Deeds: C.2501 - C.2600

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.2501 - C.2600', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.2501 - C.2600', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.2501 - C.2600". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.2501 - C.2600

Essex. C. 2501. Grant by William Wantone, knight, the younger, of the county of Essex, and Ralph Bray, of the county of Bokyngham, to Aubrey de Veer, knight, of their manor of Wykepete, which they had of the gift of Beatrice, daughter of Robert Rokele, of Arkesden. Witnesses:—Alexander de Walden, knight, and others (named). Neweport, Tuesday before the Assumption, 50 Edward III.
[Norf.] C. 2502. Grant by Martin son of Nicholas de Wermundesworth, to Henry son of Robert de Breydeston, of a toft with buildings in Breydeston. Witnesses:—William Makerel, of Breydeston, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Damaged.
[Kent.] C. 2503. Grant by William, son of Simon de Fonte, of Ho, to William son of Adam do Delham and Agatha his wife, of land in the parish of St. Werburge of Ho, in a Held called 'Upperdene.' Witnesses:—Philip de Delham, Hugh de [Beu]weles, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Wilts. C. 2504. Grant by George Bryghmerston, son and heir of Stephen de Bryghmerston, to Philip de la Beche, of two parts of his manor of Hakeneston by Nether Avene, with the advowson of a portion of the tithes, and the reversion of the third part which Joan, late the wife of Stephen de Bryghmerston, held for life as her dower, and which John de la Beehe now holds, by demise of the said Joan, for his life. Witnesses:—Sirs William de Haredene, William de Insula Bona, knights, and others (named). Monday after the Invention of the Holy Cross, 11 Edward II.
[Berks.] C. 2505. Conveyance by Edward de Polhampton, to Robert de Waleton, and Alice his wife, of a messuage, curtilage, and two crofts in Baletteston one called 'Chaldefeld.' Baletton, Monday alter St. Bartholomew, 16 Edward III.
[Suff.] C. 2506. Demise by Anne, late the wife of Thomas Hungerford, knight, to George Darell, knight, of her rabbit-warren of Berrigge by Mildenale, and of all rabbits within the manor of Mildenale, for twelve years from the Annunciation last, paying 5 marks yearly. 26 April, 9 Edward IV. Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2507. Grant by William, son of John Franceys, of Smalberge, to Reginald, son of Sir William de Stalham, knight, of land in Smalberge, in the field of Westcrofth. Thursday after St. John the evangelist, 35 Edward [I.].
[Warw.] C. 2508. Grant by Nigel de Mundevill, to Robert Barri, of land in Bereleswell (Berkeswell) at Katteslega. Witnesses:—Robert son of Richard, and others (named). Fourteenth century. Damaged.
[Bucks.] C. 2509. Grant by Henvy de Bolebek, son and heir of Sir Gilbert do Bolebek, knight, to Eleanor de Ewelle, Geoffrey Neyrnuyt and William Neyrnuyt, sons of Sir John Neyrnuyt, knight, nephews of the said Eleanor, of the manor of Kyngeseye, and the reversion of the dower lands of Agnes de Bolebek, Henry's mother, in Kyngeseye aforesaid, with the reversion of certain tenements there; also grant of the wood of Lythyngeshull in the parish of Little Kynehelle. Witnesses:—Sirs John Neyrnuyt, Richard de la Vache, Robert Malet, Gerard de Braybrok, and William de Sauntresdone, knights, and others (named). Thursday in Easter week, 32 Edward I.
[Berks.] C. 2510. Grant by Agnes, daughter of Stephen Gerveys, of Westhakeburn, to Bartholomew Robikyn, of land in Westhakeburn (West Hagborne), which she inherited from her mother Christina, daughter of Henry le Rede, of Westhakeburn. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Wyndesore, knight, and others (named). Saturday after the apostles Peter and Paul, 10 Edward II.
[Berks.] C. 2511. Grant by Bartholomew sou of Miles de Hakeburne, to Bartholomew Robikyn, of Westhakeburn, of land lying in 'le Siche' of Westhakeburn. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Medford, Osbert Bartelot. and others (named).
[ ] C. 2512. Defeasance of a grant by Thomas . . . ., to Adam Charman and Richard his son, of land and 27d. yearly rent in . . . . .; witnessing that if the said Thomas pays to them 6l. 10s. at the time specified they are to restore the premises to him under penalty of 20l. . . . . 11 Edward II. Portion of the document gone.
[Berks.] C. 2513. Grant by Bartholomew de Hakeburn, son and heir of Miles de Morton, to Bartholomew Robikyn, of Westhakeburn, of a piece of meadow in the meadow of Westhakeburn, in Cotssttlemed'. Thursday after Palm Sunday, 18 Edward II.
[Bedf.] C. 2514. Indenture between Simon Umfrey, of Dunstaple, and Edmund Hore, of the same, by which Edmund agrees to pay to Simon 8d. yearly, as quit rent for a barn in the lane called 'Hallewyklane.' Dunstaple, Morrow of St. Philip and St. James, 22 Richard II.
[Wilts.] C. 2515. Release by John Smyth, son and heir of John Smyth, of Kyngton Michael, to John Hopere, of Lacok, of all his right in a messuage and garden in Lacok. . . March, 2 [Henry], IV. Damaged. Fragment of seal.
[Berks.] C. 2516. Demise by Richard Wulwey, chaplain, to William Darell, and Elizabeth his wife, for three years, of the manor of Balatteston, with lands, &c., in Yngulflod Balat in the parish of Kyntebury, in the parishes of Ynkepenne and Hongurforde, and in Wokefeld and Sillamstede. Feast of St. Matthias the apostle, 9 Henry V. Fragment of seal.
[Bucks.] C. 2517. Grant by Richard Molle, of Tythrop in the parish of Kyngesey, to Robert de Marny, knight, and Alice his wife, of a messuage with garden, in tail male, with remainder to Ingelram Brun, knight, in tail male. Witnesses:—John Rolves and others (named). 20 September, 11 Richard II. Damaged.
[Warw.] C. 2513. Grant by William de Hacchale, of Coventry, and John de Manby, clerk, to Alice, late the wife of William de Solihull, of Coventry, of lands in Solihull, which they had of the gift of the said William de Solihull, 6 February, 32 Edward III. Portion of seal.
Warw. C. 2519. Letter of attorney by Margaret Hore, widow, of Stonythorp, authorising William Baker and John Freman, of Sowtham, to deliver seisin to Sir John Nobull, vicar of Long Igynton, Sir Thomas Wyllymot, vicar of Herbyry, Sir John Bokenall, of the parish of Ulfeton, and Geoffrey Basset, of Sowtham, of lands in Stonythorp, or elsewhere in the county of Warwick. 1 January, 27 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Wilts. C. 2520. Grant by Matilda, late the wife of, John, lord of Lovell and Holand, John Lovell, knight, Robert Lovell, esquire, and Ralph Lovell, clerk, to Thomas Bonham, William Gore, Robert Saleman, Roger atte Hurne, chaplain, and Richard Schayl, of the manor of Knyghton, with knights' fees, lands, &c., in Knyghton. Monday after . . ., 10 Henry IV. Damaged.
[Middx.] C. 2521. Release by William Catelyn, citizen and horner of London, to Richard Playstowe, citizen of London, and Alice his wife, of all his right in a tenement in St. Martin Orgar's lane, in the ward of Dovegate, in the parish of St. Laurence Pulteney, by Candelwykstrete, in the city of London. 14 November, 22 Edward IV.
[Dorset.] C. 2522. Conveyance by Edward le Taillour and John Shipton, wardens of the lands and rents in aid of the mass of St. Mary of Brideport, with the assent of the whole commonalty, to Edward Coterigh and Alice his wife, and John their eldest son, for their lives, of two messuages in Brideport, one in a lane called 'Staklane,' and the other in the east street of the said town. Thursday next St. Hilary, 31 Edward III. Damaged.
[Warw.] C. 2523. Grant by William Hace, of Sulihull, and Joan his wife, to Richard Birche, of Langedon, for eight years, of a yearly rent of 11s., out of two crofts Avith the adjacent moors in Sulihull, called 'Orchard land,' adjoining land called' Crabwallfeld.' 20 January, 18 Henry VI. Damaged.
Warw. C. 2524. Defeasance of a grant by Geoffrey, son of William Walter, of Pylatenhale, to William de Pylatenhale, the younger, of a yearly rent of 40s. out of lands and tenements which Geoffrey held in the fee of Elmedon; witnessing that the said grant shall be void as long as Geoffrey and his son do not obtain judgment against William concerning meadow between'le Brodemor,' and Ke . . . medewe, and land lying on Olde Gorsthull. Wednesday the feast of St. Peter in cathedra, 20 Edward III. French. Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2525. Demise by Robert de Bures, knight, to Simon le Heyward, of Meldingg, for seven years, of lands and tenements in Hecchum. Aketon, Monday the eve of the Exaltation of Holy Cross. 5 Edward II. Damaged.
[Notts.] C. 2526. Mortgage by Robert Inthewylons, of Northgate by Newerk, to Roger del More, of Newerk, for twenty years, of land in Northgate, in a tillage abutting southwards on 'le Wynthorp Hedeland,' and northwards on 'le Wronglandes.' The Annunciation, 6 Henry VI. Damaged.
[N'hamp.] C. 2527. Demise by John Greyby, master of the hospital of Holy Trinity, Kyngesthorp by Norhampton, and the brethren of the same, to Emma, late the wife of Thomas Dyeon, of Esthaddon, Thomas Dycon, of Esthaddon, son of the said Emma, Katherme his wife, and William their son, for their lives, of a messuage and land in Esthaddon. 20 February, 12 Henry IV.
[Norf.] C. 2528. Grant by Elizabeth, late the wife of Thomas Nyp', citizen and fishmonger of London, widow, to Thomas, bishop of Ely, William Hulyn, alderman, citizen and fishmonger of London, Thomas Billyng, John Hay and William Pilton of Bishop's Lean, merchant, of a capital messuage in Bishop's Lenn, in a street called 'le Northirne,' adjoining a lane called 'Helmyngeslane,' abutting eastward on the high road opposite St. Nicholas' chapel; and of a yearly rent of 3s. out of a tenement in Seggeford lane near Baksterrowe, in the same place. Witnesses:—John Gedeney, mayor of Lenn, and others (named). 29 December, 1 Henry VI. Damaged. Paper.
[Oxford.] [Berks.] [Glouc.] [Hants.] C. 2529. Demise by Thomas Tyrel, knight, steward-general of Lady Isabella, the king's daughter, to Edmund de Stonore, in the name of the said lady, of the manors of Stonore, Watecombe, Sottewell, Harnhull, Burton and Penyton, in her hands by reason of the minority of the said Edmund, by the king's grant, to hold till the full age of the said Edmund, paying 45l. yearly. 4 October, 37 Edward III.
[Dorset.] C. 2530. Demise by John Clement, to John Crulle and Isabella his wife, of a parcel of land called 'Morterhay' by the Jane called 'Kyllyngys lane,' with a garden which Alice, late the wife of Henry Tyte, held in the south street of Brydeport, in tail, with remainder to William Hychecok. Witnesses:—William Bowley, John Prout, bailiffs, and others (named). 16 October, 19 Henry VI.
Leic. C. 2531. Release by Robert de Pulteneye, rector of the church of Whitstaple, to Richard Burdet, of Shepeie, of all his right in messuages, lands, bondmen, &c, and 100s. rent in Shepeie, with a moiety of the advowson of the church there. Translation of St. Martin, 5 Edward III. Damaged.
[Herts.] C. 2532. Grant by Avice, relict of Simon son of . . . . ., of Dunstaple, widow, to William Nicholas, of the same, of land in the field of Kenesworthe, in a quarentine (quarentena) called 'Spondene,' extending eastward to [Breyde ?]weye. Saturday before St. Thomas [the apostle], 30 Edward [I]. Damaged.
[Stafford.] C. 2533. Release by Richard Dymmok, vicar of the church of Seggesleye, and Richard de Brerdon, to Thomas le Hore, of Elmedon, of all their right in lands, &c., in Wombourn and Overton. Sunday, Michaelmas day, 38 Edward III. Fragments of two seals.
[Norfolk.] C. 2534. Grant by Walter . . . . ., of Calth[or]p, to Henry de Kirkestede in fee farm, of land in Brok by Howe at Threfurlong, abutting on Hokmeregate, paying 8s. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Walsingham, John de Inglose, John de Palgrave, and others (named). Brunham, Sunday before St. Andrew, 28 Edward [I]. Damaged.
[Essex.] C. 2535. Grant by William do Bellocampo, [and ?] William, lord of Estonehalle, to Sir Nicholas de Sutton, rector of the church of Beauchamp Othon', of land in a field called '. . . . .,' extending from Lady Matilda Bouteturt's land at Peldon Hil to the manor of Sir William Botevileyn. Sunday after the Annunciation, 19 Edward II. Much damaged.
[Bedf.] C. 2536. Release and surrender by Richard Albon, of Dunstaple, and John Pacoun, of the same, to Simon Umfrey, of Dunstaple, of six cartloads of wood yearly in the wood of Boukwode, which they lately had of the gift of John Umfrey. Eve of Holy Trinity, 10 Richard II.
[Somers.] C. 2537. Demise by Edmund Forde, to Richard Paveley and Elizabeth his wife, of the manor of Fayroke, also of lands, &c., in Fayroke, and in the parish of Fromebraunche. Witnesses:—Walter Hungerford, knight and others (named). Forde, 20 September, 2 He[nry] V. Seal.
Bedf. Herts. C. 2538. Release by John Bernarde, of Dunstaple, to William Cantelowe, esquire, and Anne his wife, of all his right in a messuage called 'Loughtons' alias 'Floure delys,' with three tenements and gardens and a close of land in 'le North strete' of Dunstaple, in land in the fields of Dunstaple, Houghton Regis, Cadyngdon and Kennesworth, in a grange, three barns, a close, and land near 'le West strete' of Dunstaple, and in land called 'Alens land,' all which Bernard had jointly with John Dogett, deceased, of the gift of Sir William Cantelowe, knight. 20 August, Edward IV. Damaged.
[Heref.] C. 2539. Grant by Walter, vicar of the church of Welynton, and Roger, chaplain of St. Mary, of the same, to Lucy, relict of John le Souter, of Welynton, of all the lands. &c., in Welynton, which they had of the gift of the said John. Wednesday the morrow of the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 23 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] C. 2540. Grant by Richard atte Birches, of Solihull, chaplain, to Richard de Caldeford, clerk, of lands, &c., in Solihull, at Sherleye, which the grantor had of the gift of Richard son of the late William atte Birches, of Sherleye. Thursday after St. James, 41 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Warw.] C. 2541. Grant by John, son and heir of William atte Byrches, clerk, to Richard de Caldeford, clerk, of 10d. rent, from the tenants named, out of meadow by Waddeford Wall, a messuage at Waddeford, and land at Petlond by 'la Castellon,' with wards, marriages, reliefs, &c.; and release of all his right in 6½d. yearly rent for a croft called 'Goldyngescroft.' Solyhull, Friday after Christmas. Damaged.
[Bedf.] C. 2542. Grant by John Warde, parson of the church of Northenell, to John Haylbern, son of John Haylbern, of Holm, of land in Holm, on the tillage called 'Morche Furlong,' adjoining land of Sir Richard Scrope, knight. Tuesday after the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 20 Richard II.
[Warw.] C. 2543. Demise by Richard de Caldeford, chaplain, to John Corbizon, of Bikenhull, the elder, of a messuage with curtilage and croft in Solihull, called 'Griffynesstede,' and a toft with a close, &c., at 'le Leewode' called 'Buckemore Stede,' in the said town, adjoining the heath of LeeAvodeheth for his life, paying 57s. yearly, John granting the right of distress on his lands at Chirchebikenhull if the rent be not paid, &c. Friday after St. Matthias the apostle, 40 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Kent. C. 2544. Release by John Northwode, one of the kinsmen and heirs of "Nicholas Weston and Joan his wife, deceased, to Roger Fenys, knight, James Fenys, esquire, Richard Wakeherst, and Adam Iwode, of all his right in the manor of Hevere Brokas. Witnesses:—Reginald Cobeham, Thomas Leukenore, Thomas Sakeville, knights, and others (named). Feast of St. Hilary the bishop, 6 Henry VI.
[Norf.] C. 2545. Grant by Robert de Erpingham and Ralph son of John son of Simon de Erpingham, to John atte Church (ad Ecclesiam), of Caltborp, of a moiety of a tenement in Calthorp, which the grantors lately acquired from Andrew, son of William atte Church, of Calthorp, chaplain, viz. a moiety of a close called 'Bernardisinhom,' and a moiety of three pieces of land at Bernardis Ryde and Bernardisyhate; with letter of attorney authorising Roger le Tanur, of Erpingham, to deliver seisin. Witnesses:— Sir Walter de Calthorp, Henry de Gernemuta, and others (named). Monday the feast of St James the apostle, 11 Edward II. Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2546. Grant by William Stocfich and Custancia his wife, to Hugh de Reymis, son of Gilbert de Reymis, of Werstede, of land in Wersted, part abutting on a road called 'Osgostunstrete,' part adjoining land called 'Verdunislond,' and part abutting on a bank called 'Funtenelisbroc. Witnesses:—Roger Luveday, Richard de Holebroc, Gerard de Wachesham, knights, and others (named).
[Hants.] C. 2547. Grant by Henry de la Burghe, of the parish of Crundel, to William Mit . . . ., of a pasture called 'la Rydestrode' in Crokham, with a yearly rent which Robert de la Broce and others (named) pay for the same. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Dupehale, and others (named).
[Norf.] C. 2548. Grant by Oliver Wyth, of Smalberghe, to William Osmund, perpetual vicar of the church of Dilham, of one furlong in Dilham. Monday after Trinity Sunday, 2 Richard II.
[Middx.] C. 2549. Grant by Godfrey, son of Geoffrey de Hadestok, late citizen of London, to William de Bettun, mercer, citizen of London, of a house with four shops, &c., in the parishes of St. Anthony and St. John upon Walbrook, London. Witnesses:—Henry le Waleis, mayor of London, and alderman of that ward, Jordan Godchep and Martin Box, sheriffs, and others (named). Feast of St. Thomas the apostle, 12 Edward I. Seal, imperfect.
Camb. C. 2550. Grant by Thomas Ormond, to Sir Edward, bishop of Chichester, John Wyngfeld, knight, Richard Pygot, Humphrey Starky, and John Coll, Serjeants at law, Gilbert Talbot, Henry Vernoun, John Fortescu, William Paston, Henry Heydon, and Richard Suthwell, esquires, John Byconell, John Wotton, and Thomas Lovell, gentlemen, and Richard Cowyk, of the manor of Swavesey, to hold upon the trusts of an indenture of even date between Anne Boleyn, widow, and the said Thomas Ormond, and afterwards upon the trusts of the latter's will. 26 February, 20 Edward IV.
[Dorset.] C. 2551. Conveyance by John le Bevere, to John le Gardiner, of Besschinneshegh, and Edith his wife, of a messuage and land at 'la Wodemill' in the hundred of W[hit]church, within the manor of Merswode, in the fee of Besschineshegh, with land by the bridge Atteparrok; to hold for the life of Alice, late the wife of Robert Besschin, of Combe. Thursday the feast of St. Martin the bishop, 18 Edward III.
Bedf. C. 2552. Grant by John, son and heir of Roger Gornard, of Dunstaple, to William son of John de Wottone, and Alice his wife, the grantor's sister, of a messuage in the north street of Dunstaple, extending upon Wathlingestrate. Thursday before St. Luke the evangelist, 4 Edward II.
[Suff.] C. 2553. Release by John Aleyn, of Boxforde, to John de Boys, Clement Spice, Henry de Tomeston, perpetual vicar of the church of Stoke by Neylond, Roger Pylberghe, parson of the church of Boxforde, William Aleyn, of Mylende by Colchester, Thomas Clerk, of Colchester, John Esthorp, clerk, Robert Dulle, of Boxforde, and John atte Forde, of Polstede, of all his right in lands and tenements anciently called 'Suttones,' and in lands called respectively 'Cannes,' 'Nokes,' and 'Smartes,' in a croft called . . . ., and in a cottage called 'Chichelyes,' in Boxford. Witnesses:— Robert Corbet and John de Peyton, knights, and others (named). Friday the feast of St. Edmund, king and martyr, 18 Richard II. Damaged, Seal, imperfect.
[Bedf.] C. 2554. Mortgage by John Blancpayn, Laurence Pycot, and Thomas Bygood, to William Mulsho, of Dunstaple, of a messuage and land in the west street of Dunstaple, extending upon Ikenyldstret. Last day of April, 17 Henry VI. Damaged. Seal.
[Suff.] C. 2555. Grant by Nicholas ate Dych, of Aketone, to John, son of William Frelond, of the same, and Margaret his wife, of a curtilage, between the road leading from Balberg' heath towards Clare and land which formerly belonged to Robert Ridel. Sunday after the conversion of St. Paul, 32 Edward I.
[Bedf.] C. 2556. Duplicate of C. 2554. Cancelled. Three seals.
[Essex.] C. 2557. Grant by Thomas son of Adam Civiar', of Rikeling, to William, son of Peter de Bello Campo, and Clemence his wife, for 18s., of land in Rikeling in a field called 'Bradefeld,' adjoining land of Sir William de Monte Caneto, and abutting on the highway from Neuport to London. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Bello Campo, and others (named). Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2558. Grant by Isabel, late the wife of Sir Geoffrey Wyth, knight, to Henry le Mazoun, of Smaleberg, and Alice his [daughter?], for their lives, of land and a house thereon, adjoining land belonging to the church of Smaleberg (Smalborough). Ravenyngham, Friday after the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 11 Edward III. Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2559. Grant by Joan, late the wife of Stephen de Breydeston, to Thomas son of Martin de Wermondesworht, of Breydeston, of all her lands, &c., in Breydeston. Friday the feast of St. Barnabas the apostle, 18 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Warw.] C. 2560. Grant by Richard de la Cornere, to Juliana, daughter of Edith le Walkere, in free marriage at the door of Solihull church, of a messuage and croft which he bought from Sir William de Oddengeseles, adjoining the road leading to 'le Blakestede.' Witnesses:—William de Sydenhale, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[N'hamp.] C. 2561. Grant by Robert, master of Holy Trinity without Norhampton, and the brethren of the same, to William son of Laurence de Buketon, and Alice his wife, of land with a toft and croft in Buketon (Boughton). Witnesses:—Walter the lord (domino), Philip the lord, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Essex.] C. 2562. Release by Matilda, daughter of Philip the clerk, of Rikeling, and Constance her sister, to Adam le Charman, of the same, of all her right in a messuage in Rikeling that formerly belonged to their mother Agnes. Witnesses:—Sir Hubert la Veyle, knight, Robert len Veyse, and others (named). The Exaltation of Holy Cross, 23 Edward I.
[Linc.] C. 2563. Release by Robert, son of Nicholas the forester (forestar'), of Brunn, to Emma, daughter of the late Robert the clerk, of Hermetorp, relict of Geoffrey de Milnetorp, of all his right in lands and tenements which the said Emma inherited after the death of her parents, and in lands of the late Matilda daughter of William son of Wido de Hermetorp. Witnesses:—Sirs Ralph de Sancto Laudo, Geoffrey de Brunn, Thomas de Sancto Laudo, knights, and others (named). Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2564. Grant by William de le Heg, of Smalberwe, and William de Felberwe, to Richard le Mazon, chaplain, of land in Smalberge (Smalborough), abutting on the high road to Dilham. Witnesses:—Sir William de Stalham, William de Burwode, and others (named). Seal, imperfect.
[Suff.] C. 2565. Release by William le Lomb, of Riston, and Margery his wife, to Sir Robert de Reydon, of all their right of dower in lands which formerly belonged to Nicholas Lenebaud, first husband of the said Margery, in Badingham, Framelingham, Ketlebergh, &c. Witnesses:—Sirs John de Hol[ebroc], Alan de Goldigham, knights, and others (named). Gyppewyc, 7 Mar[ch ?], 31 Edward [I]. Damaged.
[Warw.] C. 2566. Release by Joan, daughter and heiress of Margery Elys, relict of Adam Dylok (?), to Richard atte Burchus, chaplain, of all her right in a messuage, &c., in Schirleye in the parish of Solyhull, demised to him by the said Adam and Margery for their lives. Coventre, 16 May, 49 Edward III. Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2567. Grant in tail by Andrew de Bures, to John Wakeman, of Leyham, of land in Leyham adjoining land of the countesg of Kent. Aketon, Sunday after St. Augustine, . . Edward III. Damaged.
[Heref.] C. 2568. Grant by Nicholas le Seculer, of Sutton, brother of Nicholas le Seculer the younger, of the same, to Hugh Baudewyne, of Buford, of land within the manor of Mawerdyn lying in Elstowefeld, adjoining land of master Walter de Mawerdyn and of the canons of Hereford, and of 4s. yearly rent which Robert le Wodeward, of Mawerdin, used to pay; paying for the same yearly one gilly-flower in the market of St. Ethelbert, Hereford. Witnesses:—Adam de Bromfeld, Nicholas de Schipton, and others (named).
[Middx.] C. 2569. Grant by Roger Belgraunt, parson of the church of Great Cotes, to Richard de Haveryng, knight, and Agnes his wife, of a tenement with shops and gardens in the suburb of London without Busshopesgate in the parish of St. Botolph, for their lives, with remainders to John de Haveryng, son of the said Richard, and to Eleanor, daughter of the said Agnes, to Nicholas, brother of the said John, and to Elizabeth, sister of the said Eleanor, in tail. 24 June, 41 Edward III.
[Wilts.] C. 2570. Grant by Robert de Borebache, of Fiteltone, and Dionisia his wife, to Robert de Remmesburi, of a messuage and land which Walter Pantrich formerly held in Fiteltone. Sunday before St. George the martyr, 16 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Heref.] C. 2571. Grant by Thomas de Chaundoys, to Richard de Bagyngdene, of land in Welynton, lying in Northfeld, part on 'le knolle,' and part in Brocstresforlong; in exchange for land in the same town, given to the grantor and Holdeburgh his wife by Richard. Wednesday before St. Vincent the martyr, 9 Edward III.
[Devon.] C. 2572. Demise by the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of Exeter, to Richard Haydon, of the tithes of the parish church of Sydbury, for five years, paying 16l. yearly. 12 April, A.D. 1516. Damaged.
[Linc.] C. 2573. Grant by John, son of Richard Brysbank, of Feryby, to Geoffrey de Thoresby, of a yearly rent of 4s. in Grymesby, issuing out of a messuage which Agnes de Bolyngton and William her son hold in Northsayntmarygate, and which John had by bequest from John de Feryby his uncle. Witnesses:—Peter atte see, mayor of Grimesby, Thomas Dyszot and Robert Haynson, bailiffs, Thomas de Canee and Henry Canon, coroners, of the same, and others (named). Wednesday the feast of St. Mark the evangelist, A.D. 1347.
[Suff.] C. 2574. Grant by Margaret Brid, relict of John Cowelle, to John Akke and Rose his wife, of a moiety of a messuage and curtilage in Aketone. Saturday the feast of St. Nicholas the bishop, 11 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 2575. Release by John, son of Adam With, of Cobeham, to Stephen son of Stephen de Delham, of 12d. yearly rent, out of a tenement in St. Mary Hoo. Witnesses:—John de Yseberge, and others (named). 29 Edward I.
[Worc. ?] C. 2576. Grant by Katherine Dyer, relict of William Gregory, carpenter, widow, to William Gylding and Alice his wife, of land in the fields of Wyke, part in a tillage called 'Halowedene,' part in Whitecros, and part at Stymererisfurlong, Pershore, feast of . . . ., 1 Edward IV. Damaged.
[York.] C. 2577. Grant by Hugh de Gravenhawe, chaplain, to Matilda, late the wife of Richard de Oxpring, and to William, son of Richard de Oxpring, of messuages, lands, &c., in Brerclay. Witnesses:—Thomas Bossevile, of Erdeslay, and others (named). Sunday after St, Mark the evangelist, A.T). 1377. Damaged.
[Essex.] C. 2578. Grant by Robert son of Richard de Bolytone, to Sir Humfrey de Waledene, knight, of 20d. yearly rent, to be received from Thomas de Bolytone, of Uggele, for land in Uggele. 7 September, 3 Edward III.
Middx. C. 2579. Demise by William Stamyndon, citizen and goldsmith of London, to Sir Thomas Sylvestre, clerk, of lands, &c., in the parish of Stebbenhethe, for seven years, paying William 9l. for the first year, and 12l. each year after, and other sums yearly to the prior of St. John's, Clerkenwell and the prioress of Stratford atte Bowe. Michaelmas, 15 [Richard II ?] Much damaged. Seal.
[Warw.] C. 2580. Grant by . . . . Hellier (?) merchant in Coventry, and Emma his wife, to Richard de Caldeforde, of Solyhull, of lands, &c., in Solyhull. Friday after the conception of the Virgin Mary, [3 . Edward III ?] Damaged. Seal and fragment of seal.
[Essex.] C. 2581. Deed poll by Adam, son of Thomas de Londres, enfranchising Richard, son of Adam de Arkesden, his customary tenant, with all his issue, and grant of the said Richard, with the tenement which he holds of Adam in Arkesden, to Hamo Peverel. Witnesses:—Robert de Ruppella, William de Langetut, and others (named).
[Norf.] C. 2582. Grant by Ascelin, late the wife of Hubert Aylward, of Beston, widow, to Sir Geoffrey Wyth, knight, of land in Smalberwe and Beston, abutting on the high road called 'Holgate,' in exchange for land in Beston and Berton, adjoining land of Sir John de Cokefeld and others (named). Witnesses:—Sirs Roger Gyner, Reginald le Gros, and others (named). St. Dunstan the archbishop's day, 4 Edward [I.].
Kent. C. 2583. Release by William Pett, the elder, of Sevenoke, to William Merden, of the same, of all his right in a messuage in Sevenoke (Sevenoaks), in land in Holowstrete, and in land called 'Russelles,' adjoining the highroad called 'Julyauhyll,' on the west and the common of the archbishop of Canterbury, on the south and east, 12 January, 14 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
Wilts. C. 2584. Release by William Tournay, to John Darell, esquire, Nicholas Dixson, clerk, William Fyndern, Robert Lange, and Richard Schayll, of all his right in the manor of Axeford. Friday before St. Denis the martyr, 7 Henry VI. Damaged.
[Middx.] Surrey. C. 2585. Grant by Alice, late the wife of John Midelton, of Hope, to William Midelton, her son, and to his children by Margaret, daughter of John Balgye, of all her tenements in the city of London, and of her manor of Coldabbey in Pekham, with all her other lauds, &c., in the county of Surrey. Friday after the apostles Peter and Paul, 18 Henry VI. Seal.
[Warw.] C. 2586. Defeasance of a grant by Robert, called 'Hycheman,' brother of John, son of Roesia Primele, to Thomas Bourde, of land in Elmedon; witnessing that if the said Thomas shall quietly have possession for seven years of a messuage on which is a ruined house, and of certain other land in Elmedon hereby conveyed to him by the said John and Robert, the said grant shall be void. 10 May, 46 Edward III.
[Worc.] C. 2587. Grant by Robert Dauncer, vicar of Yerdeley, John Sheldone, of Bermyngham, and Thomas Jurdon, of (?) Allerwych, to John, son of John Smyth, of Sticheford, of lands, &c., which descended to the said John Smyth, the elder, after the death of William Smyth his father, in Yerdeley, and which they had of the gift of the said John Smyth. Sunday after St. Edmund the bishop, 11 Henry IV. Seal and fragment of seal.
[Middx.] C. 2588. Release by John Leche, citizen and fishmonger of London, to Thomas Sterre, son and heir of John Sterre, late citizen of London, and Alice his wife, daughter of John de Mokkinge, of all his right in a stone tenement with houses built over, in the lane and parish of St. Botolph in the ward of Billingesgate, and in 5 marks yearly rent out of a tenement which Cristina de Pirindon holds in the said lane and parish, and out of a tenement which formerly belonged to Richard Swote in the same parish, in land in the street and parish of St. Margaret of Brigestrete, in Briggestrete ward, and in tenements in the parish of St. Mary's, Abbechurche, in the ward of Candelwykestrete, London. Witnesses:— Simon de Swanlond, mayor, Henry de Gisors and Richard le Lacer, sheriffs, of London, and others (named). Whitsunday, 4 Edward III. Seal of arms.
Middx. C. 2589. Grant by Richard Helton, John Dunmowe, and Richard Edryche, to Simon Kyng, citizen and brewer of London, and Margery his wife, of a croft adjoining land of the bishop of Exeter, and called 'Lyghtlond' in the parish of Harengoye, and of a lane called 'Lyghtlondyslane,' abutting towards Toppysfeldislond. Nativity of the Virgin Mary, . . . Henry V. Damaged.
[Wilts.] C. 2590. Grant by Thomas Heese, to Thomas Calston, William Godewyn, and John Brutte, of a fish stall and another stall in Marlebergh. Witnesses:—William Lesscrope, knight, constable of the castle of Marlebergh, Walter Butte, mayor, Robert Sadelere and William Benfelde, provosts of the said borough, and others (named). 4 December, 21 Richard II. Damaged. Seal.
[Essex.] C. 2591. Grant by Richard de Havering, to John de Lessinton, of land which he had of the gift of Isolda de Staunford and Agnes her sister, in Tayden (Theydon) Gernun. Witnesses:—Roger de Thurkelb', Richard de Taney, and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal.
Endorsed: 'Inrotulatur.'
[Herts.] C. 2592. Grant by John Tonge, son and heir of Roger Tonge, of Dunstaple, to John . . . . . . ham, of the same, and Alice his wife, of land in Ken[esworth]. Sunday after . . . . the archbishop, 33 Edward III. Seal.
[Norf.] C. 2593. Bond by Henry le Mazoun, of Hornyngg, to Geoffrey Wyth, knight, for 3s. yearly rent out of lands which Richard le Mazoun, his brother, purchased from the said Geoffrey, and which formerly belonged to William the chaplain of Smalbergc. Sunday the feast of St. Dunstan, 18 Edward II.
[Dorset.] C. 2594. Demise by Joan . . . . ., to William Hanecok, of land at Rugge (Ridge) in the parish of Whitchurch in Merswode, for two years, paying 4 marks yearly . . . . March, 9 Henry VI. Damaged.
[Worc.] C. 2595. Grant by Roger More, John Sutton, baker, and Thomas Colverbache, to John Notton and Alice his wife, of all the lands, &c., which the grantors held jointly with Thomas Smyth of Seynt Jones by Worcester, in Pendefen, Pydele, Pershore, Pupelton, and Walcote. Tuesday in Easter week, 20 Richard II. Three seals, two broken.
[Cornw.] C. 2596. Demise by John Marny, knight, to Master Thomas Collys, Rector of St. Mabyn, for twenty years, of three closes in Kylquyte, called 'Bromball,' 'le Mochell Treysek,' and 'le Newe park' respectively. Witnesses:—Thomas Lucombe, mayor of Bodmin, and others (named). 10 October, 6 Edward IV.
Surrey. C. 2597. Letter of attorney by Richard Dene of Stratford-Longthorn, co. Middlesex, gentleman, authorising Thomas Clebre, of the same, and Richard Nevested of the parish of Wolsted, to deliver seisin to John Knollis, rector of the parish church of Southpole, co. Devon, of the manor called 'le More,' with all lands, &c., in the parishes of Walkstede and Tanrygg. 9 October, A.D. 1 . . 9. Damaged.
[Dorset.] C. 2598. Assignment by Richard Melbourne, the king's escheator in the county of Dorset, to John, earl of Huntingdon, and Anne his wife, late the wife of Edmund, earl of March and Ulster, of the said Anne's dower out of the manor of Mersshewode, including lands called 'Podelhurste,' crofts called 'Notecroft' and 'Wildeham,' a close called 'Mersshe,' a croft called 'Stokhull' in a close called 'Brodemede,' pasture called 'Carmedyneslond,' messuages, cottages, rents, and a park called 'Crykelade' &c. 20 January, 8 Henry VI.
[Dorset.] C. 2599. Release by Richard Smyth and John Legge, merchants, to William Mountfort, merchant, of Brydeport, of all the goods and chattels which they had of the gift of [William ?] Maundevile. 6 October, 7 Henry V. Damaged. Fragment of seal.
[Wilts.] C. 2600. Grant by John le Porter and Edith his wife, to Simon le Wayte, of Bartone, of the reversion of lands and rents which Robert de Scheprugge and Agnes his wife hold of them, for life, in Fiteltone. Sunday after the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 4 Edward III.