Cecil Papers: September 1603

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp243-253 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp243-253.

"Cecil Papers: September 1603". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1930), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp243-253.

September 1603

[Lord Cecil] to [Sir James Elphinstone], Secretary of State for Scotland.
1603, Sept. 2. I thought to forbear your trouble, till I might hear of your arrival, for the better knowledge whither to address my letters, yet according to the promise I made you, I rather choose to write that all things are as you left them, than to leave you uncertain thereof by my silence, lest it might make you doubtful of the constancy of our sovereign's health, and the quiet of his estate. You shall therefore understand that his Majesty being willing to take his sport while the season lasteth, hath kept her Majesty at Basing with her company, and passeth his own time at my Lord of Pembroke's at Wilton, further westward, from whence he comes to Woodstock, within 7 miles of Oxford, where her Majesty will meet him, and there receive the Spanish ambassador, who cometh with a very great train and carryeth himself in all things conform a la gravedado Espanola. He is very inquisitive after the manner of Rhoney's [Rosny's] entertainment, lest he should digest any usage inferior to his, in which respect we have been curious to observe such ceremonies, in as great equality as can be, for as much as is past. As the Lord Sidney was sent to Canterbury, so was now the Lord Danvers, and as the Earl of Southampton was appointed to bring Rosny to the Court, so is the Earl of Devonshire to Taxis. What his negotiation will be more than congratulatory, is yet unknown, but I conceive he will proceed as Aremberg did at first, who pretended no necessity of treaty where there hath been no breach of amity, for else he would think it were a diminution of his master's greatness to be the first sender where there were no friendship. But now to leave these formalities, which I am fain to borrow for lack of other matter, in the main point to you that know our master's disposition, I need not tell you which way things are like to go, but rather to wish all other princes of his mind, and then should we and he be happy. The King hath sent to the Low Countries to know their mind whether they will join with him in treaty or no, to the intent they may perceive that his treaty apart from them groweth not from change of affection but the alteration of causes, leaving them notwithstanding to their own election to take such way as they think most agreeable, of which he hath not stuck to send the Archduke word, never meaning to disclaim from their amity, though he draw not upon him a war only for their quarrels. To this they have made in a manner an answer of direct protestation to be ruined by any treaty, concluding that they saw no other effect possible to follow of acknowledging their government but an imminent peril to religion and the repose of Christendom, the one being exposed to the malice of the Pope, the other laid open to the ambition of Spain, who having a commanding power over the Archduke, if once he came to be acknowledged, would quickly have the Low Countries in his possession; desiring to have further delay to propound it to the several States. Of which dilatory answer you can easily judge, for there is small distinction between their delay and a refusal. Concerning our conspiracy, since your departure, the priest Clerck hath been taken and divers others, though of no great quality, whom he confesseth to have promised to have brought their swords to further their enterprise. The infection is so great and universal as we cannot yet tell where to assign any place for their trial, which is like to be an occasion to defer any arraignment for 2 or 3 months. In the meantime there is appointed an assembly of all the judges at Maidenhead against Tuesday next, where the manner of their process shall be considered of. The States are now before Bolduc with a great army, not without hope to carry the town, which if they do, it will be a great reputation to their cause, especially at this time. Thus, Sir, you have such occurrences as can from hence be advertised.
Corrected Draft. Endorsed: "2 Sept., 1603." 3 pp. (101. 134.)
Lord Zouche to Lord Cecil.
[1603], Sept. 6. I have received your lordship's favours in furthering my dispatch, since you held it no favour to work me a private life, my poor estate, with the indisposition of my body, requiring rather the same. If any good opportunity serve, may I be released with the good favour of his Majesty, and in the meantime be excused that I did not take my further leave, preparing my journey towards the place whither I am commanded. At this time I desire to know whether there be any term determined of, and the time and place the like of the parliament, for that I would be glad so to order things in the Marches, as with my service there I may be spared. When I was at Court you caused me to write concerning the apprehension of Watson and Harris. The one you had before my coming away; the other I hear you have as by these enclosed may seem, whereby you may see what proceeding hath been held therein.— From the Bath, 6 Sept.
PS.—Upon Monday I purpose to set forward for Shrewsbury, where the Council are.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1¼ pp. (101. 136.)
Sir Lewis Lewkenor to the Same.
1603, Sept. 6. After many slow and tedious journeys we brought the Spanish Ambassador into this town on Friday, 2 September. My Lo. Davers met with him at Canterbury, and attended on him hither, doing by the way many great and noble courtesies to him, and the gentlemen of his train, to their great satisfaction. My Lord of Devonshire met him at Henley, and came with him to this town, being by the way attended on by the sheriff and sundry gentlemen of this county. He took my Lord of Devonshire's coming unto him for an exceeding honour, being a man, as since he has many times told me, whose name and actions he had heard very honourable report of in Spain, and was the only nobleman that above all the rest he chiefly desired to see. Upon his entry into Oxford he was visited by the Vice Chancellor, and sundry doctors of the University, at his lodging, welcomed with a short oration in Latin, and presented with certain gloves embroidered with gold. The Vice-Chancellor has since sent to him sundry presents, and been very careful to give him and his people all contentment possible. He is lodged in Christ's Church, which he has already trimmed with his hangings and furniture. In 2 of his rooms he has hanged up clothes of estate, equal every way, both in breadth and length, to those of the King which are usual in our Court. He is very glad of the King's coming so soon to Woodstock, and longs much to know the time of his audience, which he hopes shall be on Sunday next. I know not how the success will fall out, but I assure myself that his determinations are not to depart out of this kingdom in haste. In regard of having some of his gentlemen and servants lodged about him, he requires to have some 14 beds, whereof 4 for his principal officers to be furnished with curtains and other furniture out of the town, which I gave direction to the harbingers to do, paying well for them, although there were some difficulty in the execution thereof, yet having brought them hither so well pleased, I was loath that in so trifling a matter they should receive any discontentment, hoping that your lordships will allow of my endeavour therein, in regard that the Vice-Chancellor and magistrates of this town made very great doubt thereof. His plate and furniture, and such other things, are very honourable and sumptuous, but the rest of his expenses and liberalities hitherto, in my opinion, are very mean, and no way answerable to that which was expected and bruited by his forerunners. He has, in private conferences with me, many times offered occasion to speak of your lordship, with many sifting and inquisitive speeches, which I have ever answered in such sort as the truth of my duty and affection towards you requires, as hereafter you shall more particularly understand. There came to him yesterday a great packet out of Spain by the way of Brussels, after the receipt of which he was very merry and well disposed. He has desired me very much, in regard that he was here alone, to stay with him in this town, which also I was enjoined to do by my Lord of Devonshire, and therein do wholly depend upon your further direction. Withal I thought it fit to advertise you that at his coming hither, and since, there has been repair made to him by some gentlemen known to be recusants, of which some awaited his landing at Dover and followed him in his slow journeys the most part of the way; and since his coming to this town, sundry of his company have been to visit the seminary priests here detained prisoners; the consideration whereof I refer to you.—Oxford, 6 Sept., 1603.
Holograph. 2 pp. (187. 111.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to Lord Cecil.
1603, Sept. 7. I have given my Lady Arbella thanks for your last letter from Basing and do confess mine error in moving you to be a mover for me in any of my petty country suits, whereof if I set you free, perhaps you shall never be more troubled with me. For the Sherwood walks, I protest, they are not worth saying for, therefore if I miss them, I shall find the money in my purse that they would yearly cost me, if I had them, for I have but one already, and it costeth me every year above 100l. Nevertheless I will take you at your word, and beseech you to stop the current of their passage, until I can procure someone to move the King for me. But perhaps some other things there are, that without a little more help from you I will never hope to prevail, being rural matters also. Therein blame me not if I strain you a note or two higher, and yet far enough within your compass for you know I can guess (though I be but a bad musician) to what height your voice can reach when you list to put it forth, but this I will leave until the time serve, and leave you now to your weighty state affairs, wherein shortly (if I be not deceived) you will be put to play your "prise," I mean in the treaty of peace, wherein I shall pray for the best success. To conclude, I have sent a man with an eloquent letter, and good gold in his purse (to no small value) 60 miles hence, for a tassel for you, whereof if he fail, the fault is not mine, but your hap the worse. I will henceforth trouble myself no more with my wife's compliments of salutations unto you, nor return any answer to your fractions in arithmetic, and such trumpery betwixt you and her, but will show her what I shall find in your letters concerning her, and then leave her to answer you with her own pen, if she list.—Scribbled at Sheffield, 7 Sept., 1603.
PS. by Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury: I take him for no good subject that will not show to be discontent after he hath lost the greatest stages in "Halumsher," and returns home wet and weary. Such hath been our fortune ofter than once within these few days, which I hope is a sufficient excuse for what is writ too much, or left undone that is due. Your friend will leave your fractions till you meet, only I must put you in mind that they that go down the hill will go apace, though they were but three quarter descended.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 137.)
Charles Chester to Richard Mellor, steward to Lord Cobham.
1603, Sept. 7. As a fugitive, fearing the boldness of my love will hurt me towards my Lord, I stay in a very good farm at 7s. a week charges, from London 20 miles, meaning to stay there till after Michaelmas, and then to come humbly to his Honour's chief house of Cobham (for my annuity), which I hope shall never in his Honour's lifetime be touched with spot of disgrace by his indiscretion of disobedience to his King, and till I see his face and hear him answer his own accusations (which I hope is nothing) I believe there will be proved nothing, but loss of time and extraordinary expense, for which God will never let him want against his enemies. In just causes I know him to be valiant and stout, and at his trial without respect of any fear of them all, you shall hear him speak, but I will fear they will never show him that favour as to come to his trial, which if they do, it is to his lordship's much more credit than if he should be freed for favour. God bless him from his false friends, which hurt him more than his enemies, and if you can deliver it without danger I will send two fat capons to him, and so I pray look to my goods I leave with you in trust, and after Michaelmas I will ease you of the charge in keeping them, which I doubt not of. It grieveth my soul these troubles should happen whiles the brave Spanish ambassador came through Kent with incredible pomp, and I like a dull dog in an ambush lurking for the liberty of my Lord, which will delight to make me drunk, which God is my judge I abhor as his lordship doth false witness in his arraignment, which I think shall never be.— 7 Sept.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (101. 138.)
The Bishop of Hereford to Lord Cecil.
1603, Sept. 14. About 2 months past I sent my letters to your lordship, enclosed in other letters to one Mr. Butterton in Southwerk, one of my chaplains, who hath lately certified me that they miscarried, which measure I have many times found since I came into these parts. The matter is, that whereas I delivered to your lordship a lease from the Dean and Chapter of Windsor of the parsonage of Urchefont in Wiltshire, whereof one Robert Noice claimeth a lease in reversion, it might pleasure you not to neglect it, but to make some good use of it, for I have seen the lease he claimeth, and it is not sealed with the common and chapter seal, but with a little seal manual of the cross and garter, which they commonly affix upon the backside of the chapter seal, and wherewith they sign letters, which maketh the lease to be of no validity. The thing is of good value, and the college hath now obtained liberty to demise for 21 years, and I presume will not deny your lordship that gratification. I should be very sorry that the recompense of my labours and charges at Windsor and the pledge of my thankful mind to yourself should by any vain persons be frustrated and defeated.—From Whitborue, 14 Sept., 1603.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (101. 139.)
Maurice of Nassau to King James.
1603, Sept. 15. The Comte Alphonse de Montidoglia et Sainte Sophie coming from Germany has sought me in this camp and declared the knowledge God has given him of the truth of the Gospel. He desires to seek your Majesty and declare his service and has begged me for this word of recommendation.— The camp at Vugt, 15 Sept., 1603.
Signed. French. Fragment of Seal. 1 p. (134. 42.)
The Venetian Ambassador.
1603, Sept. 19. Warrant to all mayors, sheriffs, postmasters, etc., to furnish Mr. Thomas Wilson with such necessaries as he may require, at the usual prices, when he accompanies John Charles Sharamelli, going by the King's appointment from Oxford to Southampton, there to attend his Majesty's pleasure for audience, and then to depart to Dover, to meet the Venetian ambassador.—Woodstock, 19 Sept., 1603.
Signed:—T. Buckhurst; Suffolke; Ro. Cecyll; J. Stanhope. 1 p. (101. 140.)
Lord Buckhurst to Lord Cecil.
1603, Sept. 19. Being this day informed of far greater allowances for the charge of the privy buckhounds by the King, than I was informed of by Sir Thomas Teringham, unto whose declaration giving faith I set my hand, I do pray you to stay the grant thereof at the signet or privy seal, until I may this day have conference with Sir Geo. Hume about it, whereby his Majesty may be truly informed of their allowances.—19 Sept., 1603.
Holograph. ½ p. (101. 141.)
Innocent [Bubalo], Bishop of Camerino, Pope's Nuntio, to King James.
1603, Sept. 19/29. Having heard that your Majesty received and read with your usual kindness the congratulatory letters I wrote some months past, I am emboldened to make you further very humble reverence with all the more assurance because I promise myself greater grace from your singular goodness by the report which I believe has been made to you by your Ambassador at this Court of my conduct touching your Majesty's service, towards which also, I must take this opportunity of informing you, the Pope, my master, has always had a particular inclination and the good will to help and benefit your royal person; and if I were to say by natural sympathy, I should in no wise be telling a lie, for it has been occasioned by the report he has had of the learning, worth, virtue and other rare qualities which make you loved by all endowed by God with the like qualities. Your Majesty should see clear proof of this in the fact that his Holiness, though often begged to proceed against you with ecclesiastical censures, has always refused to do so. So that, when I was sent to this charge two years or more ago, he commanded me, as I signified at the time to your Ambassador here, the late Archbishop of Glasgow, to do you favourable offices with the King of France. And now especially, since his Holiness has heard with great pleasure of your coming to this most flourishing kingdom, he has repeatedly ordered his Ministers and me, the least and most unworthy of them, to try by all possible means to prevent you from receiving displeasure, hindrance or harm of any sort from the Catholics. Some who have gone to Rome to make a thousand inept proposals for disturbance have not only been repulsed by his Holiness, as I know will always be the case, but have even been banished from Rome. Hence why many of these discontented ones have afterwards brought many lies to your ears! Moreover, his Holiness has made good offices with the Most Christian and Most Catholic Kings and other princes for peace and a good understanding with you. This good will of the Pope has always been growing, so that I know he will not cease to strive to make it more apparent to you and will secure as far as humanly possible that no harm befalls you from Catholics. He will remove from these countries all who are turbulent and mutinous and chastise the disobedient and seditious not only with ecclesiastical but also with temporal pains. He has already ordered all Catholics to revere and obey you. And know, your Majesty, that it is false that Catholics being of another religion than yours ought to oppose you, seeing, that as you have never been excommunicated and in consequence declared an enemy, they cannot under our laws and canons band themselves against you or disobey you. I know there will be an attempt to persuade you that this good will of the Pope and all that it can effect in your favour with Catholic princes and even with your Catholic subjects cannot be of any considerable use to you, who are of yourself so great and powerful. Nevertheless, leaving that consideration rather to your singular prudence, it cannot be denied that to assure yourself of the favour of Catholics by the Pope's means and authority must bring you great peace of mind, a thing not to be despised, besides that it must be agreeable to the generosity of your mind and greatness of your heart to return the like true and sincere love to a Prince who loves you so much and can assure you that he would willingly give his own blood for your prosperity and safety. And seeing that there is so good a disposition in the Pope, it is only necessary for you to declare yourself and I can assure you that his Holiness by his own letters (if you are pleased to signify that they will be agreeable) will not only satisfy you of all that I have said but also, if your Majesty will commission someone to treat with me or by any other means that you please, I know for certain that you will be fully contented how much the Pope has laboured for a true and solid peace throughout Christendom with assurance for all Christian princes to possess their kingdoms and territories in peace and prosperity. This, I believe, must be clear to your Majesty by the examples up to the present in France, Savoy and other places, where his Holiness has sought to extinguish the fire which the malice of the seditious has already lighted. All this I think will make you understand the ardent desire I have for your continual happiness and prosperity and for the public good. Praying you to excuse the length of this letter, I end with my very humble reverence.—"Paris, ce 29me Septembre, 1603."
Signed. French. 3½ pp. (101. 142, 143.)
Copy of the same.
Italian. 4 pp. (101. 144, 145).
Abstract of the same in English with the substance of Cardinal Aldobrandini's letter.
That Cecyll the priest hath made a very false information of the cardinal's treating with him, to set up the duke of Parma as king of England.
That the Pope exhorteth all Catholics to obey the king, and himself makes public prayers in the churches for his Majesty's preservation.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1605" (sic). 2 pp. (112. 149.)
George Brooke to [his Wife.]
1603, Sept. 20. The restraint is upon suspicion of intercourse between some prisoners. The meeting upon Wednesday is about the indictments and choosing of a jury. I think there will be no trials before the term.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "20 September, 1603, intercepted." ⅓ p. (101. 146.)
Copy of the above. ⅓ p. (102. 27d.)
Dr. J[ohn] Chippingdale to Lord Cecil.
1603, Sept. 24. It hath pleased God lately to visit my son with sickness, on whom your Honour bestowed the feodaryship for this county, wherein albeit he found your lordship's exceeding favour without defect, yet in single truth it came to him from Evans, who had it before him, with greater charge by much than either it was or could have been worth, if my son's days had been prolonged. Now, if God do take him (which in my judgment I do verily think) then is both the money lost, and my state by his death to be charged with a large jointure, to my great prejudice on both sides, if you stand not my good master in this suit, which is (if my son fail) to bestow that place on me.— Leicester Castle, 24 Sept., 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (101. 147.)
Capitan Murad Bey to Sir Horatio —.
1603, Sept. 24/Oct. 4. Your letter has much pleased us, and both the Bashaw and we are grateful for your kindness to the Grand Signior's subjects, in token whereof on the receipt of your letter I looked among my captives and set free ten whom I found to be your compatriots. I send them by your ambassador Federico Classe the bearer of this letter, who will give you messages which cannot be committed to paper. I have given him a safe conduct which will protect him anywhere in the Grand Signior's dominions. We beg you to send us 3 or 4 ships laden with cloth before the end of January, as we are somewhat short this year, and this assistance would produce a good impression here. We shall set free any of the subjects of your Republic who may fall into our hands.—Algiers, 4 October, 1603.
Sealed with stamp in ink. Italian. 1 p. (191. 50.)
Muster Roll for Sandown Castle.
1603, Sept. 29. A roll indented of the captain and soldiers of his Majesty's Castle of Sandown, which are to receive pay from 28 Sept., 1602. until 29 Sept. following, viewed and mustered before Sir Thomas Fane, knight, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 29 Sept., 1603.
The Captain Aaron Windebanke, per diem 20d.
The Captain's 4 soldiers John Cadge 6d.
John Salby 6d.
Daniel Boorne 6d.
David Rosse 6d.
Lieutenant William Saunders 8d.
Lieutenant's soldier Thomas Kitt 6d.
Chief porter Henry Johnson 8d.
Under-porter Thomas Edwardes 6d.
Cannoneers and soldiers Nicholas Muzzerd 6d.
Henry Malcome 6d.
John Brabson 6d.
John White 6d.
Henry Osborne 6d.
John Clarke 6d.
Peter Thomson 6d.
John Kempe 6d.
Robert Emberson 6d.
William Pittocke 6d.
Total per diem 11s.
Signed: Tho. Fane. Aaron Windebank. 1 p. (101. 149.)
1603, Sept. 29. Register of all those that are licensed at the Hertford Sessions to be common drovers of cattle, badgers, loders, kydders, carriers, and transporters of corn and grain and of butter, cheese, fish and other dead victuals within that county: with their recognisances.—Jan. 10, 28 Eliz. [1586] to Mich. 1 Jac. [1603.] 144 pp. (209. 1.)
Edward, Lord Zouche, to Lord Cecil.
1603, Sept. 30. The Council here, I doubt nothing but you know, having heard of my desire to dissolve their quaternity, and felt the lessening of their grants, take little delight in my being here, and they have no little comfort in their conceits that they have such a pillar, whom I have offended so highly. If you could also know the practice of some of them to draw the affections of the country from me, and their means, especially by their having gratified many, and striving to gratify some, wherein I can little follow their humour, you might easily see that I take little pleasure to be here, but if I may have you constant to defend me, then shall I walk in this calling till it please his Highness to command the contrary.—Shrewsbury, this last of Sept., 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 150.)
Juan de Taxis, Count of Villa Medina, [Spanish Ambassador]. to the King.
[1603, Sept. or later.] Since my audience of your Majesty yesterday, I have been informed that an English man-of-war has cast anchor in the Downs near Dover, and that her captain, named Cleve, has with him besides 2 Spanish ships, captured on their way to the Indies four months ago and worth more than 18,000 crowns, the cargo being of various kinds of merchandise, of which they have exchanged a considerable portion for hides, silver and gold, and left the remainder on board the ships as they found it. It is said that they have with them more than 10,000 hides. They have offered violence to all the women on board the said ships (among whom is the wife of the Lieutenant of Havana), a most scandalous proceeding and contrary to all humanity. Now fearing that your Majesty will command the restitution of the said merchandise and valuables, it being plain that they have been wrongfully taken, they are sending orders for the ships to proceed to Holland or France, that they and their cargoes may be sold there. I beseech your Majesty to give order for them to be brought to London before going thither, and in the event of their having already departed, to imprison all the parties concerned, particularly the said Captain Cleve and the Master of the ship named the Henry Raven, and to have the ships and goods stayed and brought to London that justice may be done, and the goods apportioned to those to whom they belong (it being notorious that the said Captain Cleve took with him no merchandise, but only his ship-of-war) and that they be not allowed to proceed to France or Holland.—Undated.
Holograph. French. Endorsed: "1603." 1½ pp. (103. 67.)
Minute to the [Lord] Norris.
[1603, before October.] Concerning the matter between him and Sir Edward Norris (fn. 1) to be heard by himself and the Lord Keeper and proposing the appointment of suitable counsel on either side to prepare the cause and facilitate a compromise, of whom Sir Walter Cope is to be one.—Undated.
Draft. 2½ pp. (197. 75–76.)


  • 1. Died Oct., 1603.