Parish of Haughton-le-Skerne (Stockton ward)

The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham: Volume 3, Stockton and Darlington Wards. Originally published by Nichols and Son, London, 1823.

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Robert Surtees, 'Parish of Haughton-le-Skerne (Stockton ward)', in The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham: Volume 3, Stockton and Darlington Wards( London, 1823), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

Robert Surtees, 'Parish of Haughton-le-Skerne (Stockton ward)', in The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham: Volume 3, Stockton and Darlington Wards( London, 1823), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

Robert Surtees. "Parish of Haughton-le-Skerne (Stockton ward)". The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham: Volume 3, Stockton and Darlington Wards. (London, 1823), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

In this section


A CONSIDERABLE portion of the Parish of Haughton lies in Stockton Ward, including Sadberge, Morton, and Cotham Mundeville (fn. 1).


Sadberge retains few traces of its former importance; but the situation is striking. The village crowns a fine eminence, rising gradually with an easy ascent from every side, and commanding an extensive view over the level lands to the South-east, and up Teesdale Westwards as far as the heights beyond Barnard Castle; the prospect is limited only on the North. The little Chapel stands on the very highest ground, and there are still traces of deep trenches round the base of the hill: this was probably the exact site of the old Manor-house, Courts, and Gaol. The site agrees admirably with Lambarde's derivation of Sacbeorh, the Hill of Plees, or the Court upon the Hill (fn. 2); and such elevated situations, visible, if it might be, from every part of the surrounding district, were, I believe, almost invariably chosen by our Saxon ancestors for their courts of popular assembly and provincial jurisdiction.

There can be little doubt that the existence of Sadberge as a separate district, ascends much higher than King Richard's grant to Bishop Hugh. It has been frequently styled a county, and the Bishops of Durham have been said to be Earls of Sadberge (fn. 3), but it was more certainly an ancient Saxon Wapontake, and by this latter title it is conveyed by King Richard: “The manor of Sadberg, with the Wapontake to the same manor pertaining; and the service of Peter Carun of one knight's fee for Seton and Oveton (Owton); the service of Thomas Amundevill of one knight's fee for Cotham and Treyford; and the service of the son of Godfrey Baard for two parts of a knight's fee in Midelton and Hertburn; with soc and sac (fn. 4), tol and theem, and infangenethefe, and all franchises and customs, and with pleas of the Crown, in such manner as we held the same whilst we retained it yet in our hands, and as the Bishop holds his other lands and knights' fees within his Bishopric; and the Bishop and his successors may dispose of the same lands and lieges to the said manor belonging, as of his other lands and lieges in his Bishopric.” And thus by this royal charter (fn. 5) (confirmed especially by King John, and generally amongst the other franchises of the Bishopric by successive Princes,) Sadberge became subject to the Palatine jurisdiction of the See of Durham, and was governed after the same manner as the Bishopric (fn. 6), but by distinct officers, as Sheriff, Escheator, and Coroner, appointed by patent expressly for Sadberge (fn. 7); and it is plain that a County Court, in which the Sheriff of Sadberge sate, was held here, and that causes were tried, fines of lands levied, and escheats taken on the decease of free tenants within the County or Wapontake of Sadberge.

The earliest fines and escheats on record at Durham were taken under Lewis Beaumont; but I have now lying before me a fine levied at Sadberge, before the Bishop's Justices, on the morrow of Epiphany 1311, of the manor of Stainton-in-the-Street (fn. 8). Some subsequent instances of this separate jurisdiction (very miscellaneously selected) will be found below (fn. 9). It might be difficult to say when the latest cause was lost or won on the Hill of Pleas; but the following memorandum proves, that Sir Thomas Fulthorpe (who died in 1457) sat there as Justice Itinerant:

Mem. that Henry Horn, of Lyrtyngton, sometime servaunt to Sir John Eppilbye, late Parson of Rumbaldkirke, records and witnesses and says, that Sir William Bowes the elder, grandsire to Sir Raufe Bowes that now is, prayed the said Sir John to come to Sadbergh on the Hyll to the Session, to witness before Sir Thomas Fulthorp, Justice Itiñant; a feoffament and a state, as the said Sr Wm affirmed, was made by one Henry Hedlem, and his atturney Jak Godwyn, of certain lands and lyflode of his lying in Stainton, qwerein the said Henrye and Jak Godwyn his atturney, shoulde have enfeoffte ye said Parson and Sir Thomas Sonvale, Preste, to the behove of Elizabeth, the said Henry' wife for terme of hyr lyff; and quhen ye said Parson was examined tochyng ye said feoffament queder he knew thereof or nay, he said he spake not with ye said Henry, nor yit with the said Jac Godwyn thereof at no tyme, but in as mekyll as the said Thomas Sonvall sent hym word to come on to Staynton, to take sessynge in the said lyflode in his name. Then the Juge asked hym, if they two at that time toke lawfull astate in ye said lyflode; and the Parson said “Ya forsooth.” Notwithstanding qwen ye Juge had demande and putt to him mony questions thereon, ye said Juge fande it was unlawfully taken, without any attorney made from the said Henry. Qwereupon ye Juge gave ye said Parson a foule rebuke, and bad him yat from thensfurth he schulde not come to ber no such witness, lese he schulde lese ye good name yat he had before gotten; and then the Parson departed from ye Juge ashamed of ye gret rebuce yat he had token, and said to his servaunt aforementioned, riding homeward, that he wold noth have come there that day for xxl. (fn. 10)

It might be difficult to fix the exact limits of the Wapontake of Sadberge. The following vills and manors are expressly stated in the escheats to owe service at the Court of Sadberge: Hurworth (fn. 11), Nesham (fn. 12), Morton (fn. 13), Middleton (fn. 14), Hartburn West (fn. 15), Trefford (fn. 16), Egglescliff (fn. 17), Aslakby (fn. 17), Stainton-le-Street (fn. 18), Little Burdon and Cotham-Mundeville (fn. 19), Seton-Carrow and Owton (fn. 20). Within the same district Sockburne is never, I think, expressly said to owe service at Sadberge; and Dinsdale is constantly stated to be held under the lords of Barnard-Castle. Long-Newton was often in dispute (fn. 21); but, notwith- standing some agreement that Baliol should do suit at the Wapontake of Sadberge, seems to have been generally held parcel of the great honour of Gainford (fn. 22).

It was part of the service of many of the free tenants within the franchise to provide for the safe custody of the gaol of Sadberge, and to answer for the escape of prisoners. The owner of the manor of Aslakby was charged with one full fourth of this custody. The manor of Nesham was charged with a fifth, Hurworth with an eighth, and various other portions of the service were divided amongst the tenants of lands in Sadberge, Morton, and Middleton (fn. 23). Cardinal Wolsey is said to have repaired the gaol at Sadberge (fn. 24).

Within Sadberge itself the property was held by two tenures; the houses in burgage, and the lands by knight's service, suit of court once in three weeks, and keeping of the gaol.

Under Hatfield's Survey:—“Ancient Burgages with Ancient Demesne. William Fawcon holds four burgages and thirty acres and a half in Sadberge-field by fealty, suit of court from three to three weeks, and double fee-farm for relief; and he, with his neighbours, holds on this manner, and with the other lords of the Wapontake, viz. the Baron of Greystock, the Prioress of Nesham, Robert Ogle, Walter Taylboys, Isabel, widow of John Percy, of Kildale, John de Ayslaby, the heirs of Alexander Surtees, and others, keep the gaol and prison of Sadberge, and answer, if such happen, for the escape of the prisoners; and William aforesaid pays at Easter and Michaelmas, by equal portions, 4s. 8d. The same William and forty-one others hold eighty-four burgages, tenements, messuages, plots and parcels of acres, by the aforesaid services, and pay certain annual rents (fn. 25).—New Burgages. Robert Maresshall holds one messuage and seventeen acres, sometime of Thomas the Chaplain, xis. and one place called Sherwynde's-place, id.; Agnes, daughter of John Rogerson, holds a tenement called Kernynghar's-place, which used to pay xxid. now xviiid.; Henry de Ingleby and four others hold one forge, one burgage, and three plots or places, under certain rents.—Demesne Lands. William Faucon holds one oxgang, containing fifteen acres of meadow and pasture, and pays at Martinmas, Easter, and St. Cuthbert's Day in September, ixs. id.; John Blakye and eighteen others hold twenty oxgangs and a half, and pay as above; the Prior of Fynghall holds two oxgangs of the land of Richard Bellam, for which nothing is paid, of which non-payment the reason is not known.”

In 1507 a lease occurs to Sir William Bulmer, Knt. and William Bulmer, Esq. of all the demesne lands of Sadberge, from the town-end Eastwards to a bawke called Gosell-bawke on the East, and from the high road to the place called Ingplace-dyke Southwards, and all the lands in the Gretethorn, and in Bermton-field, and in Little Stainton-field, Newbiggin-field, for ninety-nine years, 8l. per annum (fn. 26).

In 1377 John Waryn died seised of a hundred acres and three messuages in Sadberge, held by homage, fealty, and by performing the office of Coroner in the County of Sadberge (fn. 27).

It were an endless task to trace the minute subdivisions of property which have always existed in Sadberge. The Surteys's held lands here by homage and custody of a portion of the gaol (fn. 28). Part of these lands were sold by Marmaduke Surtees, of Middleton, to John Eden, of Belsis, Gent. and by John and Robert Eden to John Bucke (fn. 29).

Besides the Fawcons (fn. 30) (named in Hatfield's Survey) a numerous yeomanry held their houses in burgage, and their lands by knight's service. The Sadberges (fn. 31), Kays (fn. 32), Mare-schalls (fn. 33), Le Wras (fn. 34), Waryns (fn. 35), Hacksmalls (fn. 36), Sherwyndes, Inges, and Hewetsons (fn. 37).

Some later changes of property shall be briefly thrown together from the Close Rolls.

In 1507 Robert Killinghall, Gent. died seised of five messuages, eight cottages, sixteen oxgangs and a half of land, and ten acres of meadow in Sadberge, held of the Bishop in chief by 34s. 8d. leaving Christopher his son and heir, æt. 13 (fn. 38).

21 May 1611. Richard Madox from Henry Killinghall, Esq. and Anne his wife, a messuage, one hundred acres, twenty of meadow, and twenty of pasture, in Sadburg, Haughton, and Long-Newton (fn. 39). 11 Jan. 6 Jac. Pardon to Christopher Place, Esq. for twenty acres of meadow, and seventy of pasture, from Henry and Anne Killinghall, and Richard and Isabel Madox.

17 Apr. 8 Jac. Pardon to William Merrington for a cottage, garden, and sixty-four acres in Sadburg, from Killinghall and Madox (fn. 40). 4 Apr. 1616, licence to Killinghall and Madox to grant the Wellcroftes to William Allen. 14 Mart. 1615. Pardon to Thomas Salkeld, of Coniscliffe, Gent. for one messuage, two cottages, and one hundred and forty acres in Sadberge, Haughton, and Long-Newton, from Roland Madox, and Isabel, widow of Richard Madox.

In later days considerable property centered by various purchases in the family of Buck, descended from a line of ancient bailiffs (fn. 41) and officers of Sadberge.

Indent. 5 Eliz. Edward Perkynson, of Beamond-hill, Gent. to Marmaduke Bucke, of Sadburg, yeom. two messuages and four oxgangs. John Bucke, Gent. from William Killinghall, Esq. a messuage, cottage, toft, garden, and thirty acres, 10 Apr. 1622. Pardon to John Bucke for divers parcels from Ralph Calfhill, 1631.

In 1684 the freeholders within the Constablery were, Sir Thomas Pennyman, Bart. in Yorkshire; Robert Casson (lands at Newbiggin); Thomas Garmonsway, blinde; Robert Allen, in Yorkshire; Ralph Pemberton, Gent. (fn. 42); Thomas Reed, of Yarum; James Nelthorpe, of Little Burdon, Esq. in Yorkshire; the heirs of Richard Garmondsway (fn. 43); Sir William Blacket, Bart. of Morton Palmes; John Harrison (fn. 44).

The Chapel consists of a low nave and chancel; it has evidently been in a great measure built out of the old squared stones of the gaol or manor-house. There are monumental inscriptions in the church-yard for the families of Pemberton (fn. 45) and Garmonsway.

The Parochial Register begins in 1662. “The Hon. Lady Brown, who was baptized in this Chapel 7 August 1670; in memory whereof she gave a pulpit-cloth and cushion of red shagg in the year 1725 (fn. 46) ”.

Pedigree of Buck, of Sadberge.


* Elizabeth, wife of John Buck, of Sedberge, Gent. who died at the house of Edward Suertics, bur. 17 June 1657. Edward Sureties, of Darlington Head-Rowe, bur. 10 Apr. 1663.

Sadberge Register begins only in 1662. The Buckes estate was, I think, purchased by the Pennymans before 1684.

*** Richard Bakke, Bailiff of Sadberge 4 Jan. 4 Ruthall, 15... John Bukke, Bailiff 29 May, 29 Tunstall. 5 Eliz. 1562, Edward Perkinson, of Beamond-hill, Gent. grants a messuage and four oxgangs in Sadberge to Marmaduke Buck.


There are two Mortons: Great Morton (which I presume to be the ancient Morton, nigh Haughton,) on the South of the Yarm-road, and Morton Palmes on the North.

The first of these (fn. 47) was the early estate of the Surteys's. In the Testa de Neville, “Ric's s'r Tayse ten. in cap. iij. car' terre in Morton, et reddit p' annu' lx sol. et tenet p'd'cam t'ram in he'ditate.” Lands in Morton are included in a settlement made by Sir Thomas Surteys before 1345 (fn. 48); and in 1379 the younger Sir Thomas Surteys died seised of the whole vill of Morton, held of the Bishop by fealty, suit at the Court of Sadberge once in three weeks, and 60s. rent (fn. 49).

In 1435 the vill is described as held by the same tenure, and by a fifth part o the service of guarding the gaol of Sadberge. The manor contained a hundred acres of arable, worth per ann. 16s. 8d.; five acres of meadow, 10s.; and forty of moor, 13s. 14d. (fn. 50) The estate descended lineally till the partition of the inheritance described under Dinsdale. The manor of Morton was assigned to Marmaduke Surtees, who died seised of the estate in 1578 (fn. 51). His son, Thomas Surtees, Esq. sold a third of Morton to Thomas and Henry Storie (fn. 52), and died seised of the two remaining thirds in 1629, leaving his three daughters his coheirs (fn. 53).

Morton, by what line of conveyance I am ignorant, is now the estate of Morton Davison, of Beamish, Esq.

Morton Palmes.—It seems uncertain whether this be the place intended in Hatfield's Survey:

Wapentag, de Sadberge, Morton.—John de Morton and his parceners hold the vill of Morton by knight's service and 16s.d. rent, and for cornage at Michaelmas only 20d. The same John and his partners hold the lands of Peter de Wythes, 6d.; and the lands of William Cordwin, 6d. The same John holds five messuages, forty-six acres of arable, and one acre of meadow, and used to pay 92s. now only 45s.

Nor does it seem much more certain, notwithstanding the connection with Sadberge, whether the escheats briefly noted below (fn. 54) should be referred hither. A line of ancient Mortons, ending in an heiress married to Philip, belong to Morton Tilmouth. (fn. 55) The name of Morton Palmes is derived from a proprietor of later date, Bryan Palmes, a Yorkshire Gentleman, who married the heiress of Radclyffe, of Tunstall (fn. 56), and was attainted after the Northern Rebellion in 1569 (fn. 57).

Henry Garth, Gent. (fn. 58) was of Morton Palmes in 1666, and before 1687 sold two thirds of the manor to Sir William Blacket, Bart, who acquired the remaining third from George Morland, Esq. and Mary his wife. In 1698 Sir William Blacket, Bart. alienated Morton-Palmes (with Nesham) to Charles Turner, of Kirkleatham, Esq. (fn. 59)


A small village near the Skerne, on the great North road, four miles to the South of Darlington. Coatham forms the extreme Western point of Stockton Ward, running with a sort of tongue of land beyond the general boundary line into Darlington Ward. Its ancient connection with the Wapontake of Sadberge accounts for this irregular line of demarcation.

The place derives its addition from its earliest recorded owners. The most ancient evidences of Coatham relate, as is very usual, to a religious foundation. By charter without date (but from the witnesses certainly not much later than 1200) Thomas de Amundeville granted an oxgang of thirteen acres, an acre of meadow, and a toft and croft, to Richard, son of Walter Parson, of Halcton (Haughton), and his heirs by his betrothed wife, paying a pound of cumin seed on St. Cuthbert's Day, in autumn, and knight's service as belongs to one oxgang, of the whole fee which Thomas Amundeville holds of the Crown, viz. nine carucates by the service of one knight. Richard, the grantee of the charter, was under age, and his mother, Christian, was to have the lands and wardship during his non-age; and if Richard had no issue by his wife, he might dispose of the grant to any of the sons or daughters of his father Walter. Next, but some years later, Galfrid Russell, Seneschal of Durham, recites, that Thomas de Amundeville, of Wotton, sold him the manor of Cotum, super Scyren, and that he is bound, in periculo anime sue, upon his hopes of salvation, to provide and maintain one chaplain to celebrate daily in the Chapel of St. Mary Magdalen, of Cotum, for the soul's rest of Thomas de Amundeville, and his parents Ralph and Clarice, and of Richard Tingri, and of all the faithful departed (fn. 60), with various penalties for non-observance (fn. 61). The charter states that the Chantry Priest was to begin to celebrate on the Feast of Pentecost 1274. Galfrid Russell by subsequent charter released all his right to the Bishop of Durham, charged with the perpetual maintenance of the Chantry (fn. 62). The subsequent history of this foundation is, I think, totally lost, and the very site of the Chapel is unknown. Yet, as late as 1680 Mickleton mentions “Coatham Mundeville Chapel, founded by Galfrid Russell, pertinet ad Ecclesiam de Haughton, quam reparare debet, nunc multum est in decasu, et ibidem nihil actum est in divinis (fn. 63).” It is plain that at this time a shell was at least standing.

John de Amundeville, son of Thomas named in the preceding charters, granted lands in Cotum to Ralph de Richmond, under the rent of a pound of cumin seed (fn. 64). In 1331 Robert, fil. Robert de Levingthorpe, released his lands in Cotum to Ralph de Rikenhall and his wife Agnes; and to the same Rikenhall, John, the Chaplain of Cotum, also gave all his lands. Thomas, fil. Thomas de Skirmingham, granted lands in Cotum and Ric-condale (Ricknall) to Alan de Cunsclive.

The Bishop had his Manor Court at Coatham, where suit was done once in three weeks. The Graystanes, who derived their name from a neighbouring manor, and the Surtees, were the principal free tenants. In 1373 William de Graystanes died seised of half a chief messuage, three cottages, six score acres, two acres of meadow, and half the water-mill of Cotom Mondevill, held of the Bishop by homage fealty, 9s. 3d. half a pound of pepper, and 6d. for warde-silver (fn. 65). In 1379 Sir Thomas Surteys, Knt. died seised of the other moiety of the same lands by the same services. His son Alexander Surteys settled certain rents (fn. 66) out of his lands in Cotham for the support of St. Mary's Chantry in the Church of Dinsdale (fn. 67).

It were an endless task to trace the various parcels into which the property in Cotham has been divided by sub-infeudation (fn. 68) or otherwise (fn. 69).

By Inq. 17 Jan. 40 Eliz. 1597-8, Anthony Arrowsmith, Gent. died seised of a chief messuage, cottage, garden, and orchard, thirty acres of arable, ten of meadow, and forty of pasture, by 10s. rent to the Bishop's Bailiff of Cotham (fn. 70); homage of Thomas, son and heir of Anthony Arrowsmith, 41 Eliz. 18 Dec. 45 Eliz. 1602, Thomas Arrowsmith, then of Stainthropp, Gent. sold by Ind. enrolled to William Jackson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Gent. his chief messuage in Cotham, with the garths, another messuage, a parcel called Miresflatt, Coundengarth, Read-close, Sutorsslacke, Wyliehill, Wylson's-field, and le Deade-medowes.

A branch of the Tunstalls (descended from Ralph Tunstall, Archdeacon of Northumberland and Rector of Croft, and Chaplain to Archbishop Grindall,) held lands here for some descents. Thomas Tunstall, Gent. son of the Archdeacon (and father of Ralph Tunstall, Rector of Long-Newton), was of Cotham Mundeville, and entered his descent at St. George's Visitation in 1615.

In 1684 the freeholders within the Constablery of Coatham were, Ralph Tunstall, Clerk, in Lincolnshire; William Jackson, Gent.; George Morland, Esq. Justice, (Graystones); William Wilson, of Coatham-hall Garth, Gent. at Durham; John Nicholson, Gent. Doctor of Physick, at York.

Coatham-hall Garth, a neat modern house, on low ground to the South of the road, belonged to the Dalstons, of Acorn-bank, in Westmoreland (fn. 71), whose heiress married Norton (fn. 72), and the heiress of Norton married Hodgson (fn. 73); the estate was sold to the Rev. James Robson, Vicar of Aycliffe, and is now by subsequent conveyance, the property of Mrs. Porteous.

Pedigree of Jackson.

Arms: Gules, a fesse Argent between three sheldrakes proper.


* “Here lyeth the body of Will. Jackson, Esq. and sometime Shiriff of this towne. He departed to the mercy of God, 8 Aug. 1630. And also Judith Booth his daughter, wife was to Abraham Booth, merchant-adventurer. She departed 4 Jan. 1630.”—Arms: Jackson, impaling, on a chevron between three garbs as many ears of bigg, Reade. Booth, three boars' heads erased and erect, a crescent for difference, impaling Jackson.

† William Jackson, of Cotham-Mundevill, Gent. and Mary Heighington, mar. lic. 23 Oct. 1689.

‡ Autumn Reader, 4 Jac.; Treasurer, 13 Jac.; Recorder of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1609–1621.

Pedigree of Tunstall, of Cotham Mundeville, &c.

Arms: Sable, three combs Argent, a mullet charged with a crescent for difference.

Crest: On a wreath, a dunghill cock Argent, beaked gules, combed, wattled, and membered Or, differenced as the arms.



Thomas Saville, of the parish of Welburne, Ebor. and Jane Tunstall, of the parish of Stenton, were yr married with a licence Jan. 19, 1682. Brancepath Reg.

Daniel Tunstall and Dorothy Ffoster, mar. at Crossgate 18 July 1724. Thomas Tunstall, of Stainton, and Mary Reath, mar. at Elton 6 Feb. 1734.

* Robert Tunstall's wife and child (plague) 30 Oct. 1626. All Saints.

† Mr. Robert Tunstall, buried 9 Jan. 1707-8. Mrs. Mary Tunstall, widow, 9 April 1711.

Greystones and Nesbet (fn. 74).

The manor of Greystones lies to the West of Coatham, bounded by Coatsay-moor in Heighington, on the North, by Walworth and Archdeacon-Newton on the West.

Carta Thomæ de Acle, de terra de Greistanes.

Omnibus, &c. Thomas Persona de Acle. Noverit Universitas vestra me dedisse consensu Prioris Conventus Dunelm. Johanni de Ketton, pro homagio et servicio suo, totam terram de Greistanes, ad Ecclesiam de Acley pertinentem, tenend. in feodo et hereditate reddendo annuatim mihi et Succ. meis dimid. marcam argenti in dominica Palmarum, ad mandatum Mõchor' Dunelm. pro omni; et cum commune auxilium super Ecclesias per totum Ep'atum p'oris contigerit, Johannes et heredes sui dabunt mihi et succ. meis 12d. tantum. T. Mag'ro Alano de Melsanby, Simone de Ferlinton. Mag'ro Nicolao de Hedona, Henrico P'sona de Heington.

Sigillvm Tome Persone de Akle: a falcon; large oval seal, green wax.

Carta Johannis de Ketton.

Omnibus, &c. Joñes de Kettona, Sal. Noverit, &c. me pro salute anime mee et antecess. meor. dedisse, &c. Deo et B. Cuthberto et Mõchis Dunelm. totam terram meam de Graistanes quam tenui de Acley, sicut Carta Thome Persone de Acle testatur. T. Witto fil. Hereberti Witto de Ketton.

Thus the estate got into the Church; but how it got so completely out again is less easy to say. Along chasm intervenes betwixt these early charters and the fifteenth century, when Greystones appears as a free manor, held of the Bishop, and owing the Church of Durham neither rent nor service (fn. 75).

In 1447 John Kelynghall died seised of the manor of Graystanes, held of the Bishop as of his manor of Cothom-Mondevile, by the service of keeping the gaol of Sadberge, one pound of cumin seed, a pair of spurs, and suit at the Manor-court of Cothom (fn. 76). The manor descended in the Killinghalls till Francis Killinghall alienated the estate to Edward Perkinson, of Beamond-hill (fn. 77). Henry Perkinson, son and heir of Edward, sold to Marmaduke Wyvill, who again granted to Cuthbert Pepper and Marmaduke Wilde. 6 Aug. 42 Eliz. 1601, Pepper and Wilde conveyed to Francis Tunstall, of Scargill Castle, Esq. 23 Jan. 43 Eliz. 1600-1, Francis Tunstall, of Scargill, Esq. conveyed the manor of Greystones to George Lightfoote, of Durham, Gent. (fn. 78) who immediately after granted to Richard Heighington, of Middleton St. George, Gent. (fn. 79) By Ind. 16 July, 5 Car. 1629, Richard Heighington (fn. 80), of Greystones, Robert Heighington, one of the younger sons of Richard, and Frances wife of Robert, granted their manor of Nesbett and Graystones to William Smythe, of the city of Durham, Esq. (fn. 81) 20 March 1653, Henry Smythe, Esq. (son and heir of William) conveyed the same estate for 2,800l. to John Morland, of Elvet, Gent. whose son, George Morland, Esq. settled this estate in 1694, on the marriage of his son, John Morland, with Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Pennyman, Bart. (fn. 82) In 1744 Mary Morland, spinster, David Hilton, Esq. and Catharine his wife, and Thomas Hunter, Esq. and Frances his wife, (which Mary, Catharine, and Frances, were three of the daughters and coheirs of John Morland, last named (fn. 83),) sold the manor of Graystones and Nesbett, otherwise Humbleton, for 4,400l. to George Surtees, one of the sons of Edward Surtees, of Mainsforth, Esq. The same George settled this estate, in 1761, on the marriage of his nephew Robert (son of Hauxley Surtees, of Newcastle, merchant-adventurer,) with Dorothea Steele. Robert Surtees, of Mainsforth, Esq. is the present proprietor.

The whole manor contains only 564 acres. The estate pays a modus to the Rector of Haughton, for corn and hay, of 1l. 13s. 4d.: all other small tithes are paid in kind.

Pedigree of Heighington, of Greystones.

Arms: Erminois, on a chevron between three wolves' heads erased Azure as many cross croslets fitchée Or.

Crest: On a wreath, a demi-wolf erased Erminois, supporting between the paws a cross cosslet fitchée Azure.


† Bishop Middleham.

* The heiress of an elder line of this ancient local name married Crosyer, but died without issue; and the next heiress of line probably is the heiress of Heighington mentioned in the Pedigree of Marche.

The following acquittance presents an odd instance of the manner in which the great nobles used to interfere in the private affairs of the lesser gentry and yeomanry:

Know all men by these presents, that whereas Richard Heighington, of Graystones, in the county of Durham, gentleman, my father, did heretofore, upon my earnest motion and sute unto him by divers of my friends, give unto me, Henry Heighington, his eldest sonne, two hundred pounds of lawful English mony, in full contentation and satisfaction of both my portion and the clayme I could any way make to any of his goods or lands, for wth some I then willingly held myself satysfyed, and did seale and delivr unto him one acquittance, bearing date the viiith day of June, in the vith year of his Maties reyne, as by the same more particularly may appeare. And whereas of late I did p'cure letters from the Right Honble Thomas Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor of England, to the right reverend father in god Willm Lord B'pp of Durham to call my said father, and to medyate betwixt my said father and me by a petition exhibited to the said Lord Chancellor, suggesting thereby that by my steppmother her means my said father, contrary to his many p'misses and l'res, had established his lands upon one of her sonnes by my said father, as by the said l'res, bearing date the viith of ffebruary last, and the petition inclosed, may more plainly appeare. And whereas the said ryght reverend father, in the name of Sir George ffrevile and Sir Charles Wrenn, knights, and Mr. Doctor Colmore, his Lor'p's Spiritual Chauncellor, and other of his Lor'pp's officers, did earnestly move the said Richard Heighington, my father, to bestowe somewhat upon me, notwth standing all his former guifts and bestowinges upon me, heretofore by me waisted and consumed, as before the said Reverend father and others there plainly did appeare. And whereas the said Reverend father, by his learned and godly p'suasions, did so much p'vaile with my said father as that he was pleased to bestowe upon me tenn pounds by yeare' to be charged out of his lands at Nesbett, wth a p'visoe that it shall not be lawfull for me to sell or put away the same, as alsoe twentie pounds to pay my detts in this country. Now knowe you me, the said Henry Heighington, for and in consideration hereof, to have willingly accepted of my said father's guift, hereby freely and for ever releasing, remitting, and quyte-clamyng all further expectation, demande, suite, looking for, or challenging, any other part or portion out of his lands or goods as his eldest sonne or otherwise, or wth I may, might, or by any manner of means could or ought to clayme, challenge, or demande of, in, or to, any of his lands in Nesbett or Graystones howsoevr. In witness whereoff, I, the said Henry Heighington, to this my p'sent deed, have sett my hand and seale the xviiith day of March, in the yeare of the reigne of our Soverayne Lord James, by the grace of God King of England, ffraunce, and Ireland, defendr of the faith, &c. that is to say, of England, ffraunce, and Ireland the ninth, and of Scotland the five and fortieth, Ao D'ni 1611.

Indorsed thus:

Signed, sealed, and delivered in the p'sence of

  • W. Duresme.
  • Charles Wrenn.
  • Rob. Robson.
  • Hughe Wright.
  • John Wilkinson.
  • Will'm Gibson, Notar. Publiq.

Subscribed thus:

Henry Heighington: and sealed.

In 1610 Sir Charles Wrenn, Richard Heighington, Gent. John Heighington, mercer, and Thomas Robson, Gent. agree that Henry Heighington may dispose and sell his annuity for three years next ensuing. 18 April 1610, Henry Heighington's receipt for 30l.; he is then styled in the city of London, Gent. The advance was probably made with some view to his establishment. In 1615 appears Henry's final release of his annuity for forty pounds in hand paid; he is then styled of Kinscliffe, co. Northampton.

‡ 1 May 1657, Tobie, son of Tobie Heighington, of Coatham, co. Durh. Gent. bound apprentice to Ralph Johnson, of Newcastle, hoastman; admitted to his freedom 12 Sept. 1667. Thomas, son of Tobie Heighington, late of Coatham, deceased, apprenticed to Ralph Johnson 1 May 1668.

Tobias Heighington, fitter, and Elizabeth Emerson, mar. at All Saints, Newcastle, 1 Nov. 1664.

Pedigree of Morland.


John Morland, Esq. 20 Oct. 1733. Mrs., widow of John M. Esq. bur. 22 Feb. 1734. St. Oswald's.

The dates are from St. Oswald's Register unless otherwise expressed.

* Perhaps son of Nicholas Morland, of Haliwell, whose will bears date 11 June 1632: he names his son John Morland and daughter Margaret. John Morland, Esq. Justice, ob. 25 Jan. 1687–8. Old Mrs. Morland, Justice Morland's wife, ob. 3 April 1684.—Bee's Diary.

† Mr. John Morland, Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas, bur. Oct. 28, 1711. Mr. John Morland, of St. Nicholas Parish, bur. Dec. 2, 1685. Geo. Morland, Esq. Justice of the Peace, 26 March 1711. St. Oswald's.

‡ St. Mary the Less.

*** Dorothy Morland, spinster, daughter of Henry Morland, mercer, bur. at St. Nicholas 17 Aug. 1689. Mrs., wife of Mr. John Morland, mercer, 19 Jan. 1682-3, at St. Margaret's.


  • 1. For boundaries see Houghton, Darlington Ward.
  • 2. “I heare of some gentlemen of that quarter that there be dyvers fines yet extant, acknowledged before the Bishop in his Court of Satberge, and that most parte of the countrye resorted to courte thyther, which gyveth me to thinke that it should be called Sac Berge, of [Sac], and [burig], (the Saxon wordes,) which signifie the court of causes or plees, from which signification Socburgh is not much different. It standethe upon a hil, and is now called Sedbergh, which Berghe soundeth as much in the Saxon as Hyll now with us in Englishe; and therof if any man lyke better to have it derived of Sacbeorh, that is, the court upon the hyl, or the hyl of plees, I give him as free libertie as I myself would be gladde to enjoye in any such matter of conjecture.” Lambarde's Dic. p. 324.
  • 3. As King Richard, by the same charter which conferred Sadberge on the See in perpetuity, made Hugh Pudsey Earl of Northumberland for life, this circumstance may perhaps have contributed to raise this opinion. The Bishops certainly never held any rank as Earls by tenure or otherwise.
  • 4. Soc, Soca, Soce, Soke, Sequela, Secta, &c. “Curiæ Domini Potestas sive jurisdictio alicui concessa tenendi curias in aliquo dominio, &c. In hoc itaq. differebant inter se Sac et Soc; quod istud, nempe, Sac, privilegium erat sive potestas cognoscendi causas et lites dirimendi; hoc autem Soc territorium sive præcinctus in quo Saca, et cætera privilegia exercebantur.” Lye in verbo. This seems to afford the derivation of Sockburn, the extreme limit of the Bishop's Soke, or privileged territory.
  • 5. See King Richard's Charter in the Appendix to vol. I. part I.
  • 6. “Antiquitus Comitatus fuit Sadberg, et fuerunt Vic. et Coronatores ibid. Et curiæ sui assizæten' fuerunt coram Justic. Itinerant. Ep'or. Dun. ibid. Et turnus Vic. (the Sheriff's turn) ten' fuit ibid. Ac fuerunt etiam duæ Wardæ, Orientalis sc. et Occidentalis Wardæ de Sadberg temp. Ric. de Bury, Ep'i (Rot. cl. A. B.) Fuit etiam Wapentag. Sadberge. Et fuerunt tune 4 al. Wardæ, sc. Darlington, Chester, Easington, et Stockton, sed nunc Sadberg est in Warda de Stockton.” Mickleton.
  • 7. It is to be observed that the same person was frequently Sheriff or Eschaetor both for Durham and Sadberge, but by a different patent, or by the same patent, including but distinguishing the two appointments. Writs usually run, “Vicecomiti nostro in Com. Dunelm. et Sadberge, &c.” Under the earlier Bishops, when a free tenant died seised of lands both in Durham and Sadberge, an Inquest was taken in both places. See the Eschaets under Bishops Bury and Hatfield, passim.
  • 8. See Stainton, in the Addenda. Mickleton mentions this evidence as in the possession of Sir William Chaytor, of Croft, Bart. It occurred to me amongst several old papers communicated by William Chaytor, of Croft, Esq.
  • 9.
  • 10. This Report is to be found amongst Johnson's MSS. so often quoted. Apparently some elder Dixon or Johnson, smit with the scrupulous simplicity of the statement, has taken a copy from an original which had passed through his hands in the way of business. Sir Thomas Fulthorpe, who sent the rector of Romaldkirk (more it should seem for his ignorance than for any ill intention), died in 1457.
  • 11. Inq. p. m. Robert de Ogle, 11 Hatfield.
  • 12. Inq. p. m. Rad. dom. Graystoke, 12 Langley.
  • 13. Inq. p. m. Thomas Surteys, mil. 35 Hatfield.
  • 14. Inq. p. m. Rowland Bart, 19 Hatf.
  • 15. Inq. p. m. Rowland Bart, 19 Hatf.
  • 16. Inq. p. m. Isabel Tempest, 16 Langley.
  • 17. Inq. p. m. Joh. Aslakby, 5 Hatf.
  • 18. See Fine levied, 5 Edw. II.
  • 19. Fine levied at Sadberge 27 Hen. VI.
  • 20. Carta Regis Ricardi.
  • 21. See Long-Newton.
  • 22. Some strange attempts were made from time to time to include Barnard Castle, and all the possessions of the Baliols in Sadberge, merely, perhaps, because till the forfeiture of that family, these lands were never held directly of the See of Durham; and even so Barnard Castle, Hartlepool, and Gainford were sometimes said to be in Northumberland; that is, they claimed to be without the Bishop's franchise.
  • 23. See the various Inquisitions, already referred to, on Ogle, Greystock, Aslakby, Surteys, &c; and see Hatfield's Survey.
  • 24. “In villa de Sadberge fuit olim Gaola ct prisona quam Tho. Card. Episc. reparavit.” Mickleton. As late as 1597, 22 Jan. Richard Claxton, of Croxdale, Gent. leaves “to Thomas Wyclyffe, now prisoner in Sadberg, one silver spoone and five shillings.”
  • 25. Thus, Sadberge, about 1381, had eighty-four burgages, besides new burgages. The whole number of inhabited houses is now only 90; but it is a neat well built village, chiefly of new brick houses.
  • 26. 20 Oct. 1 Baynbrigg. 9 Feb. 27 Hen. VIII. John Bulmer, Knt. son and heir of Sir William, and also heir of William Bulmer, of Hertilpole, the elder, Esq. surrendered the Kingefield, in Sadberge, to William Redemayn, Esq. and 29 Hen. VIII. Redmayn released to Myles Bukke.
  • 27. Inq. 32 Hatf. Isabel, wife of William, son of Ralph Welefed, daughter and heir, æt. 15. Ao 5 Hatf. Joane, daughter of Robert Waryn, six acres, &c. Robert, son and heir, æt. 21.
  • 28. Inq. p. m. Thomas Surteys, Chivaler, 34 Hatf. twenty-six acres by fealty and 4s.; one acre by fealty; one messuage and forty acres by fealty, 6s. 7d. and custody of the gaol, &c. Inq. p. m. Alexandri Surteys, 36 Hatf. the same lands.
  • 29. Inq. p. m. George Bucke, 11 Jac.
  • 30.
  • 31. Inq. 5 Hatf. Thomas fil. Agnet. de Sadberge, 4 acres, &c.; Cecilia filia et hæcres, æt. 18, 12 Skirlaw. Job. fil. Joh. Emmotson de Sadberge, 1 burgag. per 20d. et 40 acras per s. mil. et cum Agnete uxore, 1 burg. per 6d. et 40 acras, &c. Idonea, filia et hær. æt. 8.
  • 32. Die Sabb. prox. p. F. S. Nich. Episc. apud Sadberge, 6 Lodov. Episc. Nicholaus fil. Emme, ob. seis. de 1 mess, et 20 acr. p. 3 sol. Will'us Kay hæres, æt. 24.
  • 33. 5 Hatf. John Mareschal 10 acras, per 15d. Robert, fil. et hær. æt. 21, 2 Skirlaw. Robert Marshall 2 burgag. in socag. et burgag. et 17 acr. p. s. mil. item cum Avicia uxore, 1 burgag. &c. et 2 bovatas quond. Ric. de Lelom, et 2 burgag. de hereditate Aviciæ per 7d. et 1 bovat. p. s. m. Joh. fil. et hær. æt. 21.
  • 34. There are several escheats on these men who dwelt in le Wra? 5 Hatf. Joh. fil. Will. in le Wra, 54 acres; Joh. fil. et hær. Eod. die Thomas in le Wra, 18 acres. Isabel et Agnes filiæ.
  • 35. See before.
  • 36. 10 Hatf. William Haksmall 3 burgag. et 20 acres. Emma filia quam Will'us Rede duxit, hæres, æt. 26.
  • 37.
  • 38. Inq. 1 Bainbrigg.
  • 39. Rot. W. James, Ao 60.
  • 40. Rot. W. James, No 1, 81.
  • 41. There cannot be a better place to introduce the Bailiffs of Sadberge: “Bailiffs—Henry Pillock, 24 Hatf. 1378. Richard de Whitby, 2 Langley. William Paulle, 21 Langley. John Paulle, 10 Nevill. Reginald Newton, Serviens Episcopi, 4 Dec. 11 Nevill. Joh. Paulle, 15 Nevill. Seth Gyllowe, 2 Edw. 4. Benjamin Worsley, Balliv. et Receptor Wapontag. Sadberge, 12 Dec. 14 Booth. Henry Sale, 22 June, 19 Booth. Richard Bukke, et Clericus Mercati, 4 Ruthall. Richard Milner, 26 Hen. VIII. Ric. Barrell, 12 Tunstall. John Bukke, Senescallus Episc. Custos Manerii et Gaole, cum gardinis et pomariis, 29 Mart. 20 Tunstall. John Addye, 9 W. James.”
  • 42. A branch of Pemberton, of Aislaby. They held some lands here till a late date. Richard Pemberton polled in 1761.
  • 43.
  • 44. Thomas Harrison, junior, from his father, Thomas Harrison, yeoman, one messuage in Sadberge, alias Sadberg-on-the-Hill, 38 Eliz. Francis, son of Thomas Harrison, in ward to John Bucke and John Addie, yeom. 1638.
  • 45. See Pedigree of Pemberton.
  • 46. Ann, daughter of Thomas Barnes, bapt. 7 Aug. 1690?
  • 47. Rot. Bury.
  • 48. “John de Murton dedit Ivoni de Bek de Derlyngtion, 2 mess. cum toftis et croftis quæ hui't ex dono Will'i Surteys, patris sui, in Murton super Moram, et unam bovatam terre in eadem villa. T. Thoma et Rad'o Surtays, 1325.” Dodsw. vol. CXLIII. fo. 22, Bodl. Oxon.—John de Murton then had left his paternal name and taken the local designation.
  • 49. Inq. p. m. 35 Hatf.
  • 50. Inq. p. m. Thomas Surteys, mil. 29 Langley; and Inq. p. m. Thomas Sorteys, 3 Ruthall
  • 51. Inq. 20 Eliz.
  • 52. Pardon of alien. 2 Aug. 14 Jac. 1616.
  • 53. See the Pedigree under Dinsdale 10 Sept. 1630, pardon to Sir Nicholas Tempest and Sir Thomas Riddell, Knts. for acquiring two thirds of the manor of Morton from Anthony Swinburne and Isabel his wife, Peter Ridel and Mary his wife, and Charles Tempest and Elizabeth his wife.
  • 54. 6 Bury, Peter de Morton three messuages, seventeen acres, one acre of meadow in Morton by fealty, three suits at the County Court of Sadberge, and 2s. 4d. at Penticost, ad Wardam Novi Castri. John, son of Peter de West Morton, John, fil. Robert de Kyllome, and Emma, sister of Peter, are his coheirs. 15 Hatfield, Agnes, fil. Emme de Morton, one toft four acres one rood in West Morton, by homage, 6d. obol. and three suits at Sadberge. Peter Jackson and Thomas Freeman, her heirs. 23 Hatf. Thomas de Morton a messuage and four oxgangs by homage, 4s. 6d. and suit at the three chief court days at Sadberge. John son and heir, æt. 21.
  • 55. See Parish of Gainford.
  • 56. See Pedigree of Radcliffe, p. 129.
  • 57. Bryan Palmes, of Morton, supervisor in the will of Edward Perkynson, of Beamond-hill, 1567.
  • 58. See Pedigree of Garth, of Headlam.
  • 59. Abstract F. Mewburn, Esq.
  • 60. “For every single day on which the Chantry shall cease, twenty shillings, nomine penœ, and as much to repairing the pavement of the city of Durham. And if the Chantry cease for eight consequent days, fifty pounds of silver to the heirs of Amundeville (and then Russell and his heirs to be exonerated for ever from providing the same Chantry), to be paid within fifteen days; or in default the manor of Cotum to fall to the Bishop of Durham for ever in frankalmoigne, the Bishop satisfying Amundeville of the fifty pounds, or restoring to him the manor of Cotum.”
  • 61. The originals of both charters are in the possession of Sir Cuthbert Sharp.
  • 62. Orig. chart, said to be penes Thomas Gyll, Esq. Randal's MSS.
  • 63. Mickleton's MSS. vol. XCVII.
  • 64. Cart. Orig. pen. Tho. Gyll, arm.
  • 65. Inq. p. m. Thomas de Graystanis, 17 Hatfield. William de Graystanes, 29 Hatfield. See Morton.
  • 66. Inq. 34 Hatfield.
  • 67. Rot. Hatf. Sched. 3, No 13. See Dinsdale.
  • 68. Several families held under Surteys and Graystanes. Inq. 16 Hatf. 1371, Ralph de Rikenhall two messuages and nine acres of the Bishop, by homage, suit of Court at Cotum once in three weeks, and a pound of cumin; a messuage, thirty-eight acres and a half, and half an acre of meadow, of Avice Surteys and Thomas de Graystanes, by fealty and a pound of cumin; and a messuage and twelve acres by homage, fealty, and a pair of gloves; a messuage and twelve acres of the heirs of Robert de Skirmingham, by fealty and 2d. William son and heir, æt. 21.
  • 69. The Blakistons, of Blakiston, held some lands by copy of Court Roll for several descents. See Liber Halmot. Laur. Booth, fo. 32 and 85.
  • 70. In the margin of the Inquest is written, “Prest to death;” the meaning of which I believe certainly to be, that he stood mute on his trial, and underwent what was termed peine forte et dure. This act of desperate endurance saved the estate to his son.
  • 71. See a Pedigree of the family in Burn and Nicholson, vol. I. p. 383.
  • 72. Mr. William Norton and Mrs. Mary Dalston, married 2 Jan. 1732, Aycliffe: (she was sister and heir of Sir William Dalston, of Acorn-bank, whose father, John Dalston, mar. Lucy, only dau. of James Cooke, of Stockton-on-Tees, merchant.) William Norton, son of William (and Mary Dalston) mar. Dorothy, eldest daughter and coheir of Robert Surtees, of Redworth, Esq. but died without issue.
  • 73. See Epitaphs, under Aycliffe.
  • 74. Nesbit, now more usually called Humbleton, lies to the South; it is seldom mentioned separately.
  • 75. There is no evidence that the family, who assumed the local name, though owners of considerable lands in Cothom, were ever lords of the manor here. See Cothom and Morton-Tilmouth. Was the historian Robert de Graystanes, Sub-Prior and Bishop elect of Durham, 1333, of this family?
  • 76. Inq. 11 Langley. See Pedigree of Killinghall, p. 222.
  • 77. Inq p. m Edward Perkinson, 2 Aug. 9 Eliz.
  • 78. Licence of alien. 19 Jan. 6 Tobie. These old conveyances mention, the Garths and Orchard, Broadfielde, Oxenbracks, Yewe-leazes, New-close, Somer-close, the Moore, the closes called Nesbethe nigh Graystones, Humbleton-field, Low Nesbethe or Coatam Closes, and Brackenburye.
  • 79. Hardwick.
  • 80. Heighington was at this early period a sort of land-jobber (a business which was scarcely commencing in the North on the dispersion of the Nevilles and some other inheritances). He bought and sold at Fishburn, and Middleham, and Middleton St. George. Of Graystones he had never a very secure hold; for Lightfoote, on the sale of 1601, reserved a rent-charge of 60l. per ann. which, after carving out some life-estates, he devised in fee to his nephew, William Smythe, the purchaser of 1629. Poor Richard, whilst toiling in the Broadfield or Oxenbrack, must have sometimes entertained very envious opinions of the snug incumbrancer, who sat close and warm, waiting for Richard with his hard-earned canvas bag of old nobles and broad shillings “to be payed at the lodginge of the same George within the citye of Durham, between the hours of one and three in the afternoone.” The plague of an undutiful eldest son, a second wife, and a numerous issue, were too heavy a burthen for the old yeoman of Greystones. He was unfortunate, or he was improvident; and after all his toils and sales and mortgages, his family were left poor and scattered.
  • 81. Fine 20 July, 5 Car. Licence of alien. 19 July, 1 Howson.
  • 82. A Private Act was passed in 1734, ratifying some family arrangements betwixt the Morlands and their mortgagees, and securing the jointure of Elizabeth Morland on other property, &c.
  • 83. Elizabeth, another daughter and coheir, wife of Thomas Smith, Esq. was dead; leaving an infant son, whose father and trustees had, under the power of the Act, agreed to the sale, &c.