Deeds: C.2801 - C.2900

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.2801 - C.2900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.2801 - C.2900', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.2801 - C.2900". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.2801 - C.2900

[Linc.] C. 2801. Grant by Alice de Thorton, of Oselby, to Walter de Walesby, of Oselby, and Joan his wife, of land in Oselby lying 'bisowt (beside) the beck.' Witnesses:—John de Alungton, of Oselby, Jurdan Scherref, of the same, and others (named).
[Middx.] C. 2802. Grant by Robert Chircheman, citizen and stockfishmonger of London, and Margaret his wife, to Richard Radewell, John Trumpton, citizens and stockfishmongers of London, John Gardyner, clerk, and Thomas Boterkram, chaplain, of a tenement in the parish of St. Laurence Pultencye; two tenements in Basynglane in the parishes of St. Mary, Aldermarichirche, and St. Mildred, Bredstret, adjoining a tenement called 'Gysoreshall'; six shops, &c. in the parish of St. Michael, Quenhithe, at the corner of Trinitelane; a tenement in Oldechaunge street, in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Oldefisshstret; and a messuage with two shops and gardens in the parish of St. Olave, Suthwerk, by the lane called 'Westwalleslane,' stretching from the causeway between Bataillebrigg and Bermundeseye on the east to land of Sir William Burcestre, knight, on the west. 22 May, 9 Richard II, Two seals, imperfect.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Hustings court of pleas of land on Monday after St. Petronilla the virgin, 9 Richard II.
[Suff.] C. 2803. Demise by Hugh de Morieus, knight, to Robert de Bures, of all the lands and tenements which he had by livery of the king in Hecham and Illeye for 44 marks in which Nicholas de Dunstall was bound to Hugh; to hold till the said amount has been levied. Thursday after St. Stephen, 4 Edward II. French.
[Suff.] C. 2804. Grant by Matilda, late the wife of William son of John, son of Anabilla de Betiley, to William Sherard of Betiley, of a messuage and land in Betiley, stretching from the high road to 'le Mulnepole,' part of the land lying upon 'le Croftus.' Sunday before Michaelmas, A.D. 1319. Damaged.
[Warw.] C. 2805. Bond by William de Caldeford, son of Robert de Caldeford, to Thomas le Hore, of Elmedon, for repayment of 100l. Joan at Michaelmas next. Solihull, Friday after St. Bartholomew the apostle, 17 Richard II. Seal.
[Middx.] C. 2806. Grant by Richard de Wrennyngham, capper, of London, to John de Whitton and Thomas Goldsmyth, of Twykenham, of a tenement in Twykenham with land, which descended to him after the death of William de Bleechenham, together with the reversion of the dower land of Alice, wife of the said William; the land lying at Hadeforlong, at Crouchforlong, at 'la lane,' at Hammenewelonde, at Southforlong, at Southmed, at Pectene, at Dichforlong and 'Byhindethehawes.' Sunday after St. Tiburcius and St. Valerian, 10 Edward III. Seal.
[Herts ?] C. 2807. Notification, that whereas Geoffrey le Ros, clerk, has granted to Alice, late the wife of John le Ros, a moiety of the manor of Piriton, in Waleden, the said Alice's portion is on the east side of the manor, and specifying the tenants who are to pay her their rents and services. 6 August, 9 Edward III.
[Dorset.] [Berks.] C. 2808. Grant by Hildebrand de London, that whereas Lady Nicholas de London was bound to Robert de London her son, Hildebrand's father, in 20l. yearly rent out of her manors and lands of Langgebridie, Baggelake, and Estrhep, which lands afterwards came into the seisin of Thomas de London, who married Joan, daughter of John atte Halle, of Myggeham, who after Thomas' death was, and is, dowered from the said lands; the said Joan may hold her dower for life free from the portion of the said 20l. that touches it, always saving to him two parts of that sum, hut after her decease the said dower with two parts of the manors and lands shall be altogether charged with the said rent. Templeton by Hungerford, Sunday after St. Fabian and St. Sebastian, 3 Edward III. Fragments of seal.
[Oxford.] C. 2809. Grant by William de la Hull, of Mungewell, for his own life, to Robert his son, for 100s., of land with a messuage in Mungewell, which William had from the lord of Mongewell, paying 4s. yearly. Witnesses:—Richard de la Wytestane, John de la Dene, and others (named).
[Wilts.] C. 2810. Letter of attorney by Richard de Combe, knight, authorising Roger Bacon, chaplain, and Adam Gyle, to deliver seisin to Robert de Remmesbury, of land, &c., in Fitelton. Thursday the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul, 31 Edward III.
[ ] C. 2811. Release by William Frenche, to Henry, duke of Exeter, Anne, duchess of Exeter, Richard Caudray, and Thomas Mannyng, clerks, of all actions. 23 December, 29 Henry VI.
[Surrey.] C. 2812. Grant by William Wyt, of Pecham in the parish of Camerwelle, to John Drynkewater, the younger, and John Gryme, the elder, of the same, of a tenement with lands in Pecham. 1 August, 11 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] C. 2813. Grant by John Ippyngby, of Hontynton, to Richard do Clyve, of Eastfarlegh, and Joan his wife, of land and a wood in the parish of Eastfarlegh, in a place called 'Eastfeld,' between the wood of Sir Ralph de Frenyngham, knight, towards the east, and that of Thomas Colpepir on the west. Sunday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 38 Edward III.
[Norf.] C. 2814. Grant by William le Heukere, son of Richard le Heukere, of Smalleberge (Smalburgh), to Robert son of William de Statham, knight, of land in the field or Smallberge. Witnesses:—Richard de Burwde, William de Crostweyt, and others (named).
[Herts.] C. 2815. Letter of attorney by John Thressher authorising John Marchaunt, baker, to deliver seisin to Thomas Colman, Thomas Long, clerk, and John Vessy, gentleman, of a curtilage in Holywelstrete, St. Albans, by the stream flowing to Sopwell. 9 July, 35 Henry VI. Seal.
[Cornw.] C. 2816. Grant by John de Albo Monasterio, knight, to Laurencd Hamely,for life, of a tenement in Sully (Scilly), in the island called 'Enor,' in the town of Heyngcastel, which Randulf Sage formerly held, paying him 2s. yearly, and dues to the castle of Sully; with remainders to Walter Gunneth and Thomas his brother for their lives. Rename, Monday after St. Ambrose. 46 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Leic. C. 2817. Confirmation by the master and brethren of the hospital of Holy Trinity without Norhampton, of a demise by Sir John Chaynel, of Sutton, to master Robert de Cathworth, of the manor of 'la Becke,' held by Sir John from them for a term of twenty years; the said master Robert binding himself to pay the rent of 5 marks reserved to the hospital. Christmas day, 16 Edward II.
[Dorset.] C. 2818. Release by Ivo de Rochefort, son of Sir Ivo de Rochefort, to Nicholas called 'le Priur,' of all his right in a mill in Merswde called 'Wodemulle.' Witnesses:—Robert de Wdeton, Ralph de Rochefort, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
Heref. C. 2819. Bond by Edward Ball, of Bodenham, husbandman, to John Breynton, for 20l. 14 September, 13 Henry VIII.
With condition (in English) of the above bond which is to be void if Thomas Ball abides by the decision of arbitrators chosen to decide a dispute between him and Breynton as to lands in Bodenham. Fragment of seal.
[Gloue] C. 2820. Release by John Mille, son of the late Milsentde Beaumond' of Dersyntone, to Robert Mille, of the same, his brother, of all his right in a messuage and land in the town and fields of Dersynton. Thursday the feast of the Ascension, 13 Edward III. Portion of seal.
[Essex.] C. 2821. Grant by Lewis Bledlowc, of Arkesden, to Sir William Hare, vicar of the parish church of Arkesden, of land in Newlonfeld. Tuesday the feast of St. Martin the bishop, 21 Richard II.
[Heref.] C. 2822. Grant by John Jevan, of le More, to John Lyngeyn, the younger, esquire, John Breynton and Simon Breynton, gentlemen, John Diaper, the younger, John Smyth, of 'le more' of Bodenham, John Harper, gentleman, John Were, and Thomas Draper, of a messuage and land in Bodenham, in 'le Nethermore,' and Mawrdyn, part lying in a field called 'Ruffynesfeld,' part in 'le Upfeld,' an acre called 'Stubacre' in 'le Donefelde,' and part in Inlande, and pasture and wood called 'le Wilde' in Bodenham parish. Witnesses:—David More, vicar of the church of Bodenham, and others (named). 10 November, 1 [Henry] VIII.
[Suff.] C. 2823. Grant by Waller Chonoy, of Hescham, to Robert de Brissete, clerk, and Joan his wife, of land with a moiety of a lane called 'Peperis lane,' in Hescham in the hamlet called 'Losse,' abutting on the highway called 'Snayllishalestrete.' Saturday before the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 22 Edward [I.].
Surrey. C. 2824. Grant by John Langhorne, citizen and brazier of London, to John Mollyng, Thomas Piryton, braziers, and Henry Beneyt, sherman, citizens of London, of all his lands, &c., in Pekham in the parish of Camerwell, or elsewhere in the same county. 29 November, 7 Henry IV. Seal.
[York.] C. 2825. Release by Henry de Rockelay, to William del Hill, of Thurleston, and Modesta his wife, in tail, of all the tenements which escheated to him after the death of Baldewin del Hill, of Thurleston, within the bounds of Peniston, paying him 12d. yearly. Friday after the beheading of St. John the Baptist, A.D. 1313.
[Suff.] C. 2826. Grant by Roger de Brandistoue, to Hugh de Reymis, of Werstede, for 20 marks, of messuages, lands, woods, &c., which descended to Roger after the death of Alice his mother, in Chelmuudiston, Wlferstun, Brandistone, and elsewhere. Witnesses:—Richard de Holebrok, Bartholomew Davelers, Robert de Cheltone, knight., and others (named). Sunday after Michaelmas, 6 Edward I.
[Berks.] C. 2827. Grant by Richard le Whyte, of Westhakebourne, to Bobert Sewyne, of Migham, of all his beasts, goods and chattels in and on four messuages and land at Westhakebourne (West Hagbourne). Witnesses:— John de Dokelynton, mayor, Andrew de Wormehall, John de Gonewardby, bailiffs, of Oxford, and others (named). 6 July, 15 Edward II.
[Bedf.] C. 2828. Grant by Geoffrey the shepherd (Bercarius), of Pollokeshul, to John son of Richard de la Chapelle, of Yvingeho, the elder, of land in the north field of Thoterno at Eerserendane, abutting on Carteresweye. Sunday after All Saints, 5 Edward III.
[Bedf.] C. 2829. Grant by Thomas Lynot, of Stanbrugge, to Matilda, relict of John atte Chapelc, of Astone, of land in the north field of Thoterno at Erserendane, abutting on Carteresweye. Wednesday, St. Gregory the pope's day, 11 Edward III.
[Warw.] C. 2830. Grant by Margery, daughter of Adam atte Grange, of Solihull, to Thomas atte Grange, chaplain, Reginald Weccheharm, of Bikenhulle, and Thomas de Brochurst, of Solihull, of all the lauds, &c., in Berkeswell which she had of the gift of John Barry. Monday the feast of All Saints, 19 Richard II.
[Norf.] C. 2831. Grant by William, son of Sir William de Stalam, knight, to Marjory, daughter of William de Burwude, of a messuage in Bertone, and land which he held of William the chaplain of Bertone. Witnesses:—Richard de Burwude, Henry le Kauf, of Bertone, and others (named).
[Norf.] C. 2832. Grant by Margery, daughter of William de Burwude, that William, son of Sir William de Stalham, knight, shall have free right of entry after her decease into a messuage with lands, &c., which the said William had granted to her for her life. Witnesses:—William de Gimingham, William de Crostweit, and others (named).
[Warw.] C. 2833. Grant by John atte Graunge, of Solihull, to Richard, son of the late John atte Birches, of the same, and Joan, daughter of the said John atte Graunge, wife of the said Richard, in tail, of a yearly rent of 16s. (to be increased after forty years to 100s.) out of a messuage and lands in Berkeswell, which John atte Graunge had lately demised to John Hukyns, of Wroxhale, and Anabella his wife; together with the reversion of the said lands, &c. Sunday after the Purification, 2 Richard II. Portion of seal.
[Warw.] C. 2834. Demise by John atte Graunge, of Solihull, to Richard atte Birches of the same, and Joan his wife, John's daughter, in tail, of 13s. 4d. yearly rent which John Hukyns, of Wroxhale, pays for lands, &c., in Berkeswell called 'Barrys tenement.' Sunday before Michaelmas, 6 Richard II. Seal.
[Chesh.] C. 2835. Letter of attorney by Fulk de Southley, Ralph del Cleyea, John de Pulford and Hugh le Harper, chaplains, authorising Hugh de Knottesford, to receive seisin in the manors of Smalwode and Neubolt. Monday after Michaelmas, 2 Henry IV. Seal and portion of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2836. Grant by William Trepyl, the elder, of Bykeleswade, chaplain, to George Beton, of the same, of land in the field of Schortemade and Holme, viz. upon a quarentine called 'Myttylmere,' one 'otherhalfzerde' upon 'le Prestysbrade,' upon 'le Stockene Furlong,' in the north field of Holme upon Stratffurlong, and upon Syxe zevdys, adjoining land which formerly belonged to Henry Scroop, knight. Sunday, Midsummer day, 3 Henry VI.
[Leic] C. 2837. Receipt from Roger Beler, to Sir William Davy, the king's receiver for Tuttebur' and Leycester, for 200l. of silver, out of the proceeds of his bailiwick. York, Sunday after Michaelmas, 16 Edward II. French.
[Essex.] C. 2838. Receipt from John Gobyon and Margaret his wife, to Thomas Urswyk, gentleman, for 5 marks, part of an annuity payable out of the manor of Uphaverynge, and out of a messuage and land at Haverynge atte Boure. 12 May, 10 Edward IV. Seal.
[Oxford.] C. 2839. Indenture by which William Man, of Henle, carpenter, covenants with John Budde, of the same, to build him a house in the high street of Henley as herein specified. 4 June, 23 Henry VI. English.
[ ] C. 2840. Defeasance of a recognisance by Edward Darell, knight, before Sir Richard Lyster, knight, Chief Justice of England, binding him in the sum of 400 marks to William Essex, knight; witnessing that the said recognisance is to be void on the observance by the said Edward of the articles contained in certain indentures. 1 March, 37 Henry VIII. English.
Bedf. Bucks. Herts. N'hamp. Leic. Derby. C. 2841. Deed poll by Gervase Markeham, prior of the house or monastery of St. Peter the apostle in Dunstaple, co. Bedford, and the convent of the same, appointing Anthony Stibbyng, gentleman, their receiver general for the counties named. 3 March, 29 Henry VIII. English.
Middx. Essex. C. 2842. Defeasance of a bond by William Cheddeworth, esquire, and William Cheddeworth his son, to John Fetplace, esquire, for 1,000 marks; witnessing that whereas the said William Cheddeworth has granted to the said John and to James Fetplace, Humphrey Starky and William Hole, the manor called 'Rumboldes' alias 'Cobhammes manor,' with messuages, lands, &c., in the parishes of Stebenhith and Hakeney, and ten messuages, a dovecot, and land, &c., in the parishes of St. Mary Matfelon without Aldgate, Stebenhith and Hakeney, and wood in Berkyngclay, the said bond is to be void if the said William Cheddeworth, at the time of making the said grant, was solely seised of the premises, and if Joan his wife shall make no claim thereto on account of dower. 3 December, 2 Edward IV. Two seals.
Middx. C. 2843. Letter of attorney by George Boys, gentleman, authorising William Newe, of Stebenhith, co. Middlesex, and John Barton, of Farnburgh, co. Kent, to deliver seisin to Master Nicholas Norton, vicar of the parish church of Stebenhith, William Brampton, citizen, court-hand writer of London, Robert Blundell, of Brouilegh, co. Kent, and Thomas Hertycomme, of the same, of a messuage at Stepney. 21 April, 28 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Essex.] C. 2644. Bond by Peter Crunnelond, of Twynstede, and Avice his wife, to Thomas son of James de Peyton, of Subyr', for 40l. of silver lent to them. Sunday after Michaelmas, 3 Edward 111.
[Bedf.] C. 2845. Grant by William, son of Ralph Freemond, of Dunstaple, to Freemund Inge, of land in 'les Southiulondes' of Dunstaple, extending eastward to the walls of the Friars Preachers. Thursday, Michaelmas day, 11 Edward II. Seal and portion of seal.
[Oxford.] C. 2846. Release by Ralph Pyppard, to John de Kent and Emma his wife, of 1 mark yearly rent which he used to receive from Roger Stormy for land of 'la Selgrave' in Rotherfeld Pyppard, reserving to himself 1d. yearly and suit of court. Witnesses:—Sirs Robert de Grey, and John de Elsefeld, knights, and others (named), Sunday, the feast of St. Hilary, 14 Edward I. Fragment of seal of arms.
Kent. C. 2847. Release by William Testwode, of Rouchestre, to Robert Rede and Margaret his wife, of all his right in a tenement called 'Loukyns,' in St. Mary's parish in the hundred of Hoo, and in lands, &c., which the said Robert and Margaret had of the gift of John Alfegh, Henry Hexstall, John Ware and John Godemond, in the same parish. 28 September, 16 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[Warw.] C. 2848. Grant by William Smyth, of Stichford in Yerdeleye, to John Dod, of Bromwich, and Philip Huggen, of Yerdeleye, of a messuage and a chamber at Stichford, between Brocholelone, &c., and the road leading from Yerdeleye to Sutton. Sunday after the Purification, 5 Richard II.
[Bedf.] C. 2849. Indenture between Walter Saltere, of Dunstaple, and John West, of the same, witnessing the conditions under which Walter had granted certain lands, goods and chattels, &c., to John, viz. that he should warrant the premises, deliver all deeds relating to the same, pay all charges to the present time, and cause to be given to John before the Annunciation next a special chart of the boundaries of the lands and tenements, for the performance of which the said Walter has entered into a bond for 44l. to the said John. Thursday the feast of St. Fabian and St. Sebastian, 13 Richard II. Seal.
[N'hamp.] C. 2850. Grant by Robert Roce, of Houton, to the hospital of the Holy Trinity by Novhamton, in frank almoin, for the sustenance of the poor men there, of land which Waldelin de Brikelesworth held of him in Houton, viz. in Wodewei and Galtrefurlong, and a tillage called 'le Buch' at Holebecke diche. Witnesses:—Ralph the parson of Weston, Ralph the parson of Buketon, and others (named). [Henry III.] Fragment of seal.
[Surrey.] C. 2851. Grant by John Coumber and Cristina his wife, of Pekham in the parish of Camcrwell, to John Langhorne, citizen and brazier of London, of land in the field called 'Goselonde' in Pekham, adjoining the water called 'common waterwey,' extending southward to a field called 'Hasefeld.' 8 January, 3 Henry IV.
Essex. C. 2852. Grant by Richard Fox, esquire, of Arkesden, to John Wynde, his servant, of the same, of a cottage and garden in Arkesden, paying a yearly rent of 4d. four times a year in Richard's manor of Wodehall in Arkesden, doing suit twice a year there, and maintaining a lamp before the high altar in Arkesden church. 1 January, 2 Henry VI.
[Middx.] C. 2853. Conveyance by Thomas, bishop of Durham, John Boteler, citizen and mercer of London, the younger, Robert Whityngham, citizen and clothier of London, John Cliderhowe, clerk Thomas Dale, chaplain, Richard Osborne and John Carpenter, of London, the younger, to John Dedwode, Richard Bolde, the elder, Hugh Pemberton, the elder, and Richard Pensell, chaplain, of all their lands and tenements within 'le Skaldynghows' by 'les Stockis,' in the parish of St. Mildred in the Poultry, London, 20 November, 7 Henry VI. Six seals.
[Herof.] C. 2854. Demise by John de Bagyntene, to Peter de Cotushale, carpenter, of land in Walthurne, by the wood of Welynton, viz. part in Hopefeld extending to Lynkelownsweye, part by Dunemore, in 'le Northfeld,' in 'le Westfeld,' at Poukeputte, and extending on 'Warshull,' for nine years, paying 4s. yearly. Tuesday after the Ascension. 43 Edward III.
[Warw.] C. 2855. Agreement between Richard de Whitacre, lord of Elmedon, and Thomas le Hore, of the same, as to a common way in Elmedon which the former had enclosed and stopped up, leading from the church towards Solihull and Thomas's house, in Richard's field called 'Colverhousfeld' and in a plot of land of the said Thomas called 'Shutecroft' viz. that the said Thomas may enclose the remainder of the said road and shall have as broad a road on Richard's land, commencing at the great marl-pit called 'Hallemarleputt,' and stretching towards Vislowhulles, always keeping by the great hedge. Sunday after Martinmas, 44 Edward III. French.
[Dorset.] C. 2856. Release by Nicholas Bryce, of Waymouth, son and heir of Joan Bryce, of the same, to William Olyver, of Brideport, of all his right in a tenement in the west street of Brideport. Witnesses:—John Burgeis, one of the bailiffs of the said town, and others (named). 3 April, 18 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
[Middx.] C. 2857. Grant by William de Seleburne, to Richard Wolmare, citizen of London, of a tenement in the parish of St. Botolph towards Billyngesgate, London, paying 30s. yearly to Martin Box. Witnesses:— Sir John le Breton, knight, warden of London, Adam de Halyngebury and John de Dunstaple, sheriffs, Thomas Cros, alderman of that ward, and others (named).
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the hustings of London on Monday before the conversion of St. Paul. 24 Edward [I.]
Wore. C. 2858. Release by Robert Darnell, of Wyke by Pershore, husbandman, son and heir of Agnes Baggepathe, late the wife of John Cowper, of Wyke, to Giles Grevile, of Wyke, gentleman, of all his right, in lands and tenements in Wyke, which Robert had of the gift of John Smyth, of Peusham, William Condurton, John Tayllore, and Thomas Comber, of Pershore. 15 January, 14 Henry VII.
[N'hamp.] C. 2859. Grant by Ellen, relict of Thomas Abraham, of Brackele, widow, to John Abraham her son, of the same, of land in the castle field of Brackele, part upon Maniwellemore, between the land of the prior of Brackley and Goddotespath. Sunday after the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 9 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2860. Release by Isabella Watford, late the wife of Giles Watford, of Totnrnho, co. Bedford, to William Watford her son, of all her right in land in Dunstaple adjoining the mansion of the Friars Preachers of Dunstaple. 20 May, 15 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] C. 2861. Demise by William Chedworth, citizen of London, to Thomas Cole, citizen and skinner of the same, of a tenement in Bogerowe, in the parish of St. Anthony, London, for twenty years; with bond by the said Cole for 20l. for the observance of the conditions of the lease. 1 January, 36 Henry VI. Seal.
[Bedf] C. 2862. Duplicate of C. 2849. Seal of arms.
Bedf. C. 2863. Bond by Giles Watford, of Toturnho, gentleman, to Laurence Pycot, of Dunstaple, for 100s. 20 June, 7 Henry VI.
Kent. C. 2864. Receipt from Robert Geryng, of Sutl werk, carpenter, to William Lemyng, citizen and grocer of London, for 2s. 6d., in full payment of 100l. owed to him by the said William for the purchase of the manor called 'Saynt Marihall,' which Robert lately purchased from William Nicholas, of the county of Kent, gentleman, and Margaret his wife, late the wife of Andrew Castell, and from Thomas Castell son of the said Andrew and Margaret; also release by the said Robert to the said William Lemyng, of all actions. 29 March, 8 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[ ] C. 2865. Grant by Walter atte Wode, William atte Wode, and Thomas atte Wode, to Henry Toustfart (?), of land at 'le Wode,' in a field called 'Estneweland,' in exchange for land in a field called 'Piperesneweland.' Le Wode, Monday after Christmas, 17 Edward III. Two seals and fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2866. Grant by Nicholas, son of Robert Harlewyne, of Thoterno, to Reginald Aufrey, of Dunstaple, and Cristina his wife, of land in the north field of Thoterno extending eastward on Carteresweye. Monday before the Annunciation, 23 Edward I. Seal, broken.
[ ] C. 2867. Grant by William le Swon, son of Robert le Swon, of 'la Zele,' to Edonia and Katherine, his sisters, of all the lands and tenements which descended to him after the death of his said father, at Swonn in the said parish. St. Bartholomew's day. 35 Edward III.
Kent. C. 2868. Grant by William Halton, gentleman, to Patrick Stanes, clerk, John Kynfare, Adam Palmer, Stephen Streteende, and William Gyllot, of all his lands, marshes, &c., in the hundred of Hoo or elsewhere in England. 20 June, 14 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum that the condition of this grant is that the feoffees carry out the will of the said William Halton.
[Middx.] C. 2869. Letter of attorney by Roger Hungarton, John Burgoyne and Robert Croucho, authorising Richard Grene and Richard Bunten, to enter upon and take possession of lands and tenements in the parishes of St. Mary Matfelon without Algate, Stebenhith, Hakeney, and Berkingeley, and to manage the same. 12 June, 13 Henry VI. Three seals.
[Sussex.] C. 2870. Bond by Ralph de Norton, of the county of Hampshire, to Sir Michael de Ponyngges, knight, for 10l., to be paid at Slagham at Michaelmas next. Wednesday after Martinmas, 32 Edward III.
Bedf. C. 2871. Release by Elizabeth, late the wife of Walter Beauchamp, knight, mother of William Beauchamp, knight, and William Beauchamp, knight, to John Cornewayll, knight, and lord of Fannhope, of all their right in the manors of Millebroke, Amptehill, and 'le Graunge' by Millebroke, and in the manor of Houghton, and in the lands, &c. which formerly belonged to Eleanor de Sancto Amando, late the wife of Almaric de Sancto Amando, knight, in the towns of Millebroke, Amptehill, and 'le Graunge' by Millebroke, and in Houghton, Prestle, and Stepyngle, with warranty against John Bromhara, prior of Newenham. 26 November, 19 Henry VI. Seal and fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Common Pleas (in Banco), Hilary Term, 19 Henry VI.
Berks. Wilts. Dorset. Herts. [Middx.] C. 2872. Letter of attorney by George Darell, knight, authorising John Matthewe and Robert Harryes, to deliver seisin to Thomas, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, John, abbot of the monastery of St. Aldelm, Malmesbury, John Wiloughby, knight, Richard Hante, esquire, John Phelippes, clerk, John Mermyn, of Marleburgh, and Richard Chapeleyn, of the manors of Balston and Hamvile and of lands there, of the manors of Litelcote, Thrope, Knyghton by Rammesbury, Axford, Fitelton, Combe, Compton, Hacleston and Bewley by Lacock, and of lands, &c., there and at Lacock, Natton by Lucock, Marleburgh, Rammesbury, and Froxfeld, with the advowsons of Fitelton church and the chapels of Hacleston, Combe and Compton; also of lands in Brokehampton, of a rent charge of 16 marks out of lands in Langpredy and Baglake, and of the manors of Hokewell and Poderugbury, and of lands and tenements in the city and suburbs of London. 14 February, 13 Edward IV. Seal.
Kent. C. 2873. Release by Patrick Stanes, clerk, John Kynfare, Adam Palmer, Stephen Stretende, and William Gyllot, to William Bruyn, John Beauley and William Testwode, of all their right in a tenement called 'Loukyns' in the parish of St. Mary in the hundred of Hoo, in lands, &c., abutting southward on a croft by Wyndegate and in marshes called 'Sprakemerssh,' 'Pyggyshokys,' 'Bratheham,' 'Fyllehoke,' 'Plotteham,' 'Boundehoke,' and in two 'hammes' by the said tenement in the same parish. 18 February, 15 Edward IV. Three seals and fragments of two seals.
[Bedf.] C. 2874. Grant by Giles Watford, of Toturnho, to Laurence Pekott, Thomas Bygood, the elder, and Simon Sare, of Dunstaple, John Bakere and Philip Peddere, of Toturnho, of land in Dunstaple abutting on the walls of the Friars Preachers. 27 June, 9 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum that the condition of the deed is that after the death of Giles and Isabella his wife, one acre is to be for the light before the cross and St. Mary, the other for the light before the sepulchre and St. Giles, in Toturnho parish church.
Kent. C. 2875. Demise by Patrick Stanes, clerk, John Kynfare, Adam Palmer, Stephen Streteende and William Gyllot, to William Bruyn, John Beauley and William Testwode, of the premises released to them in C. 2873. 13 March, 15 Edward IV. Four seals and fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2876. Grant by William de Assherigge, of Dunstaple, to John le Foulere, the elder, of a messuage in the south street of Dunstaple, in a lane called 'le Hallewyk.' Wednesday, Michaelmas day. 18 Edward III. Seal.
[Warw.] C. 2877. Grant by Richard atte Birches, vicar of Kenilleworth, to Richard le Mason, of the same, of lands which the former had of the gift of Roger Pacwode within the lordship of the duchy of Lancaster in Kenilleworth, together with his goods and chattels. Thursday the feast of the Ascension, 51 Edward III.
[Essex.] C. 2878. Grant by William Totham, Robert Andrew, of Canewedon, and John Michel, the elder, of Pakelisham, to Joan Toly, of Canewedon, of a messuage with garden in Canewedon, adjoining the road leading to the manor of William Totham, called 'Lambournehalle,' for his life, with remainder to John Smyth, John Backote, John Smyth, of Eststret, Thomas Smyth, John Broun, of Rochford, and Peter Newman, of Reylegh, in fee. 11 April, 8 Henry IV. Seal.
[Dorset.] C. 2879. Demise by John Chidiok, son and heir of Ralph Chidiok, to Hugh Hudere and Alice his wife, of a messuage in Stakelane, Brideport, to hold during John's life. Witnesses:—John Sure, Robert Stikelane, bailiffs of the said town, and others (named). Monday after the Epiphany, 6 Henry IV.
[Bedf.] C. 2880. Grant by Richard Saxifelde, of Dunstaple, the younger, to Henry le Foulere, of the same, and Joan his wife, of a toft with curtilage and croft in the south street of Dunstaple. Tuesday in Easter week, 16 Edward III. Portion of seal, broken.
[Warw.] [Leic.] C. 2881. Demise by John Mylward, of Brokesby, to Thomas Milward, of Nuneton, for ten years, of a tenement and garden in Nuneton late in the tenure of Richard Wodroff, land in a pasture called 'Hyde' in the parish of Hynkeley, land in Eton field, and a meadow in the same field called 'Cap medow,' a croft in Coton Ynde in the parish of Coton and other land there. 16 October, 15 Edward IV. English.
[Surrey.] C. 2882. Grant by John atte Napelton, of Camevwelle, to Maurice Turgis, citizen and draper of London, of land in the parish of Camerwell in a field called 'le Northfeld' of Pecham, part lying in 'le Shorteforlong,' adjoining the highway called 'le Brodewey,' and part in 'le Longeforlong.' Saturday before Midsummer day, 10 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Middx. C. 2883. Demise by Thomas Charles, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife, to Reginald, bishop of St. Asaph, of a messuage and garden by the churchyard of Stebenhith church for seven years, paying 4 marks yearly. 19 November, 23 Henry VI. Seal.
[Cornw.] C. 2884. Grant by Arthur, son and heir of Randulph Hamely, lord of Helwyn, to Osbert Hamely, his uncle, of the manors of Tregenov and Alet, with lands, &c., in Kylmonsek, Tregeuran, Trewyns and Penhale and the fealty of Margaret, late the wife of Randulph Hamely, with respect to her dower lands, with the reversion of the same, and of an English acre of turbary in Gonheth, and all his messuages and lands in Sully (Scilly) in the island called 'Agnes'. Monday before St. Margaret the virgin, 11 Richard II. Seal.
[Dorset,] C. 2885. Certificate by Walter Hasard and Edward Tite, of Brideport, bailiffs, Robert Bemynstre, John Tracy, and the rest of the burgesses of the same borough, that John Gouky, the bearer of this deed, is their free fellow-burgess of the ancient lordship and borough of Brideport, and that king Henry and lately king Richard II. had by charter confirmed the freedom of the said burgesses from all tolls, murage, pontage, customs, &c. Monday the feast of the apostles Simon and Jude, 5 Richard II. Seal of borough, imperfect.
[Middx.] C. 2886. Grant by Edmund Crepyn, of Stebenhethe, to John de Colewelle, mercer, citizen of London, of 3s. 11d. yearly rent out of the tenement of John Morice at Blithenhale, in Stebenhethe, and of the suit of court which Morice did for the premises. Wednesday the feast of St. Nicholas, 14 Edward [III.]
Herts. C. 2887. Demise by Richard Wodeward, one of the clerks of the king's chancery, and rector of the parish church of Clotehule, to William Frank, chaplain, and Simon Wright, of Baldok, yeoman, of the church of Clotehale and the mansion of the rectory there with tithes, lands, &c., thereto belonging, for three years from the Annunciation next, paying 10l. yearly. 23 January, 1 Henry VII. Seal.
[Berks.] C. 2888. Demise by John Ryppys, rector of the church of Southmorton and Robert Medford, to Thomas Rothewell, and Isabella his wife, of the manor of Southmorton with lands within the parish of Southmorton, for their lives, with remainder to Thomas Drew, Peter Cowdrey, Miles Wyndesore, Walter Changelton and William Yorke in fee. Witnesses:—Robert Shotesbroke, knight, and others (named). Vigil of the apostles Peter and Paul, 24 Henry VI. Two seals.
[Dorset.] C. 2889. Grant by Thomas Tynkelden to John Rogere, of Brideport, of a tenement in Brideport, in the lane which leads to Kyllyngesmulle. Witnesses:—John Hayward, one of the bailiffs [of Bridport], and others (named). Sunday after St. Peter in cathedra, 18 Richard II.
[Middx.] C. 2890. Memorandum that John de Koye and Joan his wife, by a deed enrolled in the Hustings of London, on Monday the morrow of the Invention of Holy Cross, 55 Henry III., granted to William de Dunolm' and Sabina his wife, a moiety of a void plot in the ward of Simon de Hadestok, adjoining the church of St. Michael, Queenhithe, extending from a lane called 'the lane of Holy Trinity the Less' on the east, towards a lane called 'Spornneslane' on the west; and that Nicholas de Basyng and Isabella his wife had on the same date granted the other moiety of the premises to the said William and Sabina. 55 Henry III.
[Wilts.] C. 2891. Grant by John Gyldepryn, son and heir of Roger Gyldepryn and Magota, late the wife of the said Roger, and mother of John, to John Smyth and Cicely his wife, of a burgage in Westbedewynd, in a street called 'Chepyngstrete,' and of land, part in Chisseburyfeld in a furlong (stadio) called 'le Hyle,' part in Stokkefeld, part in Fyztwarynesfeld, and part in the field of Hynsete, extending upon 'la Fyshewcre' and towards 'la Rygge.' Saturday after the Invention of Holy Cross, 21 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Cornw.] C. 2892. Grant by Osbert Hamely and Matilda his wife, to Richard Alet, of 40l. yearly rent, which John Hamely, Osbert's father, lord of Helwyn, had granted to John de Rosworogan out of his manors of Tregenow and Alet, and out of lands in Kylmonsek, Tregenran, and Trewyns, and in Sully (Scilly) in the island called 'Agnes'; and which rent Richard de Rosworogan, son and heir of the said John, had conveyed to Osbert. Monday before the translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 11 Richard II. Two seals.
[Wore] C. 2893. Grant by John West, esquire, Edmund Newenham, esquire, Humphrey Mill, vicar of the church of H'vurbery (Overbury), and William Gerves, of the same, to John Hathewik, esquire, and Joan his wife, for Joan's life, of the manor of H'vurbery, with remainder to John Hathewik in fee simple; also letter of attorney authorising Robert Clerk and Robert Hamond to deliver seisin. 29 September, 18 Edward IV. Fragment of seal.
[Suff.] C. 2894. Grant by John de Recclynge, son and heir of Richard de Dovere, of Recclynge, in the parish of Nouigtone (Naughton ?), to Robert de Bresete, clerk, and Joan his wife, of a tenement in the hamlet of Lose in the parish of Hecham, a meadow in the parish of Monks Illey, and of 6d. yearly rent and two works with one man for two days in autumn out of land in the said hamlet. Wednesday before St. Katherine, virgin and martyr, 23 Edward I.
Kent. C. 2895. Bond by Henry Stafford of Sutton atte Hone, esquire, to John Petite, gentleman, for 400l. 13 February, 17 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: The bond is to be void if the said Henry Stafford and Joan his wife do not alienate or sell certain manors and lands in Kent of which Henry was seised in right of his wife. English.
[Somers.] Wilts. C. 2896. Grant by Thomas Hertyscote, to Eustachia, wife of William Rycheman, of lands and tenements &c., and a mill, in the parishes of Fairehoke, Standerwyke, Fromebraunche, Laverton, and Modeford, without impeachment of waste, with power to grant leases of the premises for two or three lives, and if the grantor shall hold the premises peaceably after the death of Eustachia, he is to pay one mark yearly for life to Richard Trenchard, John Elys, John Toner, and Joan, daughter of the said Eustachia, a nun of Wharewell; the said William Rycheman and Eustachia having lately enfeoffed John Tournoy, Adam, vicar of the church of Fromebraunche, and William Ferrours, parson of the church of Fairehoke, of the premises, and the said John and Adam having released their right to Ferroux, and the said William Rycheman and Eustachia having levied a fine of the premises, together with lands, &c. in Swalweclyve and Toddridhille, in favour of Fervours, who granted them to William Rycheman and Eustachia for life, with remainder to Hertyscote and Christina his late wife, and the letter's children. Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, 20 Richard II.
[Staff.] C. 2897. Grant by William lord of Overton and of Wombourn, to Sir William the chaplain of Glaverleie, of part of a meadow which William son of Thomas de Pennp, formerly held in the grantor's waste of Wombourne, by the bank of Tresel, adjoining the mendow of William de Caldewelle at Brademedwe. Witnesses:—Henry de Morse, Ralph de Bissopbur', and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Staff.] C. 2898. Grant by William the chaplain of Claverley, to Moses de Wautham, clerk, of part of a meadow, which he had from William, lord of Overtone, in the waste of Wombourne by the bank of Tresel. Witnesses:— William Warin, of Penne, William de Caldewelle, and others (named). Thirteenth century.
[Oxford.] C. 2899. Grant by Richard de Walsam, to John de Merewortb, son of William de Mere worth, of all his tenements and lands in Harpedene, Boleheth, and Retherfeld Grey. Witnesses:—Sirs William de Harpeden, Roger de Ingefeld, Gilbert de Ellesfeld, knights, and others (named). Friday after Martinmas, 7 Edward II. Portion of seal.
[Middx.] C. 2900. Demise by Thomas Hanampstede, citizen of London, and John Hanampstede, his brother, to William Strode, called 'atte Dragon,' brewer, citizen of London, and Avice his wife, for twelve years, of a corner tenement in the street of Candelwykstrete, with two mansions annexed towards St. Nicholas Hacon lane, extending in the parish of St. Martin Orgar, London. Thursday the nativity of the Virgin Mary, 47 Edward III.