Deeds: C.1781 - C.1800

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.1781 - C.1800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.1781 - C.1800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.1781 - C.1800". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

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C.1781 - C.1800

[Staff.] C. 1781. Grant by Margery daughter of William de Grafton of Madeley, to Thomas de Bettileye, clerk, of two plots of lands in Madeley. Monday before St. Margaret, 20 Edward III. Injured.
Oxford. C. 1782. Indenture by which Master Thomas Carlel acknowledges the receipt from Master William Fraunk, chaplain, by the hands of Master Robert Hudershale, in the presence of Edward de Stonore, sheriff of Oxford, of the common seal of the Queen's Hall, Oxford, under three keys, together with seven indentures 'de electione librorum' of the said College for the year A.D. 1372: also of a silver gilt chalice, with paten and case, a piece of silver with cover and case, a mazer with cover bound with silver, with case, and of certain books of which the titles are specified. Thursday before St. Dunstan, 1 Richard II.
[Wilts.] C. 1783. Release by William le Jour son and heir of Robert le Jour of Knizteton, to Robert atte Greyne and Ela his wife, of all his right in a tenement and land in Knizteton. [? Ram]mesbury, Palm Sunday, . . . Edward III. Injured.
Kent. C. 1784. Demise by William Fenys, knight, lord of Say, Richard Waller, Walter Mauntell, and William Gaynesford, esquires, to Geoffrey Boleyn, citizen and mercer of London, Master Thomas Boleyn, clerk, Master Thomas Mannyng, clerk, Thomas Ursewyk, Thomas Burgoyn, Thomas Bryan, Hugh Fenne, gentlemen, and Richard Suthwell, esquire, of the manors of Hevere Cobham, and Hevere Brokays, with lands, &c., in the parishes of Hevere and Chydyngstone, which the grantors lately held jointly with John Gaynesford, esquire, deceased, by the demise of Joan, late the wife of William Brenchesle, knight; except two mills in Melbrook called 'Cranstede milles,' and lands which formerly belonged to William, late lord of Clynton and Say. 12 February, 39 Henry VI. Injured. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Common Pleas, Easter Term, 4 Edward IV.
[Suff.] C. 1785. Release by John son of Martin de Causewode of Whatefeld, to Robert de Brysete, clerk, and Joan his wife, of all his right in a tenement at Lose in Hecham, doing service at the hall of Illye Monachorum (Monks Eleigh). Witnesses:—Sirs John de Benmund, Robert de Reydon, knights, and others (named). In the hostel of William de Sancto Christofero at London, Friday after the Conception, . . Edward [I.] Injured.
[Somers.] C. 1786. Certificate, by John (? Ash), prior of Taunton, Sir Giles Daubney, knight, constable of the castle and lordship of Taunton, Master Thomas Harreys, official to the archdeacon of Taunton, Master Nicholas Dyssoun, vicar of St. Mary Magdalene's there, Richard Burton, John Sarger, Alexander Towse, John Beste, the elder, John Wynne, Walter Eston, Thomas Fyssher, Laurence Adam, John Knollys, Walter Danyell, and Harry Togwyll, burgess of Taunton, as to the good character and reputation of Master William Marke late of Taunton, notary, and as to the validity of a certain instrument executed by him, 3 May 1477, upon the request of Walter Dolyng, merchant of Taunton, about certain disputes between him and Robert Roper, alias Robert Potell, merchant of Taunton, concerning the deliverance of one Robert Wylly, 'late grevously enprisoned, gyved and chayned,' in Depe (Dieppe); the said Roper having denied the said instrument and said that it was untruly made. 7 February, 20 Edward IV. English. Injured.
[Essex.] C. 1787. Grant by Andrew de Risham and Alice his wife, to Adam le Chareman of Rikelingg, and Richard his son, of land in Rikelingg (Rickling), and of 12d. yearly rent out of a certain messuage. Wednesday after Michaelmas, 25 Edward [I]. Injured. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] C. 1788. Instrument by William Breton, knight, Walter de Holt and Robert Burgyllon, witnessing that at a love-day (un jour damour) held at Elmedon, between Richard de Whitacre and Thomas le Hore, a dispute was settled between them concerning land and trespasses thereon. Thomas produced a deed of Richard's confirming the premises to him, and also other lands which Geoffrey Wauters, uncle of the said Thomas, whose heir he was, had by the grant of Sir Richard de Whitacre, father of the said Richard. Richard at first denied the deed as not being sealed with his seal of arms, but afterwards acknowledged it on the evidence of one of the witnesses. 10 January, 43 Edward III. French.
[ ] C. 1789. Release by Tylman Gay, goldsmith, to Henry, duke of Exeter, Anne, duchess of Exeter, Richard Caudray and Thomas Mannyng, clerks, of all actions up to the date of this release. 23 December, 29 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Devon. C. 1790. Defeasance of a grant made by John Halswill, to Henry Drewe, William Gylle, John Wheler, and Richard Drope, of messuages, lands, &c., in Halswill, Wynston, Cofflete and Bromiston; witnessing that the said grant is to be inoperative if the said William Gylle receives a yearly rent of 6l. out of the premises for fourteen years. 10 April, 15 Henry VII. Two seals and fragments of two seals.
[Worc.] C. 1791. Release by William Pencris, priest, to John Motoun of London, of all his right in a messuage and land in the parish of Harwe, which he had of the gift of Hugh Lucy. 5 June, 3 Edward III.
[Warw.] C. 1792. Memorandum witnessing that Thomas de Fynchale has appointed a messuage and croft, within the borough of Solihull, which formerly belonged to John Dawesone, to remain in the hands of feoffees to be sold within two years after his death, the purchase money to be paid to Sarah his wife, for the use of his children, and for masses for his soul, &c. A meadow in Longedon called 'Dorneford,' and a close called 'Blakefordeclos,' in Solihull to be sold, and masses to be celebrated in the church of St. Alphage, Solihull. Thursday after St. Botulph, 50 Edward III.
Derby. C. 1793. Release by William de Shore, to Nicholas de Shore, his son, and the heirs of his body, of all his right in lands and tenements which Elayn, late the wife of William de Bosy held in Hayfeld, Bondon, and Wormhull. 6 October, 10 Richard II. French.
[Chesh.] C. 1794. Grant by Richard de Beke, son of John son of Herbert, to Roger son of Jordan de Pyvellesdon, of a messuage and land in the fee of Neubold, to hold on the terms contained in a deed which Herbert, Richard's ancestor, had from Sir Richard de Venables, lord of Neubold, in free marriage with Margery, the latter's sister. Witnesses:—Master John de Stanle, rector of Estbury, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Linc. C. 1795. Grant by Thomas Guyan of Wolfton Guyan, co. Somerset, kinsman and heir of John Charterey of Greyngham, to John and Laurence, sons of John Carterey, chaplain, of lands and rents in Greyngham, Holme by Sudbroke, Blyton, Navenby, and Saltfletby, which formerly belonged to John Charterey, his uncle, together with the advowson of a moiety of the church of Greyngham. Witnesses:—Thomas de Horncastre, mayor of Lincoln, Robert Lorde, parson of a moiety of Greyngham church, and others named. Monday after St. Valentine, 50 Edward III.
[Chesh.] C. 1796. Letter of attorney by Richard de Venables of Neubolt, authorising Hugh Pymmesson of Astebiry, to deliver seisin to Nicholas de Haukeston, of the manor of Neubolt and a moiety of Great Moorton and Astebiry. 15 February, 24 Edward III. French.
[Bedf.] C. 1797. Grant by John Egle of Caldecote, to Nicholas le Tailour of the same, of a messuage, croft, and land in Northyevel and Beston; the messuage lying in Nethere Caldecote, and the land lying, part upon 'le Mersshfurlong,' part adjoining the land of the abbot of Wardon, part at 'le Heychal' by land of the Lady of Carmynou, one 'otherhalfzerd' opposite Padeworth Merssh, part upon Hacchedichfurlong, part in 'le Middelfurlong,' upon Passilond, at Salnhodich, upon 'le Middelmersshfurlong,' upon Schorte Doddelowe, upon Brixwyk, at 'le Shithepes,' opposite 'le Hacchedich,' without Gleves, at Heremanneshorn,' upon 'le Fanfurlong' and in Wydihey. Tuesday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 24 Edward III.
Kent. C. 1798. Memorandum that Dame Florence, late the wife of John Darell, esquire, has agreed to surrender to William Darell, son of the said John, all her estate in the manors of Calehill and Little Chart, and in the lands which the said William farmed of the said Dame Florence, upon condition that the said William shall give her a life estate in the place of Godmersham, and in the lands which he claims in the parish of Godmersham, and also shall continue her estate in lands called 'Goremerssham,' in the parish of Harnhill, and in lands called 'Beltinge,' in the parish of Wy; and shall also release his right in tenements in the parish of St. John, Walbrook, London, the quay at Feveresham, and a parcel of land called 'Wheteacre,' in the parish of Waltham. English.
[Warw.] C. 1799. Letter of attorney by Master John atte Birches, carpenter, authorising John, son of William Hawe, to deliver seisin to Richard atte Wode, of Solihull, the elder, and Avice his wife, of three fields in Solihull. Tuesday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 28 Edward III.
[Berks.] C. 1800. Grant by Richard le White, of Westhakeburn, to Robert Sewyne, of Migham, of four messuages and land in Westhakeburn, with remainders over. Oxford, 6 July, 15 Edward II. Copy.