Deeds: B.3701 - B.3800

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.3701 - B.3800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.3701 - B.3800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.3701 - B.3800". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.3701 - B.3800

[Warw.] B. 3701. Grant by John de Busshele son and heir of Robert de Busshele of Coventry, to Ralph Box of Coventre, and Sir Richard de Southam, chaplain, of a void piece of his garden in Angleslone, Coventre, by the lane leading to Anglesmulne. Witnesses:—John le Warde, bailiff, Simon Pakemon, coroner, of Coventre, and others (named). Friday after the Purification, 17 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Warw.] B. 3702. Grant by Katherine, late the wife of Richard Doughty of Coventre, widow, to John Chyld and John de Northampton of Coventre, chaplains, of a messuage in Gosford street, Coventre. Witnesses:—William Whitchirch, mayor, Richard Marchall and Richard Sturdy, bailiffs, of Coventre, and others (named). 1 July, 1 Henry IV. Seal of arms.
[Durham.] [York.] B. 3703. Release by Richard Gower of Marlon, to Gilbert de Wauton, Cristiana his wife, and Elizabeth her sister, of all his right in the manors of Fayceby, Carleton in Clyveland, and Elton in the bishopric of Durham. Witnesses:—Thomas Surtays, William de Akclom, William Colvill, and Robert Conyers, knights, and others (named). Tuesday the feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 38 Edward III. Seal.
[Surrey.] B. 3704. Grant by Joan, daughter of William Eldrich of Codiuton, to John Sinot and Agnes his wife, of the reversion of land in Codinton which Alice, late the wife of Gilbert Eldrich, holds for life as dower. Witnesses:—Thomas de Sancto Michaele, and others (named). Sunday after St. Augustine, 9 Edward III. Seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3705. Release by John son and heir of Ralph Dawe of Little Colesburn, to the monks of Bruerne, of all his right in laud in Colesburn aforesaid which Ralph his father gave to them. Cirencestre, Thursday after St. James the Apostle, 10 Edward II. Portion of seal.
Surrey. B. 3706. Release by Alice Blaunchard of Croydon, to Richard Hayton and Matilda his wife, and to John Hayton and Marjory his wife, of all her right in lands in Codyngton parish. Sunday after the Translation of St. Swithin. 8 Henry IV. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3707. Duplicate of B. 3691. Seal.
[Surrey] B. 3708. Grant by Thomas de Sancto Michaele, lord of Codiutone, to Walter son of the late Alice Cok of Ewell, of a messuage formerly Richard Shirefeld's in Codinton, and a tenement called 'Philperes lond' and land held of Codintone manor in villenage; doing service every three weeks at the manor court and two boon-works (duas precarias) with two men in autumn, of which one boon-work is called 'Waterbedrip.' Sunday after Ascension Day, 10 Edward III. Seal of arms, broken.
Surrey. B. 3709. Release by John de Ralee, knight, son and heir of Sir Robert de Ralee, knight, deceased, to William de Sancto Michaele, of all his right in the manor and town of Codintone. Witnesses:—Sirs John Dabrenon, the elder and the younger, knights, and others (named). London, Wednesday after St. Thomas the Apostle, 15 Edward II. Seal of arms.
[Warw.] B. 3710. Grant by Ralph Box of Coventre, to Thomas de Westone, clerk, his nephew, and John Botiler of Chelverescote, of all his plot in Angleslone, in Coventre, by Anglesmulne, with houses built thereon. 12 January, 20 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3711. Confirmation by Margery de Rokesia, of the grants made by William de Rokesia, her son, and Richard de Livett', to the lady Amice de Redvariis, countess of Devon and lady of the Isle [of Wight], of a meadow in Crickemede. [Henry III]. Seal, broken.
[Hants.] B. 3712. Grant by John Huscard and Lucy his wife, to Sir Elias le Donteneys, of half an acre of meadow in Crikmede which Alward Grey held. Witnesses:—Thomas Baudewyne, John Trapel, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] B. 3713. Grant by Edward de Porcestre, clerk, to Hugh de la Pelote, of a moiety of the meadow called 'Bertvilemede' lying in Crikmede, and of a moiety of the meadow which he bought from Richard le Frankelayn of Rokeburn, in Crikmede; paying 3s. yearly to the almoner of the convent of Brommore, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Punchardon, knight, and others (named). Seal.
[Glouc.] B. 3714. Confirmation in frank almoin by Joseph de Marisco of Colesburne, of the grant made by Jordan de Aides welle to the monks of St. Mary's, Bruerne, of the tenement which he held in Little Colesburne of Joseph's fee. Witnesses:—Robert Crozun, William de Solers, and others (named). Seal.
[York.] B. 3715. Grant by John de Lasselles, to William do Hertford, and Sirs John de Peyssam and Thomas de Couton, chaplains, of all his lands, &c, in North and South Couton, with the reversion of the lands that Joetta, late the wife of William de Lasselles holds of him in South Couton for life. Witnesses:—Sirs Acris de Hanleby and Richard de Scrope, knights, and others (named). Sunday after Michaelmas, A.D. 1363. Seal of arms.
[Surrey.] B. 3716. Letter of attorney by John Syvot of Waddone, authorising John Skot and John Gardyn of Codyntone, to deliver seisin to John Blanchard of Croydon, and Alice his wife of all his lands in Codyntone parish. Monday the morrow of Easter. 11 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3717. Grant by Thomas de Estwode, with consent of Richard his heir, to Edric Cumpein, of one messuage, viz. the sixth part of a 'wrthin' in Coseforde, of the fee of Reginald Panchefot, paying 12d. yearly. Sealed in the hundred of Wich'. Witnesses:—William de Cokeseia, Adam the clerk (clerico), bailiff of Wich, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Hants. B. 3718. Demise by Sir Hugh de Camoys and Lady Joan his wife, to Sir John de Montagu, lord of Werk, and Sir John de Montagu, the son, of the manor of Crambourn from Michaelmas next till the morrow of Michaelmas next thereafter. 1 February, 5 Richard II. French. Two seals, one of arms.
[N'thld.] B. 3719. Release by Agnes de Corwell, daughter and heir of Walter de Corwell, to Alice de Corwell, her mother, of all her right in the lands in Corbryge which she might inherit from her said father, or other of her ancestors. Witnesses:—Sir John de Bromfeld, then sheriff of Corbryge, and others (named). The Invention of Holy Cross, A.D. 1374. Seal.
[Bedf.] B. 3720. Grant by Gilbert de Warewyk, chaplain, and Nicholas de Eboraco, clerk, to John de Wassingle and Matilda his wife, of a messuage with croft and land in Craunfeld, which they had of the gift of Sir Roger de Elyngton, paying 6s. 8d. yearly, with remainders in succession to John and Margaret, John's children, and to Elizabeth and Emma, Margaret's sisters. 10 April, 26 Edward III. Two seals, one of arms.
[Glouc.] B. 3721. Grant by John de Marisco of Ameneye, to Sir John Crikeman, chaplain, of land and a messuage in Little Colesburne, paying 5s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Walter Lohout, knight, Walter his son and heir, and others (named). Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3722. Grant by John de Buhsscheleye of Coventre, clerk, to Elias de Checkeleye of Coventre, clerk, and Sir William de Lalleford, chaplain, of a tenement in the cooks street (vico coci), Coventre, in a lane called 'Anguyloneslone,' by the tenement of the prior of Erbury. Witnesses:—William le Palmere, bailiff of the prior, and coroner, and others (named). Sunday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 23 Edward III. Seal.
[N'hamp.] B. 3723. Confirmation by William de Colewurthe, to Hugh Russel, for 40s., of all the land given to him of William's fee in Colewurthe and Sulegrave, and release of the churchscot (chirsetum) due for a virgate of land which Hugh holds in Sulegrave. Witnesses:—William de Colewurthe, lord of the said fee, David de Hakinlinton, and others (named). Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3724. Letter of attorney by Elias de Chelkeley, of Coventre, authorising William Gotowode of Chelverescote, to deliver to Sir William, vicar of Chelverescote, and Sir William de le Hul, of the same, chaplain, seisin of his tenement in the cook's street (vico coci), Coventre, in a lane called 'Anguyloneslone.' Friday the feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 35 Edward III. Seal.
York. B. 3725. Surrender by Richard Tennant, of Kettlewell in Craven, co. York, to James I. of two messuages and lands in Cold Coniston, let at yearly rents of 22s. 8d. and 15s. 11¼d. respectively, parcel of the lordship of Midleham within the archdeaconry of Richmond. 30 June, 8 James I., A.D 1610.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll.
[Warw.] B. 3726. Grant by William de Dunstaple, son of Richard de Dun staple, of Coventre, to John de Puysford of Coventre, and Alice his wife, of two portions of a curtilage in the street of the spring (vico fontis), Coventre, towards Hulle Mulne. Witnesses:—John de Clifton, bailiff of Coventre, Roger de Pacwode, coroner, and others (named). Wednesday the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul, 10 Edward II. Seal.
[ ] B. 3727. Grant by Ralph, lord of Neville, to Richard del Park, the younger, of all his lands, &c., in Colpighall on condition of Richard not impleading him for the lands which he holds of Richard's gift in 'le Byres.' 6 September, 17 Richard II. Portion of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3728. Grant by Roger de Boydune, merchant, of Coventre, to Simon Damas and Agnes his wife, of land in Hellestrete in Coventre, by the tenement of St. John's hospital. Witnesses:—Walter Wyhteweh, mayor, John Buttiner, and John de Papynham, bailiffs, of Coventre, and others (named). Wednesday after St. Luke, 28 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Middx.] B. 3729. Grant by John Luscote, the prior, and the convent of the Charterhouse, London, to Roger de Albrighton, clerk, of a yearly rent of 50l. for life. 10 May, A.D. 1393, 16 Richard II. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3730. Grant in frank almoin by Geoffrey, vicar of Fylongleye, to Reginald, the prior, and the canons of Maxstoke, of a messuage in the street of the spring (vico fontis), Coventre, with lands in Long Itchington and Maxstoke. The Assumption, 7 Richard II. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3731. Letter of attorney by John de Meryngton authorising John atte Yate to deliver seisin to Nicholas Michel and Richard Frebern of Coventre, of a moiety of a toft with laud in 'le Gryne' and a yearly rent of 3s. 6d. from land in the same town (Coventry ?) held by Thomas Jenesone and Jordan Julianessone, 2s. rent from land which Margery 'of the Celer' holds, 12d. rent from a toft and grove, and 2s. 3d. from a messuage and land in Bromcote. Saturday after St. Faith, 30 Edward III. Seal of arms, injured.
[Warw.] B. 3732. Grant by John, son of Matilda de Benigton, to John de Hynkele, clerk, for 12 marks, of land in Eton, with seven butts at the head of Eton town lying by the cross and reaching to the high road towards Wedinton, and with land on Northcroft; paying 12s. yearly. Witnesses:— William de Kentebury, bailiff of Eton, and others (named). Seal.
[Camb.] B. 3733. Grant by John, son of Simon de Fulburne, to the brethren of St. Mary's, Anglesey [co. Cambridge], in frank almoin, of a messuage and croft with lands in Fulburn, liberty of shcepfold, &c., paying 5s. yearly. Witnesses:—Ralph Candois, William Vivien, and others (named). [Henry III.] Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3734. Grant by Elias de Checkeley of Coventre, to Sir William, vicar of Chelverescote, and Sir William de le Hul of the same, of the tenement mentioned in B. 3724. Friday the feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 35 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Warw.] B. 3735. Grant by Adam atte Shawe and John de Neuby of Coventre, girdlers, to Henry de Merynton of Coventry, girdler, and Joan his wife, of a messuage in Coventre, in Gosford Street. Witnesses:— William Botiner, mayor, James de Benyngton and John de Toftes, bailiffs, of Coventre, and others (named). 16 November, 38 Edward III. Seal, and fragment of seal.
[Warw.] B. 3736. Release by Hawise, daughter of the late Thomas le Chaundeler of Beverleye, to Thomas de Whitteleye of Coventre, of all her right in lands, &c., in Coventre which she inherited as co-heir with Margaret and Helen her sisters after their father's death. Witnesses:— John de Toftes, mayor, John de Pounfret and Adam de Keresleye, bailiffs, of Coventre, and others (named). 12 May, 43 Edward III. Seal.
[Somers ?] B. 3737. Grant by Gilbert de Edyngtone, to Simon de Ashforde and Robert his brother, of Edyngtone manor. Witnesses:—John de Caticote and others (named). Friday after the Circumcision, 22 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Herts.] B. 3738. Grant by John Caunvyle of Esynden, to John Tyler of the same, and Joan his wife, of land in a croft called 'Newlond.' Michael mas, 21 Richard II. Seal.
[Herts.] B. 3739. Grant by Richard Umfrey of Esenden, to John Tyler of the same, and Joan his wife, of a messuage with garden at 'le Wildehillestret,' between the field called 'Barrefeld' on the south; and the high road leading within 'le Wildebarre' on the north; and also grant of land called 'le Newelond.' Christmas, 18 Richard II. Much injured.
[N'hamp.] B. 3740. Grant by Simon de Lindon, knight, to the nuns of St. Mary's, Wyrthorp, in frank almoin, of land in Eston, viz., in Crekele, abutting on the land which Sir Simon de Lindon his predecessor gave to them, and pannage for twenty pigs in his wood at Eston. Witnesses:— Sir Geoffrey de Seynt Marc, and others (named). Seal of arms, broken.
[N'hamp.] B. 3741. Grant by William son of Geoffrey de Eketona, for the souls of himself, Katberine late his wife, and others, to the canons of Essebi, in frank almoin, of 12d. yearly rent in Eketon. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Tebbaut, Gilbert de Cugenho, and others (named). Injured.
Herts. Bucks. B. 3742. Grant by Adam Bierdene, parson of the church of St. Mary atte Hulle, London, to Sir John Deverose, knight, of all his lands, rents, services of his tenants, with his bondmen, &c., in Esynden and Bishop's Hatfeld, with the reversion of lands in Enefeld, and of the manor of Oxeye by Watford, and of Horton manor co. Bucks, which Amice de Luda, mother of John de Luda, holds for her life from the said John her son. 10 July, 48 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] B. 3743. Release by John le Burser of Edelmetone (Edmonton), to Richard his brother, of all his right in a messuage and land in Edelmetone. Witnesses:—William de Anesti, Edmund Pymme, and others (named). Sunday before the Annunciation, 9 Edward II. Injured. Seal.
Middx. B. 3744. Defeasance of a grant by John Bureer, carpenter, of Edelmeton, to William Bakere of Tottenham, of a messuage and garden in Edelmeton, witnessing that if John pay to William at Christmas a year hence 3l. 15s in his dwelling house at Tottenham, the said grant shall be void; otherwise it shall be of force. Thursday after St. Thomas the Apostle, 3 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Linc.] B. 3745. Grant by Thomas Otthehul of Eppeworthe, and Matilda his wife, daughter of William son of Hugh de Mora of Eppeworthe to John de Crosseby of the same, and Isabel his wife, of land in Eppeworthe, part at Bolton gate, and part at Schelgate. Friday in Whitsun week A.D. 1361. Injured. Two seals.
[Durham.] B. 3746. Grant by Ralph, lord of Neville, to John Dall, of the manor of Edmundeslee for life. Brauncepath, 18 May, 15 Richard II. Portion of seal of arms.
[Wilts.] B. 3747. Grant by Isabella de Camoys, the abbess, and the convent of Romsey, to John de Edyndon, the elder, of two messuages and land in Edyndon and Tynhide, with remainders in succession to John de Edyndon, the younger, Richard de Lavynton and Edith his wife, Thomas Devenysshe and Matilda his wife, and John . . . and Goda his wife. Sunday before St. Barnabas the Apostle, 30 Edward III. Much faded. Portion of seal of arms.
[Linc.] B. 3748. Inquisition taken by precept of the lord concerning the lands of William de Bosvyle in Edinham, who is found to have been seised of a carucate of land there, which Margaret his daughter and next heir ought to recover by right of inheritance, having done all services, except that she shall pay eighteen measures of corn to the mill. The land for ten years past has been in the hands of the lord of Edinham and is worth yearly in time of peace 100s. Tuesday after St. Margaret the Virgin, A.D. 1360. Much injured. Three seals of arms.
[Kent ?] B. 3749. Grant by Henry son of Roger de Chalke, to Robert Gete and Matilda his wife, for 8s., of pasture for one sheep in the marsh called 'East Merch.' 7 Edward II. Faded.
[Wilts.] B. 3750. Grant by John de Edyndon, the elder, to Isabella de Camoys, the abbess, and the convent of Romeseye, of a yearly pension of 12d. issuing out of all his lands in Edyndon which he had of the gift of John de Testwode. 15 February, 32 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Wilts.] B. 3751. Grant by John de Edyndon, the elder, to Isabella Camoys, the abbess, and the convent of Romeseye, of land in Edyndon, lately held of the abbess and convent as of their manor of Edyndon, which is parcel of the abbey temporalities, by an exchange between the abbey on the one part, and John de Aylesbury, rector of the chantry in the prebendal church of Edyndon and his brethren, founded anew by William de Edyndon, bishop of Winchester, with the King's licence, on the other, for certain plots of land. Monday after St. Mary Magdalene, 32 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Camb. B. 3752. Demise by Thomas Bernard, Thomas Mylde, esquires, William Smyth, William Barker, John Prentyse, Richard Barbour, John Melon, and John Neve, to James Ormond, knight, son and heir of James, earl of Ormond, Laurence Cheyne, Henry Fylongley, William Cotton, esquires, and John Chirche, citizen and mercer of London, of land in Fulborne called 'le Glebe,' in Ressecroft, with the advowson of St. Vigor's church, Fulborne. Witnesses:—William Seyntgeorge, knight, and others (named). 26 January. 21 Henry VI. Eight seals.
[Sussex.] B. 3753. Grant by Michael Nanchal, bailiff of Atheringtone and attorney general of the abbot of Seez in England, to William son of William Stokeman of Anesford, of a house with curtilage and a croft in Estergate, for life. 11 June, 27 Edward III. Seal.
[Sussex.] B. 3754. Grant by John atte Rake, to the abbot and convent of St. Martin de Seez, and all their free tenants and villeins of Estergate, of right of way for all their animals at all seasons over his land from the bridge of 'la Rake' to the pasture called 'Adererths.' Thursday after St. James the Apostle, 11 Edward II. Seal.
[Wilts.] B. 3755. Letter of attorney by Walter Scarlet, warden of the chantry newly founded by Sir William de Edyndon. bishop of Winchester, in the prebendal church of Edyndon, authorising John de Edyndon to deliver seisin to the abbess and convent of Romeseye of lands in Edyndon, and to receive from them seisin of other lands in exchange adjoining the churchyard and the warden's house. Tuesday before St. Peter ad Vincula, 26 Edward III. Seal.
[Somers.] B. 3756. Grant by John Devereus, lord of Est Harpetre, to Oliver de Edygton (Edington) of all the land that Agnes, relict of Walter Benyn, held within the lordship of Edygton as dower, and common of pasture in the same fields as the other tenants, for his life; with the right to bequeath the crop growing thereon at the end of his life to whom he will. Saturday, Easter-Eve, 45 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Berks. B. 3757. Release by Walter Walkestede, clerk, and John Langston, to Walter Cotton, Edmund Rede and William Bondon of all their right in all the lands, &c., late William Balet's, in Estenborne. 19 November, 7 Henry VI. Two seals, one of arms.
[Middx.] B. 3758. Grant by Thomas Byeston, vicar of Edelmeton (Edmonton) church, to Alice, daughter of Henry Wykwane of Edelmeton, of land called 'Armholt' in Edelmeton parish by Armholt lane, extending southward upon land called 'le Thornes' and northward upon Gonyldeshegg. Sunday after St. Katherine, 46 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Middx. B. 3759. Release by John Busshel, of Haryngeye, son of the late Robert de Heybourn, to Robert Bourser, of Edelmeton, of all right in the lands in Edelmeton which the latter had by feoffment of John le Rede, called Leche, who had them by feoffment of the said Robert de Heybourn. 7 April, 33 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: 'Relax' de parcell' de Bonde in Edmelton. Lechlond.'
Glouc. B. 3760. Release by Walter de Aston, rector of Dumbeldon, to John le Rous of Raggeleye, Richard Patty of Bengeworth, chaplain, and William le Clerk, of all his right in lands, &c., in Eyforde that formerly belonged to his father Geoffrey, or bis brother John. Witnesses:— John de Sloughtre, Thomas de Bradewell, and others (named). Seal of arms.
[N'hamp.] B. 3761. Agreement between Elyas, the prior, and the convent of Esseby, Beatrice, the prioress, and the convent of Sewardele, and Thomas Wale lord of Eydon, Sir Henry, rector of the same, William Walkelin, Robert Curteys, and others, free tenants of the same, whereby the prior and prioress are to have common of pasture in the east field of Eydon in fallow time as far as Stokwell in Fulbroc, Aldeford and Grundes . . . ., and so by 'le Brechesich'; and Thomas Wale and his free tenants shall have like common of pasture in the west [field] of Esseby to 'le Witestanidelf'; the hedge which they formerly used to belong to them wholly . . . ., Witegras, and so by land upon Smalthornhul, Redelond, Axnedehavedlond, the heads of ploughed lands in Esseby abutting on the east on Sweynes[brigg], and the meadow of Pereshulflade and Smethemede to remain to the prior and prioress, and from the west of Sweynesbrigg in Esseby field to Wale and his free tenants of Eydon in fallow time. Witnesses:—Master Henry de Bray, Sirs Robert de Wanci, William Murdac, Thomas de Farendon, knights, William Pynkeni, lord of Morton, and others (named). Morrow of St. James the Apostle, 10 Edward [I]. Faded and injured.
Wilts. B. 3762. Release by John Fraunceys and Alice his wife, sister and one of the heirs of Richard Foxley, deceased, to Thomas Stone, of all their right in land in the fields of Esthrop and Westhrop in Hieworth parish, and in a burgage called 'Foxleyes' in Hyworth, 5 June, 5 Edward IV. Injured. Two seals, broken.
[X'hamp.] B. 3763. Grant by William Belesby of Worthorp, to Agnes, late the wife of William Langham of Staunford, and John Clerke of the same, for Agnes's life, of a messuage in Worthorp, and land in Eston abutting on roads called 'Bulgate' and 'Saltergate,' and land in Worthorp in a place called 'Watergalle,' abutting on the road to Northamton and in 'le Westcrofte' abutting westward on 'le Graves.' 8 March, 18 Henry VI. Injured. Seal.
Herts. B. 3764. Exemplification by Thomas Goodric, bishop of Ely, of the grant, dated at Gylforde (Guildford), 28 March, 1 Richard I, and confirmed by Henry VIII. and his predecessors, to the bishops of Ely and their tenants, of freedom from payment of tolls throughout England; this exemplification being made to enable Nicholas Warcoppe, Roger Notte, Thomas Amias, and other tenants of the bishopric at Bishop's Hatfield to be quit of tolls in all fairs and markets &c. in England. Dated 'in hospicio nostro de Holburne,' November 29, A.D. 1534. Portion of episcopal seal.
Glouc. B. 3765. Grant by Walter de Aston, rector of Dumbelton, son and heir of Geoffrey de Aston, to John le Rous of Raggeleye, Richard Patty of Beugeworthe, chaplain, and William le Clerk of all the lands, &c., in Eyforde, formerly belonging to the grantor's father or to John de Aston, his brother. Offenhame, Tuesday the feast of St. James the Apostle, 44 Edward III. Portion of seal of arms.
Berks. B. 3766. Release by Walter Walkestede, clerk, and John Langeston, to John Roger of Bryaneston, esquire, Thomas Maundewar', clerk, John Bernard of Lamborne, and Robert Lovelych, clerk, of all their right in lands called 'Hertryggys' in Estendeborne. Vigil of St. Thomas the Apostle, 7 Henry VI. Two seals, one of arms.
[Berks.] B. 3767. Grant by William de Frene, to Michael de Beche, of land by Eversolle which he had of the abbot of Battle in exchange for land beneath Linoch, Witnesses:—Stephen the dean of Britwaltune (Bright Walton), Master Walter, brother of Master Elias de Dirham, Thomas brother of the dean of Britwaltune, and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: Britwaltune.
[ ] B. 3768. Grant by Robert de Wythlakesfford, to Margery his daughter, of a messuage with curtilage in Essesho, and land, part called 'Wynterhaker,' part near le Porteweye, and part in 'le Stockes' by Yinkeyorn extending from Smethenhurst to Sichetun. Witnesses:—William Tysun, Henry Haylrich', and others (named).
York. B. 3769. Grant by Richard Kelkenny and Katherine his wife, to Ralph, earl of Westmoreland, lord of Neville, and Marshal of England, of the lands, &c., in Houk that were.John de la Ryver's, of Brandesby; the earl paying to them 100 marks and the reversion, after the death of William Hoton, of an inn in Walmegate, York, called 'Neville Inne,' and paying to them the rent of the said inn during Hoton's life. Raby, 15 October, 7 Henry IV. French. Injured.
[Devon.] B. 3770. Conveyance by Master Michael Lercedeken, Edward Leghe, late the parson of Hakcomb, John Laurence and Richard Whitlok, by consent of Hugh Courtenay, son and heir of Hugh Courtenay, knight, to Matilda, late the wife of the latter, of their hostel (hospicium) in Exeter, which they had of the said Sir Hugh, for her life. Witnesses:—Thomas Cook, mayor of Exeter, and others (named). St. Katherine's day, 20 Henry VI. Seal of arms.
Endorsed: 'Hughe Cortney for a house in Exon.'
[Worc.] B. 3771. Grant by Thomas Braye and John Blake of Evesham, to John Honyborne of the same, tanner, and Juliana his wife, of a shop with a chamber (selario) built upon it in the high street, St. Laurence's parish, Evesham, and of 2s. yearly rent issuing from another tenement, for their lives. Tuesday before St. Peter ad Vincula, 4 Henry VI. Two seals, one of arms.
[Worc.] B. 3772. Confirmation by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Worcester of the agreement dated St. Martin's day, A.D. 1276, whereby Godfrey, bishop of Worcester, demised to the abbot and convent of Bordesley land called 'Ernwislond,' extending from the bishop's park to the moor called 'Herewaldesmore' and from 'la Rowenheye' to the tillage called 'Osebarneshulle,' saving free chase in Alveth' as far as their pasture of 'la Rowenheye' over the abbey land without the bishop's park; in exchange for land stretching from Ernewislond across 'Oseberneshulle' to the summit of the hill, thence through the midst of the moor called 'Walesmore' and so through the midst of the tillage called 'Brercroft' to the brook of Walsesich, with right to enclose the same by a hedge and ditch. Wednesday in the octave of St. Andrew, A.D. 1276. Portion of seal and counter seal.
[Middx.] B. 3773. Grant by Simon le Bonde of Tottenham, to Robert son of Richard Burser of Edelmeton, of two crofts in Edelmeton. Sunday before the Apostles Simon and Jude, 24 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Camb. B. 3774. Letter of attorney by Thomas Bernard and others, authorising William atte Wode and William Welles, to deliver seisin to James Ormond, knight, son and heir of James, earl of Ormond, and to others named, of land in Fulbourne and the advowson of St. Vigor's church there, granted to them in B. 3752. 26 January, 21 Henry VI. Eight seals.
[Wilts.] B. 3775. Grant by John de Lega, to Christina, daughter of Ralph de Langeport, of land in Codeford, part stretching towards Blakehegge, part towards Cleyputtes, in exchange for a wood which she [inherited from] her said father. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph Hareng, and others (named). Faded. Portion of seal.
[Camb.] B. 3776. Release by Henry Englissh, to Laurence Harple, clerk, Richard Fowkys, clerk, John Boorle, and Thomas Feoltys, vicar of Dytton, of all his right in the manor of Dytton Valencz and in lands in Dytton Camoys, Dytton Valencz, Saxton, Newmarket, and Kertelynge. Tuesday after St. Gregory the Pope, 16 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Derby.] B. 3777. Release by Edmund Fasman, to Cicely Fischer and John Bakelot, heirs of Henry Fischer, of all his right in the tenements in Duffeld which he had on the death of Thomas Fasman his father. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas Fraunceys, Sir William de Monyashe, vicar of Duffeld, and others (named). Wednesday, 2 April, 5 Richard II. Portion of seal of arms.
[Durham.] B. 3778. Grant by John de Neville, knight, lord of Raby, to Thomas Surteys, knight, John de Broghton, chaplain, Thomas de Hexhame and William de Blakden, of his manor of Dalton Percy with rents &c. of free tenants and bondmen and with mills. Witnesses:—William de Claxton, knight, and others (named) . . . . . June, A.D. 1371, Fragment of seal.
[Camb.] B. 3779. Release by John Boorle, to Edmund Oldhalle and Mary his wife, of all his right in the manor of Ditton Valencz and in lands and tenements in Ditton Camoys, Ditton Valenez, Saxton, Newmarketh, Kertelynge and Chevele. Thursday after St. Martin, 17 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Leic.] B. 3780. Grant by Robert de Chaucumbe, to the canons of St. Peter and St. Paul's, Chaucumbe, in frank almoin, of land in Great Dauby for the souls of Hugh his father and Amabel his mother. Witnesses:—Eustace, abbot of Dorkacestre, Fulk Basset, Peter de Leonibus, and others (named). Seal, broken.
Endorsed: 'Dalby.'
[Essex.] B. 3781. Release by Richard son of Robert des Hastynges of Mistelye, to Roberd le Noreys, of 20d. yearly rent for a tenement called 'Aylwardeslond' in Dounham. Witnesses:—Edmund de Badewe, and others (named). Leyes, Midsummer-Eve, 10 Edward II. French. Seal of arms.
[Durham.] B. 3782. Letter of attorney by John de Neville, lord of Raby, authorising John de Heydlam and John de Sedburgh, to receive seisin of Dalton Percy manor in the bishopric of Durham, granted to him by Sir Henry de Percy, lord of Alnewyk. London, Wednesday after St. Martin, 44 Edward III. Seal of arms, broken.
[Somers.] [Wilts.] B. 3783. Release by Gilbert Capelond, chaplain, to Umfrey Stafford, knight, William Stourton, William Frye, William Covyntre, John Savage and John Fauntleroy, of all his right in the manors of Donhede, Shokerwyk, and Batheneston. 14 July, 9 Henry IV. Seal, broken.
Kent. B. 3784. Demise by John Cok, of Depford, to John Neweman, of the same, and Margaret his wife of a messuage called 'le George' in Depford for seven years from Michaelmas next, paying 46s. 8d. yearly. 25 July, 17 Henry VI. Seal and fragment of seal.
[Leic.] B. 3785. Surrender by Ralph de Leyk, to Margaret, the prioress, and the convent of Langeley, of all lands and tenements which he held of them in Disworth, and release of all his right in the same. Wednesday before the Purification, 50 Edward III. Seal.
Camb. B. 3786. Grant by Thomas de Pakenham, knight, to Mary his mother, late the wife of Edmund de Pakenham, knight, of Dittone Valeyntz manor and of all lands that he inherited after the death of his said father and of Roesia de Pakenham his grandmother, in the county named. St. Edmunds, Thursday after St. Edmund the King, 27 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Camb. B. 3787. Grant by Robert Bardolf, knight, John de Wauton, Robert de Kedyngton, John Borlee, Richard, rector of Bridbrook, and Thomas Foltis, vicar of Dytton, to Henry Englissch and Margaret his wife, of the manor of Dytton Valencz with lands and services, &c., in Ditton Valencz, Newemarket, Chevelee, Saxton, Kertlyngg, Dytton Camoys, and Sheckeworth. Witnesses:—John de Borgh, knight, and others (named). 17 May, 10 Richard II. Three seals, two of arms.
[Norf.] B. 3788. Grant by Nicholas son of Ralph Dawe of Frenge, to Ralph de Sengham, of land in Frenge south of Dockyng gate, abutting northwards on the road to Dockyng. Witnesses:—Ralph de Burun, Fulk Malemuche, and others (named). Seal.
Camb. B. 3789. Letter of attorney by James Ormond, son and heir of James, earl of Ormond, Laurence Cheyne, Henry Fylongley, William Cotton, esquires, and John Chirche, citizen and mercer of London, [authorising Robert Baser and Robert Wright to receive seisin from Thomas Bernard and others, of land in Fulbourne called 'le Glebe' lying in Ressecroft, with the advowson of St. Vigor's church, Fulbourne. 26 January, 21 Henry VI. Four seals, and portion of seal.
[Wilts.] B. 3790. Grant by Richard de Mere, to John Inge and Alice la Torte, for their lives, of lands, &c., in Funtel Gyffard, Nipprede and Farnhulle which Thomas de Wylmynton holds for his life and has granted to John and Alice for that term, and which after Thomas's death would revert to the said Richard; the said John and Alice paying six marks yearly. Witnesses:—John Mauduyt, knight, and others (named). 14 February, 10 Edward II. Seal of arms, imperfect.
[Camb.] B. 3791. Grant in frankalmoin by William son of Walter de Fulburne, to the brethren of St. Mary's, Anglesheye, of land in Fulburne. Witnesses:— Ralph Candoys, William Vivien, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal.
[Leic.] B. 3792. Grant by William son of William de Waure, to William the chaplain (capellano) of Queneby, of land with a toft and croft in Frisby, rendering to him yearly a pair of white gloves, and 2s. to Ranulf de Frisbia his lord. Witnesses:—William de Martivaus, and others (named). Seal.
[Devon ?] B. 3793. Release by William Vincent of Merchton, to Sir Geoffrey, the abbot, and the convent of Quarr, of all his right in a messuage in Fuleford, and in 1d. yearly rent for the same. Areton, 8 July, A.D. 1331, 5 Edward III. Seal.
[Camb.] B. 3794. Grant by Ralph son of William de Fulburne, to the brethren of St. Mary's, Anglesey, in frank almoin, for the use of the sick poor, of land in Fulburne, viz. in Corsfeld, part abutting on Micheledune, upon Crofteshel, part upon Smaleweie, and between Grantestrete and Coppelowe. Witnesses:—Ralph Candas, and others (named).
[Norf.] B. 3795. Confirmation by William son of Richard de Squerdeston, late burgess of Lenn, of the grant made by his brother Walter de Squerdeston to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, knight, of land in Frenge, lying in five plots. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Ingolesthorp, Roger de Toftes, Ralph Byrun, knights, and others (named). Monday after the Conception, 20 Edward [I]. Seal.
[Camb.] B. 3796. Release by Thomas and John, sons of Eudo de Fulburn, to the brethren of St. Mary's, Anglesey, of all their right in the tenement of John, son of Simon Baret, their uncle, in Fulburn. Witnesses:—Ralph and Peter de Candos, and others (named).
[Norf.] B. 3797. Grant by Nigel son of Thurstan de Frenge, to Bartholomewson of William Risup, of land in Frenge, lying upon Seneberwe, in exchange for other land there part at Midelberwe, and part by the road to Docking, abutting southwards upon Cumazerdeles. Witnesses:—Thomas de Hakeford, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Wilts.] B. 3798. Grant by Walter de Rokecumbe, to Master Bartholomew de Mera, of land in Fontel Gyffard, for 17s. Witnesses:—Sir Peter de Chalons, Geoffrey de Hacche, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3799. Grant by Richard de Docking, son of . . . de Docking, knight, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, of the homage and service of Nigel son of Thurstan of Frenge, and others (named), and of the rents paid by them for land in tillages called 'le Knol,' and 'Sturwelhil,' at Brechamgate, in Estgate, at Sadlepcrindel, and elsewhere in Frenge; also release of his right in land in the same town lying on Kalberhil. Witnesses:—John Charl', Thomas Maletot, and others (named). Much injured. Portion of seal.
[Norf.] B. 3800. Grant by William de Lutesburch, to Richard de Merstun, for 40s., of a messuage in Frenge, in the street called 'Suthgate.' Witnesses:—William de Hakeford, Fulk Malemuske, and others (named).