Deeds: C.2601 - C.2700

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.2601 - C.2700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.2601 - C.2700', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.2601 - C.2700". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.2601 - C.2700

[Essex.] C. 2601. Grant by John Purchase, of Rikeling, to John, son of John Gelus, of the same, of land at Rikeling, in a field called 'Paynescroft,' abutting on land of the prior of Berden. Witnesses:—William de Fifede, and others (named). Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2602. Grant by Alexander Aunscelot, of Berton, to Sir Geoffrey Wyth, knight, of land in Smalbergh, in exchange for land in Berton. Witnesses:—Reginald le Gros, knight, and others (named). Sunday after St. Barnabas, 4 Edward II.
[Wilts.] C. 2603. Demise by William Darell, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife, to Thomas Marchall, of Marleburgh, and Felicia his wife, of a forge and part of a stable in Marleburgh, for their lives, paying 6s. 8d. yearly, Witnesses:—William Cook, [mayor] of Marleburgh, William Dodmour and Robert Frys, bailiffs, and others (named). Feast of St. George the martyr, 3 Henry VI. Damaged.
Bedf. C. 2604. Release by William Pechelesthorn, alias Germayn, chaplain, to Laurence Pycot, of Dunstaple, of all his right in the manor of Wipsonade, and in all the lands, &c., in Dunstaple, which William had jointly with William Clerk, of Berkhamsted, chaplain, deceased, of the gift of John Raven, in the county named. Last day of July, 18 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Berks.] C. 2605. Demise by John de Stonore, knight, to Agnes atte Well, of land in Sottewell, part in 'le Fifacres' and part 'atte Loslondes,' to hold to the said Agnes and Robert atte Lane for their lives, paying 2s. yearly. Sunday after St. Matthias the apostle, 32 Edward III. Seal of arms, imperfect.
[Hants.] C. 2606. Demise by master Thomas Smyth, chaplain, warden of the hospital of St. John the Baptist, Winchester, and the brethren and sisters of the same, with the consent of William White, mayor, and the commonalty of Winchester, to Peter Marion, of Winchester, fuller, and Agnes his wife, for eighteen years, of a plot of land with a pavilion (tentorio) erected thereon called 'Petites' in Winchester, between the water running from Petyteslake and the garden of the warden of the chapel of Holy Trinity, Winchester. Witnesses:—William White, mayor of Winchester, Thomas Bowlond and John Cutteler, bailiffs, and others (named). Thursday the beheading of St. John the Baptist, 16 Edward IV. Portion of hospital seal, good.
[Berks.] C. 2607. Defeasance of a bond by Edmund de Stonore to Henry de Sottewell, for 20l. 12. 8d.; witnessing that the said bond is to be void on payment of two sums of 103s. 2d. at Walingford, at the feasts of St. Peter ad Vincula and All Saints next. Wednesday after St. Augustine [the apostle] of the English, 42 Edward III.
[Surrey ?] C. 2608. Grant by William G[obiun ?], of Kyngestone, and Alice his wife, to John le Vernay, of Merston, of 8s., one ploughshare, and two capons, yearly rent, out of a messuage and land in Kyngeston. Monday after Michaelmas, 9 Edward III. Damaged.
[Warw.] C. 2609. Release by Edith, daughter of Clarice de Sulihull, and relict of John le Groom, to Sir Reginald Bakun, rector of the church of Sulihull, of all her right in land which she had of the gift of John de Blosmevyle, in Sulihull, adjoining the highway from Sondford to Burmyngham. Witnesses:—William atte Chircheyard, and others (named).
[York.] C. 2610. Grant by Robert Crook, to Thomas Calston, of 3s. yearly rent, which the grantor used to receive from Robert Lakham and Alice his wife, for a toft, garden, a meadow, two crofts, land in Shortlond by Thomas' meadow in Beverele, and land in the field of Natton adjoining a close called 'Vrenshes;' and the reversion of the premises after the death of Robert Lakham and Alice his wife, in exchange for a tenement in Lacok. Beverele, Wednesday after St. John ante Portam Latinam, 10 Henry IV.
[Suff.] C. 2611. Release by Osbert son of William de Reydon, to William de Brocton, of 2d. yearly rent for land in Reydon, in a field called 'le Dune,' adjoining land of Sir Alfred de Soloni. St. John ante Portam Latinam, 15 Edward I.
[Middx.] C. 2612. Release by John de Welbourne, treasurer of Lincoln, to Roger Belgraunt, parson of the church of Mikelcotes, of all his right in all the tenements, rents and services, which belonged to Richard de Haveryng, knight, and Agnes his wife in the city and suburb of London. Wednesday after the Invention of Holy Cross, 41 Edward III.
[Herts.] C. 2613. Grant by Henry de Brok, of Westmell, to William . . . . . . ldebir,' of land in Westmell, adjoining the roads leading from Buntingford at Pukerich, called 'Bonehundis,' and in Melefeld. Witnesses:— Geoffrey Wysdom, and others (named). Damaged.
[N'hamp. ?] C. 2614. Grant by Alexander Arsic, to Adam de Piriton, of [land at] Haddon to be held by half a mark. Witnesses:—H. de Spelesbiri, John Avenel, Manser Arsic, and others (named). Twelfth century. Portion of document gone.
[Essex.] C. 2615. Grant by Robert Govet, to Robert de la Rokele, of land in Helmedon, adjoining the high road between Neuporte and Royston at Bundesbrege. Witnesses:—Sirs William de Langgetuyt, William P[in]cin, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
Middx. C. 2616. Release by Stephen Hewe, of Haryngeye, and Edith his wife, to Stephen Maynard of Iseldon, of all right of dower which accrued to them after the death of Andrew Hanecok, the late husband of the said Edith, in a field called 'Peyntouresfeld' with houses built thereon in Haryngeye. Sunday after St. Matthew the apostle, 47 Edward III. Two seals of arms, broken.
[Oxford.] C. 2617. Demise by Richard Sergeaux, knight, lord of Chepyngnorton, to Richard Mylleword and Katherine his wife, and Agnes their daughter, of a messuage in Chepyngnorton, with land adjoining in Chepyngnorton and Overnorton, except a park enclosed with walls, and of mills called 'Sederysmylle' and 'Newemylle,' with pasture in Depyngdene, &c.; also herbage for two horses in Clyve, Bosroppe, and 'Ellevene acris,' for their lives, paying 4l. yearly. The Conception, 11 Richard II. Damaged.
[N'hamp.] C. 2618. Grant by Henry Valentyn, of Muskote, to Roger de Newenham, of Daventre, and Matilda his wife, of a messuage in Daventre with a grange and curtilage, for their lives, paying 4s. yearly. Wednesday before St. Barnabas the apostle, 24 Edward III.
[Essex.] C. 2619. Grant by Robert de la Rokel, of Arkesden, esquire, to William Hare, vicar of the church of Arkesden, chaplain, of land in Arkesden, part abutting on Kendelwykdane. Monday before St. Katherine the virgin, 1 [Henry] IV. Much injured.
[Kent.] C. 2620. Demise by Henry Fowell, clerk, and Simon Rook, to Sir William Septvans, knight, John Quynaton, John Penwortham, and William Tame, of a messuage in the parish of St. Mildrede, Canterbury, at Wynchepe, adjoining land of the prior and convent [of Christ Church, Canterbury]. Witnesses:—John Bertelot and William atte Wode, bailiffs of Canterbury, and others (named). 30 December, . 4 Henry VI. Damaged. Two seals.
[Linc.] C. 2621. Release by William de Hagh, of Helynge, to Thomas, son of Humfrey Moygne, of Clee, and Ellen his wife, of all his light in messuages, lands, &c., in Clee. Monday after St. Mark the evangelist, 40 Edward III. Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2622. Release by John, vicar of the church of Wyneferthyng, and Richard Fyrii, of Hadlegh, chaplain, to John Prechet, of Hadlegh, and Emma his wife, of all their right in lands, &c. which they formerly acquired from the said John in Leyham. Witnesses:—William Giffard, knight, and others (named). Friday after St. Bartholomew the apostle, 9 Edward III.
[Suff.] C. 2623. Grant by Peter de Stanfeld, clerk, to Walter le Chalonner, of Schelleye, and Alice his wife, of land in Reydon, in a field called 'Reydon,' part abutting on lands called 'Skynnerisdonne' and 'Langelond,' and part abutting on the high road from Schelleye to Gyppwyc. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Reydon, Adam de Capravilla, and others (named). Thursday before the translation of St. Thomas, 7 Edward II. Damaged.
Kent. C. 2624. Release by Geoffrey Boleyn, citizen and mercer of London, Thomas Boleyn, clerk, Thomas Urswyk, Thomas Burgoyn, and Thomas Bryan, gentleman, to Hugh . . . ., gentleman, and Richard Suthwell, esquire, of all their right in the manors of Hevere Cobham and Hevere Brokays, with lands in the parishes of Hevere and Chidyngston. . . . ., 1 Edward IV. Damaged.
Berks. Wilts. C. 2625. Agreement between William Darell, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife, and Margaret Dyneley and Robert Dyneley, esquire, by which the said William and Elizabeth agree to enfeoff the said Margaret and Robert of the manor of Wokefeld, together with lands in Ufton, Silhamstedbanastre, and Inglefeld, called 'Chelleresse,' and the said Margaret and Robert are to enfeoff the said William and Elizabeth with two parts of the manor of Hacston, and two parts of the advowson of a free portion called 'the portion of Hacston,' &c. 20 November, 8 Henry VI. French.
[Devon.] C. 2626. Demise by William Tayle to John . . . ., of a tenement in Tavistock, for twelve years. Thursday after Michaelmas, 13 Henry [VII.?] Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2627. Agreement between the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, Norwich, and the citizens of the same city, concerning a plot of land at Norwich at some time enclosed, by the river that goes to Yarmouth, which shall remain to the prior and convent on the conditions specified, while land of theirs taken for the enlarging of the city foss between 'le Barreyate' and Fibriggeyate shall belong to the citizens; the prior and convent may build houses on either side of the bridge called 'Bisshopesbrege' if they leave free access to the water, &c. Norwich, 2[1 ?] June, 5 Edward III. French. Damaged.
[Essex.] C. 2628. Grant by Margaret, late the wife of Adam de Pidele, and daughter of Elias son of John de Colchester, to Richard, son of Thomas Danseye, of Kingeston, and Agnes his wife, in tail, of lands and tenements in Colcestre, Lexsedene, and Langham, for Margaret's life, paying 100s. yearly; with remainder to Henry, son of Henry de Wenlond, and to Alice his sister, successively, in tail. Witnesses:—Richard de Penebrngge and [John] le Rous, knights, and others named. Monday after Holy Trinity 17 Edward III. Damaged.
[Linc.] C. 2629. Release by William de Hagh, of Heling, to Thomas Moyne, of Clee, and Ellen his wife, of all his right in lands, &c., in Clee. . . . [morrow of Martinmas]. A.D. 1365, Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2630. Grant by Alice, late the wife of Adam de Lose, widow, to Nicholas de Tunstall and Margery his wife, of a piece of land in [Heescha]m in a hamlet called 'Lose,' part abutting on the road towards Peperislane. Witnesses:—Sirs Hugh de Morians, John de Geddinge, knights, and others (named). Heescham, Thursday in [Easter ?] week, 1 Edward II. Damaged.
[Norf.] C. 2631. Grant by Oliver Mendham, clerk, to Anne, late the wife of John Calthorp, knight, son of William Calthorp, knight, of a piece of land in Smalbergh, in a place called 'Folberghefeld,' part abutting on a path leading to Doketisstyle, in exchange for other land in Smalbergh. Witnesses:— John Geney, knight, William Pastram, and others (named). 10 May, 4 Henry V.
[Bedf.] C. 2632. Grant by James Miles, of Bykelyswade, to George Beton and Thomas Spycer, of the same, of all his lands, goods, and chattels, in Bykelyswade and Everton, or elsewhere. 6 October, 20 . . . . Damaged.
Wilts. C. 2633. Release by Avelyne de Wychamtone, late the wife of David de Wychamtone, to John Olyver, of Bristol, and Joan his wife, of all her right in lands, &c., in Est T . . ., . . ., Rammesbury and Chiltone. Witnesses:—Thomas Knap, mayor of Bristol, John Bannebury, sheriff, and others (named). . . . after Michaelmas, 16 Richard II. Damaged.
[Middx.] C. 2634. Grant in tail by Alan Nelys, of Wotton under Bernwode, co. Bucks, and Gilbert Waryn, of Welde, in the parish of Harow, co. Middlesex, to John de Langforde, of Welde, and Christina, Alan's daughter, in free marriage, of lands, &c., in the parishes of Harow and Stanmere, and of a coppice called 'Lovelsgrove.' Bocton, Sunday after St. George, 5 Richard II. Damaged.
Kent. C. 2635. Demise by Arthur Ormesby, esquire, to Robert Rychemond, John-a-Bourne, and Richard Stratford, of the manor of Seynt Maryehalle, and land, meadow, and pasture for a hundred and fifty-seven sheep in the marshes of Dalemerssh, Hoggekynnesmerssh, Hoggekynsham, and Lytelham, and two sheepcotes in Dalemerssh, in the parish of St. Mary-atHoo, which he lately recovered from William Nicholas and Margaret his wife, and Thomas Castell, by writ of right; with letter of attorney authorising Robert Gerynge and Robert Marchall, to deliver seisin. 17 May, 7 Edward IV. Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2636. Grant by Adam de Capravilla, of Reydone, to Thomas de Reydone, for life, of land in Reydone, in a field called 'le Haylounde,' part lying between the lands of the priory of St. Botulph's, Colchester, and those of the rector of the church of Reydone, and part adjoining land of Sir Roger Mynoth, knight. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Reydone, knight, and others (named). . . . Kalends of October, 2 Edward II. Damaged.
[Somers.] C. 2637. Grant by Thomas Cole, of Weymoth, to Elizabeth his wife, of a burgage in Yvelchestre and land in Lymynton, and certain burgages there. Ilchester, Feast of St. Katherine the virgin, 13 Henry IV.
Berks. C. 2638. Release by Thomas Yonge, of Esthanney, kinsman and heir of Thomas Undirwode, to William, lord of Lovell, knight, of all his right in lands and tenements in Kenynton, which formerly belonged to Margaret Frensshe. Witnesses:—Robert Harecourt, knight, and others (named). Last day of April, 29 Henry VI. Damaged. Fragment of seal.
N'hamp. C. 2639. Letter of attorney by Robert Rykedon, of Wytteham, Robert Darcy, of Maldon, William Burley, David Holbeche, Richard Essex, Robert Molynton, John Whytesyde, clerk, William Rewdham, William Blunt, clerk, William Poynour, and Nicholas Wylkes, authorising William Sprotte, to deliver seisin to Hugh Burnell, knight, lord of Holgote and Weoleygh, of the manor of Haselbeche with the advowson of the church there. Vigil of the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 5 Henry V. Seal of arms, and fragments of five seals.
Notts. Derby. C. 2640. Recognisance entered into by Richard de Querndon, William de Fyndryn, William de Lacy, Henry de Warley, William de Milnehawe, John le Wyte, of the same, before John de Oxenford, sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, and Hugh de Muskham and Roger de Somervill, coroners of the county of Derby, for the good behaviour of Robert de Hevere. Derby, Friday before Midsummer day, 10 Edward III. Five seals and fragment of seal.
Kent. C. 2641. Demise by William Ferrers, esquire, of the county of Kent, to Stephen Scroop, esquire, son and heir of Stephen Scroop, knight, of the county of York, deceased, of the manor called 'Heverbroket,' with all other his lands in Kent. 20 February, 8 Henry V.
[Berks.] C. 2642. Grant by Adam le Norays, of Hungerford, to Roger le Pal[mer ?] and Alice his wife, of the same, of land (unam acram diurnam) in Sandone, in a tillage called 'Ryhulle.' Tuesday before St. George, 2 Edward [I].
[Essex.] C. 2643. Grant in tail by John de Jerdelee, to Adam Cherman, of Rickelingg, of land in Rickeling and of five acres of wood in Bolitone in the parish of Uggele, in a wood called 'Wlvenegrave,' and in Rickelingg in a wood called 'Purchacesgrave' with remainders over. 26 May, 6 Edward II.
Wilts. [Somers.] C. 2644. Release by Richard Trenchard, son and heir of John Trenchard, of Swalclyve, co. Wilts, to Richard P . . . . ell and Edmund Forde, of all his right in lands, &c., in Laverton, in the manor of Fayroke, and the advowson of the church there, and in lands, &c., in Swalclyve aforesaid. Todrydhull and Horton. Bath, Michaelmas day, 23 Richard II. Seal. Portion of document gone.
[Wilts.] C. 2645. Grant by John Broun, son of William Broun, of Teterygge, to William le Chaumberlayn and Joan his wife, of land in Teterygge in the parish of F[roxfield] adjoining the highway from Hungerford to Marlborough. Thirteenth century. Damaged.
Endorsed:—Teteredge in Froxfeild.
[Camb.] C. 2646. Grant by Robert Trace, gentleman, to Giles Alyngton, knight, Philip Parys, Robert Mordaunte, Robert Lokton, William Parys, Robert Parys, sons of the said Philip, Edmund Mordaunt, John Huntyngdon, Richard Slade and Edward . . ., of lands, &c., in Great Abyngton, Little Abyngton, Pampesworthe, Heldersham, and Barkelow, a water-mill in Great Abyngton, and a moiety of the advowson of the church of Barkelow. 25 June, 23 Henry VIII. Damaged.
Endorsed: Memorandum of delivery of seisin of the premises to Robert Trace by William Wynter, vicar of Great Abyngton, and others (named), the 29th J . . ., the . . . . year of the king within named.
[Warw.] C. 2647. Release by Margery, late the wife of Roger le Walker, of Solyhull, widow, to William, son of Thomas atte Birches, of the same, of all her right in lauds, &c., and rent at Solyhull. Monday after St. Luke 9 Edward III.
Bucks. Oxford. C 2648. Letter of attorney by Joan, relict of Henry Cryps, of Cobbecotte, authorising John Cryps, to deliver seisin to John Cottusmore and Peter Fetiplace of lands, &c., in Kyngesey, Towresey, and Thythrop. 3 May, 5 Henry VI.
[Suff.] C. 2649. Grant by Richard, Peter, and Miles, sons of William de la Wyle, of Reidune, to Robert, son of William le Fanch, of the same, and Adam Scite, of Hadleg', of all their land in the parish of Reidune except a messuage formerly their father's, and a piece of an alder bed, they however providing a cartway for Robert and Adam through their father's court; also grant of the said Adam's homage, &c. Witnesses:—William de Baravill, William de Norwode, and others (named).
Essex. C. 2650. Grant by William Br[u]n, master or warden of the college of St. Mary the Virgin, St. Thomas of Canterbury, and St. [Edward] the Confessor, Hygham Ferrers, co. Northampton, and the brethren of the same, to Henry Marney, esquire, of the office of steward of all their manors in Essex, and of the office of bailiff of the moiety of the hundred of Wynstre called 'Wynstre half-hundred' in the same county, for life, with a yearly fee of 4 marks. 20 September, 1 Henry VII.
[Glouc.] C. 2651. Grant by John Fitz-James and Richard Nowell, executors of the will of William Rodney, to Richard Crofte, of Wodestock, co. Oxford, one of the squires for the [king's] body, of their estate in two parts of lands and tenements in Bristowe and the suburbs thereof, which Thomas Rodney devised to his executors for twenty years after his decease, to apply the profits, &c., to the use of Isabel his daughter; which premises, Isabel, wife and executor of the said Thomas, granted to William Rodney after the death of her husband in January 1469–70. 20 . . .,1 Richard III. Damaged. English.
[Suff.] C. 2652. Release by Thomas Bulloc, of Hecsham, to Robert de Bryssete, clerk, and Joan his wife, of all his right in a tenement called 'Brythwaldesfeld' in Hecsham (Hitcham), in a hamlet called 'Lose,' which the said Robert and Joan purchased from Sir Robert de Helpestone, rector of Navelton (Naughton). Monday before St. Luke, 19 Edward I.
Ireland. C. 2653. Grant by Thomas Boleyn, earl of Ormond and Wilts, to Bartholomew Dyllon, knight, of the offices of receiver general and steward of his moiety of the manors of Blakcastell and Donughmore, co. Meath; of Balscaddan, . . . sshe. and Portraryn, co. Dublin; of Woghterard, Castelwar[dyn], and Clyntonnyscourt, co. Kyldare; and Baronnysynnys in the suburb of Dublin. 26 April, 23 Henry VIII. Damaged.
Kent. C. 2654. Grant by Robert Geryng, citizen and carpenter of London, to Richard, duke of Gloucester, Anthony, earl Ryvers, John Howard, knight, lord Howard, Humphrey Starkye, William Essex, and Roger Townesende, all of London, gentlemen, and Oliver Davy, citizen and goldsmith of London, of the manor called 'Seynt Maryes' in the parish of Hoo. Westminster, 22 June, 11 Edward IV. Cancelled. Seal.
[Surrey.] C. 2655. Grant by John Redyssh, to Nicholas Godeson, of Camerwell, of land called 'Cokkesacre,' in the field of 'la Doune' in the parish of Lamehith, adjoining land of the prior of St. Mary Overy, Southwerk. Thursday before the Annunciation, 8 Edward IV.
[York.] C. 2656. Grant by Robert de Wambwell, to Baldwin del Hil and Marjory his wife, of 12d. yearly rent, issuing out of a messuage and land in Thurleston at 'le Hil' and a rent of 12d. out of three assarts of land within the boundaries of Thurleston. Witnesses:—Roger de Gunnyldthwayt, Robert de Osprynge, and others (named).
[Essex.] C. 2657. Grant by John Beauchamp, to John de Ware, chaplain, of a messuage and croft in Ryclyng, rendering 12d. yearly, for the grantor, to Sir Humphrey de Waleden. 20 September, 37 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] C. 2658. Grant by William Bremshet, lord of the manor of Gatecombe, and Joan his wife, to Baldwin Bremshet, their son, of lands, &c., in Helsey and Coppenore, in tail. Helsey, Michaelmas day, 11 Henry VI.
York. C. 2659. Grant by John Fox, vicar of Kirkebyfleteham, and Thomas Squyer, vicar of Aynderby with the steple, to Richard Ask, of Scoronton, and Katherine his wife, of lands, &c., in Scoronton, Great Langton, Aynderby in le Myre, and Doncaster, and in the city of York. 28 July, 14 Henry VII. Damaged.
[Cornw.] C. 2660. Grant by Thomas Poddynour, rector of the church of Lysnewyth, and Robert de Travereck, to Richard de Forde, of messuages, lands, &c., in Forde, for his life, with remainders over. Eglos[a]l, the Annunciation (?), 34 Edward III. Damaged.
[Essex.] C. 2661. Release by John, son of John Colyn, of Bolitone, to Sir Humphrey de Waledene, knight, of all his right in land in Uggele and Berdene, which Sir Humphrey has of the gift of Adam Hockele, of Ryklyngg. Saturday after the octave of the Purification, I Edward III. Damaged.
[Suff.] C. 2662. Demise by William de Chervile, to Robert son of William de Reydon, of land in Reydon, in a field called 'Witsond,' abutting on the road from Reydon to Gipuic (Ipswich). Friday after St. Lucy the virgin. 14 Edward I.
Essex. C. 2663. Demise by John Barret, of Chisehill, Thomas Marshall, of Dounmowe, and John Safoule, of Brokeshede, to Ralph Grey, of Pelham, co. Hertford, Thomas Drakes, of Halsted, Nicholas Wiltshire, John Hicheman, of Heyden, clerk, Roger Lucas, of Wenden Lowtes, John Jakelyn, of Elmedon, William Ricard, William Aumflette, Robert Smyth, and Thomas Warde, of lands and tenements called 'de la Mares,' 'Knyghtbregges,' 'Chaumberleyns,' 'Houchouns,' and Juddes, in Sandon, Badowe and Boreham, and elsewhere in the county named. Monday after St. Peter ad vincula, 32 Henry VI. Seal, and fragments of two seals.
[Essex.] C. 2664. Grant by Edmund de Kent, of Stratford Langthorn, in the parish of Westham, to John de Kent, his son, John Haveloke, of Stratford Langthorn aforesaid, Robert Wodeward, in the county of Herford (sic) (Herts), and Godith Terry, of pasture land in 'le Lake' at Stratford Langthorn, abutting on the high road from Brendewode to London. 20 August, 5 Henry V. Seal.
[Middx.] C. 2665. Grant by Nicholas Longe, butcher and citizen of London, and Alice his wife, to John Sexi, brewer, and Alice his wife, of land in the parish of St. Dunstan, by Brendemillehull. Stebenhith, 5 December 10 Richard II.
[Somers.] C. 2666. Grant by John la Warre, to Claricia, wife of his son Roger, who holds land in Bristelton of him, paving 20l. yearly, and has assigned it to Claricia as dower, that if she survives the said Roger she may hold the said manor for life, free of the said payment. Cheleworthe, Thursday before Michaelmas, 4 Edward [I].
[Suff.] C. 2667. Grant by Joan, daughter of John Hacke, of Aketon, to John Archer, her brother, of all the lands and tenements which descended to her in Aketon. Saturday after Michaelmas, 42 Edward III.
[Devon.] C. 2668. Grant by William Smale and John Boys, to Mabel, daughter of Richard Swete, of all the messuages, lands, &c., which they had of the gift of Gilbert Fowy, in Clifton Dertemouth, both within and without the borough, in tail. Witnesses:—Randulph Brwere, mayor of the said borough, Sir Richard Cok, vicar of the church of Tounstall, William Holewye, clerk, 'qui scripsit hanc cartam,' and others (named). Morrow of St. Andrew the apostle, 28 Edward III.
[Warw.] C. 2669. Release by William Pruddon, clerk, to Robert Hoore and Elizabeth his wife, late the wife of William Roose, of all his right in a messuage in Stratford on Avon, in a street called 'Henley strete,' which Pruddon formerly had with Thomas Clopton, esquire, Philip Whateley, and John Hannys of the gift of Thomas Goolde, lokyer. 1 October, 20 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
[Wilts.] C. 2670. Demise by Thomas Bonham, William Gore, Robert Saleman, Roger atte Hurne, chaplain, and Richard Shayl, to Thomas Calston, esquire, for life, of the manor of Knyghton, with knights' fees, lands, &c., in Knyghton, which they had of the gift of Matilda, late the wife of John, lord of Lovell and Holand, John Lovell, knight, Robert Lovell, esquire, and Ralph Lovell, clerk, with remainders to William Darell and Elizabeth his wife in tail, and to the said Thomas Calston in fee. 21 .November, 14 Henry IV. Four seals, two broken.
[Dorset.] C. 2671. Release by John Goulde, son and heir of Robert Goulde, and Ralph . . ., to John . . . of Chideok, of all their right in lands and tenements which belonged to John, son of Ralph Chideok, in Bradepoll, Brideport, and Waldich. Witnesses:—William Mountfort, William Peres, bailiffs of Brideport, and others (named). 6 April, 9 Henry IV. Damaged. Seal.
[Essex.] C. 2672. Release by Robert de Middilton, to John le Herde, of Westanifeld (West Hanningfield), of all his right in land and a marlepit belonging thereto, in a field called 'Micheleslond,' adjoining the road to Herewardestok and land called 'Kockescroft.' Witnesses:—Hamo Peverel, John de Chervile, and others (named). Westhanifeld, Sunday after St. John' ante Portam Latinam, 3 Edward III.
[Sussex.] C. 2673. Grant by Nicholas de Sondesfelde, to John de Ifeld, for 20 marks, of land in Ifeld, adjoining the highway leading from Sondesfelde towards C[rau]lee. Sunday before the Ascension, 3 Edward II. Damaged.
[Kent.] C. 2674. Grant by Henry and Robert, sons and heirs of Ralph Simon, of St. Mary in Hoo, to Stephen, son of Stephen de Delham, of the same, of land in the said town, in a field called 'Wreghttufeld,' adjoining the highway called 'Venstret.' 1 Edward II. Two seals, imperfect.
[N'hamp.] C. 2675. Grant by Walter the miller, of Boketon, to the hospital of Holy Trinity without Northamton, and the brethren there, of land in Boketon (Boughton), with a messuage, toft, and croft, which he bought of Robert the chaplain of St. Edmund's, Northamton, paying 7s. yearly to Sir Philip de Boketon. Witnesses:—Sir Walter de Boketon and others (named). Thirteenth century. Fragment of seal.
[Hants.] C. 2676. Release by John and Adam, sons of the late Adam de Leeford, citizen of Winchester, to Ellen their mother, of all their right in tenements, which formerly belonged to their father in the said city. 15 Kalends of February, [18 January], 21 Edward [I].
[Wilts.] C. 2677. Release by Margaret Dyneley, Robert Dyneley, and Oliver Dyncley, to William Darell, esquire, of all their right, in the manors of Fytilton and Combe, with the advowsons of the churches there. Witnesses:—Robert Shotesbroke, knight, and others (named). Last day of February, 5 [Henry] VI. Injured.
[Worc.] C. 2678. Release by Elizabeth Heyward, late the wife of William Heyward, of Wyke Burnell, and daughter and heiress of John Coke, of Overbury, and John Heyward, son and heir of the said William Heyward and Elizabeth, to Robert Strete, clerk, Anthony Fyzgillis, and John Browne, of all their right in a messuage by the cemetery of St. Mary in Wyke, called 'Heywardes Mese,' and in land in Wyke aforesaid. 21 February, 24 Henry VII. Two seals.
Underwritten: 'I Jhon Heyward promes by thys presnt to make good and justyfy thys my dede at all tymys that I am reqered by my lyff.'
[Herts.] C. 2679. Grant by John Knyght, of Dunstaple, and Joan his wife, to Richard Albon, of the same, of land in Kenesworth. Friday after the apostles Peter and Paul, 45 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Oxford.] C. 2680. Letter of attorney by William Savage, of Wodestoke, authorising Thomas Bryse and William Robynnys to deliver seisin to Sir John Clerk, chaplain, of Stanlake, and John Tempel, of lands, &c., in Stanlake, Bryztyngton and Hardewyk. 22 January, 11 Henry VI.
[Bedf.] C. 2681. Release by Alice de Wottone, daughter of Hugh de Wottone of Dunstaple, to Christina her sister, of all her right in lands and tenements which descended to her, together with the said Christina and Margery her sisters, after the death of Sir John de Wottone, chaplain, their brother, Wybesnade, Wednesday the Assumption, 26 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 2682. Grant by Robert, son of John the clerk, of St. Mary of Ho, to Stephen son of Stephen de Delham, of land in the said town, and in a field called 'Bernfeld.' 25 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] C. 2683. Release by Juliana, late the wife of Henry Box, of London, to Walter Morice, of Stebenheth (Stepney), of all actions as to a third part of 35s. which came to her after her husband's death as dower, out of land in Stebenheth. Monday after All Saints, 15 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 2684. Grant by William, son of Elrie Attegore, of St. Mary in Ho, to Stephen son of Stephen de Delham, of all his tenement in the said town, in exchange for land in the town of All Saints in Ho, in a field called 'Attehope.' 27 Edward I.
Kent. C. 2685. Grant by John Ughtred of Eard in the parish of Crayford, to Margaret Wattys, of the same, of a piece of land upon 'le Down' in the same parish. 20 August, 35 Henry VI.
Kent. C. 2686. Grant by Robert Laurens, of Sevenoke, to William Potkyn, of the same, of a messuage with garden and meadows called 'Gybbismede,' 'Gybbiscroft,' and 'Le aker,' in the parish of Sevenoke at 'le Herst.' Friday the feast of St. Valentine, 16 Henry VI.
[Warw.] C. 2687. Grant by Anabilla, wife of John Hukyns, of Berkeswell, to John Heberall, of Ballsyll, of a croft called 'Tutenbulles Croft,' adjoining the road leading from Hampton to Kenelluorth, and that from Ballsall to Coventre. 4 September, 21 Richard II.
[York.] C. 2688. Demise by William del Hill, of Thurleston, to William, son of Robert Gilour, of a messuage with land, &c. in Thurleston, at Ekklehols, for life, with reversion to the grantor and to Cicely his daughter, in tail. Day of St. Oswald the king, A.D. 1334.
Kent. C. 2689. Grant by John Warde, of the parish of Hegham, to William Rolf, of Southewode, in the same parish, and Godelene his wife, of land in the said parish in a field called 'Horsland,' adjoining land of the prioress and convent of Hegham on the north. Feast of St. Barnabas the apostle, 4 Henry IV. Seal.
[Warw.] C. 2690. Release by Elyas, son of Richard Barry, of Berkeswell, to John Barry the elder, his brother, of all his right in land, &c., which Elyas had of the grant of Agnes Barry his sister. Witnesses:—William de Wydeh', of Berkesw', and others (named).
[Berks.] C. 2691. Grant by Simeon Pozard, to Walter his son, of a cotsetle (cotsetlam) of land at Hull, two acres called 'Mers acre' and 'White acre' in the field of Hull, a croft called 'Dune,' and a little meadow before the house of Hugh son of Serle. Witnesses:—Gervase son of Nicholas de Ingepenia, Nicholas the clerk of Hungerford, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Linc.] C. 2692. Grant by Isabella, daughter of John Baker, of Greyby, to John Baker her younger brother, of all lands and tenements in Greyby which she had of the grant of her father, viz. at Stokwellmore', at Walwort, abutting on 'le Estbek,' at 'le Greybymilne' abutting on the road to Douseby, and at 'le Halgard.' Sunday before St. Augustine, 23 Edward III.
[Devon.] C. 2693. Bond by Matthew Geoffroy, merchant of Bastaple in England, to John Montfort, merchant of Dartemue, for 50s. Signed by John Deliron, notary royal in La Rochelle. La Rochelle, 1 November A.D. 1398. French. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] C. 2694. Grant by William Howes, of Blacolveslee, chaplain, to Roger Mayel, chaplain, of two tenements, &c., in Grascherchestrete, London, in the parish of St. Bennet, Grascherche; and of 13s. 4d. yearly quit rent out of a tenement of the prior and convent of St. Mary's, Suthwerk, all which the grantor had of the gift of Reginald de Cobeham, knight, lord of Sterresburgh. Saturday after Corpus Christi, 35 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings court of common pleas. Monday the feast of St. Petronilla the virgin. 35 Edward III.
Oxford. C. 2695. Demise by John Abraham, of Clanefeld, to Thomas Stevenes, of Stanlake, and Alice his wife, of a tenement with curtilage, and land, which formerly belonged to Matilda le Gry, in Stanlake, the land lying in a croft called 'le Kokescroft'; also of another curtilage, and of two bushels of corn yearly out of a tenement which Nicholas Baker formerly held, and 2s. 6d. yearly rent out of a tenement which William Brown holds in Stanlake. Monday after All Saints, 19 Richard II. Seal.
Kent. C. 2696. Release by William Halton, gentleman, to William Bruyn, John Beauley, and William Testwode of all his right hi a tenement called 'Lowkyns' in the parish of St. Mary, in the hundred of Hoo, and in lands in the same parish which they held jointly of the demise of Patrick Stanes, clerk, John Kynfare, Adam Palmer, Stephen Streteende, and William Gyllot. 20 April, 15 Edward IV. Seal.
Berks. [Derby.] C. 2697. Certificate by Thomas Dyxe, of Michill Wyttenham, John Gervays, of Briztwell, co. Berks., John Downe and William Fourde, of Makney, that John, grandfather of Thomas Bassemore, of Clyfton, was wedded to Alice, daughter of John Downe and Anneys his wife, and was not her son as had been alleged. English.
[Heref ?] C. 2698. Sale by Osbert son of Robert de Dudidale, to Richard le Brut, of 'la Falde,' of his land at Suthiams, extending to Alremon Mars, with a free table (cum tota libera mensa). Witnesses:—Thomas de Marisco, Walter de Rughebur', and others (named). Thirteenth century. Seal, broken.
[York.] C. 2699. Grant by Baldwin del Hyll, of Thurleston, and Margery his wife, to William, son of William del Hyll, of the same, of land in Thurlestone, which Robert son of Juliana formerly held, and of 3s. yearly rent out of land which John Ulkell formerly held in Thurleston. St. Matthias the apostle, A.D. 1301, 30 Edward [I.].
[Oxford.] C. 2700. Grant by Hamo son of Ydo de Cherleton, to his two daughters Margery and Sara, of a messuage in Cherleton, with a croft and vivary by the lane which leads to Ottemore, and of land in Cherleton, with 1d. yearly rent, the land lying upon Hulforlung, in Newebreche, in Aldich, in Lamechotesforlung, in 'Lawowelonde,' meadow upon 'la Heyte' towards Meritone, and in Wyveringe, and in 'la Dene' by the well. Witnesses:—Sir William Lepouere, of Ottindon, Richard Lepouere, of Cherleton, knights, master Richard de Wenlebur, and others (named). Seal.