Cecil Papers: February 1572

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1572', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp10-14 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1572', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp10-14.

"Cecil Papers: February 1572". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp10-14.

February 1572

25. Treaty with Portugal.
1571/2, Feb. 2. Copy of a treaty of peace concluded at London on the 2nd of February 1571, between Queen Elizabeth and Sebastian, King of Portugal and Algarve.
Addressed :—“To the right honourable Lord Burghley, Lord High Treasurer of England.”
Latin, 4 pp.
26. “A Memorial of the Duke of Norfolk delivered to Dr. Wilson, Feb. 6, 1571.” [Burghley's endorsement.]
1571/2, Feb. 6. Containing his instructions with reference to his children, his lands, and the gifts to his friends.
Signed in the corner, “Harre Skypwith.”
1 p. [Murdin, p. 171. In extenso, with the exception of :—9. My lord Setifyld's (?) Will to be truly discharged.—Mr. Metam. 10. Sir Richard Southwell's Will to be likewise seen unto. 11. Bowts, the mason, exclaims, and I think I receive the wrong. 12. My jewels to be sold for payment of my debts.]
27. Lord Burghley's Notes.
1571/2, Feb. 7. Rough notes, mostly in Latin, of certain treaties, chiefly alliances concluded by England against France, between the years 1495 and 1546.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“7 Feb. 1571, Collect. out of the treaties for Burgundy.”
2 pp.
28. Notes touching Treaties.
1571/2, Feb. 7. A paper headed, “Answer to the article 17 January, noted C.,” with Burghley's remarks numbered 1 to 7. Then follows—“Notanda in tractatibus amicitie cum Rege Christianissimo,” being a collection of notes from treaties with France extending from A.D. 1515 to A.D. 1559.
Minute in Burghley's hand, endorsed :—“7 Feb. 1571.”
3 pp.
29. “Matters in Treaties to be considered.”
[1571/2, Feb. 7.] Stray notes by Lord Burghley under this heading; among others :—“In offensive treaty, enemy to enemy, friend to friend, in a defensive, aid to be given upon request by the requirant, either with men; with ships—12 ships; or with money—£700 a day for 4 months.”—Undated.
Minute in Burghley's hand.
1 p.
30. Benedetto Spinola to Lord Burghley.
1571/2, Feb. 13. Returns the articles which Burghley gave to him, they are well devised and approved of by Giraldi. In accordance with Burghley's order had seen Doctor Lewes with reference to the compensation for the goods sold, and a few words have been added to the fourth article. Giraldi now desires that an order may be given to have the articles fair copied, so as to send them to Portugal as soon as possible. Asks for an interview with reference to the £1,500 to be paid; the remaining £1,500 to be paid on the return of the articles from Portugal.—13 February 1572.
Addressed. Endorsed. Italian.
31. Henry Skipwith to Lord Burghley.
1571/2, Feb. 16. Among other talks, he told the Duke [of Norfolk] how Lord Burghley and the Lord Keeper offered her Majesty bond for him. The Duke's gratitude to them. If the Queen doubts only of his favouring the “Scottish lady” or her title, the Duke was confident of being able to put her Majesty out of doubt on this point, in five or six months, if opportunity were given him. His solemn disowning of any desire for such marriage. His reasons many: two of them are; 1st, that nothing done for her prospers, nor does she herself; 2nd, that she is openly defamed with [i.e., in] so many books, that she can never possibly recover it: and her success confirms the truth of those things. “And since if it would please her Majesty to spare him life, I dare venture my small credit and my life that he shall enter into no 'scotts practis' while I attend him, so well I am persuaded that he is converted from that track. And if your lordship think it good, he will perform a great deal more concerning this matter in writing unto you than I can write, but if no hope of life will he had, yet he is greatly comforted, to leave behind such two friends as you are, and he trusts will be, to his children; and while he liveth in this world he will continually pray for you, and he trusts you will do both so for him, and that God will make recompence to you for that which he is not able to do.” Sends copy of the Duke's letter “written in his bible, perused by him, as you may perceive by his hand under written.” Beseeches Burghley, when he has read it, to shew it to Lord Leicester. It was written before the Duke had any knowledge that he should live that day.—The Tower, 16 Feb.
[Postscript.]—“If your lordship will have him to procure me to write to my lord of Leicester to be also a mean for him, I pray you let me know; he will do nothing without your advice.”
Endorsed by Burghley :—16 Feb. 1571.
pp. [Murdin, pp. 171, 172. In extenso.]
32. Interrogatories for Francis Bertie.
[1571/2, Feb. 18.] Touching the packets of letters which Charles [Bailly], the Bishop of Ross' man, brought from the Low Countries for the Bishop, and as to the persons who sealed them with Lord Cobham's seal of arms; the contents of Rudolphi's letters and his knowledge of the cipher; where Cuthbert the Scottish man was hid; his (Bertie) intercourse with Lord Cobham as to the Scottish Queen; whether the Bp. of Ross said, that if the letters had come to Burghley's hands, that one who was master of the Scottish Queen's house should have been hanged; and as to Thomas Cobham's knowledge of the conveying away of the letters that Charles was taken with.—Undated.
33. Lygyns to Barker.
[1571/2,] Feb. 19. Wrote once before since he has heard any answer from Barker. Therefore will at this present be the shorter. Has received his last letter dated the 11th of February, the particulars whereof he will not “delate” now, for divers respects. “I wrote to you in my last letter that you would do so much for me as to send me some [sic] by the next convenient messenger that you could get. You shall understand that the [symbol] messenger [sic] thereof is the good man of the house where I do lie, who is to pass to the Queen of Scots (if he can get leave) about some particular causes of Mr. George Douglas, and so immediately to return hither again. Wherefore, seeing he is so convenient a messenger, I pray you send me such money as Havers hath received of mine, according to the instructions that I gave him at my departure. If he hath received none, to send me my chain, that I may sell it here, when I have need, which will be very shortly. I have written to Cuthbert, the Bishop of Ross's man, about this same matter, to whom I would you delivered that that you do send, for he will deliver it safely to this messenger who is very sufficient and trusty. The news in this country are very uncertain, one day peace, another day war: no man here can tell what it will turn to. The King hath eight thousand fresh Switzers upon the borders of France: and there is a gentleman of the King's gone to receive them. Thus praying God for the deliverance of the Duke of Norfolk to the comfort of his well willers, I cease further to molest you; wishing to you as to myself. Yours for ever, as you have given me occasion. Lygyns. The xixth of February.”
In cipher, endorsed with the mark [symbol].
2/3 p.
Decipher of the same, endorsed by Burghley :—“Liggens to Mr. Barker, 19 Febr.”
34. The Queen to the Mayor, &c. of Dover.
1571/2, Feb. 21. Is informed of the great disorders committed by a certain fleet of ships pretending to serve the Prince of Orange in the narrow seas, and specially upon the coast of Kent, and that the spoils are brought commonly into Dover, and there sold, contrary to her proclamations, and to the slander of that town. Perceives also that the Count de la Mark, who pretends to have authority over that fleet, lodges in Dover, to whom a multitude of those serving in that fleet resort, otherwise than in any former time hath been used in the town, “being a principal port, and as an eye of our realm.” Orders that the Count be informed, that although, at his request, the Queen granted him a passport to pass out of her realm, with certain armour belonging to him, yet she never meant him to continue in Dover, to make it a place of assembly for all his company, neither has she heard from the Prince of Orange of any special request made for that purpose, but, contrary wise, has lately been advertised by her ambassador out of France, from Count Ludovic, brother to the said Prince, that the latter does not intend either the Count de la Mark, or any other pretending to serve him, so to haunt the narrow seas, or lie in any of her ports. Directs that the Count de la Mark be commanded to order the fleet to depart from her sea coast, and himself and train to depart from Dover. If he refuses, some reasonable persuasions are first to be used, in respect of the general complaints of all merchants voyaging by that coast, and specially for that strangers have never been suffered to continue in that town, but for passage only. If such reasons are unavailing, he is to be given to understand that neither he nor any of his may be suffered to remain there, and, to that end, directs the consideration of means to remove him, as the barring of him from victuals, or otherwise, using therein all indirect means rather than force, until they hear further from her or her Council. Orders the Lieutenant of the Castle to send to the Mayor of Sandwich, and all others, officers of the ports, to use the same orders for excluding “these manner of people.” If they do not depart, they are to be assured that proceedings will be taken against them, and that their liberties will be seized.
Endorsed :—“21 Feb. 1571.”
Draft by Lord Burghley, 2 pp. [Murdin, pp. 210, 211. In extenso.]
35. Henry Skipwith to Lord Burghley.
1571/2, Feb. 23. Has been moved by divers means from the Duke [of Norfolk] to write or come to Lord Burghley. Could better utter it, than write. The Duke's gratitude to his lordship for his special goodness in this his great extremity. Testifies to the Duke's willingness to satisfy her Majesty: but he will do nothing without Burghley's advice. His desire to be spared to make a return for her Majesty's clemency towards him. “This I hear often with many tears when no speeches else will bring them.”—The Tower, 23 Feb.
Endorsed by Lord Burghley :—23 Feb. 1571.
1 p. [Murdin, p. 172. In extenso.]
36. The last Confession of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk.
1571/2, Feb. 26. Protests he has ever been a Protestant, though his dealings have given just suspicion that he was a favourer of Papists. Admits that he did arrogantly presume to enter into dealing with the Queen of Scots, nor is it any excuse, that he was persuaded thereto. This fault he had increased by entering into it anew, after he had promised to deal no further therein. After this, he made a submission, and, to his utter shame, again had dealings. He received also letters touching the sending of Rudolphi; also, when Barker brought two letters from the Pope and a letter from Rudolphi, he read and concealed them. Did also consent to the conveying of a letter to Scotland, and lastly, both money and letters from the French ambassador to Lord Herries. Denies writing to foreign princes, or being privy to money to be sent or divided amongst the rebels. The document ends, “Pity my hard fortune, in whose hands soever this shall come; and I myself will sufficiently lament, and repent it during my short life.—This 26th of February, 1571. By the woeful and repentant hand, but now too late, of—Tho. Howard.
At the foot of the first page appears the signature, “Harree Skypwith.”
pp. [Murdin, pp. 173–175. In extenso.]
37. Sir Ralph Sadler to Lord Burghley.
1571/2, Feb. 28. Condemns the inconstancy used “in a matter of such moment as concerneth the surety of her Majesty's royal person and the universal quietness of the whole realm.” (fn. 1) The Queen's enemies think it is owing to her want of power or fear. Knows not what to say to it: his trouble at the course pursued in the matter. His fear as to the results that may follow compels him to write. Doubts not that Burghley will continue his carefulness for the Queen and her state, and determine “to receive no repulse but still to press her Majesty to do that justice whereby the hope of all her Majesty's enemies and naughty subjects may be ended, and her Majesty's own safety and quietness of her realm fully provided for: which I beseech Almighty God to put into her noble heart to do speedily.”—Standen, 28 Feb. 1571.
1 p. [Murdin, p. 175. In extenso.]


  • 1. This “matter” appears to be the Duke of Norfolk's execution, as Burghley adds “D. Norfolk” to his indorsement of this letter.