Deeds: C.2401 - C.2500

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.2401 - C.2500', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.2401 - C.2500', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.2401 - C.2500". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.2401 - C.2500

[Bedf.] C. 2401. Grant by Walter Boghurst, of Mepham, co. Kent, to Thomas Chapman, of Wybsnade, of land in Wybsnade (Whipsnade) called 'Everaddcsfcld.' Saturday in Whitsun week, 40 Edward III.
Surrey. C. 2402. Grant by Philip Godyngg, of Pekham in the parish of Camerwelle, to John Drinkewater, of the same, of a messuage with garden in the said parish, except the hall and one chamber on the ground reserved to the grantor for his life, adjoining the lane called 'Brechelane,' which the said Philip had of the gift of Robert atte Brugge, of Pekham. 28 November, 16 Richard II. Seal.
[Linc.] C. 2403. Grant by John son of Richard de Jerdeburgh, and Elizabeth his wife, to Sir Adam de Well' of all the lands, &c. which they had of the gift of John son of John de Bradele, in Bradele. Witnesses:— Sir William de Croxeby, abbot of Grimesby, Sir William de Manneby, coroner of Suth Treing, John de Cotes, coroner of North Treing, and others (named). Two seals, one of arms.
[Bucks.] C. 2404. Grant by John, son of Richard Colyn, of Kyngeseye, to Sir Robert de Marny, knight, of a messuage and land in Kyngeseye. Witnesses:—Sir Henry vicar of the church of Kyngeseye, and others (named). 24 July, 49 Edward III. Seal, imperfect.
[Dorset ?] C. 2405. Confirmation by John son of John, to Master John de Turri, of all the land which the grantor's father demised to the said John de Turri. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Hairun, William Taillur, and others (named). Sunday after All Saints', in the fifth year of the Interdict of England [A.D. 1212.] Seal.
[Dorset.] C. 2406. Grant by Nicholas Tallon, of Fowy, and Rose his wife, daughter of William Chichcstre of Wcyemouthe, to John Barber, son of Richard Barber of the same, of a messuage in St. Nicholas street, Weyemouthe. Witnesses:—Henry Grooz and John Fraunceys, bailiffs of Weyemouthe, and others (named). Tuesday after St. Peter and St. Paul, 45 Edward III. Seal, broken.
[Middx.] C. 2407. Release by Godfrey son of Geoffrey de Hadestoke, late citizen of London, to William de Bettun, mercer, citizen of London, of all his right in land with houses thereon in the parishes of St. Anthony and St. John upon Walebroc, adjoining Bokerelesberi, London. Witnesses:— Henry le Waleys, mayor of London, and alderman of that ward, Martin Box and Jordan Godehep, sheriffs, and others (named). [12 Edward I.] Seal.
Bedf. C. 2408. Demise by Humfrey Acworth, Thomas Porter, William Sampson, and John Dalyron, to Laurence Pycot, Henry Mauntell, and John Skynner, of Dunstaple, of a tenement in a lane in the west street of Dunstaple, with ground to store timber, &c., and land in 'les North Innynges' of Dunstaple, called 'Lorkyuesacre.' 4 April, 16 Henry VI. Four seals.
[Wilts.] C. 2409. Grant by William Brown and Margery his wife, to John Cole, of three cottages with curtilages in the suburb of Wilton, in the street of Fogheleston, paying therefor 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Bonham, steward of the borough of Wilton, William Fox, 'Dyghero,' mayor of Wilton, and others (named). Tuesday after the Purification, 38 Edward III. Two seals, one of the said borough.
[Sussex.] C. 2410. Release by John Coumbe, clerk, kinsman and heir of John de Codyngge, to William Brenchesle, of all his right in the manor of Codyngge. Saturday after St. Gregory the Pope, 20 [Richard] II. Seal, and fragment of common seal of the city of Chichester.
[Herts.] C. 2411. Grant by John Ymaigne, chaplain, and Walter de Bettelowe, late the vicar of Redbourne, to John, son of William Aignel, son of John Aignel, of all the lands and tenements which they had of the gift of John Aignel, grandfather of the said John, son of William Aignel, in Redbourne and Hemelhamsted. Sunday after St. Luke the evangelist, 32 Edward III. Seal.
[Hants.] C. 2412. Receipt from John Foxholes, clerk, treasurer and receiver general of Joan, Queen of England, to William Philipp, knight, and William Morley, executors of the will of Thomas, duke of Exeter, late farmer of the hundreds of Bosmer and Claydon, for 10l. The Queen's Receipt at Westminster, last day of February, 5 Henry VI. Seal.
[Surrey.] C. 2413. Grant by Hugh Leere, tylere, of Pekham, to Stephen Skarlet, of Retherhythe, of a messuage, garden and land in Pekham, adjoining a field called 'le Worth' on the south. Monday the feast of St. Edward, king and confessor, 45 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Dorset.] C. 2414. Letter of attorney by William Hamond, of Dorchester, and Alice his wife, authorising John Tracy and William Cordel, of Brideport, to deliver seisin to Hugh Hider and Alice his wife of a burgage in Brideport. Friday in Easter week, 12 Richard II. Portions of two seals, one of arms.
[Worc.] C. 2415. Bond by John Pycun, otherwise John Bridde, of Pendefen (Pinvin), called 'the elder,' and William de Wotton, parson of the church of Chirchehulle, to Edmund de Ryvers for 40l. Pendefen, Sunday before St. Gregory, 42 Edward III. French. Two seals, one of arms.
[Middx.] C. 2416. Grant by John Aubrey, citizen of London, to John Chircheman, citizen of London, of the wardship of Margaret, daughter of Joan, late the wife of William Hanampsted, citizen of London; the said Joan having by her will given the wardship to Thomas Hanampsted, citizen and grocer of London, deceased, who bequeathed the same to Aubrey. 18 November, 1 Richard II. Seal of arms.
Kent. C. 2417. Demise by Peter Dyngley, clerk, Thomas Norton and Robert Loksmyth, to John Standon, citizen of London, and Margery his wife, of a messuage called 'le Standard' with a moiety of a well in Middelton. 3 August, 5 Edward IV. Seal, and fragments of two seals.
Essex. Herts. C. 2418. Receipt from Elias de Joneston, rector of the church of St. Mary, Cambridge, to Sir John de Wautone, knight, sheriff of Essex and Herts, for 10l. for his wages for the prosecution and custody of certain processes touching the King's duchy of Aquitaine, with bond by the said Elias for the production at the Exchequer of the King's writs authorising the said payment, &c. London, 26 July, 5 Edward III.
[Linc.] C. 2419. Letter of attorney by Joan, late the wife of Nicholas del See, of Grymesby, authorising John de Keleby, goldsmith, to deliver seisin to Sir John West, parson of the church of Bradeley, Sir Richard, parson of Hawardby, and Sir William Lucy, chaplain, of lands in Grymesby. Wednesday after St. Thomas the apostle, 19 Richard II. Seal.
Bedf. C. 2420. Letter of attorney by John Melleward of Aslechessey, authorising Edmund Lucy, knight, to take all the steps necessary to recover a debt of 13l. 9s. 4d. due to the said John by John Enderby, esquire. 21 November, 20 Henry VII.
[Suff.] C. 2421. Grant by Hubert de [Montech]a[nesi], to William de Vallibus, of all the land that belonged to William de Vallibus, his father (?), in Stra[tf]ord, paying 6d. yearly. Witnesses:—Hugh de Montechanesi, Gilbert de [Monte]chan[es]i, Hubert's brother, and others (named). Much injured.
Oxford. C. 2422. Agreement between Thomas Chamler, of Stodham, yeoman, and William Buldrey, of Shyrborne, yeoman, to abide by the arbitration of Thomas Whyte, William Nasshe, Pers Wever and Thomas Brokke. 23 October, 2 Edward IV. English. Paper. Seal.
[Linc.] C. 2423. Fine levied at Westminster before John de Cobbeham and Alan de Wassaund, justices, between William le Cunestable and Giles de Gousel, plaintiffs, and Roger de Turkilby, Reyner de Burgo and Joan his wife, Hervey de Stanhou and Ela his wife, deforciants, by Roger son of William, attorney for the said Reyner and Joan, and by Hervey de Hispania for the said Ela, as to the advowson of the church of Gedeneye; whereby the parties agree to present alternately. Octave of Hilary, 35 Henry III.
[Essex.] C. 2424. Grant by Peter son of John de Bolyton, to Robert Fitz Wauter, and John, son of Richard Charman, of lands in Bolyton in the hamlet of Uggelee. 7 October, 23 Edward III.
[Cumb.] C. 2425. Undertaking by William Wayte, Adam Sturdysone, Walter the clerk (clericus), Robert Campioun, John Sparthe and John Todd, to Sir Anthony de Lucy, sheriff and coroner of Cumberland, for the good behaviour of Roger Sturdy of 'la Murhous,' and for his attendance on the king for one year when required. Carlisle, 1 April, 14 Edward III.
[Essex.] C. 2426. Defeasance of certain bonds for the carrying out by the parties of an award in an arbitration in a suit that had been pending in the Common Bench between Lady Maud, abbess of Barking, and John Kyrkeby, of Horton, co. Kent, by which the abbess demanded the wardship of John, son and heir of John Mokkyng; witnessing that if the said parties carry out the said award before the feast of All Saints next coming the said bonds shall be void, &c. 28 January, 16 Richard II. French.
[Norf.] C. 2427. Grant in frank almoin by Ranulph, vector of the church of Hildolveston, to the canons of St. Mary of Walsigham, of 4s. rent in Norwich which William the chaplain used to pay for a messuage in the parish of St. Mary's, Koselonge. Witnesses:—Adam le Poer, Reginald Pikot, and others (named). [Henry III.]
Warw. C. 2428. Grant by Robert Rouleye, parson of the church of Arewe, to Sir Thomas Burdet, knight, and Isabella his wife, of the manor of Arewe (Arrow), with the advowson of the church there, in tail. Wednesday after St. Faith the virgin, 14 Richard II. Portion of seal.
[York.] C. 2429. Grant by John Wayness, of Wormyslay, to Alice his wife, of all his lands in Leversall and Doncaster, for her life. Witnesses:— Richard Palmer, vicar of the parish church of Wormyslny, and others (named). Wednesday before Midsummer day, 37 Henry VI.
[York.] C. 2430. Duplicate of C. 2429.
[Oxford.] C. 2431. Demise by Jurdan atte Dene and Isolda his wife, of Caversham, to Michael Mogge and Richard le Mason, of Radyng, of land with a toft and garden in Caversham, viz. a croft called 'le Ryecroft,' adjoining a street called 'Whytestrete,' and a croft called 'le Leyshecroft,' by 'le Morizene gardyn.' Monday the feast of St. Katherine the virgin, 16 Edward III.
[York.] C. 2432. Conveyance by Thomas Wortley, knight, William Rilleston, esquire, and John Yorke, vicar of the parish chinch of Wad worth, to Isabella, wife of Thomas Hattefeld, gentleman, Agnes, wife of Thomas Slyngesby, gentleman, Ellen, wife of Alvered Thornhagh, gentleman, and Joan, wife of Brian Frankyssh, gentleman, of lands, &c. in Leversall and Hegh Ellours; with letter of attorney authorising John Rilleston, gentleman, to deliver seisin of the premises. 26 March, 9 Henry VII. Three seals.
[Middx.] C. 2433. Release by Alice de Someri, prioress of Chesthunte, and the convent of the same, to John le Warner, of Keneton, of all their right in 7s. yearly rent, out of a messuage and land at' la Reye' in the parish of Feltham, and in 5s. yearly rent out of other land in the same town. Witnesses:—William de Foleham, steward of the bishop of London, and others (named). London, Tuesday the feast of St. Bartholomew the apostle, A.D. 1311, 5 Edward II. Portion of seal.
Annexed: Copy of the same. Portion of seal.
[Essex.] C. 2434. Grant in frank almoin by Robert son of Peter de Sober', to Robert, the dean, and the chapter of St. Paul's, London, of land in the parish of Tunderle, and of common of pasture for six beasts, twelve sheep, two pigs, and one horse, on the land of Robert de Stratford. Runewell, Sunday after St. Andrew the apostle, 12 Henry III.
[Essex.] C. 2435. Surrender by Thomas de Tunderlee, clerk, to Sir Henry, the dean, and the chapter of St. Paul's, London, and Sir Peter de Neuport, archdeacon of London, of 7½d. yearly rent, out of land at Frodebrege in the parish of Hadlee, with homages and reliefs, &c. Witnesses:—Sirs Martin son of Simon, James de Estwde, Walter de Sancto Johanne, Roger de Brumford, Robert de Witelee, Robert de Stratford, Ralph Scufle, and others (named). Barling, second Sunday after the Annunciation, A.D. 1252. Seal.
[Essex.] C. 2436. Grant by Margery, late the wife of John Alayn, of Colecestre, to Sir John Alayn, chaplain, her son, of the same, of lands, &c., called 'la Raye' in Westmersey. 4 October, 50 Edward III.
[Essex.] C. 2437. Attornment by Robert Smyth, of Westmersey, to John Clopton, son of William Clopton, John Denston, esquire, and Stephen Smyth, of Bures St. Mary, to whom the said William Clopton and John Beche have granted the reversion of lands called 'Bacouns' in Westmersey, in which the said Robert Smyth has a life estate, after the death of his late wife Alice, daughter and heiress of Alice, late the wife of Adam Dawe, with remainder after Robert's death to the said William Clopton and John Beche in trust to sell for the purpose specified. Langenho, 22 March, 24 Henry VI.
[Essex.] C. 2438. Release by Matilda, relict of Richard le West, of Fyngrynghoo, to John Bacoun, of Westmersey, and Alice his wife, of all her right in land in Westmersey, which she inherited after the death of Robert le Heldere. Sunday the morrow of the Assumption, 40 Edward III.
[Essex.] C. 2439. Grant by Ralph son of Thomas, of Wythermundesford (Wormingford), clerk, to Nicholas le Batur, of the same, for his life, of land called 'Melleland' in Wythermundesford. Witnesses:—Roger de Rochesford, and others (named).
[Essex.] C. 2440. Grant by Roger le Joene, of Westmerseye, to Edelena atte Berghwe, of the same, of land in Westmersey, in a field called 'le grande Doune.' Tuesday after St. George, 32 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Essex. C. 2441. Release by Nicholas Smyth, of Westmersey, to Robert Smyth, of the same, of all his right in a marsh in Westmersey, between the way called 'Strodewey,' and the free marsh of the said Nicholas called 'Ferismerssh,' and abutting on Strodesflete. 12 October, 24 Henry VI.
[Essex.] C. 2442. Grant by Robert Kynot and John Page, of Estmersey, to Peter Lovell, John Belde, and William Walgrave, of Westmersey, of land in a croft called 'Bacownnys' in Westmersey, abutting on a croft called 'Sowth Wodys,' formerly called 'Sowthus,' and adjoining land called 'Copiland.' 20 August, 29 Henry VI.
[Essex.] C. 2443. Demise by John Martyll, the elder, of Estmerseye, Joan his wife, and John Ryver, to Stephen Smyth, the younger, and Isabella his wife, William Lovell, John Mayhew of Westmersey, John Smyth, of Great Teye, Richard Halke of Colchester, and Thomas Webbe, the younger, of Peldon, of lands, &c. in Westmersey, one tenement being called 'Mottez,' adjoining land called 'Doffousfeld,' and another tenement called 'Eustach.' 23 November, 11 Edward IV.
[Essex.] C. 2444. Grant by Robert Smyth, of Mersey, to William Campyou, clerk, and William Babbe, of lands called 'Bacons' in Westmersey. 20 September, 27 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Herts.] C. 2445. Grant by Ralph Cressy and Heleuysa his wife, William Eyle and Heleuysa his wife, and Cristina de Kynesburn, to John de Swanburn and Agnes his wife, of a tenement with a void plot of land in Haliwellestret [St. Albans], which they inherited after the death of Robert Albyn of Hemelhamstede. Witnesses:—John Whytewell, steward of the liberty of the abbot of St. Albans, John Baldewyn, bailiff of St. Albans, and others (named). Saturday after St. Vincent, 34 Edward III.
[Suff.] C. 2446. Grant by Robert Mordel, of Neylond, to Walter Nerebaud, son of Alan Nerebaud, of W[yston], of land in Wyston, with a house, lying in a field called 'Lanefeld'; in exchange for land in Wyston, in a field called 'Gatefeld,' adjoining the road leading towards the heath of Levynhey, and abutting on a field called 'Morwhysselond,' granted by the said Walter to the said Robert, Alice his wife, and Edmund their son. St. John ante Portam Lalinam, 20 Edward I. Damaged.
Essex. C. 2447. Confirmation by John de Say, knight, of a grant (recited), by Sir Robert de Say, clerk, son of Sir Geoffrey de Say, to Adam le Charman, of Rikeling, of a messuage with land in Rikeling, in a field called 'Pichardescroft' by the street leading to Rikelingegrene, abutting on a field called 'Bederepe,' and other land in a field called 'Westleye.' Denham, Tuesday before St. Gregory the Pope, 20 [Edward I.]. Injured.
[ ] C. 2448. Release by Agnes Colard alias Collard, relict of Henry Cokkesden alias Collard, to Thomas Calston, of all actions. Monday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 4 Henry IV. Seal.
[Warw.] C. 2449. Conveyance by William de Bockemor, parson of the church of Arleye, to Richard de Caldeford, of Solihull, chaplain, of lands and tenements in Solyhull, for his life, paying 20s. yearly. Wednesday the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 13 Edward III.
[Suff.] C. 2450. Grant by John Hutebovile, knight, to Walter Halfkuict, his servant, for his life, of a piece of land with a house, which Richard Batekoc, John's bondman (nativns), purchased from William de Feypo in Aketnn in a hamlet called 'Balisden,' by the roads leading to the hall of Brandistune, and to Laneham. Witnesses;—Sir Hugh Talemache, knight, and others (named). Saturday after St. Giles the abbot, 22 Edward [I.].
[Ireland.] C. 2451. Demise by Thomas, earl of Ormond, to Edmund Pursell, son of Richard Pursell, of all his lands and tenements of Shan Moreys Towne in the county of Kilkenny. Last day of February, 22 Edward IV. Signed.
Wilts. C. 2452. Grant by . . . . . dus Gascryk, of the county of Lincoln, esquire, to Edmund Dauntteseye, esquire, and Nicholas. . . . ., of the manor of Gascryk in Puryton, with lands, &c., in Puryton, Purytonstoke, Malmesbury and Brokynborgh. . . . . ., 9 [Henry] V. Damaged. Seal, broken.
[Suff.] C. 2453. Grant by John son of John de Gynge . . . ., to Sir William de Montecaniso, of Edwardestun, of land in Stratford [in a field] called 'Wrongesfeld,' and half an acre of meadow in the same town. Witnesses:— Walter de Bercholt, John de Rudham, and others (named). Damaged.
[Essex.] C. 2454. Sale by John do Ocham, priest, executor of the will of Margaret, wife of Gilbert de Piggeslee, of New Hithe (nova hetha), Colchester, deceased, to Robert Chapman, of the same, of a messuage at New Hithe, adjoining a lane called 'la North lane.' Witnesses:—William Reyn . . and John [C]lerk, bailiffs of Colchester, and others (named). Sunday the feast of St. Vincent the martyr, 47 Edward III. Damaged.
[Kent.] C. 2455. Grant by Richard Hekelot, of the parish of Hegham (Higham), to William Rolf, of Southewode in the same parish, of land in the parish of Cleve (Cliffe) in a field called 'Eastfelde,' adjoining land of Sir William Rykhill, knight. Feast of St. Matthias the apostle, 21 Richard II. Seal.
Middx. C. 2456. Letter of attorney by John Somerseth, authorising Richard P[ak]yngton, George Grace, and Thomas Leyghton, to deliver seisin to William Yorke, Thomas Rothewell, Ralph Lye, Geoffrey Goodlok, and John Welles, of London, fishmonger, of lands, &c., in Twykenham, Whitton, and Worton. G March, 27 Henry VI. Damaged. Seal.
[Warw.] C. 2457. Grant by Thomas de Meryngton, John Hulton, John Hore, Hugh Dalby and John Buckemor the elder, to Robert Wyllenhale and Juliana his wife, of the manor of Stonythorp, for their lives. Thursday after St. Denis, 4 [Henry] IV.
[Norf.] C. 2458. Grant by Oliver Wyth, knight, to Nicholas Herberd, of Dylham, in tail, of land in Dylham, with remainders over. Smalbergh, Tuesday before St. Mark the evangelist, 24 Edward III. Damaged. Seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2459. Grant by John Manasse, of Hougton by Dunstaple, to Ralph son of Richard de la Sclo, of land in the west field of Hougton, at Holewell. Saturday, Michaelmas day, 7 Edward II.
[Essex.] C. 2460. Grant by John Wolston, son and heir of the late Philip Wolston, of Elmedon, to William Wolston his brother, of a plot of land with a house thereon in Elmedon aforesaid, abutting on the land of Sir John de Baggeforth, knight. Wednesday the eve of the Purification, 2 Edward III.
[Heref.] C. 2461. Grant by William Russel, apothecary of Hereford, to Thomas Thope, citizen of the same, of a messuage with houses in the suburb of Hereford in a street called 'Byhyndecote,' and of 7s. 6d. yearly rent out of a tenement in Hereford in Wyde . . . . shstrate. Witnesses:—Gilbert Hoch, bailiff of the bishop of Hereford, and others (named). Hereford, Monday in Easter week, 15 Edward II. Damaged.
[Rutland ?] C. 2462. Grant by Alan Nerbaud, of Wysington, to Agnes his daughter, of land called 'Nerboldesacre' in Wysington, adjoining land called 'Brorafeld,' and abutting on a road called 'le Portweye.' Witnesses: —Robert de Gedding', Robert de Bures, and others (named).
[Wilts.] C. 2463. Grant by William Chamberlan, the younger, son and heir of William Chamberlan, of la Rugge, to Robert Chamberlan his brother, of a toft and virgate of land called 'Browunslond' in la Rugge and Teterugge. Sunday before St. Peter's chair, 43 Edward III.
Berks. C. 2464. Release by John Balet, of Enebourne, to Edmund de Polhamptone, of all his right in lands, &c., in Enebourn. Balettestone, Sunday after the Assumption, 10 Edward III.
[Wilts.] C. 2465. Grant by Richard de Combe, knight, to Robert de Remmesbury, of Thomas, son of Thomas Lok, John le Conpere and Thomas his son, John Blouberne, John Dykeman, and John his brother, Ralph Drake and Alice his sister, William Goggel, Thomas Heved, and Robert Bongy, Richard's bondmen, with their issue (sequelis), appurtenant to a messuage and land, &c., and a several fishery in his millpond in Fitelton. Monday after St. James the apostle, 26 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Wilts.] C. 2466. Agreement between Simon le Wayte, of Bartone, and Agnes Page, late the wife of Robert de Scheperugge, by which Simon grants to Agnes the crop of corn on lands in Fitelton which she held of the demise of John le Porter and Edith his wife; Agnes allowing him to keep all his sheep in fold till Michaelmas next. Monday after the Annunciation, 6 Edward III.
[Wilts.] C. 2467. Demise by Sir William, prior of St. Margaret's, Powgley, and the convent of the same, to William Darell and Elisabeth his wife, for ninety years, of two tenements at Knythton, belonging to his manor of Estrygh in the parish of Remmysbyry. Feast of St. John the Baptist, 17 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Essex.] C. 2468. Grant by Robert, son of the late Philip Wolston, of Elmedon, to John the coopor (cuperio), of the same, and Emma his wife, of a messuage which Edmund le Cupere held in the parish of Arkesden, adjoining land called 'Lenediescroft,' and a road called 'Lotegoreshale.' Sunday before the Purification, 21 Edward I.
[Suff.] C. 2469. Receipt from Hubert . . . . avent and Dionisia his wife, to Sir William Boietourte for 100s., by the hands of Sir Robert de Bures, which Roger de Hodebovyle, brother of the said Dionisia, had assigned to her out of 200 marks in which the said Robert was bound to Roger for lands released to him by the said Roger in the town of Aketune. Sunday before the Assumption, 6 Edward II. French. Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2470. Grant by Roger de Brandiston, to Hugh de Reymis, of a tenement which he inherited after the death of Alice his mother, in H . . mundistun, Wlferstun, Brandiston, and elsewhere. Witnesses:—Richard de Holebrok, Bartholomew Davelers, Robert de Chelton, knights, and others (named). Sunday after Michaelmas, 6 Edward I. Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2471. Grant by Oliver Wyth, knight, to Ralph Robbes, of Dylham, and Margery his wife, of a cottage in Wurthsted (Worsted). Thursday after the beheading of St. John the Baptist, 15 Edward III. Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2472. Release by Baldwin de Stok, to Sir Robert de Bures, knight, and Hillary his wife, of all his right in 14s. 4d. yearly rent paid by John de la Barre and others named, for lands held of the releasor in Aketon. Monday after Michaelmas, 10 Edward II.
[Norf.] C. 2473. Grant by Oliver de Calthorp, to William Dickes, of Calthorp, of land in Calthorp. Witnesses:—Sir John de Erpyngham, knight, and others (named). Thursday . . . . . St. Peter ad Vincula, 42 Edward III. Damaged. Seal.
Bedf. C. 2474. Demise by Peter de la Pole and Thomas Chalton, of London, to Thomas Rnssell, of Dunstaple, baker, and Agnes his wife, daughter and heiress of John Reygner, of Dunstaple, deceased, of all the lands and tenements in Dunstaple which they lately had jointly with Thomas Jakes of the gift of the said Reygner. 4 July, 13 Henry VI.
[Wilts.] C. 2475. Grant by Walter le Hortor, of la Le, brother and heir of Alice de Suthle, to Robert de Burebach, of a messuage and land in Fytelton, with pasture for six cattle, fifty sheep, and six pigs. 10 Edward II. Portion of document gone.
Derby. C. 2476. Sale by John, abbot of Derley, and the convent of the same, to James Beresforth and Laurenss Beresforthe his brother, of all their wood growing in Watstanwell, between the bridge and William Wylde's tenement on the south, the lordship of Waekbrydge on the north, the water of Derwent on the west, and the moor on the east, except the wood growing in the Calfe Croft, &c., of the said tenement, with twelve years free 'entro and owt gayt' of the said woods; also grant of other wood near the abbot's well and the way to Crich, except Crabtre and Holyn, and except the trees adjoining the 'Grape nexte benethe the lytyll Barne'; the said James and Laurence granting that the abbot's tenant shall have 'Tynsell' to repair the hedges: grant also to the said James and Laurence of twenty years to sell and carry away the said woods, &c. 20 February, 1 Henry VIII. English.
[Berks.] [Wilts.] C. 2477. Grant by Margaret, late the wife of Richard de Polhamtone, to Walter de Hamme and Euginia his wife, for their lives, of lands, &c., in Chelreye, with the reversion of a tenement which William le Freynche and Cristiana his wife hold for the latter's life in the same place by the demise of Geoffrey de Okhangre, except a meadow in 'le Dolmede;' the said lands to revert to Margaret if Euginia after Walter's death recover dower in lands in Hamme, Mordone and Botermere, which the said Walter and Euginia had granted to Margaret. Baletstone, 12 April, 11 Edward II.
[Essex.] C. 2478. Assignment and release by John Brixey, of Stapilford Abbots, to John le Fisshere, of Lambourn, of a tenement consisting of a messuage and land in Lambourn. Saturday after Michaelmas, 16 Edward III. Seal.
[Derby.] C. 2479. Grant by Robert Eawelyn, of Makkeney, to William de Makkeneya, lord of Makkeney, and Alice his wife, of a messuage and land in Makkeneye, the land lying in tillages called Ma Surlond,' Costowe, 'la Stonylonde,' 'Estforlong,' 'Morforlang,' and in a tillage at 'la Putlonde,' an acre called 'Wlfacre' in 'la Westfeld,' half an acre in 'la Stonylonde' and land in Wetforlong, 'la Ryforlong,' Gorforlang, 'la Westforlong' in 'la Bottes,' in 'la Wetelonde,' in Northforlang, and in a place called 'le Hasse.' Friday after the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 33 Edward I.
[Bedf.] C. 2480. Grant by Richard Bussh, of Little Brykehull, and Agnes his wife, to Laurence Pycot, of Dunstaple, Henry Mauntell, and John Skynner, of the same, of a messuage in the south street of Dunstaple. Last day of November, 15 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Dorset.] C. 2481. Grant by John Tracy, to John Coky and Rose his wife, of a life estate in land in the south street of Brideport, after the death of John Rikel, who held the same of Tracy for his life, and had demised his interest therein to the grantees. Witnesses:—. . . . . and Simon atte Forde, bailiffs of Brideport, and others (named). Sunday after the Annunciation, 15 Richard II. Damaged.
Suff. C. 2482. Defeasance of a recognisance for 400l. by John de Kyrkeby, of Horton, knight, to William Fitz Walter, of Clopton, co. Suffolk, entered into in connection with the settlement of a suit between the said John,and Cicely, late the wife of William Cokerel, knight; witnessing that if the said John shall enfeoff the said William of the manor of Toppesfeld within a specified time, William paying to John 180 marks, the said recognisance shall be void. Witnesses:—John Gernoun, knight, and others (named). Thursday after St. Edmund the archbishop, 24 Edward III. French. Damaged.
[Sussex ?] C. 2483. Release by William de Cosyngton, knight, son and heir of Sir Stephen de Cosyngton, knight, to the prince of Aquitain and Wales, of all actions. Plumplon, 2 January, 44 Edward III. French.
[Norf.] C. 2484. Grant by Oliver Wyth, knight, to Ralph . . . . . and Margaret his wife, of an acre of turbary in Smalbergh, for their lives, with remainder to Thomas and John, their sons, successively in tail, Clement and William, Ralph's sons, to remain bondmen. Thursday after the beheading of St. John the Baptist, . . . . Damaged.
[Staff.] C. 2485. Demise by Thomas . . . ., of Pencrich, to William son of Thomas le Mulward, of a water-mill in Womburn for six years, paying 16s. 8d. yearly. Monday after the Invention of Holy Cross, 34 Edward III.
[Bedf.] C. 2486. Grant by John Trought of Dunstaple, to Richard Bussh and Agnes his wife, of a messuage in the south street of Dunstapie, adjoining a messuage of the prior and convent of Dunstaple, and extending to Watlyngstret. 6 April, 14 Henry VI.
Somors. C. 2487. Receipt from Robert Stow, of Blakedon, 'hyman,' to Thomas Bathe, of the parish of Blackedun, husbandman, for 4 nobles 3s. 8d. received at Christmas last. 28 March, 35 Henry VI.
[Kent.] C. 2488. Grant by William Moraunt, knight, to Thomas and William his sons, of all his goods and chattels. Chevenynge, Monday before St. Dunstan, 19 Edward III. French.
[York.] C. 2489. Grant by John Camel, of Cuttheworth, to Thomas Bell, clerk, of land in Cuttheworth (Cudworth) in Peneale at the head of Danddker, and abutting on the green of Fayrehome. Thursday after Holy Cross, A.D. 1346.
[Bedf.] C. 2490. Demise by Laurence Pygot, William Anable, John . . annam, and Henry Maun tell, to William Sampson, William Lenard, and Henry Lenard, of a toft in 'le west ende' of Dunstaple. 8 August, 23 Henry VI.
Heref. Salop. C. 2491. Grant by William de Couleye, to Thomas le Clerk, vicar of Great Malvern, of his lands and tenements of Couleye and Vyneges in Credeleye and in Romesleye. Wednesday the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 25 Edward III.
Wilts. C. 2492. Grant by Thomas Calston, esquire, and Marina his wife, to William Coventre, Richard Colyngburn, William Gore, and Robert Saleman, of their manor of Litelcole, with the advowson of the chapel there. 22 November, 14 Henry IV.
[Warw.] C. 2493. Grant by Richard, son of John del Hull, of Scheldon, to Henry de Scherleye, of a messuage in Schirleye, which Richard had of the gift of Robert le Ferour, of Schirleye, living in Toucestre. Solyhull, Friday after the Exaltation of Holy Cross, 17 Edward III.
Essex. C. 2494. Demise by Margaret Zouche, late the wife of Thomas de Ilkeston, to Lewis Bledelowe, of lands, &c., in Arkesden, for twenty-six years. Farle Mortymer, 22 May, 14 [Richard] II.
[Essex.] C. 2495. Grant in frank almoin by Reginald de Anemere, vintner and citizen of London, to the church of St. John the apostle and evangelist of Berden and the canons there, of laud in Berden. Witnesses:—Stephen de Bassingpburn, John de Pinchepol, and others (named).
[Essex.] C. 2496. Defeasance of a grant by John Semall, of New Hithe, Colchester, and Sabina his wife, to John Wente and Marion his wife, of a tenement at New Hithe'; witnessing that the said grant is to be void if the purchase money is not duly paid on certain days. 2 November, 7 Henry IV. Damdged.
Kent. C. 2497. Grant by John Barongier, late of Sevenoke, Kent, and Cassandra his wife, late the wife of John Couper, to John Wybarn and John Vane, of all their lands, &c., in the parishes of Serenoke and Tonbrigge, during the life of the said Cassandra. 26 June, 37 Henry VI.
[Essex.] C. 2498. Grant by Thomas de Drokenesford, knight, to Robert Mareschal, of a messuage and laud in Stapelfordetany, abutting on land of the earl of Stafford. Monday alter St. James the apostle, 29 Edward III.
[Suff.] C. 2499. Grant by Hugh de Talemache, to Geoffrey de Dodenesse, for his life, of a messuage and lands, &c., which he had of Geoffrey's gift in Benethle, Dodenesse and Tatingestun, in exchange for a release of a third part of the manors of Bentley and Coppedok, which Margery [de Talema]che, his mother, recovered as dower against the said Geoffrey. Witnesses:— Sir John de . . . . netet, Sir Robert de Melton, and others (named). Damaged.
[Essex.] C. 2500. Grant by John Beele, of Great Wenden, co. Essex, to John Godefre and Roger Waleweyn, of the same, of a messuage in the parish of Arkysden, abutting on the high road from Wykys to Arkysden church. Friday before the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 14 Richard II.