Cecil Papers: October 1603

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp253-277 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1930), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp253-277.

"Cecil Papers: October 1603". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 15, 1603. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1930), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol15/pp253-277.

October 1603

Mr. Mullenux's Land.
1603, Oct. 1. Procure a lease of Mr. Mullenux's lands of Carleton, Notts, who is lately dead and his heir married of the age of 19. The thirds of his lands will not come to the King in regard there are divers statutes in execution upon them.—
Endorsed: "For Mr. Townshend, 1 Oct., 1603." ½ p. (2393.)
Elizabeth, Lady Hunsdon, to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 3. I am encouraged to entreat the continuance of your favour, doubting lest any taking any advantage of my Lord's death, should go about to molest or oppress me, that it would please you to afford me your support in my just causes against the injurious disturbance of my adversaries. Among other things I beseech your favour in the present difference betwixt Mr. Essex and myself, whose extent being returned into the Court of Wards for discharge of the King's debt, yet will not in any sort be brought to satisfy the King or me, the particulars whereof I leave to this bearer's relation, of whom your lordship may be informed in what weak estate I stand, as well for paying his Majesty's debt, as the discharge of other duties imposed upon me by my Lord.—Draiton, 3 Oct., 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (101. 152.)
Mary, Countess of Atholl, to the Same.
1603, Oct. 4. Albeit my name has never I think occurred to you, neither have I of you farther acquaintance than by reputation, yet hearing the place you carry about his Majesty, and of your own natural disposition, I have sent you these lines to repeat unto you how wrongly I am both injured and oppressed contrary to his Majesty's laws, the particular narrative whereof I remit to this gentleman my servant, whom I have directed to mind my cause to his Majesty. I doubt not you will advise his Majesty that I may have the benefit of the common laws of the kingdom.—Dunkeldin, 4 Oct., 1603.
Signed. ½ p. (101. 151.)
Thomas Norton to the Clerk of the Peace of Hertfordshire.
[1603], Oct. 4. Acquaint the justices that I would have waited of them at the sessions but other occasion of service to the King has prevented me. Let them know that the King was very angry with the way between Pockredg and Boningford which lies in Boningford, Abston and Thoraking. I entreat they would call the surveyors in question that the towns may be presented or indicted for there has been nothing done this two or three years to my knowledge, not so much as the ditches scoured or the hedges plashed. It is so bad of both sides of the windmill that the King could hardly pass with his coach. The ways are bad in Westmell and Standon parishes in many places but they are amending them. Speak to Mr. Brogrove for the scouring of the ditches in those parishes and in Bockland Lane: and presenting of the town of Riston for the high street and the street that leads from the Talbot to the Church. It was so bad that they had much ado to keep the King's coach upright. I have told Sir Robert Chester of it and other annoyances and must acquaint the Lords of the Council if these things be not reformed. Tell Sir Thomas Dacres there has been little done in Cheston parish and Theobalds and Walton Cross either for ways or ditches.
Further the bearer who has caused certain ditches to be presented by the surveyors, and speak to the justices for his money that is behind for Bockland Lane.—Riston, 4 Oct.
Holograph. 2 pp. (206. 97.)
Sir Horace Vere to [Lord Cecil].
1603, Oct. 5. The 3rd of this present by 5 in the morning those of Balduke discharged 4 pieces of artillery, which gave a suspicion to the chief of our army that the enemy would some way attempt upon us, which drew us all into arms. In the instant the enemy gave an alarm upon the quarter of Count Arnest which is called Petler, and likewise upon those works that are nearest the enemy's camp from our grand quarter. The alarm being given, very hotly in show, and they did nothing in effect, his Excellency found their intention to be other than they made show of and held his troops in readiness to answer all occasions. A work the enemy had made within musket shot of a little fort we hold called Dentrum, midway betwixt the quarter of the Mutineers and the town of Balduke, was discovered so soon as it was day. From that new work they beat upon the fort of Dentrum with 7 pieces of artillery. His Excellency thereupon went towards the place to be the better informed of what the enemy intended, as also to take resolution what he would do in opposition. He took with him his own guard, the Count Harries and Count Hollokes, leaving all other troops in arms in the quarter. After his coming hither, understanding by their continual beating upon the place, and certain little boats being discovered to the number of 40, in which the enemy had bestowed of those soldiers that should have assailed the fort, his Excellency to make good the place, drew down 10 companies of English and 3 of Scots and after another deliberation 6 French companies, with some 5 companies of horse, and a piece of artillery. After they had beaten upon the place 2 hours, and saw that many hands were brought to oppose against them, besides the fort being so seated by a watery country, that they had no other means to bring their men than by shipping, withal their work which they had made for the guard of their artillery was so slight, that his Excellency beating upon their battery would have spoiled all their pieces. These difficulties considered, the enemy found it reasonable to leave the prosecuting what he had begun, and about 9 of the clock we might see them retire their artillery, and their shipping that carried their men. The place had been of great consequence to the enemy, separating us from the mutineers, who lodge upon the way to Hewsden, from whence our army is victualled, and we should have been much impeached if it had succeeded.
This is all that this place yields for this present. Our farther proceedings depend much upon the actions of the adverse army. As occasion is offered I will advertise you of them.—From the Camp near Balduke, 5 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil's secretary: "Sir Horace Vere to my Lord. From the camp before Bolduc." 4 pp. (187. 112.)
T[obias Matthew], Bishop of Durham, to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 7. Upon the receipt of your late letters directed to myself and the dean and chapter of Duresme, I have sealed the lease that your lordship sent ready drawn and affixed my letter of attorney for acknowledging it as my deed before a Master of the Chancery; which they have promised to confirm under their chapter seal, so soon as it may be brought unto them in due form, and to give their letter of attorney for the semblable acknowledgment of their confirmation. If there be any Master of the Chancery at or about York, I have requested this bearer, Mr. Sanderson, to dispatch it there, and send it me from thence, that it may forthwith proceed to confirmation. But in case there be none of that office about York, then he hath undertaken to follow it at the Court, where your lordship may be pleased to cause some of them to pass it, that it may be brought up at my coming shortly to the Court (if needs I must thither) or otherwise conveyed to you by some convenient messenger. I say, if I must, for albeit I received a letter from you and other Lords of the Privy Council in the beginning of September, to attend at a conference to be held before his Highness for some matters of importance concerning causes ecclesiastical, yet I am in some hope that the danger of the contagion still continuing, and following the very Court itself, his Majesty may perhaps forbear that diet until some better and safer opportunity at a standing house. I confess myself so deeply bound to his Majesty, that no peril of time or place ought to affright me, or make me sue to be spared from that convention, be my years as they are, and the journey never so long. My entreaty to you is indelayedly to advertise Mr. Sanderson, whether that meeting be certainly to hold Nov. 1st, or when else or where, for otherwise I should lose a great deal of labour, when I might do his Majesty and the State much better service here than elsewhere, as you may give more than a guess by this enclosed, the writer whereof deserveth both great credit and great thanks for his advertisements. The Lord better all in the South, for in the North I assure you omnia in pejus.—At B[ishop] Awkland, 7 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (101. 153.)
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Same.
1603, Oct. 9. Hearing a report here that some are about to obtain the Justice "of Oire" on this side Trent, I thought good to let you know it is a place most necessary to be supplied by such a one as will preserve and increase the deer and woods, which have been most shamefully spoiled since my father died. If you tell me that I might have had it in the Queen's time, and did mannerly put it off, whereby it has been void ever since, I must remember you that she valued every "mouldhill" that she gave, if it bore any title or fair show, at a mountain; which our Sovereign now does not. With the remembrance of my wife's commendations,—Worksop, "where I do nothing else but kill fat does, and hearken after a kennell of dogs that makes a good cry," 9 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 114.)
Lord Gerard to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 10. I hold this last kindness of your lordship's in satisfying his Majesty for the hawks, which I protest if you had not signified the King's pleasure unto me, the party that stole them should have died for his offence, but I have written over for the stay of him. Since my departure from you I have had two offices found for young Erdeswycke. In Staffordshire the office found in knight's service, where all the papists in the shire were assembled against me, and by their countenance I could not find in capite, but since I have had another office in Warwickshire, where there is an office found for the King in capite. The trouble and charge has been extraordinary, for it has cost me 100l. more than Sir H. Beeston had of me. I desire to pass it according to the tenures found, and that you will be pleased to refer any of my adversaries if the[y] chance to move your Honour to the law, for that is the thing will make the best conclusion for the King. I had thought to have attended your lordship at Court, but in regard of the great dispersing of the sickness I am now going to my house in Cambridgeshire.— Wakefyld Lodge, 10 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 1 p. (101. 154.)
The Earl of Cumberland to the Same.
1603, Oct. 11. Yesterday I received a packet from you dated the 3rd inst., with his Majesty's letter and directions for my proceeding at Barwick, which I will endeavour to accomplish to his contentment, making it my first work in these parts, for the promise that I made at the Council Board, not to proceed in course of justice against those men, whose names were given me as servants to my Lo. Will Howard, stayeth all my proceedings here till I have further direction from your lordships, for which very shortly I will send a messenger with true information of the state concerning them. But for that I would in so weighty a business take the uprightest course, I pray you move his Majesty to command Justice Walmisley, who dwells not two days' journey from hence, the judge of this country, and I hope may, for so great a service as this is, be well spared from this term, to come hither to me, for which I shall be much beholding to you, for though I will be without all partial respect, yet would it much content me to have so good a warrant as he would be to all my proceedings. I pray you also be a mean for the Bishop's stay here, for he has taken so great pains, and is so well informed in these causes wherewith I am here to deal, as that it would be a great maim to me at this time to want him, and himself seeing so apparently the settled quiet which we shall bring this country into, that he is very desirous to stay and be an actor in it.—11 October, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 115.)
Charles Hales to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 15. As it hath pleased his Majesty out of his love of these North parts, to make choice of the Earl of Comb[erland] to be his Lieutenant of the same, so his Honour on the 12th of this month, accompanied with all the chief gentlemen of the 3 shires of his lieutenancy, published his commission of oyer and terminer, and therewithal by his own public speech gravely and honourably signified to the country his Majesty's princely care over them, and that the same was such that his Highness more desired to reduce the same to civil obedience and tranquillity than to conquer Spain. This speech hath wrought a grave impression of his Majesty's love towards this country, and was received with so great thankfulness as if he had redeemed them from captivity. For such hath been the state of this country that even the rich as the poor have enjoyed their lives and goods without comfort, living always in fear of insolent malefactors. Albeit for 4 or 5 months past there hath been an extraordinary peace in the country, the same hath arisen not from any change of the evil-disposed, but from fear of justice, which ever since his Majesty appointed this honourable Lord to the place he now holdeth as an axe hath daily hanged over the shoulders of evil men. It is now made known in the country that some of the chief offenders in the late rebellious actions do endeavour to be at this time exempted from his lordship's authority, and if they shall obtain the same, it will hazard the success of the whole service intended. I have now lived in this place almost 5 months and heard the laments of the peaceable subjects, and have observed the demeanours of evil men, and I am persuaded that the malady of the country, if it be curable, it is by the means of this honourable Lord, who is loved of the best and feared of the worst. His lordship's disposition is not to use the offenders with such severity as to make carnificionem by punishment of all, but to punish decimando or centesimando, if the number will bear it, to correct many by example of few. The parties desiring exemption from his lordship's justice do challenge to be toward the Lord William Howard and do make show to fear his justice for and in respect of his honourable alliance with the Lord Dacre. His lordship hath not only protested unto them his honourable disposition in his proceeding not to respect that occasion, but hath fully satisfied both the commissioners in private, and the whole country in public, of his distribution of justice without any respect whatsoever, so as all the commissioners who have heard their allegations and slender recriminations of his lordship's deputy, Sir Richard Musgrave, do esteem their dealing in this behalf to be only a delay to avoid justice. If his Majesty's good pleasure be to respect any of the offenders, it is thought it would be less offensive to the country, if his favour were extended rather by pardon after conviction, than by exemption before from justice.—Carleill, 15 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (101. 155.)
[Lord Cecil] to Sir James Elphinstone.
1603, Oct. 16. Being troubled at this time with some indisposition of a rheum in my eye, I am driven to use another man's hand rather than by silence to leave you in doubtfulness of my goodwill. In this letter I will therefore acquaint you principally with that which every other man cannot so well relate, which is in what terms his Majesty's treaty standeth with Spain and the Archdukes, leaving the particulars of the King's passing his time and the Court occurrences to those from whom you may better have had it. For the matter of the arrangements this is all I can now say that about the 7 or 8 November these persons shall come to their trial at Winchester, the Lord Cobham, Lord Gray, Mr. George Brooke, Sir Walter Ralegh, Sir Griffyn Markham, Watson the priest and Clerke the priest, with some others. Lastly this I say to the particular escheat of which you late made mention, there hath not been so few as a dozen suitors for it, whereof some have their hopes and some their fears, but without the wife of Sir Walter hath made such means by some of good reckoning about the King as she shall hope to obtain a gift of all his goods, besides that all his chattels will hardly pay the debts he oweth bona fide to divers creditors, who all know the way by one means or other to compass a greater matter than that from which they have so fair pretext. Seeing therefore this is so far already foiled and that for anything belonging to lives of these men I am the least proper to be a suitor, who excepting their faults cannot but even in humanity seek to be rather compassionate to theirs than otherwise, I hope you will not ill interpret my denial to deal in it myself.
PS.—Though others can send it you, yet such is my comfort to be able to advertise you that his Majesty and all his are well as I think it very worthy of my Postscript.
Corrected draft. Endorsed: "16 Oct., 1603. To Sir James Elphinstone." 3 pp. (101. 157.)
The Enclosure:—In this conference we found the ambassador willing to descend into many particulars for a treaty, but having found before that he had no particular commission for his master to treat with his Majesty, we showed unto him the inequality of the conditions between him and us, that whatsoever we should say would in a manner bind his Majesty, who had purposely sent us, and whatsoever he should say was but by way of discourse, and might be avowed or disavowed by his master, and therefore till sufficient authority came out of Spain, we held it not fit to proceed any further, whereunto he descended, and promised to hasten the coming of it, and so with many other speeches tending to that which he formerly propounded to his Majesty we brake off. Yesterday the Count of Arenbergh took his leave to withdraw himself for a time to his Princes till sufficient power to treat should come out of Spain. His Majesty hath afforded him shipping for his transportation.
Undated. 1 p. (101. 156.)
The Earl of Cumberland to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 16. It is the first time that ever I have been employed in matter of justice [and] my conscience and honour, be assured, shall make me heedful in all my proceedings. I will proceed with all men according to their deserts, without other respect any way. Let not then, I pray you, these men, whose faults have ever been so great as that they never durst yield themselves to trial, be now the cause to hinder his Majesty's determination towards these ruined countries, which being freed from these notorious malefactors will be as beneficial to his coffers and as serviceable to the realm for able bodies of men, as most shires within his kingdom. I had as you wished sent up Leonard Musgrave without examination here, if his age had not been such as it is. He is above fourscore and could not without danger to his life have ridden such a journey, but I have him to do with what you direct, and all the rest that are faulty in this matter. I am so bad a secretary as I will not trouble you with my writing of particulars, but have referred them to the report of this bearer, my servant, Thomas Tayler, to whom I pray you give credit, and for my deputy, at my coming up, I will bring him with me to receive punishment, if he deserve it, which yet I cannot find he hath done.—16 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 159.)
William Bowyer to the Same.
1603, Oct. [before 17.] According to your directions I have attended this noble lord towards Berwick, from whose arrival at Carlisle until this instant he hath daily most carefully conferred with the gentlemen of the country to inquire the defects and advise with them, that best are acquainted and most now grieved therewith, the redress and mean to proceed therein. Holding a court for public justice, not only many of such as were bound by recognizance failed to appear, but divers other not yet apprehended stand out, whereupon he adjourned the Court until a farther day that those which were wanting might advise. At the discharge of the Court his lordship, urged by a zeal to manifest to the country the King's princely love and care, and his own desire to execute uprightly so weighty a service as this, did by a most excellent protestation to all present speak so effectually that the good took exceeding comfort, and others as spies for their friends yet absent conceived great hope of mercy with justice. For that myself was present and observed the effect it wrought in all men, I could not omit my knowledge of a discontented crew who notwithstanding this just beginning have most dangerously combined to hinder the free course of justice by advising ways to escape it; and, for that it was my chance to hear thereof, I made known the parties to my Lord who were the "grunes" and others their associates. My Lord intends upon the 17th of this instant to set forward for Barwick. Meantime he hath signified my innocency to the garrison, at the conclusion of which business I shall make my repair to you as you directed.—Carlisle the — of October, 1603.
Signed. 1 p. (102. 9.)
The King of Spain to the Archduke Albert.
1603, Oct. 17/27. Commending Gillermo Sachnes, an Irishman, who wishes to serve in the Spanish army under the Archduke with the pay of five crowns (scudos) a month.—Valsayn, 27 Oct., 1603.
Signed. Yo el Rey and below Endres de Prada. Spanish. Seal. 1 p. (134. 43.)
Deal Castle.
1603, Oct. 18. Muster taken before Sir Thomas Fane, knight, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 18 Oct., 1603, of soldiers which are to receive pay from 29 Sept., 1603 to Sept. 28 next following:—
Captain, at 20d. per diem—Erasmus Fynche.
Lieutenant, at 8d. per diem—Peter Master.
Porters, Henry Pettman—8d. per diem.
Edward Aucher—6d. per diem.
Captain's men, at 6d. per diem—William Berles, Sawnder Berles, Richard Forde, Christopher Wessenden.
Lieutenant's man, at 6d. per diem.—Timothy Wynter.
Soldiers, at 6d. per diem—George Rande, Robert Lutson, Nicholas Osborne, Richard Mayam, Edward Lewes, Thomas Neale, Leonard Roberts, Nicholas Smyth, Robert Hull, John Skott, Thomas Haryson, John Horwoode.
Signed: Tho. Fane; Erasmus Fynche. 1 p. (101. 162.)
Sir John Wildegos and others to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 18. According to your letter of the 12th of this present, we repaired unto the house of Bryan Annesley, of Lee, in the county of Kent, and finding him fallen into such imperfection and distemperature of mind and memory, as we thought him thereby become altogether unfit to govern himself or his estate, we endeavoured to take a perfect inventory of such goods and chattels as he possessed in and about his house. But Mrs. Cordall, his daughter, who during the time of all his infirmity hath taken upon her the government of him and his affairs, refuseth to suffer any inventory to be taken, until such time as she hath had conference with her friends, by reason whereof we could proceed no farther in the execution of your letter.—From Lee, 18 Oct, 1603.
Signed: John Wildegos, Tymothe Lawe, Samuel Lennard. ½ p. (101. 163.)
Sussex Petitions.
1603, [After Oct. 18.] A summary declaration of the matters and persons discovered about the making and subscription of three petitions framed in the names of the gentlemen, ministers and commonalty in Sussex, collected out of the body of the examinations taken before the Bishop of Chichester and Doctor Drurie, with the assistance of Sir Thomas Bishop, knight, and Mr. Henrie Shellie, esquire, by virtue of letters from the Privy Council of 18 Oct., 1603.
The original penners of the gentlemen's petition:—Mr. Henry Appeslie, and Mr. Newton, of Lewes, John Peerson a lay parson, and Mr. Frewen a minister.
Makers of the ministers' petition:—Samuel Norden, parson of Hamsey, made the first draft at Walter Doble's, there being assembled Mr. Goldsmith, Mr. Healie, Mr. Knight, Mr. Porter and Mr. Frewen, giving their approbation thereof.
Principal carriers and procurers of subscription to the same:—
Mr. Norden, Mr. Goldesmith, Mr. Lister, Mr. Postlethwait, Mr. Vinall, Mr. Goodacre.
Travellers to the Court about the business:—Mr. Frewen, Mr. Erburie, Mr. Healie, Daniel Hanson.
Friends of the petition in Court:—Mr. Gallowaie, Mr. Pickeringe.
Touching contribution of money:—Proved by the confession of Mr. Cursus, Mr. Hilton, and others, ministers.
Touching the commonalty's petition:—It is confessed by John Peerson that he drew the petition at Thomas Collen's house in Brightlinge, where were assembled Messrs. Norden, Goldesmith, Healie, Bingham, Porter, Boys, Attershall, Frewen and Goffe, ministers.
Number of hands to nine petitions of the commonalty:—2285.
Ditto to the ministers' petition:—40.
Manner of procuring subscriptions:—Sometimes at meetings at sermons, sometimes after evening prayers in church, where the petition was read unto the people, much by private solicitation, sometimes by a constable, and at one time by an officer or sergeant.
Places where conventicles were held:—
Hoo, Wartlinge, at Mr. Healie's.
Brightlinge, at Tho. Collen's.
Arlington, at Mr. Knighte's.
Hamson, at Mr. Norden's.
Thakeham, at Walter Doble's.
Yapton, at Mr. Carussie's.
Wullavington, at Mr. Stoughton's.
Hunstone, at Mr. Lister's.
So it is plain that the petition, not only of the ministers but also of the commonalty, was devised, made and dispersed by the fore-named ministers, and the people under a blind zeal of reformation, drawn only by them to this presumptuous practice.
Note also that the most base agents of those ministers, viz., Norden, Frewen, Healie, Goldesmith, Goffe and Erbury, their general, having intelligence that the Lords had sent commission to examine their enterprises, fled from the messenger to the Court. They also denied before the Privy Council to have any hand in the commonalty's petition, by which denial they obtained to the Bishop of Chichester the Council's letters for favourable dismission, conditionally if they were not otherwise culpable, which they brought broken up before the delivery thereof.
For these causes the Bishop, with consent of the assistants, hath bound Norden, Frewen and Goldsmith to appear before the Lords upon ten days' warning, and Peerson, Collen and Mizen (three principal cursitors) to their good behaviour, until their pleasure be known for the punishment of so great contempt.
Since the three petitions were examined, a fourth was brought to my hands, contrived also by the ministers, which they call a congratulation to the King. Sundry of these hot reformers and learned ministry never saluted any university, some of them departed thence with the lowest degrees and continue Bachelors of Arts, and the best of them in Sussex is but Master of Arts, yet they dare control degrees, orders and ordinances.
Unsigned. 3 pp. (101. 160–161.)
Walmer Castle.
1603, Oct. 19. The Muster Rolls of his Highness's Company or Garrison of "Walme" Castle in the county of Kent, taken by Sir Thomas Fane, knight, Lieutenant of Dover Castle, 19th October, 1603: who desires pay for one whole year ended at Michaelmas last.
Sir George Parkins, knight, Captain, at 20d. the day.
Soldiers for the Captain: John Sally, Lawrence Abbot, Richard Haman and Thomas Gillow, at 6d. the day each.
Robert Beechenden, gent., Lieutenant at 8d. the day.
Thomas Burton his soldier at 6d. the day.
Porters: Ellys Bingham, gent., chief porter at 8d. the day. John Grannt, sub-porter at 6d. the day.
Gunners: Thomas Mason, William Habgood, Thomas Howyt, Thomas Pantry, Mathew Packman, Edward Haman, Edward Smith, Thomas Payne, Thomas Humphry, Henry Peartt, at 6d. the day each.
Signed: Tho. Fane; George Parkyns. 1 p. (141. 278.)
Lord Burghley to Lord Cecil.
[1603], Oct. 19. The father of one Browne, his servant, is lately dead without will, leaving orphans, so that the younger children are like to be undone, unless the wardship be given to Browne, which he begs Cecil to grant. The plague spreads here in divers places near, yet Stamford that is next him is yet very clear. So likewise does the infection of Popery so spread abroad, as many that he held clear heretofore begin to decline, by reason of a nonchalance had of the laws, to the great discontentment of the Protestants and heartening of the Papists. It must be looked to in time, or else it will breed atheism.— Burghley, 19 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (187. 116.)
Edmund Buriche, Feodary of Cornwall, to the Same.
1603, Oct. 20. Your lordship by your letters of Sept. 28 last made known his Majesty's gracious intention to favour his tenants in capite or knight's service that they might, if desirous, buy the wardship and marriages of their heirs now living in their lifetime. To which end you authorised Sir Francis Godolphyn, Sir John Parker, Mr. Hunyball Vyvyan, Mr. Thomas Treffry, with the escheator and myself, to advise of some speedy course for making his Majesty's purpose known to those who desire to proceed in that matter. Upon receipt of that letter, my Lord, being at the very time of our sessions in Cornwall, we caused it to be publicly read both at Bodmin and Truro in open sessions, and agreed on two several days for attending that service, namely at Truro the 26th of this month, and at Bodmin the 29th, of which we have given particular notice to most whom we think it may concern. And order is taken that the same should be made known in every particular parish within that county. But there are but few which hold in capite of his Majesty, and not many by knight's service, for most of all our county holden by knight's service are tenures holden of the Duke of Cornwall, which are thought not to be comprehended within your Honour's authority. I have been very lately made acquainted with some debts which will be due to Sir Walter Ralegh on the 2nd of next month for land sold by him within the manor of Leighe Durrent in Cornwall, as namely from Walter Bruse 180l., from Nicholas Hony 160l., from John Seargeant 180l., from John Bole 180l., from Geoffrey Clerk 140l., from Edward James 160l. or 80l., all due by bond and payable at that time. And there is said to be due for 8 other tenants' parcels of the same manor, supposed to be sold to Mr. John James, esq., but some of the fore-named persons dwelling near me, and thinking to be in danger how or to whom to pay the same, seemed most desirous to make their payments to his Majesty's use, which I thought their surest course.—Sarum, 20 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (101. 164.)
Tho. Treffry to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 20. With regard to business connected with Cecil's property in Carneden Prior, [Cornwall]. Payments to Sir Francis Godolphin mentioned. Thanks Cecil for a wardship. —Lynkenhorn, 20 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. 2 pp. (187. 117.)
John Seman to the Same.
1603, Oct. 21. On the request of Edmund Chamberlaine, of Mangersbury, diocese of Gloucester, for a report of causes now handled before me in the Consistory Court of the Bishop of Gloucester, at his instance, concerning the title of the rectory of Stow the Ould in that diocese: no cause of such nature is depending before me; only I find that Chamberlaine has impleaded 3 of the parish of Stow for tithes by them detained, which Chamberlain claims by virtue of a lease or grant made by Griffin Roberts, late parson there.—Gloucester, 21 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. Endorsed: "D. Seman, Chancellor, Gloucester." 1p. (187. 118.)
Sir Thomas Walsingham and others to the Same.
1603, Oct. 23. According to the authority given us by your letters, we repaired to the house of Mr. Bryan Annesley, and there in the presence of his two daughters, Lady Wildgosse and Mrs. Cordell Annesley, have sealed up all such chests and trunks of evidence, and other things of value, as they showed us to be his. We were informed that he holdeth divers things by lease, which for not payment of the rent might be in danger to be forfeited. We have therefore requested Sir James Croftes, whom your lordship hath associated to us in this business, to take care of the payment of such rents as are reserved upon any lease made to the said Mr. Annesley and also for the receipts of rents due to him. As touching the government of his person and family, though by nature his two daughters may seem fittest to perform this duty, yet respecting the absence of Sir John Wildgosse at this time, and the present emulation between the two gentlewomen, we have referred the determination thereof to your lordship.—From Scadbury, 23 Oct., 1603.
Signed: Tho. Walsingham: James Croftes: Samuel Lennard. Seal. 1 p. (101. 166.)
The City Marshal.
1603, Oct. 23. In August and September last there was sent precepts from the Lord Mayor, that they should not above the number of 6 persons accompany the corpses of any dying of the plague to their burials. Which precept myself seeing to the execution committed divers persons to the cages within the city for the same offence, by warrant from the Lord Mayor, and many were bound over to the sessions for answering the said misdemeanour, and the sickness being at the highest, the meaner sort of people, for the most part women, continuing still in accompanying the dead, and would not by any means be drawn from it, in respect of one Mr. Clappam, who encouraged them in the same. Whereupon order was given to the ministers of the several parishes to admonish their parishioners, but most of the ministers breach the same both in preaching at funeral sermons and accompanying the corpses, alleging that the burial was a spiritual jurisdiction belonging to the bishops. Further many resistances have been made against me, when I took order for the punishment for them, and divers were then grievously punished by the Lord Mayor for the same, and about 12 Aug. last at Moorgate being the way in going to the new churchyard there were a great multitude accompanying the corpse of one dead of the plague, and being by me put back many of them fell upon me and beat me and grievously hurted both my men.—23 Oct., 1603.
Signed: Roger Walrond. 1 p. (101. 167.)
Cordell Annesley to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 23. Thanks Cecil for the letters he has directed to sundry gentlemen of worship in those parts, requesting them to take into their custody the person and estate of her poor aged and daily dying father. But that honourable course will by no means satisfy Sir John Willgosse, or any other course but to have him begged for a lunatic, whose many years service to her late Majesty deserved a better agnomination. She begs that, if her father must be accounted a lunatic, he may be bestowed upon Sir James Croft, who from love of him and his children will take charge of him and his estate, without intention of benefit to himself.—Lewsham, 23 October, 1603.
Holograph. 1 p. (187. 119.)
The Feodary and Escheator of Derbyshire to the Same.
1603, Oct. 25. We have received your letters directed to Sir Francis Leake, Sir John Stanhope, Sir Richard Harpur, knights, and to us his Majesty's escheator and feodary of the county of Derby, for the effecting of his gracious intention and favour concerning the composition of certain wardships in the county. Your Honour's letters were delivered to us on Saturday the 15th of this present October by your messenger, who before had delivered the same to Sir John Stanhope, and since to Sir Francis Leake, who hath appointed a day and place for our meeting. But there is Sir John Harpur, knight, and Richard Harpur his brother, esquire, and your letter is directed to Sir Richard Harpur, knight, and therefore neither of them do assist us in this business. May it therefore please you to signify your mind herein.—Derby, 25 Oct., 1603.
Signed: John Bullocke feodary; Nicho. Stowe escheator. 1 p. (101. 168.)
Dorothy, Lady Wharton, to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 25. Give me leave to crave the continuance of your good favour for my daughter, his Majesty's ward, by the death of my late son Colby Tamworth, your Honour's late ward.—25 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. ¼ p. (101. 169.)
Michael Hickes to Mr. Mellowes.
1603, Oct. 26. My Lord Cecil wrote to me about 4 days past to come to him to a certain place near London, where I took occasion to speak of you to your good (as, if you come over to my house at Ruckholts, I will further tell you). I likewise told him how my Lord Cobham had faithfully promised me a year since to give me his coach, and now at his purposing to go beyond the seas, he assured me to deliver it me. His lordship hereupon told me that you had the keeping of his lordship's house and things in the Black Friars, and wished me to write to you to see the coach safely kept. I pray you make a step hither, it is but an hour's riding and within half a mile of Hackney.—From Ruckholts, 26 Oct., 1603.
Addressed: "To my very lovinge frend Mr. Mellowes at my L. Cobham's house in the blackfriars or at his lodginge by the water's side there."
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (101. 171.)
Sir John Harrington to [Lord Cecil].
1603, [Before Oct. 26.] My wife sent me your letter written to me from Kensington, which at first did trouble me, fearing she had given you some just offence and finding some phrases in it tasting of passion on behalf of your officer. But I beseech you be void of all save compassion in reading my answer.
My wife, who I dare swear is truer than Dobbinson, affirms she said nothing but this that she thought your lordship, nor no Lord of the Council, would condemn my escape considering the danger, and much less offer her that indignity to break open her doors as Dobbinson did. And, though your lordship's warrant as a councillor and principal Secretary of the State is above any privilege and undisputable, yet her neighbours tell her that but for treason no officer can enter a house in Channon Row, and I am sure it was wont to be far from your course to lend your countenance of state to such a wrangle of debt. I have heard it noted in your father as a great note of wisdom that the second tale prevailed with him more than the first, and I hope when you have heard my tale you will judge that they are of kin to the old serpent that accuse mine Eve to have spoken either so unadvisedly of you or so untruly of me. Though I have reason to forgive her a greater fault that hath endured 21 weeks' plague and imprisonment almost for my sake besides the pawning of her plate and 140l. of her jointure.
But where you write I used an eloquent figure to engage you to get me Sir Griffin Markham's forfeiture, you do but return my son's verse,
Tu quoque maturo pollens facunde Cecili Consilio, patriae fida columna tuae.
If Sir Griffin Markham have been a traitor to me and so many friends and lastly to his prince, if his mother and some of hers have been both spiteful and scornful to you and all your kin, if she now, with a murdering mind to me (for I can call it no better) caused new actions to be laid on me to hold me in prison for mere malice because I charged her with misgoverning of her husband's estate these eight years and cosening him of 8,000 marks, if her own son told my Lord of London that the Jesuits had taught her to pay no debts but unto recusants, if all this mine adversity and cross and affliction have fallen on me merely for their debt, I do not unconscionably to beg their land, the King doth most graciously to grant it and you shall do justly to further it, as you have promised in your former letters. And there is rather more cause than less now in that I do for your only sake relieve them that cared not for 10l. to ruin me; to omit that I have been always respective to my Lord your brother, to your nephews and nieces more than ordinary. My escape was an honest escape. I shunned the plague and not the debt, and I was strangely used and your name strongly abused as you may see by this note enclosed.
They confess now I am not in execution nor was not these ten weeks, they cannot deny the plague to be in the Gatehouse and six dead and the seventh sick, and therefore I might think him as much my friend would wish me to the gallows as to the Gatehouse, and I am sorry for my two poor cousins, betrayed by their brother, though I love not their mother, whose lives your lordship hath saved from one danger yet they remain still in another, and if some commiseration were extended to all these that are capable of it, it were honourable to the world and charitable before God. For as Dydo said Non ignara mali miseris succurrere disco, so may I say.
As for the poverty either of the creditors or the officers, the creditors are Brabson, Hare and Scory; if they had one to make four I would say they were the caterpillars of the commonwealth. As for your officer Dobbinson, he hath bond of Okey of 2,000l., and Okey himself brags that in '88 he had 1,000l. in the bottom of a close stool, which with the good fees he takes and the good use he makes and some mysteries he practises, for I will be no promoter, may well be by this time according to his own computation 4,000l. and he hath no child to care for.
True it is he makes very diligent search after me, whereby you may see how much more diligent profit makes than duty. For when the friar escaped last day whom Okey affirmed to be a traitor and a most dangerous papist, they never searched house for him. Only for a colour he threatted to send to Newgate his man Simon that let him out, and so I concluded that the friar committed Simony.
As for me, he never trusted me, locked me all night, new barred his windows, had watch over me hourly and further I told him, if the plague increased I would be gone.
Wherefore I beseech you reprove them as they are worthy; both, for their covetous cruelty, and one, for his indiscretion and negligence. Believe me that I will do as becomes an honest man in all things and in this as you will think good, and if you will refer it to Sir William Wade and Sir Walter Cope, I will send that and them that shall satisfy them. And after I am sufficiently aired that I may without offence repair to the Court, I will in every point so satisfy you as I doubt not but you will restore me to your good opinion.—Undated.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1603. Sir John Harrington to my Lord. With a report of his own case with Dobinson and Okey." Seal. 1¾ pp. (97. 54, 55.)
[Lord Cecil] to [Sir John Harrington].
[1603, Oct. 26.] Although I have not so good leisure as you have to write, nor have so well studied other men's humours as you, yet I conceive I have that knowledge which is most necessary, which is to know God and myself: and therefore, although I love counsel, and have been taught patience by undergoing the sharp censures of busy brains, yet your advice at this time to me, to banish all passion, but compassion, was as superfluous as many other labours of yours, which I could never con without book, and therefore cannot so particularly remember you of them, as you can do me of the faults of my letter. I will therefore only answer you now in truth and plainness, with what mind I wrote my letter. First, I do assure you I had both compassion of your imprisonment and your escape; for in the first I knew you had suffered misery, or rather affliction (for so you prescribe me to call it) which I always pitied, when it falls upon gentlemen that have any good parts in them. Secondly, I was grieved in your behalf, because the reason said to be used by you for your escape, especially concerning myself, proclaimed you to the world to have neither honesty nor conscience. You picked passion out of my letter. You were part of the occasion. I confess I was not without grief (nay, passion, if you will have it), to see my great infortunity to be exclaimed on in the world for being privy or party to such shifts, whereof my soul was innocent, and whereby other men should be undone, of whom both in common justice, and by the accident of their places, I had cause to take compassion. Thus have you the motive of my letter and my passions, which if it has wrought any other effects than it deserves in your mind, or shall become your pen, to one of my place, (which men say is always so full of ink as in many of your writings many blots drop upon the paper) I shall be sensible of it, howsoever other men have swallowed your censorious writings. And therefore look over my first letter to your wife, and if you find, that being informed of naughty reports raised of me by you, I wrote respectively to my Lady and with suspense of belief, till I heard your answer, which course could give you no cause to be so piquant with me, then mend your error, or I will appeal to him that knows both you and me and can best judge what appertains to us.
For your offer to acquaint Sir William Waade and Sir Walter Cope with the course you intend, I like it well, and have written to them, to hear it. For the reports of Dobbinson & Okey's speeches, they may be truly set down for aught I know. Only this I say, where you inform that they report that Hare had lent me money, in that they belie me, as I will make them both confess, if you can make good that they have said it; till which time, because it becomes not one of my place to be credulous, I must say that I am apter to believe you in some other matter.
Lastly for your information now that Sir Griffin Markham's mother has used long spite and scorn to me and mine, it can no way move me (if I did believe it) to pursue Sir Griffin the rather for that matter, howsoever your hope of his land may move you the rather to accusation and therefore, Sir John Harrington, trust no more thereby to make me your solicitor than to purchase grace of the time present the sooner by railing (as you are accused to do) of the late Queen of famous memory at your dinners; for if you knew my Sovereign's virtue as I do, you would quickly find that such works are to him unacceptable sacrifices.
Thus have you from me the answer which your letter deserves, and shall in all things else have just measure, expecting from you satisfaction in the last point, and excuse for your peremptory and captious letter, which if you do I will say this: Erranti sit medicina confessio. I will remain as I have been, Your loving friend.
Draft, largely corrected by Cecil. Endorsed: "26 Oct., 1603. To Sir John Harrington." 3 pp. (187. 120.)
Copy of the preceding with slight verbal alterations. 2 pp. (101. 170.)
John Doddridge to Lord Cecil.
[1603], Oct. 27. William Gosnoll, a gentleman towards the law, who now lies at Cheswyck in Middlesex, has written to me to give advice in law upon a case which is enclosed, concerning the treasons whereof Lord Cobham stands indicted. I do not think him honest that shall seek counsel for any man in that dangerous case without good warrant, and I am far from giving counsel in such a case. I communicated the letter and case to Sir Walter Cope, who wished me to signify the same to you; and because my Lord Chancellor, as I hear, is not far off at his house at Harvell, I have also made him acquainted therewith.— Kensington, 27 Oct.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (187. 122.)
Lord Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor, to the Same.
1603, Oct. 27. Yesternight late Mr. Dodderidge brought me a letter, written unto him by William Gosnolle (a lawyer of the Middle Temple) and a case enclosed in the same letter, containing divers questions for advice to be given thereupon, to the Lord Cobham, to instruct and prepare him how to answer at his arraignment. The copy of the case Mr. Dodderidge hath sent unto you (as he informeth me), and the copy of the letter you shall now receive hereinclosed. Immediately after the receipt of the letter and case from Mr. Dodderidge I gave order for the apprehending of Gosnolle and seizing of his papers, and appointed Mr. Attorney to come to me, and this day Gosnell and his papers were brought unto me, and Mr. Attorney hath perused them, and findeth 4 very material, 2 in parchment and 2 in paper, all tending to one end, to furnish the Lord Cobham how to answer such points as he is to be charged with, and mentioning divers statute laws, whereupon he is to stand. We have examined Gosnolle and find that these matters have passed between the Lord Cobham and him by the means of Mellers, with whom he hath had divers times conference to this purpose. Mr. Attorney hath taken Gosnolle into his charge. Mellers is not yet taken, but I mean to give present order for apprehending of him and seizing of his papers. If some strict and severe course be not taken for the finding out and punishing of these practices, and to restrain the prisoners from such ordinary intelligences, as it seemeth they have had, and do still continue, it is to be doubted that all your former great and honourable travails in discovering these treasons will prove illusory, and the proceeding in the trial not free from some aspersion of dishonour.—At Harfelde, 27 Oct., 1603.
Holograph. Seal. 1½ pp. (101. 165.)
Examination of William Gosnall, of Chiswick, Middlesex.
1603, Oct. 27. A. Demanded of whose handwriting the paper now showed him, beginning thus: "If the purpose and of Markham (sic)" &c., and ending thus: "then his comfort is great and God able to aid the just cause," was, examinate answers, it is all of his own handwriting, saving the marginal notes, which are Lord Cobham's handwriting. B. Says, That about a fortnight past Mellers, Lord Cobham's servant, sent for examinate to Blackfriars and requested him, being of my Lord's counsel learned and having his fee, to write the same.
C. Says that Mellers gave him instructions and carried the said paper about a fortnight since to Lord Cobham to the Tower, and his lordship made those postills in the margin, and about a sevennight past sent them back again by Mellers to examinate. Mellers delivered them to him and said—Here is your paper again with my Lord's answer. But to what intent it was delivered to him he knows not. D. Answers the two long rolls of parchment now showed him are of his own handwriting, and that he wrote them of himself without any solicitation to have them ready about a sevennight past at his house at Chiswick. E. Asked what moved him to write in the end of one of the rolls that his Honour (meaning Lord Cobham) had already well gathered together, &c.—meaning certain Acts of Parliament, answers that Mellers told him my Lord had collected the effect of the statutes of 1 Edw. VI, 1 & 2 Ph. & M., and 1 Eliz: and that it appeared by Mellers's speeches my Lord was more perfect therein than examinate; but what advice he had therein examinate knows not.
F. Asked what moved him to write to Mr. Dodderidge that my Lord had this favour to advise with any one what to speak in defence of his cause, answers Mellers told him so on Monday or Tuesday last, and signified to him that Lord Cobham was desirous to know Mr. Dodderidge's opinion of the case, and thereupon examinate drew the case beginning "When Sir Griffin Markham," &c., and ending "for the 3rd time"; which he did partly out of the former paper with the postills of Lord Cobham, and partly out of such new matter concerning the letter Lord Cobham wrote to the King as Mellers from Lord Cobham related to him; which letter he says he sent to Mr. Dodderidge yesterday morning. G. Further asks of whom he heard that by Deuteronomy xviii and by the opinion of St. Augustine no man ought to be condemned without 2 witnesses at the least, says Mellers told him Lord Cobham was instructed therein and made relation to him of it.
H. Asked of whom the Lord Cobham had learned that divinity, answers that he knows not. J. Asked further what moved him to set down in the case that George Brooke said that he had the King's grant under his seal that he shall lose neither life, lands, nor goods, but be recompensed for his troubles; answers, that Mr. Edward Morris that serves Lord Cobham being at dinner with Mr. Mellers, Mr. Rogers, and Mr. Besant, servants also to Lord Cobham, did (as Mr. Mellers reported to examinate), and showed a paper note purporting that Mr. Brooke should say that he had the King's hand and seal that he should lose neither life, lands, nor goods but be recompensed for his trouble; out of which note examinate inserted these words into the case: which note remains with Mellers testified by Rogers and Besant.
K. Being also demanded what moved him to add to this case to diminish the testimony of George Brooke, that he had practised, wished, and desired his lordship's death, says that Mellers showed him also that in a note in writing, and that it would be testified by Sir John Brook of the Court.
Certified by Sir Edward Coke as a true copy. 12/3 pp. (102. 1.)
John Crane to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 28. The Earl of Cumberland acquainted me with an opinion delivered by your lordship in my favour. In disposing of the garrison here I pray take consideration of mine estate, having attained this place by your father's means, having lived in service here and in Ireland 36 years and upwards, and enjoy[ing] this stipend of 3s. 6d. per diem as the reward thereof from our late Sovereign, being otherwise destitute of livelihood for the maintenance of myself and 18 more of my family, and my age an impediment to provide elsewhere other means of relief; being further charged for this half year by the place of government imposed upon me with greater expense by entertainment of strangers at my table according to the custom of the place than my stipend is able to bear. I have addressed this bearer William Ourde, my clerk, further to inform you both of my estate and this garrison.—Berwick, 28 October, 1603.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (102. 2.)
Sir James Elphinston to the Same.
1603, Oct. 28. By your letter from Winchester the 16 of October I have understood his Majesty's proceeding and your lordship's with the Spanish ambassador. Your goodwill in acquainting me so particularly, as it surpasses anything I can merit, so the subject far exceeds what ever I have here to give you in exchange. His Majesty's service in this country has good success; the Highlands and borders which were the principal matter of all our perturbations are nothing less quiet nor the inland. The Isles have given proof of a beginning of their obedience, and we hope by the dealing of the Earl of Argyle who has enterprised the accomplishment of that work that his Majesty shall receive his rents out of the most remote isles of this kingdom as peaceably as any other part thereof. His Majesty's subjects of best rank continue in all respects obedient without any discontentment, howsoever some would persuade the contrary. Be you assured there shall nothing pass here that may in any sort derogate to his Majesty's absolute obedience, whereof you shall not be foreseen in time. I would not wish that his Majesty's good subjects, upon other men's particularities, should be prejudged by sinistrous reports. I am not ignorant how sparingly upon very just considerations you meddle in our affairs; but it is not meet by over great bearing with to suffer them come to that height which some men's particulars are like to draw them to, but to advise his Majesty to repose upon the trust of them he has "concredite" his affairs to, who will be found no less painful and "fidelle" in his Majesty's service nor others who have reaped greater commodity. We are here in some little fear of the pestilence, and the town of Edinburgh is something infected, whereupon we have prorogued the sitting down of the Sessions to the first of December, but the season of the year and care which is taken for preventing of it, greater nor is ordinary with you, give us some hope that it shall not be of any long continuance. As to the escheat I pray you think that I shall be so far from ill interpreting your denial to deal in it, as I think it contrary to the just rule of entire amity to burden his approved friend with that which if it were obtained might wrong the suitor more than benefit him for whom it is suited.—Halyruidhouse, this 28 of October, 1603.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (102. 3.)
Sir Walter Cope and Sir Henry Montague to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 28. According to letters received this day from the Lord Chancellor they have repaired to the house of the Lord Cobham in Black Friars and there found Richard Melersley, his servant, in his chamber, where they searched, and amongst his papers such as they found in any particular to have direction to Cecil they thought fit to sever from the rest, which are to be sent to the Lord Chancellor at Harfeld, and have sent them enclosed.—London, this 28 of October.
Signed. Two seals. 2/3 p. (102. 5.)
The Garrison of Berwick-upon-Tweed to the Same.
1603, Oct. 30. Having received by bearer, one of our former solicitors with you, assurance of your favourable inclination to us, we crave continuance still and entreat a tender respect of our estates; of the truth whereof, because we know it faithfully laid open by his Highness's commissioners we surcease to make further remonstrance.—Berwick, 30 October, 1603.
Signed: John Crane, Leonard Morton, John Shafton, Thomas Chatfield, James Lany, William Morton, John Twyford, Quenten Streng, Henry Sysson, Jerom Mason, Robert Atwood, Tho. Hodgsonn, Robert Carvill, Thomas Orde, William Boyer, Henry Guenara, Peter Mewtys, James Burrell. 1 p. (102. 6.)
Lord Morley to Lord Cecil.
1603, Oct. 30. Whereas it pleased you in your letter to me, dated in September last, to give me promise of a favourable hearing touching my claim unto the lands late Charles Brandon's, Duke of Suffolk, I beseech you the cause may receive your censure this term.—Morley, 30 October, 1603.
Signed. ¼ p. (102. 7.)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Same.
1603. [Oct.] Immediately upon dispatch of my last letters to you, I wrote to Sir Walter Cope and Sir Henry Montague, the Recorder of London, to apprehend Richard Mellersh, and to seize his papers, which they performed very carefully and effectually, and yesternight Sir Walter Cope brought Mellersh and the papers to me, about 7 o'clock at night, the papers being sealed up as I directed. Hereupon I sent for Mr. Attorney, who came to me this morning by 8 o'clock, and we have spent this forenoon in perusing the papers. Mr. Attorney has taken into his custody so many as he found material. There be divers of the Lord Cobham's own handwriting, divers of Mellersh's and some of Gosnell's. Many of them seem to be very important and material. But it appears to them all, and by Mellersh's confession, that there has been ordinary access to the Lord Cobham by himself and divers others, and that there have passed many letters and intelligences between them concerning his case, and questions and cases propounded, what he was to be charged with, and how he should answer every point at his arraignment. It seems there is neither accusation, examination, or proof that may touch him, but he is made acquainted with it, and provided what to answer, what to confess, what to deny, how to excuse and extenuate his offence, and how to weaken and deface the proofs which are to be used against him. The papers be many and long and of divers sorts. Mr. Attorney has taken time to peruse them more advisedly, and thereupon to abstract the material points of them, and then to send the same to your lordship. This liberty of access and intelligence cannot but be very prejudicial to his Majesty's service, and dishonourable to the proceeding, if it be not gravely looked into and met with by all good means that time and occasion may now afford, for which Mr. Attorney and I expect speedy direction. In the meantime I have left Mellersh in Sir Walter Cope's custody.
PS.—Sir Walter Cope desires to be speedily dispatched of this charge, his house being now otherwise disposed as you know. Mellersh carried himself very audaciously and justifies all he has done, and desires to be committed to prison. Which he has justly deserved, although we have thought good to forbear that until you were acquainted with what we have done.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." Seal. 2 pp. (103. 5.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Privy Council.
[1603, Oct.] Gorges had a daughter Ambrosia, born by her mother to great possessions, for whose match in marriage he was offered 10,000l., but at that time, by command of the Queen, an injunction was laid on him to deliver his daughter's body to the Master of the Wards: or else to enter into 6,000l. bonds not to contract her but by leave. He entered into the bonds, and followed his suit for the wardship 2½ years, in conclusion presenting her late Majesty with a bracelet of great pearls, fastened with a locker of diamond and rubies, which cost 500l., for her favour therein; but yet was afterwards fined to pay 1000l. more for the wardship of the body, he having before taken the wardship of the lands. The child died before he could make any benefit of the wardship. By this he has been utterly ruined, and cast into a long and grievous sickness. Prays the King will free him of the sum of 400l., in which he is still bound in respect of the wardship.—Undated.
Petition. Endorsed: "Oct. 1603." 1 p. (187. 123.)
Feodaries of Counties.
1603, Oct. Acknowledgments of receipt, by feodaries of counties and others, of letters, dated September 30, 1603, sent by Lord Cecil, Master of the Court of Wards, touching an intended composition for wards.—Various dates in October, 1603.
pp. (P. 2202.)
Lord Cobham to Lord Cecil.
[1603, ? before Nov.] My repentance is so great that God I know will forgive me, who is witness that from my heart I am sorry for my offence. I pray that I may have my physician Dr. Lamton permitted to come to me to give me physic. These 3 days I have neither ate nor drank, sleep I cannot; pain in my legs in such extremity as I never had in my life, these be small comforts for any in affliction as I am. For my cause I leave to God and look for extremity, which I do now precisely ground my assurance because you were none of these lords that were here last. I was promised that I should be permitted to write to my Lord Admiral and my wife; I pray you to move the lords for that favour, and that my steward may be suffered to come to [me] though the Lieutenant be not present. He is old and thinks it a great deal of pains to come to me but at his own times. God knows there is no practice in me and therefore I hope no difficulty to have it granted. It is the comfort I have, for by him I hear from my wife, who is the fittest to be my solicitor to the King.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603." 1 p. (102. 100.)
Lord Grey to Lord Cecil.
[1603, ? before Nov.] I send a declaration, a letter, and a suit; the one true, the other humble, the third not unjust. Remember neither that I loved you nor that you love not me, but as a man of honour and counsel judge of mine offence, of my petition. If capital, if no return to the King's grace, I ask, I call for judgment. The letter may be severe, mine innocency to King and country will be clear. Besides the sword not the 'plang' must end me, who ever was and will be loyal to the King.—Undated.
PS.—Distinguish I beseech you of our offences, that yet the world may see what [was] mine error.
Holograph. 2/3 p. (102. 108.)