Deeds: C.2701 - C.2800

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.2701 - C.2800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.2701 - C.2800', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.2701 - C.2800". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.2701 - C.2800

[Herts.] C. 2701. Demise by Robert Tewesdale, of Writele, co. Essex, and John Martyn, fuller, of St. Albans, to William Puttenham, John Welles, tanner, John Nunny and Thomas Margery, of St. Albans, of two messuages with curtilages and two tofts in Halywellestrete, St. Albans, upon 'le Halywellehyll,' adjoining a hedge called 'Pottershegge'; in perpetuity on condition of their paying certain sums to Tewesdale and Martyn at the times specified herein, otherwise the grant to be void. Witnesses:—Richard Pavore, bailiff of St. Albans, and others (named). 9 February, 34 Henry VI. Fragments of two seals.
[Heref.] C. 2702. Grant by William le Bray, of la More, in the parish of Bodenham, to Walter de Houton, of the same parish, and Emmot his wife, and Hugh their son, of land in More aforesaid, part in Donfeld, in Littelfeld, reaching to the bounds of Maurdyn manor, and part in Opfeld. Witnesses; —William Deveras, lord of Bodenham, and others (named). Sunday after the Purification, 33 Edward III. Seal.
Surrey. C. 2703. Grant by Philip Godyngg, of Pekham in the parish of Camerwelle, to John Drinkewater, of the same, of a messuage and garden in the parish of Camberwell adjoining a lane called 'Brechelane,' reserving to the grantor for life the hall of the said messuage and one chamber. 28 November, 16 Richard II. Seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2704. Demise by Laurence Pyeot, Henry Mauntell, and John Skynner, of Dunstaple, to Alice West, of the same, of a shop with a soler in the west street of Dunstaple, for her life, with the use of a spring. 20 November, 13 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Berks.] C. 2705. Grant by Thomas Jones, the elder, of Westhakebourne, to Joan, wife of William Seuere, of Stanmere, and Robert Seuere her son, of four messuages and land in Westhakebourne. 26 February, 48 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2706. Grant by Nicholas le Cok, of Wybbessnade, to Nicholas ate Feld, of the same, of a messuage, croft, and land in Wybbessnade and Stodham; the messuage and croft lying by a croft of Sir Roger la Zouche and extending upon Wybbesnade green, and the land lying, part in a croft called 'Lynleyecroft' extending westward on Lynleyelane, and part in a tillage called 'Hykkesfeld.' Thursday before the apostles Simon and Jude, 24 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 2707. Grant by William Derby, of Tanregge, co. Surrey, to John Colman, of Westram, John Slyter, of Brasted, and John Cotyng, of Westram, of a cottage and garden called 'Hepeshacche,' with two crofts called 'Brechis,' two others called 'Hellondes,' and crofts called 'Gretstoklond' and 'Lytelvoyfeld,' and part of a grove, in Westram (Westerham); with conditions as to payment of the purchase money. 28 September, 4 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] C. 2708. Demise by Lady Alice, late the wife of Sir John de Kyrkeby, knight, to John de Kyrkeby her son, of a third part of the manor of Hortone, being her dower, together with lands, &c., in the parishes of Hortone by Derteforde, Frenyngham, Faukham, Derteforde, and Suttone atte Hone, except the houses, buildings, and land within the moat of the place which belonged to John de Hortone, also two pieces of land called 'Fullereshope' and 'Pagenhamesbrok,' land in Hortone and Darente, a garden enclosed with hedges before the gate of the said place, with free entry and exit to the said houses &c. before excepted, &c. Tuesday, Michaelmas day, 1 Richard II. French.
Sussex. C. 2709. Letter of attorney by Thomas Hoo, esquire, John Wodye, Thomas Hertley, clerk, William Browne, and John Iham, authorising Robert Barbour and Robert Tomset, to deliver seisin to Geoffrey Boleyn, and Thomas Boleyn, clerk, of the manor of Codyng with lands and tenements in the parish of Bixle. 10 April, 33 Henry VI. Fragments of three seals.
[Linc.] C. 2710. Grant by John Baker, the younger, living in Greyby, to Thomas de Poynton, vicar of the church of Aslakeby, of land in the north meadow of Aslakeby, by meadow of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, for his life. Sunday after St. Mark the evangelist, 36 Edward III. Portion of seal of arms.
[Wilts?] C. 2711. Receipt from Robert Spenser, knight, to Thomas, earl of Ormond, for 20 marks. 12 February, 2 Henry VII. Signed.
[Warw.] C. 2712. Release by William Claus, to Thomas de Bircheis, of all his right in 8d. yearly rent out of land at Leyenardiscote. Witnesses:— William de Birceis, of Solihull, and others (named).
[Bedf.] C. 2713. Grant by Katherine Whyte, late the wife of Miles Chapman, otherwise called 'White' of Dunstaple, widow, to Thomas Mylis her son, of six waggonloads of wood in the wood of Bokewode. Wednesday after St. Peter, 22 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2714. Letter of attorney by Thomas Blundell, of Sulesho, and Walter Pykard, of Shenley, two of the executors of the will of John Michis, authorising Laurence Pegot, of Dunstaple, co-executor of the same will, to recover debts due to the said John Michis. 10 November, 10 Henry VI.
[Surrey.] C. 2715. Release by Robert Fanacourt, to John Horn, of Suthwerk, fishmonger and citizen of London, of all his right in a plot of land adjoining his tenement. London, Monday after St. Luke the evangelist. 11 Edward III. Seal of arms.
[Middx.] C. 2716. Bond by Roger Toky, of London, late fishmonger, to John Broke, citizen and brewer (bruer) of London, for 40l. sterling, for merchandise bought from him in the Staple of Westminster. 6 June, 18 Henry VI.
[Middx.] C. 2717. Acquittance by Robert Horne and Richard Malt, citizens and stockfishmongers of London, executors of the will of Richard Barry, citizen and stockfishmonger of London, to William Cantelowe and John Olney, citizens and mercers of London, and Laurence Pycot, of Dunstaple, co. Bedford, woolman, as to a sum of 20l. which the said Richard Barry had bequeathed to Margaret, daughter of Thomas Sybyll, and which was included in an indemnity bond for 40l. given to the said executors by the said William, John, and Laurence. A.D. 1437, 13 August, 15 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Heref.] C. 2718. Grant by Thomas de Chaundos, lord of Welynton, to Peter Ewyns, of Coteshale, and Lucy his wife, of a cottage and curtilage in Welynton, in tail, with remainders to William and Isabel Ewyns of Coteshale, successively in tail. 6 August, 37 Edward III.
[Bedf.] C. 2719. Defeasance of a grant of even date by William Watford, gentleman, to Laurence Pycot, Henry Mauntell, and John Skynner, of Dunstaple, of a toft in the west street of Dunstaple, with lands, &c., in Dunstaple; witnessing that the said grant is to be void if the grantees are allowed to enjoy peaceably a toft and croft in the west street of Dunstaple, extending northwards upon Ikenyldstret and southward upon 'le Hallewyklane,' and land in 'les South Inlondes' of Dunstaple. 1 March, 19 Henry VI.
Norf. C. 2720. Release by Walter Catysby, of Catfeld, clerk, to Philip Calthorp, knight, of all actions. 3 August, 20 Henry VII. Signed.
[Hants.] C. 2721. Grant by Walter le Gras, to John Hundeshayward and Matilda his wife, of a messuage and pasture for hogs and other animals in Penitone Meysi, as formerly held from Lady Matilda de Seyntebeide. Witnesses:—Sir William de Dun, knight, and others (named). St. Mark the evangelist's day. 2 Edward I. Seal.
Cornw. C. 2722. Letter of attorney by John Estmound, citizen and mercer of London, authorising John Cadle, chapman, of Tavestoke, co. Devon, to recover 13l. 6s. 9d. from John Brounyng, of Lostuthyell, chapman. 10 April, 6 Henry VI.
[Bedf ?] C. 2723. Grant by Gilbert de Bullebec, to Thomas le Chamburleyn, of meadow land, part in Burmed by the meadow of Richard de Upton, part between the meadow of Radenache and William Thurstayn's meadow towards Eie Parva. Witnesses:—Gilbert de Dudevill, and others (named).
Essex. C. 2724. Grant by William, abbot of St. Mary of Stratford Langthorn, and the convent of the same, to Robert Baldewyn, of Westham, in the same County, of the right to excavate certain land fifty feet long by eight feet wide adjoining a watercourse called 'le Bakhousley' in Westham, between laud called 'le Lake' and a meadow called 'Monkenmersh,' to make a weir (gurgitem), and to block the stream at Chaveresbrigge for forty hours when necessary for repair of the weir. 10 June, 27 Henry VI.
[Middx.] C. 2725. Demise by John Hadle, citizen of London, to John Banastre of Stebbenheth, for six years, of a piece of pasture, by 'les Lymostes' on the east, and adjoining the high road leading from Forbelane to Popeler on the north. Vigil of St. Matthew the apostle, 6 Henry IV.
[Glouc.] C. 2726. Demise by Thomas Stonore, esquire, to Richard Hambroke, and Matilda his wife, of a parcel of pasture land called 'le Berwe,' in the salt marsh under a close called 'Closmore,' and of meadow by 'le Berwe' aforesaid, for their lives, paying 6s. 8d. yearly. Hembury, 13 May, 2 Henry VI.
[Norf. ?] C. 2727. Demise by Robert Goys, vicar of Donton, to William Saltwell, of Beeston, son of Robert Saltwell, late of Asshewell, of land in Donton, part upon a quarentine, called 'Longwanton,' part upon Bradlond adjoining the land of the prioress of Halewelle, part upon Benefurlong, part upon a quarentine called Brachefurlong, and part upon Longfurlong. 6 June, 13 Henry VI.
[Middx.] C. 2728. Receipt by John Farman, chamberlain of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, to Sir Thomas, earl of Ormond, for 13s. 4d. yearly rent from a tenement in which the earl lives, in the parish of St. Peter by 'Paulys wharffe,' London. Morrow of Christmas day, 9 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
[N'hamp.] C. 2729. Release by Richard Bollesore, master of the hospital of St. David by Kyngesthorp, and the brethren of the same, to Peter de Kellesey, dean of the new collegiate church of St. Mary, Leicester, and the chapter of the same, of 20s. yearly rent, part of 40s. yearly rent which the dean and chapter paid for a plot of land in Wollaston on which a water-mill formerly stood, but which had entirely decayed. Three witnessing clauses, viz. at Wollaston; in the church of the said hospital of St. David; and at Leicester, in the chapter house of the said dean and chapter. Copy ?
[Bedf.] C. 2730. Demise by William Anable, of Dunstaple, to John Noret, son of Thomas Noret, of Hougthon Regis, of land in the south field of Houghton, viz. upon Tetlowe called 'le Redebrade,' at Twame extending southward upon Thefwey, at Lenethezemare, at Litwoldusmere, at Letus. two buttes in 'le Oteden,' upon Langlinch, in 'le Holnforlong,' upon Lytonehul and upon Coupath, at Litegravepath, and upon Otehul; for six years. Michaelmas, 7 Henry IV.
[Hants.] C. 2731. Demise by Philip de Drokenesford, to Robert called the wheelwright (rotar'), chaplain, Thomas de Castro, and Robert Haumvyle, of Andevere, of a tenement in Penyton Meysi, for six years, paying 5½ marks yearly. Witnesses:—John Spirekot, John Osward, bailiffs of Andevere, Sir Robert de Harnhull, knight, and others (named). Michaelmas, 4 Edward II.
[Wilts.] C. 2732. Grant by Sir John de Columbariis, to Nicholas his son, of a hundred acres in Froxefeld, which Ingulf de la Hokededich, Reginald deWode, and Agnes Towin formerly held, except a messuage, croft, curtilage, and land which Richard the carter (carucator) formerly held, &c.; also of land in a tillage called 'Wodepraston,' wood called 'la Hokededich,' meadow adjoining the tillage called 'la Grascroft' towards the stew of Sir Michael de Columbiar', late the lord of Chisseburi, and pasturage for a hundred sheep, &c Witnesses:—Sirs Richard de Longespeye, Richard de Haveringe, Robert de Erpenham, Richard de Cerneford, and Robert de Cotescumbe, and others (named). Friday before St. Peter ad vincula, 39 Henry III.
[Suff.] C. 2733. Grant by William, son of Richard Ernald, of Great Bures, to Robert son of Albrec the carpenter (carpentar'), of land in the field called 'Bradefeld,' between Rikildesthorne and the land of Gunnilda de Folibroke. Witnesses:—Sir Robert Carbonel, knight, Thomas Talebot, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Middx.] C. 2734. Grant by Thomas Ayleward, mercer of London, to John Brian, citizen and fishmonger of the same, and Margaret his wife, of a tenement which he had of the gift of Simon de Worstede, executor of the will of John de Aylesham, in a street called 'Knyght Riderestrete,' in the parish of Holy Trinity the Less, London. 11 April, 36 Edward III. Seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2735. Grant by Isabella Totyngdon, of Wyppsenade, widow, to Thomas Bartelott, of Dunstaple, and William Bouer, of Wypsenade, of a tenement and croft in Wypsenade, and of land there, part adjoining the common road to Eyton, and part in Lynlecrofte extending southwards upon Lynlelane. Feast of St. Clement, 3 Henry VI. Seal.
[Dorset.] C. 2736. Grant by John de Axemouth, and Joan his wife, to John Benefeld, of an easement of their principal wall called 'Pynnon,' on the north side of their tenement in Kyllyngeslane called 'Snawedon,' which wall Benefeld was rebuilding on their land, reserving a moiety to the grantors' use; while the said Benefeld is to make a 'ruder' or underground gutter to carry off the water from John de Axemouth's tenement adjoining. Witnesses:—John Tracey, Walter Hasard, bailiffs [of Bridport], and others (named). Monday after the Purification, 47 Edward III. Seal and fragment of seal.
[Warw.] C. 2737. Release by Henry de Gardino, of Solihull, to John son of Ralph de Gardino, of the same, of all his right in land within the territory of Solihull. Wednesday before St. Andrew, 7 Edward II.
[Linc.] C. 2738. Grant by John Suthyby, of Claxeby by Normanby, to Beatrice his daughter in tail, of land in Oselby, viz. on Suthcroftes and Northcroftes, on Chirnbergh, abutting on 'le Wath,' . . . . on 'le Milnedam,' and south of 'le Beke.' Witnesses:—John son of Richard, of Claxeby, Peter le Marchis, of the same, and others (named). Seal, imperfect.
[Derby.] C. 2739. Release by William son of Robert le Couper, of Cestrefeld, to Avice, daughter of William Choys, of the same, of all his right in 2d. yearly rent out of two messuages in Cestrefeld, in Glenmon lane. Sunday the feast of St. Hilary, 13 Edward II., A.D. 1319.
[Oxford.] C. 2740. Grant by Henry, son of Adam the ferryman (Passoris), of Saneford, to John Goldyng, of Neweham, and Scolastica his wife, of his ferry of Sancford, with messuage, lands, &c., thereto belonging. The Conception, 24 Edward I.
Sussex. [Essex ?] C. 2741. Bond by Robert Ingeler, of the county of Sussex, to William Darell, for 18l. 20 May, 10 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of the descent of the lordship of Estethrope from one Roger, who had issue Avelene, who had issue Robert, who gave it to one Jhon Olyver, burgess of the town of Brystetowz, who gave it to one . . . Warnere, of Kynnersford, and Sir Thomas Joye, chaplain. English.
[Suff.] C. 2742. Release by Philip de Meleford and Elizabeth his wife, to John Talemache, son of Sir Hugh Talemache, and to Hillary his mother, of all their right in land called 'le Englisschisslond.' Witnesses:—Sirs Robert do Bures, John de Welvytham, Peter de Denardiston, knights, and others (named). Aketon, Saturday before St. Thomas the apostle, 8 Edward II.
[Berks.] C. 2743. Lease by Sir John de Stonore, to John de Alveton and Lady Nichola his wife, late the wife of Sir Hugh le Blount, of the manor of Dodecote, for the latter's life, reserving a windmill and the wardship of the lands and heir of John de Dodecote; with reversion to Sir John de Stonore and Lady Maud his wife. Monday after Michaelmas, 24 Edward III. French. Portion of seal of arms.
[Herts.] C. 2744. Grant by John Scobard, of St. Albans, to Clement the skinner (Pellipar'), of the same, of a messuage in the said town, in a street called 'Haliwellestrate.' Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Childewyk, bailiff of St. Albans, and others (named). Sunday the close of Easter, 2 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 2745. Bond by Bartholomew Gerynge, rector of the parish church of Horton, co. Bucks, John Palmer, of Suthwerk, co. Surrey, carpenter, and Robert Gerynge, late of London, carpenter, to Richard Forde, one of the remembrancers of the king's Exchequer, for 40l. to be paid at the feast of the Purification next. 19 December, 13 Edward IV.
Endorsed: The bond is to be void if the said Robert Gerynge delivers to the said Richard Forde all deeds and evidences relating to the latter's manor in the parish of St. Mary's, co. Kent, by the feast within written.
Warw. C. 2746. Award of William, bishop of Winchester, and Thomas Daniel, esquire, arbitrators in a suit between the provost and scholars of the royal college of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Cambridge, and John Conches, monk of the Order of St. Benedict of Conches in Normandy, concerning the right and title to the alien priery of Wawens Wottone; viz. that the said John Conches is to release his right to the provost and scholars by the feast of the Purification next, and is to receive the rents and profits of the priory till the feast of St. John the Baptist last past, except of the manor of West Wrotham, co. Norfolk, &c. Last day of November, 26 Henry VI.
Bucks. C. 2747. Bond by Peter Marmyon, of Thame, co. Oxford, gentleman, to John Doyly, of Iveden, co. Bucks, esquire, for 100l. to be paid at Michaelmas next. 16 April, 18 Edward IV.
Endorsed: The bond is to be void if the said Peter abides by the arbitration of William Stonore and Edmund Rede, knights, and Humphrey Forster, esquire, concerning the title to a yearly rent of 8l. out of the manor of Iveden, granted to Eleanor, wife of the said Peter, for her life,as to which an action was then pending before the king's justices of the Common Bench: provided such award be delivered before the feast within written.
[Suff.] C. 2748. Grant by Simon Taylour and John Taylour, his son, of Boxforde, to John Krowe, of the same, and William Davi, of Edwardiston, of a messuage and curtilage in Boxforde, between land of Alveleye hall and the highway called 'Walschestret,' and abutting on Evenemere. Saturday after the Annunciation, 1 Richard IV. [sic]. Fragments of two seals.
[Heref.] C. 2749. Letter of attorney by John Russell, of Fownehope, and Margery his wife, authorising William Stowghton and John Estynton, to deliver seisin to Clement de Mitton alias Leche, and Emmot his wife, of a messuage called 'Rippillestenement.' Upton upon Severn, 13 March, 13 Henry IV.
[Cornw.] C. 2750. Sale by Harry Marnay, esquire, to William Mohun, esquire and John Glyn, of Bodmyn, merchant, of the wood and timber growing in Trethevan wood in the parish of Seynt Cue, in 'iiij doles divided,' also of trees and timber in a part of the wood of Kolquyte called 'the Dyare,' adjoining the watercourse running from the 'wyll' (sic) of Kolqnyte to Dommemere river, &c., with various covenants specified. 20 May, 5 Henry VII. English. Seal.
Derby. C. 2751. Indenture between Rondulf Eggerton, esquire, and Robert Woode, of Kele, gentleman, whereby thy former agrees to marry Isabel, daughter of Robert Hill, deceased, and of Alice, late his wife and now the wife of the said Robert Woode, before midsummer next, and the said Woode agrees to convey to the said Rondulf and Isabel certain messuages, land, &c., in Snelston, of the yearly value of 6 marks, which Robert and Alice hold for the latter's life. 20 January, 18 Henry VII. English.
[Norf.] C. 2752. Sale by Thomas de Estlee and William atte Brygge, lords of the manor of Melton Constable, lately belonging to Thomas de Estlee, knight, to John Lexham, of Little Walsyngham, John Prat, of Brynyngham, William Irmynglond, of Styfkeye, and John Molot, of Thirsforde, of all wood growing in their wood at Melton, called 'Estleeswode,' for three years from Easter next, for 108l. 6s. 8d. 23 February, 21 Richard II. French.
[Worc.] C. 2753. Grant by William Baily, of Pershore, to John Coupere, son of Robert Coupere, of Wike, of part of a tenement in Wike, at 'le Forthey,' with land and common of pasture, the land lying upon Elynge, in Stonyforlonge by Wryghtmor, in Watursherdusfurlong, and at 'le Buyghte'; and of parcel of a tenement and garden in Wike. Monday before St. Matthew the apostle, 7 Henry V.
[Bedf.] C. 2754. Grant by John Ballard, of the parish of Whethamstede, to Thomas Gladewyne, of a parcel of a croft in Westhid in the parish of Luton, abutting on the high road to St. Albans. Friday the feast of St. Peter ad vincula, 23 Richard II. Seal.
[Berks.] Glouc. C. 2755. Deed poll by which William, lord le Lovell, Holand, and Burnell, and chief steward of the liberty of the honor of Walyngford, notifies that William Fortey, farmer of Harnhull, and John Noble, farmer of Doughton, co. Gloucester, are tenants of the said honor, and as such are exempt from paying customs. The deed recites that Henry III. had by charter freed the said tenants from tolls, customs, &c., and that the present king had confirmed the said charter, and granted that the said tenants should be free of toll within the kingdom of England 'by water and by land, by sea and by strand.' 10 October, 32 Henry VI.
[Middx.] C. 2756. Indenture by which John Bartelot binds John Atheleys (also called Athelyne in the deed) apprentice to Ralph de Greneforde, citizen and goldsmith of London, for nine years. Richard de Kyselingbery, mayor of London, William de Wircestre and John Not, sheriffs, and others (named). Midsummer day, 25 Edward III.
[Middx.] C. 2757. Sale by Richard de Glovernia, John de Gysorcio, Richard de Wyllehale, citizens of London, executors of the will of Richard Asschwy, late citizen and clothier of London, to Thomas de Gysorcio, son of John de Gysorcio, late citizen of London, of 1 mark yearly rent out of a cellar with a house beyond, which Gilbert de Colecestre bought from Roger le Gras in the parish of St. Margaret in the street of London Bridge, and out of a shop adjoining, which the said Gilbert bought of the monks of Westminster, &c.; the whole tenement adjoining a tenement of Sir John Joce, knight. Witnesses:—John de Gysorcio, mayor of London, John Lambyn and Adam Lodekyn, sheriffs, and others (named). Thursday the morrow of St. Valentine the martyr, A.D. 1312, 6 Edward II. Seal and seal of arms.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings court of pleas of land. Monday the feast of St. Gregory the pope, 6 Edward II.
Bucks. C. 2758. Grant by Henry, earl of Essex, to Robert Lee, of a void plot of land called 'Spitell mylle' in Aylesbury, on which a watermill formerly stood, a meadow called 'Spitell mede,' and a close called 'Spitell close,' with letter of attorney authorising John Bedford and James Torsy, gentlemen, to deliver seisin. Witnesses:—Richard Fowler, chancellor of the king for the duchy of Lancaster, Thomas Hampden, of Hampden, esquire, and others (named). 5 March, 17 Edward IV.
Worc. C. 2759. Release by Thomas Handy, of Cirencestre, son and heir of Richard Handy, and Roger Handy, brother of the said Thomas, to Giles Wye, gentleman, John Broun, and Robert Symondys of all their right in a messuage in Wyke called 'Handys mese,' and in lands, &c. in Wyke, formerly their father's. 7 March, 13 Henry VIII. Portion of seal.
Worc. C. 2760. Grant by John Peynter and Henry Bratt, at the request of Giles Grevile and Richard Wye, to Robert Swellynton, John Morys, Henry Whyte, Richard Hassall, Richard Danvers, Richard Warde, Baldwyn Porter, John Champneys, Thomas Welshe, Richard Ogull, gentlemen, Robert Strete, John Hygges, clerks, John Bratt, the younger, Edmund Herberd, John Benett, Thomas Hevyn, William Hevyn, John Turnour, and John Nycols, of a messuage or farm in Wyke by Pershore. Last day of June, 7 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum that livery of seisin had been made, with names of witnesses.
[Worc.] C. 2761. Demise by Richard atte Byrches, vicar of the church of Kynilwurthe, to Joan, late the wife of William Verdon, of Zerdley, Thomas son of the said William, and Margery wife of the said Thomas, of five crofts of land in Zerdley (Yardley), viz. three called 'Hendeslond,' the fourth at Snelles called 'Snellescroft,' and the fifth called 'Waxhull,' adjoining Waxhullone. Tuesday before St. Peter, 21 Richard II.
[Middx.] C. 2762. Grant by Margery de Basingge, relict of Sir Robert de Basingge, knight, widow, to Sir John de Enefeud, knight, of a tenement which she had of the bequest of Idonea her mother, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, in a street called 'Milkstrete,' London. Witnesses:— Nicholas de Farndon, mayor of London, Robert Burdeyn and Hugh de Garton, sheriffs, John de Wyndesore, alderman of that ward, and others (named). Sunday after St. Lucy the virgin, 7 Edward II.
Worc. C. 2763. Grant by Giles Grevile, esquire, to John Savage, knight, William Grevile, serjeant at law, George Savage, clerk, William Rudhale, Edmund Tame, esquire, Edmund Brereton, William Dyngley and Richard Petitt, gentlemen, of his manors of Wyke by Pershore, and Pynvyn, with messuages, lands, &c., in Wyke, Penvyn, Pershore, Pedyll, Pepylton, Birlyngham, Castell Morton and Stulton, and elsewhere in the same county. 15 October, 22 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
Worc. C. 2764. Grant by John Peynter and Henry Bratt, at the request of Giles Grevile and Richard Wye, to the persons named in C. 2760, of the manor of Wyke by Pershore. Last day of June, 7 Henry VIII. Two seals.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to livery of seisin.
Worc. C. 2765. Grant by John Browne and Thomas Quarell, at the request of Giles Grevile and Richard Wye, to John Baldwyn, Francis Montford, John Baker, Thomas Knyghtley, Ralph Massy, Francis Grevile, Giles Goodrige, Robert Goodrige, gentlemen, John Peynter, John Yong, Thomas Craswell and Henry Bratt, of their messuage or farm in Wyke by Pershore. Last day of June, 7 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of livery of seisin and names of witnesses thereof.
Worc. C. 2766. Grant by John Browne and Thomas Quarell, at the request of Giles Grevile and Richard Wye, to the persons named in C. 2765, of the manor of Wyke by Pershore. 30 June, 7 Henry VIII. Seal and fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses to livery of seisin.
[Bedf.] C. 2767. Grant by William Spine, son of Ralph Spine, of Blecchesho, to the brethren of the hospital of Holy Trinity without Norhamton, of land in Bolho, viz. in 'le Longelond,' in 'le Sortefurlong,' and in 'le Heut furlong,' in exchange for land in Fulkescroft and Wodecroft. Witnesses:— Nicholas, rector of the church of Blecchesho, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Horef.] C. 2768. Grant by Hugh son of John de Homme, with the consent of Juliana his wife, to Richard de Bagingedene, of 2s. rent in Welintune with a tenement extending from the street (platea) of Welintune to the waterfall (torrentem). Witnesses:—Nicholas le Seculier, John Mael, and others (named).
[Cornw.] C. 2769. Demise by John Sprigy, esquire, and Isabella his wife, to John Talkarn and William Bake, of their manors in Tregenow, Alech, Gylmonschek, Tregyuran, and of messuages, lands, &c., in Bleythbol, Trevantros, Tregentros, Mesengrowys, Penhall, and the island in the land of Sully (Scilly) called 'Agnes,' for forty years, paying 40 marks yearly, reserving to John and Isabella two rooms south of the gate of Helwyn court, and a garden, till Whitsunday next. Monday before Michaelmas, 21 Henry VI.
Kent. C. 2770. Indenture between Sir Richard Darell, knight, and Dame Elizabeth York, Thomas Wyndesore, esquire, William York, gentleman, John Mathewe, citizen and mercer of London, and Robert Ripon, executors of the will of William York, esquire, deceased, by which Sir Richard agrees with the said executors to make a good estate to them of the manor of Est Sutton, by the last day of June next, they paying to him, 336l. 13s. 4d. in St. Paul's Cathedral, London; with defeasance of a bond by Sir Richard for performance of the above agreement. 26 April, 18 Edward IV. English.
[Middx.] C. 2771. Grant by Philip Lynde, of Stebenhethe, to John Morise, of the same, of land in the parish of Stebenhethe (Stepney), extending eastward to the wood of the bishop of London. Witnesses:—Roger de Bedefunte, and others (named). Portion of seal.
Worc. C. 2772. Grant by John Peynter and Henry Bratt at the request of Giles Grevile and Richard Wye, to Robert Swellynton, and others (named in C. 2760), of the manor of Pynvyn with lands, &c., in Pynvyn, Pedull, Pepulton, and Castylmorlon. 4 November, 7 Henry VIII. Seal of arms.
[Dorset ?] C. 2773. Demise by William Beawschyn, esquire, to Thomas Storke and Margaret his wife, John Cocke and [—] his wife, of a cottage with curtilage and lands, &c. called 'Newmore,' and of a cottage with curtilage and land at Wodemyll, for their lives, paying 10s. yearly and doing suit at his court of Beschyns. Witnesses:—John Larkestoke and others (named). Monday before the Purification, 31 Henry VI. Seal of arms.
[N'hamp.] C. 2774. Grant by Alexander de Buket', to the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Norhamton, and the brethren there, in frank almoin, of land and the mill-pond of Buketon. Witnesses:—Philip de Pitesford, Henry, parson of Pitesford, and others (named). [Henry III.]
[Middx.] C. 2775. Grant by Richard Sunbury, of Houndeslowe, co. Middlesex, husbandman, to William Yorke, of London, gentleman, of land, part at 'le Merehegge,' abutting westward on the road leading from Worton to Kyngiston, and part in Worton in Langefurlange abutting on 'le Shortfurlange.' 24 July, 2 Edward IV.
[Dorset.] C. 2776. Release by Stephen Russell, to John Bassyngborn, John Clebury, clerk, and Thomas Stapulford, clerk, of all his light in the upper water-mill, called 'Orchardesmull' in Weye Ruwant, and in land which he had jointly with them of the gift of Philip Soydon, of Weymouth. Sunday before the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 15 Richard II.
[Middx.] C. 2777. Release by Thomas Marchaunt, chaplain, and Thomas Santon, citizen of London, to John Hadlee, citizen and grocer of London, of all their right in land which the said John holds of the gift of Adam de Sancto Ivone in Stepney, in exchange for other land there. 12 March, 3 Richard II. Seal.
Oxford. C. 2778. Defeasance of a bond for 200 marks, by Henry Hagley to Robert Burgoilon and John Catesby, before the mayor of the Staple, for the payment of a yearly rent charge of 17 marks granted by the said Henry out of lands and tenements in Adirbury to Sir John Botetourt, lord of Weley, and Lady Joiouse his wife; witnessing that the said bond is to be void if the said Lady Joiouse duly receive the said rent after Sir John's death, or recover her dower against the said Henry out of the manor of Hagley. 4 May, 46 Edward III. French. Portion of seal of arms.
[Somers.] C. 2779. Grant by John de Hortone, to Henry Brackysh, of a croft without the walls of the borough of Dounhevid, which formerly belonged to John Cnoyl in Mullewytelonde, with a dovecot therein, extending from the bottom of the great foss of the borough wall to the water called 'Keensy,' adjoining land called 'Skynalond.' Witnesses:—Reginald de Tavystok, mayor of the said borough, Walter Scoldefynger and David Cresa, provosts, and others (named). Saturday after St. Matthias the apostle, 5 Edward III., A.D. 1330.
[Middx.] C. 2780. Grant by John Aubrey, son and heir of Andrew Aubrey, late citizen and pepperer of London, to Thomas de Hanhampstede, his kinsman, of a corner tenement with houses and gardens, which his late father purchased from Henry de Frowyk, of the county of Middlesex, and Thomas Lambard, late citizen of London, in the parish of Holy Trinity the Less, London, adjoining on the east a tenement called 'Ryngedehall,' on the west Cordwanerestrete, and Knyghtriderestrete on the north. Wednesday after St. Barnabas the apostle, 42 Edward III. Seal of arms, imperfect.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings court of common pleas on Monday after St. Hilary, 42 Edward III.
[Warw.] C. 2781. Grant by John Davy, of Elmedon, chaplain, to William, son of Thomas atte Birches, of Solihull, of a plot of land with a grange thereon in Solihull. Sunday after St. Gregory, 18 Edward III.
[Oxford.] C. 2782. Grant by John Duryval, of Clayore, and Mariota his wife, to Adam son of George de Louches, of all their share in the manor of Little Hasele, upon which they, with the said Adam and John de Panyter, of Stoke, and Florence his wife, entered in right of the said Adam, Florence and Mariota, after the death of John de Skalebrok, their ancestor; with release also of all their right in the said manor. Witnesses:—Sir Edmund de Bereford, Sirs Henry le Tyeys, John de Leukenore, knights, and others (named). Hasele, Tuesday in Easter week, 22 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Berks.] C. 2783. Grant by John Cademan, of la Hulle, to Richard de Polhamtone, of his land in a certain croft in the parish of Kenetebury called 'la Witecroffte,' adjoining the common field of Kenettbury and Holte, and of an acre of land called 'Reyneresacre.' Witemore, Thursday after St. Andrew, 5 Edward II.
[Dorset.] C. 2784. Grant by Richard Oure alias Gower, of Waymouth, to William Mountfort, of Brideport, of a tenement in the east street of the said town. Witnesses:—John Roger, John Palmer, bailiffs of Bridport, and others (named). Saturday after Corpus Christi, 8 Henry IV.
[Middx.] Worc. C. 2785. Bond by William Hanbury, of Benhall, co. Worcester, gentleman, and Simon Rewell, hosier, dwelling in Bowyerrowe, London, to James de Ormoud, knight, son and heir of the earl of Ormond, for 40l. 26 January, 9 [Henry VI.]. Seal.
Dorset. C. 2786. Demise by William Preston, late of Byrporte, co. Dorset, merchant, to William Campion, of London, grocer, John Sturgeon, of London, haberdasher, and John Archer, of Hakeney, co. Middlesex, Hackeneyman, of a moiety of three tofts with gardens in Stake lane, of three tenements in 'le market place,' of a barn and garden in 'le Cherche lane,' of a piece of land called 'Morterhaye' on the north side of Mylle lane, and of land in Myghhell lane, Byrporte; and of four tenements with a garden in Weymouthe, of land upon the hill by the church in Weymouthe parish, and of a tenement and land and half the ferry of Smalemouth in the parish of Weke, which moiety aforesaid Preston acquired from John Weste and Elizabeth by indenture dated 4th July, 8 Henry VIII.: to hold to the use of Thomas Exmewe, knight, alderman of London, and Elizabeth aforesaid his wife, a daughter and co-heiress of William Olyver, late of Byrdporte, and late the wife of the said John Weste, late mercer and alderman of London. 11 November, 17 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of livery of seisin, 22 November, 17 Henry VIII.
[Kent.] C. 2787. Release by Geoffrey Colpepir, to John, son of Thomas Colpepir, of Estfarlegh, of all his right in rents and services issuing out of lands in Eastfarleigh and Westfarleigh. 18 June, 44 Edward III. Fragment of seal of arms.
[Suff.] C. 2788. Grant by Alan Nerbold, of Wysynton, to Robert Mordel, of Neylaund, and Alice his wife, of land in Wysynton (Wiston), in a field called 'Lanefeld' with a right of way over a road to the said land, the said road beginning on land called 'Newecroft.' Witnesses:—William de Ernestede, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Bedf.] C. 2789. Release by Joan Nicholas, of Dunstaple, to Miles Chapman, of the same, of all her right in the third part of a messuage with dovecot, which formerly belonged to Thomas Nicholas her husband. Sunday after the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 15 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Somers.] C. 2790. Surrender and release by Margery, relict of Ralph Bonefaunt, and Ralph, son and heir of the said Ralph, of Yevele, to William Graunger, son and heir of William Graunger, of all her estate and right in a messuage, curtilage with garden, and land in 'la Worthe,' by 'la Gourle,' adjoining a tenement held of the lordship of Estmerssh, the said messuage &c. being in the manor of Kyngeston by Modeford Terry. Saturday the feast of the Annunciation, 19 Richard II. Two seals, broken.
Bucks. C. 2791. Defeasance of a bond by Edward Knyght, of Bekenesfeld, 'Ostiler,' to William Vyncent, of the same, husbandman, for 11 marks 6s. 8d.; witnessing that the said bond is to be void if William is not impleaded by Alice, wife of the said Edward, and daughter of William Bradeston, on account of her dower out of lauds called 'Walterslond' in Bekenesfeld (Beaconsfield) aforesaid, which William lately purchased from Edward. 10 February, 22 Henry VI.
Kent. C. 2792. Release by Robert Geryng of Kensyngton, co. Middlesex, to John, lord of Cobham, John Clerke, secondary Baron of the Exchequer, Richard Forde, a Remembrancer of the Exchequer, Nicholas Lathell, clerk of the Pipe of the Exchequer, Richard Culpepir, of Osnothe, co. Kent, Richard Martyn, of Etonbrygge, co. Kent, John Wybarne, of Thischurst, co. Sussex, esquires, Roger Shelley, of Bexill, co. Kent, John Coke, of Dertford, co. Kent, Walter Forde, of Kyngeston on Thames, co. Surrey, John Beauley, of Woldham, co. Kent, gentlemen, Richard Tewdour, of Stoke, Stephen Charles, of Hoo, and Richard Godfrey, of Grean, all in Kent, yeomen, of all his right in the manor called 'Sayntmaryhall' in the parish of St. Mary in the hundred of Hoo. 20 December, 13 Edward IV.
Devon. C. 2793. Conveyance in tail by Thomas Chaucer, John Golafre, and Hamo Belknape, esquires,—(John Hurlegh, clerk, John Warefeld and Thomas Serdeslegh inserted as parties among the grantors, but not in the operative part of the deed),—lords of the manor of Ermyngton, to Richard Fortescu and Agnes his wife, of land adjoining the way leading from Ermynton, between Holccombeslad, on the west, and the high road leading from Saneford to Prutastoneslond on the east; in consideration of the said Richard and Agnes having waived their claim to common for pasture in the said manor, on the west side of a ditch called 'la Yalthadych' near the water of Ermyn, towards the land of Prutaston between the demesne of Ermyngton and the sanctuary of the same place. Michaelmas day, 3 Henry VI. Draft, paper.
[Oxford.] [Berks.] C. 2794. Grant by Hugh Wolf, knight, to Thomas Stonore, esquire, John Hampden, John Cottusmore, and Thomas Berdeslegh, of a yearly rent of 40s. out of the manor of Bensyngton, during the life of Floria, Hugh's wife; with the condition that if his said wife survive him, and recover her dower against Robert James out of lands &c. in Bensyngton, called 'Munkeputtes,' 'Okele,' and 'Rolves,' and thereupon the said Robert enters upon a tenement in the parish of St. Peter's, Walyngford, between the highway called 'Themsestrete' and a garden called 'Hasylgardyn,' and in a dovecot and garden in the parishes of St. Peter and St. John by the water between Themsestrete and the Thames, extending from Seynt Jhoneshyth to John Warfeld's garden, and which Stonore and the rest of the grantees have as well of the gift of William Noke, clerk, rector of St. Peter's in Walyngford, and others (named), as of the release of the said Hugh; or if Floria recover her dower in the said tenement, dovecot, and garden against the grantees, and if the said rent of 40s. thereafter be in arrear, the said grantees are to have the right of entry and distraint during Floria's life on Bensyngton manor; but the said rent is not to be leviable unless they are expelled from the premises in Walyngford as aforesaid, or unless Floria recover her dower as aforesaid. Feast of St. Andrew the apostle, 5 Henry VI.
[Middx.] C. 2795. Grant by John de Doveria, to John de Aylesham, the elder, citizen and mercer of London, of houses and buildings, which the former had from the executors of the will of Sir Thomas de Thorp, clerk, in the parish of Holy Trinity the Less, London, adjoining Knychtriderestrete; paying 5 marks yearly for the support of a chaplain to pray for the souls of Sirs Roger de Brabazon and Thomas de Thorp, &c., during the life of Alice de Lincoln. Witnesses:—John de Grantham, mayor of London, Henry de Gysorcio and Richard le Lacer, sheriffs, Richard de Betoygne, alderman of that ward, and others (named). 12 October, 3 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings court of pleas of land on Monday after the translation of St. Edward the king, 3 Edward III.
Kent. C. 2796. Indenture between Patrick Stanes, clerk, John Kynfare, Adam Palmer, Stephen Streteende, and William Gyllot, and William Bruyn, John Beauley, and William Testwode, reciting a grant on the preceding day from the parties of the first, to the parties of the second, part, of a tenement called 'Loukyns,' in the parish of St. Mary in the hundred of Hoo, and lands, &c. by Wyndegate, of marshes called 'Sprakemerssh,' 'Pyggyshokys,' 'Bratheham,' 'Fyllehoke,' 'Plottcham,' and 'Boundehoke,' and two 'hammes' by the tenement called 'Loukyns,' and stating that the conveyance is to hold good if the purchase money is paid on the dates specified. 14 March, 15 Edward IV. Seal and fragments of two seals.
[Wilts.] C. 2797. Demise by Thomas Bonham, William Gore, Robert Saleman, Roger atte Hurne, chaplain, and Richard Shayl, to Thomas Calston, esquire, of the manor of Knyghton, with knights' fees, lands, &c. in Knyghton, which they had of the gift of Matilda, late the wife of John, lord of Lovell and Holand, John Lovell, knight, Robert Lovell, esquire, and Ralph Lovell, clerk, for his life, with remainder to William Darell and Elizabeth his wife in tail, and remainder to Thomas Calston in fee. 21 November, 14 Henry IV. Two seals and fragments of two seals.
[Devon.] C. 2798. Demise by Edmund Cheyne, esquire, to John Baron the younger, of a close of land called 'le Carssewyll,' in Pynho, for his life, paying 4s. yearly: with letter of attorney authorising John Baron, the elder, and John Legh to deliver seisin. 7th March, 9 Henry VII. Fragment of seal.
Kent. C. 2799. Demise by John Alfegh, Henry Hexstall, John Ware, and John Godemond, to Robert Rede and Margaret his wife, daughter of the said John Alfegh, of a tenement called 'Loukyns,' in the parish of St. Mary in the hundred of Hoo, by Wyndegate, of marshes called 'Sprakemerssh,' 'Pyggyshokes,' 'Bratheham,' 'Filhoke,' 'Plotteham,' 'Boundehoke,' and two 'hammes' by the said tenement; with letter of attorney authorising Clement Perchild to deliver seisin. 26 May, 16 Edward IV. Two seals and fragment of seal.
Kent. C. 2800. Duplicate of C. 2796. Two seals and fragments of three seals.