Deeds: C.2101 - C.2200

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.2101 - C.2200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.2101 - C.2200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.2101 - C.2200". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.2101 - C.2200

[Kent.] C. 2101. Grant by Roger le Nyweman, of Pyneden in the parish of Horton, to John de Horton, clerk, of a croft called 'Litelebuchardes land,' a croft called 'Longecrofte,' a field called 'Bromfeld,' and a croft called 'Sunningeslond' containing a messuage: also a further grant of all the tenants of the holding of Sunninge. 12 January, 18 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
[Oxford.] C. 2102. Release by Leticia, late the wife of Thomas Bataille, of Wareberewe, widow, to Alice her daughter, of all her right in land and meadow in Wareberewe, part lying upon Hemedone at 'le Berewes' and part at 'la Hlere,' and part in the meadow called 'la Hamme.' Wednesday the feast of St. Mary Magdalen, 6 Edward III.
[Herts.] C. 2103. Grant by John son of Geoffrey the baker (pistoris), of Hertford, to John son of Norman, of a piece of land in the parish of St. Andrew's, Hertford, abutting on the castle meadow and the highway. Witnesses:—Norman son of Hugh, William de Pesemere, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Linc.] C. 2104. Grant by John son of Thomas, son of Isabella de Claxby, to John son of Walter de Walesby, of Osselby (Usselby), of land in Osselby, on the south part of Hegilgat and at Thyrstpit. Thursday the feast of St. Matthias the apostle, A.D. 1372.
[Middx.] C. 2105. Bond by Thomas Dylkes, Lewis John, Henry Parker, and Thomas Bolthorp, citizens and vintners of London, to the king, for 20l., to be paid at the feast of St. Petronilla next. 24 May, 7 Henry IV.
Endorsed: The condition of this bond is that John Frelond, vintner, shall do no bodily harm to Katherine Billyngey under the within named penalty.
[Middx.] C. 2106. Grant by Cristina, daughter of the late William May, citizen of London, to Walter Morice, of Stebenhithe (Stepney), of land there. Wednesday after St. Luke the evangelist, 8 Edward II.
[Sussex.] C. 2107. Receipt from Geoffrey William, of Wynchelse, to Richard Aired, esquire, one of the executors of Walter Cresner, late the captain of Crotey, for 8s. in full discharge of all debts. 5 February, 24 Henry VI.
[Heref.] C. 2108. Sale by Roger de la Hulle of Hereford, to William de Cyrescestre, goldsmith, of a house in his curtilage in Hereford, with power to remove the timber, &c. of the said house. Tuesday after St. Barnabas the apostle, 3 Edward II.
[Norf.] C. 2109. Release by John son of John de Leem, to the lady Isabella, late the wife of Sir Geoffrey Wyth, knight, of all his right in the advowson of the church of Bestone by Bertone, belonging to the manor of Smalbergh. Monday in Whitsun week, 12 Edward III. Fragments of seal.
Surrey. C. 2110. Surrender and release by John Alverede, of the parish of Retherhithe, Surrey, and Isabella his wife, late the wife of John Drynkwater, the elder, deceased, late of Pekham, Surrey, to John Drynkwater, the younger, of all their right in a messuage and garden in a lane called 'Alislane,' in Pekham, in the parish of Camerwell, adjoining a tenement called 'Basynges' which they held for the life of the said Isabella of the feoffment of William Pette, son and heir of Henry Pette, deceased. Last day of February, 27 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Oxford.] C. 2111. Conveyance by Thomas Blount, knight, the elder, to John Chylterne, of a messuage called 'Benschefysplace' in Retherfeld Pyppard, with garden adjoining, and lands there called 'Seyntfeyslond,' for his life. Translation of St Cuthbert the bishop, 20 Richard II. Seal.
[Linc.] C. 2112. Grant by Richard son of William the merchant (mercatoris), of Hoselby (Usselby), to William son of Gilbert, of the same, of meadow land in Fornheng', in the meadows of Hoselby. Witnesses:—John Scroppe, Reginald ad Crucem, and others (named).
[Norf.] C. 2113. Grant by John de Smalbergh, to Sir Geoffrey Wyht, knight, and Isabella his wife, of a piece of land in Smalbergh, in exchange for other land there. Witnesses:—William de Burwode, Alexander Auncelot, and others (named).
[Cornw.] C. 2114. Letter of attorney by Arthur Hamelyn authorising John Denesell, Michael Tregathlos, Richard Luky, Richard Trefronek, Henry Wylle, and John Logosek, to give to John Arundell, knight, Ralph Trenewyth, John Polmozva, Odo and John, sons of the said Ralph, and Michael Fyntengempys, seisin of all Arthur's lands in the manor of Allet, namely, in a moiety of the said manor, and of lands in the manor of Helwyn, viz., in Helwyn, Laugergala, Tregenov, Lanvyan, Fyntenyeyn, Pennans, Trevethynek, Pymskyn, Trewyns, Mesengrous, Penhall, Treryek, Trencruk, Tregontros, Trevantros, Bleythelboll, Logosok, Kerthu, Meskevammok, Padestov, Kylmonsek, Tregenran, and in the island of Sully (Scilly) called 'Agnes.' Thursday after St. Philip and St. James, 6 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] C. 2115. Release by John son of Robert de Smalleberge, to William do Stalham, of all his right in the latter's capital messuage in Smalleberge, and in all the heath, herbage, and tenement on the west of the said messuage. Witnesses:—Sir Jolan de Vallibus, knight, and others (named). Nowit,' Monday before St. Mark the evangelist, 11 Edward I. Portion of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2116. Grant in frank almoin by William Spine, of Blecchesho, to the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, and the brethren there, of land in the fields of Blecchesho (Bletsoe), namely, at Stoches, Deilesford, Morden, with heads of ploughed lands (cheresce) upon Linches, in Emede and Sutfeld, upon Lenefurlong and Lutlehei, and in Harmele. Witnesses:— Morice Daundeli, Hugh Pipard, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Norf.] C. 2117. Grant by John, rector of the church of Smaleberge, to William de Stalham, knight, of the right to have divine service celebrated in the chapel which he has built in his court at Smaleberge, in consideration of an acre of land in Nunneslond, given in frank almoin to the mother church of Smaleberge. Witnesses:—Sir John de Wrhestede, official, Master Samuel, the dean, Sir Nicholas, chaplain of Wit,' and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Middx.] C. 2118. Release by John Chapman, citizen and brewer of London, to Robert Porter, chaplain, of all his right in land in the field called 'Thren Acres,' in the parish of Haryngey, also in land in Stevenesfeld in the same parish, adjoining land of the bishop of Exeter. 21 December, 37 Henry VI.
[Warw.] C. 2119. Demise by Richard atte Birches, of Solyhull, to Nicholas Dudleye, of Coventre, for ten years, of a yearly rent of 13s. 4d. issuing out of a tenement in Berkeswell, called 'Barriesplace,' which formerly belonged to John Hukyns. Christmas day, 1 Henry IV.
[Bedf.] C. 2120. Grant by Sir John Vynter, parson of the church of Clothale, to John Cukkowe, of Clifton, of a water-mill and pond in Astewyke, between land of the lord of Moubray and land of John de Astewyke, with meadow and pasture lying between the watercourse and the pasture of the lord of Moubray called 'Holm,' and a lane belonging to the mill. Tuesday before Midsummer day, 12 Richard II. Seal.
[Norf.] C. 2121. Bond by John Hardyng, Henry Smyth, Roger Kythood, and John de Riston, smith, of Great Yarmouth, to Sir Edward de Wyndesouere, king of England, for 40l. sterling. Tuesday after St. Bartholomew the apostle, 49 Edward [III.]
Endorsed as C. 2048.
[Sussex.] C. 2122. Grant by Richard atte Park, to John Symond and Matilda his wife, of a messuage and croft in the parish of Estgrenstede, by the highway from London to Lewes. Wednesday in Whitsuntide, 41 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Sussex.] C. 2123. Grant by William de la Sandhelde, to Geoffrey ate Parc and Edith his wife, of land adjoining the highway leading from Leuwes to Hymbehorne, paying 1d. yearly. Sunday after the Ascension. 22 Edward [I.]
Endorsed: 'De Upcroft, 1d.'
[Surrey.] C. 2124. Grant by Thomas atte Walle, of Camerwelle, to Richard Aylwyne, of Pecham, and Joan his wife, of a piece of land in Grosacre, adjoining 'le Waterwey.' Sunday before St. Gregory the pope, 15 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Heref.] C. 2125. Conveyance by John de Bagendene, to Gregory de Wutton, for nine years, of land in Welynton, part adjoining Hogshaweslond and Mercerslond, part in 'le Northcamp,' and in 'le Northfeld,' extending to Brolkestisegreve, part at Wilkokesgreve, and part toward Marlbrok. Wotton, Sunday after Michaelmas, 40 Edward III.
[Middx.] C. 2126. Bargain and sale by Philippe Patrik, of London, gentleman, to Symond Briggeman, citizen and fuller of London, of a tenement with houses and gardens in the parish of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate in the suburbs of London; Philip also agrees to make a good title in law to Symond for ninety-eight years from Michaelmas next, in two gardens of the bishop of London, on the south side of the said tenement, and grants a discharge of certain quit rent, &c. 14 November, 24 Henry VI. English
[Kent.] C. 2127. Demise, for six years, by Thomas atte Forde and Richard atte Halle, executors of the will of Master Henry Grofhurst, to Sir Thomas . . . . ., of all their estate in certain lands, &c., which belonged to Elizabeth, late the wife of Sir Roger de Kirkeby, and which the said executors held for satisfaction of a debt due from the said Elizabeth to the said Master Henry. Flete-stret, in the suburb of London, Saturday after the translation of St. Thomas the martyr. 40 Edward III. French. Damaged, the upper part of the document having been cut off.
[Dorset.] C. 2128. Grant by John Roberd, of Brideport, with the consent of Joan his wife, to William, son of Roger Galapin, of the same, of all his land in the south street of Brideport without the bars, in exchange for a messuage. Witnesses:—Peter de Ramesham, Nicholas Prikpeny, bailiffs of Brideport, and others (named).
[Worc.] C. 2129. Demise by Margaret, relict of Alexander Parker, to John their son and heir, for his life, of a tenement called 'Wysamusplace,' except two fields called 'Rodeley' and 'Bertfeld,' a garden called 'Grevelezghton,' and a chamber which John shall prepare and maintain; Margaret is to have four ridges of land in each tillage which John cultivates, which she may sow with her own seed when she chooses. Benteley Paunsefot, Wednesday the feast of St. Thomas the apostle, 3 Henry IV.
Worc. C. 2130. Defeasance of a bond by Thomas Childe, of Northewyk, gentleman, to Philip Pole, of Teukesbury, and Emma his wife, for 20l.; witnessing that the said bond is to be void on payment by the said Thomas of a yearly rent of 33s. 4d., during Emma's life, for lands which he holds in Northwyk, of the demise of the said Philip and Emma. 1 September, 20 Henry VI.
[Worc ?] C. 2131. Grant by Walter the chamberlain of Hereford, to Restoud the dyer (tinctori), for 100s., of all the land which Robert son of Stephen held in Eddeshoura (Hadsor ?). Witnesses:—Pontius Herford', Richard de Begingeden', and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Heref.] C. 2132. Grant by Richard Edred, son of William Edred, to Richard de Bagingedene, of land and a moor in Welintune, part of the land in Ebroc, and part opposite Warcelde. Witnesses:—Nicholas le Seculier, Walter de Mauerdin, and others (named).
[Staff.] C. 2133. Grant by Richard, son of William Dod, of Omleg', to Thomas, son of Thomas de Wovere, of a moiety of a plot of land in Great Madeleg', adjoining land called 'Mattokusfeld.' St. Thomas's day, 11 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] C. 2134. Demise by Richard son of Robert, to Thomas Silling and Emma his wife, of all his stall (seldam) in London market, in the parish of St. Mary-le-Bow, paying 5 marks yearly, part to the canons of St. Mary's, Southwark, part to the nuns of Haliwell, and part to the sick brethren of the hospital of St. James, &c. Witnesses:—Ralph Aswy, alderman, and others (named). [circa 18–30 Henry III.] Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.?] C. 2135. Grant by Henry son of Gerold and Ermentrude Taleboth, his. wife, to William the clerk (clerico), son of William, of three and a half virgates of land in Lower Waldy (inferiori Waldia), and one virgate in Burcote. Witnesses:—Robert de Pincheni, Ralph the chaplain of Mundefort, and others (named).
[Caern. ?] C. 2136. Grant by Roger de Mortuo Mari, justice of Wales, to William le Coliere, of the king's town of Hyrdref, for one year from Michaelmas, 13 Edward [I]., for a certain sum to be paid into the king's exchequer at Caernarvon. 2 October, 13 Edward I. Seal, injured.
[Linc.] C. 2137. Release by Henry de Ribi and Alice his wife, to Sir Adam de Welle, of all their right in common of pasture for a hundred sheep in the territory of Bradeley. Witnesses:—John de Cotes, John son of Richard de Jerdeboroug, and others (named).
[ ] C. 2138. Release by Walter Ruffus, son of Robert Ruffus, of Wythestune, to Ivo de la Berga, of half a virgate of land which Robert de la Berga mortgaged to the father of the said Robert Ruffus. Witnesses: —William de Morevill', Matthew de Clivedune, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Linc.] C. 2139. Grant by John Hird, of Osselby, to John son of Walter de Walesby, of a toft in Osselby, also land lying, part upon Speriholes, part upon Holow, part upon Staynfurglas, and pasture at Chaxchrokes, abutting on 'le Bek.' Monday in Easter week, A.D. 1371. Damaged.
[Warw.] C. 2140. Grant by Robert le Whyte, of Solyhull, to John de Whitchirche, of a messuage and curtilage in Solihull called 'the Culvelayghton,' between 'le Grenelone' and the messuage of William Godhyve. Sunday after the Ascension, 21 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2141. Grant in frank almoin by William Spine, of Blechesho (Bletsoe), to the church of St. Mary, Blechesho, of land in the fields of Blechesho, beginning from 'Laricweie' and extending to Moiden, also land upon Linchs and Litleheie. Witnesses:—Gervase de Paveli, and others (named).
[Sussex.] C. 2142. Grant by Simon de Edberghston [heir of Peter de] Prestwode, to William Aleyn, of 3d. yearly rent which the said Simon used to receive from Elias Thacher for a messuage in the parish of Yfeud (Ifield). Witnesses:—William de la Brok, Robert de Stereford, and others (named). Damaged.
[York.] C. 2143. Grant by Baldewin del Hil, of Thurleston, to William son of William del Hil, of an assart of land and meadow in the territory of Thurleston. Witnesses:—Roger de Gunnyldthwayt, Robert de Overdenebi, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Hunt. C. 2144. Grant by [Henry III.], to the prior and canons of St. Mary's, Huntingdon, of all their possessions, viz. two hides of land on which their church is situated, the churches of St. Mary and St. Botolph, and the advowsons of St. Bennet, St. Martin, St. John, and St. Edmund, and a moiety of the advowson of All Saints, in Huntingdon, lands within and without Huntingdon, a knight's fee in Gidding and Lollinton, land in Weston, Croxton, and Gunnilda's virgate in Stivecle, the churches of Stivecle and Suwick, and in Stoke 60s. of land which Matilda the queen gave to them; land in Dene, the chapel of Huntingdon castle, the school of the town, meadow called 'Bramholm' by the water of Bramton, meadow by Huntingdon bridge, 40s. yearly in Huntingdon mill, the town of Hereford (Herford) with mills, church, &c., in frank almoin, paying in return 12l. yearly to the king; a hundred acres of the royal demesne of Huntingdon, paying to the bailiffs 10s. yearly; all food, clothing, materials, and animals belonging to themselves and their men to be quit of all custom, &c., and none to disturb them therein on pain of forfeiting 10l.; they are to be quit of shires, hundreds, &c., and of all things save murder and theft, as the charters of King Henry [I.], grandfather of King Henry [II.] 'our grandfather,' and those of the latter and of Queen Matilda witness. They are also to be quit from having their dogs expeditated, and may keep two greyhounds to hunt the hare and fox. Witnesses:—J. Mansell, provost of Beverley, P[eter] Chace[porc], archdeacon of Wells, and others (named). Westminster, 30 [May. 37 Henry III.] See Confirmation of the above, Charter Roll, I Edward III., No. 64, from which the date has been supplied. Draft.
Berks. C. 2145. Demise by Edward and Joan Barlow (?), to John Byrche and Agnes his wife, of pasture by Hungerford, called Hamvyles, Purres, Bryndes, Sprayes and Wesst for twenty-one years from Michaelmas next, paying 7l. 15s. yearly. 12 April, 3 Henry VII. Seal, broken.
[Lanc. ?] C. 2146. Grant by Henry son of Warin de Lancastr', to Richard son of Howain, of land in Lee Anglica near Hutlona, and Merelich, which is the boundary between Lee Anglica and Heston. Witnesses:—William de Winequic, War' de Witingh', Edward de Brohol', and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Herts.] C. 2147. Grant by John Pessunur, of Dunstaple, to Margery, late the wife of John Dodi, of the same, of land in the field of Kenesworth. Monday before the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 34 Edward 1.
[York.] C. 2148. Grant by John de Thornhyll, to William del Hyll of Thurleston, of a plot of land at Haya, adjoining land called 'Knyghtesbothum.' Witnesses:—Roger de Gunnethwayt, William de Wodehous, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] C. 2149. Release in frank almoin by Roysa, late the wife of Roger the provost of Buketun (Boughton), to the master and brethren of the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, of all her right in a virgate of land in Buketun with the freeholders thereof, &c. Witnesses:—Walter and Philip, lords of Buketun, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] C. 2150. Grant in frank almoin by Hugh the smith (faber), of Bucheton, to the brethren of the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, of land in Bocheton, part in Hulledale, and part by Radesiche, and a moiety of his court from the corner of his house to Goberdelwong, with his former smithy in Bocheton. Witnesses:—Ralph, parson of Bocheton, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Bedf.] C. 2151. Grant by Simon son of Elias, to Simon de Linleia, of land, part in a croft for which the said Simon paid 8d. yearly rent to the hospital of Jerusalem, and part in the field of Eiton, viz. part between Aldingwrthe and the moor of Nigel son of Lambert, part upon Bowrthe, and part crossing Ichenilces, above the mill of Bradenham. Witnesses:— William, parson of Wibesnade, Elias de Flamstude, William son of John d'Eversolt, and others (named).
[Suff.] C. 2152. Grant by Alan Boydin, of Meleford, to Peter, son of William Scaterun, of the same, of land and a piece of pasture called 'le Peic,' in Meleford. Saturday after the [Purification ?], 14 or 15 Edward I. Damaged.
[N'hamp.] C. 2153. Grant by Hugh the smith (faber), of Buketon, son of Seward, to Roger son of Thordi de Buketon, of a house which Hugh held of Alexander de Buketon. Witnesses:—Henry de Dive, of Bramton, Walter de Spreton, and others (named).
[ ] C. 2154. Grant by . . . . . . . ., to Hubert the squire (armigero), of a cloak worth 100s. and of the manors of Roddeswelle and Goldham, paying therefore yearly 25l. Witnesses:—Earl Eustace, Faramus de Bonon', and others (named). [Henry III.] Damaged.
Suff. C. 2155. Sale by John de Whittefeld and Maud his wife, executrix of the will of Sir Thomas de Saukeville, her late husband, to Sir John de Stonore, of all the goods and chattels, corn and stock, within the manor of Marl. . . . [Marlesford ?], that belonged to Sir Thomas, for 27l., of which they have received 21l. London, Friday after St. Barnabas the apostle, 4 Edward III. French.
[N'hamp.] C. 2156. Grant in frank almoin by Reginald son of Nigel de Bucheton, to the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, of land in Bocheton extending to Brachehoweie and the mill road. Witnesses:— William Francheland, Walter de Sprotton, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[N'hamp.] C. 2157. Conveyance by William son of Alexander de Bucketon, to the master and brethren of Holy Trinity by Northampton, of his capital messuage in Bucketon, and of all his rents and lands within and without the same town. Portion of document only.
[Linc.] C. 2158. Grant by Ralph son of Ralph the smith (fabri) of Oselby, to John son of Simon de Claxeby, of land in Oselby, part lying on Suthecroftes, and part on Northecroftes adjoining land of the prior of Hellesham. Witnesses:—Ralph Marchis, Ralph de Normanby the clerk (clerico), and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Linc.] C. 2159. Grant by John son of Thomas de Oselby, to Henry, son of Alan Chirref, of land in the east field of Oselby, part called 'Linhevedlande,' and part adjoining Sperrihevedlande. Witnesses:—Reginald ad Crucem, John Scrop, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Suff.] C. 2160. Receipt from . . . ., late the wife of Sir Richard de Brompton, knight, to Sir Robert de . . . ., for 60s. due for the year 12 Edward II. Reydon, Thursday after St. Hilary [13 Edward II.]. Imperfect.
[Oxford.] C. 2161. Bond by Thomas Stonore, esquire, to John Devene, of Henley, merchant, for 10l. to be paid at the feast of St. Lucy the Virgin next. 2 November, 3 Edward IV. Cancelled.
[Cornw.] C. 2162. Grant by Joan Carball, daughter and heiress of John Carball, of Bodmin, to Robert Tresilian, knight, and Emma his wife, of a messuage with garden and orchard in Bodmin. Witnesses:—John Bodilli, parson of the church of St. Ewe, Richard Welynton, parson of the church of St. Tudy, and others (named). Monday the feast of St. Bartholomew, 7 Richard II.
[Middx.] C. 2163. Grant by Robert Burford and John Page, citizens of London, to William Wygod, citizen of the same, of land in the parish of St. Dunstan by Brendmill, which they had of the gift of John Sexy, citizen and brewer (bruer) of London. Witnesses:—John Westwode, Richard, the steward of the new abbot, and others (named). Imperfect.
[Suff.] C. 2164. Receipt from . . . ., late the wife of William de Sancto Martino, of Reydon, to Sir Robert de Reydon, knight, for 10s. in part payment of a bond for 80 marks. Leyham, Translation of St. Thomas, 11 Edward II.
[Bucks.] C. 2165. Receipt from John Bohun, knight, to John Burton, clerk, farmer of his manor of Great Crawle, for 100s. 6 May, 16 Richard II.
[Bedf.] [Herts.] C. 2166. Grant by Simon Wilsehamstede, of Dunstaple, to Simon Umfrey, Thomas Laurance, William Ferley, and Simon Whittawer, of the same, of all his lands and tenements in Dunstaple, Houghton Regis, Cadyndon, Kennesworth, and Toturnho. Sunday the Translation of St. Edward the king, 18 Richard II.
[Kent.] C. 2167. Agreement as to rents, &c. due from Walter de Querelle to Sir John de la Haye, on account of a tenement in Puttes held of the manor of Horsmendene, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Aldeham, Sir William le Jovene, of Egardintone, Gregory de Bradeham, parson of Merewrthe, and others (named). 17 June, A.D. 1254. French.
[York.] C. 2168. License from Roger called abbot of Melsa (Meaux) and the convent of the same, to John of Wike upon Hul, to alienate a certain toft which they had formerly granted to him in Wike. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Percy, John Pasmor, knights, John de Beille, John de Lincoln, Roger de Drayton, and others (named). Morrow of Michaelmas, A.D. 1296.
[Herts. ?] C. 2169. Grant by Stephen de Norton, clerk, and Cristina his wife, to Werric de Cruceroys, clerk, of a messuage, paying 12d. yearly to Walter son of Gilbert. Witnesses:—Richard de Mordon, William le Meler, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Much injured.
[N'hamp.] C. 2170. Demise by Ralph de Waldegrave, master of the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northampton, and the brethren there, to William de Exton, Juliana his wife, and Richard his son, of a messuage in Westhaddon in the lane called 'Roberdeslane le Warde.' Sunday after the Purification, 17 Edward III.
[Salop.] C. 2171. Grant by William son of John de Louthon, to John, brother of Richard de Boliton, of a messuage and land in Boliton in the parish of Huggele, which Peter de Boliton, father of the said Richard and John, held of the grantor in villenage; part of the land lying in Skeggeleshale, in Hingoresleye, near Kyngesmere, in the field of Northey at Northcroft, at Peselondfeld, and at Madewellefeld. Saturday the feast of St. Barnabas the apostle, 20 Edward I.
[Leic.] C. 2172. Grant by Alan la Zousche, knight, to Adam de Adde, his servant, and Juliana the said Adam's wife, of a virgate of land in his demesnes of Swarteclif in the field of Esseby, for their lives, paying a mark yearly. Witnesses:—J[ohn] de Welesleye in Essebya la Zousche, and others (named). Injured.
[Notts.] C. 2173. Grant by Simon de Bekyngham, of Newerk, clerk, to Adam de Caldewell and Agnes his wife, of a messuage in Newark, in Baldertongate, with remainder to Alan Fle[m]yng and Alice his wife. Sunday the feast of St. Mark the evangelist, 35 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 2174. Attornment by John de Horton, and Elizabeth his wife, to Lady Rose de Faukham, late the wife of Sir Richard de Scoland, as to a fee farm rent of 6s., out of land which they had of the feoffment of the said Lady Rose in 'la Westfeld' in Horton parish, which she lately purchased from William le Neweman, chaplain. Sunday the morrow of St. Clement the Pope, 32 Edward I.
[Suff.] C. 2175. Letters patent by Peter de Denardistone directing Simon le Hey . . . ., of Meldingge, and Isabella de Calewedon, his tenants, to perform their services for their tenements in Meldingge to Sir Robert de Bures, and Hillary his wife, to whom he had sold the premises. Witnesses:—Sirs Remy de Meldingge, John de Shelton, knights, and others (named). Morrow of the nativity of Our Lady, 12 Edward II. French.
[Essex.] C. 2176. Release by Edmund le Botiller, to John le Brun, of Suhthanger, son and heir of Richard le Brun, of all his right in land and heath in Suthanigfeud. Witnesses:—Sirs Hugh le Blunt, William de Clovile, Ralph de Hemenhale, knights, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Essex.] C. 2177. Grant by John Beneyt, rector of the church of St. Leonards, New Hithe, Colchester, and William Penne, of Colchester, to John Tynte, of Estbergholt, co. Suffolk, and Thomas Clerk, of Colchester, of a messuage at New Hithe. Witnesses:—Simon Fordham, John Cristion, bailiffs of Colchester, and others (named). Tuesday the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 7 Richard II.
[Middx.] C. 2178. Grant by Alice de Chesewyk, daughter of the late Gilbert Chesewyk, to John le Benere, citizen of London, of 20s. yearly quit rent, issuing out of houses in the parish of St. Magnus, London. Witnesses:— Sir John Bretun, knight, warden of London, Henry Box and Richard de Gloucestria, sheriffs, Adam de Foleham, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Friday after St. Andrew the apostle, 23 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] C. 2179. Grant by Roger, earl of Clare, to Peter his forester, of a piece of land in his 'drofdenne' (dravedenna) called 'Evenoth wood,' near Tunbridge, with other land and wood in consideration of his service in guarding his forest of Tunbridge on the south, with sufficient firewood and timber for his houses, and other privileges in the said forest, &c. Witnesses:—Robert son of Humfrey, parson of the church de Cruce, Matthew the butler (pincerna), and others (named). Damaged.
Endorsed: Memorandum of the court rolls being searched in the ninth year as to pannage of Forsterslond, &c.
[Suff.] C. 2180. Grant by William le Schepherde, of Leyham, to Sir Robert de Bures, knight, John Sampson, John le Boteler, and Gilbert the chaplain, of Little Waldyngfeld, of a portion of a messuage in Leyham, with land, meadow, wood and part of an alder-bed at the same place, viz. in fields called 'le Parkfeld' abutting on 'le Littlehey,' and 'le Crouchfeld,' in Luttyng[gesdenne ?], in meadows called 'Colemedwe' and 'Naylefordemedwe,' and the wood adjoining 'le Littlehey': also tenements, &c., and all his right in the reversion of a moiety of a messuage, &c., and the reversion of a lane leading to the alder-bed of Sir John de Nerford, &c. Sunday after the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 3 Edward III.
[Heref. ?] C. 2181. Sale by Lady Alice, late the wife of Sir Guy Fitz Guy de Briene, knight, to Thomas Walewayn, of the county of Hereford, of the growth of the wood called 'Oxenhalewode' in Tedeswode, for three years. Aketone, 3 November, 4 Henry IV. French.
Bond by the said Lady Alice to the said Thomas for 28l. 13s. 4d. to be paid in St. Paul's, London, at Easter next. Dated as above.
Defeasance of the said bond which is to be void if the said Thomas is allowed to cut the said growth without disturbance by Lady Alice. Dated as above. French.
Copies of three deeds on one skin.
[ ] C. 2182. Grant by Robert, son of William de la Holte, to Richard, son of Walter the palmer (palmerii), of land near Waiwell, at Robegrave, Putfeld, and upon Wordr. Witnesses:—Ralph de Wedon, William de Blakewell, and others (named). Twelfth century.
[Bedf.] C. 2183. Grant by Thomas de Lynleye, son and heir of H . . . . . ., of Houghton Regis, to John Umfrey, of Dunstaple, of six carucates of wood with right of common in the wood of Bokewode. Saturday after Michaelmas, 32 [Edward] III. Damaged.
Herts. C. 2184. Grant by Thomas Alyn, the elder, of Bettlow in the parish of Tryng, to Robert Alyn his younger sou, of land and meadow in the field of Tyscoytt, part in 'le Longfurlong,' abutting on the road leading to Ayllysburi, and part in a tillage called 'Heggefurlong.' 25 November, 15 Henry VIII. Damaged. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] Warw. Staff. C. 2185. Agreement between John Londy, cousin and heir of John de Waltham, and Thomas Wauters, of Elmedon, as to the possession of certain tenements held by Thomas de Farnebergh for his life from the said Thomas Wauters, which belonged to the said John de Waltham in Cleydon, and of lands in the counties of Warwick and Stafford. Monday after St. Martin, 37 Edward [III.]. French.
[Suff.?] C. 2186. Letter of attorney by John son of William de Holesle, authorising Sir Stephen de Ludham, his chaplain, and Adam, his servant, of Sutton, to place Richard de Avillers, rector of the church of Sutton, in seisin of the manor of Sutton, with the advowson of the church there, and the mill of the wood called 'Wudemell.' Witnesses:—Sir John de Peysill', knight, Thomas de Ramesolt, Michael de Thorp, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Derby.] C. 2187. Recognisances entered into by Henry Corel of Bauquell (Bakewell), Robert Corel, of the same, Walter de Arderne, Hugh le Sotheron, Richard Peck, and Richard de Burton, before John de Oxon', sheriff of Notts and Derby, Hugh de Muscham and Roger de Somervill, coroners of the county of Derby, for the good behaviour of Thomas Corel of Bauquell. Nottingham, Saturday before Midsummer day, 10 Edward III. Four seals, imperfect.
[Bedf.] C. 2188. Confirmation by Robert de Broi, son of Walter de Broi, of Blechesho (Bletsoe), to the hermitage of Blechesho, and to Robert Parage and the brethren in the hermitage, of the gift which Gilbert the clerk of Blechesho, and Reginald Bugge gave to them. Witnesses:—Hugh Pipard, Ralph de Bolenho, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Imperfect.
[Worc.] C. 2189. Release by John de Hyndelepe, to Robert, son of John Cassy, of all his right in land in a field called 'Bury,' by Wych. Witnesses:—Thomas Ingram, Thomas do Malverne, and others (named).
[Staff.] C. 2190. Grant by Alice, late the wife of Richard son of Margery, to Richard Sceyl, of a plot of land in Bettileg (Betley). Witnesses:— Adam Brun, constable of Heleog' (Heiley), and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Staff.] C. 2191. Grant by William, son of William Cotyn, of Madeley, to William Cotyn, his father, of land in the fee of Madeley, and land in 'le Stolking,' with a plot of land adjoining the road leading from Madeley to Wrymeford. Witnesses:—Richard de Verney, Richard de Stonilowe, and others (named).
[Linc.] C. 2192. Release by Hugh the clerk (clericus), son of Henry de Wyllynghoure, dwelling in Grimesby, to Walter Godebayne, of the same, of all his right in land in Clee, adjoining land of the abbot of Wellove, part lying on Houmarhyll. Tuesday after St. Philip and St. James, A.D. 1310. Damaged.
[Berks.] C. 2193. Release by John Broune, of Aldewerth, to William Hamunde, of Nethervyle, of all his right in lands and tenements in Nethervyle, which he had of the gift of John Hamunde, of Nethervyle, together with Sir John Wygmore and others. 10 January, 21 Henry VI. Seal.
[Berks.] C. 2194. Agreement between John Paty, John Sawear, and John Bayley, churchwardens of Hakebourne, and Hewe Smyth, of Henley-onThames (Uptempse), by which the said Hugh undertakes to bind with good iron, two covers with double 'gemowys,' with six 'gemowys' in a cover, a church door, and a bar of iron to hang a canopy at the high altar of Hagbourne, taking for a pound of 'yre that gothe to the forsede worke,' 3d. except abating in all the sum of 5s.; also to make four great piped locks to the same covers, and two small ones to the two 'tyllys' of the same cover, having 13s. 4d. for the six locks. 28 December (?), 33 Henry VI. English. Much damaged.
[Wilts.] C. 2195. Grant by William Frankeleyn, of Pryvetheye, to Alexander le Frankelayn, his son, and Alice his wife, of all his land at Privetheye, within the manor of Wotton Basseth with messuages, &c. Witnesses:— John le Chapman, William Broun, and others (named).
[Kent.] C. 2196. Release by Margery, late the wife of Robert Botiler, daughter of Gilbert Prudumme, widow, to Richard de Clare, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, of all her right in 12d. yearly rent in the town of Tonebrug' (Tunbridge). Witnesses:—Robert de Hertwell, steward of Tonebrug', Gregory, parson of Merewrth, and others (named).
[Suff.] C. 2197. Agreement between Lady Ermentrude de Saukeville, and Robert Lot of Little Bures, by which the said Lady Ermentrude grants to the said Robert, certain rights of cutting and planting willows and alders on a certain plot of land with a pond which he had lately granted to her, land called 'le Melnepystel' and Sprottesleyston, adjoining the mill-pond of Cruddemelne in Bures, and extending from the mill to land of the rector of Bures called 'Chyricroftes,' the said Robert rendering a capon yearly at Easter. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Bures and Richard [de] Cornherthe, knights, and others (named). Bergholt, Saturday, the feast of St. Martin the bishop, 12 Edward II.
[Bedf.] C. 2198. Receipt from William Duraunt, of Dunstaple, to William de Wylshamsted, of the same, for 19 marks, due for a tenement bought from him. Trinity Sunday, 34 Edward III. Seal.
[Berks.] C. 2199. Letters patent by Roger de Inkepenne, knight, releasing Richard de Sotton from his obligation to warrant to the said Roger and Emelyne his wife, and Roger his grandson, against Geoffrey Punsard, lands and tenements in Balladeston, In . . . . and Inkepenne, &c., which the said Richard had lately demised to the said Roger. Damaged.
Endorsed: 'Balston Inglefledd, &c.'
[Warw.] C. 2200. Demise by Robert atte Birches, of Solihull, to Thomas atte Birches and Juliana his wife, of the same, for her life, of a moiety of a curtilage in Solihull by Clarissewalle. Tuesday before the beheading of St. John [the Baptist], 4 Edward III.