Deeds: B.3801 - B.3870

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: B.3801 - B.3870', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: B.3801 - B.3870', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: B.3801 - B.3870". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

B.3801 - B.3870

[Norf.] B. 3801. Grant by John Mody of Frenge, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford of 1d. yearly rent issuing from land in Frenge, abutting on Neutonegate; and release of 1d. yearly rent which the said Thomas was wont to pay to him for a tenement in Frenge at Northdelehyl. Witnesses:— John de Ingaldestorp, Roger de Toftes, Nicholas de Dockyng, and Hugh de Cayly, knights, and others (named).
[Norf.] B. 3802. Grant by Matilda, late the wife of Alan son of Nigel de Snetesham, widow, to Robert de Hakeford, of land in Freinge at Bradesty. Witnesses:—William and Fulk Malemusche, Ralph de Waltune, and others (named).
[York.] B. 3803. Grant by William, the abbot, and the convent of St. Mary's, Fountains, to Sir Thomas Arundell, of an annuity of 3l. 6s. 8d. for life, for faithful counsel and aid rendered to them. 1 June, 21 Henry VIII. Portion of conventual seal.
[Wilts.] B. 3804. Conveyance by John Mere, to Richard Hurlebat and Cristina his wife, of a messuage, curtilage and land in Fontel Gyffard and Stoppe, the land lying at Carlakeshende, at the west end of Cardelonde, part called 'Culputtehalve,' part by Stuperdewey by Cokkouw, on Westhulle at the north end by Cokkow, upon Westhulle, in Westforlong, at Wodelanende east of Doddone, under 'le Parke' west of Doddone, in 'la Langgelonde,' and east of Cartelake; Richard paying 6s. 9d. yearly, during his life taking care of three hundred sheep belonging to John or Joan his wife, paying a heriot worth 10s. if he or his wife surrender the land, manuring it within five years, with further grant of common of pasture and heath in the said town, &c. Sunday after Christmas, 46 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3805. Release by John de Tateshale and Katherine his wife, to William de Hakeford, of all their right in a messuage and land in Frenge, he having paid half a mark and a quarter of hay in allowance of dower. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Ingaldestorp and Giles de Mompinzon, knights, and others (named). Two seals.
[Norf.] B. 3806. Duplicate of B. 3795.
[Norf.] B. 3807. Grant by Reginald, son of Henry de Thorp, to Thomas de Hakeford and Joan his wife, for 24s., of land in Frenge, part at Dockinggate and part upon Puttochowe. Witnesses:—Ralph de Burun, John Charles, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3808. Release by Elias called 'Bouer' of Frenge, to Thomas son of William de Hakeford, and Joan his wife, of all his right in land in Frenge, abutting on Thomas's tillage called 'Sevenakres.' Witnesses:—Sir Ralph le Birun, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Sussex.] B. 3809. Grant by Peter the younger, smith, of Fiselepot, to Walter Bartelot, for six marks of a curtilage with houses thereon at Fiseleport in the parish of Flessigges, paying 8d. yearly. Witnesses:—William Peverel, Sayer de Resey, and others (named). Seal.
[Norf.] B. 3810. Grant by Geoffrey de Massingeham, to William de Hakeford, of land in Frenge, abutting westward on the road called 'Northgate.' Witnesses:—Thomas de Ingaldestorp, William Malemusche and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Norf.] B. 3811. Grant by Ralph son of Henry Blakhege, to Thomas son of William de Hakford, of all his right in land in Frenge in the tillage called 'Kalbergehull,' abutting northward on the high road to Neuton. Witnesses—Sir Ralph de Burun, knight, and others (named).
Camb. B. 3812. Grant by Henry Englisch, to John Borlee, Sir Laurence Harpelee, rector of Snayllewell, Sir Richard Fukkes, rector of Brydbrok, and Sir Thomas Foltys, vicar of Dytton, of the manor of Dytton Valentz with lands and services, &c., in Dytton Valentz, Newemarket, Chevelee, Saxton, Kertelynge, Dytton Camays, and Stewcheworthe. St. George the Martyr's day, 15 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Suff.] B. 3813. Grant by Robert Barbowr of Fresyngfelde, to Hugh Mellere of the same, of land in Fresyngfelde. Monday after St. Faith the Virgin, 8 Richard II.
[Suff.] B. 3814. Grant by Roger le Grond of Fresingfeld, to Alexander his son, of a messuage with buildings and land called 'le Sefneacres' in Fresingfeld; the land abutting northward on the common way called 'le Bonpitweye,' and the messuage abutting eastward on Fresingfeld market-place. Thursday after St. Augustine, 11 Edward III.
[Suff.] B. 3815. Grant by Robert de Fresingfeld, son and heir of the late Robert le Thannour, to Master Philip de Thorp, of a curtilage with dovecot in Fresingfeld, abutting eastward on the road to Fresingfeld church and market-place. Friday after the Annunciation, 7 Edward II.
[Suff.] B. 3816. Grant by Alice Tigdeman, late the wife of John Rossissone of Fresingfeld, to Robert Bobir of the same, of land in Fresingfelde, abutting on the road called 'Aysebiweye,' and lying in the tillage called 'Boltishegh.' Sunday after the Conversion of Paul the Apostle, 38 Edward III.
[Camb.] B. 3817. Grant by Osbert son of Simon, to John his brother, of all his land, and release of all right to land that was his said father's in Fulburn, to hold of Sir Thomas de Barue. Witnesses:—Matthew Christian, Ralph Candos, and others (named).
[Linc.] B. 3818. Grant by Nicholas son of Peter Wace of Freston, to Sir John Curtays, rector of Askby by Partenaye, and Thomas Wyhte of Freston, of all his lands, &c., in the towns, fields and hundred of Freston, and Boterywyke. Wednesday the feast of St. Lucy the Virgin, 9 Richard II. Seal, injured.
Sussex. B. 3819. Grant by John, duke of Bedford, Thomas, duke of Exeter, Thomas, bishop of Durham, Edmund, bishop of Exeter, late the bishop of Hereford, and Roger Flore, with the King's licence and by authority of the Parliament held at Westminster 20 October, 2 Henry VI., to Syon abbey, of the reversion of all manors and lands in the county of Sussex and elsewhere in England, that belonged to the alien abbey of Fyscamp (Fecamp) in Normandy which John Cornewaille and Elizabeth his wife hold for their lives. 3 March 3 Henry VI. Seal.
Wilts. B. 3820. Grant by John de Meere of Milborneport, and Joan his wife, to John Olneye of Weston, Sirs Thomas de Erlestoke, rector of Fischerton John Bury, rector of Whateleye, and William Ludeford, rector of Nony, of all their lands and tenements in Funtel Giffard, Nipred and Fernhulle in Doneworthe hundred, and the advowson of Funtel Giffard church. Witnesses:—Sirs John de la Mare and Robert de Loundres, knights, and others (named). Feast of St. Vincent the Martyr, 48 Edward III. Two seals.
[Suff.] B. 3821. Grant by Roger le Neve, of Fresingfeld, and Constance his wife to Sir Andrew, parson of a moiety of All Saints church, Stanston, and Robert Bobur of five pieces of land in Fresingfeld, part abutting on the way called 'Aysebyweye.' Sunday before All Saints' day, 35 Edward III.
[Suff.] B. 3822. Grant by John de Bourgwelle, chaplain, to John Felys of Myldynhale, chaplain, of all his lands and tenements in Fresyngfeld. Witnesses:—Sir John Qwyte, parson of Cokeleye church, and others (named). Tuesday after St. Matthias, 6 Richard II.
[Leic.] B. 3823. Grant by Roger, the prior, and the convent of Trentham, to Kobert, the master, and the brethren of the hospital of St. John, Leicester, of land with bondmen &c. in Fryseby by Gauby, paying 9 marks yearly at Leicester. Witnesses:—Sir Roger Blund, canon of Lincoln, Peter son of Roger, mayor of Leicester, and others (named). Monday before St. Kenelm the Martyr, 39 Henry III.
[Suff.] B. 3824. Grant by John Dool of Fresyngfeld, to John Josep and Robert Neve of the same, of land in Fresyngfeld abutting westward on the common way called 'Aysby weye'; paying 3l. at Michaelmas next and 3l. the Michaelmas following. Feast of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, 6 Henry IV.
[Linc.] B. 3825. Release by Nicholas Wace of Freston, to Reginald Curtays and Peter Newland of St. Botolph's, of all his right in lands in Freston which he had jointly with them of the feoffment of Sir John Curtays, parson of Askeby church, and Thomas White of Freston. 11 January, 14 Richard II. Seal.
[Suff.] B. 3826. Grant by John son of Geoffrey, called Tyghedeman, of Fresingfeld, to Master Philip de Thorp, rector of a moiety of Fresingfeld church, of all the messuage in Fresingfeld which William the chaplain his brother gave to John, abutting northward on Fresingfeld market-place. Thursday the feast of St. Wynewaley, 10 Edward II.
[Suff.] B. 3827. Release by Roger Barbour of Fresyngfeld, to Robert Barbour of the same, of all his right in a messuage, two closes and three pieces of land in Fresyngfeld which they lately had jointly of the gift of Robert Bobyr; one close abutting westward upon Aysby weye, the other southward upon the same, and eastward on Boltiscloos; and the land abutting, part on Aysbiweye, and part called 'Bonpetlond' on the way called 'Bonpetweye.' Sunday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 9 Richard II.
[Suff.] B. 3828. Grant by William Esthan and Alexander de Chepinghale (?) to Sir William Vernon, rector of a moiety of Fresingfeld church, of a messuage in Fresingfeld. Friday after Michaelmas, 23 Edward III.
[Suff.] B. 3829. Grant by Juliana, late the wife of Henry le Sumter of Fresingfeld, widow, to Robert son of Alexander le Baxtere of the same, of land in Fresingfeld. Monday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 35 Edward III.
Wilts. B. 3830. Grant by John de Byry, rector of St. Columb Major, to Sir Gilbert Stone, rector of Codeforde, Sir John Halewelle, Sir Walter Hert, chaplains, William de Stourton and John Belston, of all his lands and tenements in Funtel Giffard, Nypred and Fernbulle in Doneworthe hundred, with the advowson of Funtel Giffard church. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas West and John de la Mare, knights, and others (named). St. Valentine's day, 5 Richard II. Seal.
[Warw.] B. 3831. Demise by John de Hallynges of Bedeworth, for his own life, to Master Philip de Turvillc, canon of Lichesfeld, of the messuage and lands, &c., in Bedeworth which he lately held of the said Philip, and of the lands there which he held in right of Alice his late wife, for that term; paying to John yearly 28s., a moiety of a quarter of wheat, and, in every other year, a robe. 12 February, 6 Edward III. Seal.
Camb. B. 3832. Grant by Henry Englissh to Robert Bardulf, knight, John de Wawton, Robert de Kedyton, John Borlee, Richard, rector of Bridbrook, and Thomas Foltis, vicar of Ditton, of the manor of Ditton Valentz, with lands, &c., in Ditton Valentz, Newemarket, Chevelee, Saxton, Kertelynge, Ditton Camoys and Stewcheworthe. Witnesses:—John de Burgh, knight, and others (named). 4 August, 6 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Essex.] B. 3833. Demise by John Flemmyng of Ronewell, and Alice his wife, to John Hood of Dounham, Joan his wife and Margery their daughter, for their lives, of a messuage in Dounham called 'Scharpes,' paying 18d. yearly. Monday before St. Martin, 18 Edward III. Seal.
Camb. B. 3834. Release by Robert de Kedyton, to Henry Englyssh, of all his right in Ditton Valentz manor with its appurtenances. Saturday after the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, 5 Richard II. Seal.
[York.] B. 3835. Grant by Sir Hugh de Neville of Daneby upon Wiske, to William le Waren of Daneby, for his life, of a bovate (twenty acres) of land in Daneby; part between Genestam and Warinker, part abutting on the Richmond road, upon Kaneberg, upon Briggeberg, upon 'le Potker' and on the road from Redham, and upon Canstall. Witnesses:—Sir Bernard, rector of Daneby church, and others (named). Fragment of seal of arms.
[Leic.] B. 3836. Grant by Elizabeth, the prioress, and the convent of Langley, to John son of Simon de Melburne, chaplain, William son of William Hunte of Tongge, and Roger Geram of Diseworth, of the wardship of the body, lands, and marriage of John son of John Geram of Diseworth for 6 marks, paying 2s. 8d. yearly; viz., two parts of a messuage and a virgate of land in 'Diseworth. Sunday after the Purification, 6 Edward III. Injured. French.
Camb. B. 3837. Letter of attorney by Henry Englissh authorising William de Aston, chaplain, to deliver to Robert Bardulf, knight, and others, seisin of the lands, &c., granted to them in B. 3832. Babetherne, 4 August, 6 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Leic.] B. 3838. Grant by William the chaplain (capellanus) of Quenebi, son of William the parson of Hungerton, to the canons of Trentham, of land in Frisebi with a toft and croft for ten years, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:— Robert Rabace of Scrapetoft, William de Norrai, and others (named).
[Durham.] B. 3839. Grant by Thomas de Redehugh, to Sir Ralph de Nevile, earl of Westmoreland and Marshal of England, of a yearly rent of 26s. 8d. from all his lands in the bishopric of Durham. Gatisheved, Saturday before Midsummer-day, 12 Henry IV. Seal of arms.
[Hants ?] B. 3840. Grant by William de Rokesya, to Margery his mother and Albreda de Pusariis his sister, of land in Deneweye, and of a tenement with two messuages in Denewey and Labreche, and a tenement in Rokesye. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Rokeborn, Ralph le Engleis and others named. Injured. Fragment of seal.
Wilts. B. 3841. Duplicate of B. 3820. Two seals, one broken.
[Leic.] B. 3842. Duplicate of B. 3823.
[Leic.] B. 3843. Grant by William de Wavere, to William the chaplain (capellano) of Quenesbi, for 10 marks, of land in Frisebi with a toft and croft, paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—William de Martivast, William, parson of Thviford, and others (named). Seal.
[York.] B. 3844. Bond of Beatrice daughter of Roger de Bretton of Fenton, to pay to Henry son of Thomas de Houkes, 33s. 4d., if certain land in Fenton, which she has sold to him, be recovered from or lost by him through defect of her warranty. South Fenton, 13 February, 31 Edward [I].
[Leic.] B. 3845. Grant by William de Gaddesby, the master, and the brethren of the hospital of St. John, Leicester, to William Hotoft of Knygthon, of all lands, &c., in Frysby by Galby, which they had of the gift of Roger, late the prior, and the convent of Trentham. Conversion of St. Paul, 8 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Worc.] B. 3846. Grant in frank almoin by William de Shyrnack, to the monks of Bordesley, of two acres in the meadow called 'Gabbemedwe,' extending westward towards 'le Siche' called 'Leche'; paying 2d. yearly to provide a light on the great altar of St. Mary's, Bordesley. Witnesses:—Sir Walter de Stanes, knight, Robert de Morton, and others (named). Seal.
[Worc.] B. 3847. Grant by the same, to the same, in frank almoin, of 2d. rent which they owed to him for two acres of meadow, to provide a light as above. Witnesses:—Sir Walter the knight of Stanes, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[I. of Wight.] B. 3848. Grant by Peter Clep, to William Bourgham, of 3d. and a rose, yearly rent, from the lands that Margery Urlesman holds of him within the manor and fee of Gatecombe. Neuport, Saturday after St. Ambrose the Pope, 17 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] B. 3849. Release by Roysia, late the wife of John Horn, burgess of Southampton, to the prior and canons of St. Denis by Southampton, of two acres in the suburb of Southampton in the field of Estgaston, in exchange for two acres which they have granted to her for life in the same field at 9d. yearly rent, &c. Witnesses:—Henry Flemeng, Walter Lock, and others (named). Seal.
[York.] B. 3850. Release by Walter Gemme, to William Boset of Hathelsey, of all his right in land in Gayteford, lying in Iryngpursland. Sunday after the octave of St. Michael, A.D. 1301. Portion of seal.
[Durham.] B. 3851. Grant by John called 'de Coquina,' burgess of Gatishevid, to Hugh de Segrave, warden of the chapel of St. Edmund the Confessor, Gatishevid, of a toft with croft opposite the lane called 'Waldesthere'; paying 1½d. yearly to the lord of Durham. Witnesses:—Laurence de Linze, sheriff of Durham, Sir John de Farnacers, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Wilts.] B. 3852. Release by Walter de la Pole, son and heir of Denis de Pole, to Sir Simon de Monte Acuto, of all his right in lands and tenements in Gabewell ecalled 'la Pole' and Maydenecome in Tynhyde, which Jordan de la Pole holds for life by the law of England. Witnesses:—Sirs William de Preis, John de Wantort, of Clist, Ralph son of Richard, knights, and others (named). Exeter, Tuesday the Assumption, 18 Edward [I].
[York.] B. 3853. Grant by Juliana, daughter of Idonia de Hathelsey, to William Boset of Hathelsey, of land in Gayteford lying in an assart called 'Iryngpursland.' Est Hathelsey, Thursday after Michaelmas, A.D. 1301. Seal.
[Durham.] B. 3854. Demise by Dame Agnes Lawson, the prioress, and the convent of St. Bartholomew, Newcastle upon Tyne, to James Lawson of Newcastle, merchant, of land in the bishopric of Durham beside the town of Gatesheved, bounded on the south by Tame Brig, on the north by the 'common lonyng called the Swardes,' by Beucham meadow on the west and Beucham pasture with two lee closes on the east, late in the holding of Sir Henry Boynton, knight; for twenty years from St. Cuthbert's day in March next, paying 33s. 4d. yearly. Feast of St. Martin in winter, A.D. 1529, 21 Henry VIII. English. Fragment of seal.
[Leic.] B. 3855. Grant by Ranulph Stretton of Thorp Langeton, to Simon and William his sons, of two plots of land with houses thereon in Galby. Morrow of St. Edmund, King and Martyr, 18 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Leic.] B. 3856. Release by Robert de Kent of Frisseby by Galby, to John de Kent his son, of all his right in a messuage in Galby which they had jointly of the feoffment of Ralph de Blaston, tailor. Wednesday after the Epiphany, 12 Edward III.
[Worc.] B. 3857. Grant by William son of Stephen de Opton, to the monks of Bordesley, in frank almoin, of 12d. yearly rent that John his brother pays to him for a messuage in Graffeton. Witnesses:—William de Raggel', Master Martin de Berton, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[York.] B. 3858. Release by William 'son of Nicholas de Burstalle of Gayteford, to Thomas son of Henry de Biren of the same, and Agnes his wife, of all his right in an assart in Gayteford, formerly his father's, called 'the assart of the late John de Seleby,' rendering three grains of pepper yearly. Witnesses:—John de Lascy, Robert de Pavelly, of Bretton, and others (named). Seal.
[Cornw.] B. 3859. Grant by Mariota Lonya, to John Creek of Leskeryd, and Joan his wife, of all her messuages, &c., in St. German and Laydok with the rent and service of Joan, late the wife of Walter Bridde, for the tenement which she holds for life therein, with the reversion of the same at her death. 5 September, 20 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Durham.] B. 3860. Grant in frank almoin by William Hedle, smith, of Gateshed in the bishopric of Durham, son and heir of John Hedle of the same, deceased, to Elizabeth Nawton, prioress of Nesham, of all his lands and tenements, &c., in Gateshead. 2 July, A.D. 1494, 9 Henry VII. Seal.
[Durham.] B. 3861. Demise by William Gategang, burgess of Gateshevyd, to Thomas Yoell, mason, of the same, of a tenement with croft in Gateshevyd, paying 6s. yearly. Feast of St. Martin in winter, A.D. 1384, 8 Richard II.
[Durham.] B. 3862. Grant by the prioress and convent of Nesham, to John and Gilbert de Elvet, of a waste tenement in Gatesheved, paying yearly 6d. for the next fifteen years, 12d. for the fifteen years thereafter, and 18d. yearly at the end of those thirty years. 10 June, A.D. 1382. Fragment of seal.
[Durham.] B. 3863. Grant by John Creghton, Elena Creghton, and Conan Creghton their son, to Conan Barton, of the tenement which they lately acquired of William Hert, late the chaplain of the chantry of St. John in the parish church of Gatesheved; the said Barton paying 6l. therefore at the terms specified. Morrow of the Purification, 22 Edward IV.
[Sussex.] B. 3864. Confirmation by Richard, the second [of that name] bishop of Chichester, of the grant in frank almoin made by John, the abbot, and the convent of Seez to Godfrey, rector of Gates, dated September, A.D. 1247, of an acre of land called 'Hegakere' in Gates, in the field called 'Stene,' in exchange for another acre in the field called 'Gerstune.' Amberlye, 3 kalends of February [30 January], A.D. 1247.
[Durham.] B. 3865. Release by Thomas son of Michael de Nesham, chaplain, to the prioress of Nesham, of all his right in a messuage in Gatesheved. 3 August, A.D. 1346. Seal.
[Hunt.] B. 3866. Grant by John son of Laurence de Grapham, to Vitalis le Noble of Grapham, and Juliana his wife, of land in Grapham part lying in the tillages called 'Aldecroft' and 'Aylliscroft,' part upon Smalebrokfurlong, and part upon Osebernestoft. Tuesday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 6 Edward II. Seal.
[Leic] B. 3867. Agreement whereby the abbot and convent of Gerondon release to the prior and convent of the Friars Preachers, Leicester, the tenement of Jordan le Flemyng, the Friars undertaking to pay for the same a yearly rent of 14d. to the abbot and convent, the said Jordan having granted the said rent in frank almoin to the abbey and convent, which tenement the Friars had enclosed, upon which a quarrel had arisen. Wednesday after the Epiphany, A.D. 1305, 34 Edward I.
[Sussex.] B. 3868. Confirmation by G., the dean, and the chapter of Chichester, of the grant by the abbey of Seez confirmed in B. 3864. Portion of seal with counter seal.
[Bedf.] B. 3869. Acquittance by Ralph de Tyville for 250 marks received from the abbot and convent of Ramsey, for his manor and tenement of Gravcnhyrst which he sold to them. Witnesses:—Master Gilbert de Weppestede, steward of Ramsey, John de Sulegrave, and others (named). Seal.
Kent. B. 3870. Release by Bawdewin de Raddyngton, knight, to William, the abbot, and the convent of St. Mary Graces by the Tower of London, of all his estate in the manor called 'le Parrok' near the town of Graveshende with certain lands and tenements held in gavelkind, and all other lands, &c., belonging to the said manor in Graveshende, Milton, Swannescomp, and Northflete, formerly belonging to Sir Thomas de Graveshende, knight, and which John de Burlee, Simon de Burle and Richard de Burlee, knights, deceased, acquired with himself by the grant of Nicholas de Carreu and others, feoffees of the late king Edward III. Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 17 Richard II. Fragment of seal.