graunt is regestrid in the first part of the booke of Felley callid Domesday.'
[Hants.] B. 3641. Grant by Richard de Mershton, called 'le Chepman,' and Margaret his wife, late the wife of Adam Clement of Fordynggebrigg, and by Katherine, daughter and heiress of Adam Clement and Margaret his wife, to Robert Michel, chaplain, and John de Cirecestre, perpetual vicar of Wichebury, of two tenements and land in Fordingbridge, the land lying in the tillages called 'Berton' and 'Marl,' and a croft at Almereston called 'Roterescroft.' Wednesday the Conversion of St. Paul, 31 Edward III. Two seals and portion of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3642. Grant by William de Oddinsele, lord of Fossawe, to Robert de Folewod of Toneworth, of land and wood called 'le clos' of Fossawe, reaching from the grantor's field called 'le Closfeld' to the earl of Warwick's wood. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Heywode, steward of Solehul, and others (named;. Sunday the feast of the Invention of Holy Cross, 3 Edward II.
[Hants.] B. 3643. Duplicate of B. 3638. Seal.
Staff. B. 3644. Release by John son of Thomas Godefrei, to Robert son of the late Richard de Burton, of all his right in a messuage with a curtilage in Forebrugge, Stafford. Friday after St. Tiburcius and St. Valerian, 13 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3645. Demise by Robert Michel, chaplain, and John de Circestre, perpetual vicar of Wyehebury, to William Giffard of Fordyngbrigg, carpenter, and Matilda his wife, for their lives, of land and a tenement in Fordyngbrigg, the laud lying in the tillages called 'Bertone' and 'Marie,' and a croft at Almereston called 'Roterescroft.' Monday the feast of St. Gregory, 32 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Worc.] B. 3646. Grant by Walter de Haylesbury, to Henry the shepherd (bercatori), of Strechesbenetley, for 17s., of land in the field called 'le Ruyfel' within Fecham manor, by the meadow called 'le Holemedue.' Witnesses:—Richard Adhelard, John Burnolf, and others (named). Injured. Portion of seal.
[Kent.] B. 3647. Grant by William Parmenter of 'le Hoo,' to William Bennewelle of Stonlee, and John Deniel of the same, of land in 'le Hoo,' lying in 'le Myddulfurlong, in 'le Schortwrangelond' abutting on Stylemade, &c. Witnesses:—John Oyldebœuf, Richard Webystere, and others (named). Le Hoo, . . . after St. Germanus the bishop, 45 Edward III. Faded. Seal.
[Staff.] B. 3648. Defeasance of a grant by Philip Offeley of Stafford, and Isabel his wife, to William Colbok of the same, of half their curtilage in Foryate, whereby the latter consents that it shall revert to the grantors' heirs at the end of a hundred years from A.D. 1357. Sunday before St. Paul the Apostle, 31 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Norf.] B. 3649. Grant by John son of Hugh de Frengge, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, knight, of land in Frengge in the tillage called 'Bradesti.' Thursday, Michaelmas day, 23 Edward [I]. Seal.
[Worc.] B. 3650. Grant by William Trendel of Benetle Streche, to Henry the shepherd (bercario) of the same, of ten butts (buttas) of land in the field called 'Ryefeld' within the bounds of Feckham by 'le Holemedwe,' land upon Harsfeldeforlong, in the croft 'atte Leyemedewe,' land stretching to Humelebrok, and from his garden to the meadow by Humelebrok. Witnesses:—Peter de Braderugg', John Burnulf, and others (named). Seal.
[Oxford.] B. 3651. Release by Thomas de Fifhide, to the monks of St. Mary's, Bruerne, in frank almoin, of 18d. yearly rent which they were bound to pay to him for land in Fifhide. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Noers, Roger Gulafre, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Camb.] B. 3652. Grant by Thomas son of Walter de Fulburne, to the brethren of St. Mary's, Anglesey [co. Cambridge], of land in Fulburne. Witnesses:—Ralph Candos, William Vivien, and others (named).
[Norf.] B. 3653. Grant by Levivia de Stanhowe, widow, to Thomas de Hakeford and Joan his wife, for 20s., of land in Frenge in the tillage called 'Langfurlong.' Witnesses:—Ralph de Burun, John Charles, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3654. Grant by Peter Ossebern of Alspathe, to Adam son of Adam de Brynkynhul, of land with contingent reversion of dower in 'le Flodyatehomme,' by the course of the running water from Blithe. St. Mark's day, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[Worc.] B. 3655. Grant by Richard son of Robert Streche of Benetle, to Henry the shepherd (bercario) of Benetle, of land within Fecham manor, in the field of Benetley called 'Ruefeld' by 'le Heþe,' extending to the meadow called 'Wythimedue.' Witnesses:—Peter de Braderugge, Richard Pancefot, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3656. Grant, in frank almoin, by Thomas Coyne of Upper Fleckeho, to the nuns of Katesby, for the souls of himself and of Masler John de Lutterwre and lady Amice, Master John's sister, of 30d. yearly rent from land with a messuage in Fleckeho, to maintain a light before the image of St. Anne in Katesby church. The Annunciation, 5 Edward [I].
[Middx.] B. 3657. Demise by Idonea Lutier, the prioress, and the convent of Clerkenwell near London, to Roger de Stowe and Isabel his wife, of land in their field called 'Farnecrofte' by the high road from London to Iseldon, on which to build a windmill, for ninety-nine years, paying 12d. yearly; and at the end of that term to their heirs for ever, paying 13s. 4d. yearly. 20 July, 31 Edward III.
[N'hamp.] B. 3658. Release by Henry de Hatton [son ?] of William la Zouch of Fynnesheved, to the prior and convent of Fynnesheved, of all his right in 4s. yearly rent with the reversion of a messuage with a garden and croft, which ought to revert to him after sixty-two years. Fynnesheved, Whitsunday, 15 Edward III. Much injured.
Endorsed: 'Quiela clamacio Henrici de Hatton de quatuor solidis receptis de Ricardo de Weston de Neuton.'
[Wilts.] B. 3659. Grant by Rokecumbe, to Master Bartholomew de Mere, of land in the south field of Fontel Gyffard in 'la Watersclade,' quit of suit at the hundred of Donworthe and the courts of the lords of the fee. Witnesses:—Hugh de Farnhull, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Middx.] B. 3660. Demise by John Mapylstede, the prior, and the convent of Charterhouse without the bar of Westsmythefeld, London, to Richard Hakedy, citizen and grocer of London, of land called 'Moremedewe,' bounded by land of the lordship of Fynesbury on the west, and the common foss of the city of London on the south, for eighty years from Michaelmas next, paying 43s. 4d. yearly. 27 August, A.D 1426 4 Henry VI. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3661. Demise by Giles Malore, knight, to Giles Sandres, son of Thomas Sandres, of Lychebare[we], of a messuage with curtilage and croft and land called 'Colottuslond' in Farthyngeston, for his life, with remainder to Thomas Drapere for his life. The Assumption, 4 Henry IV. Injured. Seal.
[Staff ?] B. 3662. Grant by Beatrice, late the wife of Richard de Leuenaton, to Henry son of Sir Thomas de Houks, knight, of land in Fenton called 'Bulgotfal.' Sunday after Michaelmas, A.D. 1302. Injured.
[York.] B. 3663. Grant by [John de Thoresby] archbishop [of York], primate of England, to the prior and convent of Beauvale, of the church of Farnham in his diocese, reserving out of the revenues yearly pensions of 6s. 8d. and 3s. 4d. to the see of York . . . . . by Westminster, 28 January, A.D. 1355[–6]. Injured.
[Essex.] B. 3664. Acquittance by John Hoo, esquire, for 7 marks received from the abbess and convent of Syon, in full payment of 10l. for Michaelmas term next, by the hands of John Saward, bailiff of their manor of Felstede, portion of a yearly pension of 20l. granted to him by the said convent. 10 May, S Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3665. Grant by John de Blees, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of land in Forlong, stretching into Brademedwe, and land under Ferndone. Witnesses:—Simon de Stoke, Hugh de Blees, and others (named). Seal.
Essex. B. 3666. Acquittance by the abbess and convent of Syon, for 24l. 6s. 8d. received from John Saward, the late bailiff of their manor and rectory of Felstede, by the hands of Henry Normanton their auditor, due from the countess of Stafford for the support of her horses in the said manor, viz. 14l. 6s. 8d. in money, and 10l. in two bills of the farmers of Orcheston and Knoke under the seal of Thomas Barbur, receiver general of Humphrey, carl of Stafford. 7 June, 12 Henry VI. Portion of seal.
[York.] B. 3667. Release by Ranulph Pygot, knight, to Roger Pigot his brother, of all his right in a tenement with a toft and croft and land in Fegherby which Roger held for life of Ranulph's demise. Witnesses:—Sirs Ralph de Normanville, John le Waxand, knights, and others (named). Wednesday the vigil of the Apostles Peter and Paul, 14 Edward III. Portion of seal of arms.
[York.] B. 3668. Grant by Gilbert de Cliftoun and Margery his wife, to Sir Thomas de Neville, archdeacon of Durham, of Fereby manor with a messuage and- land in Elhngstringg, for his life, with remainder to John Botiller of Layburne, Sir William de Austan, parson of Pykenamwade church, Sir Richard de Midelham, parson of Fingale church, and Sir William Bacy, vicar of Pytingdon church; also reversion of six messuages and land in Overellington, Netherellington, and Ellingstringg, which John de Clifton holds for his life, to Sir Thomas for life, and after his death to Botiller and the others named. Witnesses:—Sirs Henry le Scrope, Richard le Scrope, knights, and others (named). Sunday before Michaelmas, A.D. 1361. Portion of seal.
[Warw ?] B. 3669. Grant by Matilda, late the wife of Richard Thorald, widow, to Ralph de Brunham, of a gore (goram) of land. Witnesses:—Robert de Cliderowe, John de Eland, Nicholas de Blakestan, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Felyngley.'
[York.] B. 3670. Demise by Walter le Wyte of Karsynton, to lady Elizabeth de Monte Acuto, of all his meadow in Little Farnhelle meadow as it falls to him yearly by lot, for ten years from the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 13 Edward II. Seal.
[Essex.] B. 3671. Acquittance similar to B. 3664 for 10l. for Easter term last past. Quinzaine of Easter, 8 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
[Essex.] B. 3672. Similar acquittance for 8 marks received in part payment of the said yearly rent. 25 April, 8 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
Essex. B. 3673. Similar acquittance for 10l. received in part payment of the said yearly pension. 3 November, 18 Henry VI. Seal.
[Wilts.] B. 3674. Release of Richard son of Nicholas atte Slade by Bradeforde, to Thomas Hungerford, knight, Thomas Gore, John Mareys, and John Gore of all his right in lands, &c. which they have in Farlegh and Farlegh Wyke of the gift of Thomas Botyler of Farlegh Wyke. Sunday the Conversion of St. Paul, 17 Richard II. Seal, broken.
[York.] B. 3675. Release by Thomas de Neuton, chaplain, to Sir John de Neville, lord of Raby, of all his right in Fegherby Manor by Masham. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Musgrefe, Robert de Rouclif and William de Bruys, knights, and others (named). 26 March, 44 Edward III. Seal.
[Wilts.] B. 3676. Grant in frank almoin by Thomas de Hungerford, knight, and John Marreys, to the prior and convent of Farlegh Monachorum (Monkton Farley), of the reversion of messuages and lands in Farlegh and Farlegh Wyke, and in Alyngton by Chippenham, held for life by the tenants named. Witnesses:—Ralph Cheyny, John Roche, knights, and others (named). Bradeforde, Monday the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle, 20 Richard II. Two seals, one of arms.
[York.] B. 3677. Letter of attorney by Thomas de Neville, archdeacon of Durham, authorising John de Fleteham to receive seisin in his name from Gilbert de Clifton and Margery his wife, of Fereby manor with a messuage and land in Ellingstryng, together with the attornment of John de Clifton who holds messuages and lands from the said Gilbert and Margery, for life, in Overellington, Netherellington, and Ellingstryng. Shirburn, Sunday before Michaelmas, A.D. 1361. Seal, broken.
[Surrey ?] B. 3678. Grant by Alice, daughter and heiress of Richard atte Welle, to Simon le Wyte, of a piece of land in Farenham parish. Sunday after the Annunciation, 25 Edward [I].
[York.] B. 3679. Release by John Watson of Masham, and Joan his wife, to John de Neville, knight, lord of Raby, of all their right in the third part of a cottage and land in Feghirby, formerly belonging to John de Prodhow, Joan's late husband. 6 July, 2 Richard 11. Two seals.
[Essex.] B. 3680. Acquittance by Nicholas Thorley, knight, sheriff of Essex, for 10l. 3s. 4d. received by the hands of John Saward of Felsted, from Richard Spoaer, provost of Felsted manor, for part of the farm of that manor assigned as dower to Joan, Queen of England. Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 10 Henry VI. Portion of seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3681. Release by Richard de Botely, son and heir of John, called 'le Rede Botele,' to the abbot and convent of Quarr, of 2d. yearly rent which they were wont to pay to him for land at 'le Fayrle.' Witnesses:—Geoffrey Wyteze, William Tripon, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Endorsed: 'K. R. de Bottele, Cleybrok.'
[York.] B. 3682. Release by William le Smale of Helagh, to Gilbert de Clifton, of all his right in 4d. yearly rent in Feerby, which William had of the gift of the lady Alina, prioress of Marrick. Witnesses:—Reginald de Clifton, Thomas de Ellington, and others (named).
[Wilts.] B. 3683. Grant by Robert Channeler of Farleygh Monachorum (Monkton Farley), son and heir of William Canneler, to Thomas Channeler, his son. and Isabel, Thomas's wife, of a tenement in Farleygh aforesaid, paying 12d. yearly. The Purification, 19 Henry VI. Seal.
[Wilts.] B. 3684. Conveyance by Alexander Iford, to John Panter of Farlegh, and Margaret his wife, for life, of a tenement with garden in Farlegh Monachorum. 14 March, 1 Henry IV. Seal of arms.
[Wilts.] B. 3685. Grant by Alexander Yforde, to John Panyter and Margaret his wife, of a messuage, garden, and curtilage in Farlegh Monachorum, by the road called 'Courtwey.' Thursday the feast of St. Hilary, 2 Henry IV.
[Nthld.] B. 3686. Grant by Walter de Mynsteracres, to Ralph de Nevylle, knight, and John de Middelton, of all the lands, &c. in Falderley which he inherited from Gilbert de Mynsteracres his father. Witnesses:—Robert de Lyle, knight, and others (named). 10 March, 8 Richard II. Seal.
Endorsed: 'Fawdrelay.'
[Wilts.] B. 3687. Release by Edward Sewy, Simon Sloppe, and Thomas Godman, to John de Lewes, of all their right in a tenement which they had of the gift of Walter de Iford and Margaret his wife in Farlegh. 14 April, 45 Edward III. Three seals, two of arms.
[Wilts.] B. 3688. Grant by Edward Sewy and Edith his wife, to Alexander Champioun of Farlegh, of land in Farlegh, viz. in Rowle. Feast of the Apostles Philip and James, 44 Edward III. Seal.
[Wilts ?] B. 3689. Grant by Thomas de Baiocis, to Matilda la Lavendere and Lucy her daughter, of land with a house built upon it, between the land of Sir Ralph de Cameys and the messuage of Martin Fizian in [Farleswyke], paying 20d. Witnesses:—Oliver Hose, William Cosin, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Farleswyke.'
Berks. B. 3690. Grant by Margaret, late the wife of David Brekenok, esquire, one of the daughters and heiresses of John Syferwast, esquire, deceased, to Richard Fowler, Richard Chamberleyn, Thomas Rokes, Thomas Fowler, Thomas Danvers, Drugo Brudenell, Stephen Glover, clerk, and John Badby, of a moiety of Cleware manor and of a messuage and land in Cleware; also letter of attorney authorising Thomas Wellesbourne, John Blakpoll, and William Rabbes to deliver seisin of the same. 5 March, 16 Edward IV. Seal of arms.
[Hants.] B. 3691. Release by Henry le Glovere and Juliana his wife, daughter of William Swen, to the abbot and convent of Quarr, of all their right in the Christchurch mills. Witnesses:—Sir John, prior of Christchurch, Sir John de Campen'. and others (named). Seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3692. Final agreement between Augustine, the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, and William, son of William Randulf; whereby the latter releases to the abbot all his right in the ditch made between the land of Cumblye Grange and William's land, reserving the use of the water in the ditch to water his cattle, &c. Witnesses:—Master Thomas Crispin, Hugh le Flemeng, and others (named). Monday after the Purification, A.D. 1249. Seal, broken.
[Surrey.] B. 3693. Grant by Henry le Smyth of Codynton, to John le Sket and John his son of the same, of land in Codinton in the furlong called 'upon Howell.' Witnesses:—Simon lord of Codvnton, and others (named). Sunday before St. Peter's Chair, 19 Edward III.
[Camb.] B. 3694. Demise by Simon, abbot of Ramsey, to Sir Robert de Burgo, rector of Cnapwelle church, of all lands and tenements in Cnapwelle in the said abbot's hands by reason of the minority of John son of Matthew de Cnapwelle, till the said John is of age. Monday after St. Hilary, 3 Edward III.
[Somers.] B. 3695. Letters patent by Elys Spelly of Bristuyt (Bristol), witnessing a grant by Sir Edmond de Clyvedon and Lady Joan his wife, to Richard Englissch and Joan his wife, of two tenements with land in Clyvedon manor, for their lives, free of rent, in return for which the said Richard and Joan are to render profitable service. Bristuyt, 12 April, 8 Richard II. French. Seal of arms.
[ ] B. 3696. Grant by Margery, late the wife of William de [Echingham], widow, to the canons of St. Mary's, Esseby, in frank almoin, of 100s. yearly rent, to be paid by Sir Robert le Poer, her brother, for the tenement which he holds of her in Cicelberge. Witnesses:— . . . . de Pinkeny, lord of Morton, Robert Russel, of Everdon, and others (named). Much injured.
Endorsed: 'Carta Margerie de Echingham.'
[Surrey.] B. 3697. Grant by John called 'Sweyn,' of Codinton, to Peter de Cheyham, clerk, of land in Codinton in Martforlang, by land of the lord of Codinton called 'Buttes.' Witnesses:—Laurence de Sancto Michaele, and others (named). Seal.
[York.] B. 3698. Release by Richard de Scutherskelf, to John son of Sir Robert Gower of Faicebi, of 6s. yearly rent which he received from John for land in Faicebi; and grant by the same, to the same, of the advowson of the chapel of Faicebi, with the lordship of the same town. Witnesses:—John and William Sturmi, and others (named). Seal.
[Wilts.] B. 3699. Grant by John Spacy, chaplain, and John Assheleigh, to John Molyngton, of all lands and tenements in Favlegh Monachorum (Monkton Farley) and Farlegh Wyke which they had by feoffment of Joan called 'atte Putte,' late the wife of Thomas Pilkes of Bradford. Tuesday after the Apostles Peter and Paul, 39 Edward III. Seal.
York. B. 3700. Release by Helewis de Pyrhou, widow, to Mary de Nevyle, for 100 marks, of all her right in all the lands, &c. that belonged to John de Fagherwald or to any other of the releasor's ancestors, in Fagherwald by Welle. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Vallibus, William de Saham, John de Methyngham, and Thomas de Sutyngton, the King's Justices in Eyre in the county of York, and others (named). [Edward I.] Seal.