Cecil Papers: July 1577

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1577', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp156-158 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1577', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp156-158.

"Cecil Papers: July 1577". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp156-158.

July 1577

464. The Duchess of Suffolk to Lord Burghley.
1577, July 14. Encloses letter received from her husband. If he knew as much as she of Lord Oxford's dealing it would trouble him more, but the case standing as it doth, she means to keep it from him. She cannot express how much it grieveth her that her son in the weightiest matter hath so forgotten himself to the trouble and disquiet of his friends. He is like enough to be his own undoing, and the young lady's too, for if his wilfulness and uncourteous dealings should by any means come to her husband's ears, belive he would make his son but a small marriage. Knows not what to do therein; her husband so far off, he cannot take it well at her hand that she should seek to bestow his son as it were against his will. And yet if her Majesty could be won to like of it, her husband would be the easier won to it, if Lord Oxford's great uncourtesy do not too much trouble him.—From Willoughby House.
Endorsed :—“14 July 1577. Duchess of Suffolk.”
¾ p.
465. Order by the Earl of Lincoln, Lord High Admiral.
1577, July 18. Commanding Thomas Gray of Harwich, Master, and John Howell, alias Smith, who have “compromitted” all causes, to be henceforth lovers and friends, all matters of quarrel to cease, and not to be at any time hereafter revived.—18 July 1577.
Signed :—“E. Lincoln. Witnesses :—W. Wynter, Geo. Wynter, John Hawkyns.”
1 p.
466. The Duchess of Suffolk to Lord Burghley.
1577, July 21. Hearing he was at Theobalds and meaning to take his journey as to-morrow into Lincolnshire and so to Buxton, is very sorry she cannot by her own presence yield him the thanks he has most friendly deserved, &c.—From Bellasis, this 21 July.
Endorsed :—“21 July 1577, the Duchess of Suffolk.”
½ p.
467. Christopher Hatton to Lord Burghley.
1577, July 21. Might conceive himself greatly defamed by Burghley's severe speeches touching the case of Callis, the pirate, but upon conference with Lord Leicester and Mr. Stanhope rests content to blame himself for too much readiness to believe ill reports. God speed him in his journey to Buxton for repair of his health. Asks favour for Mr. Colshill.—From the Court, this 21 of July 1577.
1 p.
468. The Earl of Leicester to Lord Burghley.
1577, July 23. Only one matter is resolved since Burghley's departure, that of the money, and Du Plessis is now taking leave of the Queen. Her Majesty wills him to write earnestly to Burghley to send her a tun of Buxton water in hogsheads, which are to be thoroughly seasoned with the water beforehand. Asks that his kinswoman, Mrs. Waineman, whose husband is at the point of death, may have the wardship of her son before any other. He will be the poorest ward in England, his father being in debt at least six or seven thousand pounds. Two jointures are charged, and the son will not have 100l. a year to live on.—23 July.
Endorsed :—“23 July. 1577.”
2 pp.
469. John Stanhope to Lord Burghley.
1577, July 25. Hearing of the death of divers gentlemen of Oxfordshire, amongst others of Sir William Barrington, offers himself as an humble suitor for the preferment of his ward and a lease of the lands belonging to him.—Richmond, 25 July.
[Postscript.]—“Yt maye further plese your lordship to be advertysed that my Lord of Oxforde gyveth hys diligente attendance on her Majestye and earnestly laboreth his sute, the which he was once perswaded and had yelded to leve, but now renewinge it with intente to procede therin for his owne good, sum unkyndnes and strangnes ensueth betwixt my Lord of Surrey, my Lord Harrye, and his Lordship—. Yt is saide her Majestye hathe promysed to gyve hym the fesymple of Rysinge and as much more of those landes in fee farme as shall make up the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds.
As yet ther is no progresse spoken of, though ther have ben two or three sett downe. Yesternight her Majestye supped with my Lady of Derby at Thistelworthe and to-morrow dyneth at Barn Elms, and my Lord of Lester maketh her a supper at Mortlacke Park Lodge.”
1 p.
470. Daniel Rogers to Lord Burghley.
1577, July 26. Has written at large to Mr. Secretary touching his negociation with the Prince. The Prince has since sent for him to impart the substance of letters from Brussells signed by Count Egmont, M. D'Aussy, brother of Count Bossu, Count of Hautkercke, M. de Heze, Barons Merode and Bercelle, thanking the Prince for the intercepted and deciphered letters. Don John of Austria should by this have taken Namur and placed M. de Floyon in its Castle; he had written to the Estates that he understood they went about to imprison him, wherefore he had for safety taken Carlemont and Philippeville (towns heretofore built by the Prince, and named at the Emperor's command). The Estates answered by recalling him to Brussels. Meanwhile the said lords counsel the Prince to assure himself of Amsterdam, and to surprise Bolduc and Breda.
Aldegonde's letters contain his negociations with the said lords, with Champigny, &c. Don John had failed to intercept Maestricht; the Prince of Cimay is gone to Antwerp to assure himself of that town and castle; some of the Estates had sent thither to win the captains. The Burgomasters here (Enchuisen) desired leave of the Prince to molest them of Amsterdam; if they took it not in a month they would lose their lives. The Prince will not stay for the man promised by the Estates, but despatches Taffin to counsel them to look well to Maestricht and to Antwerp. If taking Antwerp Castle be difficult, they are to divide it by trench from the town. As they owe the Allemains six millions of gold, let them employ that sum in driving them out. They are to aid him in levying 3,000 reiters, for which purpose he sends Count of Hollach into Germany. The Emperor's Ambassador at Constantinople had advertized the Prince that the King of Spain had made a league with the Turk for five years, and that before this Emperor obtained a league for eight years.—From Enchuisen, this 26th July 1577.
471. A. Lymborch to Lord Burghley.
1577, July. Begs that his case, communicated in a special letter to the Queen, may be recommended to Her Majesty. In 1563 he intended to treat with her Majesty on the subject of the increased value of money, the crown being then worth in France 50 sous and now 70.—At Malines this—day of July 1577.
1 p. French.