Deeds: C.1801 - C.1900

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.1801 - C.1900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.1801 - C.1900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.1801 - C.1900". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.1801 - C.1900

[Sussex.] C. 1801. Will of Richard Tannere, late of Lyndefeld, by which he directs that his son James is to hire a priest, for a year, to sing, read and pray in the church at Cokefeld (Cuckfield) for the souls of Richard Cache and Jone his wife, the testator's father and mother, and all his benefactors and that then Richard Mascall, the elder, John at Homwode, of Cokefeld, John atte Ree of the same, William Potter, William Payn, and Thomas Loveston, of Brightelmeston, feoffees of the testator's lands in Waldern, shall convey the same to his said son, James is to pay the priest's wages out of lands in Lyndefeld and Clayton, and to pay to the works of the church of Cokefeld for the said Richard Cach 20s. Lewes, 6 June, A.D. 1486. English. Rider annexed with names of those for whom prayers are to be said.
Bucks. C. 1802. Release by John Wagyn, of Aylesbury, fuller, to John Skeyte, of the same, hosteler, of all actions and debts. 5 February, 31 Henry VI. Seal.
[Berks.] C. 1803. Release by Geoffrey Kyng, of Hungerford, to John Kyng, his brother, of all his right in lands, &c., in Sandon, Helme, and Ingleflode. Saturday, the feast of St. Laurence the Martyr, 5 Edward III.
Essex. C. 1804. Release by John de Goldyngton, and John Bernard, of Great Waltham, to John Prykkelove, parson of the church of Great Leghes, late the parson of Lachendon, John Snokyshull and Walter Burdy, of all their right in the manor of Wygepet, and in lands and tenements called 'Peiones' in Arkesden and Elmeden. 8 August, 3 Henry V.
[Bedf.] C. 1805. Receipt from Alexander Duraunt, of Dunstaple, attorney for William Duraunt, his brother, to William de Wylshamsted, of the same, for 4 marks, in part payment of 13 marks, the price of a tenement. Trinity Sunday, 33 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 1806. Receipt from the same, to the same, for 4 marks, in part payment of 13 marks. Trinity Sunday, 32 Edward III. Seal, imperfect.
[Bedf.] C. 1807. Release by Roger Aubrey and Edys his wife, of Warsop, late the wife of William Duraunt, of Dunstaple, to William de Wilshamste, of Dunstaple, of all their right of dower in the tenements which the said William de Wilshamste lately acquired of the said William Duraunt in Dunstaple, one of which extends west upon Watlingstrete. Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas, 39 Edward III. Two seals.
[Bedf.] C. 1808. Grant by Thomas Paulyn, of Dunstaple, to William Duraunt, of the same, of a piece of land out of his tenement in the south street of Dunstaple. Tuesday after St. Matthew the Apostle, 15 Edward III. Seal.
[Bedf.] C. 1809. Defeasance of a feoffment by William Duraunt, of Dunstaple, to William de Wylshamsted, of the same, of a tenement in the south street of Dunstaple; witnessing that the said feoffment is to be void if Wylshamsted fails to pay the purchase money as mentioned herein. 4 June, 31 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 1810. Duplicate of C. 1809.
[Bedf.] [Herts.] C. 1811. Grant by William Farley, Simon Whyttawer, Simon Homfray, and Thomas Laurance, of Dunstaple, to Simon Baxter, of the same, of lands, &c., in Dunstaple, Hougthon Regis, Cadyngdon, Kennesworth, and Totorno. The Annunciation, 21 Richard II. Three seals and fragment of seal.
[Middx.] C. 1812. Release by Joan, late the wife of Walter le Benere, citizen of London, widow, to Robert de Thorneye, citizen and ironmonger of the same, and Isabella his wife, of all her right of dower in land and houses [in London]. London, Monday after All Saints, 10 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] C. 1813. Grant by Cicely, relict of Henry de Gant, and daughter of the late Bennet le Lyngedraper, to John le Benere, and Alice his wife, of a tenement in the parish of St. Magnus, towards London Bridge. Witnesses:—Sir Henry le Waleys, mayor, Henry de Coventre, and Nicholas de Wynton, sheriffs, of London, John Horn, alderman of that ward, and others (named), [circa 2 Edward I.] Seal.
[Middx.] C. 1814. Grant by John Frohs, fishmonger, citizen of London, to Walter le Benere, fishmonger, citizen of the same, of a plot of land, built upon, which he had of the demise of Master Adam, son and heir of John le Benere. Witnesses:—John de Gisortz, mayor, Simon de Mereworth, and Richard de Welleford, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). London, Tuesday before St. George, 5 Edward II. Seal.
[Middx.] C. 1815. Grant by Adam de London, clerk, son and heir of John le Benere, late citizen of London, to Walter le Benere, citizen, of London, of land and houses in the parish of St. Magnus the Martyr, towards London Bridge, together with a small piece of land adjacent called 'the kitchen' (coquina) and houses built thereon. Witnesses:—Sir John le Blound, mayor, William Cosyn and Reginald de Thonderle, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). Wednesday after Holy Trinity, 34 Edward I. Seal, imperfect.
Guernsey. C. 1816. Bond of Denys Phelip, of the island of Garnesy (Guernsey), merchant, to John Rewe, of Exeter, for 4 marks, 10s. 5 June, 13 Edward III.
Staff. Chester. C. 1817. Conveyance by Ranulph Eggerton, of Wrynehill, esquire, Richard Delves, and Robert Fowlesshurst, clerks, John Aston, knight, William Chettwyn and John Cotes, esquires, to Humphrey Ferrers, George Gryffith, sou and heir apparent of Walter Griffith, knight, Anthony Babyngton, esquires, and Robert Bothe, chaplain, of lands, &c., in Chedulton, Heywod, and Chekley; also of a pasture called 'Lucas,' with closes called 'le Conyngre Smythffyld,' 'le Ladywod,' and Brastoneffyld in Haywod aforesaid, to hold during the life of Agnes, daughter of Walter Griffith, knight, to her use as declared in certain indentures of marriage made between the said Walter Griffith and Ranulph Eggerton. 30 May, 10 Henry VIII.
N'hamp. C. 1818. Demise by John Greyby, the elder, Hugh Dalby, chaplain, Thomas Philypp, vicar of the parish church of Evenley, and Thomas Folyet, to John Stutesbury, son of Thomas Stutesbury, of Evenley, esquire, and the heirs of his body, of lands in Evenley, formerly called 'Rogers,' alias 'Wardyngtons,' which they formerly held with Sir William Lovell, deceased; with remainders over to his brothers Thomas and Henry and his sister Agnes successively in tail, remainder for life to Eleanor, wife of William Sawter, to William Stutesbury, of Whytefyld, and John Weste in tail, then to John Greyby and Thomas Stutesbury, of Sulgrave, in tail, with an ultimate remainder to the right heirs of the said Thomas Stutesbury, of Evenley. 24 April, 34 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Camb.] C. 1819. Grant by John son of Alan the smith (fabri), of Westwrattyng, to Osbert Cobbe, of Westone, and Peter his son, of land and meadow in Westone, in a field called 'Clelleye,' abutting on Spackescroft and 'le Wylecroft.' Feast of St. Margaret the Virgin, 5 Edward III.
[Dorset.] C. 1820. Grant by Stephen Davy, to John Burgeis, of Brydeport and Agnes his wife, of a tenement in a lane called 'Stakelane,' Brideport, leading towards Bradepoll. Wednesday, the Vigil of the Ascension, 13 Henry VI.
[Oxford.] C. 1821. Grant by Agnes, daughter of Joan le Parker, of Bekkele, to William Eustas, of Abyndon, of land in Bekkele (Beckley) by 'la Wynmullehulle.' Friday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 20 Edward III. Seal.
[Surrey.] C. 1822. Defeasance of a bond by John de Humbeleye to John, the younger, son of Richard Whytyng, of Pekham, for 100s.; witnessing that the said bond is to be void so long as the said John, son of Richard holds peaceable possession of land in a field called 'Goseland,' in the parish of Camerewell, 29 December, 21 Edward III. Seal.
[Dorset.] C. 1823. Bond from Eichard Cotereche, of Toller Porcorum, to William Mountfort, merchant, of Brypport for 15l. 16s. 8d. Saturday in the feast of Easter, 5 Henry V. Seal.
[Surrey.] C. 1824. Grant by Hugh Leer, son of Jordan Leer, of Pecham, to Stephen Skarlet, serjeant of the king, of a messuage with a tilehouse (tylhouse) and land in Pecham, adjoining fields called 'Longrethenex,' and 'Brayhart' and land called 'Goslond.' Suthwark, Wednesday after St. Nicholas, bishop and confessor, 43 Edward III. Seal.
[Surrey.] C. 1825. Grant by Thomas Miles, of Tichesseye, to Simon Orpedeman, fisherman and burgess of London, of a messuage and land which Walter Atehasel held of the grantor in Peckham, in the parish of Camerwelle, and land in Larudene, and by Otecroftestrete, &c. Witnesses:—Robert son of William de Becwelle, and others (named). Seal, imperfect.
Surrey. C. 1826. Grant by John Baker, of Pecham in the parish of Camerwelle, to Hugh Lere, of the same, and Joan his wife, of land at Peckham, in a field called 'Haselfeld,' adjoining the common watercourse called 'Waterwey,' and a field called 'Longeredene.' Sunday after the Annunciation, 41 Edward III.
Surrey. C. 1827. Grant by William Bekwelle, son and heir of Peter Bekwelle, of Pekham in the parish of Camerwell, to John Langhorn, citizen and brazier of London, of a toft called 'le Worthawe,' and land in a field called 'le Haselfeld' in Pekham. 20 July, 2 Henry IV. Seal.
[N'hamp.] C. 1828. Demise by William de Weldon, master of the hospital of St. Dewes without Northampton, and the brethren of the same, to John le Moyne, of Little Brampton, of a holm of meadow called 'Brynkeholm,' adjoining the bank coming from the mill of Buketone. Sunday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 31 Edward [I]. Fragments of seal.
Essex. C. 1829. Grant by John Devyle, the elder, and John Page, of Arkesdene, to Richard Fox, of the same, John Whiteside, clerk, and John Fox, of all the lands, &c., in Arkesdene in the hamlets of Wykepet and Elmedon, which the grantors had of the gift of Edward Forster, of Arkesdene. Monday after Michaelmas, 6 Henry V. Fragment of seal.
Bedf. Herts. C. 1830. Release by John Castell, Richard Preston, and John Knyzth, to Laurence Pycot, of Dunstaple, of all their right in lands, &c., in Dunstaple, Cadyngdon and Kennesworth. 16 October, 21 Henry VI. Three seals.
[Bedf.] C. 1831. Grant by Laurence Pycot, of Dunstaple, to John Castell, of, the same, and Alice his wife, of a tenement in the north street of Dunstaple, abutting upon Watelyngstrete and adjoining a tenement called 'Hugmerus,' with land adjacent, for their lives. The Annunciation, 24 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Dorset.] C. 1832. Grant by Stephen Lugebar, of Brideport, to Robert called 'Snau,' of the same, and Joan his wife, of all his land with buildings, &c., in the west street of Brideport. Witnesses:—Peter de Ramesham, John de Stikillane, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] C. 1833. Grant, in frank almoin, by Alexander de Buketona, with the assent of Margaret his wife, to the brethren of the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, of a messuage in Buketon, with a croft, toft and common of pasture, which Ailric the miller (molendinarius) held. Witnesses:—Philip de Pitesford, Henry, parson of Pitesford, and others (named).
[Warw.] C. 1834. Demise by John Schattok, of Castelbromwych, and Margaret his wife, to William Hore, of Solihull, gentleman, of lands with a watermill in the fee of Solihull, for twelve years. Feast of St. Martin the bishop, 14 Henry VI. Seal.
[Bucks ?] C. 1835. Grant by Acelina de Tirefeld, relict of John de Seltone, to Robert Brand, of half a mark rent and a tenement which Henry Carpenter formerly held in Turesheye, rendering for the same a garland of roses at Stockenecherche fair. Witnesses:—Simon de Leuekenore, Laurence de Tirefeld, and others (named).
Wilts. C. 1836. Award of Sir Pierys Courtenay and William Stourton, the arbitrators in a controversy between Nicholas Wodhull, baron of Wodhull, and Thomas Calston, as to the possession of 100s. rent in Little Derneford. Bridgwater, Translation of St. Thomas, 4 Henry IV. French.
Surrey. C. 1837. Grant by John Whityng the elder, son of Richard Whityng, of Pekham, to John Whityng, the younger, his brother, of land in a field called 'le Smethatte,' in the parish of Camerwell. Sunday after St. Leonard, 17 Edward III. Seal.
[Warw.] C. 1838. Confirmation by William de Penebrug', to Richard le Brut, of 'la Faude,' of the grant which William de Ebroycis, of the moor (de mora), made to him of all his own foundation of his ditch at Subauns. Witnesses:—Walter de Rughebur', Walter de Mora, and others (named). Seal.
[Dorset.] C. 1839. Release by Alice, late the wife of William Mountfort, of Brydeport, widow, to John Burgeis, of the same, of all actions. 14 September, 23 Henry VI. Seal.
Essex. C. 1840. Grant by William Fyndern, knight, William Chubys, clerk, John Priest, and John Vawdy, feoffees of the manor of Macchynghalle, in Macchyng, to the use of Henry Langley, esquire, and for the purposes of his will, to William Langley, brother of the said Henry, of a rent of 4 marks out of the said manor. Saturday the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 14 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] C. 1841. Defeasance of a bond by Robert de Paris, citizen and ironmonger of London, to John Aubrey and Thomas de Hanhampstede, citizens and pepperers of London, for 100l., witnessing that the said bond is to be void upon the payment by Robert to John and Thomas of a yearly rent of 2 marks in London. 10 March, 41 Edward III.
[Keut.] C. 1842. Letters patent by the prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, releasing to the king his right on that occasion of holding a court concerning two messuages, land, and a moiety of a water-mill in Ikham which Adam, son of William Wybert, Stephen, son of Simon Wybert, Henry, brother of the said Stephen, Thomas, son of Laurence Wybert, and Thomas, son of Thomas Wybert, claim to hold of the said prior, and of which Walter, son of Walter de Bathon', deforced them, as they say. 8 July, 7 Edward II.
[Surrey.] C. 1843. Release by Richard de Pecham, son and heir of Ralph the tailor (Cissoris), of London, and of Emma his wife, daughter of Reginald de Bretinghurst, to Robert, son of Robert Huwe, of Pecham, of all his right in land in Camerwelle, in a meadow called 'le Sterte,' adjoining land formerly Sir Robert Burnel's, bishop of Bath. Friday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 12 Edward II.
[Devon.] C. 1844. Grant by William Wayman, to William Kynt, of land at Waye in the parish of Little Torinton, adjoining the road leading from Merton to Chypyngtoriton. Thursday after the Apoetles Peter and Paul, 30 Edward III.
[Suff.] C. 1845. Release by Thomas de Rugham, of Forneaete, son of the late Martin de Rugham, to Sir Robert de Reydon, of all his right in lands in Badingham, Framelingham, Perham and Kettleberg, which sometime belonged to Sir Thomas Levebaud, formerly archdeacon of Suffolk. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Ingelesthorp, Hugh de Bokynham, knights, Master Richard Levebaud, and others (named). [Edward I.] Seal.
[Essex.] C. 1846. Grant by Robert son of Albert, to Jordan le Cras, of land which the grantor's father held in Langedon, with meadow at Derneford, and land part in Sideforlang, and part by the common pasture extending towards Burimore. Witnesses:—Adam de Altun, Henry Not, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Bedf.] C. 1847. Surrender by Henry de Walton, of Thoternho, to Master Richard Raven, of Berkhamstede, of lands, &c., in Wybesnade (Whipsnade), Stodham, and Eytone, which formerly belonged to Philip de Wybesnade. Dunstaple, Thursday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 34 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[N'hamp.] C. 1848. Demise by the master and brethren of the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, to Henry Hulle, of Esthaddon, and Alice his wife, of a messuage and curtilage at Esthaddon for their lives. Thursday the vigil of St. Matthew, 26 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[ ] C. 1849. Grant by John son of John Roudulf, of Yerdele, to Adam, son of Ralph Coleman, of the same, of land in the common field towards Yerdele church, part by 'le Bromilone.' Monday the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, 10 Edward II.
Dorset. C. 1850. Grant by Margery de Kynkgesstone, daughter of Ralph de Kynkgesstone, widow, to John Belejaumbe, of Brydeport, and Raghenild his wife, of land within the liberty of the town of Brydeport, in the east street. Witnesses:—William Binne, Roger Barri, bailiffs of Brydeport, and others (named). Copy.
[Dorset.] C. 1851. Receipt from Sir Richard de Bosco, knight, to the men of Brideport, for 24 marks of the farm of the town of Brideport, viz. 20 marks, for the custody of Corfe Castle, and 4 marks to be paid to the king's exchequer. 17 Edward I.
[Bucks.] C. 1852. Grant by Richard Flesseure, of Shenle, to Matilda his wife, and Robert Betche (?) of land in Lougthon and Shenley. Monday after the Circumcision, 47 Edward III.
[Berks.] C. 1853. Grant by Thomas de Mackeneye, to William, son of Robert de Mackeneye, of land in the east field of Mackeneye, part in Langefurlang and part in Blackelande. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph, rector of the church of Brigttewell, and others (named).
[Worc.] C. 1854. Bond by John Hulle, of Castelmorton, to Ralph Sheldon, of the same, for 40l. Tuesday after St. Oswald the bishop, 10 Henry IV.
Endorsed: The bond is to be void if the said Hulle abides by the arbitration of William Walwayn, Thomas Belne, and William Stoughton, chosen on his part, and of Robert Whityhgton; John Braas, of Wych, and William Cassy, chosen on the part of Sheldon, concerning land at Castel morton, touching which an assize of novel disseisin is pending between them at Worcester before Hugh Huls and Roger Horton, the king's Justices of Assize.
[Worc.] C. 1855. Draft of the condition of a bond by Ralph Sheldon and Anna his wife, binding them to abide by the decision of the arbitrators mentioned in C. 1854.
Endorsed: Draft of condition of another bond, the parties' names not given.
[Berks.] C. 1856. Bond by Edmund Pullicis, of Haringay, rector of the church of Westbrittewelle, and dean of Walingford, to Roulond Hastinges, lord of Makeneye, for 100 marks. Monday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 13 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] C. 1857. Grant by Walter the miller (molendinarius) of Boketone, to the hospital of Holy Trinity, Northampton, and the brethren there, of a virgate of land in Boketone, and a messuage, toft, and croft which he bought of Robert the chaplain of St. Edmund's, Northampton. Witnesses:—Sir Walter de Boketone, William the deacon of Hupton, 'qui hanc cartam scripsit,' and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Worc.] C. 1858. Draft similar to C. 1855.
[N'hamp.] C. 1859. Grant in frank almoin by Simon the Fleming (Flandrensis), of Buketon, son of Henry the Fleming, to the hospital of Holy Trinity by Northampton, and the brethren there, of land in Buketon, viz. upon Scotenes, between Brachenweye and the mill-way, at the maneweye, at Mapultre furlang, at Grenesclade, below the road from Sorvade, at Segholm, at Fulsiche, upon Rugweye, upon Estlonge, between Hilledale and Deepdale, at Chirnewelle, at Middulstoye upon Berug, upon Lambrechotes, upon Berugh opposite Stotfolde, below Quarere, upon Lovetuteweye, upon Wronglond, upon Little Berugh extending in the fields of Torp, and upon the same Berugh, extending above la Mare. Witnesses:—Master Robert de Batonia, Stephen the chaplain of Torp, and others (named). Portion of seal.
[Warw.] C. 1860. Release by Thomas son of William la Warde, kinsman and heir of Thomas 'of the Castel,' of Bromwich, to Thomas le Hore, of Elmedon, of all his right in lands and tenements in Solihull, which formerly belonged to John Blosmevill, and in a yearly rent out of the premises. Wednesday after Christmas, 47 Edward III. Seal, imperfect.
[Wilts.] C. 1861. Grant by Agnes, late the wife of William Choys, to John de Londoniis, of two stiches (stychyas) of meadow, in the common meadow of Ester Wamberge (Wanborough), which were allotted to her adjoining 'le Heyward Gore.' Witnesses:—John de Horeput, William de Londoniis, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Middx.] C. 1862. Release by Peter Laward, esquire, to the king, of all actions on account of an annuity or any other grant made to him by Henry late king of England. Westminster, 4 July, 1 Henry [VI.]. Damaged.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll of the king's Chancery [M. 5 d].
[ ] C. 1863. Release by Joan Oker, to Henry, duke of Exeter, Anne, duchess of Exeter, Richard Caudray and Thomas Mannyng, clerks of all actions. 23 December, 29 Hen. VI.
[N'hamp.] C. 1864. Grant by Robert the chaplain (Capellanus) of St. Edmund's, to Walter de Buketona, of land in Buketon, with messuage, toft and croft, which Theobald the noble (nobilis) held. Witnesses:—Simon le Fleming, of Buketon, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
[Linc.] C. 1865. Appointment by Brother Nicholas, called 'Morin,' proctorgeneral at West Ravendale, of the Premonstratensian abbey of St. Mary's, Beauport (belli portus) in Brittany, of John de Brantigaun (Brantingham?), to receive seisin of lands in the hands of the king of England for some time past. Monday after St. Faith, A.D. 1303.
[Berks.] C. 1866. Grant by Walter the clerk (clericus), son of Nicholas de Ingepenne, to Osbert Pinell, of Helme, of all his land between the great cave and the boundary of Saldeburn, and of land in the field of Crawemed in Wohgelande, and of pasture. Witnesses: Geoffrey Salvagius, Peter de Succomund, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[N'hamp.] C. 1867. Grant by John called master of the hospital of Holy Trinity by Northampton, with consent of the brethren of the same, to Robert son of Ralph de Wlaust', of their mill at Wlaust' (Wollaston). Witnesses:—Sirs Eustace de Watford, Ralph Ridel, Henry de Neuton, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Herts.] C. 1868. Release by Alice, daughter of Adam Basseth, and relict of Thomas de Merstone, to Euphemia, lute the wife of Jordan Basseth, of land in the north field of Merston, part in a quarentine (quarentena) called 'le Clerekesforlong,'and part in le Brocforlong,' extending northwards into 'the Broc' Witnesses:—Ralph, lord of Merston, Ralph the clerk (clerico) of Treng,' Walter de Puteham, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Middx.] C. 1869. Demise by Cicely Radeclyf, widow, to Thomas, earl of Ormonde, of a messuage or mansion at Westminster by 'lez Elmes,' belonging to the office of the prior within the monastery of St. Peter's, Westminster, abutting eastward on the pond called 'le Horspole,' except two rooms reserved for Cicely &c.; for six years and three quarters, from Christmas next, paying 6l. yearly. Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 3 Henry VII.
[Oxford.] C. 1870. Bond by John Harpour, of Wodstoke, to Edmund de Stonore for 20l. Monday the Conversion of St. Paul, 1 Richard II.
[Warw.] C. 1871. Agreement between Sir M., abbot of Cumbe, and brother Ernulph de Oisunville, preceptor of the temple of Belessale, settling disputes between them as to a sheepfold, land, pasture for sheep, &c. Witnesses:—Sir W., abbot of Stanley, Sirs G. and W., priors of Coventre and Kenillewrth, Sir W. de Deiville, and others (named) Wlfhea, Morrow of St. Mary Magdalen, A.D. 1226.
[Berks.] C. 1872. Grant by Egelina Basset, late the wife of Richard Burdun, to Richard Lungespee, her son, of all her land in Ledecumb. Witnesses:— Richard de Turri, John Mautravers, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] C. 1873. Grant by Alexander de Buketona, to the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, of land in Buketon, of the fee of Hugh de Hanvers, and a meadow called 'Thachesholm.' Witnesses:—Henry son of Peter, Adam de Gurnai, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] C. 1874. Mortgage by Alexander de Bukctone, to the brethren of Holy Trinity without Northampton, of land in Buketon which Herbert son of Olyve holds, together with the said Herbert and all his issue (sequela), to secure repayment of 5 marks, at the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula next after the capture of Arthur and his companions at Mirabel (Mirabeau in Poitou). Witnesses:—Henry son of Peter de Northampton, Henry, parson of Pitisford, and others (named). A.D. 1202.
[Herts ?] C. 1875. Agreement between Sir Roger, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and Robert de Harpedene, settling a suit between them as to 4s. 6d. yearly rent due to the said bishop out of the manor of Crokesley; the said Robert granting to the bishop a field called 'le Fritfeld,' adjoining land of the bishop's called 'Hulverescroft,' for his life. Witnesses:— Thomas de Benefeld, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Warw.] C. 1876. Grant in frank almoin, by Richard son of William, to the monks of St. Mary's, Combe, of land in the territory of Schireford in Drithslade. Witnesses:—Robert de Leyrcr', Henry de Merstun, and others (named).
[Middx.] C. 1877. Release by John Marchal, rector of the church of Routhebury, to Adam de Carlell, citizen and draper of London, of all actions. London, 17 January, 40 Edward III.
[Wilts.] C. 1878. Conveyance by Matilda, late the wife of Peter Chaumberleyn, to Robert de Remmesbury, for her own life, of a messuage and land in Fitelton. Monday before St. John the Baptist, 20 Edward III.
[Heref. ?] C. 1879. Release by David son of Adam de Fraxino, and Alice his wife, to John son of Stephen le Siwaut, of Welinton, of all their right in land and a messuage in Welinton. Witnesses:—Walter Restot, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Suff.] C. 1880. Release by Hugh son of Ralph le Hauberger, to John de Hudebowilla of four acres of wood in Aketone (Acton). Witnesses:— Richard de Holebroc, Peter de Longoleya, and others (named). Seal, imperfect.
[York.] C. 1881. Grant by William son of William de Roddewode, to William son of William de Turliston, of 2d. yearly rent paid by Roger de Smalschae for a tenement in Smalschae, and 1d. from Matthew de Smalschae. Witnesses:—John de Penyston, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Warw.] C. 1882. Grant by John le Graunt, of Pacwode, and Amice his wife, to John Tone, of Solihull, of a plot of land with a house in the market town of Solihull, adjoining the high street called 'le Smythesstret.' Saturday the feast of All Souls, 19 Edward II.
[Camb.] C. 1883. Receipt from John de Stevinton, to Sir Saer de Friville, for 100s., concerning which Sir Stephen de Houton brought a writ of allowance of the twentieth penny to be collected in co. Cambridge, and appointed the said John his attorney to receive the same. 56 Henry III.
[Warw.] C. 1884. Grant by William de Oddingesele, to Peter de Gardino, of land lying between the stream of Dunepol, and the land of the said Peter. Witnesses:—Henry de Olton, Walter the clerk (clerico) of Elmedon, and others (named).
[Bucks.] C. 1885. Grant by Roger de Wimberville, to Richard de Charderugge, and Alice his wife, daughter of Hugh del Broke, of land in Cestresham upon Freckerugge. Witnesses:—Sir William de Blakewell, and others (named).
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the rolls of R. de Lexinton and his companions, in their Eyre at Warwick, 24 Henry III., within three weeks of Michaelmas.
[Dorset.] C. 1886. Receipt from William Montfort, to John Burgeys of Brideport, for 20s. in part payment of a debt of 4l. 11 July, 9 Henry VI.
[N'hamp.] C. 1887. Grant by Hugh the smith (faber), of Buketon, to the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, of lands in Buketon, part in Hulledale, part by Redisiche, and a cottage in Buketon west of his house, in which he formerly worked, to hold in frank almoin. Witnesses:— Ralph, parson of Buketon, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Berks.] C. 1888. Grant by Cristina, late the wife of Robert Basset, of Suthmortone, to Thomas Jurdan, of the same, of land in Suthmortone (South Moreton) in a tillage called 'Ofverthenewey.' Wednesday after the feast of St. Mary in March (Annunciation), 9 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf. ?] C. 1889. Confirmation by Matthew son of Robert de Brocton, to the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Northampton, and the brethren there, of all the gift and right which Margery de Patushull gave to them in Craule; and release of services due in respect of the grantor's fee of Craule for 7s. Witnesses:—Sirs Richard Fillel, Adam son of Nicholas, Luke de Kaynes, knights, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Herts.] C. 1890. Licence by John, abbot of Malmesbury, and the convent of the same, to their beloved and faithful knight Thomas de Piriton to build an oratory within the bounds of his court of Piriton, saving the rights of the mother church of Piriton.
[Kent.] C. 1891. Grant by Elias the clerk (clericus), to Robert de Osseprynge, and Joan his wife, of 12d. yearly rent out of land in Osseprynge in a place called 'Longelay.' Witnesses:—John de Thurgerland, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
Heref. C. 1892. Grant by John son of Mael de Welintun, to Nicholas, son of Ralph Le Pee, of 'La Wodentun,' of land in Morcroft, part extending to the brook. Witnesses:—Richard de Begginged', John Travers, and others (named).
[York.] C. 1893. Grant by Roger de Nottona, to Adam Cossard, of a bovate of land in Ketelbarnthorpe, which Hugh le Blunt formerly held. Witnesses:— Sir Adam de Everingham, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] C. 1894. Grant in frank almoin by Simon son of Ogger de Buketon, to the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Northampton, for the souls of himself, Alice his wife, and his father and mother, of a virgate of land in Buketon, which Roger Prat and William Gerebolda held of him. Witnesses:—Henry son of Peter de Norhamton, Thomas Blund, Henry, parson of Pittesford, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] C. 1895. Release by Isabel de Amary, late the wife of William Briton, of Teghne, to the brethren of the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Northampton, of all right in the holm of Teghne, which the said brethren have of the gift of Martin de Pateshull and of, the confirmation of her late husband. Witnesses:—Stephen the chaplain of Torph, Ralph the parson of Boketon, and others (named).
[Bedf.] C. 1896. Grant by Robert de Broi of Blechesho, to Nicholas son of Geoffrey the forester (forestari[i]), son of Edith, of Reteleshege in Blechesho (Bletsoe), and an acre in Nethrebolonho, by Reteleshege. Witnesses:— Hugh Pipard, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] C. 1897. Grant by William de Betun, to Peter son of Adam, of his mill of Wullaueston (Wollaston), with all its appurtenances. Witnesses:— John de Anesi, Alexander Odinel, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] C. 1898. Grant by Alexander son of Richard de Buketon, to Hugh the smith (fabro), son of Seward the smith (fabri), of Multon, of a messuage and toft, and land upon the road of the monastery in Hilledale, and at Redesiche with meadow belonging. Witnesses:—Henry Stafles, Simon de Buketon, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] C. 1899. Grant by Eva daughter of Anselm de Randlestun, to Richard son of Robert de Seinges, of 7s. 6d. rent in Mundham, of the fee which Robert de Bung' held there of the fee of William de Pirehowe. Witnesses:—Robert le Gris, John Britone, and others (named).
[Bucks.] C. 1900. Grant in frank almoin by Robert Cainel, to the brethren of St. Giles's, Codesmor, of a croft in Salden, except the part which William de Blakeville gave to the church of Mursley as a site for a barn, in exchange for which Robert grants to them land at Coppedemore. Witnesses:— Richard son of Nigel, Hamo Passelewe, and others (named).