Cecil Papers: July 1603, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1603, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp193-224 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1603, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp193-224.

"Cecil Papers: July 1603, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1930), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp193-224.

July 1603, 16-31

Francis Bacon to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 16. Your money shall be ready before your day, principal, interest and costs of suit. The rest shall not be forgotten. To do you service I will come out of my religion at any time. For my knighthood I wish the manner might be such as might grace me, since the matter will not.—From Gorhambury, 16 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 55.)
[Printed in extenso in Birch, Letters, etc., of Francis Bacon, pp. 25, 26.]
The Bishop of London to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 16. Mr. Brooke having written to your lordship desired me to signify unto you that he would fain speak with you as soon as you conveniently may, either at Fulham, or where you shall appoint. And of your pleasure therein he would gladly be certified by this bearer, my foot-boy. I know your affairs and therefore do offer it to your consideration, whether I shall bring him with me to-morrow to any out room at Hampton Court, where you may hear him at large. He had a conceit that his letter, enclosed in your lordship's to his Majesty, should have been delivered unto him this morning. I told him that you would deal therein as you saw cause. I persuade him that the only way to procure favour is to open all that possibly he can. He would gladly nourish a conceit in himself that he and the Lord Gray do rather deserve thanks and favour for diverting and breaking the plot, than to be imprisoned, and accounteth it a dangerous matter to rip into such a cause now past. If any proclamation pass, I would wish William Clarke, a priest, to be inserted. He is a man of a middle stature, but inclining to the lower sort, about 36. His hair is betwixt red and yellow, and keepeth his beard close cut. He is not lean, nor corpulent, but between both and rather lean.—At Fulham, 16 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 57.)
Sir John Byron and others to the Bishop of London and the other Commissioners.
1603, July 16. Upon the peruse of the Council's warrant and your lordship's letter we endeavoured to be advertised of Sir Griffin Markham's being at his house at Beskwood, so soon as we possibly could assemble together, and had certain intelligence that he did lie this last night at his house at Beskwood, and by his servant's information was this day at home at 8 o'clock and so would remain for anything they knew. Whereupon we went to Beskwood, but when we came thither his lady informed us he was (as she thought) gone this morning into Leicestershire, but certainly where he was she could not say. Notwithstanding we entered the house and searched the several rooms thereof, but found him not. The causes of our search we alleged was for matter concerning the High Commission, and to this purpose showed your lordship's hand and others, concealing the Lords of the Privy Council's warrant; but for our opinion in the expedition of this service we think it not possible for 1,000 men to apprehend him in Beskwood, if he be disposed, for that there is no entrance but at certain gates, locked, and kept by his keepers, and his house so seated as cannot be seen until one be near the same. But there be hills far remote from the house which will discover all that enter, whereby he may have warning to forsake his house, and then, such is the spaciousness of that park, being nine miles about, as affordeth no hope of his apprehension. Yet will we do our diligence to apprehend him, until we may know his Majesty's further command, and to this purpose have sent to know if he be in Leicestershire.—Newstead, 16 July, 1603.
PS.—This bearer, the messenger, came hither about 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Friday last.
Signed: John Byron: Brian Lassells: John Thorol.
1 p. (101. 58.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 16. According to the tenor of your lordship's letters and the rest of the Privy Council, which I received this day about 12 at noon, concerning the apprehending of Sir Griffin Markham and his brothers, and Watson, a priest, I immediately addressed my warrant to all and every the mayors and bailiffs of the Cinque Ports and their members, advertising them with the effect of their Honours' said letters, and requiring them upon pain of their lives to put the tenor thereof in execution. —Dover Castle, 16 July, 1603.
Postal endorsements: "Dover xvj July at vij in the eveninge. At Canterberie paste 10 at nighte the 16 Julye. Seattingborne past 1 at nightt. Rochester at 3 in the morninge. Darford at past 6 in the morninge. London the 16 (sic) of July past 9 in the forenoon."
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 59.)
The Same to Lord Cobham.
1603, July 16. Having received letters this day by post "for life" from the Council, I held it my duty to send you a copy thereof, that you may be acquainted with what was written, I having performed all things according to the tenor thereof. —Dover Castle, 16 July, 1603.
Postal endorsements: "Dover, 16 July, at 7 in the eveninge. Hast, hast, poste hast, hast, with delligens. Canterbury, past 10 at night the 16 of Julye. Seattingborne past 12 at night. Rochester at 3 in the morninge. Darford at past 6 in the morning."
Holograph. ½ p. (187. 98.)
Sir Richard Fenys to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 17. Albeit I find my most gracious sovereign no less bent to do me justice, than inclined to bestow upon others bountiful grace, nevertheless so great is his respectiveness not to violate his word, and no less dutiful ever shall my observance be to my honourable Lords. This Saturday being appointed by my Lords Commissioners to hear, determine and relate to his Majesty the validity of my claim, I trust they will be pleased to take such course as might now prepare it for some end. Obtain for me if not a revivement according to right approved, yet the like patent, which now I am most willing to render up with proof under the great seal by another patent that King Henry the Sixth intended and expressed it to the heirs male; which, without ostentation, I am at this day, first to the Lord Fenys, as honourable as ever was Lord Say both by match of his sister Maud to Bohun, Constable of England, as also of his daughter Margaret to Mortimer, Earl of March, as also descended out of one of the heirs of Say, and of the house of Lord Dacres, deceased. I beseech you to pardon me herein. I sue only for some final end of having these 18 years by universal approbation been thought, in such good proportion as it might best please my sovereign for the time being to allow it me, to have had apparent right thereunto.—17 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 61.)
Sir Arthur Chichester to the Same.
[1603, July 17]. Having spent the best of my time in the wars of my prince and country, which I confess hath hitherto given me worthy maintenance, my coming now from Ireland (next making myself known to his Majesty) was to get some establishment in that country for future times, my command there during pleasure being subject to the will or alteration of every deputy, or new commander of that kingdom. This makes me a humble suitor that the government I now hold by patent, during pleasure, may be confirmed unto me for term of life, and that I be not subject to the will, jurisdiction or power of the President of Ulster, if any be hereafter made, and a man of as mean quality as myself, but that my actions in that kingdom be only subject to the hearing and judgment of the Lord Deputy and State for the time being. And whereas the Castle of Belfast within that government standeth upon a strait passage, being the thoroughfare from one country to another, and the highway from those parts of the North to Dublin, and is with certain lands adjacent exempted from the Lord of the lower Chandeboye, and passed unto Sir Ralph Lane by costodium [The letter is here much mutilated]. . . . [If his Ma]jesty by your lordship's means pass me the settlement thereof, with some small help I will rebuild the Castle which is for the most part fallen to the ground. [I sent for]merly word your lordship concerning the upper Chandeboys, the lords of which I left prisoners in the castle of Knockfergus being taken by me in action[able] rebellion. May it please his Majesty to pass those lands to the captains that have served in those wars. They will adventure most of their fortunes in the settlement thereof, and this will be a good inducement to peace and civility in that barbarous land, where the people know not God, nor care not for man.
If these my demands and every part of them be thought unfit to be granted, I shall in all humbleness deliver up my charge over those parts and retire myself to my poor fortune in this kingdom, where having married a daughter of Sir John Perrott's I enjoy a mean estate during her life, and I intend, being favoured by your lordship, to become a suitor to his Majesty for the fee farm in some demesne lands of her father's, which being descended to the late Queen through his attainder was leased for 21 years, whereof about 15 are yet unexpired, and albeit the matter be of no great value, yet would I gladly release the money due to me, for which I have so often troubled your lordship, and acknowledge myself bound to serve his Majesty the rest of my life in the wars or commonweal. And being married to a gentlewoman unlike to bear children, whereby I may die without heirs of mine own, I cannot think my estate in them so worthily bestowed on any creature as on that noble gentleman, your son, which I vow and will bind myself to perform. As you require my speedy departure for Ireland, favour me in the premises, that I have the little money due [unto me paid before my de]parture or some consideration in this suit for the same.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "17 July, 1603." Seal. 2 pp. (101. 62.)
Paul Pindar to Michael Picks.
1603, July 17. I was with the Lord Cecil, but Mr. Wittaker was not there, so sent him in your letter and the apricots by Mr. Marburye, but his lordship did not call me in, being to ride out with divers of the Lords of the Council. At his coming he espied me and bade me follow him, and told me that as concerning the matter I sought he saw now no need thereof, for that his Majesty purposeth to keep an ambassador there, and therefore referred me to deal with the merchants for it. I replied that the merchants being no more a company, I could deal with none of them, nor they could do nothing. With this his Honour dismissed me. So I doubt this my suit is at an end, which shall for ever discourage me to make any suit at Court. The facility of this I make to be such as his lordship's sole mention to the King about it is sufficient for the obtaining thereof, it being no penny charge to the King, and the needfulness such as the merchants will be much advantaged thereby, and it shall much concern our trade. Also, if there will be an ambassador there, yet the consul must also be. There is a Spanish and French consul notwithstanding there be ambassadors for each nation, and are the chief men with and for the ambassadors, and both their trades together are not so much as ours. In my departing from his Honour, he said he would move the King, with which small comfort I will once more await his lordship at Court. Tyane is not returned from Court, but presently upon his return will dispatch the money.
My stay in London is only for the same, else would ride down into the country this dangerous time, for our neighbours about are infected with the sickness.—London, 17 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (101. 63.)
Sir Edward Coke to Lord Thomas Howard, Lord Chamberlain.
1603, July 17. Encloses his creation to the Earldom of Suffolk. Good wishes.—17 July, 1603.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Mr. Attorney General."
½ p. (187. 96.)
Sir Henry Woodhouse to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 18. I am enforced to be an humble suitor to the King for that recompense which her late Majesty had intended for my chargeable service to her. For this purpose I have framed my petition, and in the same have presumed to name your Honour, with Sir John Stanhope, to whom her Majesty's gracious meaning towards me was best known, as by your letters addressed in July last from Greenwich to the Attorney General it appeareth. I have not thought it convenient to present this petition to his Highness before I had first acquainted you with my purpose.—18 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 64.)
Sir Francis Stonor to the Same.
1603, July 18. A brother of mine, one John Stonor, is lately come over, who departed this realm about 20 years past, chiefly for his conscience sake, having remained ever since in some parts of the Low Countries, from whom I received these enclosed, directed to your lordship. He, being most desirous to live as becometh a good and dutiful subject, doth with myself beseech you to vouchsafe him your favour. I never heard he committed or intended any undutiful action against his prince or country. If it shall please you to admit him to your presence, I doubt not but you shall receive sufficient satisfaction. Although he hath no means of relief for himself or his wife, yet I forebore to come at him or receive him into my house, until I understood your pleasure.—Stonor, 18 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 65.)
The Enclosure:
John Stonor to Lord Cecil.—I have been long beyond the seas, choosing to live in banishment, not for any aversion from my prince and country, but partly to enjoy the freedom of convenience, partly for that I perceived in my younger days that my service could not be acceptable to her late Majesty. But upon this happy mutation I am come into his Majesty's realm to present myself, my service, and my [li]fe to him. I have never committed anything that might justly displease him, but rather for my affection showed towards him I have endured sundry disgraces in this long time of my abode. May your lordship be a gracious patron unto me, who hath always been a singular good Lord unto my brother, and if there be anything in me whereby I may be fit to serve you, I dedicate the same to you. Impart my humble submission to his Majesty and the Lords of the Council, and by my nephew Stonor's intervention let me understand your good pleasure.—Cobham, 17 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 60.)
Sir John Fortescue to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 18. Upon receipt of your lordship's letter, wherein I understood his Majesty's good pleasure to turn the grant made unto me of lease to fee-farm, I sent you the two warrants and desired at your opportunity alteration of them. I did also in letters since that time return my answer touching the Duchy house, which I trust his Majesty will have consideration of, for if either without my utter disgrace or inconveniency of service I might have performed [it], my former yielding of my places hath showed testimony how apt I am to accomplish his Majesty's desire. I have attended his service in London for this his coronation, with what peril in this infectious time I leave you to consider and unless I would neglect the same I could not repair to Court, but will be ready to accomplish whatsoever I shall be therein commanded.— At Hendon, 18 July, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 66.)
Richard Neile to the Same.
1603, July 18, I received a letter lately from Mr. Myles Raynsford, your lordship's late servant, signifying my Lord Chamberlain's pleasure that I should repair to the Court to be sworn his Majesty's chaplain and Clerk of the Closet, which I have not as yet accomplished, for that I hold it most beseeming me in duty not to attempt anything without your privity and good approbation first had. Though in regard of the bettering of the reputation of this place of the Savoy I have reason to seek that place which all my predecessors ever since Queen Mary's happy restitution have enjoyed, except only Dr. Mount, yet I will never affect what you shall not very well allow of. I therefore humbly crave your directions.—From the Savoy, 18 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 68.)
Sir Richard Molyneux to Lord Cecil.
[1603], July 18. I crave pardon for not having taken leave of your Honour before my going into Lancashire. I am so much bound to you for many former friendships, and chiefly for your late favour in procuring for me the general-receivership of the Duchy, as during my life I am only yours to be disposed on.—18 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." ½ p. (101. 69.)
The Bishop of London to the Same.
1603, July 18. Mr. Brooke is desirous to change his man. But because I know not what instructions he may have from his master, in the night (though my servants lie with him), I thought it good to crave your direction therein. The fellow he would send from him pretendeth a pain in his neck of an old swelling. Besides he that should come to him may have some private informations. I pray you therefore, if Mr. Brooke must continue any longer with me, to signify your pleasure what you would have me to do.—At Fulham, 18 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 70.)
Humfrey Flyntt to the Same.
1603, July 18. Sends by the bearer, Jennings's son, such fruit as Cecil's ground at Theobalds affords, which is 2 sorts of pears, and 2 sorts of plums, with a dish of garden pease. There are other kinds of fruit there not ripe, which shall be sent as soon as they are meet for service. The sickness at Waltham Cross is rather increased than decreased. Five houses there are visited with the disease. All things about Cecil's house and park are very well.—Theoballs, 18 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 97.)
Chief Justice Popham to the Same.
1603, July 19. Even now since my last letter to you, I received these enclosed from one who cometh not to me, but sends one Smyth, who is now here with me. This Smyth is the party that first discovered the purpose of the priests to write against the Jesuits, but cannot now do any service, an either(?) party being by some accident discovered, but hath gotten this other party to deal as you may see. Although there be many vain, and in my conscience, false discourses affirmed to be amongst these priests, and it may be the party doth this either to hold a credit with me touching his suit or to win money out of my purse, yet striking upon such a string as he doth in some part of these letters, I hold it my duty to acquaint you with them. What you shall direct herein I will do my best to effect. In respect I shall be much absent by reason of my circuit and otherwise, if you shall think good to entertain any matter this way, direct upon whom Smyth may attend to yield you advertisement from time to time of what shall be fitting.—At Richmond Green, 19 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 71.)
Sir Edward Denny to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 19. This hawk was taken this last night out of another eyrie, and of the whitest mate there is of any I have or can get. He is a fair one and of an excellent hardy eyrie.—19 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 72.)
Chief Justice Popham to the Same.
1603, July 19. Yesterday, coming from the Commission of Claims by Putney, I dined with my Lord of London and having some speech with him touching this late accident, I asking of him if any called Parry or Vaughan were mentioned to be in this late dangerous plot, I found by him that there weré two such mentioned to be partners in it that should be Herefordshire men. Whereupon remembering what was lately discovered unto me touching one John Parry of Poston, co. Hereford, esquire, son and heir unto James Parry, esquire, deceased, and one Richard Crofts of Eton [Eaton] in the same county, gent., who was a notable thief, and some 10 years past married the widow of one Hacklett, who, with one Vaughan and three gentlemen more, were together at Tewxbery about midsummer last, well appointed with pistols, and having more men than they did accustomably use before that time, a countryman thereabout demanding of one of these Parry's men whither they were riding, being so appointed, he answered that they were riding to London, and said withal, I pray God we break not our "sheenes" [shins] before we come back again. This being told me, as I acquainted you with it at my last being at Windsor, I took order with the gentleman that told me of it (being a man of very good credit) that he should advertise me both of the name of the servant of Mr. Parryes that used the aforesaid speeches, and also of him to whom the words were delivered, which, as I then told you, he promised to send me by the time of the Coronation. But finding now, by the Lord Bishop of London, that two of the names before remembered were now touched, it persuades me that those thus meeting at Tewxbury were of the same accused here, which I thought my duty to put you in mind of, and if you shall think good to have any present course taken with them and the rest of their confederates, I hold Sir Herbert Crofts and William Ruddall, esquire, to be the fittest men to be dealt with them. Yet this Crofts is very near of kin to them both, but they are very honest and very sure in my conscience to be trusted. There was in Whitsun week last a great assembly of some of these and others of that kind at Seborn's house in Herefordshire, and that with great jollity, which moved many well affected in those parts much to muse at. I also told you before that, at Court, of another advertisement had out of west parts of certain priests that had made a vow to take some course in hand to overthrow this State, the names of two of which were discovered by a Jesuit priest to him that told it me, which assures that when we here held ourselves most secure, it should be effected. I have laid wait in Berkshire for the one, whose name should be Walwood, but I cannot yet learn of him. As soon as they come into these parts they so often change their names. The other he named to be one Roe, who is a Devonshire man, for whose apprehension I have written thither to my son Champernone, who I am sure will do the best he can to take him if he be there. I was also informed in London, before my last going thence, by some that had lighted amongst some Jesuit priests, that that party also had some practice in hand, but what it was he could not learn; but they seemed in words to "eame" [aim] much at his Majesty's often going abroad; and of this company one Brookesby and Tuke a Leicestershire gentleman was [torn off]. I write this much to you to the end you may observe how this can concur with other discoveries, and thereby to make such use of it as were fit. For I do assure myself the Jesuit faction have their practice afoot as well as the others, though carried with more secrecy, and so the more dangerous, and the more circumspection to be used in the discovery of it.—"Richmond Green, where I am very weary of my travel, 19 July 1603."
Holograph. 3 pp. (187. 99.)
Sir Fulk Greville to Lord Cecil.
[1603], July 20. There is more reason for me to crave pardon for these unseasonable troubles than that your Honour should any way excuse yourself. To be noble and sensible is the worst fault I find by you, and therefore, as my Lord of Bath's saying is, I pray God you may be so still. I am sorry for this fall of mankind and style him the pride of Lucifer and his angels. This unquietness of heart is rather a littleness than greatness, as will manifestly appear, in some of them that it hath pleased your Honour to name unto me. I pity your toil and should do much more but that I think the king happy in your providence and diligence.—From Deptford, 20 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (101. 73.)
Thomas Wilson to Sir David Fowler, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber, at Oatlands.
1603, July 20. Use the same patience with my writing as you did last night with my words. Your courteous admonition hath drawn my extravagant desire into some better particularity. I understand since my late speech with you that there are 10 servants assigned to the prince besides those of his Chamber, and other ordinaries, that is, 2 cup-bearers, 2 carvers, 2 showers, and 4 grooms. If I be not thought worthy to be of his Highness's Chamber, I desire to be admitted to one of the former six, and if I speak not too late, one of the first two. Methinks the very name of pincerna principis pleaseth me well. In that place I trust to do such other offices as shall give content to that honourable knight, who hath charge of all. Accept at my hands this gelding which I send you by this bearer, my servant. I do not mean by presents to procure your favour; I hold myself more assured thereof without them, but I am bold to offer it in such poor matters as this, because yourself was the beginner in presenting me first. I humbly recommend my service to yourself and to Sir Thomas Chaloner.—Hampton Court, this present Thursday, July 20, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 78.)
The Mayor of Dover, and others, to Lord Cobham.
1603, July 20. Here arrived this present day from Calais John Crouce, one of the ordinary posts of Antwerp with divers packets of letters, which we have sealed up in a bag, requiring him to repair therewithal to your lordship, and to attend your further pleasure.—Dover, 20 July, 1603.
Signed:—Richard Syselie, mayor: Jeremy Great: Edmond Allen.
1 p. (101. 79.)
John George, Prince of Anhalt, to the King.
1603, July 20. Thanking him for his letter by Thomas Tusser in reply to the letter of congratulation on his accession addressed to him by the Count and his brothers. The Count's councillor Peter von Hecla has returned from Scotland with accounts of the King's magnificence and piety.—Dessau, 20 July, 1603.
Signed. Latin. Seal. 2 p. (134. 40.)
E[lizabeth], Countess of Southampton, to the Earl of Southampton.
[? 1603, Before July 21.] My dear Lord and only joy of my life, being very weary come to this house with my long journey, I was very quickly helped of that pain with the riding. Your kind letter I received by Sir T. Egerton the next day. I hope you will not fail to do as you say in your letter to shorten your journey that soon I may have you here with me.
PS. Sweet my Lord, let your man Toucks buy me a "stumiger" [stomacher] of scarlet, half a yard broad, and as long at least, lined with plush to keep my belly warm a days which I must ride. I grow bigger and bigger every day. Send one to your daughter before you come hither that I may certainly hear by you how she does, who next yourself I will ever love most, and look that your picture be very finely done and brought hither as soon as may be, or else I will do nothing but chide with you when you come to me.—Undated.
Holograph. 2 Seals. 1 p. (109. 31.)
Sir John Peyton to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 21. According to your lordship's direction I related unto my Lord Cobham what course were best for him, as his case now standeth, he being under a king's justice that is composed of all mercy. I persuaded him to use no manner of reservation, which course he vowed to hold in his relation which I send enclosed, according as your lordship required. Sir Walter Rawly standeth still upon his innocency, but with a mind the most dejected that ever I saw. My Lord Gray continueth in the same manner he did. He is desirous to write to his Majesty, which I in good fashion denied, until I might understand his Majesty's pleasure. Then he intreated me to permit him to write unto your lordship, whereunto I assented, which letter I send enclosed.—Tower, 21 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 82.)
Sir Thomas Chaloner to the Same.
[1603], July 21. Pardon these lines interrupted with grief. The place where the prince is now resident, being more spacious than is requisite for so small a train, and the negligence of the attendants ill befitting so great a charge makes me hold myself ill-secured if a sufficient guard and retinue of faithful gentlemen be not speedily appointed to prevent such mishaps as we now lie open unto. The assurance of the king's person and the whole state relieth in the preservation of the prince, which may the more easily be effected, if persons of sufficiency be deputed unto this service. To that end I entreat this favour at your hands, that it may please the King to appoint some such gentleman to be resident here, as for the trust which he shall think him worthily to be put in, and the acquaintance which I have had with him, I may be bold to use his advice and assistance when need shall require, in which point, if my wishes might take place, I suppose that Sir David Fowler should have the grace to be preferred before any other. For his title and place of service, I refer it to your consideration, yet I presume to signify that in my opinion it might best befit him to be principal gentleman of the prince's chamber.—Oatelands, 21 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (101. 83.)
The Bishop of London to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 21. Being at Lambeth, this letter enclosed was brought me by an honest man, Thomas Bulbeck, an officer of the Duchy, together with Sir Griffin Markham's man, the bringer of it. I examined the fellow and send the examination herein. My Lord Grace hath sent him to the Gatehouse close prisoner. The pretence of the letter is as supposing he had been searched for by virtue of his Majesty's commission, because in his way from London he took a man from a poursuivant who had stolen Dr. Steward's daughter having a wife already.— 21 July, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 84.)
The Enclosure:
Sir Griffin Markham to the Bishop of London.—I was gone from home on Saturday last to visit my brother and sister Longeford and yesternight came to me a man with news that my house was searched by a poursuivant and 4 justices by your lordship's authority, joined with some others. I can guess at no reason except some creditors have gotten notice of a matter against me out of the High Commission Court about one of my Lord of Southampton's men for whose appearance I gave my word, for which cause, fearing their malice might stretch to ruin me by restraint, I avoided London, but in good faith neither went out of the way of purpose nor thought of no such thing at this time. Now for these causes fearing it I thought it not amiss to send this messenger to advertise you, that upon notice from you at any time I will wait upon you, for I hope your lordship's sending me summons will serve me for protection.—Longford, this 18 July. Note by Tho. Bulbeck:—21 July, 1603. This is the letter which I delivered unto my Lord Bishop of London in the presence of my Lord of Cant[erbury].
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 80.)
[Sir John Peyton] to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 21. My Lord Gray's letter not being ready, I would not stay my Lord Cobham's because your lordship desired me to send those with convenient speed. This I now send is upon my Lord Gray's importunity, desiring your direction in these causes.—Tower, 21 July, 1603.
Unsigned. Seal. ½ p. (101. 98.)
Dr. Lancelot Browne to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 22. I beseech your Honour to bear with my boldness in renewing my suit unto you for my son Dr. Harvie. Dr. Marbecke departed yesterday a little before 6 o'clock at evening. This morning by advice of a good friend I moved my Lord Treasurer for him, who answered that if he had not passed his promise to Dr. Gwinne (brother to my Lord Admiral's apothecary and reader of the Physic Lecture in London) my son should have had all the good furtherance he could therein. Since noon I went to my Lord Lieutenant of the Tower, and told him that I had written to your Honour about my suit already, who answered that he hoped my Lord Treasurer would not do him wrong in choosing of the physician for the Tower, and that in the appointing of one he would wholly depend [on] and be ruled by your Honour, and willed me again to crave your favour herein. If I may understand your lordship's pleasure I will send for my son out of the country to attend in Dr. Gwin's place in the Tower until his return.—From an apothecary's shop in Fanchurch Street, in all haste, 22 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 86.)
Dr. Gifford's Brief.
1603, July 22/Aug. 1. Octavius, Bishop of Tricarico, Nuncio in the Belgian provinces of Pope Clement VIII, and vice-protector of England, Scotland and Ireland, to William Gifford, S.T.D., dean and canon of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Lisle. Recommending him to George Blackwell, archpriest of England and to all whom it may concern. Gifford is in the first place to endeavour to compose all remaining differences amongst the English Catholics. He is to exhort them to do nothing against the public peace or anything that may make their religion hateful and suspect. They shall count for joy any contumely they may endure for the name of Jesus. If he can see the Queen without offence to the King, he is to assure her of the Pope's paternal affection for her and that he prays for nothing more than that the King whom God has brought to the greatest Kingdom on earth may be incorporated in His mystic body, which is the Church, that he may win an everlasting Kingdom; that the Pope will be most ready to use his authority amongst Catholics to secure the safety of his Majesty's person and state and will call out of his kingdom all those whom his Majesty may reasonably judge to be noxious to himself and his state.
"Datum Bruxellis in palatio nostro anno 1603 Kalendis Augusti. Subscriptum erat. Octavius episcopus Tricaricensis nuntius apostolicus vice-protector.
Hec copia collata cum litteris originalibus inventa est concordare per nos notarios publicos insulis residentes anno a nativitate Christi millesimo sexcentesimo tertio Octobris die duodecima. In cujus rei testimonium dictam copiam signis nostris manualibus munivimus." [Signatures of notaries.]
Copy. Latin. Endorsed: "Doctor Gifford's brief from the Pope's Nuncio in Flandres." 1 p.
[Printed in extenso from a MS. in the English College at Rome, in Dodd's Church History of England (ed. Tierney) IV, App. pp. lx, lxi.] (101. 133.)
Sir John Peyton to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 23. I send your lordship hereinclosed a letter which Mr. George Browke desired to write unto you. Touching this place wherein I have divers years served, I do so far discern the miseries and mischiefs incident unto it, as I must still intreat your favour therein, and should think myself infinitely happy to make such a change as it pleased you to impart unto me. During my stay here I will use my uttermost endeavour in all things that shall concern his Majesty's service.—Tower, 23 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 88.)
The Enclosure: George Brooke to Lord Cecil. Perceives that he is fallen quick into hell. Knows not whether he may take joy in the sensible and daily declining of his health or no. Has confidently thrown himself upon Cecil. Remembers what he has received from him, yet holds himself bound to entreat that he will not be weary to move the King for grace, and that he will not exempt them only out of this great and universal jubilee. If Cecil will undertake this he will do it much better and it will appear more honourable in him. Does not like to speak those things that most men in his case are accustomed to say. Cecil's credit is better employed for a man whom fortune cannot deject than for such who can easily fall to those miserable forms, whereby they gain more contempt than pity. What he has done to redeem his offence and in what manner Cecil knows. What he has more to do, prays to be advised.—22 July, 1603.
PS. Entreats to speak privately with Cecil if he come to this place.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Ralegh's Book, Cecill house." 1 p. (101. 85.)
[Partly printed in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii, 448.]
Sir Thomas Throckmorton to the Same.
1603, July 23. Encloses a letter he has received from his sorrowful sister, who desires his coming to her, together with the copy of his answer. Desires to know whether the King and the Council will give him leave to come up to her. He means not to do so without their consent, though he could be contented to yield her in this grief all lawful brotherly comforts.—Paulersperry Lodge, 23 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 89.)
Sir John Peyton to Lord Cecil.
[1603], July 23. I must confess that since my attendance on your lordship I have been more than grieved, but your noble fashion towards my son and honourable letters unto myself doth double both our desires to do your service. The letters directed unto my Lord Graye were brought by a soldier out of the Low Countries. I also send you a letter from my Lord Cobham, who in all his speeches doth no whit spare himself. I never saw so strange a dejected mind as is in Sir Walter Rawly. I am exceedingly cumbered with him. Five or six times in a day he sendeth for me in such passions as I see his fortitude is [not] competent to support his grief.—Tower, 23 July.
PS. I beseech your lordship mediate the continuance of his Majesty's favours for the island of Jarsye, as a place of all others best agreeing with my desires.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (101. 92.)
The Enclosure: Henry, Lord Cobham, to Lord Cecil.— Cecil once or twice asked him his purpose for the Lady Arbella. It is a hard task for him to remember every conceit that passed in his humour of discontentment, and when all is known, it will be found no such ground of foundation as is conceived. God is his witness when he saw her he resolved never to hazard his estate for her. His Honour shall perceive this conceit soon died and never had reviving since.—From the Tower of London, 23 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 87.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii, 449.]
The Mayor of Hull and others to the Same.
1603, July 23. Pray for redress of the great loss done to their poor neighbours by the officers of the King of Denmark, for which they have made long and tedious suit. Hope by Cecil's help, and the coming of the King's ambassadors, it will now be effected. Thanks Cecil for continuing High Steward of their town. Hull, 23 July 1603.
Signed: W. Barnerde, Mayor, Jno Lyster, John Graves, Anthony Burnsell, Hughe Armyne, Marmadowck Hadyesa and Tho. Thackraye. 1 p. (101. 187.)
Henry Carew to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 24. I have been imprisoned for almost three months, and have exhibited divers petitions to the Privy Council, and lately to the King himself, for the release of my imprisonment and insupportable fine. The King, as Dr. Ceasar endorsed upon the petition, answered, that the Lord Keeper, the Lord Treasurer, and Sir George Humes should determine the same. They have answered me, that they would find a time to consider thereof, but I am hopeless of any hearing of my cause. I intreat that my pitiful cause may be again made known to the King, for I stand in danger of my life from the sickness which environs this place, and also every day look to be murdered in the chamber where I lie. For being committed hither with the liberty of the house, I have been within this 5 or 6 days so restrained as neither man or friend can have access to me. On Saturday last as I was going to bed, I was so assailed in my chamber by a drunken fellow who got unto him 5 or 6 more after I had delivered myself from the first, wounded and abused me most basely, a matter unknown unto your Honours and yet nothing more common than this, and suchlike barbarous cruelties to men of good sort which notwithstanding go unpunished.—From my close restraint in the Fleet, 24 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 90.)
Sir Richard Fenys to the Same.
1603, July 25. As your Lordship is pleased to procure his Majesty to revive the dignity lately discontinued in my poor house, I beseech you, if it please his Highness to make me the first happy man (after his coronation) that shall be blessed by the abundance of his grace and justice, that if it shall be thought needful to have robes, which my Lord of Kent at his revivement had not, but only her Majesty's word of allowance, willing him to carry his sword before her to the chapel, I might privately at my attendance, before the Lords Barons be gone, know of you if I must provide for the same, hoping that if I shall be willing to forego the precedency of the place, which to satisfy my Lords I will be contented for ever to abjure, as also the patent of recognizement expressing the same, I shall the rather obtain his Majesty's most gracious allowance, much more esteemed of me than all former rights, how precedent or approved soever.— 25 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 93.)
Sir John Peyton to the Same.
[1603], July 25. With all thankfulness acknowledges the news first signified to him by Cecil, and yesterday by Sir William Wade, as a message from the Lords, of his Majesty's pleasure to bestow on him the captainship of Jarsye, and to ease him of his charge in the Tower. Conceives it is thought necessary to have him dispatched thither with some expedition and desires Cecil's further direction in this.—Tower, 25 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (101. 94.)
The Mayor of Canterbury to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 25. This 25 July I caused to be apprehended within this city one Frances Desbronsweeke, an alien lately come into the realm from the Low Countries, whom, upon the examinations of certain credible persons of the congregation of the strangers here, together with his own speeches and confession, I doubt to be a person come upon evil intent against the State. He is a very good workman in making plots and painting. He professeth himself a papist. The testimony of the witnesses taken before me do witness so of him, besides his heinous crime by his false and seditious reports uttered of the King and Queen. I have sent the same Frances Desbronsweeke unto your Honour under the custody of the bearer hereof for further examination. If it would please your Honour to cause the charge of conducting this prisoner from hence to be allowed this bearer, it may be some small help in these services hereafter. —Canterbury, 25 July, 1603. Under the Seal of the office of Mayoralty there.
PS.—Since these examinations I am informed that he hath reported himself to be the Duke of Bronswycke's son. Some of the strangers here heard one of the ambassador's train use liberal speech touching speedy change of religion.
Signed: Richard Gaunt, mayor. 1 p. (101. 95.)
The Sheriff of Herefordshire to the Privy Council.
1603, July 25. I received your lordships' letters of the 16th inst. the 21st of the same, and after intelligence of John Scudamore, therein named, being at his house at Kenchurche, repaired thither with all speed, apprehended him, and sent him to Hereford in the custody of my under-sheriff, whilst I made enquiry and travelled after John Parry of Poston by myself, and Richard Davies, esquire, who inhabiteth within a mile of the chief house of the said John Parry. I cannot as yet inform myself where the said John Parry is, and therefore now have sent John Scudamore by Henry Kyrle, gent., my undersheriff, to you to answer the matters in your letters mentioned. I also searched all trunks, coffers, closets, and other places in his house for such writings and papers as might concern his Majesty, but could not find any. I carefully lay wait by especial "spials" for John Parry, and as soon as I learn where he is will apprehend him and send him up.—Hereford, 25 July, 1603.
Signed: Richard Hyett. Seal. ½ p. (101. 96.)
Henry Lok to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 25. Speaks of the peril of his estranged countenance at Court, which will encourage his adversaries to oppress him. Begs Cecil's favour to remind his Majesty of his services, and his innocence of imputed wrongs. If his Majesty be truly informed of his cause, his clear sighted judgment will not be so eclipsed by any sly Court practice as to withhold his clemency. His Majesty assured to him his favour by his letters four years ago, and he has foreborne all offensive courses, and performed the services then desired by the King, and graciously accepted. If Cecil now forsakes him, the world may justly suspect him thereby.—Acton, 25 July, 1603.
Holograph. 3 pp. (187. 102.)
Lord Buckhurst to the Same.
1603, July 26. On Sunday even as the King was going to service I received a special commandment by the mouth of Sir George Hume from the King to stay and seize to his Majesty's use 4 trunks and one chest said to pertain to the Lord Cobham, wherein great virtues were supposed to be. I was bold to go to your chamber, and there I made warrants accordingly. Since which time these trunks and chest have raised so great hopes to divers as warrants have come from several Justices of Peace, from some lawyers claiming the same as forfeit to the lord of the fee, and lastly from all the ladies to stay the same chests and trunks, whereby many impediments and crosses have hindered my proceedings. But in the end, sending a more absolute warrant than the first I caused the same to be seized to the King's use, and before 3 special persons to be opened, where followed Parturiunt montes exit ridiculus mus, for they are no better than trunks of 4 of the Lord Cobham's poor servants filled with their apparel, and all not worth 10l. With this I send you 3 papers brought to me by my Secretary, who found them in the chest of one Rogers his secretary, being all the writings of any moment found there.—26 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 97.)
Sir Henry Brouncker to the Same.
1603, July 2 (fn. 1) My absence hath much grieved me, as the time now serveth. The day of the king's remove from Windsor, I was overtaken with a painful fit of the stone, which being past, within 2 days I returned to the Court, where I was taken anew more grievously than before, and with so great difficulty voided the stone as I have not yet recovered my strength. I am not born to advancement, nor, I fear, to much profit. If I may enjoy your favour I am as well contented as the world can make me.—2 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 91.)
Sir John Harrington to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 27. Yesternight late a prisoner that was Mr. George Brooke's servant [in margin: Timothy Elks] told me the cause of his master's discontentment toward your Honour in particular grew in the Queen's time about the Mastership of St. Cross, the missing whereof, his state decaying by his large expense, made him a more dangerous malcontent in this time, and so I perceive Sir Griffin Markham, his state likewise decaying (and he missing his parks), in a sympathy of discontent accorded with him. As I had written this much and was thinking to write further of this matter, I was interrupted by the unlooked for coming to me of my Lady Markham (a desolate lady, God knows, and worse than widow). She useth many persuasions to me that her husband may be innocent in these practices, in which the voice is he is principal. Only thus far her speech prevails with me, to make me think that she may be ignorant of his purposes in it, and therefore I undertook in her importunity to write to your Honour her protestation in this kind, and that she is now at her uncle's, Mr. Sebastian Harvye, in Lyme Street, where she would expect the end of her husband's trial, if your lordship will so permit. Sir Thomas Erskine and other friends send me word his Majesty's gracious favour to me is such, that to the relief of my distress by the Markhams he hath said I shall have their forfeiture.—27 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 99.)
The Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, to Lord Cecil and the Commission.
[1603, July] 27. The King hath perused the letter you sent unto me, and thanks you for your advertisement of your day's work, and doth desire very much that Rawly may now be well examined and that at the examination you would have some good preacher with you, that he may make him know that it is his soul that he must wound and not his body. The King doth assure himself that as you have so wisely and well begun with Markham, so you will find out the bottom of this great ulcer. The King commandeth me also to write to you, my Lord Chamberlain, and you, my Lord Cecil, that you will not forget to send his Majesty's present to the Duke of Lorren's ambassador. It must be done in any wise to-morrow, for he hath taken his leave. The King is very careful that it should be well done.—The Court, this 27, at ii of the clock at night.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603, July 27." Seal. 1 p.
(101. 100.)
Simon Willis to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 27. It pleased you long since to promise me 300l. for the resignation of my annuity, and I press the same with the more earnestness at this time in regard of an occasion that is offered to free myself of an insupportable charge that I presently undergo for the maintenance of my brother, by disbursing the one half of this money, for which I can purchase him the place of one of the yeomen of the King's guard. A poor preferment for one that hath followed the wars 20 years together, as he hath done. Nevertheless, seeing the sea-war, which was his proper occupation, is at an end, and both of us destitute of friends or other means to compass him a better preferment, we shall be glad to embrace the least occasion that presents itself.—27 July, 1603.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (101. 101.)
Bailiffs of Colchester to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 27. According to our bounden duties we celebrated on Monday last the happy coronation day of our most gracious King. Upon the sudden in the afternoon of the same day to all our extreme astonishments, there was openly published amongst great multitudes these slanderous speeches against your Honour, viz. that you were secretly fled from the Court, and that his Majesty had made special proclamation, with promise of ample reward of knighthood and further recompense to them that could apprehend you. The particular authors or secondary spreaders whereof, if so it may please you to command us by your letters, we will endeavour to find out and examine, and signify the same unto you.—Colchester, 27 July, 1603.
Signed: William Turner: Robert Warde. 1 p. (101. 102.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1603, July 28. Because I could not show your lordship those draughts yesterday before your going from the Court, and that you came not hither yesternight, I thought good to send them to you to be censured by your judgment, and in case you come not hither this night, to be returned and made ready for his Majesty.—From the Court, 28 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 103.)
Chrestienne, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, to Queen Anne.
1603, July 28. Letter of congratulation brought by Count Montecoucouli on the accession of King James and Queen Anne to the throne of England.—28 July, 1603.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "Ducchess of Cleve to the Queen." 1 p. (134. 41.)
Sir William Waad to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 29. Skidmore being brought up hither by the under-sheriff of Hereford, by examining I find Watson hath been at his house within these three weeks and I think within lesser time, which examination I thought meet to send, because I suppose if diligent pursuit were made in Wales, Watson might be taken, which whether it be meet to be directed to the Council of the Marches, or to the Sheriffs of Pembroke, Hereford and other counties, I leave to your consideration.—From Hamsteed, 29 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 104.)
Lord Buckhurst to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 29. I came to the Court before dinner, and sending up to your chamber I learned that you were private with my Lord Chamberlain about the matter of the jewels; and after dinner sending again unto you, I was told that you, my Lord Lieutenant, and my Lord Harry Howard, were ridden abroad. Now it is reason to leave you to your quiet. But to-morrow I am and will be ready to meet with my Lord Lieutenant and you about the establishment, and some other causes public. I have appointed Auditor Gofton to be here by 8 to-morrow morning.—29 July, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 104.)
1603, July 30. Warrant of appointment of Sir John Peyton, knight, as governor of Jersey, in the room of Sir Walter Ralegh, knight, committed to the Tower, upon information of grievous treasons.—Hampton Court, 30 July, 1603.
Sign Manual. ½ p. (147. 156.)
Sir John Peyton to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 31. My Lord Cobham with great importunity desired me to send the letter enclosed, the which I have thought good to address unto your lordship.—Tower, 31 July, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (101. 105.)
Interrogatories for Walter Pennicock.
[1603, July 31]. Articles to be demanded of Walter Pennicock, who after escaping from prison at Portsmouth fled to Dunkirk and was sent to the Count of Arembergh at Brussels. From the archduke he received a sum of money and letters to be delivered in England, where he remained from April 10 till May 7, when he was apprehended at Dover.
Unsigned. 1½ pp. (109. 85.)
[See S.P. Dom. Calendar, 1603–1610, p. 26.]
[1603 ?July.] Memorial for Mr. Secretary to speak unto my Lord Treasurer, Lord Admiral and Lord Cobham, for sending horses to Bristol. Kent: Sir Moile Finch, Sir Henry Cutts, Sir Michael Sandes, Sir John Rooper, Peter Manwood, Thomas Hempe, Sampson Leonard, William Sidley, Martin Barneham, John Smith, James Cromer, Thomas Scott, Thomas Potter, John Hales, Norton Knoatchbull, George Bing, Anthony Awcher, John Tufton, Richard Smithe, gent.—1 each.
Sussex: Sir Walter Covert, Sir John Carrell, Thomas Pellam, Edward Carrell, Thomas Bishope, Ralfe Hare,—1 each.
Surrey: Robert Livesey, George Eveling,—1 each.
At foot, in Cecil's hand: "Sir, These."
1 p. (98. 49.)
The Plague.
[1603, July]. A true certificate of all houses that have been or are infected with the plague within the city of Westminster this year, with the situation of the houses, as also of the whole number buried out of the same.
In Green's Alley one house, out of which was buried John Turner, 26 May, 1603.
In the Sanctuary one house, out of which was buried Mary Egerton, June 8.
In Sea Alley two houses, out of which were buried Ann Norris, June 13 and Joan Wraye, June 25.
In Thieving Lane one house, out of which were buried William Boseley, 16 June, and Dowsabell Ryder, June 30.
In Longditch one house out of which were buried Isabel Pryce, June 18, and Isabel Saincte, July 1.
In the Brewhouse yard one house, in which was buried Hugh Jones, June 23.
In Pettifrance one house, out of which was buried Margaret Taylor, July 1.
In Longwoolstaple one house, out of which was buried Thomas Harrington, July 2.
Houses infected and visited, 9: people buried, 11.
Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (100. 154.)
Prisoners in the Tower of London.
[1603, July.] L. Cobham, L. Grey, Sir Walter Raleigh, Anthony Copley, Patrick Ruthwin, Florence McCarty, James McThomas, Roger Gwin, seminary priest, Sir Anthony Standen.
Endorsed: "Feb. 1603 (sic)." ½ p. (101. 81.)
Sir John Peyton, Lieutenant of the Tower, to Lord Cecil.
[1603, July]. I send your lordship the keys of my Lord Cobham's cabinets. Your answer to their letters is such as must suffice them, for no other, in due consideration, was to be expected. It is a great comfort to hear from you of my enlargement.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. ½ p. (103. 40.)
Information for Chief Justice Popham.
[1603, July]. My Lord, it seems you were unwilling to depart with such a sum as I last desired upon your departure [from] London, but I wish you had done it, my only purpose being to employ it in the necessity of my service at this time, and for no private use or other respect, as I shall be saved. Nevertheless will not I be dismayed, but go on with my course, though your lordship still ask for fruits of my labours, whereas nothing can be had without extraordinary cost, and these means have happened to me since your departure hence.
Wright, the late banished priest, is come to London, and with him eight more, all young fellows. By chance he light upon me, and I alone have got him a chamber, where his desire is to write books, and, as he saith, upon new matter. In the meantime he saith our Queen is a Catholic in heart, and for proof of it, she hath sent unto the Infanta, desiring her to send two Capuchins to Jerusalem to pray for our King and her. And that she therefore hath sent four, whereof two for the King and Queen, and two for herself, and further affirmeth that he knoweth there is mutual intelligence between them.
He also saith he feareth not, but it will come to pass that we in England shall have a toleration as the Hugonites have in France.
He and Leake, and one Holland, a most wicked and dangerous person, likewise protested that they did hope the King would defend the Hollanders, which if he do, quoth they, it will be an excellent occasion for the King of Spain to maintain rebels against England, and all in one correspondency.
Well, quoth Holland, we want nothing in England but swords, and through our own good hopes for the better we have omitted opportunity.
As for the plot which they allege was devised by my Lord Cecil and others of the Council, and intended to be put upon young Catholics by the means of Watson and Clarke, the two priests, they say it was invented for two reasons, either to make Catholics more odious in the opinion of the world, or else, if they held hands off to grant them a toleration, for this device was only to taste them. But they advise all men to take heed of meddling either with Watson or Clarke.
I think your lordship knows of the sending for of John Gage, a common messenger for the archpriest, with whom I am inwardly acquainted, and much kindness between us, besides Mr. Wright sends me only abroad about the delivery of all his letters, and will employ me to John Gage with letters to the archpriest, and I will open them, and keep copies of such and all others as he writes and he is a man that I think will inform of much from beyond the seas, and write of strange matters.
My Lady Arundell keeps two Jesuits daily in her house. I am now acquainted with one of them called Tesymonde, a York shire man, and so is Wright, whose father is a "pottecary" and yet living in York, with whom I am well acquainted; and he a great papist, by which means his trust is the more in me, I mean the son's.
He further told me that the archpriest, when he will speak with anybody, meets them at some appointed place, but else he keeps a house and lives at it.
He likewise saith the Lord Treasurer Buckhurst is but an indifferent statesman, for, quoth he, I am sure, he was sworn to the Catholic religion in Rome, and reconciled there, and he was saying somewhat else, but company came into the room, and made him break off. He affirmeth Sir John Fortescue to be a Papist, and that he hath a brother maintained only at his cost at Lyons, that is either a Jesuit or a priest.
I would your lordship were at London, for he tells me of one Kyrtue a Jesuit, that is yet at Callys, and there he met with him, who is come from Rome and hath brought letters of great weight, as he saith, from his Holiness, and I think it had been good service if you could have taken him and them, for he was sickly, and at Calais, and fearful withal lest he should be taken. Mr. Wright saith he durst not venture over with him, but will lie there till Thursday, and so come along by Gravesend in the night, and then go out above Greenwich, and so come to London in a pair of oars.
But by that time you come to town again, which I hope will be before or about the coronation, I make no doubt but I shall be able to perform your last wish, for I will endeavour it by all the best and safest means I can, for I will keep Wrighte private that no man shall have access nor do his business for him but myself, and he dares not go abroad, by which means and his letters and John Gage I dare almost pawn my life I'll bring it to pass, which if I do then, good my Lord, remain unto me an honourable friend, that I be not cut off as the fashion is. Meantime I desire you to write unto your man Pemberton with all the speed you can, that he repair unto the fellow you sent for before you on my behalf, and signify your pleasure not to have me troubled, for now your lordship is out of town, he lies in wait to arrest me upon an execution. I have paid him his full debt, only he keeps me in awe by his judgment, which he hath against me. And withal, if you so please, appoint Mr. Pemberton to give me some money, for so God help me, I pay for his chamber and diet and divers other things as yet. So wholly in referring all things to your Honour's consideration I take leave.
Signature torn off. Endorsed: "1603. Advices to Ld. Chf. Just. Popham." 2½ pp. (103. 42, 43.)
Matthew Questor to [Lord Cecil ?]
1603, [July.] Touching that which I know of the Lord Cobham, being material is as followeth:—After the arrival of the Earl (sic) of Arenbergh, my Lord Cobham told me that he was determined to see the Count, and would come unto him secretly, which he willed me to let the Count know, which I did. Whereupon he said that he liked not thereof in no wise, but willed me to tell my Lord Cobham that he should signify his desire to see the Count unto my Lord Cecil by letter, wherewith no doubt the Lord Cecil would make the King acquainted, and his Majesty would grant that my Lord Cobham should come to visit the Count Arengbergh. Thus much of the Count's speeches I signified to my Lord Cobham, who in rejecting manner answered he would not do so, and said further that this was counselled unto the Count, and said to me "go to" in disgraceful manner, "you are all wise." And so my Lord Cobham, being ready to go forth with Sir Walter Rawghley, who was in the outer chamber, flung away in a chafe. This happened not long after the Count's first arrival. After that my Lord Cobham moved me to go with him in his travels, whereat I pausing, I answered, I could not. Then he pressed me for my resolute answer, which was that I could not leave my house and children. Whereat he showed to be very discontented and said the time would come that I should have need of him. I prayed his lordship to think well of me, for I had much against my will followed him in his late voyage into Scotland, when he swore he would trouble me no more. Whereat he showed himself very discontented with me, and so I took my leave, and forbore my coming to his lordship for 14 days. After that I came to do my duty at the Blackfriars, when I sent in word that I was there, my Lord caused to be demanded if I had anything to say unto him. Whereat I answered no, and so went my ways without speaking with him. At my going forth my Lord laid in his window of the gallery, looking upon me, and showing an angry countenance. Since which time I forebore coming unto his lordship, but understanding upon the 6th or 7th of this month, that my Lord was within a day or two for certain to take his journey, I wrote unto him a letter, and thereby put him in mind of a bill of parcels which I inclosed for some 18l. or thereabouts, long due unto me, and also remembered him of his word passed unto me for the payment of 60l., whereunto I had long since holpen Mr. George Brooke, by becoming surety for the same, for the which I was like to be troubled. The next day after my Lord had received my letter he sent for me, and opening my letter, he took out my bill of parcels, and set to the same his name appointing the payment at Michaelmas next. And so rent my letter written unto him, saying he would pay his own debts and nobody's else. So I departed and never heard from him since.—1603.
Holograph. 3 pp. (103. 47, 48.)
— to —
[1603, ?July.] I have had ill hap that you have been so long absent [from]. London. The reasons this bearer can relate unto you, and now you shall understand that this very day I have been in company with the archpr[iest] at Mountague House, where with him was Dakers a Jesuit and some others of like function. They did there keep a consultation about this late Court news and stay in town this week upon purpose to hear what shall be said and done upon Wednesday next with the Catholics now lately sent for, and that were at Court yesterday, and then they purpose to go into Yorkshire to remain up and down there amongst their friends. Mr. Walley, the provincial, hath an intent to go with them. I think I shall go down in their company or, if Walley and Dakers go together before, then I can use means to ride with the a[rch] p[riest], whose kindness to me is great, and therefore that I may the better acquaint myself with him and to be more inward, I think if you will allow of it, that it were not amiss that I kept him company. If you should now take him and not his letters and papers and to know his lodgings, it would not be to so good purpose as otherwise. I pray you advise of it and let me know your pleasure, for upon Friday next I am promised to be carried to him again. There is one Anthony Greneway, a fellow whose condition this bearer can also tell you of, said thus to me yesterday, that now Gray, Cobham and Raleigh, with others being persons discontented and drawn in disgrace and question, and Raleigh by name having a pestilent brain of his own would now plot for their hearts' ease, and to whom, quoth he, can they complain but to such as have had long time of discontentment, viz. Catholics, and therefore let us stick on to one another and be trusty, for we are to be employed and something will be done, for I doubt not but a course will be taken in hand for our speedy redress. And further, said he, these great fellows know in themselves that tricks will be put upon them will cost them their heads quickly else. He said also my Lord Cobham under licence to travel was fled. I pray you talk with this bearer for the rest, and let me know your pleasure, for surely something is in hand, and I have done as much as I can of myself without better means.—Undated.
Unsigned. 1 p. (109. 88.)
Students of Douay.
[1603, July.] Monsieur Eynat, Vander Noot, Malecot and Kieffel have come to see the coronation of his Majesty of England, all being students except Vander Noot who is in practice (en la practique) at Utrecht. They have arrived at Dover fourteen days ago, the reason of their early arrival being the rumour then current in Artois that the King's coronation would take place on St. James's day, which in their country is ten days earlier. The said Kieffel is well known to Monsieur La Faille and his cousin of the same name is secretary to the Conte Darenberghe. The said students will return after to-morrow, having received moneys from merchants.
Undated. Signed:—J. Kieffel, native of Utrecht, dwelling in Antwerp and now student in the university of Douay; Ludovicus van Eynatten, native of Utrecht, student at Douay; Desiderius Malcot, native of Brussels, student of Douay; Franciscus Vander Noot, native and resident of Utrecht and now in practice at Arras.
Endorsed:—"The examination of four students of Douay, taken by Sir Thomas Edmonds."
French. 1 p. (188. 8.)
The Privy Chamber.
[?1603, July.] "Noblemen allowed in the Privy Chamber." Lords Rutland, Sussex, Southampton, Pembroke, Effingham, Grey, Sheffield, Murray, Howme; Sir John Peyton, Sir Thomas Gerrard, Sir Thomas Knyvett, Sir Henry Brouncker, Mr. Fulck Grevyll.—Undated.
In Levinus Munck's hand. ½ p. (196. 92.)
[Lord Cobham] to his servant [Richard] Mellons or Mellershe.
[1603, July or later.] I allow very well of your advice to speak with a preacher but I would have you upon your return to Cobham write unto my wife that you hear I am not well and have made a request unto the Lieutenant to have a preacher come unto me. Your advice shall be a means to the King to send Mr. Galloway or some of his preachers to move me to confess more. My motion to the Lieutenant shall be for Mr. Dr. Andrews, for I would not have it known that I desire to have any of the King's ministers but that motion to come merely from my wife as a matter altogether unknown to me. I hope you have sent Sir Thomas Fane an answer of that letter I desire to have written with his own hand dated some 3 days after the receipt of mine, that he is glad of my purpose to go to Dover and lie there at Bartholomewtide but gladder that I mean to stay my determination from travel. When you have this letter I would have you put it into the Spanish bible with the other paper that you know of and by chance seem looking among my books that you have found both. It will be good proof to move the Lords that my purpose was altered from my travel.
I hear peace is likely to go forward. I could wish you spake with Renzi [note by Coke: this is Math. Pranzi] to deal with Count Aremberg to move the Spanish Ambassador to move the King for my pardon and to keep me from my arraignment. I would likewise have Aremberg moved to speak unto the Queen and to use his mistress's name to move the King in my behalf and to let her know he daily expects letters from her to her Majesty to desire her favour for me.
It may be objected to him that I am very much touched with the speeches of the cubs. To that he may answer he hears I am burdened but with the accusation of one witness.
Let him be very earnest with my Lord Henry Howard and procure his faithful promise that he will be my friend for his sake. This must be so carried that my Lord Harry may not perceive he has been told that he is my enemy. My Lord Admiral would likewise be moved and my Lord Cecil by him. He must be earnest both with the King, the Queen and all the lords and entreat the Spanish Ambassador to join with him but if he can procure a letter from his mistress to the Queen and the King in my behalf I presume it will do me a great deal of good. In the meantime I will desire to have conference with some preacher, unto whom I will deliver all truth and will not lie and thereupon I will take the sacrament.
Be earnest with Sir John Peyton (fn. 2) to let me have it under his hand that he knows my brother never loved me but did hate me. My Lord Cecil wrote a letter to the Lieutenant, where he protests he will do for me as he would do for his own soul but arraigned I must be and he knows not what the King will do for my life.
Stay no longer at Cobham than you must needs for time with me is precious. Remember my velvet gown and let my wife want no money. Remember well the contents of my letter and burn it afterwards. My brother's wife is permitted to come to him daily. This is only but to put him in heart that he may come to give evidence against me.—Undated.
Endorsed by Coke: "A letter under my lord's own hand to Mellershe."
Copy with notes by Sir Edward Coke. The original is in State Papers Domestic, James I. Vol. IV, No. 36 II, together with another copy, No. 36 III.
3 pp. (102. 105.)
Anthony Copley.
[1603, ?July.] Questions to be asked Copley.—What first moved him to write to Mr. Blackwell.
What he wrote and where.
What speeches he had with his sister Gadge or with any other touching this purpose.
What it was he meant to do, and when the purpose should be accomplished.
Who they were that should have joined with him.
What oath he took, and with whom, and why he and they took that oath.
½ p. (102. 159.)
Sir William Waade to Lord Cecil.
[1603, July or Aug.] I send to your lordship the declarations of Griffyn Marcham, and will set down myself the same as he did before all your lordships deliver his first conscience, which he shall see, and I will bring to you. I forgot to let you understand that my Lord Chief Justice would be willing to be forborne further to be joined with his Majesty's counsel learned in these examinations, both because his lordship is to be a judge of these men and causes as they shall come before them, and it hath not in former courses been used.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. ½ p. (103. 72.)
On a slip attached to the foregoing:—I know not upon what humour or conceit this gentleman is now very tender upon that point he enlarged before your lordship. (103. 71.)
Lord Cobham to his brother in law, Lord Cecil.
[1603, before Aug.] You might have had these pearls reasonable if you had any disposition to have bought them. If not yourself, any of your friends might have had them. God reward you for that care you have of yours. When you return on Tuesday I will see you. For my coming to the King I confess I have no disposition, yet I will be advised, though I think it to small purpose. Your near friends shall never wish you better than I have and will do. At my coming unto you I will speak freely.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (102. 98.)
William Francis alias Clerke to [Sir Griffin Markham].
[1603, before Aug.] The gentleman you writ unto is gone towards London. I burnt your letters because I understand of the certainty of that which I told you I justly feared. There is a strange and strong combination made in these parts with great preparations. The constant news is that Milford Haven is taken by their friends, and assured expectation of Spanish aid within few days; the fathers are the chief of the plot; Mr. John Gerr[ard] hath been employed and others of them in this business, and by them the assured hopes of Spain and the Archduke are made good. Mr. Talbot and my Lord Windsor are gone to London which maketh me suspect that my Lord of Shrowsb[ury] is of the counsel (as some let not to affirm). I fear some other great persons also which I will not name, because I am not certain. The plots are very close and secret, and especially concealed from us and such as favour us, which maketh more suspicion of Spanish intentions, otherwise I should hope there were only intentions for the general cause together with his Majesty's preferment by way of suppressing contrary factions; but I doubt all is not sincere, and that, if prevention be not made in time, his Majesty will find strange opposition. God turn all to the best; and I pray you to make use of this intelligence as well for his Majesty's good as our common cause, for I think it but time to stir to prevent farther mischief. I heard yesterday that his Majesty was gone towards London; if that be true I shall have hope he will prevent such sinisterous endeavours. We hear also that the Lord Beauchamp is proclaimed king at Northampton by Sir Rich. Knightly; for these later news I am uncertain, but for the first they are too true. Let me hear from you by this messenger and direct your letters to Mr. Gefferey's at Canke. If my horse had not been worn out I had returned unto you, but I mean at the return of this messenger presently to ride to London whence you shall hear what I judge worth relating. "Yours always, Francys."
PS.—"A Jesuitarum turbine
Libera nos domine."
At the head of the letter:—"The messenger is an hireling, but you may safely write by him."
Holograph. Endorsed: "Letters from Francis Clerke to Sir Griffin Markham." 1 p. (102. 153.)
Commissioners for Causes Ecclesiastical.
[1603, after July.] (1) The names of such commissioners for causes ecclesiastical as were of the last commission:—
John, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury.
Sir Thomas Egerton, knt., Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England.
The Lord Buckhurst, Lord Treasurer of England.
B. of London for the time being.
B. of Winton
B. of Rochester
B. of Lincolne
B. of Wigorne
B. of Chichester.
B. of Gloucester
B. of Exon
B. of Sarum
B. of Peterborough
B. of Hereford
B. of Norwiche
Sir Robert Cecil, knt, principal Secretary of State.
Sir John Fortescue, knt., Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Sir John Popham, knt., Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench.
Sir John Herbert, knt., one of the Secretaries of State.
Sir Edmund Anderson, knt., Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas.
Sir William Periam, knt., L. Chief Baron of the Exchequer.
Robert Sackvile, Esquire.
Fraunces Gawdye, one of the Justices of the King's Bench.
Thomas Walmesley, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas.
Chr. Yelverton, one of the Justices of the King's Bench.
Julius Cæsar, dr of the laws.
Roger Wilbraham [one of the] Mrs of the Requests to his Majesty.
Daniel Dun, dr of the laws.
Sir John Payton, knight, Lieutenant of the Tower of London.
Tho. Nevile, dr of divinity, dean of Canterbury.
Edward Coke, esquire, his Majesty's Attorney General.
Tho. Fleming, esquire, his Majesty's Sollicitor General.
John Bridges, dean of Sarum.
Tho. Blague, dean of Rochester.
Matthew Sutcliff, dean of Exon.
Lancelot Andrewes, dean of Westminster.
Edward Stanhope Drs of the laws, Mrs of the Chancery.
Richard Swale
John Gibson, dr of the laws, one of the Council in the North.
John Crooke, esquire, Recorder of London.
Charles Fotherbie, arch-deacon of Canterbury.
Fraunces Bacon, esquire.
Thomas Montford Drs of Divinity.
William Hutchinson
John Dipe
William Ferrand Drs of the laws.
Stephen Lakes
John Drury
Fraunces James
William Combes esquires.
William Waad
John Boys
(2) Some alterations and additions of names to be considered of.
This list contains the following fresh names:
The Lord Chancellor.
The Earl of Northampton.
Dr. Mountague, dean of his Majesty's Chapel.
Sir Christopher Perkins, Mr of the Requests.
— Dodderige, his Majesty's Sollicitor General.
Sir Edward Phillipps, knight.
Sir John Benett, dr of the laws.
Sir Henry Mountague, Recorder of London.
Sir Henry Savile, Warden of Eaton College.
John Overall, dr. of divinity, dean of Pauls.
William Barlow, dr of divinity, dean of Chester.
Theophilus Aylmer, dr of divinity, archdeacon of London.
Richard Neile, dr of divinity.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1602 (sic). The names of the commissioners for causes ecclesiasticall for Canterbury. 2 pp. (185. 117.)


  • 1. This letter has been accidentally misplaced.
  • 2. "Leuson" in the original.