Deeds: C.2301 - C.2400

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.2301 - C.2400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.2301 - C.2400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.2301 - C.2400". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.2301 - C.2400

[Kent.] C. 2301. Indenture between John Meyny, gentleman, Richard Lylle, and William Raynold, of Holyngborne, and John Warner of the city of Rochester, yeoman, witnessing that a marriage having been solemnised between the said John Warner and Alice Ware, relict of Richard Ware, the said John covenants to convey all his lands, &c., to the use of the said Alice, and to find an honest secular priest to pray for the souls of the said Richard, of John Reynold and Margaret his wife, &c., and Thomas Yaldryche, &c. 7 October, 8 Henry VIII(?). Damaged.
[Sussex.] C. 2302. Grant by John Neel, of Horsham, to Sir John de Ifeld, knight, of 12d. yearly rent paid by Robert Ters for a croft at Benebrugge in Horsham. Saturday before St. George, 9 Edward III.
[York.] C. 2303. Release by William son of William de Stapelton, rector of the church of Swynlington, to Ranulph del Ker, of Cuthewrd (Cudwortb), of 2s. yearly rent, part of 7s. yearly rent due for two bovates of land which Ranulph holds in Cuthewrd. Witnesses:—Adam son of Robert de Cuthewrd, Hugh son of Marjory de Bretton, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Essex.] C. 2304. Grant by Thomas de Schel[don], and Alice his wife, to John de Radeclyve, of Richard le Monek his bondman (nativum), with all the said Richard's chattels, for the life of the said Alice. Wygepet in Arkesden, Wednesday after St. Gregory the pope. 8 Edward III.
[ ] C. 2305. Bond by Thomas Ormond and James Selynger, esquires, to Elizabeth, countess of Shrewsbury, and Alan Stury, esquire, for 15l. to be paid at Easter next. 18 November, 12 Edward IV. Cancelled.
Endorsed: The bond is to be void on payment of 10l. within twelve weeks of Easter next.
[Bedf.] C. 2306. Grant by Richard de Melnho, of Bykeleswad (Biggleswade), to Sir Roger the chaplain, his son, of a burgage and half a burgage with the chattels therein. Byk', Saturday . . . . St. Mark [apostle] and evangelist, 6 Edward 11. Imperfect.
[N'hamp.] C. 2307. Grant by William Coous, of Hunesdune, to Henry Engayne, of lands, messuages, and rents in Blarewic and Laxtone. Witnesses:— Sirs William Engayne and William de Subir', and others (named).
[Notts.] C. 2308. Grant by John Lawe, clerk, to John Benet, of a messuage and a garden in Baldertongate of Newerk. . . . October, 38 Henry VI. Damaged. Fragment of seal.
[ ] C. 2309. Grant by Grecia, late the wife of Reginald Casteleyn, of Westone, widow, to Alice her daughter, of half a croft in Galesleyfeld, and land in Westone, at Salemundeslowe and without Sceldweye, abutting on Portweye, at Rikelowe, and in Merdale. Witnesses:—William de Robtot, Michael Rangilun, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Devon.] C. 2310. Conveyance by John de Northecote, lord of Widworthy, to Nicholas Damarle, of all his lands and tenements in Morecokisheygh in the parish of Colyton, and a tenement in Wilhamtyn in the parish of Ofwille (Offwell) called 'Crotyngislonde.' Monday the feast of St. Valentine the martyr, 5 Edward III.
Berks. C. 2311. Indenture witnessing that William de Mulsho, clerk, had delivered to Sir Adam de Pencrich, executor of the will of Robert de Bernham, all the goods and chattels (enumerated), which belonged to the said Robert in the county of Berks. Morrow of St. Bertin the abbot 35 Edward III.
[Essex.] C. 2312. Release by Margery, daughter of the late Richard le Spenser, of Berneston, to Henry Gernet and Margery his wife, of all her right in lands and tenements which formerly belonged to her father in Berneston. Wenynton, Thursday the morrow of the translation of St, Thomas the martyr, 10 Edward II.
[Notts.] C. 2313. Grant by John son of William de Stocum, to Roger, son of . . . ., of land in Stocum (Stockham), in 'le Wodefeld,' part in a tillage called 'Wetecroft,' part called Lortemere, and part on the west side of Stocumwode. Witnesses:—William Maulonel, of Rampton, Richard de le Buskes, of Stocum, and others (named). . . . . . in Easter week, 2 Edward IT. Damaged.
York. [Middx.] C. 2314. Indenture of apprenticeship by which Robert Flemyng, of Serleston, co. York, yeoman, binds Margaret Fleming, his daughter, apprentice to Gerard Brevera, citizen and vintner of London, and Margaret his wife, 'silkwoman,' for seven years from the present date to learn the business of the said Margaret. [Witnesses:—] John Scot, mayor of London, Ralph Josselyn and Richard Nodeham, sheriffs. Midsummer day, 37 Henry VI.
Bedf. C. 2315. Release by Elizabeth, late the wife of Walter Beauchamp, knight, mother of William Beauchamp, knight, and by William Beauchamp, knight, to John Cornewayll, knight, of all their right in the manors of Milbroke, Ampthull, and La [Graunge by] Milbroke, and also in the manor of Houghton, and the lands, &c., which, formerly belonged to Eleanor de Sancto Amando, late the wife of Almarie de Sancto Amando, knight, in Mil[broke, Ampthull], La Graunge by Milbroke, Houghton, Prestle, and Stepyngle; with a warranty against John Bromham, prior of Newenham, co. Bedford, and his successors. Eve of St. Simon and St. Jude, 19 Henry VI. Damaged.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll.
[Herts.] C. 2316. Release by John son of Adam, to John Aygnel, for 30s., of two crofts of land in Hemelhamstude, in the hamlet of Estebrok, called 'Elde Marlynges.' Witnesses:—Sirs John de Gatesdene, William Len Veyse, knights, and others (named).
[Warw.] C. 2317. Giant by Margery, late the wife of Henry le Mason, of Sulihull, to Henry Lovot, of the same, and Agnes his daughter, of a messuage and curtilage in the market town of Sulihull. Saturday the Invention of the Holy Cross, 22 Edward III.
Essex. C. 2318. Release by Simon Adam, of Wenden co. Essex, to John Bledlowe, the elder, John Colyngton, John Fitz Richard, William Lucas, Peter Gace, and John Elys, of the same, of all his right in lands, &c., in Arkesden, Wykes, and Wenden. 28 August, 5 Henry V. Damaged.
[ ] C. 2319. Bond by Thomas de Furnivall, knight, lord of Alveton, for the repayment to the king and to Sir Ralph Basset, knight, lord of Drayton, for 1,000l. received from the king, as a loan, by the hands of the said Sir Ralph. Bordeaux, 8 August, A.D. 1325. Cancelled.
Oxford. C. 2320. Indenture between William Stonore, knight, and Peter Marmyon, the elder, of Thame, co. Oxford, by which the said Peter releases the said William from a recognisance for 500l. entered into by him at the King's Chancery at Westminster, 20 November last. Tettisworth, 1 March, 21 Edward IV. Signed by the said Stonore.
[Linc.] C. 2321. Grant by Adam de Osgotby, son of Thomas de Snelleslund, to William the chaplain of Claxeby, of land in Osselby (Usselby) [adjoining land] of the prior of Wynghale. Witnesses:—Sir Geoffrey de Kynardby, knight, Sir Richard his brother, the steward, and others (named). Damaged.
[Essex.] C. 2322. Grant by Joan de Berdestaple, late the wife of Peter de Stanford, widow, to Thomas called Wynter of Hassinggebrog, and Cicely his wife, of land in Bartlesdone, with the houses thereon. Witnesses:— Robert de Ildenebregg, William de Berdefeud, and others (named).
[Suff.] C. 2323. Grant by Walter le Blake, of Weybrede, to Peter Jay, of the same, of a messuage in Weybrede (Weybread), between land belonging to the manor of Silham and the highway leading from the bridge called 'Cobaldisbregg' to Hoxum, and abutting on the common way to Catheryngge. Sunday after the Annunciation, 15 Edward III.
[Heref.] C. 2324. Grant by Robert Serle, of Welynten, to Richard de Bagingeden, for 16 marks, of land in Welynton lying in 'la grete,' upon Lynkelowe extending to the road to Dunemore, upon Mersti extending towards Burhop, in Bereye, in Northfeld, opposite Warfeld, at Longeford, in Brerdefurlung, in 'la Hope,' in Bereye abutting on Lugge and Hayweye, at Buttes extending to Medewesti, in Hoverworthin, in Lydyatfurlung, at Hundescite stretching to Warfeld, above Warfeld, in the Northfield, above Linkelowe and extending beyond the road to Dunemore, in Hefurlung stretching to the road to Bodeham above Welynton wood towards 'la Voleye,' &c. Witnesses:—Walter Restot, Ivor de Maurdin, and cithers (named). Thirteenth century.
[Middx.] C. 2325. Grant by Robert de Geywode, girdler and citizen of London, to John Brice, citizen of London, of a plot of land with a house thereon in the parish of St. Michael's, Bassieshawe, London. Witnesses:—Sir John le Bretun, knight, warden of London, Adam de Hallyngbury and John de Dunstapel, sheriffs, Richard de Gloucestria, alderman of that ward, and others (named). [24 Edward I.]
[Glouc] C. 2326. Grant by Gilbert de Mivers, to the brethren and knights of the Temple, with the consent of Cicely his wife and Roger de Mivers, his heir, of a virgate of land in Colkerton. Imperfect.
[Dorset.] C. 2327. Letter of attorney by Elizabeth Skottes, of Melcomb, authorising Robert Portlond to deliver seisin to John Berde, of Waymouth, of a toft and curtilage in Melcomb Regis. Sunday after St. Matthias the apostle, 3 Richard II.
[Cornw.] C. 2328. Grant by Robert de Rupe, knight, to William de Bodrigan, of all his land of Tremodred, together with the homage and service of Master Clement de Forsdon, rector of the church of St. Gunand, and of others (named). Witnesses:—William de Bolrell, Tebald de Noovile, sheriffs of Cornwall, William de Campo Arnulfi, Richard de Hywis, Ralph Bleyen, Walter de Treverbin, knights, and others (named). Tredu, Thursday before St. Gregory the pope, 22 Edward [I].
[Essex.] C. 2329. Release by John Mannyng, of the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Colchester, and John Walman, of New Hithe, Colchester, to John Seni'in, of New Hithe, aforesaid, of all their right in two messuages at New Hithe, extending from the high road to a field called 'la Homfeld.' Witnesses:—Ralph Algar, Stephen Baron, bailiffs of Colchester, and others (named). Monday, the conversion of St. Paul, 12 Richard II.
[York.] C. 2330. Conveyance by John de Stonore, to Ancelm called' Godefray,' and Agnes his wife, of a messuage with curtilage and laud which Godfrey de Blakeford formerly held in Saltmarsh, rendering 7s. 6d. yearly and suit at the grantor's court of Hembury (Hemingborough). St. Gregory's day, 3 Edward II.
[Bedf.] C. 2331. Grant by William Fremund, of Dunstaple, to Simon Scot, of the same, and Isabella his wife, of a yearly rent of 4d. which he used to receive from John le Cunyr, son of the late Laurence le Cunyr, of Dunstaple, out of a tenement in the south street of Dunstaple, in the middle of Watlyngestrate, opposite the gate of the friars preachers of Dunstaple, extending to 'le South Dych.' Saturday the feast of the Conception, 7 Edward II.
[Norf.] C. 2332. Release by Margery, late the wife of Sir Richard de Sengeg, to Sir William, son of the said Richard, of all her right of dower in the great wood of Senges with the land therein, also in the marriage which, was Matilda's, late mother of the said William, in land in the fields of Wdetune, and in land called 'Bathelokestoft': and release of all damages and costs which she incurred by the retention of her dower. Witnesses:— Sirs Roger de Thurkell, Alan de Mundham, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Sussex.] C. 2333. Grant by Stephen Walssh, to Richard Burton, Richard Kyng, and Richard atte Smyth, of all his share of lands and tenements in Waldern, within Marchallesgate, called 'Homefeld' and 'Estfeld'; also in meadow land by Longewyssh, &c. 6 June, 38 Henry VI.
[Dorset.] C. 2334. Grant by John Lumbard, of Cerne, to Thomas Cole, of Weymouth, and Cristina his wife, of a burgage within the liberty of Weymouth, in a lane called 'Lovelane.' Witnesses:—William Forde, John Croll, bailiffs of Weymouth, and others (named). St. Bartholomew's day, 22 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] C. 2335. Bond by John Myre to Master John Broun, clerk, master of the hospital of St. Mary of Betheleem without Bisshopesgate, London, for 4l. payable on April 15 next. 15 October, 4 Edward IV.
Endorsed: The bond is to be void upon payment of the sum secured at the dates specified.
[Suff.] C. 2336. Grant by William son of Margaret, of Weybrede, to William Persone, of the same, of a piece of his meadow in Weybrede. Thursday before St. Mark the evangelist, 23 Edward III. Damaged.
[Surrey.] C. 2337. Grant by John, son of Robert Godman, to William, son of John Ermener, of a messuage and curtilage in Pecham in the parish of Camerwell, held of the fee of Reginald de Bretingherst. Witnesses:— William de Bekewell, Henry de Bylewis, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Oxford. C. 2338. Bond by Thomas Stonore, of Stonore, co. Oxford, esquire, and William Stonore, of the same, gentleman, to William Notyngham, for 10 marks, payable at Martinmas next. 6 July, 12 Edward IV.
[Suff.] C. 2339. Grant by William Hubert, of Stradbrook, to William Roowe, of the same, of a piece of meadow in the town of Stradbrook, called 'Haysshfeldmedue.' 10 December, 4 Edward IV. Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2340. Release by Katherine, late the wife of Alan Nerebold, of Wyston, to Robert Mordel, of Neylond, of all her right of dower in a tenement in Wyston, for which the said Robert has given her 10s. and an acre of land in Lanefelde. Witnesses:—Robert de Bures, Sylvester de Bures, and others (named).
Surrey. [Hants.] C. 2341. Demise by John de Hoo, brother of William de Hoo, knight, and John . . . ., to Thomas de Hoo, knight, and Eleanor his wife, of the manors of Occlee, and Sta[nd]eleshoo by Portesmouthe, with the advowsons of the churches there. Thursday before St. Peter in cathedra, 18 Richard II. Damaged.
[Essex.] C. 2342. Grant by Nicholas Trassele, of Wilinghale Spayne, to John Otes, of Writele, of all his lands and tenements in Wilinghale Spayne. St. Philip and St. James's day, 4 Edward III.
[Suff.] C. 2343. Grant by Richard de Seenges to the church of St. Mary, Sibetune, and the monks of the Cistercian Order there, in frank almoin, of Arnald de Thyresmere with his issue, and all his tenement and service. Witnesses:—Roger de Hales, Reginald de Brokedis, and others (named). [Henry III.]
Berks. C. 2344. Defeasance of a recognisance whereby Sir John Lercedekne, knight, is bound to Peter, abbot of Abingdon, John Seymour, and Robert Tresilian in 80 marks, witnessing that the said recognisance shall be void if after Sir John's death the said John Seymour and Joan his wife, John their son, William brother of the said John son of John, Thomas Hanneye, parson of the church of Longworthe, Thomas, parson of the church of Milton, John Mercham, chaplain, and William Schiltwode, parson of the church of Chelrey, shall be able to hold peaceably the manor of West Hanney with all messuages, lands and services of tenants in West Hanneye for the lives of the said John and Joan and John's said sons. London, Monday before St. John the Baptist, 43 Edward III. French.
[Glouc.] C. 2345. Indenture between Richard de Medmenham, commissary of Reginald, bishop of Worcester, and Sir William, rector of the church of Saperton, in the diocese of Worcester, and William Gouthorp, clerk, proctors or attorneys of Sir William de Ferby, rector of the church of Hampton, witnessing that the said Richard has delivered to the said proctors the goods specified which belonged to John de Middelton, late the rector of the church of Hampton, deceased. Hampton Monialium, Tuesday the morrow of the conversion of St. Paul, 35 Edward III.
Bedf. Herts. C. 2346. Indenture stating the conditions of a feoffment made by Thomas Mayghus, called 'Hobbus,' of Dunstaple, to Robert atte Forde, of Hanslap, Edmund Cotun, of Tylleswort, and John Trought, of Dunstaple, of all his tenements in the north street of Dunstaple, with all his lands, &c., in the fields of Dunstaple, Houghton Regis, Kenysworth, and Cadyngdon, and witnessing that the said Thomas is to have the premises, except three cottages, for his life, and Cristina his wife is to have her dower in the said lands, &c. Easter day, 8 Henry IV. Damaged.
Essex. C. 2347. Release by John Bledlowe, the younger, son of Lewis Bledelowe, of Arkesden, to John Bledlowe, the elder, his brother, of all his right in the manor of Peverels in Arkesden. 12 July, 1 Henry V.
[Hants.] C. 2348. Release by Thomas, lord of Foxcote, and Margaret his wife, to Henry de Harnhulle, of all their right in the great meadow of Foxcote, called 'Eslmede.' Penitone, 15 February, 18 Edward II.
[Notts.] C. 2349. Grant by Hugh Cupper, of Notyngham, and Matilda his daughter, to Roger de HoppewelJ, the elder, and Isabella his wife, of a toft. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Crophill, mayor of Notyngham, Ralph de Calverton and . . . . ., bailiffs. Tuesday (?) after the conversion of St. Paul, 35 Edward 111. Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2350. Defeasance of a bond for 20 marks by Oliver de Calthorp, knight, to William Pepur, of Lodne, witnessing that if the said William is allowed quietly to take the wood and underwood sold to him by the said Olirer in part of his wood called 'Bigotes Wode' in Sithingg, with free entry therein till the quinzaine of Midsummer next, the said bond shall be void. 20 September, 38 Edward III.
[Oxford ?] C. 2351. Deed poll by which Baldewin de Clopton, and Dionisia his wife, disclaim all title to a meadow in . . . dewell, which Peter de Wica formerly held of Robert Druwal and Mabel his wife. Witnesses:—Sirs Helias de Witefeld and Hugh Pirun, Robert de Piriton, Robert sen of Milo de Draicotte, and others (named). Damaged.
[Linc.] C. 2352. Grant by Isabella, relict of Henry de Stafford, of Aslakeby, widow, to John Baker, of the same, and Eva her daughter, of a toft and croft in Aslakeby, by Kenelane. Tuesday after the Purification, 2 Edward III.
[Bucks.] C. 2353. Grant by John de Herdewyk, chaplain, to John Tredegold, of Merstone, and Adam his brother, of land in Merstone, lying in a croft called 'H . . . ardescroft,' in tail, with remainder to Dionisia, Alice and Hawise, sisters of the said John and Adam Tredegold. Witnesses:— Ralph son of Edmund of Wedone, and others (named). Saturday the Annunciation, 11 Edward II.
[Berks.] C. 2354. Demise by Sir John de Stonore, knight, to John Attewell, of Sottewell, Matilda his wife, and John their son, of land in Sottewell, in . . . . forlong, in Blakelond, and above Stronglond, for their lives. Stonore, 1 . . . ., 35 [Edward] III. Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2355. Grant by Alan Pertrich, of Reydone, and Hathelatia his wife, to John le Melnere, of Kirketone, of a piece of land in Reydone, abutting on the road to Hintlisham. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Reydone, knight, and others (named). Thursday after St. Gregory the pope, 8 Edward II.
C. 2356. Release by . . . [Brigge]watrer, to Henry, duke of Exeter, Anne, duchess of Exeter, Richard Caudray and Thomas . . . ., of all actions. 18 December, 29 Henry VI. Damaged.
[Leic] C. 2357. Demise by Sir Ralph Basset, of Weldon, to Simon Mulct, and Juliana his sister of Thorp by Langeton, of land at Thorp and Laugeton, part on Mosewellehyl, and part abutting on Raulinissh . . ., for fifteen years, paying 15d. yearly. The Purification, 17 Edward II. Damaged.
[Wilts.] C. 2358. Grant by Richard de Marisco and Iseuda his wife, to Walter Colkyng, and Alice his wife, of a yearly rent of 2s. 10d., issuing out of the tenement of Walter Tyleberd, and Juliana his wife, in Foghelestone in the suburb of Wilton, paying 4d. yearly to the abbess of Wilton. Witnesses:— John de Ubbetone, steward of the abbess of Wilton, William de Camera, bailiff, and others (named). Wednesday the feast of St. Dunstan, 22 Edward [I].
[Surrey.] C. 2359. Surrender by John Marten, to Agnes Skynner, widow, of all his right in a tenement and garden in Pekham, land in Lineacre, and meadow land in 'le Sterte,'which he held for his life after the death of Elizabeth Marten his late wife, and of which the said Agnes had the reversion. . . . . May, 11 Henry VII. Damaged.
Middx. C. 2360. Release by Robert Broun, citizen and tailor [of London], and Oliver Davy, citizen and goldsmith of London, to John Guybon, of all their right in the manor of Toppesfeld in Harengey, which the said Robert and Oliver lately had jointly with the said John of the demise of Thomas Bryan, serjeant-at-law, and others (named). 4 October, 5 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[Essex.] C. 2361. Grant by Agnes, late the wife of John Gynour, of Rumford in Haveryng atte Boure, widow, to Richard Dyere and Agnes his wife, of Haveryng, of land in the town of Haveryng, in the hamlet of Rumford, abutting on the road to London. Witnesses:—William Albyn, bailiff of Haveryng atte Boure, and others (named). Palm Sunday, 39 Edward III.
Hunt. Essex. C. 2362. Agreement between Roger de Rollinge and Adam de Cretinge, and Nichola his wife, that whereas the latter are bound to Roger in 200 marks to be paid in St. Mary's, Bissemede, as specified, in the years A.D. 1276, 1277 and 1278, for a release which he had given to them of 35 marks yearly which they paid for a tenement in Stocton and for lands, &c, at Havering; the release shall remain in the hands of Sir Richard, prior of Bissemede, and the lease of lands in Havering in the hands of John le Rus and John the cook (coci), and if the money be duly paid the said release and lease shall be given to Adam and Nichola in Roger's presence; otherwise they shall be returned to Roger and be void. [A.D. 1276.]
Also acknowledgment by Adam de Cretinge and Nichola his wife that they are bound to deliver to Roger de Rollinge certain land and rents at Havering if they fail in the above payments, &c. Damaged.
Endorsed: Deed poll by which Adam de Cretinge acknowledges that he has taken upon himself the debt in which Roger de Rollinge is bound to Bennet son of Master Elias, the Jew, of London. [A.D. 1276.]
Essex. C. 2363. Conveyance in fee tail by John Damyon and Reginald Clerk, of Langdon, co. Essex, yeomen, to Henry Barnes, of Chalfunt St. Giles, co. Bucks, esquire, and Anne his wife, of the manor of Malgraves in the parish of Hornedon on the Hill, with messuages, lands, &c, in Malgrave. 26 January, 24 Henry VII. Fragments of two seals.
Devon. Wilts. Cornw. C. 2364. Agreement between John Harengod, son and heir of William Harengod, deceased, and Margery, late the wife of the said William; whereby John assigns to Margery as dower in the lands of which her husband died seised, the manor of Langestoke, with the rent of Motesfunte, and the third fee of John's fees in the counties of Devon, Wilts, and Cornwall, and other counties, except Sussex, together with 40s. yearly rent to be paid by the tenants (named) of the said John in Ikelesham. Witnesses:—Sir William de Echyngeham and others (named). Thursday before St. Vincent, 22 Edward [I].
[Heref.] C. 2365. Grant by Roger de Chaundos, lord of Snod[hull], to Thomas, son of John de Chaundos, of Wylmeston, of a messuage in Addessore, and land upon Warshull, &c., and moor by the road leading to 'le Waterschipc.' Welynton, Monday . . . ., 18 Edward III. Damaged.
Essex. C. 2366. Grant by Edmund Worsley and William Sutton, clerk, to Anne Urswyk, widow, of an annuity of 12l. out of the manor of Uphaveryng, in Haveryng at Boure, and out of a messuage and laud at the same place. 15 May, 6 Henry VII. Cancelled. Damaged.
Surrey. C. 2367. Grant by John Drynkwater, of Pekham, co. Surrey, to Alice his daughter, [wife] of Richard Bechesworth, of land in Pekham, at . . . . Lyneacre, and land in a meadow called 'le Steerte'; with letter of attorney authorising Stephen Godewyn and Thomas Adam to deliver seisin. 30 April, 10 Edward IV. Damaged.
[Oxford.] C. 2368. Grant by John Brend, son and heir of Robert Brend, to William Loveday and Joan his wife, of his manor of Appelhangre in the parish of Garynges, with all his right in lands, mills, ponds, &c. belonging thereto. Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Poeles, Edmund de Wedon, John de Chansee, Henry Grapanel, William . . ., and Thomas de Parco, knights, Richard Newbaud, of Ippesden, Sir Peter, rector of the church of St. Rowald, and others (named). Damaged.
[Heref.] C. 2369. Grant by Nicholas Mervin, of Welintune, to Richard de Bagingedene, of land in Welintune, part in Hosmundescroft, part abutting on the roads to Burhope and Dunemore, in Hermingehall, opposite Warcelde, in Ailethsmers, and under Welintune wood. Witnesses:—John Travers, William Germain, and others (named). Damaged.
[Essex.] C. 2370. Grant by Richard son of Alexander de Wenden, to Hugh Boter, of Walden, of an acre of meadow in the parish of Waleden, in the meadow of Fyss . me, abutting on the high road leading from Neuport to Cambridge. Monday after St. Peter ad Vincula, . . . Edward II. Damaged.
Essex. C. 2371. Demise by Edmund Bedyngfeld, of Redlyngfeld, co. Suffolk, knight, to Thomas Spylman, of London, gentleman, of the manor of Bodneck, with all lands &c. belonging thereto, in England, and other lands &c. in the parishes of Assheden and St. Laurence adjoining Assheden. 9 July, 31 Henry VIII. Signed. Seal.
[Cornw.] C. 2372. Grant by Oto Bodrugan, Master William Cergeaux, clerk, and John Dreyn, chaplain, to Richard Cergeaux, knight, and Philippa his wife, of the manors of Tremodret and Tremlyn, with lands, &c., in Tredoward, in tail, with remainder to Oto, son of Ralph de Trenewith, and his children by Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Peverel, with remainders over. Witnesses:—John Reskymmer, and Henry Ilcomb, knights, and others (named). Friday the feast of St. Barnabas, 12 Richard II.
Memorandum appended giving the names of the children and grandchildren of Richard and Philippa. French.
[Linc.] C. 2373. Grant by William Banham, of Aslakeby, rector of the church of Sybthorp, to John Baker, Jiving in Greyby, of a plot of land with buildings which was the dower of the lady Rose, relict of Alexander Beuchoump, adjoining the common way of the town of Greyby. Tuesday after the Ascension, 2 Edward III. Seal.
[Cornw.] C. 2374. Grant in tail by William Hywys, to William Tregos, of all the messuages, lands, &c., which the grantor's tenants hold of him, in Trewerra, Seyntyssy, Polglas, Netberepenpol, Hoverepenpol, Haye, Cleve, Pennans, Choldecote, Helle, and Trevalwer, with their services. Witnesses:—William Botryaux, Richard Cergeaux, knights, and others (named). Truru, Wednesday the eve of St. Matthew, 48 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Dorset.] C. 2375. Grant by Thomas Dovere, burgess of Weymouth, to William Drew and William Ayssh, of Dorchester, of a plot of land in the high street of Weymouth, which the said Thomas had of the gift of William Taunton, parson of the church of Wyke Regis, and Joan, late the wife of Walter Taunton. Witnesses:—Stephen Russell, Edward Attewell, bailiifs of Weymouth, and others (named). Tuesday after St. Luke the evangelist, 12 Richard II. Seal.
[Dorset.] C. 2376. Release by Thomas Stapulford and John Clebery, clerks, to John Bassyngborne, of all their right in a tenement at the north end of the high street of Weymouthe. Witnesses:—John Civyle, John Watecokkes, bailiffs of Weymouthe, and others (named). St. Barnabas day, 16 Richard II. Two seals, one of arms.
[Oxford.] C. 2377. Grant by Hugh de Shiplak, of Henle, to John de Alveton, the elder, and Nichola, his wife, of a messuage and land in Shiplak called 'Reeleslond,' which Hugh had of the gift of William de Shiplak, parson of the church of Bedewas; also of meadow in Longedole and Shortedole. Friday after the Annunciation, 23 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Middx.] C. 2378. Ratification by John Moriz, son of John Moriz, of Stebenhethe, of the gift and seisin which his said father made to Walter his son, brother of the first-mentioned John, of a messuage and land in the parish of Stepney by London. Witnesses:—Robert Belebarbe, Alan le Ferroun, and others (named). Seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2379. Grant by Nicholas son of William de Wybesnade, to Walter de Woubourne and Joan his wife, of a piece of land with ditch and hedge. Wybesnade, Tuesday before the Ascension, 14 Edward III. Seal.
Wilts. C. 2380. Release by Alice Wychampton, late the wife of John Upton, of Tettebury, to Robert Andrewe, of Bluntesdon Andrewe, Thomas Canynges, and John Borne, of all her right in lands, &c., which formerly belonged to Avelina de Wychampton, her grandmother, in Esthrop by Remysbury. Sealed with the seal of Robert Lisle, of Sapurton, in the county of Gloucester, esquire. Saturday after St. Mark the evangelist, 7 Henry V. Two seals, one of arms.
[Wilts.] C. 2381. Demise by Maurice Russell, knight, William Gore, Robert Saleman, and Richard Colyngbourne, to Thomas Calston, esquire, for his life, of lands, &c., in Marlebergh, in which Adam Smyth and John Okebourne, tailor, now dwell, with remainder to William Darell, and Elizabeth his wife, in tail, and remainder to the said Thomas in fee simple. Witnesses:—Thomas atte Ferme, mayor of Marlebergh, and others (named). 23 November, 14 Henry IV. Two seals, one of arms; and portions of two seals.
[N'hamp.] C. 2382. Grant by Joan, late the wife of Henry Valentyn, of Muscote, living in Daventre, widow, to Roger Newenham, of Daventre, and Matilda his wife, of a messuage and houses, &c., in Daventre. Sunday after St. Gregory the Pope, 40 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] C. 2383. Grant by Nicholas Berners, lord of Ambirden, and Margery his wife, to Robert de Wythull, William Soulgrave, clerk, of the county of Oxford, Geoffrey Swynbourne, John Boys, the younger, Nicholas Myles, John Wethyryn, and Robert Margery, clerks, and John Coo, of the county of Essex, of their manor of Ambirden, with lands, woods, services of tenants, &c. Friday the feast of St. Martin the bishop, 9 Henry IV. Portion of seal of arms.
[Dorset.] C. 2384. Grant by Richard Lanerencz, to Henry Bere, of Beymystre, of a messuage and curtilage in a lane called 'Stakelaue,' in Bridepon, adjoining the ditch called le 'Wyzdich.' Witnesses:—William Hichecok, Robert Budde, bailiffs, and others (named). Monday the feast of St. Ambrose, 25 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Essex.] C. 2385. Release by William Kylet, to Bartholomew Seman, citizen and 'goldebeter' of London, and John Ryder, chaplain, of all his right in messuages, lands, &c., in Dakenham, Berkyng, and Haveryng atte Boure, and in a windmill called 'Newemyll,' and a field called 'Mellefeld,' in Haveryng atte Boure. 12 June, 20 Richard II. Seal of arms.
[Surrey.] C. 2386. Grant by John Levyng, of Westgrenewych, to Philip de la Marche, of all his lands in the field called 'Heselefeld,' and in a place called 'le Hoke' in Burstedeshaghe in the parish of Camerwelle. Sunday the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude, 32 Edward III. Seal.
[Middx.] C. 2387. Grant by Alice, late the wife of Roger de Forsham, citizen and mercer of London, widow, to John de Wesenham, citizen and merchant of the same, of a tenement which she acquired, jointly with her late husband, from Thomas de Enefeld, son of Sir John de Enefeld, knight, deceased, brother Edmund de Norwich, prior of the Carmelites, London, and from William de Lillyngston, vicar of the church of Westhamme, executors of the will of the said Sir John de Enefeld, in the street called 'Milkstrete,' in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, London; which tenement the said Sir John de Enefeld had of the gift of Margery de Basyngg, relict of Sir Robert de Basyngg, knight. John Lovekyn, mayor, Henry Picard and Simon Dolseby, sheriffs, of London, Richard de Basyngstoke, alderman of that ward, with witnesses (named). Thursday after St. Simon and St. Jude, 22 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings court of London, Monday before St. Martin, 22 Edward III.
[Surrey.] C. 2388. Grant by Cristina de Pecham, daughter of Reginald de Bretinghurst, widow, to Adam, son of Richard Hughe, of meadow land in the parish of Camerwelle, in a meadow called 'Sterte,' adjoining a meadow called 'Fourtenakre.' Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Bretinghurst and others (named). Seal.
York. C. 2389. Grant by Thomas de Sancto Leodegario, and Juliana his wife, to Robert Tyrwhyt, of the county of York, of lands, &c., in Beverley. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Gatton, and others (named). Saturday next the Purification, 3 Richard II. Fragments of two seals, one of arms.
[Middx.] C. 2390. Grant by Thomas Sterre, son and heir of John Sterre, late citizen of London, to John Leche, citizen and fishmonger of the same, of a stone tenement with buildings in the lane and parish of St. Botolph's, Billingesgate, London: also of 5 marks yearly rent issuing out of a tenement in the same lane, and from another tenement adjoining the high road from Thamisestrete, and all his tenements in St. Botolph's Lane, aforesaid, in the parish of St. George, Estchep, London, land in Bridgestrete in the parish of St. Margaret, Bridgestrete, and tenements in the parish of St. Mary, Abbechirche, in Candelwykestrete ward. John de Grantham, mayor, Henry de Gisors and Richard le Lacer, sheriffs, of London, Richard de Hakeneye, alderman of Billingesgate ward, &c., with witnesses (named). Tuesday after Michaelmas, 3 Edward III. Seal of arms, imperfect.
Oxford. C. 2391. Conveyance by Richard Drayton, esquire, Alice Drayton, Thomas Ramsey, Thomas Mull, and John Fythion, clerk, to Thomas Stonor, William Belknap, Thomas Saquevile, William Marmyon, esquires, Richard Bedford and Henry Dogette, of the manor of Retherfeld Pippard, with the advowson of the church there, the manor of Kentes, which formerly belonged to Thomas Blount, knight, with lands called 'Sparows,' and lands, &c., in the parishes of Retherfeld Pippard, Shiplake, Bulnythe, and Harpedenc. 7 September, 5 Edward IV. Five seals, one of arms, imperfect.
[Warw.] C. 2392. Grant by William de Alyngton, clerk, to Sir Charles le Blosmevill, chaplain, and William de Otleyc, of Solyhull, of 26s. 8d. yearly rent issuing out of lands which belonged to Edmund de Blosmevill in Solyhull. Monday in Whitsun week, 29 Edward III. Seal of arms, imperfect.
[Staff.] C. 2393. Demise by Henry de Delves, to John de Haukeston, son of Geoffrey de Bettiley, of the manor of Chetulton, with lands, &c. belonging thereto, for the life of Katherine late the wife of William son of Mayou de Chetulton. Witnesses:—John de Draycote, John Basset, John de Ypstones, knights, and others (named). Thursday before St. Edward the king, 49 Edward III. French. Seal of arms.
[Middx.] C. 2394. Release by John Bottesham, prior of St. Mary's, Suthwerk, co. Surrey, and the convent of the same, to William Chedworth, esquire, of all their right in 15s. 4d., parcel of a yearly rent of 42s. issuing out. of a tenement in the parish of St. Mary, Aldermarychirch, London. 20 February, 35 Henry VI. Fragment of seal with counterseal of the priory.
[Dorset.] C. 2395. Grant by Adam, son and heir of Henry Bere, of Bemynstre, to John Benefeld, of a messuage and curtilage in a lane called 'Staklane,' in Brideport, adjoining the ditch called 'leWyzdich'. Witnesses:—Richard Snaward, Richard Pokeswill, bailiffs, and others (named). Thursday before Whitsunday, 1 Richard II. Fragment of seal of arms.
[N'hamp.] C. 2396. Release by Philip le Megre, of Norhampton. to the master of the hospital of Holy Trinity without Norhampton, and the brethren there, of his right to present two honest men to the said master, namely, one clerk, fit to receive priest's orders, or then a priest, and one layman, to be admitted brethren of the said hospital. Witnesses:—Sir John de Wileby, knight, Philip de Buketon, rector of the church of Weston, and others (named). Kyngesthorp, Tuesday the feast of St. Margaret the virgin, A.D. 1311, 5 Edward II. Seal.
[Dorset.] C. 2397. Indenture of apprenticeship, binding John Pelet, late of Paris in France, to John Forshay and Emma his wife for five years. Witnesses:—William] Boule, John But, bailiffs, of Bridepart, and others (named). Monday before the Invention of Holy Cross, 9 Henry VI.
Salop. Staff. C. 2398. Demise by Robert Rykedon, of Wytham, Robert Darsy, of Maldon, William Boerley, David Holbeche, Richard Fox, of Haselbeche, Robert Molyngton, esquire, John Whitesyde, clerk, John Bablake, William Londham, esquires, William Blunt, clerk, William Poynour and Nicholas Wylkes, to Hugh, lord of Burnell, knight, lord of Wyleye, for his life, of the manors of Wotton, Onebury, Walton, Sutton Parva, Corston, Abbetou, Ewdon, Burnell, Benthale, Holgot, Brookehampton, Clec St. Margaret's, Millyngehop, Russhebury, Astwalle, Hopebondelers, Chatwalle, Wolstanton, Smethecote, Longedon, Presteweston, Condovere, Acton Reigner, Uppynton, Tassheley, Routon and Ambaston, Briggenorth, Acton Burnell, and Acton Pygot; also messuages, lands, and rent, &c, in Chetyngton, Rameshurst, Pulleley, Longefeld, Sallop, Benthale, Streford, Wyggecote Parva, Millyngehop and Rowton, and a moiety of the manors of Cantelhope, Russhebury, Streford, Chatewalle, and Rowton, and a third of the manor of Smethecote, and the advowsons of the churches of Wolstanton, Acton Burnell, Acton Pygot, Russhebury, Smethecote and Chetyngton, with other manors and lands, &c., which they had of the grant of the said Hugh lord of Burnell, in the county of Salop; except the manors of Bromfeld, Auldon, Pycheford, Eton, Thongelonde, Norton by Condore, and lands in Sutton Parva in Cornedale; demise also to the said Hugh of the manor of Wolverhampton, co. Stafford, for his life; with remainder to John Talbot, knight, lord of Fournyvalle, John his son, and Katherine, one of the daughters and heiresses of Edward Burnell, knight, son of the said Hugh, and the heirs of the bodies of the said John and Katherine, and in default of such heirs to the heirs of the said Sir Hugh after the death of the said John Talbot. Witnesses:—Thomas Talbot, Adam Peshale, Richard Lakun, knights, and others (named). Monday before Midsummer day. 4 Henry V. Eight seals, two of arms.
Wilts. C. 2399. Release by Walter de Romsey, knight, to Thomas his son, in tail, of all his right in a messuage and lands in Somerham and Merton, which Nicholas Alfrede, chaplain, had granted to the said Walter and Joan his late wife for life, with remainder to their children successively in tail. 6 October, 17 Richard II. Seal of arms, broken.
[Middx.] C. 2400. Release by Robert son of Gilbert de Chesewyk, to Walter Bevere, citizen of London, of all actions as to the houses which formerly belonged to Alice, Robert's sister, and which she sold to John le Bevere. London, Monday after Michaelmas, 34 Edward [I.]. Portion of seal of arms.