Cecil Papers: May 1578

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp177-179 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp177-179.

"Cecil Papers: May 1578". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp177-179.

May 1578

524. Christopher Hoddesdon to Lord Burghley.
1578, May 3. From Rome, 22 March 1578.—By letters from Avignon is written that MM. Leidiguerres and Saromans are gone to the King of Navarre to conclude an accord between the magistrates there; and particularly to treat touching the restitution of Minorbe.
Mons. Bellegarda is determined to go into Languedoc and Delphinate to bring them to peace.
Those who went out of Venice to Ragasii in great haste, and before from Constantinople to Naples in 27 days, passed yesterday through here towards Spain. They could scarce speak a few words with the Spanish ambassador. By supposal, the ground of the haste concerns the truce.
On Monday the Pope, in Consistory, gave the Pallium to the Archbishop of Corfu, the Bishop of Sardegna, and the Bishop of Bamberg.
The Viceroy of Naples has raised a new tax upon silks and other commodities, for money to be gathered against the Low Countries.
From Naples certain soldiers are sent to Piperno against Cesare Gaeta, to expel him and his confederates.
The Viceroy's son is at Consentza, sore hurt in the head, belly, and back; besides many others, also hurt, and some slain, through the falling of a “soller,” wherein a great number of folk were assembled.
From Genoa is written how they of Marseilles have tidings that Doria has returned again out of Spain to Bovoli with 800,000 crowns, which is stayed by the Duke of Sessa through contrary winds.
At Milan Marco Antonio, gonfalonier, has “first thrust himself into the throat with a knife, and after, drowned himself in a fountain.”
From Venice, 28 March.—A common bruit goeth here again that the King of Persia is dead; but not credited.
From Augsburg, 9 April.—Doctor Vishinseur, chancellor, the Bishop of Wurzburg, and Earl Joachim of Fürstenburg, the Emperor's deputies, have gone to the assembly at Worms, touching the matters of the Low Countries; whither it is thought most of the princes of Germany will repair to conclude a peace; whereunto, if the Spaniards will not condescend, “the whole Empire will take to them the said countries.”
Ex Frisia, 17 April 1578.—In Friesland great damage has been done by the floods. The Council have been ordered by the Governor to remain at home. Two were seized who meditated flight; having treasonable letters in their possession. Two are not inculpated the president and councillor Tafter.
Ex Roslochio, Idibus Aprilis.—The Duke of Courland has written to “N” [Chr. Mundt] that the Grand Duke of Holstein having quitted the “Societas Moschica” has returned to his diocese (“diocœsim Osiliensem”) and will shortly go to the King of Poland.
From Keysers as yet I hear nothing,—Hamburg, 3 May 1578.
Partly in Latin. 2 pp.
525. Gunpowder for Portugal.
1578, May 6. Warrant under the Privy Signet to Don Francesco Giraldi, Ambassador of the King of Portugal, to transport gunpowder into that country.—Greenwich, 6 May 1578.
1 p.
526. Francesco Giraldi to Lord Burghley.
1578, May 8. Concerning the embarkation of fifty thousand pounds of powder which he has received her Majesty's licence to export.
Italian. 1 p.
527. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1578?] May 19. Apologizes for once more repeating his protestations of undying affection, and commends to her Majesty's favour the present bearer, a young man who wishes to return to her Court, in order to provide there for his equipment, and thereby to become the sooner ready to accompany him (the Duke) in the voyage which he meditates undertaking for the relief of the Netherlands, “chouze dont vous aves desja tant seue que crinte de heuzer deredite je ne vous en fere par sete plus long discours.”—Alençon, 19 May.
French. 1 p.
528. The Bishop of Carlisle to Sir Francis Walsingham.
1578, May 26. Stating his objections to the “book” of Horncastle which the Earl of Lincoln had sent to him to be sealed, because the same, by general words of grant, carried away lands and tithes of the yearly value of 28l. 6s. 8d., “whereof this See is at the present seised, and my said Lord not in possession thereof by virtue of his lease now in esse” Recommends his suit the more boldly because the extraordinary charge he has been at by the miserable and lamentable scarcity in this country, and by the great multitude of poor people and other charges before his coming, had made him a poor man; and yet must he proceed as he begun, what shifts soever he makes, “the cause and number of them which do want food to keep their lives in their bodies is so pitiful.” If the Lord Warden and he did not charge themselves in this behalf, thinks a great number would die for hunger, as they hear of some which have so done, which have been farther from them.—Ross Castle, 26 May 1578.
3 pp.
529. Petro Gye.
1578, May 26. Warrant under the Sign Manual for a lease in reversion, for the term of 50 years, to Petro Gye, of two tenements, one barn, one stable, two gardens, and their appurtenances, lying on the west side of East Greenwich Park, held by lease for one and twenty years by the said Petro Gye and Isabell his wife, by yearly payment, after the death of Sir George Howard, knt., of 13s. 4d.—Greenwich, 26 May, 20 Eliz.
Signet affixed.
One sheet of paper.
530. The Confession of Josias Calton, parson, for hunting in the Old Park of Enfield.
1578, May 27. Examined in the Gate-house at Westminster, he confesseth that John Rise and William, servants to one Wilde of Edmonton, farmer, and John Humphrey of Edmonton, labourer, were in his company at the Old Park of Enfield. The said Rice (sic), William, and Humphrey, met him between examinate's father's house and Wilde's house, and brought a dog with them, and examinate brought another dog of his brother-in-law, Nicholas Rodesby.
They came from Edmonton through the common field called “The Hyde,” and so the next way to the Old Park, and not within the Chace, and there put on the said dogs, but whether they killed anything or nothing he knows not; and after seeking for their dogs and not finding them they departed home altogether, thinking their dogs to be taken up by the keeper. No more dogs or persons were in their company. Denieth that he ever heretofore was at any time hunting in the Chace or Park.—27 May 1578.
1 p.