Cecil Papers: 1306-1541

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1883.

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'Cecil Papers: 1306-1541', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571(London, 1883), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp1-16 [accessed 18 February 2025].

'Cecil Papers: 1306-1541', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571(London, 1883), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp1-16.

"Cecil Papers: 1306-1541". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 1, 1306-1571. (London, 1883), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol1/pp1-16.


1. Bishop of Durham.
1306. Abstract from the roll of the Parliament at Carlisle, 35 Edw. I. [1306].
Complaint against the Bishop of Durham for waste committed by him in his diocese. Inhibition granted to prevent the same.
½ p. [See Rotuli Parliamentorum, vol. i., p. 198.]
2. The Knights Templars, Cobham Family, &c.
Edw. I. A volume containing enrolments of Charters, Deeds, Feet of Fines, &c., entitled on the fly-leaf :—“Cartæ de Libertatibus Templariorum,” and “Cartæ et alia Recorda ad Familiam de Cobham spectantia.” The following heading appears on fo. 30:—“Redditus Domini Johannis de Cobeham del Gavelland in Schornes [Shorne] de dono Domini Regis Henrioi Secundi facto domino Willielmo de Quatremars militi suo de Normandia,” &c.
Small folio. Parchment. 54 fo.
3. John Chaucombe.
1325/6, March 24. Writ directed to the Barons of the Exchequer, for seizure of the lands of John Chaucombe.—Kenilworth, 24 March, 19 Edw. II., [1325/6].
Copy. Latin. 1 p.
4. Staffordshire and Shropshire.
Edw. III. Extracts from the Originalia Rolls, relating to Staffordshire and Shropshire.
2 pp.
5. Memoranda respecting Foreign Affairs.
1441, 22 May. 1. Commission granted by the King, at the suit of the Duke of Orleans to John Sutton, Lord Dudley, Robert Ross, and Thomas Keriell, knights, Stephen Wilton, doctor of the laws, and others, to treat with other ambassadors of the King's adversary, betwixt Gravelines and Calais, for a peace. [See Rymer's Fœdera, x. 847.]
2. Humphrey, Earl Stafford, made captain of the Castle of Calais, for ten years.
3. Ambassadors sent from the Earl of “Dermynack” [? d'Armagnaa] into England, to the number of 16, among whom were William de Beasis, Lord of Mountaud, and Lord de la Mote of Pordilian, with 50 persons in their train.
4. A commission to treat for the King of England and his subjects of the one part, and the countries and lands of Holland and Zeeland, with the inhabitants of the same of the other part, for peace and trade of merchandize. They of Kolland and Zeeland sent for their deputies Mr. Henry Utynhelf, Arnold de Zand, James Lango, Cornelius Baro, and six more; on the King's part were in commission, Mr Wm Linwood, Keeper of the Privy Seal, “doctor of both the laws,” Sir Wm Estfeld, knight, Roger Hunt, Baron of the Exchequer.
Headed in Cecil's hand : “19 Henr. VI.—Ric. Dx Ebor Co. March. et ullor. Gubernator reg. Franc. ac Ducat. Norm. Jões de Veer Co. Oxon. in comitiva sua.”
1 p.
6. Constantinople.
1453. Oraison faite pur Mustapha, à Mahomet bisayeul de Solyman l'an de grace 1453 après le sac de Constantinople.
1 p.
7. Will of Robert at Hoo of Cheshunt.
1474/5, March 6. The last Will of Robert at Hoo of Cheshunt, co. Hertford, dated 6th March 1474. The executors' names are John Peele and John Adam, junr.The testator bequeaths his property, after his wife's decease, to his daughter, and then to her son; after whose death the property is to be disposed of “to the welfare of the Church of our Lady of Chesthunt & for the souls' health that it came of.”
Endorsed by Cecil.—“Robert at Hoo's will, 1474, for his house to the use of the church at Chesthunt.”
Copy. 1 p.
8. Customs levied in Guernsey.
Feb. 1497/8. “Icy commence l'estente du Roy nostre sire en l'isle de Guernsey extraicte de latin en franczois.”
Parcnment. 100 pp.
9. Subsidies for Scottish Wars.
1503, May 28. Roll of Warrants and receipts for subsidies or the wars against the Scots, collected from the clergy by William [Siver], late Bishop of Carlisle, now Bishop of Durham, from the Feast of St. Michael, 12 Henry [VII.] to 28 May, 18 Henry [VII.] [1503].
A Roll, 50 feet long.
10. Subsidies.
1504. Declaration by William [Siver], Bishop of Carlisle, of monies received by him for the King, to 12 Feb., 17 Henry VII. With memorandum by Henry VII., and his signature. Note, at foot, of payments by the Bishop to John Heron, for the King, under date, 18, 19, and 20 Henry VII.
A Roll, 16 feet long.
11. Isle of Jersey.
1506, March 25. Accounts of the Isle of Jersey, from the Feast of St. John the Baptist, 19 Henry VII., [June 24, 1504,] to the Annunciation, 21 Henry VII., [March 25, 1506].
A Roll, 8 feet long.
12. Will.
1508, Oct, 8. Testament of Philip Cecil.
Parchment. 1¼ pp.
13. Manor of Swinbroke.
[1508 ?]. Particulars relating to the manor of Swinbroke, Oxon., recently belonging to James Tirell, knight.—Undated.
Latin. ¾ p.
14. Calais.
1509, Sept. 14. Signed Bill for the payment of 100 men under Sir John Pecche, sent to garrison Calais.—Wanstede, 14 Sept., 1 Hen. VIII. [1509.]
Parchment. 1 membrane.
15. Henry VIII. to Dr. Knight.
1513, June 29. Thanking him for divers letters containing the news occurrent. As he writes that he knows no cause or occasion for staying, he is to return, leaving John Style “at our father of Arragon's Court.” Sends 100l. for his charges. “Touching news here, the Earl of Shrewsbury & Lord Herbert, with our vanguard & rereward, to the number of 30,000 men, have now besieged Tyrwyn; and the most part of our ward, 15,000 men, be now passed over to Calais. We tarry here at Dover only for wind to take our shipping thither for to provide in our wars against the Frenchmen, which ye may show unto our father of Arragon, effectually moving and pressing him at your departure to know his determinate mind, what order he will take according to the treaty lately passed betwixt us and him.”—Dover, 29 June.
Endorsed : “R. H. the eight to Mr Doctor Knight, ambassador to the Lady Margaret, 29 June 1513.”
½ p.
16. Military Levies.
[1513 ?]. Persons, with their numbers, appointed to join the King's battle.
14½ pp.
17. Military Levies.
[1513 ?]. 1. Horsemen and footmen to be provided for the “Vantgarde.” List of noblemen and gentlemen in various counties, and the number to be provided by each. Begins with the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Surrey.Total, 9,778 men.—Undated.
12 pp.
2. The same for the “Rereward.” Total, 9,564 men.—Undated.
5 pp.
18. Treaty of Peace.
[1515, April 5]. Treaty of Peace (portion of) between France and England. Renewed, 1515.
12 pp. [See Rymer's Fœdera, Vol. XIII., p. 477.]
19. Francis I. to the English Ambassador.
1515, Dec. 13. Requesting him to appoint a day for Conference with certain of his Privy Council. Fontainebleau, 13 Dec. 15—. Signed : “Francoys,” and countersigned : “Bayard.”
French. ¼ p.
20. Bernard Andrée.
[1520]. A tract headed : “Rex pacificus exaltatus est super omnes reges Universe terre. Nobilissimi ac potentissimi Henrici octavi pros. perrime regnationis undecimus annus per Bernardus Andree feliciter incipit.”—11 [Hen. VIII.]
22 pp.
21. Poem by Bernard Andrée.
[1520 ?]. Invocatio.—De inclita invictissimi Regis nostri Henrici octavi in Gallis et Scotis victoria, per Bernardum Andrée poetam Regium.”
Begins :—Dii maris et terre Studium quibus angla tueri
Septra favete pio nostro pia numina regi.
Ends :—Quippe alias alio describam tempore laudes
Tantaque pyeria bella sonabo tubo.”
18 pp. The first page is illuminated with the Royal arms, red and white roses, &c.
22. Truce between the Emperor Henry VIII. and Francis I.
1524, April 6, &c. 1. “Articuli fratris Nicolai super induciis apud Bles assignatis secundum colloquia primo habita cum Rege Christianissimo.”
For a truce between the Emperor, the Kings of England and France, and their respective allies. Dated, 6 April 1524.
Latin. 2 pp.
2. “Responsio verbatim facta per Regem Gallorum, qui tum omnia remittit alteri responsioni facte per Cancellarium et Robertettum;” also, “Summa respousionis facte secundum indicium, et s~mam magni Cancellarii et Robertetti, excerpta ex alia Galliæ conscripta, et ab eis missa ad San Marsan et ad agentes Gallorum Regis in urbe.”
Latin. 1¾ pp.
3. “Ad ea que pro parte Serenissimi Domini Nostri Clementis VII. per Reverendissimum Archiepiscopum Capuannum pro pace seu Induciis inter Christianissimos principes proposita fuere, respondatur pro parte Cesaris, ut infra.”
Latin. 4½ pp.
23. Lubeck, &c.
1524, April 21. Decision of the Commissioners in a matter of dispute between Lubeck, Denmark, and Alsace.
Latin. 13 pp.
24. Treaty with Charles V.
1524, May 28. Treaty concluded by Thomas Docwra, prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, on the part of Henry VIII., and Louis de Praet on the part of the Emperor Charles V., for the invasion of France by the Duke of Bourbon.—London, 28 May 1524.
Copy. Latin. 15¼ pp.
Headed : Tractatus inter Cesaream Majestatem, Regem Anglie, et Dominam Margaretam, contra Gallorum Regem. A.D. 1524.
[See Brewer's Calendar of Letters and Papers, Henry VIII., Vol. IV., Part I., No. 365, under date 25 May.]
25. Treaty of Madrid.
1526/7, Jan. 14. Copy of the articles (thirty in number) of the treaty of Madrid between the Emperor Charles V. and Francis I.
Imperfect. French. 77 pp.
26. Charles V. to Clement VII.
1527, April 6. Informing him that Cesar Ferramosca, and, in his absence, Secretary Perez, will ask certain questions touching the Cardinal of York [Wolsey], and begging the Pope to furnish all the Information he can.—Valladolid, 6 April 1527.
Spanish. ½ p.
27. Oath of Francis I.
1527, Aug. 18. A copy of the oath of Francis I. of France, for the observance of the Treaty dated 30th April 1527 between the Ambassadors of Henry VIII. and of himself, and also of three other Treaties dated 18th August 1527, and severally concluded between the said Francis in person and Cardinal Wolsey acting on behalf of the said Henry.Dated at Amiens the 18th of August 1527.
An account is appended of the several payments and disbursements of money to the said Francis which amount altogether to 112,437 pounds 11 Shillings.
Latin. 2 pp. [The oath is printed in extenso in Rymer's Fœdera, Vol. XIV., p. 216.]
28. Divorce of Henry VIII.
1527. The King's [Divorce] Case, printed by Cassalis, “pro Rege.”
1 Sheet.
29. Robert Thorne.
1527. Two letters by Robert Thorne being :—
1. Proposal for an expedition of discovery to the North Pole.
2. Difference between the Emperor and the King of Portugal.
25½ pp.
30. Wolsey to Gardiner and Fox.
1527/8, Feb. Instructions for their mission to Rome respecting the King's Divorce. Signed by Wolsey.
In Tuke's hand. Slightly mutilated. 64 pp. [See abstract of this paper in Brewer's Calendar of Letters & Papers, Foreign & Domestic, Henry VIII., Vol. IV., Part II., 1526–1528, pp. 1740–1743.]
31. France and Germany.
1528. Part of an agreement submitted to the Emperor, respecting an arrangement proposed between France and the Emperor for the restoration of Francis' children.
Much damaged. 4 pp.
32. Diet of Spires.
1529, Jan. 30 to Feb. 20. A Journal or Diary of the Proceedings at the Diet of Spires on the 30th Jan. and on the 9th, 10th, 12th, 18th, and 20th Feb. 1529.
33. Treaty between Charles V. and Francis I.
1529, Aug. 5. Treaty of Cambray between the Emperor, the King of France, Margaret Archduchess of Austria, and Louise Queen-Mother of France.—Cambray, 5 August 1529.
Copy. Latin. 38½ pp. [Printed in extenso in Rymer's Fœdera, Vol. XIV., pp. 326–344.]
34. Sabina Palatine to the English Ambassador at Brussels [D. Wilson].
1529, Dec. 6. Has a little business which she will lay before him by her adviser in Brussels. Begs his favour and assistance therein. From the Monastery of “Forest les Bruxelles,” the 6th of December 1529.
French. 1 p.
35. Cardinal Wolsey to Stephen Gardiner.
[1529]. Myn owne goode M~ Secretary. Thes shalbe not onely to welcome yow home, whos p~sens I have gretly missyd here in the furtherance of my poore pursutys, but also most hartyly to desyre yow for the love that ye have and bere towardys me as yor olde frende, to ley to your frendly and charytable hand for the atteyning of suche thynges as my trusty frend, bearer hereof, shal opyn on my behalf unto yow; in the doyng whereof ye shall admynystyr syngler comforte to hym that ys in as gret hevynes and anxyete of mynde as any lyvying man can be, as God knowyth, who increase and send yow moche honor.
At the Loge wt the rude hand and hevy hert of hym that ys assurydly yors wt herte and prayer.
Addressed :—To the rygth honorable and my singuler goode frende Mastyr Secretary.
Holograph. 1 p.
36. Cardinal Wolsey to Stephen Gardiner.
[1529]. My owne goode Mastyr Secretary. I can not expresse how muche I am bowndyn to my Lorde of Norfolkes grace and yow to whom wt my dayly servys and prayer I beseche yow to geve my moste humble and effectuall thanckes, lycke as I do the semblabyl to yow; praying God to rewarde yow bothe for yor charytable goodnes shewyd onto me in thys my calamyte and hevynes; most humbly praying yow to contynue to the fynal accomplyshyng of all myn poore sutys and the estabyllyshing of my poore state, to the honor of God and His Churche whereof I am a poore membyr.
And dowt ye not, besydes my servys and prayer ye shall deserve hyghe meryte of God and excellent fame in thys world; and I wt all my frendes shall ascrybe to my seyd Lordes grace and yow the preservacon of my lyff, wt the redubbyng of my poore condicon to an honeste lyvyng, as our Lorde knowyth whom I beseche to sende yow moche honor and to contynue my good Mr and frende. At Asher thys mornyng wt the rude hande of yor assuryd bedysman.
I beseche yow to geve credens to suche thinges as Thomas Alvard shal declare unto yow on my behalf, and to interpone yowr favorable ayde with yowr aocustomyd dexteryte for the atteynyng of the same.
Addressed :—To the Rygth honorable and my singler goode frende M~ Secretary.
Endorsed :—“These be lres. written wt the Cardinalles own hand after his fall.”
Holograph. 1 p.
37. Francis I.
1529/30, Jan. 29. Copy of an Obligation of Francis I., K. of France, to pay divers sums due to England, amongst others, one of 44,444 gold crowns 22 Shillings and 6 pence for a jewel pawned by the Emperor Maximilian to Henry VII.—Dijon, 29th Jan. 1529.
Latin. 4 pp. [Printed in Rymer's Fœdera, Vol. XIV., p. 360.]
38. Commerce with the Low Countries.
[1531 ?]. Statement of the grievances of the merchants and subjects of the English nation—with regard to a certain new imposition of the centisme—made by the Ambassador of the King of England at the command of the Queen Do wager of Hungary, Regent, &c. And also with regard to a provision of the 19th of June last past, which is contrary to the form and tenour of the treaties of intercourse contracted between their imperial and royal Majesties.
Copy. French. 18 pp.
39. Mary Queen Dowager of Hungary, Archduchess of Austria, Regent, &c., to the Commissioners and Deputies of the King of England [Henry VIII.].
1531/2, Feb. 26. Sends the Archdeacon of Terouenne, Philip Nigri, Chancellor of the Order of the Golden Fleece, the Provost of Cassel, and Jerome Van Dorp, of the Emperor's Council, with Jehan de la Sauch, his Secretary, to Bourbourg “pour entendre au fait de la tournée que scaves.”—Brussels, 26 February 1531. Signed : “Marie.”
French. ½ p.
40. Treaty of Commerce.
1532, May 8. Commission of the Emperor Charles V. to Philip Nigri, Chancellor of the Golden Fleece, George de Themsicke, Provost of Cassel, Jerome Van Dorp, and John de la Sauch [de Salice], Secretary to the Emperor, to conclude a new commercial treaty with England, and to effect the reparation of certain injuries inflicted by the merchants of either side on those of the other.—Aldenarde [Oudenarde], 8 May 1532. Signed by Sauch.
Copy. Latin. 2½ pp.
41. Henry VIII. and Francis I.
1532, Sept. 1. Confirmation by Henry VIII. of the treaty concluded by him with Francis I., on 23 June 1532.—Windsor, 1 Sept. 1532.
Latin. 3¾ pp. [See Rymer's Fœdera, XIV., 435.]
42. St. Mary's, Gloucester.
1532, Sept. 29. Accounts of the Trinity Guild, St. Mary's Church, Gloucester, to the Feast of St. Michael, 24 Henry VIII., [Sept. 29, 1532].
2 sheets.
43. England and France.
[1532]. Copies of and extracts from treaties, &c., including :—
1. Treaty of Amiens. Confirmation by Francis I. of the treaty of perpetual peace.—Amiens, 18 August 1527.
Copy. Latin. 13 pp. [Printed in extenso in Rymer's Fœdera, Vol. XIV., pp. 218–227.]
2. The treaty for the exchange of the pension of salt into money.—Hampton Court, 2 December 1530.
Copy. Latin. 2¾ pp. [See Brewer's Calendar of Letters and Papers, Henry VIII., Vol. IV., Part III., No. 6755.]
3. Treaty with France concluded by Giles de la Pomeraye, knight, Steward of the French King, with Thomas Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, Keeper of the Privy Seal, and Edward Fox, Almoner to the King of England, confirming former treaties, and covenanting for mutual aid against the Emperor.—London, 23 June 1532.
Copy. Latin. 6½ pp. [Printed in extenso in Rymer's Fœdera, Vol. XIV., pp. 435–438.]
4. Summary of the treaty of reciprocal Obligation between Henry VIII. and Francis 1.—[8 Aug. 1526.]
Copy. Latin.=¾ p. [See the treaty in extenso in Rymer's Fœdera, Vol. XIV., pp. 185–187.]
5. Treaty at the More.—Confession of Louise of Savoy as to the debts and obligations of herseif and the French King to the King of England under the treaty dated The More, 30 August 1525, together with a summary of the articles of that treaty.—Undated.
Copy. Latin. 2 pp.
6. Summary of the articles of the confirmation of the treaty of perpetual peace between Henry VIII. and Francis I., dated Amiens, 18 August 1327.
Copy. Latin. 1 p. [See the treaty in extenso in Rymer, Vol. XIV., pp. 218–227.]
7. Copy of the article relating to Scotland in the treaty of peace between Henry VIII. and Francis I.—London, 5 April 1515.
Latin, ¾ p. [Fœdera, Vol. XIII., pp. 482, col. ii, and 483, col. i. In extenso.]
8. Obligation of Francis I. to pay divers sums due to England, among others, for a jewel pawned by the Emperor Maximilian to Henry VII. for 44,444 gold crowns 22 Shillings and 6 pence.—Dijon, 29 January 1529.
Copy. Latin. [Fœdera, Vol. XIV., pp. 360–362. In extenso.]
9. The oath of Francis I. for the observance of the treaties made with Cardinal Wolsey.—Amiens, 18 August 1527.
Latinp. [Fœdera, Vol. XIV., page 216. In extenso.]
10. “Hereafter followeth the accompt how the said money was paid and disbursed”:—
Paid to the aforesaid King in the city of Amiens on the 25th of August in the 19th year (1527) the sum of £32,999 17s.
Paid to the aforesaid King by the hands of the Grand Master of France, 11 Nov. 1527. the sum of £14,499 18s.
Paid out of the pension due to our King, 1 May 1529, £10,157 16s.
Paid by the hands of the Bishop of Bayonne, 17 Nov. 1528, £44,480.
Paid in a certain jewel (noted in margin : “of the King's free gift”)
Sum Total—£112,437 11s.
= 1 p.
44. Robert Whitinton, poet laureate to Henry VIII.
[1532]. Three sets of verses entitled “Apophoreton.” They consist of :—
1. In laudem Regis Henrici Octavi cum fœlicissimo hujus anni auspitio, humilimi sui Roberti Whitintoni Apophoretum.
Begins :—“Anni præteriti finis, Venientis origo
Jane pater bifrons Janitor ipse poli.”
Ends :—“In Christi cultum ferus hostis Thurca Tyrannus
Sit per Christicolum haud Regna superbus eat.”
2. De illustrium Heroum, et praecipua ante alios praestantissimi Henrici Octavi laude carmen panegyricum.
Begins :—“Laudat terra suos Belos Memphitica Ninos
Vasta Semiramidem mœnia cœlsa suam,”
Ends :—“Sit Rex Vive, Vale Lauri decorande triumphis
Tithoni et videas sæcula læta senis.”
3. In laudem Heroinæ dominæ Annæ marchionissæ Penbrochiæ.
Begins :—“Salue Gemma nitens præpollens Anna decore Hic tibi perlætus, prosper et annus eat,”
Ends :—“Sint longæva tibi Cumææ sæcla Sybillæ, Lausque perenne Volans, Anne decora Vale.”
45. Divorce of Henkt VIII.
[1532 ?]. Responsio super proposita quæstione [de matrimonio] a clar. juris nostri doctoribus, Joanne Oldendorpio, Jacobo Omphalio, ac aliis.
53 pp.
46. General Councils.
[1534]. Treatise on General Councils, supposed to be by Cranmer.
Begins :—“My Lord : I have don as ye commanded me, and that with right good will,” &c.
Ends :—That they may apply themselves also to follow it accordingly.
Headings :
Address to my Lord.
A declaration of a general Council.
Whether it be necessary that one be head in general Council.
Whether the Bishop of Rome may be ruler in the Council.
What power he hath who is head in the general Council.
Of what matters the general Council hath power to entreat on.
What is to be sticked unto, &c.
That the Bishop of Rome may not be head of the Council.
80 pp. [See Gairdner's Caiendar of Letters and Papers, Henry VIII., Vol. VII., No. 691; also, Lambeth MSS., 1107, fol. 163; and Burnet, Hist. Ref. Part I., page 172.]
47. General Councils.
[1534]. Treatise on General Councils, supposed to be by Cranmer.
Begins :—“The auctoryte & powre of generali counseiles ne yet the time,” &c.
Ends :— “Wherefor kings & princes nowe in this daungerous tyme are more bounden in consequence to look uppon suche matiers thenne any other is.”
Chapters :
1. Of the power of kings and princes.
2. What ministrations priests have power to exercise.
3. What ministrations priests have used only by custom.
4. Of divers things wliich bishops of Rome and other bishops have used under colour of the law of God, &c.
5. By what authority the catholic general Councils first began.
6. Of Councils held by the power of the Bp. of Rome.
7. Of the gathering and summoning of general councils.
8. Of divers untrue laws and decrees made by the clergy.
63 pp. [See Gairdner's Calendar of Letters and Papers, Henry VIII., Vol. VII., No. 691 (2).]
48. Lord Richard Grey.
1536, June 24. Warrant to Lord Richard Grey for two bucks from Brigstock Park.
Dated, Westminster, June 24, 28 Henry VIII. Not signed.
1 p.
49. Deanery of St. Paul's, London.
1536, July 20. Letter of appointment from the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Bishop of Chichester, authorising the said Bishop, according to the King's wish, to hold the Deanery of St. Paul's, London, along with his Bishopric.—Lambeth, 20 July 1536.
Signed by “Rogerus Tonneshend, commissarius,” and “Jo. Hughes, legum doctor.”
Parchment. Latin, 1 membrane.
50. Alexander Alesius.
[1536 ?]. Psalmi XXV. ex Hebræo. Dedicated to Henry VIII. by Alexander Alesins.
100 pp.
51. [Alexander Alesius.]
[1536 ?]. Psalm IX., with commentary.
7 pp.
52. Naval Affairs.
[1538]. Ships for the keeping of the narrow seas, whereof Sir Thomas Clere hath charge.—Undated.
53. The King's Ships.
1538/9, Jan. 26. Number and state of the King's ships in the Thames.—Jan. 26, 30 Henry VIII.
1 sheet.
54. Memorial.
1539, Sept. A note of certain matters to be laid before the Council.
¼ p.
55. Holland.
1539. Sailing directions how to know Hardyerwyk [Harderwick] in Guelderland, and the Southern Sea from thence to the Tarsiell, and so into the Haggs of Holland; by J. de Borough and R. Coche.
A narrow Roll, 4 feet long.
56. Naval Affairs.
[1539 ?]. Order of battle for a fleet; Sir Thomas Clere, Vice Admiral. Gives names of principal officers. The complement of the “Marlyne” and notes of “sea and land matters.”—Undated.
Drafts. 11½ pp.
57. Lady Anne of Cleves.
1539/40, Jan. 5. Copy of Letters Patent granting to her, for life in contemplation of the marriage to be celebrated between the King and her, and in conformity with a treaty with John Frederick, Duke of Saxony, &c., and William, Duke of Juliers, Gueldres, &c., of certain annuities, honors, castles, and manors in various counties; to be held in as ample manner as Jane, late Queen of England, held the same; being of the yearly value of 4,367 marks 7s.d. Greenwich, 5 January 1539.
Latin. 9½ pp. [See Patent Roll, 31 Hen. VIII., pt. 7, m. 29 (4).]
58. Jointure of Anne of Cleves.
1539/40, Jan. 5. Copy of Letters Patent granting, in partial satisfaction of her dower, the site of the Priory of S. Margaret, near Marlborough, co. Wilts, lands in Marlborough, East Kennet, Manton, Yeatesbury, Lokeryche, Monkton, Putballam, within the parish of Mildenhall and Alyngton, co. Wilts; also, the rectory of East Kennet, the manors of Baberstokk and Foosfownte, otherwise Fovent; also, the manors of Ha. . . . . (sic), Sutton, Sootney, Moundesmere, Old Fishbourn, Demmedmoleme, Prior's Dean, Culmere, Stubbington, and Hoo, in co. Southampton, late of the Priory of Southwyke; also the manor of Bulborne, in Bremmere, with the site of the Priory of Bremmere,. Barnes Grange, the manors of Heywoode, Rokkestede, and Langley, in co. Southampton, late belonging to the Priory of Bremmere; the premises being valued at 327 marks 5s.d.—Greenwich, 5 January 1539.
Latin. 1¾ pp.
59. Jointure of Anne of Cleves.
1539/40, Jan. 5. Copy of Letters Patent granting the Manors of Great Waltham, Maysbury, Dunmowe, Great Leighes, Great Haddowe, and Farneham, in the county of Essex, of the annual value of 312 marks, 8s.d., in satisfaction of a part of the dower under the treaty of marriage.—Greenwich, 5 January 1539.
Latin. 1½ pp.
60. Arthur, Lord Lisle to the Earl of Hertford.
[1540], Apr. 2. According to his Lordship's desire has sent herewith, as well the letter of Mons. de Vies, as the letter written to the said de Vies by Captain Dependale touching the dam or passage that “they of Arde” have made between the King's pale here and that of the French, concerning which, by his Lordship's advice, he wrote a letter to the said Mons. de Vyes.—Calais, April 2.
1 p.
61. Lord Cromwell to Henry VIII.
[1540] June 30. Concerning the marriage of the King to Anne of Cleves.—The Tower, 30 June.
8 pp. [Burnet's History of the Reformation, Vol. I., pp. 193–196.—Collectanea (ed. 1681). In extenso.]
62. Star Chamber Proceedings.
1540, July 5. An Order of the Court of Star Chamber, dated 5 July, 31 Hen. VIII., between Sir Thomas Wyatt, owner of the lordship of Hoo, in the county of Kent, and the Mayor, &c. of Rochester, referring to certain proceedings in the said court between Richard Maye, the Mayor, and the citizens of Rochester of the one part, and Robert Iden, bailiff of the lordship of Hoo, of the other part, concerning the dredging, gathering, and laying of mussels within the limits of Sherenasshe (Sheerness) and Hawkwood, and ordering a new trial in consequence of the absence of Sir Thos. Wyatt, on the occasion of the former trial, as the King's Ambassador in Spain.
A copy of the foregoing order.
2 pp.
63. Lady Anne of Cleves to Henry VIII.
1540, July 16. “Most excellent and noble prince and my most benign and good brother. I do most humbly thank you for your great goodness, favor, and liberality, which, as well by your Majesty's own letters as by the report and declaration of your Councillors, the Lord Great Master, the Lord Privy Seal, and your Grace's Secretary, I perceive it hath pleased you to determine towards me. Whereunto I have no more to answer, but that I shall ever remain your Majesty's most humble sister and servant, according to such letters as I have written to your Highness, and to such advertisement as I have given unto your Grace by your said Councillors, which is correspondent and agreeable to my first mind and answer made at the first opening of this matter unto me, from the which, as I neither have varied from the beginning, nor will vary hereafter, so, if any man have said the contrary, I assure your Grace that he hath done it without my consent or commission. Thus I beseech our Lord to send your Majesty long life with good health, and perpetual felicity. From Richmounte the 16th of July [1540]. Your Majesty's humble sister and servant.”
Addressed :—“To the King's most Royal Majesty.”
Endorsed :—“The Queen's letter to the King.”
Copy. 1 p.
64. Lady Anne of Cleves to the Duke of Cleves.
1540, July 21. “My dear and wellbeloved brother. After my most hearty commendations. Where by your letters of the 13th of this month, which I have seen written to the King's Majesty of England, my most dear and most kind brother, I do perceive that you take the matter, lately moved and determined between him and me, somewhat to heart. Forasmuch as I had rather you knew the truth by mine advertisement, than, for want thereof, you should be deceived by vain reports, I thought meet to write these present letters unto you, by the which it shall please you to understand that, being substantially advertised how the nobles and commons of this Realm desired the King's highness to commit the examination of the matter of marriage between his Majesty and me, to the examination and determination of the whole Clergy of this Realm, I did then willingly consent thereunto. And since the determination made, have also, upon intimation of their proceedings, allowed, approved, and agreed unto the same, wherein I had more respect (as beseemed me) to truth than to any worldly affection, that might move me to the contrary. And did the rather condescend there unto, for that my body remaineth in the integrity which I brought into this Realm. And being the matter thus finished, to advertise you how I am used. Surely the king's highness, whom I cannot now justly have, nor will repute, as my husband, hath nevertheless taken and adopted me for his sister, and, as a most kind, loving, and friendly brother useth me, with as much or more humanity and liberality, as you, I myself, or any of our kin or allies, could well wish or desire. Wherewith I am, for mine own part, so well satisfied, that I much desire that my good mother and you should know this my state and condition, not doubting but when you shall thoroughly weigh all things, you will so use yourself towards this noble and good Prince, as he may continue his friendship towards you, which, on his highness' behalf, shall nothing be impaired or altered for this matter, unless the fault should be in yourself, whereof I would be most sorry. For so it hath pleased his highness to signify unto me, which I have thought necessary to write unto you, and also that, God willing, I purpose to lead my life in this Realm, having his grace so good Lord as he is towards me, lest, for want of true knowledge of my mind and condition, you might otherwise take this matter than you ought, and in other sort care for me than you have cause. Thus etc.”—Richmond, 21 July.
Subscribed : —“Anna Duchess born of Cleves, Julich, Gelders et Berg the loving Sister.”
Endorsed :—“The Minute in English of the letter sent by the lady Anne to her brother 21 July 1540.”
4 pp.
2. Original of the preceding. [The version given in Burnet's History of the Reformation, Vol. I., p. 200—Collectanea (ed. 1681)—differs greatly from this original.]
German. 2 pp.
65. Ordnance from the Tower.
1540, July. Artillery, &c., delivered from the Tower for the King's service by Sir Christopher Morres, Master of Ordnance, May to July, 32 Henry VIII.
2 pp.
66. Anne of Cleves.
[1540.] List of the original depositions made by the following in the matter of the King's marriage with Anne of Cleves :—Henry VIII., the Lord Chancellor, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk, the Earl of Southampton, the Bishop of Durham, the Lord Admiral, Sir Antony Browne; Sir Thomas Heneage, Antony Denny, Lord Cobham, Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Dr. Chamber, Dr. Butts, Ladies Rutland, Rochford, and Edgecombe, Cromwell, and Anne of Cleves.
¾ p.
67. Original Depositions respecting the Marriage of Henry VIII with Anne of Cleves.
1. By Henry VIII. 1½ pp.
2. By the Lord Chancellor, Archbishop of Canterbury, Duke of Norfolk, Duke of Suffolk, Earl of Southampton, and Bishop of Durham. 3 pp.
3. By the Duke of Suffolk, Lord Great Master. 1 p.
4. By the Earl of Southampton, Lord Privy Seal. 2 pp.
5. By the Lord Admiral. 1 p.
6. By Sir Antony Browne, Master of the Horse, 3 pp.
7. By Sir Thomas Heneage, knight. 1 p.
8. By Master Antony Denny, gentleman of the Privy Chamber. 2 pp.
9. By George, Lord Cobham. ½ p.
10. By Sir Thomas Wriothesley, one of the King's Majesty's Principal Secretaries. 1½ pp.
11. By Dr. Chamber. 2 pp.
12. By Doctor Butts. 1 p.
13. By Ladies Rutland, Rochford, and Edgecombe. 1½ pp.
[The above depositions (except No. 1), are printed in extenso in Strype's Ecclesiastical Memorials, Vol. I., pt. 2, pp. 452–463. (ed. 1822.)
No. 1. is printed in extenso in Burnet's History of the Reformation, Vol. I., p. 197.—Collectanea (ed. 1681).]
68. Notes about the Isle of Guernsey, &c.
[Ab. 1540.] “The Receipts, eight score £. & the garrison paid with other privy profits.
“The isle of Sark plenished with 'connys' [conies] gulls & with many other strange fowls : the rent by the year, 5l.
“The isle of Arme & the isle of Alderney by the year, 40l.: this is due when there is no war, but in wars the customs riseth to great sums, the which is uncertain, and in the isle of Guernsey there is a xj (sic) parish churches beside the parish church in Alderney.”
½ p.
69. Grant to Anne of Cleves.
1540/1, Jan. 20. Grant, for life, to Dame Anne Cleve, daughter of John, late Duke of Cleves, Guligh, Gelder, and Barry, and sister of William, now Duke of Cleves, Guligh, Gelder, and Barry, Count of Marke, Ravensborough, and Sutfyn, and Lord of Ravenston, on condition of her remaining in England, and in consideration of her submission to the laws of this realm and the authority of Parliament touching her marriage with the King, which though celebrated under certain conditions in the face of the Church was never consummated, and was declared by Parliament to be invalid,—of certain manors, rectories, lands, &c. in the counties of Essex, Suffolk, Sussex, Leicester, Oxon, York, Northampton, and Surrey.—Westminster, 20 January.
Copy. Latin. 3½ pp. [Fœdera, Vol. XIV., pp. 710–713. In extenso. See Patent Roll 32 Hen. VIII., pt. 6, m 29 (10).]
70. Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Hertford.
[1540/1], Feb. 5. Doubts not he has received from Mr. Secretary Wriothesley, before the arrival hereof, a copy of the Articles of Treaty between the Black Prince and the Dolphin touching the “bunder” of the East Pale and the West Pale, as it was when Calais was first English. They also have received from him the copy of a Commission addressed to Sir Sampson Norton and others in the time of King Henry the Seventh, and although diligent search has been made in the Chancery, the Exchequer, and the Tower, where the King's Records remain, no Return thereto can be found. Nevertheless, in searching for the said Return, another Commission has been found, addressed by Richard the Third to Sir John Dynham, Knight, and others, to survey the said Pale, which is sent herewith; together with certain Articles devised and penned by Sir John Dawney and Master Polard, comprising “reasons, grounds, and presumptions” to show and prove that the “Couswade” must needs be English. A copy of so much of the Article of the “Perpetual Peace” as concerns this matter is also sent herewith; and this is all that can be found amongst his Majesty's Records touching this matter, which his Lordship must make use of according to his wisdom. His Majesty, and the Queen, with my Lord Prince, are in good health. His Highness hath appointed him with the Lord Admiral, the Lord Warden, and other younger men associated with them, as Sir Thos. Arundel, Sir Richard Southwell, and Tirwhit, to survey the whole of the ordnance in the Tower, and at his departure gave him special charge to search for the writings and muniments, copies whereof are sent herewith.—London, 5 February.
Addressed :—“To my verie good Lorde my Lord Therle of Herford, The Kinges Majesties Chief Commissionar nowe at Calais,” &c.
3 pp.
71. Naval Affairs.
1541. Report of shipwrights and caulkers on repairs required for the King's ships; and determinations of Wm. Gunson, Paym[aster], John Osborn, Controller, and Edward Water, Clerk of the Ships, on the report.—33 Henry VIII.