Cecil Papers: August 1603

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp225-243 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp225-243.

"Cecil Papers: August 1603". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1930), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp225-243.

August 1603

Sir John Peyton to Lord Cecil.
1603, Aug. 2. My Lord Cobham saith that the 3rd pearl was in the same box with the rest in a little green bag, and certainly thinketh that you shall find it amongst the papers. He is very full of sorrow, and his pains do increase, and sleep he cannot. I desire to know from your lordship how many days respite I may have before my going to Jarsey, and that you will be pleased to make all things touching that place as certain as may be before my going.—Tower, 2 Aug., 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 106.)
The Sultan of Turkey to King Henry IV of France.
1603, Aug. 2 or 5/12 or 15 To the most glorious magnanimous and great lord of the faith of Jesus, elect among the princes of the nation of Messiah, terminator of all disputes that may arise among Christian peoples, lord of greatness, master of riches, glorious among the greatest, Henry the Fourth, Emperor of France, may the end of his days be fortunate.
Be it known to your Majesty that your ambassador at the Sublime Porte has informed us that the English under pretence of being our allies are plundering by sea your subjects and those of the republic of Venice and other merchants sailing under your flag, while the corsairs of Barbary do the same without regard to the ancient amity between us. We therefore wrote to the Queen of England a letter and issued orders to our slaves of Barbary, and informed you that we had done so. Since that date we have received further letters from you showing that ours had not been received and that the plunderings of the pirates of England and Barbary still continued; now as we do not desire that our subjects should join with the English pirates in their robberies, as we understand from you that the viceroy of Tunis, Mustapha Pasha, has done, we have removed him from his government and summoned him before us to render account of his actions and have ordered his successor to see that your subjects are in no way molested. We have also dismissed Soliman Pasha our viceroy of Algiers for the displeasure he has caused you and summoned him before us, and have appointed as his successor one who knows the respect due to the ancient amity between us. He is called the Albanian Minai. We have ordered Cardear Pasha the late viceroy of Tunis to take his trial for his conduct.
As to the question of the English we have not thought fit to write again to the King of England before receiving his answer or until he send an ambassador to us to renew the capitulations which the late Queen had with us, but we have ordered our Vizier Hasan Pasha to write to the King in our name that if he desires our friendship he must prevent his subjects from plundering in our seas, and that if any such acts are committed in the future we shall arrest all his subjects and their ships in our dominions, their goods distributed to any who have suffered loss by their piracies, and themselves punished as an example. If you think fit write on your own behalf a letter to accompany this of our Grand Vizier's. We have also dispatched a letter to the King of Fez charging him upon the friendship between us not to purchase any Frenchman, we having heard that our subjects of Barbary fearing punishment are accustomed to sell their French slaves in Fez; moreover we will endeavour to procure the release of all the French slaves in the dominions of the King of Fez. We have also at your request and to suppress the piracies of the English commanded all the governors of our ports to make strict search into all cargos of all christian ships, and into the place of lading, in order that all plundered goods, the merchants conveying them, the vessels and all their contents may be seized, and the arrest reported to our Sublime Porte. We have also ordered our Viceroy of Barbary not to permit any corsairs to sail without taking from them pledges among their kinsmen that they will not commit any act contrary to international faith. As to your desire that reprisals should be made upon the English merchants to repair the losses sustained by your subjects it is not necessary to await any reply from the King of England who so far has neither written a letter to us nor sent any ambassador to our Sublime Porte to renew the amity between us and that realm, nor yet endeavoured to repress the piracies of the English. We will therefore retain all the English in our dominion and make reprisals on them to the full amount of the robberies committed against your subjects, treating the English as a nation no longer united to us by friendship.
On your part your Majesty will do well after the example of his predecessors to see that none of your subjects dare to enter the service of our common enemy, the King of Vienna, as we hear that some have done, who thus do disservice to ourselves and aid the enemies of your greatness.
Written at the beginning of the month Bricodle 1012 about the 12 or 15 of August, 1603.
Italian. Copy. Endorsed: "readde, 1603." 3 pp. (134. 44, 45.)
Lord Cecil to Sir George Harvy, Lieutenant of the Tower.
[1603, Aug. 6]. His Majesty having been contented that my brother G. Brook should in respect of his infirmity have some more ease than the rest, is now informed that you do a little more restrain him than the former Lieutenant did, wherein although he in no way mislikes your providence, yet I am commanded to let you know that his Majesty is contented that he should be used as he was before.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Recd. 6 August, 1603." ½ p. (101. 107.)
The Bishop of London to Lord Cecil.
1603, Aug. 9. I understand by Dr. Cecil, that Mr. Barneby, the priest in the Clink, was upon Sunday at the Court with the Lord Abbot of Kinlosse, being sent for by him, and that he hath imparted to his lordship some new plottings in Flanders since the committing of the Lord Cobham, and some matters of France. Hereof I thought good to advertise you, lest it might be concealed from you, for now it seemeth the priest will seek favour amongst others, and leave both your lordship and me, whereby we shall be much hurt. His lordship hath promised (as I am told) to set him at liberty but I would have you know that Barneby might have told me of the late conspiracy of Sir Griffin Markham the day before he came unto me, and that he had not come to me at all, but that he supposed that Mr. Blackwell had laid a bait to have catched him, and that the other priests assured him that if he went not to me they would themselves disclose what he had told them. Besides if times were well examined, there would be found treachery both in Blackwell, Gage, and the rest. Dr. Cecil, if you know not the said intended plots in France and Flanders, will wait upon you as you shall direct.— Fulham, 9 August, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 108.)
Timothy Willis to the Same.
1603, August 11. I with many others desire you to supply the defect of authority in these places between Westminster and Temple Bar, for want whereof the grievous contagion of this sickness is carelessly dispersed. There is here no justice of peace, but only Harries, a sickly man, dwelling within the Savoy Liberty, against whose authority other liberties except, himself being faint enough. There be certain particular points which need redress. First, hard by Bedford House there is kept a bowling alley, whither all kind of common people without respect of contagion "promiscually" resort, not sparing the sabbath day. Secondly, their extraordinary resorting to alehouses, especially to Bevan's next door to the said bowling place, which, without respect of persons or places infected, makes the very sabbath day an advantage to his drinking gain. By both which concourse no doubt many receive hurt, beside the offence of many better minded neighbours. Thirdly, there is in Worcester House many carpenters and other kind of labourers lodged (I doubt not but it is without the Earl's knowledge) they having "howsen" and household within the city, whither they usually resort, and so return hither again; by which means some of them have died in his house of the pestilence, and been conveyed through the garden unto the Savoy. And their people there do annoy the neighbours very dangerously, and in fashion too unreverent to be reported to you. All which notwithstanding the people daily continue there, and from thence disperse themselves into all "howsen" and common company. Fourthly, the swine which divers in this precinct keep, run without order in every unclean place about the street day and night, dispersing the offals of every house heaped in the street. Fifthly, there be divers that keep within small houses too great a number of dogs, as house curs and water spaniels, which greatly annoy the neighbours, unsweeten their keeper's house, and range dangerously to all places. There be other things fit to be reformed which were not meet to trouble you with. If it shall please you to procure sufficient authority, directed to fit parties within the precinct aforesaid, to see reformation in these points, and use their discretion in what else shall be necessary, it will be very grateful to all; the rather because you having particular authority of jurisdiction here, it will be taken as a special care of yours over this place. If you think fit to join in it my Lord Chancellor and Lord of Worcester, they both being seated here, we desire it. The men to whom this matter may be committed, some think the Clerk of the Crown, or some at his appointment, Mr. Green the woodmonger, Waller the joiner, Stephen Higgins the apothecary being this year a constable, Balbeck the Baylie of the Duchy. But herein we refer ourselves to your pleasure. —11 August, 1603.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (94. 132.)
Interrogations for William Watson.
1603, Aug. 12. Arranged under ten heads. Amongst others: What was resolved to be done, or how many things were resolved of as heads, as the surprising of the King, the taking of the Tower, the taking of the Council, removing some, calling others in question, appointing new officers, creations with new dignities, the mayor, aldermen and chief officers to be imprisoned, hostages to be taken, pensions to be bestowed from Spain, setting up the Catholic religion.
Unsigned. Endorsed:—"12 August, 1603." 1 p. (101. 110.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, II., pp. 454, 455.]
Sir William Waad to Lord Cecil.
1603, Aug. 12. Has examined again Walter Penycocke upon the interrogatories he received. Finds he had answered the chief part of the articles concerning the letters he carried in the cape of his cloak and not in his doublet, which were from Lord Cobham to the Count of Aremberge. The other letter was from Riotelli(?) (fn. 1) to Martin de la Faylla.
For the 1st article he was set at liberty at Plymouth by the mayor in regard he had no means to pay for his diet.
For his sending in post to Brussels it was not upon his return from Plymouth. But he was once sent from the Fiscal with letters to Brussels, but what they concerned he knows not, and never was there but that one time.
He received 100 florins for sea victuals and no more.
He brought no letters hither in April but came over for the ransom of Sawnders Jhonson, but in June he brought letters to La Fayla.
He knows not the other post that came with him, other than that he is post for the Admiralty at Dunkirk and Brussels.
Thus having set down his answers, I make ready those observations I can collect out of the examinations of George Brooke and Watson, and will give my attendance on the Lords to-morrow as you direct. If you will let me have the first relations Watson brought with him, there may something be picked out of them.—12 August, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 111.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii, 450.]
Lord Buckhurst to Lord Cecil.
1603, August 12. The King has by Sir George Hume's letter so earnestly and expressly commanded a present dispatch to this Italian Rider, that of necessity you must cause this present warrant to pass the privy seal for him, without which as you know the tellers have no warrant to pay him. And if you deliver the same, being under the privy seal, unto my footman this bearer, whom of purpose I send with my letter, to Sir Vincent Skinner, and in his absence to all the tellers, to pay the same, because he may be sure to be presently paid; then he shall not fail to have it paid; for though they cannot pay without an order from me, yet I have written to leave the order with such of the tellers as pay the same, and that will be a pawn sufficient for him to keep till he have my order, which I will send so soon as it is made and sent me. These be substances without which the tellers can pay no money. I pray you dispatch him.— 12 August, 1603.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Lord Treasurer." 1 p. (187. 105.)
George Brooke to the Same.
1603, August 12. It is fit I should give you account of my long silence, lest it be thought, either that I am senseless of a state odious in itself, or negligent of such a friend as ill fortune has seldom continued, but never before gained for any man. I think my purchase worth my patience, and my mishap come in a good hour, if it has recovered me that which I never knew how I lost, especially with that assurance that I know it can never more be lost. How can a friendship made upon such an occasion be ever broken? All the joy I can give you of it is this, that your object being purely honour, you can never more have such an opportunity to express yourself; for betwixt us there is no traffic but of minds; and though I would not have my love thought fruitless, yet I hope your fortune shall be ever barren of such occasions. Notwithstanding, my thankfulness shall ever attend you and your posterity. The reason of my silence is that I dwell in such perfect darkness, and am so ignorant of all that passes abroad, (what is done for me, or what is wrought against me), that I know not what in particular to wish, much less what to entreat or direct. I am resolved not to win myself intelligence, if it were possible, either by cunning or corruption, but still to use that sincerity that I desire to find. Therefore I must only rest myself upon the care which I know you will have of me and upon the honour of my Lords, who will remember what they have seriously promised, knowing that res est facta misera; but especially upon the commiseration of his Majesty. When I had written thus much, I was called before the Lords that be here. If I be not protected, the direct dealing I have used may turn to my great hurt; not for any crime it lays upon me, (it ought rather to justify) but in respect of faction. —12 August, 1603.
Holograph. 2 pp. (187. 106.)
[William] Clerke.
1603, Aug. 13. This last day, being Friday, 12 Aug., we coming to the city of Worcester were said unto by Sir John Packington that he suspected that Clearke, mentioned in the late proclamation, lurked in these parts, under the name of Fraunces, whereupon a course being by us advised for his apprehension, Sir John very carefully by himself prevented that course and apprehended the said Clearke, and brought him unto us this present Saturday, who, being by us examined, seemed more willing to discover his knowledge to your lordships than to us. As much as we could draw from him we have herein presented to your lordships, and have under the charge of the said Sir John Packington sent the said Clarke unto you.—From Worcester, 13 August, 1603.
Signed:—Chr. Yelverton: Edward Phelipps. ½ p. (101. 112.)
Alice, Countess of Derby, to Lord Cecil.
1603, Aug. 14. The matter, wherein I am to intreat your kind favour, is for a special friend of mine near unto me. It pleased the King to grant that my Lord Chandoies and my Lord Barkly should be equally joined in patent for the lieutenancy of Glostershire, and to have authority alike therein, if the same hath at any time been granted in the like cases to any other. Lord Chandoies, knowing of two precedents, both in Devonshire and Hampshire heretofore granted to that purpose, very thankfully accepted this, and was unwilling to importunate his Majesty until these troubles were passed over, to perform the full perfecting thereof; not doubting anything should be done to his prejudice in the meantime. Nevertheless my Lord Barkly closely following this business, hath gotten the King to sign a bill to hold the place alone, the which falleth out much contrary to the expectation of my Lord Chandoies and I imagine of anyone else, that knoweth the worth of either. This were a thing my Lord Chandoies could the more lightly pass over, were it not his deceased father and other his predecessors have a long time discharged that office, and that it is already published and expected in this country that he shall do the like. As the king hath referred to yourself and the rest of the Council, to consider whether there be any precedent for the joining of two in a patent of this nature, we are suitors to you to give your best furtherance for a favourable construction in my Lord Chandoies's behalf.—Harfilde, 14 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seals. 1 p. (101. 113.)
Thomas Markham's Confession.
1603, Aug. 14. My brother answering for himself has now given me free liberty to confess the truth, before which my case was desperate. All that my brother acquainted me with I confess. At the first he swore me to the oath, which, as far as I remember, consisted only (1) for the advancement of the Catholic Church, (2) for the safe preservation of the Prince, (3) to keep the action secret. He moreover told me that he well hoped we should procure a thousand, and if not so many, he made but little doubt of five hundred, which he thought would serve the turn. I understood moreover by him that my Lord Gray and Mr. Brooke were actors. The plot was to enter the Court and the Tower, both at an instant, on Midsummer-day, to which purpose he brought both my brother and myself up, who took the oath with me. For this I protest I am infinitely sorry. and submit myself to the King's mercy.—14 August, 1603.
PS.—This was forgotten, how they determined to have surprised the King's person, and as many of the Council as they could, and to have put them all into the Tower.
Signed: Tho. Markham. Countersigned: W. Waad. ½ p. (101. 114.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii, 452.]
Sir George Harvy to Lord Cecil.
1603, Aug. 14. These enclosed, at the instance of my Lord Cobham, I send unto your lordship. He is much distressed many ways, and hath kept his bed these four days, being grieved in his legs, whereby he is disabled to walk, and therefore craveth favour from your lordship for his physician Dr. Lankton to come unto him.—The Tower, 14 August, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 115.)
Lord Burghley to Lord Cecil.
1603, August 14. I received a letter of late from one Hyll, a priest, committed to the Gatehouse by warrant from you, Mr. Vicechamberlain and myself, who desires, according to the general pardon, to be set at liberty. Because as I remember his Majesty intended a proclamation should be made for all priests of his quality within a limited time to depart this realm, I have remitted him to take his answer at your hands: who has sent his brother, the bearer, to attend your pleasure for his delivery, which he desires may be the sooner to avoid the infection, which he says has round about environed the prison where he remains. You have been wished here by my Lord Zouche and myself, not for any great entertainment you should have found worthy your coming, but that you might have enjoyed for the time that which next your health I know you most desire. Wishing you a healthful progress and a safe return.—14 August, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 107.)
Lawrence Kemys to the Same.
[1603], Aug. 15. If marriage, or preferment in the world, or corrupt and unjust dealing in accounts of trust, had been of power to void that covenant which I once made with myself, I might long since have contented myself with rest, ease and competent wishes. But being supposed to be inward with Sir Walter Ralegh, I am so sifted and narrowly sought into, so examined and re-examined, that whereas no man living can charge me with knowledge or concealment of any treason, I am doubtful, that as 24 letters make any words, so any words by position and exposition, placing and displacing, may encompass me. Sic ex hac parte ringor. On the other side I that do not enjoy one "deneere" of benefit by Sir Walter Ralegh (for in this cross, besides all other evil accidents, I bear the loss of 100 marks yearly, which he gave me in Jersey), I that never asked anything for my private am now destitute of any friend to make known my harmless unreproved conversation, and am clean defeated of all hope of prosecuting any purpose of plantation in the Indies. For my mean and despised estate constrained me to lean to somebody, and to him most worthily. This staff is now broken. May it please your lordship to get me liberty to depart into the country, or let me know there is no hope of life, whether I take the one from you, or must give the other, as having been a follower to Sir Walter Ralegh, for I see whereunto all tendeth. Mors ultima linea.—Aug. 15.
Holograph. Endorsed in a late hand: "1603." Seals.
1 p. (101. 116.)
Confession of Charles and Thomas Markham.
1603, Aug. 15. On Thursday sevennight before Midsummer night, I went to see my brother Griffin, being at Bestwood Park, meaning to have returned that night, but he would not suffer me. Soon after he went into the park taking with him only my brother Thomas and myself. Amongst other talk of small importance he asked me how I liked this world. I answered, well, if I could see him once in grace. He said for that he was in despair, for the parks are gone, neither by all the means he could make, could he speak with the King. But then, said he, let that pass, when will you go into London? We said we could not tell. Were it possible for you to be there of Thursday? We told him we could not tell. Well, saith he, suppose I should have engaged myself so far into an action, that I neither could nor would withdraw, being to so good a purpose as for the advancement of the Catholic faith, and peradventure the raising of our house, seeing my disability for action, whether will you two go with me or no. I answered, as I had heretofore been commanded by him both in the wars and other ways, so should he command in this. By God, said he, if I may have you two, of either hand me one, I shall think myself safe; then you will go with me. We said we [would] not leave him. Well then, said he, this is the course; there is not any man that doth enter into this action but he taketh this oath, which you shall see, and showed us an oath, which consisted of 3 points (1) That we should to our powers lay to our helping hands for the raising of the Catholic faith. (2) As far as we were able we should secure the King's person. (3) We should not disclose the practice unless it were by the consent of one of the head[s]. Then he asked us whether we were contented or no. We both committed ourselves unto him. Then this is the plot, we mean upon Midsummer-day at night because that is a collar-day, and most of the Council will be there, and we would have specially my Lord Keeper, because of the Great Seal, and as that night we mean to attempt the taking of the King's person in safety, the Council, the Tower, and all at an instant, and then let us do as we can, we shall want no actors, for we have both nobles and gentles. Then we were importunate, what nobles? He answered he was sworn to the contrary, yet by the way we did reckon, and amongst the rest we did name my Lord Gray, and he said he was one. So I beseech your Honours to believe that the cause of my impudency in not confessing the truth before was in being timorous in doing him hurt, for whose sake I entered into this most unlawful conspiracy, for the which I submit myself to the King's mercy.—15 August, 1603.
PS.—We do as well remember these words of my brother's concerning the first meeting betwixt my Lord Gray and himself. My Lord began in this manner, "Sir Griffin Markham, there hath been of late some strangeness betwixt you and me, though my father and yours were ever great [friends]. From whence it hath proceeded, I know not, but I am sure, not from myself. As I imagine, you and I do differ in our religions, the which notwithstanding, in this action, I will as willingly join with you as any other."
Signed: Charles Markham, Tho. Markham. Countersigned: W. Waad. 1 p. (101. 118.)
Lord Zouche to Lord Cecil.
1603, Aug. 16. I have left this bearer to attend your pleasure for the dispatch of my instructions, being towards my journey for the Baths. Let not my absence prejudice me, nor defend me in anything, my own innocency cannot serve or save itself. You know, Sir that many men have commended gentlemen to the King for making of knights, wherein I have been very sparing, yet doth Mr. Townsend complain that he was not made with the Masters of the Chancery, only hoping my credit would work so much for him. If therefore his Majesty would be pleased to make him and one Layghton at my commendation knights at Wilton, I would procure them to come thither.— London, 16 August, 1603.
Holograph. 1¼ pp. (101. 119.)
Stephen Lesieur to [the Same.]
1603, August 17. From Lub[eck] I wrote to you. Since that time I have been with Ernestus D. of Luneberg and Henry Julius Duke of Braunschwig, to each [not] only the King's letters and salutations, but also my parti[cular] declaration of his Majesty's peaceable attaining to the Crown of England. The quiet possessing the same, together with his Majesty's affection to them, has been very acceptable and grateful. Th[ey] acknowledge in the best sort the great honour it has pleased him to yield them by me at this time, as by their letters [to] his Majesty shall at my return appear.
I found not the Duke of Braunschwig where he commonly k[eeps] his residence, but in his forests hunting the stags, whereby [my] abode in those parts has been the longer. From thence I [took] my journey towards Charles Duke of Mecklenburg, whom in sundry days I could not overtake, because he remains [but] few days in a place, for that the plague is much dispersed in his co[untry]. Yesterday I came hither unto him. This morning he has with m[uch] honour and respect to his Majesty received of me his Majesty's letters, and what else I have by word of mouth delivered him. I hope to-morrow or the next day to proceed hence towards the Elector[s of] Brandemburg and Saxony, and so to the Emperor, who as I [am] advertised is already acquainted by the Baron of Munckw[itz] that I am upon the way with letters to his imperial Majesty from the King, and that the agent and solicitor for the Hanse Towns [is in] Prague, prosecuting maliciously against our Merchants Adventurers [but] cannot prevail, so that our said merchants may yet continue t[heir] traffic in Staden, as lately they have done, without fear.
Whilst I was with the Duke of Braunschwig, came a Baron Hoffkirk sent to him, sundry electors and other princes of the Empire, as ambassadors from the nobility of Austria, to [?pray] the said princes that they vouchsafe to be intercessors for the[m] to the Emperor, that they may enjoy the exercise of the Gospel [taken] from them few years past, contrary to a contract between Maximilian this Emperor's father and them, alleging that [if] they may not obtain it, it is to be feared that many inhabitants in those parts will rather submit themselves under the S[tates ?] (fn. 2) government, where liberty of conscience is with policy per[mitted], than to endure the persecutions now in practice.
Those that seem to know much how things proceed at the Emperor's court, are of opinion that the Emperor is ignorant of this severe proceeding against the Protestants his subjects, for certain it is that he lives a most retired life, giving access but to very few. This Ambassador has received good and comfortable answers, with promise of intercession, from the Electors of Saxe and Brandemburg and other princes. He told me that the Turk greatly increases his forces in Hungary, and that the Council of War for the Emperor in those parts was of opinion to raze and forsake Pest near Buda, seeing that by keeping it they consume men and munition, and cannot offend the Turk.
The States of the Empire have at the last Imperial Diet assented to a contribution according to the ancient imperial tax, for the space of 86 months against the Turk.
Also one like month's contribution for the charge of a solemn embassage to the Archduke Albert and States of Holland, &c. to move and urge them to a peace. The nomination of the persons to this legation, and the time for the same, is referred to the Emperor.
A contribution for 6 like months is also granted to the Circle of Westphalia, for their better defence against the incursions of the Archduke's and States' soldiers.
Other propositions there were tending to the reformation of defects in the imperial Chamber, and the diversity of coins, which are referred till a new Diet, and no mention of a new King of Romains, for the Emperor cannot endure it.
The Pope's legate, who resides at Prague, was present at Regensburg during the Diet, the better to instruct his master's instruments, and prevent the purposes of the Protestants. Among other things he laboured much to abolish the old calendar and to accept the new, through all Germany. One of his best and strongest inducements was that it was accepted in England, and good hope of his Majesty's inclination to the Popish religion. He and his did, as I am credibly told by such as were present, affirm this with that boldness, or rather impudency, that many did believe it, yea, some with whom I have spoke, and not of the meanest sort, who understanding the con[trary] by me, were not only very glad but have written it to their friends [and] yet the Pope's legate's practice herein prevailed not.
The King of Denmark came about 10 days past to Rostock, accompanied only with 3 gentlemen. At that time arrived the[re] also his father-in-law the Elector of Brandemburg, a special m[eeting] there appointed by them as it seems, the cause yet kept sec[ret]. Three days they remained in the town, and were very pleasant. The King only with 2 hired coaches and in an unknown man[ner] is, as it is said, gone to his brotherin-law the Duke of Braun[schwig?]: thence that he will visit his other brother-in-law the Elector [of] Saxony, and return with speed by the Elector of Brandemb[urg] in[to] Denmark, for the time approaches that he should receive the [embassa]ge from the Hamburgers, the same being agreed upon as [I] am credibly told.
I find that the same Duke of Pommern, to whom I have also [the] King's letters, is departed this life.
I am, in my return from Prague, to those other princes whom I have in charge to visit, to pass near unto Joach[im] Ernest of the house of Brandemburg, now Marquis of Awltzbach, brother to the now Elector, who about 4 years past was in England and Scotland. Also near unto Ph[ilip] Ludwig, Count Palatine of the Rhine, &c., and his eldest son Wolffgang Wilhem, who was likewise in England at Chris[tmas] about 3 years past, and received then many gracious favours from her Majesty of blessed memory, and much honour from y[ou]; in remembrance whereof I delivered in his name unto your L. [some] days before my last departure, a book of the conference h[ad] at Ratisbona between certain Protestant doctors and [certain] Jesuits.
I know these several princes to be very well affe[cted] not only in religion, but to the King, and whole e[state] of England, and that it would be to very good purpose, for confirming them therein and to prevent practices of the adversaries, if I had like letters unto them, as I have had and still have to other princes from the King. It requires not any new or other charge than his Majesty is already at; therefore I beseech you to consider it, and finding it not discommendable for his Majesty's service, but rather requisite, then to move his Majesty therein, and if he approve the same, my father-in-law, Mr. Wardour, has means to send, with speed and small charge, such letters and other commandments which you shall please to send to him for me.
It is not unlike but my abode in Prague will be some weeks, considering the seldom access to the Emperor; therefore these his Majesty's letters and your lordship's may, by the order which I have taken with my father-in-law, come to my hands in good time.
I send hereinclosed the titles of those princes, and humbly entreat your favourable acceptance of this tedious letter. —Newcloister near Wissmar, 17 August, 1603.
Holograph. Mutilated. 4 pp. (187. 108–9.)
Lord Buckhurst to Lord Cecil.
1603, August 17. I have not forgotten the business of the Queen's jointure, and notwithstanding the dispersing of the auditors, yet have I sent pursuivants unto them all, as also to divers other officers from whom I have received good light. The present value of the jointure of Queen Katherine of Spain, and what is not in present charge, cannot be known but from all the auditors, from some of whom I have already received answers, but not from all. I have not slacked to send both to them and their deputies, for when I was at Hampton Court, the next day after that Sir Geo. Hume and you did move it to me, I presently dispatched sundry messengers to divers officers and all the auditors; the return of which, as many as I have, I send now to you, to the end you may see what is done, and inform the King and Queen accordingly. I daily expect the certificate of the rest of the auditors, which as soon as they come I will send to you or Mr. Attorney.—17 August, 1603.
PS. Since the writing hereof, speaking with the messenger, and perceiving by him that you are going to Basing, I have thought best to send for Mr. Attorney, and to show him all that I have received, and if it be sufficient he may proceed; if not he must tarry till the rest come.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 110.)
Henry, Bishop of Carlisle, to Captain Boyer.
1603, Aug. 18. I am very glad that the Lords have taken that particular notice of your good deserving, which I doubt not you will think to be some satisfaction for your good services in these parts, and may be a means to gain you that credit there, which here, I think, is upon your approved sufficiency given you. I send you your letter hereinclosed.—Rosecastell, 18 August, 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 120.)
[Lord Cecil] to Count Aremberg.
1603, Aug. 18. His Majesty finding by a late letter of yours written to him, that you interpret a former answer of his to you, to import a promise for the absolute restraining of all his subjects for going to serve the States of the United Provinces, cannot remember any cause for such an inference. Thereby he should have promised to restrain his subjects of the common and accustomed liberty which is used by all nations, and of all times now could not have so abruptly proceeded without apparent shame to abandon all respect unto the States, between whom and his crown of England divers contracts stood undissolved. It cannot be imputed to have any partiality, considering that the same liberty is left the Archdukes to be furnished with any numbers of his Majesty's subjects. Secondly, his Majesty, as before was answered you, having sent to the States purposely to represent his resolution to hold peace with the Archdukes upon honourable terms, it were hard for him to take so direct negative courses with them before he have heard how they stand affected to rely upon his counsels. Yet he constantly avows, notwithstanding the said States' requests to favour them for the supplies which they have desired, that [he has only kept himself thus retentive, as neither to yield letter, commission, persuasion, or money towards it, but left them barely to their own industry and charges] (fn. 3) to procure those they would have. For the commander they have out of former experience sought to invite him to serve them, but he has no power, [sea]l, or commission from his Majesty to impress or constrain any man, neither does he think they shall ever procure so many as will be worthy thinking of. Therefore in this matter he conceives that the Count of Aremberg now will easily reconcile any his mistaking of his Majesty's words or any doubts of his sincerity.
Draft with corrections by Cecil. Endorsed: "18 Aug., 1603." 3¼ pp. (101. 121.)
[Printed in part in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii., 459.]
Watson's Declaration.
1603, Aug. 18. His speech with Mr. Benson, when he told him there was a practice in hand by Lord Gray and the Puritans against the King. Before Lord Gray had entered in with them, Mr. Brooke and he had talked together of the dangers his Majesty was in. They thought it manifest that the great mass of money reported to be in the Jesuits' disposing was mostly from the Count of Aremberg, as all the Catholics in England could not raise so much of themselves. They had some speech then of Brooke's brother, Lord Cobham, and Sir Walter Rawley, how they two stood for the Spanish faction, when something was spoken concerning Sir Walter's surprising of the King's Fleet. Lord Cobham had told Brooke that one Mrs. Gerrard (fn. 4) (who was wholly Jesuited and dwelt at Trent, in Somersetshire) had whispered him to be of good comfort, for he should see the Catholic ease both himself and others, and send redress. About this time Lord Gray and Sir Walter Rawley were at the Blackfriars and showed everyone of them great discontent, but especially the two Lords, Lord Cobham discovering his revenge to no less than depriving his Majesty and all his royal issue of crown, kingdom, and life, and Lord Gray uttering nothing but treason at every word. Upon a motion of Sir Griffin Markham for weapons, Watson had wished Mr. Benson to send to his son to bring up his armour, brought out of Ireland to be sold, but Sir Griffin told him afterwards there would need no arms, save only calivers to break open locks. Afterwards when Mr. Brooke and Sir Griffin Markham had drawn Lord Gray to them, Watson still persuaded some as before, to be ready to defend the King against Lord Gray and the Puritans, partly to make Catholics more ready to join in the King's behalf, but especially because he doubted Lord Gray's intent both towards the King and the Catholics. Therefore was he careful to provide, if it came to action, that either Sir Griffin Markham or Copley might have the action in hand for surprising of his Majesty, and Lord Gray to be set to Lord Southampton, and those whom it was thought he had an earnest desire to be revenged upon, and so his Majesty to have been secured from him or any other of his enemies.
Note by W. Waad: "Taken out of a large declaration of William Watson written 18 Aug., 1603."
pp. (101. 123.)
[Printed in extenso in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii, 455. The original declaration which is very long is in State Papers Domestic, James I, Vol. III, No. 28.]
Lord Cecil to Sir George Harvy.
1603, Aug. 18. My Lord Gray hath made request that he might have such papers and writings as were taken from him. As there is nothing amongst them which his lordship may not have, being but the exercises of his private study, I desire you to deliver to him these 2 desks, wherein his papers are contained.—Basinge, 18 August, 1603.
Signed. Seal. ¼ p. (101. 124.)
The States General.
1603, Aug. 19/29. The States General of the United Provinces, having perused his Majesty's letter of the 10th August, and the proposition made to their assembly and exhibited in writing by his Majesty's agent, Mr. Ralph Winwood, after much deliberation declare, That they hold themselves greatly obliged to his Majesty for the continuation of his royal favour, but view with the greatest reluctance his inclination to treat with the King of Spain and the Archdukes in regard they have the deepest apprehension that the evasive treaties and ambitious designs of the Spaniards and their followers tend alike to the destruction of the true religion, and the setting up of an universal tyranny over all Christendom, to the great prejudice of his Majesty and the United Provinces. Moreover, since nothing could more seriously affect the United Provinces and their subjects than the matter at present under discussion, no final declaration is possible, save after fuller negotiations, in the conduct of which the greatest foresight and circumspection are necessary. The States will in the first place lay the said letters and propositions before his Excellency and Count William of Nassau, Governor of the United Provinces, now both at the camp before the enemy, and the Council of State, some of whom are also at the camp, to confer as to the best means possible. They trust that his Majesty with his accustomed grace will take this declaration in good part, and espouse the just cause of their country.—Given at the assembly of the aforesaid States General, at the Hague, 29 Aug., 1603.
Signed: Aerssen.
Endorsed: "The answere to the proposition from the States Generall, 29 August, stylo novo."
French. 2¼ pp. (101. 131–132.)
Lord Cecil to [? Sir G. Harvey.]
[1603, Aug. 20]. I send you now a warrant to the postmaster of London, or of the next stage, if any plague should happen to be in their houses, because the sending of your servants is both costly and troublesome. For any of their letters I am not desirous of them, because I have no more power to effect their requests than others. I leave it to you neither to grant too facilely nor deny too severely. To my Lord Gray return this answer, that in anything wherein his case may be friended by me, without my prejudice in duty, or mislike in my sovereign, I will do as much for him as I would ever have done when I held him dearest. It is true I had suspended my endeavour to labour for him, first because I had somewhat else to do for others, next because I saw him suspicious of me. Require him to make good observation, that such is his fortune, as he cannot make too many friends. For anything he will send me in writing of his case, I will receive nothing which I will not show at any time to all the Council. For any other private letter of request, if you sign it, I will receive it. For his reader, I wish he had him, and will move my Lords, but if he come in he must not out again.
Holograph. Unaddressed. Endorsed: "Recd. 20mo. Augusti, 1603." 2½ pp.
[Printed in extenso with the exception of the first sentence in Edwards, Life of Ralegh, ii., 460.] (101. 125–126.)
Lord Buckhurst to Lord Cecil.
1603, Aug. 24. After your departure having further conferred with those officers that were here before us, and to expedite this business for her Majesty's jointure, I have appointed all the auditors of the whole Revenue, and likewise the auditors of the Duchy, as also the officers for the Revenue of the Crown Lands, to be here with me on Saturday next by one o'clock in the afternoon, and for this purpose I have sent forth all the messengers that were here unto all the auditors' officers, so as I hope they all or at least the most part of them will be here at that time. If you forbear your coming at this first time, it should not be amiss, and rather to defer it to our second meeting, the which then, I do assure myself, will make a perfect ending of all, for this short time may either fail in the coming of all, or rather I doubt that in so short a time they cannot collect out of their records such perfect instructions as is requisite.—24 August, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 127.)
Lord Buckhurst to Lord Cecil.
1603, Aug. 26. Since the suspension of the patent for preemption of tin, by which the King as yet has lost 2,000l. of yearly rent, the merchants encroaching more and more upon the crown now take upon them to transport tin without licence, being utterly against the laws and statutes of this realm, and the common use, for before the King's time they never carried any forth without licence. This benefit that is to rise by licence of transportation may raise justly and easily 3,000l. or 4,000l. yearly, and make it a perpetual inheritance to the crown, so as it were good his Majesty's pleasure were known, whether he will not have transportation stayed until it may be declared how much shall be taken for the licence of transportation of every hundred of tin. The time of transportation is now, whereby if present stay be not made, a huge quantity will be taken out, and the king lose that licence money, which by the law he may justly take. Mr. Conisby had heretofore that power to license, but was bound not to take above a groat a hundred but afterwards the Queen called in that licence, and set 12s. upon every hundred which by letters patents was granted to Brigam and Wems, and after called in and the preemption and transportation granted unto them. This bearer Richard Cowell, if you have any leisure, can very fully inform you in these things.—26 August, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 128.)
John Crane to the Same.
1603, Aug. 29. Being left here with the government of this town I cannot leave the same to be suitor to his Highness for my standing and continuance of my poor stipend of 3s. 6d. per diem. As a most humble suitor, in consideration of my 36 years service to this garrison, having served not only here but in Ireland, I wholly rest on your help in that matter (having a great charge of 17 persons in household). I have employed the bearer, William Ourde, my clerk, to acquaint your lordship further with the state of this place.—Berwick, 29 August, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 130.)
William Watson to the Earl of Pembroke.
[1603, ? Aug.] Many reasons move him to presume to interest his Honour before all others about the King for receiving his first confession and accusation of such as can any way discover and approach in matters of high treason unto his Majesty. One, Pembroke's honourable disposition that he would not wrong a Turk, or his greatest adversary, that should put his life in his hands. Another, of many honourable persons that might well have the examination of these matters committed unto them, as the Lords of Northumberland and Devonshire, none bears a more affectionate loyalty to his Majesty than Pembroke. Doubts not then but that his Honour is as fit as any to take his examination himself, or at least to be present at it with the above-named Lords, or the others mentioned by Watson in his Majesty's letter, or whom else his Highness shall appoint, if Watson be not admitted to the King's presence, as heretofore he has been. In the mean space he can remain in custody of whom his Honour shall appoint. A third cause is that he had some speech of his Honour (although unknown unto Watson) at his last being with his Majesty in Scot[land] at what time it pleased his Highness to take notice of an extraordinary affection and trust he reposed in Pembroke. A last cause and reason is that he finds this wor[thy] gentleman, Henry Vaughan, Esquire, and Justice of Peace and Quorum, whose prisoner he now is, to be most deeply affected to his lordship, and as one most careful that such things as import much the Sovereign and the State should not be smothered up. He, finding Watson very fearful lest he should light in some Jesuited or Spanished persons' hands, who would for their own safety and fear of what he can discover either secretly and suddenly make him away or at least shuffle of matters so as they should never come to his Majesty's ear or those known most loyal to him, fell in talk with him of his Honour. He wished that none sooner than Pembroke should have the exhibiting of this, Watson's letter to his Majesty, and withal to be the only one or joint examiner of him with such honourable persons as in these are named or whom else as his Majesty shall please to assign to have as well the proof of what Watson made relation of in brief and delivered to the bearer addressed to all or any of his Majesty's Privy Council.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (101. 43.)
Lord Cobham to Lord Henry Howard.
[1603, Aug.] My assured hope is that your lordship will not take this out of presumption. Your true honourable disposition doth encourage me with the true experience I have found of it in this my affliction: that which in me fails God will reward you for. You left me in some small comfort with your promise you made unto me to be a mediator for me to his Majesty; but the restraint you presently gave that my steward should not come at me but in the presence of the Lieutenant I confess hath greatly amazed me, for, my Lord, my poor estate is soon checked and glad ever of comfort be it never so little. Be a means for me unto the Lords that he may have as free access unto me as formerly he had. If either I write by him or send message by him unto any but my wife, let me lose my credit for ever with you, which I hope ever to gain. I moved you that I might have leave that my physician might come unto me; you promised to remember it in charity. I recommend it unto you, for the pain of my leg is so great, that yesterday you being with me I am assured took some compassion of me.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (102. 157.)
Thomas, Earl of Arundel, to the King.
[1603, Aug. or later.] The King has granted Lord Obigny [Aubigny] licence to transport 6,000 tuns of beer in six years out of the realm, and after that a further licence has been granted to Francis Jones and Nicholas Salter to transport beer for seven years paying yearly to his Majesty 600l. Prays that he may have a like licence for twenty-one years to begin after the expiry of the term of the said Jones and Salter with authority to allow the brewers with whom he shall deal to brew such beer as is usually transported beyond seas, as owing to its smallness the beer which is brewed in accordance with the regulations of the Statute 23 Henry VIII is not vendible in foreign countries.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Lo. Arundell." 1 p. (194. 43.)


  • 1. So printed by Edwards.
  • 2. The States of the Empire ?
  • 3. This passage here shown in brackets is noted by Edwards as cancelled.
  • 4. Edwards has 'Miles Gerrard.'