Deeds: C.2201 - C.2300

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.2201 - C.2300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.2201 - C.2300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.2201 - C.2300". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.2201 - C.2300

[Warw.] C. 2201. Conveyance by William de Brokhurst, chaplain, to Jordan de Blosemevill, clerk, of all his lands and tenements of Haselclyf, and a wood called 'Collemoreswode,' in Solyhull, for his life, with remainders to Charles, Jordan's brother, for life, John de Collemor and Joan his wife in tail, with divers remainders over. Friday after Michaelmas, 24 Edward III.
[Middx.] C. 2202. Release by Thomas son of John le Benere, late citizen of London, to Walter le Benere, of all his right in a messuage, formerly the said John's, in the parish of St. Magnus the martyr by London bridge, of which Master Adam the clerk, Thomas's brother, has enfeoffed the said Walter. Suthwerk, in the county of Surrey, Sunday after the Purification, 14 Edward II.
[Middx.] C. 2203. Defeasance of a bond by John Chirche and William Cantelowe, citizens and mercers of London, to Richard Yerdeburgh, Robert Kyngesson, citizen and vintner of London, and Thomas Blankpeyn, for 502l. 20d.; witnessing that the said bond is to be void if Thomas Ruffaldus, of Brugges, shall pay to Robert, Lord Wylughby, at Cologne, on or after the feast of St. Margaret next coming, 3,809½ Rhenish guilders (rinyssh gildens). 23 December, A.D. 1439, 18 Henry VI.
[Suff.?] C. 2204. Release by Robert Lot, of B . . . ., to Richard de Creppyngge, of all his right in lands and tenements in . . . . ., with the reversion of lands which Agnes, Robert's mother, holds, &c. Sunday the feast of St. Bennet the abbot, . . . Edward [II ?]. Witnesses:— James de Bures, Thomas de la Mote, and others (named). Imperfect.
Suff. C. 2205. Grant by John de Sutton, knight, the younger, and Alice his wife, to Thomas Pertrych, of Hadlegh, Juliana his wife, and John their son, for their lives, of a messuage, three crofts, and pasture, in the town of Leyham, adjoining land of Sir Edward, Prince of Wales. Monday in Easter week, 36 Edward III.
[Wilts.] C. 2206. Grant by Simon de Combe, lord of Fyteltone, to Walter Pautrich, and Alice de Suthley his wife, of a messuage and a virgate of land containing twenty-one acres in Fyteltone, also pasture for one horse, six oxen, fifty sheep and six pigs, quit of pannage, &c.; paying 10s. 6d. yearly. Witnesses:—Richard de la Folye, John de Lyttlekote, and others (named).
[Oxford ?] C. 2207. Defeasance of a feoffment by Geoffrey le Cam, of Hentone, to Edmund de . . . ., of the same, of a messuage with garden, curtilage, croft and land in Henton; witnessing that if the said Edmund is allowed to enjoy the premises peaceably for nine years from Michaelmas next, the said feoffment shall be void. Monday after the octave of the Epiphany, 18 Edward II.
[Hants.] C. 2208. Grant by John Corderay, clerk, to Edmund de Stonore, of a toft, land, meadow and wood, and 12d. rent, in Penyton Meisy (Penton Mewsy), with the advowson of the church there, and lands and tenements that lately belonged to Walter Brouse or John Mathem and Alice his wife, and with the homage and services of Thomas Kyng. 8 May, 41 Edward III.
Glouc. Linc. Staff. C. 2209. Letters by Philip Braunch,' knight, John Holbech, Richard de Flete, John Spaldyng, John Grene, John Gedneye, esquire, John Teryngton, William Strong (?), William Grene, Thomas Sibsey, Roger son of Hugh, John Greyne, William Smyth, and John Couper, bearing testimony as to the family of Richard Spendclove of the county of Stafford, and their descendants, &c., some living at Cirencestre, co. Gloucester, and some at Flete, co. Lincoln. 11 April, 2 Henry V. Damaged.
[Chesh.] C. 2210. Release by Aytrop de Mulinton, to Robert de Wyninton, of all his right in a salt-pit in the town of Nortwye, which Aytrop's ancestors held from the house of St. John of Jerusalem. Witnesses:—Roger de Toft, Robert de Tabbeleye, and others (named).
[Essex.] C. 2211. Grant by Adam Chapman, of Rickelingg, to John de Yerdeley, of land in Rickling, with pasture, &c., part in a field called 'Grovefeld,' part in a croft called 'Schortecroft' by Rickelingbrome, in a field called 'la Leye,' and in a croft called 'Godehowescroft' by Rickelingegrene; also five acres of wood, part in Bolitone in the parish of Uggele in a wood called 'Wolvenegrave' and part in Rickeling in a wood called 'Purchacesgrave.' Friday before the Epiphany, 6 Edward II.
[Staff.] C. 2212. Grant by William . . . . ., of Overton and of Wombourne, to Moses de Waltham and Amice his wife, of a plot of land at Lethene; also land in the fee of Wombourne, land called 'la Helde,' and upon Pottelyth which is called 'la Helde' beyond Bolemedue. Witnesses:— John de Tresell, Peter de Caldewell, and others (named). Damaged.
Bucks. C. 2213. Grant by Edmund, earl of Stafford, lord of Tunbridge and Caurs, to his esquire Nicholas Bradshawe, of the custody of the manor of Pychcote during the minority of Richard Vernon, son and heir of Sir Richard Vernon, knight. Stafford castle, 6 September, 1 Henry IV. French.
[Kent.] C. 2214. Release by Thomas Aleyn, of Sevenoke, clerk, to Thomas [C ?]rane and Richard Smyth, alias Herman, of the parish of Tunbridge, of all his right in a messuage and garden in Tunbridge, bounded on the east by the highway leading from Tunbridge to Wynchelsee, &c. Exaltation of Holy Cross, 12 Henry VI. Damaged.
Worc. C. 2215. Release by Isabella Dyryng, to John Vampage, of all her right in a messuage and land at Wyke by Pershore, called 'Veysys thyng.' Wednesday after St. Hilary, 11 Henrv VI. Damaged. Seal.
[Leic. ?] C. 2216. Grant by William de Vallibus, to the brethren of the Hospital of Jerusalem in England, of Athelstan (Adestanum) the smith (fabrum), of Herdebeie, and Thurfrida his wife, with their offspring, except Hervey their son, and their dwelling (masuram) with toft and croft, to hold in frank almoin; and in order that Athelstan may hold this alms as his inheritance from the said brethren by paying 13d. yearly to the said hospital for the soul of the grantor, the said William has granted this liberty to the said Athelstan, and the gift in frank almoin to the said hospital, on condition that Athelstan holds two bovates of land out of the three which he formerly held of William, paying to the latter 5s. yearly, &c. Witnesses:—Gerad the priest of Rempestune and Geoffrey the priest of Kattorpt, brothers William de Moiun and Gerad le Flamench, Richard son of Arrabi, and others (named). Twelfth century.
Surrey. C. 2217. Grant by Richard Vyncent, rector of the church of St. Bennet by Sopereslane, London, to John Baker, of Pekham in the parish of Camerwelle, of land in the same parish, in a field called 'Haselfeld,' by the common watercourse called 'Waterwey,' and stretching eastward from a field called 'Longereden.' Monday the Purification, 40 Edward III.
Dorset. C. 2218. Bond by John Rokes, the elder, of Sherborne, co. Dorset, esquire, to John Rokes, son of Thomas Rokes, of Ascott co. Bucks, deceased, for 50l. payable at Michaelmas next. 10 October, 4 Edward IV. Cancelled.
Kent. C. 2219. Release by Humphrey Catesby, esquire, son and heir of John Catesby, knight, late one of the king's justices of the Common Bench, to Robert Rede, one of the king's justices of pleas coram rege, William Wodegate, John Ware, and Christopher Kendale, of all his right in a messuage, land, meadow, pasture and wood in Orpyngton, Farnburgh, and Hease, which formerly belonged to the said John Catesby and Elizabeth bis wife by the feoffment of Nicholas Lathell, gentleman, and John Clerke, citizen and grocer of London. 2 December, 11 Henry VII. Signed.
[Wilts.] C. 2220. Demise by Margaret Dyneley, lady of the manor of Fytelton, and Robert Dyneley, to John Monk, Joan his wife, and Alice and Margaret his daughters, of a toft, virgate of land, cottage and garden in Fytelton, for their lives. Thursday after St. Faith the Virgin, 2 Henry VI. Seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2221. Grant by John Beton, of Bykelyswad (Biggleswade), to George Beton and Henry Langford, of the same, of land in the fields of Schortmede, in the parish of Bykelyswad; part upon Hungerhyll, part upon Myddelsex abutting on Blakemere, part upon Schortdane and abutting on Longdane, part upon Stanylowe by Enderby and abutting on Crouchewey, part upon Conyesfurlong, part upon Slowfurlong abutting eastward on Longwyston, part upon Overfoxehole, and part upon Langfurlong abutting on Remededyche. 20 August, 21 . . . . Damaged.
Essex. C. 2222. Demise by John Howard and Gerard Braybrook, knights, John Bale, clerk, Robert Darcy, John Gower, parson of the church of Southcherche, Nicholas Berneres, and John Bernard, of Great Waltham, to Robert de la Rokele, of Essex, esquire, and Margaret his wife, of their manor called 'Wygepet.' and two messuages, six hundred acres of land, and pasture, meadow, wood and 12s. rent, called 'Coggessales' and 'Peions' in Elmedon, Wendenelout, Arkesden and Wygepet, for their lives; with remainder to Thomas, bishop of Durham, John Thoralby, Nicholas Hulme, William Brown, and Richard Kellowe, clerks, Thomas Holden, James son of Richard de Radclif, John de Radclif, of Chaderton, Richard de Rissheton, James de Grenehalgh, William de Moston, John Depeden, and Richard de Clayton, in fee. Witnesses:—William Coggeshale, knight, and others (named). 9 July, 8 Henry V. Seal of arms, imperfect.
[Kent.] C. 2223. Grant by Robert Adam ate Venne [sic], of St. Mary's in Ho, to Stephen son of Stephen de Delham, of two and a half day-works (dayworcas) of land in the said town, in a field called 'Southfeld,' 25 Edward I. Seal.
[Norf.] C. 2224. Grant by William de Caletorpe with the consent of Cicely his wife, to Walter son of Roger de Fincham, and Katherine his wife, daughter of Reginald son of Anastace, of land which the said Walter took in marriage with the said Katherine, (saving to Walter son of Anastace a right of entry and two half roods in Nortfeld, and one rood in Medwehyl), without liberty to alienate, paying 2s. 6d. yearly, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey Curtpeyl, Philip de Newebaud, and others (named).
[Essex.] C. 2225. Grant by Robert de la Rokele, of Wygepet, knight, to Hugh the forester (forestar') of land in the parish of Arkesdene in a field called 'le Brodefeld,'adjoining land of the monks of Waleden. Witnesses:— John Peverel, Robert Attewode, and others (named).
[Norf.] C. 2226. Licence from Master William do Trikebi, rector of the church of St. Mary, Burgh, to Sir William de Stalham, patron of the said church, to build an oratory in the parish of the said church, in his court. Norwich, Wednesday after St. Peter and St. Paul, A. D. 1268.
[Wilts.] C. 2227. Grant by Richard de Cumba, son of John de Cumba, to William son of William, son of Osbert de Fitelthune, of a virgate and a half of land in Fitelthune (Fitleton), with free pasture for six beasts, and eight pigs free of pannage, and common for sheep. Witnesses:—Walter and Simon de Lutelec[ote], and others (named).
[Oxford.] C. 2228. Grant by Ralph Pyppard, to Robert Seyntefey, and Juliana, daughter of the late John de Ruycote, of a messuage, houses and land which Reginald de la Grave formerly held in Rutherfeld Pippard. Saturday after the Annunciation, 31 Edward I.
Wilts. Dorset. C. 2229. Grant by John Burdayn, to Stephen Popham, knight, William Darell, Robert Andrewe, Richard Melbourne, Thomas Payn, and John Est . . . . e, of the manors of Upeton Knouke and Sutton Walround, which Henry Popham formerly granted to the said John Burdayn and others (named), now deceased. Witnesses:—Walter Hungerford, knight, and others (named). Fissherton Ancher, 1 May, 2 Henry VI.
[Hants.] C. 2230. Grant by Robert de la Sale, of West Acle, to Sir John Randolf, knight, and Lady Joan his wife, of lands called 'la Niwedunbreche,' and 'la Hale' in West Acle, saving a right of pasture in the manor of Dene and elsewhere. Witnesses:—Sirs Thomas de Warblynton, John de Popham, John de Basynges, John de Dummere, knights, and others (named). Dene, Sunday after Midsummer-day, 28 Edward I. Damaged.
Grant by Roger de Arundel, son and heir of Robert de Arundel, to John Randolf and Joan his wife, of a messuage and land in Cherchacly (Church Oakley). Asse, Thursday after Midsummer-day, 1 Edward II. Damaged.
Grant by John de Lyndwode, to Nigel de Arundel, and Joan his wife, of a messuage with croft in Churchockle (Church-Oakley). Witnesses:— Robert and John de la Sale, and others (named).
Grant by Ralph le Cartere, of Polhampton, with the assent of Matilda his wife, to John Randolf and Joan his wife, of a messuage and curtilage in Cherichaclie (Church Oakley). Witnesses:—Nicholas de la Berton, and others (named).
Release by Roger de Arundel, son and heir of Robert de Arundel, to John Randolf, knight, and Joan his wife, of all his right in a messuage and land called 'la Mede,' in Cherchaclie, which they held of the grant of Nigel de Arundel, Roger's uncle. Asse, Thursday after Midsummer-day. 1 Edward II.
Copies of five deeds on one skin.
Essex. C. 2231. Demise by Henry Langeley, George Langham, Robert Hunte, John Basset, of Chisehull, the elder, and Ralph Grey, to Joan, wife of John Nowers, esquire, and daughter of Richard Fox, esquire, deceased, and her children, of the manor of Asshdon, with lands, &c., in Asshdon, which the said Richard Fox had of the gift of Walter, Lord Fitzwalter; with remainder to Anne, wife of Thomas Langeley, esquire, in tail, and to the right heirs of the said Richard Fox in fee simple. 10 February, 24 Henry VI.
[Linc.] C. 2232. Release by Thomas son of Richard de Hicdon, of Ouresby, to Richard the carpenter (carpentario), of Oselby (Usselby), and Emma his wife, of all his right in land in 'les Oustlanges,' in the east field of Oselby. Saturday the eve of Holy Trinity, A.D. 1327, 1 Edward III.
[Linc.] C. 2233. Demise by Richard Hicdon, of Ouresby, to Richard the carpenter, of Oselby, of land in the east field of Oselby in 'les Houstelanges' for six years from Michaelmas, A.D. 1324. All Saints' day, A.D. 1324.
[Suff.] C. 2234. Grant by Ralph Lotun, son and heir of William Lotun, to Sir Robert de Reydon, knight, and Ida his wife, of land in Reydon, in Bettolfnescroft, near the court of the said Sir Robert. Witnesses:—Sirs Peter de Leyham and Robert de Vaux, knights, and others (named). Imperfect.
[Linc.] C. 2235. Grant by Richard de Hicdon, of Ouresby, to Richard the carpenter, of Oselby, and Emma his wife, of land in 'les Oustlanges,' in the east field of Oselby. Witnesses:—Jurdan Scherref and John de Alington, of Oselby, and others (named).
[Warw.] C. 2236. Release by Peter Drake, of Solyhull, to Henry de Schirleye, clerk, of all his right in lands and tenements which Henry had of the feoffment of William le Westerne in Solyhull. Friday the feast of St. Matthias the apostle, 14 Edward III. Injured.
[Salop.] C. 2237. Grant by Thomas Smyth, of Almynton, and Dionisia his wife, to John Wodlok, parson of the church of Mokeleston, William Woner, parson of the church of Norton, and John Barker, vicar of the church of Draiton, of a meadow lying by Draiton, adjoining Thomas's meadow called 'Blakemedo,' between the brook called 'Ty . .' and a croft of the hermitage there. Great Draiton in Halys. Monday after St. Scolastica, 25 Henry VI.
[Kent ?] C. 2238. Grant by Joan, daughter of Geoffrey the baker (pistoris), to William de Hare, of land in Walemer. Witnesses:—Baldwin Gulafre, William de Hegham and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Hants.] C. 2239. Grant by John de Posingeworthe, to his beloved Thomas Harangod, for the grantor's life, of a messuage, land and meadow in Hyford, in the parish of Langestoke, which the said John had of the gift of William Harangod, knight. Witnesses:—Walter de Lecford, Richard de Lymesy, and others (named).
Wilts. C. 2240. Grant by Thomas de Periton, to Adam Sturmi, of a messuage with land in Brokeneberue, which William le Tur held; paying yearly a pair of iron spurs or two pence. Witnesses:—Matthew de Bremelham, and others (named).
[Norf.] C. 2241. Grant by Reginald son of William the smith, (fab') of Lodnes, to William son of Richard de Senges, of 4d. yearly rent, payable out of land at Iggelose and upon Mundoberhc. Witnesses:—Henry de Senges, Alan de Mundham, and others (named).
[Sussex.] C. 2242. Grant by Walter de Bonwyk, to Bennet Stacy, and Alice his wife, of a piece of land adjoining the street leading from Horsham to Ayffolde (Ifield ?). Witnesses:—Robert Durant, Peter de Lynde, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Norf.] C. 2243. Grant and release by Geoffrey Wyth, and Isabella his wife, to John de Leem, and Joan his wife, sister of the said Isabella, of one-fifth of the capital messuage of Beston, with land in the same town, part below the court of Sir John de Cokefeld, part called 'Little Thistlilond,' and part, 'Great Thistlilond,' and a fifth of the lands which Sir William de Stalham lately acquired from Sir William the chaplain with rents, services, &c., in exchange for the rents and services, &c., of tenants in Wurthested. Witnesses:—Reginald le Gros, knight, John de Gymingham, and others (named). Smalbergh, Friday after St. Lambert, 27 Edward I. Damaged.
[Bucks.] C. 2244. Licence from N. N. to Thomas de Sakevylle, knight, to present Master Gregory de B., rector of the church of Barton, to the church of Falle; the said Thomas having granted the manor of Falle, with the advowson of the church, to the said N. N., and the said rector of Barton wishing to make an exchange with Sir Richard de B., rector of the church of Falle. [Richard II.] Copy on paper.
[Suff.] C. 2245. Grant by Walter de Lofham, of Hecham, and Agnes his wife, to Robert the clerk (clerico), of Breset, and Joan his wife, of a piece of land in Hecham. Monday after St. Matthew the apostle, 22 Edward I.
[Heref.] C. 2246. Grant by Nicholas Mervin, of Welintone (Wellington), to Richard [de Ba]gingedene, of land in Welinton, part lying in Osmundescroft, extending to land of the Hospitallers of Dunemore (Dynmore), in 'la Grete,' opposite Warfeld, in Aylivemars, in 'la Linkelowe,' extending to land that was king John's (Joh'is Reg'), and by land of the Hospitalers of Dunemore. Witnesses:—Robert Underwude, Walter Restot, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Imperfect.
[Essex.] C. 2247. Grant by Sawal son of Ralph, to Gilbert son of Geoffrey de Wrabbenase, for 20 marks given to himself and half a mark to Philippa his wife, of all the land which Sawal held of the fee of Sir Richard de Munfichet, in the tenth year of king Henry, in the parish of Borham; viz. a messuage, fields called 'Seelfcroft' and 'Great Claterbard,' and a grove called 'Hollehegge,' fields and crofts called 'Little Claterbard,' 'Longcroft, 'Homfeld,' 'Merisfeld,' and 'Holiecruft,' a pasture called 'Little Marsh,' part of a meadow called 'Estmeede,' and the meadow which the grantor held of the monks of Hadfeld, and part of the wood called 'Loseheye,' saving certain lands, rents, and homages specified, including a field called 'Bromfeld': paying therefore yearly 25d. and a 'wardpany' twice a year. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Slamundesheye, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Middx.] C. 2248. Acknowledgment from Roger de Ros, tailor (cissor) to the king of England, to Ernaud Beraut, and Gallard de Lart, the younger, of a debt of 63l. 10s. lent to him by them, to be repaid at London at the feast of St. John the Baptist next. Wednesday after the octave of the Invention of Holy [Cross], May, A.D. 1243. Damaged.
Oxford. C. 2249. Release by Richard West and Margery his wife, to John Sheperd, of all their right in a messuage and garden in the parish of Pissehull, adjoining land of the abbot of Dorchester; also in a close called 'Cowfeld,' and part of another close called 'Homecroft.' 10 August, 9 Edward IV. Imperfect. Seal.
[Kent.] C. 2250. Release by John Garnett, and Alice his wife, of the parish of Gravisend, co. Kent, to William Halton and Stephen . . . ., of the parish of St. Mary's in the Hundred of [Hoo], of all their right in land in that parish, of which part lies at Horpole. 10 September, [2] Henry VI. Much injured. Two seals.
[Middx.] C. 2251. Receipt from Richard Box, of London, mercer, to Walter Gorfen, one of the executors of the will of Richard Alred, esquire, for 40s., in payment of all sums due from the said Alred to the said Box. Last day of February, 29 Henry VI. Seal.
[Heref.] C. 2252. Letter of attorney by Adam Esgar, clerk, authorising Thomas Bardolf to deliver seisin to Constance, late the wife of Richard le Spicer,and to William her son, of two messuages in Hereford, one in the high street, the other in the street called 'Sadelewrthstrete,' and of a toft in the suburb of Hereford in the street called 'Byhyndecote.' Monday after Whit Sunday, 26 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] C. 2253. Indenture by which John, son of Sir John de Hodebovile, knight, acknowledges that he is bound, &c., to pay 50 marks to Sir William Thalemache, on condition that the said Sir William shall cross the sea with the king into Gascony, and perform the service due from the said John for one knight's fee, from the present time to Michaelmas next. Halstead (Hawstead) by St. Edmunds. Sunday after St. Gregory, 23 Edward I.
Glouc. C. 2254. Sale by Lady Alice de Briene, lady of Oxenhale, co. Gloucester, late the wife of Sir Guy de Briene, to Thomas Walewayn, of Marche, for four years, of the growth of wood in the inclosure in the old park of Oxenhale, and two other parcels of wood called 'Roysgrove' and 'Ladygrove.' Rameshame, Monday in Easter week, 11 Richard II. French, Seal of arms, imperfect.
[Dorset.] C. 2255. Receipt from Robert de Panes, to Avice, late the wife of Geoffrey de Stawelle, for a deed (recited) of William de Whytefeilde, son and heir of Sir John de Whytefeilde, knight, granting to John de Whytefelde, eldest son of the said William, and Alice, John's wife, daughter of Sir Peter de Facombarge, the manor of Pomknolle (Puncknoyll) and advowson of the church there, and the reversion of the dower of Isabella, William's mother, therein after her death; also receipt by the said Robert to the said Avice, for a deed (recited) dated 5 Edward III. of John de Whytefelde granting to Sir William de Thornforde, vicar of Abbotysbury, and William Maundeware, land and tenements in Pomknolle and Loneforde, and the advowson of the church, and reversion of a tenement and mill in Pomknole, &c.; also receipt by the same, to the same, for a deed (recited) dated at Abbotisbury, A.D. 1331, by the said William de Thornforde confirming to John de Whytefeild, the elder, and Joan and Avice, his daughters, the lands in Pomknolle and Loneforde which John had of William de Whytefeilde, his father, with remainders over. Mostreston, Saturday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 28 Edward III.
Indenture between Avice, late the wife of Geoffrey de Stawelle, and Robert Panes and Joan his wife, witnessing that the said Avice gave her share of the manor of Pomknolle to the said Robert and Joan, in exchange for their share in the manor of Loneford. Incomplete, cancelled.
Indenture between the same parties, reciting that they had recovered a moiety of the manors of Pomknolle and Loneford by an assize of novel disseisin held before John de Stonford and others, the king's justices of assize in the county of Dorset, against John, son of John de Whytefeld, and that Avice had similarly recovered a moiety of the other moiety of the said manors against Robert and Joan; whereupon by consent the premises are divided, and to Avice are assigned the hall, chamber, east portion of the cowhouse, a moiety of the grange, of a garden, of a close called 'Hocley,' the south portion of every furlong running east and west, &c., certain bondsmen with their issue and lands, &c., and a portion of a mill, for her life. Saturday after St. Bartholomew, 27 [Edward] III.
Deed between the same parties relating to an exchange of the premises; viz. thai the said Avice has conveyed to the said Robert and Joan her share of Pomknolle manor in exchange for their share of Loneford manor. —September, 27 Edward III. Imperfect.
Endorsed: Grant from the said William de Thornford, vicar of the church of Abbotysbury, to John de Whytefeild, and Joan and Avice his daughters, of the lands in Pomknolle and Loneforde, which the said John formerly held of the gift of William de Whytefelde his father. Tuesday in Easter week, A.D. 1331.
Also: Memorandum (in French) as to the issue of John de Whytefeild and the conveyance, apparently, of the said premises, with note, that the said Avice married Geoffrey de Stawelle, and that the said Joan married Robert Panes. One skin. Copies.
[Warw.] C. 2256. Demise by William, son of Thomas atte Birches, of Solihull, to Robert his son, for life, of 46s. 6d. yearly rent, issuing out of land, meadow and moor in Solihull, part at Soutford, by Reynaldescros, at Lethenardescote, at Maderes by the road leading from Burmyngham to Warwick, and at Shelleye. Monday after the Invention of Holy Cross, 13 Edward III.
Kent. C. 2257. Demise by Reginald Cobeham, lord of Steresburgh (Sterborough), to Stephen le Scroop, knight, son of Richard le Scroop, knight, lord of Bolton, Hugh Curteys, and William Ferrers, of the manor of Heverebrokes. Witnesses:—Philip Seynteler, knight, and others (named). Hevere 1 . . . ., 5 Henry IV. Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2258. Grant by Geoffrey Eddywe, of Wttone (Wootton), to Sir William de Senges, son of Richard de Senges, of a piece of land in Wttone, abutting northward on the road called 'Fregate.' Witnesses:—Sir Alan de Mundham, Stephen his son, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Wotton.'
[Bucks.] C. 2259. Agreement between Gilbert de Bolebek, and Geoffrey de Stokwell, that if the said Gilbert shall repay to Geoffrey certain sums at Christmas, 29 Henry III., and afterwards, Geoffrey shall restore to him the land and men which he held of him in the town of Kingesey. Witnesses:—Gilbert Wace, William de Mildecumb, clerk, and others (named). [29 Henry III.]
[Middx.] C. 2260. Release by Peter Dyker, John Merlyn, and William Prynce, chaplain, executors of the will of Richard Lylsey, chaplain, to John Fray and John Horn, of all their or Lylsey's right in tenements and a hostel, &c. in the parish of St. Lawrence, Jewry, London, which Thomas Aleyn lately leased from the prior and convent of Elsyngspitell, London. 6 March, 16 Henry VI.
[York.] C. 2261. Grant by William Swynden, of Braithewell, to John Swynden, of Denyngby, his son, of all his lands in Swynden, Whitwell and Thurleston, within the honour of the castle of Pontefract and lordship of Halomeschire. Wednesday after Trinity, 17 Richard II.
[Sussex.] C. 2262. Grant by Mariota, daughter and co-heiress of William Roberd, of Ifeld, widow, to John Aleyn, of 6d. yearly rent out of a croft of land in the parish of Ifield. Witnesses:—Richard de Weston, Nicholas de Sondesfeld, and others (named).
[Suff.] C. 2263. Grant by Richard de . . albadun, to Brien son of Berold, of all the land which Osmund held in Brandeston, paying half a mark yearly and 3d. 'a la warde de Duvre,' and rendering certain services in autumn, winter, and spring. Witnesses:—Hugh de Valb', Ralph de Bellocampo, and others (named). Twelfth century.
[Suff.] C. 2264. Grant by Catherine, relict of Osbert Kegel, of Lose in Hescham, widow, to Robert de Brysete, clerk, and Isabella his wife, of a messuage and land in Hescham (Hitcham), in the hamlet called 'Lose,' adjoining the wood of Oxenhey. Sunday the morrow of St. Luke the evangelist, 26 Edward I.
[Dorset.] C. 2265. Conveyance by Peter Kyng, and Cristina his wife, to John Benefeld, Joan his wife, and Joan their daughter, of a messuage and curtilage in the east street of Brideport, for their lives. Witnesses:—John Tracy, William Tracy, bailiffs, and others (named). Monday before the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 42 Edward III. Seal, injured, and fragment of seal.
Norf.] C. 2266. Grant by Sir Oliver de Calthorp, knight, to John de Wlterton, Thomas de Walkot, Simon de Walkot, and Master John de Felbrigg, clerks, of land in Calthorp, in exchange for land at Snaylgatemere. Witnesses:—Robert de Erpyngham, Roger de Becham, and John de Erpyngham, knights, and others (named). Thursday after St. Peter and St. Paul, 44 Edward III.
[Norf.] C. 2267. Grant by Hervey Fox, and Tiffania his wife, of Sithing, to Sir William de Calethorp, knight, of the homage of John Osebert, of Sithing, and the service of 1d. yearly rent which he pays for land at Oxhaghe in Mundham, of the homage and service of Edmund de Westgate and 1d. yearly rent for land by Hevesmere in the same town, of the homage of John de Westthorp and Robert le Wowere, with rents for land at 'le Lanesende' in the same town, and the homage and service of Ralph le Noble, of Sithing, chaplain, and Thomas his brother, with rent for a messuage and croft in Sithing (Seething). Wednesday before St. John the Baptist, 16 Edward II. Portion of seal.
[Suff.] C. 2268. Grant by Ralph de Watefeld, to Robert de Bryssete, clerk, and Joan his wife, of the homage and service of Osbert Keggel, of Hesham, and of 7d. yearly rent paid by him for land in the hamlet called 'Lose' in the town of Hecsham (Hitcham), and for a tenement called 'Colewallelond' in the same place. Naueltone, Wednesday after St. Barnabas the apostle, 14 Edward [I].
Essex. Suff. C. 2269. Conveyance by John Fray and John Doreward, the elder, to William, abbot of St. Mary's, Coggeshale, Bennet Burgh and Thomas Swattok, clerks, and John Worthy, of the manors of Eyston at Tower and Rothyng Eytroppe, and the advowsons of the churches there, and of the manors of Bildeston, Dryngeston, Hopton, and Shelland, with a messuage, land, wood, and two marks of rent in Felsham and Geddyng, and the advowsons of the churches of Bildeston and Dryngeston, which the grantors held jointly with John, archbishop of York, John, bishop of Bath, William, bishop of London, Richard, earl of Warwick, Ralph Cromwell, Walter Beauchamp, knight, John Prentys and John Arundell, clerks, Philip Ingelfeld, William Westwode, clerk, William Palmer, John Hay, and John Cornewaill, deceased, by the gift of Roger Aston, knight, Thomas Feryby, clerk, and Robert Rykedon. 6 [February ?], [31 ?] Henry VI. Damaged. Two seals.
Devon. C. 2270. Defeasance of a mortgage by John Halswyll, to William Gylle, of messuages, lands, &c., in Hounstonysforde and Butlond, within the parishes of Yealmeton and Ermyngton; witnessing that if the said John shall permit the said William to receive a yearly rent of 5l. out of the premises and other of John's lands called 'Halswyll,' for twenty-six years, he may then re-enter upon the premises. 2 July, 17 Henry VII.
[Suff.] C. 2271. Release by Matthew, son and heir of Osbert Kegel, of Lose in Hescham, to Robert de Brysete, clerk, and Isabella his wife, of all his right in a messuage and land in Hescham, in the hamlet called 'Lose.' Thursday before All Saints, 26 Edward I.
Dorset. C. 2272. Bond by William Olyver, of Brideport, merchant, to Roger Broune, of the same, for 10l. to be paid at Easter next. Monday after St. Hilary, 20 Henry VI. Cancelled.
[Suff.] C. 2273. Grant by Ralph son of William de Pebeners, to Laurence son of William de Pebeners, his brother, of the tenement which Walter son of Richard de Waldigefeld, held in Waldigefeld and Yllegh, with homages, rents, &c., namely, from William de Theldigos, knight, for his tenement in Waldigefeld at the field of Lafeld; from Gilbert de Padebroc, for his tenement called 'Stonacre'; from Geoffrey son of Turebert del Herst, for a tenement in Yllegh in the fields of Kakefeldesedde; from Henry de Wkenhelle, for a tenement in Yllegh at Netherhege, and from other tenants and tenements named. Witnesses:—Robert de Blavenia, Richard de Cornerth, William and Roger, sons of Vitalis, and others (named). Injured. Thirteenth century.
[Heref.] C. 2274. Grant by Nicholas son of William, to Christina la Lavandre, of land in the territory of Welintone (Wellington), in Brerteforlung, extending beyond Haywey. Witnesses:—Stephen son of Adam, John Mervin, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Linc.] C. 2275. Grant by Richard Harryson, kinsman and heir of John West, late the parson of the church of Bradeley, to John Tailboys, esquire, John Langholm, Robert Forman, Richard Folneby, and John Mathewe, of lands in Grymesby, Witnesses:—John atte Halle and Thomas Westeby, bailiffs of Grymesby, and others (named). Feast of St. Laurence the martyr, 18 Henry VI. Seal and fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2276. Grant by Alice daughter of Hernulf de Dunstaple, widow, and Agnes her daughter, to Nicholas le Cuppere, and Juliana his wife, of a messuage with curtilage in the north street of Dunstaple, extending to the high road of Watlingestrat. Witnesses:—John de Wottone, John Chadde, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Two seals.
[Devon.] C. 2277. Confirmation by John Inthecombe, son and heir of Richard Inthecombe, of a grant (recited in full) by the said Richard to William Monfort, of a tenement and land in Souhton Dertemuth. Sealed with the official seal of John Hawlegh, mayor of Clifton. Dertemouth. 17 May, 22 Richard II. Injured.
[Oxford.] C. 2278. Grant by Ralph de Stonore, to William Esynton and Alice his wife, for the latter's life, of lands, &c., in the parish of Piriton, formerly held by William Doyly and the said William and Alice, with a right of way through the grantor's field called 'Millefeld' for driving their sheep and cattle from Pushulle, &c. Sunday before the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 18 Richard II. Seal of arms, imperfect.
Surrey. C. 2279. Grant by William Bekwelle, son and heir of Peter Bekwelle, of Pekham in the parish of Camerwelle, co. Surrey, to John Langhorn, citizen and brazier of London, of land in Peckham. 20 July, 2 Henry IV. Seal.
[N'hamp.] C. 2280. Award of brother Augustine, abbot of Lavenden, and John (?) of Northampton, arbitrators in a controversy between the prior and convent of St. Andrew's, Norhampton, and Philip son of Robert de Norhampton, concerning the advowson of the hospital of St. David's without Norhampton, to the effect that the prior of St. Andrew's should have the right of patronage in the said hospital, and that the said Philip should present two among the brethren to the hospital, one lay and one clerical, so that the total number be not increased; saving to the bishop of Lincoln, canonical discipline, &c. Witnesses:—Walter, abbot of St. James's, Norhampton, Master Richard de Sancta Cruce, official of Norhampton, and others (named). Thursday after St. Denis, A.D. 1233. Fragment of seal.
[Essex.] C. 2281. Grant by Mabel de S . . . . a, of Neuport, to William de Camville, of a shop in Neuport, abutting on the market-place of the earl of Cornwall. Witnesses:—Warin son of Quintun, Master Richard de Bellocampo, and others (named). Damaged.
Coruw. C. 2282. Defeasance of a grant by Nicholas Trenewyth, to Robert Garton and Harry Maupas, clerks, of lands, rents, and tenements in the county of Cornwall and elsewhere; witnessing that the said Nicholas is to have the right to re-enter on payment of certain sums on certain days specified. Westminster, 3 February, 12 Richard II. French.
[Berks.] C. 2283. Grant by Richard Bysshop, of Abendon, to Henry Prinz and Alice his wife, of the same, of a plot of land with a curtilage and one butt (bout) of arable land adjacent, in Borewstrete in Abendon (Abingdon), near the almshouse. Witnesses:—John de Lambourne, provost of Abendon, and others (named). Thursday after the exaltation of Holy Cross, 33 Edward [I]. Paper.
[Heref.] C. 2284. Grant by Hugh de Dudidale, to Walter de Hutune, of 2d. yearly rent, which John Thenauh, of Hope, and John Waryng used to pay for two acres lying beside G . . . . . Witnesses:—Richard de Lutebroke, William de Tullyntone, and others (named). Damaged.
C. 2285. Letters patent by John Guicardi, clerk, keeper and executor of the seal of the king of England and duke of Aquitaine, certifying that he has inspected certain letters patent of John de Haustede, knight, seneschal of the duchy of Aquitaine, dated 6 September A.D. 1328, and sealed with the seal of the court of Gascony, nominating Sir Arnald Pagani to the king's council. Bordeaux, 15 April, A.D. 1329. Damaged.
[Bucks.] C. 2286. Defeasance of a bond by Martyn Coperkyng, of Chesham, and William Coperking his son, by which they are bound to each other, the said Martyn in 100s. and the said William in 10 marks, the said bond being in the hands of John de le Sekersteyn, of Agmodesham; witnessing that if the said Martyn shall not demise, for term of his life, any of his lands in the parish of Chesham except a plot called 'Collinggeswyk' without William's consent, and if the said William shall not withdraw himself from the service and support of his parents, the said bond shall be void. Sunday after Michaelmas, 13 Edward III. French.
[Essex.] C. 2287. Confirmation by Geoffrey de Say, son of Geoffrey, son of William de Say, of a grant made by his said father to Geoffrey de Say, his own younger brother, whom his father had by Alice de Ver, on the petition of William de Say his eldest brother, of the manor of Rikeling. Witnesses:— Walter, archbishop of Rouen, and Hubert, archbishop of Canterbury, John, bishop of Worcester, Eustace, bishop elect of Ely, Alberic de Ver, Roger de Cestr,' Richard de Mumfischet, Hamo de Valein, William de Bereges, Robert le Pore, Baldwin de Offington, William de Vesci, and others (named). [Between 10 August, 1197, and 8 March 1198.] Damaged. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] [Oxford.] C. 2288. Indenture witnessing that William Sommer, bargeman, of Quenehithe, 'hath receyvyd of my maister,' Sir William Stonor, knight, certain wine, salt fish, &c., specified, to be delivered at Henley-upon-Thames. 14 May, 18 [Henry VIII ?]. English. Paper.
Cornw. C. 2289. Release by Nicholas Byforde, to William Wyoth, of all his right against Baldwin Jeforay, John Jon, and Richard Denys, parishioners of Mevagissey (Mavagisi), and Henry Breton and Roger Andrew, parishioners of St. Gorrans (S[an]c[t]i Goranos), on account of a bond in which they were bound to the said Nicholas and William in the sum of 53l. 6s. 8d. The Assumption, 11 Henry IV.
[Suff.] C. 2290. Grant by William, son of William son of Stephen, to Robert son of Syward de Reidun, of all the pasture in his alder bed in Reidun, saving to William the right to cut the alder then growing. Witnesses:— Herbert de Dreitune, Robert de Norhwde, and others (named).
[Norf.] C. 2291. Grant by John de la Funtayne, of Werstede, to Hugh de Reymes, of the same, of two pieces of land in Werstede (Worsted), in a field called 'le Sut dune,' part abutting on land called 'le Goredelond.' Witnesses:—Sirs John de Holebroc, Hugh Talemache, Gerard de Wachesham, and John de Strattone, knights, and others (named).
[Oxford.] C. 2292. Grant by John Pippard, of Watlyngton, to William, son of William Byshop, of Sonyngwell, of land in Watlington, in Menyngfeld. Monday the feast of St. Ambrose, 19 Edward III.
[Suff.] C. 2293. Grant by Emma, late the wife of John Prichet, of Hadlegh, to Sir Andrew de Bures (?), knight, and Alice his wife, of all her goods and chattels in all the lands which they have of her gift in the town of Leyham. Monday after St, John ante Portam Latinam, 23 Edward III, Damaged.
[York.] C. 2294. Grant by Robert son of John de Wambwell, to Baldwin del Hill, of a plot of land by land of John Ylian, another plot in the east field of Carlecotes, and another at Bole holes called 'Fulschaweker,' with all easements belonging to the said land in the territory of Thurleston at Smalschawe, Carlecotes, and Boleholes. Witnesses:—Thomas de Seyvile, Robert de Ospryng, and others (named).
[Suff.] C. 2295. Grant by Robert de Helpestone, rector of the church of Naueltone, to Robert de Brissete and Joan his wife, of his tenement of Lose in Hecsham (Hitcham) called 'Brychtwaldesfeld,' with remainder, if the said Robert de Brissete should die without lawful children, to John, Robert's bastard son, and Matilda, his sister. Tuesday before St. Barnabas the apostle, 14 Edward [I].
[Hants.] C. 2296. Grant by Walter le Munek, of Penitune Meisi (PentonMewsey), to Lady Joan de Harnhulle, his lady, of land in the fields of the said town, lying upon Smaleherepathe, in Langelonde, in 'la Dene,' and north of 'la Marliere.' Witnesses:—Henry de Foxcote, Roger le Poer, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] C. 2297. Demise by John Pygot, master of the hospital of Holy Trinity called Seint Dewys by Kyngesthorp [without Northampton], and the brethren of the same, to John Waterman, of Esthaddon, Marion his wife, and John their son, of a messuage and half a carucate of land, &c. in Esthaddon, for their lives. Chapter house of the hospital, Tuesday before St. Peter in cathedra, 20 Richard II.
[Middx.] C. 2298. Indenture between Dan John Waterden, monk of the monastery of Westminster, and Thomas, earl of Ormond, by which the said John Waterden certifies that Cecily Radcliff, widow, deceased, desired him to bear witness that her last will was that the said earl should, for two years after her death, pay yearly to the said John Waterden a yearly rent of 9 marks, payable for a mansion and dwelling-place within the monastery of Westminster, 'wherein the baron of Duddeley inhabited,' and which the said Cecily had demised to the said earl. 4 January, 5 Henry VII. English. Signed by the said Dan John.
Endorsed: 'An endentur by John Waterden monk of Westm' of the yeres that maistresse Cecily yaf my lord in the place at Westmynster.'
[Suff.] C. 2299. Grant by Gervase de Vallibus, to Roisia de Waldingfeld, daughter of Robert de Waldingfeld, of land in the town of Reydone, which the said Gervase purchased of William de la Holt, of Reydone, and of Sir Fulk de Vallibus the grantor's brother. Witnesses:—John de Belsted, John le Enveyse, and others (named).
[Kent.] C. 2300. Grant by John atte Newelonde, of St. Mary's in Hoo, to Stephen son of Stephen de Delham, of half-an-acre and three 'deywercs' (deywarcas) of land in St. Mary's. in a field called 'Southfeld.' October, 10 Edward II. Damaged.