Cecil Papers: July 1603, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1603, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603, ed. M S Giuseppi (London, 1930), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp163-193 [accessed 13 February 2025].

'Cecil Papers: July 1603, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Edited by M S Giuseppi (London, 1930), British History Online, accessed February 13, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp163-193.

"Cecil Papers: July 1603, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Ed. M S Giuseppi (London, 1930), British History Online. Web. 13 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp163-193.

July 1603, 1-15

Sir Robert Crosse to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 1. The causes of my late neglecting to attend you as before I did, one was the entreaty of an old acquaintance though no great friend, to ride with him when he went toward the King, which was Sir Walter Ralegh. Another was a month's sickness, and when I was recovered of that, I was entreated by his wife to ride another idle journey to my charge to meet the Queen, where she received but idle graces.—From my lodging at Ewbridge, this first of July.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (100. 146.)
Sir Thomas Fane to the Same.
1603, July 1. Having received your packet this morning and being advertised that Sir Lewis Lewkenor stayed at Canterbury, expecting the arrival of the Spanish ambassador, I sent your letters directed unto him thither and also your packet directed to the postmaster of the city of London. But finding him not there I held it not inconvenient to return either of them unto you by post. And concerning the packet directed to the King's ambassador with the French King I have taken order with Captain Windebank to carry the same to Calais to-morrow, and so with all speed to post unto Paris; of whose care and diligence in expediting that service I have good opinion, knowing him to have been often employed in the like by Mr. Secretary Walsingham.—Dover Castle, the first of July, 1603.
PS.—Here arrived this day about eleven of the clock in the forenoon an ambassador from the Duke of Lorraine, and is this afternoon gone for Canterbury.
Signed. ¾ p. (100. 147.)
Mrs. Hickes to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 1. I would have been glad to have heard from my Lord Chamberlain for the main sum, because I have occasion to use it for a payment shortly. You told me at my last being with you at the Court you would speak with him. In the meantime may it please you to give order to Mr. Haughton or Mr. Percival to discharge the consideration. Mr. Billett desired me to speak with my Lord Chamberlain touching the money due to my lady Susan, which is for half a year the second of last month. Having no other assurance for the main sum but an assignment from those in whose name the manor of Hadnam passed, he saith that he ought to have the letters patents of the grant from the Queen made over to him; without the which the rest is no assurance. As I shall hear from you herein so I will return him answer. My apricots begin somewhat to draw to ripening colour; as soon as they be worth the sending they shall be sent you.—1 July, 1603.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "Mrs. Hickes to my Lord." Seal. ⅓ p. (100. 149.)
Thomas Honiman to Henry Lock.
1603, July 1. Being for some few days to withdraw myself out of the city, by reason of the sickness, before I go to the Court, understanding of your going thither I have thought good [to write] touching our former speech concerning Mr. Dove's office, whom it hath pleased God to call to His mercy. I doubt not Lord Cecil can and will extend his favour to a motion I would make for the said office this day fallen into his Majesty's or the Lord Treasurer's hands. If it be to pass by the Lord Treasurer's gift (and for consideration) I would stretch myself as far as an honest man could or should; but if his Majesty or his Honour by him might respect me I would be truly and sensibly thankful in such measure as should be required or accepted; I pray you let him know as soon as may be of the death of Mr. Dove towards the custom, and my desire to be employed to serve his Majesty that way.—London, this first of July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 2/3 p. (100. 150.)
Fulke Grevyll to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 2. I must presume to give you account of my own business since Sir David Fowles and I were last before you. Be pleased to hear this bearer in few words for it is much easier to you than to read them in an evil hand. I hear daily of your noble works for your friends, but hear nothing from yourself. When your time comes I shall be glad.—From Deptford, this 2 of July.
PS.—If out of your old favour and freedom you would give me a watchword whether the ships preparing shall go out, or whether you only mean to pay the King of Spain rumour for rumour, you should save me a great deal of labour and the King no small charge, and both without noise.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (100. 151.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1603, July 2. I have herewith sent you certain letters which were brought up unto me this afternoon, being stayed at Lydd, a town of the Ports, by the Commissioners of Passage there, for that the same coming in a Coperto directed to the King, was broken open. The letters as they are directed are some to his Majesty, to the Duke of Lennox, and some others to divers other persons about his Majesty, which seem to have been untouched. All which I leave to your discretion to dispose of. I have likewise sent the commissioners' letter that signifieth the cause of their stay. The party that brought over those letters I have appointed to attend you tomorrow.—Blackfriars, 2 July, 1603.
PS.—Mons. Bourbon the Lorraine ambassador, as I understand is landed, and this night at London as I hear.
Signed. Endorsement, signed by Cobham: "London the 3 of July at five in the morning. Henry Cobham, Haste post, post haste post, haste post with diligence." Seal. ½ p.
(100. 152.)
The Enclosure.—The Commissioners for restraint of passage at Lydd to Lord Cobham. This first of July one Thomas Gregory, a gentleman born as he saith at Stockwith in Lincolnshire, coming out of France arrived at Lydd, who brought with him five letters, one directed to the King, one to the Duke of Lennox, one to the Lord Fyves, one to Sir Andrew Melvin knt., and the other to Mr. Charles Paget. As the packet in which it seemed the letters had been made up, sealed with three several seals and directed to the King, had been broken up before it came into our hands, we tendered him the oath of supremacy, which he took orderly. Notwithstanding for that the letters seem to be of great importance we have sent him to you with the letters, to take such order with him as you shall think fit.—Lydd, first of July, 1603.
Signed: William Glover, bailiff of Lydd, and four others. ½ p. (100. 148.)
Sir William FitzWilliam to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 2. My father being become bound to her late Majesty in ten several obligations of 350l. the piece for the payment of 2,964l. 11s., into which debt he grew during his service in Ireland between the first and the thirteenth year of her Majesty's reign, all which debt being discharged partly by himself in his lifetime and since by myself, as by the several acquittances and four of the obligations cancelled remaining with me may appear; I have made a petition to his Majesty and sent the same to Sir Roger Wilbram, craving remission of the penalty of the other six obligations remaining uncancelled; whereunto I trust his Majesty will yield, for that none of his predecessors did ever use to take the forfeiture of any bonds made unto them, but only the principal. This, I am driven to do in this sudden for that my brother by his importunity and untrue surmises, myself being absent, obtained the first day of this term an order against me, albeit I had pleaded to the charge against me and nothing replied unto my plea: and by the same order a process had gone down into Northamptonshire to have taken my goods out of my house there and sold them publicly, pretending the same to be done for satisfaction of the penalty of the said bonds, had not the Lord Treasurer of Scotland upon the opening of the matter to him by my letter and finding the justness of my cause granted his warrant to stay the writ at the seal. Wherein my Lord Henry Howard showed himself most favourable unto me by his assistance. To this unlooked for extremity I was of a sudden driven, whereof I presume to make known to you, craving your favour therein.—London, the second of July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (100. 153.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1603, July 2. I have this morning received advertisement that there is now at Calais one Mons. Bourbone ready to come over hither as Ambassador from the Duke of Lorrayne to his Majesty. He has in his train about 35 persons, and yesterday one of his gentlemen came over to Dover to make provision of posthorses. Blackfriars, 2 July 1603.
PS.—From henceforward all advertisements shall immediately come to you, for on Monday I take my journey.
Holograph. Signed. ½ p. (187. 85.)
Francis Bacon to the Same.
1603, July 3. I let you know I shall not be able to pay the money within the time by your lordship undertaken, which was a fortnight. Money I find so hard to come by at this time, as I thought to have become a suitor to you to free me with your credit from urgent debts with taking up 300l. more till I can put away some land. This request I hope I may forbear. I shall be able with selling the skirts of my living in Hertfordshire to preserve the body, and to leave myself, being clearly out of debt and having some money in my purse, 300l. land per annum with a fair house and the ground well timbered. I desire to meddle as little as I can in the King's causes, to follow my private practice and to marry with some convenient advancement: for as for any ambition, mine is quenched. I shall now only put it upon my pen, whereby I shall be able to obtain memory and merit of the times succeeding. For this almost prostituted title of knighthood I could now without charge by your means be content to have it; both because of this late disgrace, and because I have three new knights in my mess in Gray's Inn commons, and because I have found out an alderman's daughter, a handsome maiden, to my liking. So, if you will find the time, I will come to the Court from Gorhambury upon any warning.—Gray's Inn, July 3, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (100. 155.)
[Printed in extenso by Birch, Letters, &c. of Francis Bacon, pp. 23—25.]
Barnard Hide to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 3. About a month since a motion was made by one Mr. George Hanger unto Mr. Jones and myself (in the time of our intermission from your business in the Custom house) to join with him in the victualling causes for his Majesty's forces in Ireland in case Mr. Jolles and Mr. Cockaine shall be dismissed from the same; unto which motion Mr. Hanger having then obtained some promise of our willingness, doth still insist upon us to go forward therein. But we perceive you are appointed by his Majesty one of the special commissioners for those causes, wherein though we would do his Majesty our best service without seeking to prejudice or supplant any, yet will we in no sort proceed further therein without your good liking, and that you think it a matter fit for us to undergo.—From London, 3 July, 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (100. 156.)
Mayor and Aldermen of Bristol to the Privy Council.
1603, July 4. One John Woodwarde, of this city, did yesterday deliver unto me, the mayor of Bristol, this writing annexed to the examination which we have taken of Thomas Woodwarde, who affirms that he received the same of Roger Robinson, to be delivered to John Symons, a schoolmaster in this city. We have made diligent search for the persons named in this writing, but cannot by any means have intelligence of any of them, and we have also examined John Symons, who confesseth that he hath been of late acquainted with the said Robinson (they both being persons which refuse to receive the communion of the Church of England), but Symons utterly denies that he knows anything touching the same writing or what Robinson meant to send it unto him. Robinson is at this present time in London, and, as we are informed, is to be found at the sign of the "Three Caps" in Bredstreete, or at the house of John Ireland, salter, in the same street, or at the house of William Dale, grocer, in Woodstreete. We have committed Symons to safe custody until we shall receive your Honour's further pleasure herein.
Furthermore divers evil-disposed persons being of late confederate and assembled together and embarked in a small boat or pinnace have not only taken a French merchant barque in the river of Seaverne near Cardiff, of 26 tons burthen, laden with wines for this port, but do continue in the same river to rob and spoil such as pass to and from this port, which may tend to the great damage of the king's subjects, especially against the time of the fair here, to be holden at St. James's tide next. Wherefore we beseech you to give such order for the setting forth of a sufficient barque with men and munition as shall be thought meet for the apprehending of the pirates. Also that the Justices of the Peace, Vice-admirals, and other the King's officers may within their several limits adjoining the river of Seaverne take special care that no such pirates be in any way there harboured, victualled and relieved, but that such as come on land or those which shall so relieve them may be apprehended, imprisoned, and duly punished.—At Bristol, 4 July, 1603.
Signed, Raphe Hart, mayor: Wyllyam Hickes: Fraunces Knight: Wyllyam Perphey: Wm. Vawer: John Welle: Wyllm. Yat: Willm. Ellys: Joh. Whitston, [all aldermen.]
1 p. (101. 1.)
The Enclosures:
1. Thomas Woodward, son of John Woodward of Bristol, fletcher, aged 18, saith that coming from London towards Bristol and baiting at an inn in Newbury on Saturday last he met there one Roger Robinson, an apprentice to Anne Dyas, widow, dwelling on the bridge in Bristol. Robinson did then and there tear a leaf out of a little book he had there, in which leaf was something written, and wrapt it up and gave it to examinate requesting him to deliver it to one John Symons, a schoolmaster, dwelling by St. Peter's Plompe in Bristol, which examinate promised to perform, not knowing what was written in it, neither did he read or look unto it until he came to his father's house, and then he read it to his mother who showed it to his father who brought it forthwith to Mr. Mayor of Bristol. Robinson departed at Newbury towards London on Saturday last, about 12 of the clock.
Signed by the Mayor and Aldermen of Bristol.
1 p. (100. 158.)
2. God save King James for I fear his death is at hand. It is necessary that one William Isefe the connger (?) were examined, for I know if he and that base slave Francis North and Nape do live the whole realm will repent it, for the noblemen will never be friends, and King James must not think to be crowned King of England. And whereas they report that North is a simple man they are all deceived, for he is so subtle that I will lay my life, put all the wisest men in England together and let them talk with him, and they shall not find out the sly subtlety of this villain. I was 10 weeks and did converse with him, to my cost; and till I made him glory in his own person I could not find his subtle sly villainy, and finding his humour I did my best and will do as much for him and his consorts as poor Judith did for Holofernes, for the children of Israel and you shall know I am the party that lay down the sins of the Holy Ghost. M.M.
Endorsed: This note Roger Robinson did deliver me at Newbury on Saturday last, 2 July, 1603. Thomas Woodward.
Small piece of paper. (100. 157.)
(3.) Copy of 2. (100. 159.)
Sir William FitzWilliam to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 4. Your last letter showeth your care in saving from wreck as well my reputation as state. Of which preposterous course undertaken and maintained against me that worthy Mr. Attorney General, to whom I am extraordinarily beholden, hath no liking, and gave me advice accordingly, both what to do and how my petition should be framed, which his own man thereupon preferred, and my day of weal or woe being to-morrow sennight I humbly lay the cause at your lordship's feet, to be thought on as your own compassion shall move you. I have intreated the Master of the Requests by this my servant to attend you thereabouts with speed.— Sunday, 4 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 2.)
Lord Cobham to the Same.
1603, July 4. The bearer Edward Kelke, town clerk of Sandwich, is appointed by the Ports to solicit their claim to the Lord Steward for the services they are to perform at the Coronation. As, in respect of the King and Queen, the number of the barons of the Ports elected for this service is to be doubled, and their apparel extraordinary and chargeable, convenient summons should be given them. It seems the Clerk of the Crown has no precedent of the writ of summons in that kind: begs Cecil to write to the Lord Keeper to have search made in the Rolls for one. Understands there is to be a warrant signed by the King expressing the particular services for the Coronation. Those of the Ports should be remembered with the rest. The bearer will show the particular services to be done by the Ports.—Blackfriars, 4 July 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (187. 86.)
Sir John Fortescue to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 5. Although your entertainment at Salden was such as I may be ashamed thereof, yet your courtesy emboldens me to trouble you in perfecting my suit, which it hath pleased you to move his Majesty in my behalf. For this purpose I have sent the warrant for the lease to be cancelled upon the assigning the fee farm, which my servant Richard Tomlyns will deliver unto you. I would have myself attended, but the Lords have appointed me to wait upon them at Whitehall for the coronation business. I pray you as it may light in your way to excuse the faulty and bad entertainment of their Majesties at Salden, which should have been much better, if I could have gotten provisions according to my desire.—At my poor house at Westminster Abbey, 5 July, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 3.)
Mayor of Dartmouth to the Privy Council.
1603, July 6. There are in these western parts sundry illdisposed persons, who since the time of his Majesty's reign, having gotten into some fisher boats with muskets and short swords, getting their victuals partly from the land by stealth, have taken and do continually take, rob and pillage such small shipping, both French and English, as travel to and from this port, so that very few or none do escape their hands, to the great damage of trade and tradesmen.—Dartmouth, 6 July, 1603.
Signed:—Walter Frauncis, Maior.
Postal endorsements:—"Hast Hast hast post hast. Given at Dartmouth the vijth of Julye at 5 of the clocke in the morneing. Asperton the vijth of July at ighte a cloke in the morning. Exeter past xii in the afternone. Thorsday. Crewkern 6 night, Thursdaye. Shafsburye Fryday 9 of the clocke in the morning. Salisburie at one of the clock afternoone the 9th (sic) of Julie being Fridaie. At Andever at vij of ye cloke in ye afternone Basyngestocke at a leaven in the nyghte the eyghte of Julleye. Harfart Borg at vij in the morning beeing Satardaie."
Seal. ½ p. (101. 4.)
Richard, Bishop of London, to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 6. I had the letters enclosed amongst Dr. Cecyll's papers. My meaning was to keep them till I met with Mr. Charles Pagett, and then to deliver them to him to be opened in my presence and read, so as if any matter of importance should be in them, to detain them and acquaint the State, as the occasion should require. Since I was with you I met with Mr. Paget, and we opening the letters, and finding them in cyphers, he was content I should send them to you, telling me that they came from the party of whom he has given you some instructions, and tomorrow he will attend upon you.—Eaton, 6 July 1603.
Holograph. Signed: Ric. London. 1 p. (187. 87.)
Sir John Fortescue to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 7. Upon the receipt of your lordship's letters and message from his Majesty by Mr. Percyvall, I confess I was much perplexed, not knowing how to satisfy his Majesty's request, and to retain my own credit, which now only in me more than any man that served my late mistress is deeply touched. I omit all that is passed, that I should yield the habitation of the house of the Duchy to Sir George Hume, which by all Chancellors, my predecessors, hath been enjoyed, and in which the records of the office are kept. It will be a great touch to my poor reputation, but to accept the dwelling in the Wardrobe whereof I have been 45 years master, and now to become an underservant, what a baseness of mind might be imputed to me, I leave to your lordship to judge. In that house of the Wardrobe is kept the store remaining of provisions, the amendment of all stuff, lining of hangings, and ordinary repair of arras, and continual repair of all artificers appertaining to the service of that office. That house, not only by use of time out of mind, but also by especial words in the charters expressed, is so tied to the office as neither Lord Treasurer of England nor any other besides the Master may be lodged therein. And therefore I most humbly desire his Majesty not to urge me to a matter so inconvenient both to his service and to me, adding to all the offences and disagreements which may arise from the co-mixtion of Sir George Hume's servants and mine, I being in these my old years desirous to retire myself to quietness, since it hath pleased his Majesty to draw me from the course of service in which I was experienced. And this in all humbleness, I pray his Majesty may be acquainted with mine answer, who am right sorry to deny any his desire, if in any sort without my discredit and overthrow I might yield to the same.—From my poor lodging at Westminster, 7 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 6.)
Richard, Bishop of London, to the Same.
1603, July 7. I should have acquainted his Majesty with one matter more, wherewith I had forgotten to acquaint your lordship. Clarke, the priest, wrote this letter enclosed to me with another to his Highness. I told Mr. Bluet that it was a saucy part of Clarcke to make me his carrier, and that I would not deliver it except I had first seen it, because it might contain such matters in it as I would not prefer to his Highness. Notwithstanding I presumed both to keep it and to open it, that if anything were material in it for his Majesty's service, it might be taken hold of, if nothing but in his own behalf, it might be suppressed. Now this Clarke is one of the priests whom the archpresbiter named to be a plotter and a chief instrument for the surprising of his Highness's person, and you may see in his letter to his Majesty what he saith, so as I think it very meet that he may have a protection to come to your lordship, or to whom you shall appoint (1) to reveal the parties against whom he opposed himself before, (2) that the secret of the supposed plot against his Majesty may be better known.—At Fulham, 7 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 7.)
Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 7. Upon a letter written from myself and the rest of the commissioners unto my Lord Cobham touching the summoning of the Combarons of the Cinque Ports to do their service at the coronation, I received this enclosed from him in answer thereof, which I make bold to send to your lordship, to the end that if it please you to send unto Sir Roger Wilbram for a copy of the ancient writ of summons used in these cases heretofore, which is not to be had but out of the Tower (for I have already sent to my Lord Keeper about it), I will upon the sending thereof unto me take order for the dispatch of the writ out of the Chancery. For the allowance of their petition of claim I shall not need to insist upon, in regard it hath heretofore never been denied them.—Whitehall, 7 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 8.)
Pe[ter] Manwood to the Same.
1603, July 7. The last night came unto me one John Powell of Feversham, deputy-searcher of Whitstable (a poor fisher town, within 4 miles of Canterbury), and showed me the King's proclamation, which at that time was not come to my hands from my under-sheriff, for the apprehending of Anthony Copley, a most wicked traitor, and withal that he did hear one passed over sea from that place in a poor fisher-boat on Saturday last, landed out of a London wherry. Whereupon I sent for the parties that carried him over, took their examination, the same Powell being present, which enclosed I send unto your lordship, praying your further direction therein. But how to do good in seeking after this traitor, without some manner of description of his stature, years, or hair, is very hard.—St. Stephen's, 7 July, 1603.
Postal endorsements: "St. Stephens the 7th of July, 1603, att 3 of the clock in ye afternoone. Seattingborne past 6 at night. Rochester at 9 at night. Dartford paste v in the morninge. Re. at London past 9 in the morning. Staines at 12 of the clooke at nonnc."
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 9.)
The Enclosure:
Christopher Hallydaye and Richard Greene, fishermen, partners in a small boat of Whitstable, of 5 tons burthen called the Curtall say:—The second of July, being Saturday, in the morning very early, there came unto them a gentleman (which came down from London to Whitstable in a pair of oars, and bound, as he said, to Margate), and meeting of the shore side with Richard Green demanded a boat to carry him to Callis, who thereupon did agree with him to the sum of 50s. to carry him to Callis. He landed at Callis on Sunday last and, being examined by the officers there, said he was bound for the French Court, but afterwards those officers directed him towards Dunkirk. He was shipped at Whitstable without the knowledge of the deputy searcher or any other the king's officers at land, any yeoman or person of account there. The said passenger was a man of middle stature well set, aged about 50 years, having his hair and beard gray, his head being bald on the top, and his beard broad bushed and somewhat gray, his complexion somewhat brown; his apparel was a plain fustian doublet, sad colour, with silver buttons, a pair of round hose of broadcloth, of sad colour, and a long cloak, and a pair of yellowish stockings, a plain dagger at his back, and a broad "curtelax" by his side.—7 July, 1603.
PS.—There landed at that time with him a Dutchman and his daughter (aged about 10 years) being bound after the fleet, which the States went over in, which the Dutchman seemed desirous to overtake, to have sent his daughter into Holland, for fear of the infection in London, but seeing no means to overtake the fleet, went back with the same wherry towards London.
Signed:—Pe. Manwood. 1 p. (101. 5.)
Sir Edward Norreys to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 7. As I hope to live under your Honour's protection, so do I not determine anyhow but from yourself. I can well stay your leisure, and when you think anything fit for me, you may well do it, so that I will forbear to trouble my Lord Chamberlain.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603, July 7, Seal." 1 p. (101. 10.)
Sir John Peyton, Lieutenant of the Tower, to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 7. I am very unwilling to be anyways troublesome unto your lordship in my private occasions, but I am sufficiently persuaded of your good affection to join your furtherance in anything that may add grace and advancement to my present fortunes, intended and promised by his Majesty. In the which I humbly desire that my merits to the state and in particular good affection to yourself may in your judgment solicit for me. You well know that this my place of service is only composed of trouble, danger, charge, and vexation. It pleased his Majesty, before his going from Grenwygche to give me leave of absence from my charge, the which all other commanders of the Tower (before Sir Owen Hopton's time) had, except in special times of danger. May his Majesty therefore be pleased to make his warrant for that purpose, whereby the warders and other the inhabitants within the Tower liberties will be more obedient unto such person as shall be deputed in my place, which, if it so stand with his Majesty's pleasure, may be Sir Anthony Deering, or such one of the officers of the Ordnance as for the time then being shall reside in the Tower. I have prescribed such orders as are convenient to be observed for preventing the infection from the Tower and liberties, and I will leave perfect instructions in all things concerning my charge, so as the receiving of the keys at the usual times (being only matter of form) is in all that is to be done.—Towre, 7 July, 1603
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 11.)
Lord Cobham to the Lord High Steward, and the rest of the Commissioners for the services of the Coronation.
1603, July 7. Acknowledges their letters of the 7th inst., for summons to go to the Combarons of the Cinque Ports for their services at the Coronation appointed for the 25th inst. Present notice shall be given to the Ports accordingly. The ancient course for this summons has been by King's writ out of Chancery to the Lord Warden, who by warrant out of Dover Castle gave knowledge to the Ports. He has written to Lord Cecil requesting a writ of summons in the usual form. There are certain persons now in town ready to attend the Commissioners, with petition on behalf of the Ports for allowance of their claim of their services, as accustomed.—Blackfriars, 7 July, 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (187. 88.)
Jo. Spilman to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 8. I have received a letter from an ambassador that is now upon coming to the King's Majesty from the Duke of Wirtenberke in Germany, and I think will be here within these 5 days. His company is about 30 persons. By reason of my employment in her late Majesty's time to the Duke, this ambassador now visiteth unto me, and among other things entreateth me this bearer, his man, to deliver a letter to your lordship. Further in my knowledge, the duke hath heretofore much relied on your Honour and so still doth.—8 July, 1603.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (101. 14.)
Sir Arthur Capell to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 8. Though I know very well that your lordship is a great commander of deer, and that this book that I now send unto you is a thing that for yourself you have little need of, yet I, that have not at this time any better thing to send unto you, lest by my long absence, I may be forgotten, beseech you give me leave by this small token to make known unto you that I do still always remember my duty and love to you. —Haddham, 8 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 15.)
E[lizabeth], Lady Southampton, to the Earl of Southampton.
1603, July 8. My dear Lord, and only love of my life, I beseech you love me ever, and be pleased to know that my Lady Riche will needs have me send you word how importunate my Lord Riche is with her to come to London, fearing he shall lose most of his land, which my Lord Chamberlain hopes to recover, but he thinks if she were near London, she would make means to have the suit not proceed till her brother's coming home, which else he fears will go on to his loss before that time. Therefore go to him needs she must. She is, she tells me, very loth to leave me here alone, and most desirous, I thank her, to have me with her in Essex till your return unto me, and tells me she hath written both to you and her brother that it may be so. For myself I protest unto you that your wills in this or in anything else shall be most pleasing to me and my mind is alike to all places in this ill time to me of your absence from me, being at quiet in no place. I pray you resolve what you will have me do, and send me word of it, if you will have me go with her. She desires that you will write a letter to my Lord Riche that I may do so, and she hath sent to her brother to do the like, for she says she knows his humour so well as he will not be pleased unless that course be taken. She will be gone before Bartolmy day, therefore before that time let me, I pray you, know your pleasure what I shall do, which no earthly power shall make me disobey, and what you dislike in this letter, I beseech you lay not to my charge, for I protest unto you I was most unwilling to give you cause of trouble with thinking of any such matter for me, in your absence, but that she infinitely desired me to do it. And this last protesting unto you again that where you like best I should be, that place shall be most pleasing to me, and all others to be in most hateful, I end never ending to pray to God to keep you ever from all dangers perfectly well and soon to bring you to me, who will endlessly be your faithful and obedient wife.—Chartly, 8 July.
PS. All the news I can send you which I think will make you merry is that I read in a letter from London, that Sir John Falstaf is by his Mrs. Dame Pintpot made father of a goodly miller's thumb, a boy that's all head and very little body, but this is a secret.
Holograph. Endorsed:—"1603." Seal. 1 p. (101. 16.)
M. Beaumont to "Monsieur" Cecil.
1603, July 8. He has asked M. Lievin to write to Cecil on a matter in no way important: which he begs Cecil to consider and remedy with his accustomed prudence. M. Lievin will deliver the particulars.—Londres, 8 Juillet.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "French Ambassador, 1603." ½ p. (187. 89.)
Robert Lee, Mayor of London, to the Privy Council.
1603, July 9. I received your lordships' letter concerning a seditious writing sent by one Roger Robinson to one Simons of Bristol, and have accordingly made diligent enquiry for him, and find that he departed out of London yesterday, being Friday, 8 July, between 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and as I am informed he purposed to go towards Bristol, having bought divers merchandises here in London, and sent the same down thither.—London, 9 July, 1603.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (101. 17.)
Sir William Cornwallis to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 9. I pray you give me leave to put you in remembrance of your promise to remember me. I hear there will be someone appointed for that journey and service, which makes me move your memory for me, desiring you most earnestly, that as ever I may believe you will do anything for your poor friend, you will do that which cannot be hard to do, if it please you to answer for my sufficiency. I dare presume the King will [answer] for my honesty and loyalty. If you did not favour me, pity me so much as to send me into 3 years quiet, who I protest have never had 3 weeks thereof since I was a man. Neither believe I desire to see Venice nor to be residing there, upon remnant of any wanton humours, or service unto Venus, but principally to do some acceptable service to my prince and country, and in my absence to restore and recover my estate which is shrunk and shaken with so many years' service to a prince utterly without reward. By your help I had a suit signed to the late Queen, but to this hour it was never worth the wax, and I doubt time will not work much out of it. My Lord, you gave me your hand and your word and I do requiescere in that. If you were not I would say to the Court, as a philosopher did to a city he had long dwelt in, o amici, nullus amicus.—9 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 18.)
John Whitgift, Archbishop of Canterbury, to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 9. It is here reported that his Majesty, by the instigation of some of his ministers, not knowing the state of this Church, nor of the Universities, hath written letters to the Universities that they shall hereafter grant no leases of their impropriations but to the curates or vicars thereof, which will breed so many and great inconveniences, that in time it will not only overthrow them or at least greatly decay them, but also learning itself and a learned ministry. I have written to his Majesty as much in effect, and have entreated him to make stay of any such proceeding, till he may be better informed. You are Chancellor of one of the said Universities, and are in that respect bound to protect them. I heartily pray you to be a means to his Majesty to the same effect, and to join with me in this suit.— From Croydon, 9 July, 1603.
Signed. ½ p. (101. 20.)
Sir Henry Lyndley to the Same.
1603, July 9. My Lord, I fear some bad ones have done some bad offices to your lordship against me, for I waited 4 hours at your chamber door, and could not speak with you, and when you did speak to me, it was sharp, which much grieved me. I humbly pray to know wherein I have offended, or if your lordship conceiteth evil of me by any information wherein I am not able to satisfy you to the full, then I desire no good, but all evil. My suit I know cannot offend you, for I offer to his Majesty things fit for him, and unfit that any other should have. They are of honour and state, and lie near to the castle of Ludlow, and I will take less by much than their worth to free me from the debts of my late Lord. I beseech you that I may entreat his Majesty, that you may be one to whom it may be referred, for that was the cause of my coming to your lordship.—9 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 21.)
Fr[ancis], Lord Norreys, to the Same.
[1603], July 9. The general heap of differences between me and my uncle had not been carried out of the ordinary course of law but for this respect. I was advised by Mr. Attorney General to entail the reversion of that land my grandfather gave my uncle upon the Queen, thereby to hinder him from otherwise disposing of it than his father limiteth, which is a customary and lawful course. Now my uncle, finding himself more restrained than he would have been, strove and complained to the Queen to be released of this entail, whereupon she referred the hearing of that matter to my Lord Keeper and your lordship. Upon the hearing of it, you both were pleased, out of your favour to us both, to hear other questions that were between us, but concluded us only of some provisionally, that the other matter between us might be ended in the same course of compromise and by yourselves, which some 4 months since received hearing before you, and I doubt not but your conscience is sufficiently informed of the poverty and infencible pretence of my uncle who nourisheth a litigious disposition in himself against more than myself, even to the making of him ridiculous to all that see and know his courses in that kind. But I leave pre-occupation to him and refer myself to the course you prescribe in your letter or howsoever, Sir Walter Cope being a man I like exceedingly to commit myself unto in any cause. Furthermore, that all advantage may be offered to my uncle, if it please you to make him this offer, to abbreviate your own pains, if he will suffer all other things to remain between us as they were at the first, whereas his land was entailed upon the Queen, which was the cause matters went not to Westminster Hall, that shall remain as he would have it, only for all the rest let us follow the ordinary course of the law.—From Ricotte, 9 July.
PS.—At the last hearing before your lordship, the matter was reduced to this, whether my uncle, Sir John Norreys, made a will of the land in controversy or not, by which pretended will my uncle Ed: claims. Whereupon your Honours ordered that witnesses should be examined in that point, which since by my Lord Keeper's commission hath been done, and the depositions published by his warrant, so that there rests only that your lordships peruse the depositions, which I have entreated Mr. Lenton, one of my counsel, to attend you and to know your pleasures, whether you will subscribe your resolutions, or to bring me your purposes, whereas if the cause be entered into anew and by such as are strangers to it, I fear they would intricate and confound that which your wisdoms have brought to end.
Holograph. Endorsed:—"1603." 3 pp. (101. 22.)
John Arundell, of Lanheron, to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 9. I lately wrote unto your Honour concerning a petition, which I exhibited unto the King, for the dwelling in the West parts, at my own houses in Dorsetshire and Cornwall, in respect of the sickness, the straightness of my house here, and the great hindrance in being so far from my own livings. The consideration of which petition is referred to your honourable Council by his Majesty. I do therefore pray your wonted favour in furthering my suit. The intention of my petition is only to dwell at my house in Dorsetshire lately fallen into my hands by the death of my lady my mother, having no purpose to dwell in Cornwall, but only to have sometime repair thither, to look into my own estate, wherein I have sustained great loss, for that I could not heretofore do it.—Highgate, 9 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 24.)
Penelope, Lady Rich, to the Earl of Southampton.
1603, July 9. The exceeding kindness I receive from your son in hearing often from you gives me infinite contentment. Lord Riche so importunes me daily to return to my own house as I cannot stay here longer than Bartelmentide, which I do against his will, and the cause of his earnest desire to have me come up is his being so persecuted for his land, as he is in fear to lose the greatest part he hath this next term. Wherefore I beseech you to speak with my brother, since I am loth to leave my lady here alone, and if you resolve she shall go with me into Essex, which I very much desire, then you were best to write to me that you would have her go with me.
I have written that I will come so soon as I know what my brother and yourself determine for my lady. I am sorry for Sir Harry Davers's hurt, though I hope it is so littled as it will not mar his good face.—Chartly, 9 July.
Holograph. Endorsed:—"1603." Seal. 1 p. (101. 25)
Sir Thomas Gerrard to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 9. Pardon my over-boldness, wherein my reputation is engaged, concerning the wardship betwixt Sir Hugh Beeston and myself. The gentleman died far in debt [and] left many children. His living too by year, whereof his wife for her jointure is to have 200 of it, now that in regard I assured the gentleman and his friends, being my neighbours, that I should have it, relying wholly upon your lordship's promise it will be greatly to my discredit. Whatsoever you shall set down I will perform to Sir Hugh, and were it not for these reasons, I protest I would utterly quit myself of it, having been so many ways bound to your lordship.
Holograph. Endorsed:—"1603," and in a later hand "July 9." Seal. 1 p. (101. 26).
Sir Edward Coke to the Same.
1603, July 9. Mr. Grevill held the offices in the Principality of Wales by the Queen's grant for his life; and Mr. Fowls obtained a grant for his life. Seeing Mr. Grevill has compounded for the estate of Mr. Fowls, it were good and very safe to take a new grant to Mr. Grevill for his life, and to take a grant in reversion to Sir Rich. Verney for his life. By this means no man shall pry into any forfeiture, but Mr. Grevill's friend's future interest shall protect his present estate. Accordingly I have ventured to draw a book, because I know you affect the gentleman, and I would be glad to protect him as much as I could from suits in law. If you shall give it furtherance, I pray you afford me your warrant.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Attorney General." 1 p. (187. 90.)
Lord Cobham to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 10. I received even now letters from Dover, from the Commissioners of Passage, by one Capt. Colville, that brought over with him from Calais one Robert Tunsted, a gentleman that sometimes served the late Queen, his Majesty's mother, whom for that he refused to take the oath of supremacy at Dover they directed unto me, with his examination taken there, which together with the party, I have sent unto your lordship by this bearer, Capt. Colville.
PS.—I have likewise sent the Commissioners' letter to me.
Holograph. Endorsed:—"1603." and in a later hand "July 10." ½ p. (101. 29.)
The Enclosures:
(1) Here arrived this day from Calais one Robert Tunstede, a gentleman of Derbyshire, who served the late Queen of Scotland, and for that he is a Romish Catholic and refuseth the oath of supremacy, by the advice of Sir Thomas Fane he is brought over to your lordship by a Capt. Colville, a Scotchman that dwelleth in Calais, a man very well known. Dover, 10 July, 1603.
Signed:—Richard Sissalie, mayor: G. Fenner. Seal. ½ p. (101. 27.)
(2) The examination of Robert Tunsted taken before Mr. Richard Siselie, mayor, and Mr. George Fenner, commissioner, 10 July, 1603.
Robert Tunsted, gent., born at St. Anne of Buckston in Derbyshire, served the late Queen of Scots some five years and about 20 years past was sent over by the Queen into France, where he hath remained for the most part ever since and hath had his maintenance by a pension allowed him by the aforesaid Queen. His coming into this land is to offer his services and duty to his Majesty. Acknowledgeth himself a Catholic and is not willing to take the oath of supremacy but desireth that it may be respited until he come to his Majesty.
Signed. ½ p. (101. 28.)
Sir Vincent Skinner to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 10. Upon overture made to me yesterday, of a seminary priest to be in Westminster, by the keeper of the Gatehouse, while I was directing a warrant for his apprehension, by good hap this gentleman, Mr. Sanderson, being in Westminster, by means of a servant of his, who knew the priest, he was stayed and brought before me. Upon search I could find nothing but some papers in his pocket which he had torn into very small pieces. Where he lodged the night before I could by no means get out of him. Whereupon I committed him to the Gatehouse, and spent all yesterday to find out his lodging. Being directed to a place where a young gentlewoman lay, his kinswoman, (and of whose apparel there was some part in a pack which a porter carried, who was stayed and the pack searched) the house is found out where the woman lodged. In search of which house, albeit I cannot find the priest had lodged there, yet have we found such a sort of lodgings provided for persons of evil affection to the state, with such conveyances by doors out of one chamber to another, with passages into leads for escaping, as I think there be not the like to be found: in a part of which house, being parcel of Ely House rents, there was also found divers great chests and coffers, full of printed books of that seminary faction, which will require some time to peruse and sort, of each whereof I will send you some. Supposing that some of the chests might be likely to come from beyond the seas, there was found by further search the press itself, with all things appertaining to printing, with letters ready set upon the press and paper for proceeding in their business. I also made search for all letters and papers, whereof there was good store, which after I have perused and shall find any matter of moment, I will sort and send to you.—Westminster, 10 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 91.)
Sir Edward Stanhope to the Same.
1603, July 11. Gout hath held me prisoner now almost these 10 weeks at Gray's Inn, and at my house in Essex. Being but this last week recovered, able but to go with two staves, I received yesterday letters from my Lord, your brother, to repair to York to supply his place as vice-president for the next sitting, beginning this day sennight, which I will endeavour, though I could ill have gone at this time. This morning I received letters from the mayor and his brethren of Doncaster, letting me know that certain of the tenants of Rosington (a manor which the corporation hath by charter), who time out of mind have taken their farms by leases for years, from time to time, as the terms have expired, at arbitrary fines, are coming up with petition to his Highness that they may be made tenantright at fines certain to them and their heirs. It is so foolish a suit, as scant worth answering; yet lest his Highness should apprehend it as a thing formerly due to them, I am, in the mayor's behalf, an humble suitor to your lordship, in respect you vouchsafe to be their High Steward, if their petition seem not ridiculous, that it may be referred to the Council at York, to see what colour they have to make this complaint, rather than to any gentleman of the country of their nomination, who (many of them) favour not the corporation.—Chigwell, 11 July, 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (101. 30.)
Fulk Greville to Lord Cecil.
[1603], July 12. I make no doubt of your favour but am sorry to find still both by your speeches and letters that things are more envious and uneasy to you than I wish them. In this business it is true your Honour never heard word of reversion, and if I be guilty of any other end in it than the quiet which I know both in love and honour you will help to afford me, let me lose my credit with you ever. The proposition came peremptorily for my counsel in presence of Mr. Attorney, your lordship's dear and honest friend. The manner and reason for my discharge, either be pleased to ask of him or understand of this bearer and, if your lordship and the rest in your wisdoms approve it not, submit all doubts to be expounded and determined by you. If you shall find it reasonable and will vouchsafe to persuade or urge Sir David Fowles in it, then I see the time is noble and the work, with your helps, even at the second hand, will not be heavy for him that works with a most liberal and worthy king, to give himself and me satisfaction.—From Horrolds Park, not well, this 12 of July.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (97. 52.)
Sir Thomas Fane to the Same.
1603, July 12. Capt. Windebancke, this bearer (who carried your lordship's packet unto his Majesty's ambassador with the French King) may best make known the cause of his long stay at Paris. His arrival was here at Dover this 12th about one in the forenoon.—Dover Castle, 12 July, 1603.
PS.—There is at Calais an ambassador from the Duke of Wittenberk unto his Majesty, who purposeth to arrive here tomorrow.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 32.)
Sir Henry Clare to the Same.
1603, July 12. How I have spent my time in her late Majesty's service is not altogether unknown to your lordship. If I may be of no use here I would be glad to be remembered in the establishment of Ireland, where your favour may procure me a company and command, when the army shall be reduced to a smaller number, in causing one company the more to be cast, and given unto me. The remains of my pay for my service in Ireland lieth there in that coin ("quoyne"), and I can get no one penny exchanged because I am discharged. I would therefore be glad, either there to be employed (being of the ancient list standing in those wars) or not to lose that for which I have so long served. Thus doth my love make me presume to lay myself open before you, not daring to come to Court as yet myself, because I have lieu in London, but going now to my dwelling in Norfolk, I leave my hopes in your hands.—12 July, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 52.)
The Bishop of London to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 13. I perceive by a note in your last letter to the Lords that there is a conceit that Watson is with me or in prison. But so it is that I did not see him since the last of January, that the date of her Majesty's proclamation was expired. He was prisoner at large as was convenient for the service at that time, and as it hath fallen out, he hath taken his liberty accordingly, and abused it.—At the Tower, 13 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 33.)
Nicholas Kendall to the Same.
1603, July 13. I have been acquainted with Watson (as mine examination doth witness), my thoughts being as free from treason or treachery as I could wish myself undone rather than the least hair of my sovereign's head should perish. I hope your Honour will censure charitably of mine examination, my years and ignorance, for my fault hath been error, ignorantia, not malitia. Though I am unknown unto you, I have lost many of my uncertain friends in defending your honourable ends from calumny and slander. I humbly crave your favour, as well for my speedy enlargement, as also that I might satisfy my friends by whose means I live. Those means being taken away I must infallibly starve. If my conscience had been guilty, I could have fled when I heard of the proclamation for taking of Copley. I never was called before a magistrate nor in any prison until now, and for death I hope I have least deserved, my thoughts being so loyal that I dare presume to entreat you to procure my enlargement on sureties and that I might speak with your lordship.—From the Gatehouse, 13 July.
Holograph. Endorsed:—"1603." Seal. 1½ pp. (101. 34–5)
Bishop of London and Commissioners to the Same.
1603, July 13. We shall be able to-morrow to satisfy your lordship of as great and detestable treasons as ever were intended or imagined. In the mean season because we do find Sir Griffin Markham a principal dealer, we cannot forbear to wish and humbly to advise that present order be taken he may be as safely kept as possibly may be. We find still more and more cause that speedy order should be taken for the apprehension of Watson by all means that can be devised, for Markham's offence is in the highest degree that can be imagined. It may please you to give order that our letters may be conveyed unto you by post.—From the Tower of London, 13 July, 1603.
Signed:—Ric. London: John Peyton: Jo. Croke: W. Waad: Tho. Flemyng.
Seals. 1 p. (101. 37.)
Bishop of London and Commissioners to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 13. We still do travail in those matters committed unto us, and do hope ere it be long to send you some fruit of our labours. For the mean season, because we do find that William Watson, the priest, is the chief contriver, deviser and setter on of this mysterious plot, we are bold to deliver unto your lordship our conceit for his apprehension. Seeing his Majesty hath used already the means of public proclamation for apprehension of others, which hath brought forth good effect, if the like way were taken for this caitiff, perhaps it would prove the speedy means to have him brought forth, which we leave unto your grave consideration only intimating thus much of our opinion, for we find for the present he is a man alive to both sides and if he hath breath he will either seek to be reconciled, or to go forth of the realm, and all the projects and designs proceed from and are to be had of him.—From the Tower of London, 13 July, 1603.
Signed as above. 1 p. (101. 38.)
Sir Henry Seckford to the Same.
1603, July 13. Testifies to service done to her late Majesty by the bearer, Mr. Robert Berry, and of her princely care and intention to reward him. For better testimony of his service, the Lord Treasurer and Mr. Attorney General by their letters written in his behalf, ready to be showed, may appear. Besides her Majesty pleased to give the last year unto him the receivership of the fines in the Marches of Wales. Whereupon Cecil required Seckford to intreat him to give over that suit, which he did, that the Lord President might dispose thereof.—13 July, 1603.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (101. 39.)
Sir Edward Norreys to the Same.
1603, July 13. I perceive that to attend any longer for the end of this matter of Notley is more troublesome unto me, than the course which I have proposed to myself to live in doth take comfort in. I beseech your lordship not to mislike that I seek to have an end by the ordinary course of law, for having waited these two days to speak with your Honour, I am now ready to depart home.—From my lodging, 13 July.
Holograph. Endorsed:—"1603." Seal. 1 p. (101. 40.)
Lord Zouche to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 13. I am driven to trouble you by the means of an idle companion which married a kinswoman of mine and a far more lewd companion, the brother to his deceased wife, also my kinsman, now, as it seemeth by his letters, remaining with him. I beseech you to consider how lewdly they both desire that either I should run into danger, or bear the name to prosecute mine own blood, whereunto I am not very squeamish if this course, taken as I think, were not sufficient. For upon the receipt of his letter, which I send you, I sent him a letter in answer, a copy whereof I send you. He was one who served in the Low Countries in the time of the Earl of Leicester's being there, and when Roland Yorke went to the enemy, this man, Richard Zouche went also, and so in my opinion worthy of condign punishment, whereunto I had rather help him than he should escape, though I rather wish, if it may be, that he should be prosecuted by some other than by me. I might further excuse myself in that I have heard that he hath been since that time in prison and let go and also now of late made known to be come over, yet have I not heard of any wait laid for him. For myself, I think I shall dispatch my business here by Friday in the afternoon and then I purpose to return by Haringworth and Northampton to London, but I think it will be Tuesday or Wednesday next before I come, unless I receive other directions. —Grimsthrop, 13 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (101. 41.)
The Enclosures:
(1) John Elmes to Lord Zouche. Notwithstanding letters and messages before times signified of my griefs to your Honour, but how truly certified, I know not, for want of return, yet now understanding your Honour to be so near, I could not hold my duty from you, although my person may not approach for divers causes, as I suppose. Besides my disability of body aged I have grievous enemies where your Honour have to do, and even now utterly unhorsed. I have now with me, unlooked for yet naturally welcome, my brother Richard Zouche, how well liking to others his better friends, I know not. Loth I were to offend so dear a friend, and therein crave your honourable opinion. I am most ignorant of his friends and mine also, neither do I know any man's griefs or wants but mine own. For my own part I want but a book to make merry (not myself) but my friends.—Stamford, 12 July, 1603.
PS. What I was promised or had of my Lord Willoughby's is all taken from me, although he is much pleasured by me. I would your Honour saw the wrongs offered me and my tenants under colour of my Lord Willoughby in Swinsted Fields. Mine own friends might remedy it, if they would but peruse that is mine; but as God will.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 31.)
(2) Lord Zouche to [John] Elmes. I understand not what you mean by your want of return, if of answer to letters, I remember not any of long time to me written, if of messages, I know not whether I have received two or one, to which I thought it not fit to give answer. Having business with my cousin Hall, your nephew, I think it not fit for you to come or me to entertain you, if you come. For any enemy you have I know none worse than yourself. Whenever I may do you good or you me, there be many places fit for such meetings. Concerning your brother Zouche, whereof you write, I hold it fit for you to set such watch over him as he escape not till his Highness's pleasure be known, for though I think him no dangerous traitor, yet I am assured that you know he is an offender, and I hold you a lewd fellow to acquaint me with any such lewd person of my name, since there be officers sufficient to make stay of such a mate, without making me the executioner, though if those which do evil should want, I hold it more shame to have such a one of my name than to cut him short. As a Councillor of State I command you so to make stay of him as he may be forthcoming before the King and his Council upon warrant given after notice to them of his being with you. For further help to you I send you a warrant whereby you may pray in aid of other magistrates, wherein I require you not to fail, if on your peril you undertake not to see him forthcoming from time to time, till the King's Majesty or his Council may be made acquainted therewith, which cause only stayed me from present sending for him, because if there be now nothing to be prosecuted against him I delight not to draw his name in question more than is fit for me and you both, as good subjects not respecting our nearest friends. For your venison and other affairs I had better consider of them when this is brought to an end, which I hope will be with speed determined upon my coming to town, which at the farthest shall be next week.—Grimsthrop, 13 July, 1603.
Copy in Lord Zouche's handwriting. 1 p. (101. 36.)
Sir Henry Maynard to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 13. Give me leave to present you with a few apricots and cherries of my poor garden, being the first with me that this year hath ripened. I hope to have shortly more store of apricots to send to you to Theobalds.—From my poor house, 13 July, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 56.)
Sir Andrew Noell to the Same.
1603, July 13. The loss of his wife has withdrawn him from Court, whereby he has not performed the duty he owes Cecil, for whom he expresses his affection. He would be glad that the bearer, his son, should be in the Court under Cecil's patronage, and wholly at his disposition. It has unluckily fallen out that the hawk he gave Cecil is dead, which he will supply with the best that comes to his hands.—13 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 92.)
Mary, Lady Cheek, to the Same.
1603, July 14. I am at this time bold to send to your lordship in the behalf of my son Cotton, whom I would be glad might have some gracing among many other to be a knight, and do assure myself it will be an easy matter for you to bring to pass, having that favour at his Majesty's hands that the world gives out.—14 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 42.)
Bishop of London and Commissioners to the Same.
1603, July 14. We are exceeding sorry that such wicked conspiracies and treasons should be ever thought of against so gracious a prince, and so are we heartily glad that the same have been brought to light without any torture or threatening. The declarations and discovery now sent unto your lordship of his own hand is so ample and full as we omit to send the former examinations and collections taken by us, being many and sundry, serving only as approaches that made way to this main work. We have as yet apprehended only Kendall, a younger gentleman, whom we have examined, but hitherto cannot get much from him. Out of this declaration of Copley we have collected notes to give him occasion to explain and enlarge those things that are not perspicuous and that we think fit to be known.—From the Tower of London, 14 July, 1603.
Signed:—Ric. London: John Peyton: Jo. Croke: W. Waad: Tho. Flemyng.
Seal. 1½ pp. (101. 44.)
John Corbett to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 14. By encouragement from my Lady of Warwick I did of late make my attendance upon your lordship at London, but finding you continually plied with great personages, and, as it seemed, full of weighty affairs, I thought fit not to give you trouble till some better opportunity. The infection of the city hath ever since kept me from thence, and until the court come nearer, I presume hereby to put your lordship in remembrance of me, as of one friendless and hopeless in the course which these fourteen years I have followed, first under Sir Henry Unton, all the time of his foreign employment, afterwards drawn forward by the persuasions of Sir Thomas Wilkes. The loss of these, and suchlike misfortunes, makes me now retired, known to no man of action, and in despair to have any use of this long spent time, if your lordship shall not happily take knowledge of me.—From Totnam, 14 July, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 45.)
Sir Ed. Trafford and Ra. Asheton to the Same.
1603, July 14. Upon a scandalous report bruited in this country and coming to our ears that your lordship should upon some disgrace conceived by his Majesty [have] been committed to the Tower, we as secretly as we could examined the reporters, and finding the same to have passed through three or four several hands, who upon their examinations have confessed the same, we proceeded so far as it came at the first from one John Presland of Whitchurch in Shropshire, a blind man, and of whom he had the same it seemeth he doth not know.—Trafford, 14 July, 1603.
PS. The first reporter to us was Christopher Stananought, gent., who had the same of John Urmston, gent., who had it of Henry Byram, son of Peter Byram, gent., who did hear it of Henry Byram of Byram, esquire, who did hear the same of one of his men, who did hear it of Willfray Bunnibye of Whitchurch, who did hear it of a blind man, John Presland his neighbour.
Signed:—1 p. (101. 46.)
Edward Bruce, Lord of Kinloss, to the Same.
[1603], July 14. I have received from Serjeant Howghton the letters sent him by the mayor of Norwich, the one in Dutch, the other in English, relation of an advertisement of a treason plotted against Grave Morise, which now is come to be discovered, and that of those which be taken some have confessed that there are certain others come over into England to practise against his Majesty. The Serjeant has delivered his letters in my hands to be sent unto his Majesty. I have therefore thought it most necessary to send them to your lordship to be considered by you and imparted to him so far as you think fit. I beseech you to guard and secure his person carefully till the coronation be accomplished and the roots of Coply's conspiracy be laid open.—London, 14 July.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 47.)
The Enclosures:
(1) We have been informed by one Abraham Verkine, a Dutchman, dwelling in Norwich, of a letter sent by one Isaac Verkine to Jacomyne Byggotts, a Dutchwoman. The substance in English is that Grave Norrys [Mauricè] was almost betrayed, but, God be thanked, it is revealed, and that four of the conspirators were taken at the Hage, and they have confessed that there are certain others come into England to betray the king, but I hope they shall be there taken. Which letters in Dutch, as they came from beyond the seas we send hereinclosed to the end if you think it fit you acquaint the Right Honourable the Chief Justice and the Privy Council, that we be not blamed or found fault with the concealing thereof.—Norwich, 8 July, 1603.
PS.—We send you herein enclosed the copy of the examination taken touching the tinker's wife, whereof we made mention in our former letters, which came not to your hands, whose name is Bridget Glaven, wife of Charles Glaven.
Signed:—Tho. Lani, mayor: Frauncis Rugge: Ry. Ferrour: Roger Welde.
½ p. (101. 13.)
(2) Dutch letter above referred to.
1 p. (101. 12.)
Ralph Dobinson to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 14. It hath pleased God to visit the city and liberty of Westminster with the plague of pestilence, and because it is dispersed in several places, and that the time of the King's Coronation approacheth, I thought it my duty to inform your lordship of the several places where the infection is, as also of the number buried. At St. Margaret's 15 of the plague this week, which are out of Petty Fraunce, Tuttle Street, Longditch, Theeving Lane, the Long Wolstable, and Sea Alley, of other diseases 5. The number of infected houses there are 20. At St. Martin's in the Fields there hath been buried this week of all diseases—, whereof of the plague 10, and it is in many houses, as well in the High Street as in by places there. Near St. Clement's Church and the fields the people are very unruly, and the townsmen constrained to watch their houses and force them into their houses, which are infected, and the bills that are set upon their doors are still pulled off, whereby such houses are not known, but to very few. Except a proclamation be granted, wherein some sharp punishment may be imposed corporally upon such as shall go abroad after their houses are infected or shall deface the mark and papers set upon their doors for that purpose, it is to be feared that this infection will much spread itself. Also we find that many persons of good ability, who are chargeable (in respect of such houses they hold here) to contribute towards the relieving of these poor infected people, refuse to pay any reasonable taxation. If it shall please your lordship to have the names of them, the churchwardens shall make certificate and will be humble suitors to your lordship for some redress.—14 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (101. 48.)
The Enclosure:
1603., July 1–7. Within the city and liberties of Westminster.
St. Margaret's in Westminster—
There died of all diseases in this parish 10
Whereof of the plague 3
Christened 5
St. Martin's-in-the-Fields—
Of all diseases 4
Of the plague 0
Christened 1
Savoy, alias St. Mary, Strand—
None died or christened.
St. Clement Danes—
There died of the plague 2
Dead of the plague in this liberty 5
By me John Dauson, Hyghton Stabell.
1 p. (101. 19.)
Tho. Arundell to Lord Cecil.
[1603, July 14.] The fear which he had to be thought to buy a barony has been the special cause why he has this long absented himself from Court, it may be he stands on too nice points of reputation; but the report of such traffic was never more bruited, and never more sought for, than at present. He understands by my Lord of Southampton of Cecil's willingness to favour him in this kind, of which, though he nothing doubted, considering his father's legacy in bequeathing him to Cecil, and his own love to him, yet he sends these thanks. He further requests a favour concerning a fit place in this creation. Though he knows that to strive for precedency has ever been thought a womanish ambition, yet doubting lest the ghosts of the Dukes of Norfolk, from whom he is descended, and of King Edward the Fourth's Queen, his great grandmother (whom he knows the King himself would somewhat respect) might chide him for giving place to such as can hardly prove themselves gentlemen, he thought fit so far to urge their right as to crave either a convenient place, or no barony.—Mooreclack, this 14th.
Holograph. Endorsed: "14 July, 1603." 1 p. (187. 93.)
Sir Richard Fenis to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 15. As you think my former letter responsible, in most humble answer of your objections, first in relinquishing my former right, inferior I hope to no claimers whosoever, as to my greatest comfort I have often heard your lordship second your most noble father in public averment of, if his Highness now afford me grace, his Majesty herein breaks no iota of promise to my Lords, unto whom also I desire, in hope to obtain their favours to yield humbly all proceedings. Before the Coronation the other claimers may by me be induced to submit themselves hereafter as I now do, preferring loyalty above all rights. That there are many of far more worth than myself now left out, I must humbly acknowledge, but I hope no one of them being ignorant either of the general opinion formerly had of my manifest right, as also of the late examination and public approbation thereof given, will so much as seem grieved with any his Majesty's gracious favour conferred upon me. Therefore if by the means of any great personage, in respect of my former right relinquished, this favour now may be obtained, let me in thankfulness to Mr. Levinus satisfy what in my former letter is expressed, and to my poor power otherways rest wholly yours by obtaining free passage, and your favourable contentment.—15 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 49.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord Cobham.
1603, July 15. I am informed by Mr. Crayford's eldest son, that Sir Robert Mansell being at his father's house received advertisement this day, that the Spanish ambassador is at Gravelinge, expecting his Majesty's ships to bring him over, whereupon Sir Robert Mansell, hasting presently aboard, intendeth with all speed to repair unto him.—Dover Castle, 15 July, 1603.
Postal endorsements: "Dover this xvth of July at 8 at night. At Canterburye at paste 11 at nighte. At Sytingborne at 3 in the morninge. Rochester at past 5 in the morninge.—Dartford at 8 in the morning."
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (101. 50.)
Sir Thomas Gorges to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 15. I have received a charge from you and the rest of his Majesty's Privy Council, which I will be as careful in duty to perform as any. I was commanded in your lordship's names by the knight-marshal before my Lord Graie, that he should neither write to any man nor speak or send any letter to any man, but by your lordship's directions, the which hitherto I have performed. Now I am to let your lordship know that yesterday about 1 o'clock there came a page of Sir Christopher Lawrence's to have spoken with my Lord Graie from his master, but I would not suffer him, but sent him away. Presently after there came one Capt. Bridges, a follower of my Lord Graie's to have seen him, but those to whom I gave charge of his lordship would not suffer him, which when my Lord understood of his being there (by what means I know not) he sent my son Smyth to intreat me that he might speak with Capt. Bridges in my hearing, but by no means I would consent to his lordship's request therein.—From Shine [Sheen], this present Thursday, 15 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. ½ p. (101. 51.)
Richard Hooper to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 15. Understanding by Sir Henry Brounker of the honourable care your lordship hath had for the effecting of my poor suit, which is now brought to an end, it had been my duty to have presented myself to your lordship with an humble acknowledgment of this your undeserved favour towards me, but finding the heavy hand of God upon many in the parish where I now dwell (albeit myself and family be free), and calling to mind the just proclamation lately published inhibiting all such as inhabit in or near London (where the sickness is or shall be) to repair to the Court, I have forborne personally to yield your lordship bounden thanks, until some better occasion offered. I humbly pray you that if any occasion of service shall be offered, wherein the use of my poor talent may be thought necessary, it may please you to employ me therein. I beseech you to give order to Mr. Levyne for the delivery of the king's letter to him, whom I have intreated to convey the same unto me, and shall attend for that purpose, and further to subscribe a letter which Mr. Levine will present to you to be directed to Sir George Carye, now Lord Deputy of Ireland, for the passing of letters patent of the said office, as appertaineth, which I know will be a great furtherance to the speedy dispatch of that business.—From Hogsdon near London, 15 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 53.)
Sir Edward Denny to the Same.
1603, July 15. I understood by your servant Flint of a desire you had to have a sparrow-hawk, and I have made bold to send you a cast of sparrow-hawks, which this year were bred in my woods and taken but this day.—15 July, 1603,
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 54.)
The Council to [Sir Thomas Fane].
1603, July 15. As his Majesty finds it necessary, for very special causes, to make stay of the passages for some little time at divers ports, and specially at the Cinque Ports, for the better stay and apprehension of some persons charged with dangerous practice against his Majesty's person and the State, we therefore require you to give strait charge to the officers of every of the Cinque Ports not to permit any person to take his passage at any of the said Ports for the space of ten days, notwithstanding any passport or warrant under any of the Council's hands, or under the hand of his Majesty, in respect that some such warrant may be abused for the passage of some such person. If it shall happen that one Sir Griffin Markham, knight, or Watson a priest, shall attempt passage, you shall give special charge to the officers to make stay of them and either of them, and commit them to prison. You shall also order the officers to send us a certificate of any such persons as shall seek to take passage. We have taken this course of writing to you rather than to the several officers, for the more expedition, —Hampton Court, 15 July, 1603.
Signed: Gilbert Shrewsbury, Mar, Tho. Howard, H. Howward, Ro. Cecyll, Mountjoy, E. Wotton.
PS.—You shall cause all persons attempting passage at this time to be detained till you have certified us and received order for their discharge. For your knowledge of Markham and Watson, we enclose a note describing their persons.
Contemporary copy. 1 p. (187. 95.)
The Enclosure:
A description of the person of William Watson, priest. He is a man of the lowest sort, about the age of 36, his hair betwixt a brown and a flaxen. He "looketh a squinte" and very purblind, so as if he read anything, he puts the paper near to his eyes. He wears his beard at length of the same coloured hair as is his head, but [there is] information that now his beard is cut.
Description of Sir Griffin Markham and his brothers. Sir Griffin Markham hath a large broad face, of a black complexion, hath a big nose, and one of his hands is maimed by a hurt in his arm, received by shot of a bullet. He hath thin and little hair of his beard.
All his brothers are tall of stature and without any hair on his [sic] face, of exceeding swarthy and bad complexions and have all very great noses.
1 p. (187. 94.)