Deeds: C.2901 - C.2915

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1894.

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'Deeds: C.2901 - C.2915', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Deeds: C.2901 - C.2915', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte( London, 1894), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024,

"Deeds: C.2901 - C.2915". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 2. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte(London, 1894), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024.

C.2901 - C.2915

Essex. Suff. C. 2901. Release by Robert Broke, of Dedham, merchant, to Leticia Myles, of Neyland, of all actions. 11 October, 37 Henry VI.
Sussex. C. 2902. Receipt from John de Twynem, receiver of the moneys of Sir John de Bretagne, earl of Richemund, in the barony of Hastynges, to John Fillol and William de Northo, the persons appointed to collect the scutage in Surrey and Sussex for the king's armies in Scotland for the 28th, 31st, and 34th years of Edward I., and to pay to the said Sir John the scutage of the tenants of the said barony; for 7l. 3s. 6d. scutage of the said tenants for the 31st and 34th years of Edward I. Lym, Tuesday, Midsummer day, 13 Edward II. Fragment of seal.
[Oxford.] C. 2903. (I.) Grant by William son of Alan, to Richard son of Elwin, of his middle mill of Norton, with land in the fields, of Norton, and pasture for his oxen on the hill called 'Prenesdone,' paying 5s. yearly for the mill, and 18d. for the land. Witnesses:—Reiner de Lea, Robert de Say, and others (named).
(2.) Sale by Simon the white (Albus), of Chepyngnorton, to Nicholas the baker (pistor'), of the same, of land in Chepyngnorton, lying beyond Wodeweye, towards Chadelygton, adjoining land of the prior of Spitulnorton. Witnesses:—William Papa, of Norton, John de Lega, and others (named). Paper. Copies.
[Bedf.] C. 2904. Grant by Walter Pudel, of Sewelle, to Geoffrey the shepherd (bercario), of Pollokeshulle, of land in the north field of Thoterno at Erthendane, abutting eastward on Carteresweye. Thursday before St. Nicholas, 20 Edward II.
[York.] C. 2905. Grant by Richard Bayard, of Cuthwrth, to William Belle, of the same, of a rent service of 6d. which the latter paid for a tenement that he held of Richard in Cuthwrth (Cudworth). Morrow of Michaelmas, A.D. 1333.
[Middx.] C. 2906. Grant by Eva, late the wife of Thomas le Smyth, of Aldenham, to Sir William de Herlaston, clerk, of a messuage and land in Harewe, adjoining a lane called 'le coliereslane.' Fletestrete, in the suburb of London, 24 May, 3 Edward III. Seal.
Bndt. C. 2907. Bond by Giles Watteford, of Toternho, gentleman, to Laurence Pekott, of Dunstaple, for 40s. payable at the feast of St. Peter ad vincula next. 14 February, 8 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Middx.] C. 2908. Grant by Roger Bourd, clerk, to Henry de Gates and Emma his wife, of a messuage and croft which he bought from Henry the cook (coco), of London, and Imenia his wife, in the parish of Herghe (Harrow), adjoining the archbishop of Canterbury's wood called 'Ie Weldewode' and a croft and meadow called 'Peytevinescroft,' at 'le Welde' in the same parish, adjoining the highway leading to Stanmere. Witnesses:— Richard de Woxendon, Andrew de Pinnore, and others (named).
Herts. Bedf. C. 2909. Demise by William Watford, of Toturnho, co. Bedford, and Thomas Watford, his son and heir, to Richard Flynden, of Kennysworth, of all their lands, &c., in Kennysworth and Wypsenade for ten years from Michaelmas last, paying 11s. 8d. yearly. Sunday after the Epiphany, 18 Henry VI. Two seals.
Endorsed: Demise by the same, to Laurence Pycot of Dunstaple, of 11s. 8d. rent reserved by the within-written lease, with the 'levereys' of wood to be taken yearly in the wood of Kennesworth, for two years from Christmas next. 4 September, 23 Henry VI. English.
[Bedf.] C. 2910. Grant by John de Eversholt, of Wybbesnade, to Henry de Linleye, of the same, of land in Wybbesnade, part in Everardescroft extending westward on the highway from Eytone to Marcgate, part in Ilgeresfeld, extending northwards upon 'le Donne,' and part extending northwards on the common wood of Eytone called 'Schertegrave.' Wednesday after the Epiphany, 32 Edward I. Fragment of seal.
Bedf. [Herts.] C. 2911. Grant by Ralph Cok, of Dunstaple, chapman, to John Trought, Laurence Pycot and Richard Lexham, of the same, of all his goods and chattels in Dunstaple, Houghton Regis, Kennesworth, and elsewhere in England. 26 February, 14 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
Bedf. Herts. C. 2912. Grant by Roger Russell, of Dunstaple, to Laurence Pycot of the same, of all his goods and chattels in Dunstaple and Kennesworth, and in the counties named. 3 July, 5 Henry V. Fragment of seal.
Bedf. [Herts.] C. 2913. Duplicate (except date) of C. 2911. 6 January, 11 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] C. 2914. Grant by Sir John Man, chaplain of the chapel of Wypsnade and William Todyngdon, of the same, to William atte Brok, of Eyton, of all the lands and tenements which they had of the gift of Thomas Chapman, of Wypsnade, in Wypsnade and Stodharo. Sunday after St. Augustine the bishop, 19 Richard II. Seal and fragment of seal.
[Bedf.] [Herts.] C. 2915. Demise by William Watford, of Toturnho, gentleman, Thomas Watford, his son, and Isabella Watford, William's mother, widow, to Laurence Pycot, of Dunstaple, of rents of assize and farm rents, from all their tenants of Dunstaple, for lands and tenements in Dunstaple and Kennesworth, for seven years; with bond by the grantors for 10l. to the said Laurence Pycot, for the performance of the above agreement. 24 June, 17 Henry VI. Seal and fragment of seal.