Cecil Papers: June 1577

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: June 1577', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp154-156 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: June 1577', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp154-156.

"Cecil Papers: June 1577". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp154-156.

June 1577

460. The Earl of Leicester to Lord Burghley.
1577, June 13. Touching his health, his brother and he have great cause to like and commend the water. They observe their physician's order diligently, and find great pleasure both in drinking and bathing in the water. Thinks it would be good for Burghley, but not if he does as they hear he did last time, take great journeys abroad 10 or 12 miles a day, and use liberal diet with company dinners and suppers. They take another way, dining two or three together now Lord Pembroke is there, having but one dish or two at most, and taking the air afoot or on horseback, moderately. If Burghley come next year as he says, let him not bring too many with him. The house is so little as a few fills it, and hard then to keep sweet. Lord and Lady Shrewsbury have dealt nobly with them every way. Is sorry Lord Oxford should think any more of going over sea. In haste this foul Thursday.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“13 Jun. 1577—Erle of Lecester.”
2 pp.
461. Nich. White, Master of the Rolls (Ireland) to Lord Burghley.
1577, June 13. Reports the Lord Deputy's proceedings prior to the committal of divers of the English pale to the Castle of Dublin. On June 2 he assembled before the Council divers lords and gentlemen of the English Pale at Dublin, and asked them what they could say why the freedoms granted them by letters patent should not be revoked. After long argument between the Lord Deputy and Chancellor with the Lord of Howth and the second Baron of the Exchequer, and postponement of the matter to further trial, he drew forth copies of two letters, the one written to the Queen, the other to the Privy Council of Engd, in the names of the English Pale, complaining how they were oppressed and impoverished by intolerable cesses laid on them by the Lord Deputy and Council contrary to the laws. When Viscount Baltinglas, the Lord of Delvin, the Lord of Trymleiston, the Lord of Howth, the Baron of the Navan, Sir Oliver Plunkett, Sir Wm Sarswell and others acknowledged the letters to be their act, the Lord Deputy demanded if they were still of that mind. They answered they were, and would be till the contrary were resolved by her Majesty. The Lord of Howth and the second Baron of the Exchequer said that in the statutes of the realm, where mention is made of cess, it was always taken to be the equal distribution of the subsidy granted by Parliament to the Prince upon the plough lands, and not this taking up of corn and victuals used by the Lord Deputy and Council's warrants, and in confirmation showed copy of a commission of Henry VI. to Lord Howth and others. The Chancellor said although there were no express law, yet the Queen's prerogative was sufficient. Hereupon all the lords and gentlemen were commanded to avoid. The Lord Deputy then put the question whether they were to be committed. The writer argued against committing them till the Queen's pleasure were known, having respect to the present state of the realm. When the greater voices had determined the commitment, the Lord Deputy said he meant to make this an Act in the Council Book. Thereupon the lords and gentlemen were called in, and after hearing the Queen's letter to the Lord Deputy signifying her misliking his suffering them to stand so openly in pleading of her prerogative touching the cess, the aforesaid lords and gentlemen were committed to the Castle.—From Dublin 13 June 1577.
Endorsed :—“Nich. Whyte.”
462. The Bishop of London to the Earl of Lincoln.
1577, June 22. Understands by Mr. Damet two special points grieve his lordship. The one “that he should as it were disdainfully with fillipping with his fingers make some signification of light setting by his lordship.” Answers that he is neither so foolish, nor so mad, but he knows his duty to a councillor, if he were much meaner than the Earl of Lincoln, and asks to be brought face to face with his slanderer. The other is “that he should stomach him and his, and therefore for his sake his man fareth the worse.” Answers that he were too beastly to stomach him without cause, and does not know that the Earl ever did him any displeasure &c. For the matter of Lydyars, he could not do otherwise. The woman is thought a light housewife, came not in three quarters of a year to receive the Communion &c.—Fulham 22 June 1577.
463. Thomas Tallis and Wm. Bird, gentlemen of her Majesty's Chapel, to the Queen.
1577, June 27. Petition for a lease in reversion for 21 years without fine of the yearly value of 40l. Tallis is aged, having served the Queen and her ancestors almost forty years, and never bad but one preferment, a lease given him by Queen Mary, and now within a year of expiration, the reversion granted over to another. Bird being called to Her Majesty's service from Lincoln Cathedral, where he was well settled, is now, through great charge of wife and children, fallen into debt and great necessity. By reason of his daily attendance in the Queen's service he is letted from reaping such commodity by teaching as heretofore he did. Her grant two years ago of a licence for printing music has fallen out to their loss and hindrance to the value of 200 marks at least.
Endorsed :—“At Grenewiche xxvij. Junii 1577. It then pleased her Majestie to signify her pleasour that thes peticioners in connsideracion of their good service don to her hieghnes shold have (without fine) a lease for xxj. yeres of lands in possession or reversion not exceding the yerely rent of xxxli they abyding suche order as shold be taken by the Lord Thresorer or Sr Walter Mildmay, Knight, for the behoof of the tenantes in possession.—Thomas Sekford.”
Unsigned. ½ p.