Cecil Papers: September 1578

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp199-208 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp199-208.

"Cecil Papers: September 1578". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp199-208.

September 1578

582. Dr. John Hatcher, Dr. Thomas Lorkin, Dr. William Warde and Dr. Isaac Barrow to Lord Burghley, Chancellor of Cambridge University.
1578, Sept. 4. Complaining of the non-observance of an ancient custom that all those admitted to the degree of Doctor should participate in all deliberations affecting the University. A recent instance had occurred in connexion with a deputation which had gone to Walden to offer congratulations to her Majesty. Beseech Burghley to restore their liberties to them.—Undated.
Endorsed :—.“4 Sep. 1578.” Latin.
1 p.
583. Lord Grey to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 5. Whereas Lawrence Hollingshed, bearer hereof, declareth that he is desirous to remain in Cambridge, where heretofore he hath been brought up, and there bestow his time in teaching the French tongue and such knowledge as he hath in arms, armoury, and genealogies; hoping thereby to relieve his family, and the better to attain an end of his cause now in suit. Has found himself divers ways hardly dealt with, for, last term, in open Court of Delegates, the Judges making motion of compromise, he offered to refer the determination to your Lordship, which would not be accepted. Prays Burghley to commend him to the Vice-Chancellor and the Masters and Fellows of Colleges.—Whaddon, 5 Sept. 1578.
Seal. 1 p.
584. Sir Thomas Cecill to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 8. This bearer, being sent by my uncle, came with the books that are agreed of, as well for the disposition of his lands, as also for the assurance of my aunt's jointure. Thought it fit to give notice that the books have been examined before him at Burghley, and do word by word agree with the paper books that are signed with his lordship's hand.—From your lordship's house at Burghley, 8 Sept. 1578.
Addressed :—To the right honourable my very good lord and father, the Lord Burghley, Lord High Treasurer of England.
Endorsed :—With the books for the deliverance of Mr. Cave's lands.
½ pp.
585. Richard Barry to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 10. When the Lord Warden was at Dover on his journey to Flanders with Secretary Walsingham, a bill was sent to the Council for supply to be granted for Dover Castle of powder and other necessaries. In the absence of the Lord Warden, writer presumes to remind their Honours of the matter, and states that the place had never more need than now it hath, for it is altogether unfurnished.—Dover Castle, 10 Sept. 1578.
1 p.
586. Sir Thomas Cecil to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 11. Is sorry that his Lordship could not obtain licence to come to see them whom he desired to see; therefore sends up Morris with such instructions as were contained in Burghley's letter. The gallery will be made an end of against Michaelmas—of the fretting, which is a lingering and a costly work. As Burghley, when in Norfolk, seemed not to be resolved whether to ceil it or hang it, in writer's opinion it were better to ceil it with a fair ceiling, because hangings are so costly, as they are not to be used at all times that a man would have the use of a gallery, and besides, the place itself is subject much to sun and air, which will quickly make them fade, notwithstanding, his lordship might at any great assembly hang it upon the ceiling, if he meant to provide hangings fit for it. Made Sir Walter Mildmay privy to Burghley's advertisements, being then with him when Mr. Skinner brought Burghley's letter, who, within two days after, by writer's “invitement,” came hither to dinner with Sir Edward Mountagu and divers others. Sir Walter greatly liked the new building, and the rooms, but especially the gallery, in respect of the proportion of it.
Perceives by Burghley's last letter some offer, made of late by Mr. Dyer from Lord Leicester, of his good-will for the buying of the wardship of Lord Sheffield for one of writer's daughters “wherein, as I am to thank his Lordship, so, for lack of ability, and the rather being disappointed, against my expectation, of the selling of Sawley at this present, I must be driven to pass it over unless your Lordship could obtain some deferment of it for a time; for I have already heard by Mr. Roger Manners that my Lady holdeth the wardship at two thousand pounds, which money, I hope, when I shall be better able hereafter, will procure my daughter, though perhaps not so noble a marriage, yet it may be in living more present and in match more assured, for that my daughter being young, the adventure of the money will be great, and a hazard whether the match shall take place, or no, to both their likings. And yet, I must confess, the house being noble and in that country which I count a neighbour to your Lordship's living and mine, I would be loth to overship a match that might be hereafter a strengthening to your posterity. And, therefore, I beseech your Lordship the matter may be entertained from conclusion as long as may be.”
Understands by Burghley's last letter written unto him that there should be complaint made by the friends of young Randolph—whose wardship Burghley bestowed on writer—that he required great sums for him [Randolph]. In reply, states that he never asked at the first above £400, and since has offered the wardship to the mother for £300, and she to pay the fine. This offer he is contented to stand to, which, respecting the living the child is likely to have at his full age is not a year's rent. Therefore, if the mother complain again of any hard dealing on writer's part, would be glad if Burghley would satisfy her of the reasonable offer, so as to procure an end of the matter, for “I am now driven both to borrow and to make money of my stocks here in the country, to my great loss, towards the payment of two thousand pounds for the which I am bound by statute merchant in three thousand, to pay the fourth of October next. So far am I disappointed, by reason of the sure account I made of the selling of Sawley, which hath brought me in this labyrinth and hazard of breach of my credit, if all things whereof I make account to make money against that day fall not out right.” Sends his servant to make offer to one Mr. Altham, who dwells near to Burghley, to ask him to take Sawley in mortgage for four months upon the loan of £2,000. If his letter prevail not, asks Burghley to move him by some earnest speech.” I shall be able in the mean to make the best of my own, for if I should in haste make any sale of my wife's land, I might perhaps hinder myself more than if I took up money after twenty in every hundred. The bearer hereof can let you understand of my grandmother's good health, who hath been with me this three or four days, and hath remembered your Lordship both by drinking unto you and by wishing your Lordship's presence, which would not a little comfort her new sight, which continueth such as she can discern the difference of any man's countenance, and to choose her own meat at the table. Her blessing she willed me to send unto your Lordship from her and to all yours here.”—Burghley, 11 September, 1578.
P.S.—“My lord of Peterborough hath moved me to to speak unto your lordship for the procuring in reversion unto his son the office of foreign apposership which one Sowthowes hath for term of life.”
Holograph. 3 pp.
587. The Lord Admiral (Earl of Lincoln) to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 12. Is sorry to hear that his lordship is restrained from visiting his house at Burghley, which would have been a good refreshing after the long travel in the progress. Where of late he wrote in behalf of Sir Henry Ashleye, that he might be put into the commission for the examination of pirates—being put out of the former commission by means of his enemies—perceives that a new commission, with Ashleye in it, is to be issued. Thanks Burghley for this, and begs him if there be any means made to stay the commission, to continue his friendship therein, as it something toucheth writer's credit.—From my house at Horsley, 12 September 1578.
1 p.
588. The Lord Keeper (Sir N. Bacon) to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 14. Returns Laneson's patent with as muck speed as he could get it done. Finds his son Nathaniel is greatly bound to his lordship for goodness shewed unto him in his troubles here. Has hitherto passed his journey very well. Is sorry that her Majesty is troubled with the rheum, and also that the plague groweth so great at London, and at St. Albans. Is certified that the last week saving one, there should die of the plague at London 161; and that in St. Albans there were 60 persons sick of the plague, the day of the date of his letter, which was the 30th of August.—Norwich, 14 September 1578.
1 p.
589. The Earl of Bedford to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 15. Thanks him for bestowing so many friendly lines on him, and for taking so great pains in the advertising of those intelligences at the Court so much at large, with his own hand. The want of conversation of his old acqaintance in the Court, writer must bear as he may, and content himself for a season to continue in these remote parts, where he shall with much more quietness and comfort spend his time. Is very glad that the troubles in Scotland are so well accorded, and also that her Majesty is so well bent to deal against such as are obstinate papists. Since your lordship cannot as yet find leisure to procure us a good B[ishop], has no doubt that when opportunity serveth, he will put his helping hand thereunto.—Tavistock, 15 Sept. tember 1578.
1 p.
590. The Earl of Rutland to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 16. Thexton, since his delivery, has renewed his former suit touching the lease of Mansfield. Is not minded to “depart” with the said lease, and trusts Burghley will not advise him (the Earl) to give up the same.—Belvoir, 16 September 1578.
Signed. Seal. ½ p.
591. William Heydon to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 16. A ship called the “Robert of Flamborough,” belonging to Robert Constable, Esq., lately, very suspiciously, arrived at Snetsham, a haven of small resort. Writer searched the same and found two packets of wool and two salt hides, having no cocket for them, all covered over with coals, evidently intended to be transported to Bruges in Flanders. Has arrested the ship and desires Burghley's direction in the matter.—Thursford, 16 September 1578.
1 p.
592. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1578?] Sept. 16. Although he wrote to her yesterday evening cannot believe that she will consider him importunate in again writing to maintain himself in her good graces and to beseech her to honour him with some news of her when she can find an opportunity. Will not weary her with the repetition of the avowals of devotion and affection contained in his former letters, and for the present will only say that he has been for six or seven days on these frontiers awaiting news from the States, and greatly astonished at not receiving any, for now the troops remain idle on his hands, with whom by this time he might have made some good effect. If God will favour him so far as to grant him an opportunity he will lose no more time and will keep her Majesty apprised of his movements from hour to hour. 16 Sept.
French. 1 p.
593. The Fee-Farmers of the lands of the College of Chester to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 17. Praying for a supersedeas to discharge the commission directed for the examination of witnesses in the matter of a suit between them and the Dean of Chester.—Chester, 17 September 1578.
Eight signatures.
1 p.
594. Roger Taverner to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 18. Certifies that in the 8th year of Elizabeth a commission was directed to divers gentlemen of Somerset to survey what woods of her Majesty were in every forest of her Highness in that county. The return was that her Majesty had no woods to the same forest belonging. Since that time writer had searched all such records as he could find, for any wood-sale or any “pawnage” within the forest, but found nothing answered for. Had traced certain small amercements that had been answered, but no such amercements had been now answered for a long time, except only deer for the household. Sir Henry Portman dwelleth nigh the forest, and probably knows the state thereof.—Berwick Ponds, 18 September 1578.
Endorsed :—“The Forest of Roche.”
Seal. 1 p.
595. Roger Cave to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 18. Asking Burghley to sign, seal, and return certain Indentures, which had been duly examined by Sir Thomas Cecil, writer's brother, Robert Wingfield, Mr. Allington, Mr. Skinner, and writer's cousin William Cave.—Stanford, 18 September 1578.
1 p.
596. Robert Bowes to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 18. Albeit the Lords, for their own advantage, pretend great devotion to her Majesty, yet he will not build on the foundation of these fair words further than to allure them to the performance of the good offices offered to her Majesty, and with the same to hold fast all old friends. Has sought to bind these Lords in such manner to her Majesty as thereby their devotions may not only be assured but also that the surety and benefit of the Earl of Morton should be coupled therewith, to effect the better union amongst them.
These Lords, by their open profession to tender religion, the King, and their realm, have won great interest in the hearts of many, and chiefly among the favourers of religion, peace, and amity with England. Their own stirrings could little prevail against Morton, possessing the authority and name of the King without the aid of these friends, that by their support enable the Lords to overmatch Morton.
By sundry examples in stories, and most plainly by those remembered by Burghley, he was warned how to credit these Lords striving for rule that, by the old plot laid by the wily fox Ludington [? Lethington], devising the train to bring home their Queen (that might be more welcome to many than profitable to the realm), he has been in jealousy of the Lords, and so shall remain, until by experience of good end he shall be more fully satisfied.
Mr. Buchanan hath ended his story, written to the death of the Earl of Murray, and proposes to commend it to print shortly; but one thing of late hath been withdrawn from him, which he trusted to recover, or else to supply of new with sore travail.—Stirling, 18 September 1578.
3 pp. [Murdin, pp. 314–316. In extenso.]
597. The Bishop of Worcester to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 20. Understands that the associations of the Justices for Wales are resolved upon, and that Mr. Fabian Phillipps, being hitherto by common fame joined with the Justice of Chester, is now placed with Mr. Brameley, a room much inferior to the other, and therefore, some disgrace and a great discouragement to Mr. Phillipps. In painfulness, in courage, in faithful and upright dealing, knows not his better. Foresees how unable he shall be to do that which is looked for at his hands, if such be withdrawn whom he may most safely trust in matters of religion and also of justice. Concerning the Council's letters lately received, for the searching out of those lewd persons who wander here and there perverting the people, will do his best, but with what hope of reformation God knoweth, seeing their receptors and “fawtors” men of great countenance and wealth,—sundry times certified unto Burghley—are as yet neither reformed nor converted, but suffered to continue in their obstinacy. Means such as are notoriously known to absent themselves from church, who, no doubt, are reconciled papists and, therefore, no true subjects in heart, whatsoever they pretend in words and outward appearance. Knows that Burghley in these causes is affected as writer himself.
It is here said that Dr. Bullingham shall be Bishop of Chester; he hath a prebend in Worcester and a benefice called Withington, whereof writer is patron; the prebend is absolutely in her Majesty's gift, and, as he hears, there is an advowson of it heretofore granted. The gift of the benefice cometh to her Majesty only by prerogative in respect of his (Bullingham) preferment, and he wishes to procure the same benefice for Mr. Whitacres, a singular good scholar and preacher; one that translated Mr. Nowell's Catechism into Greek and Mr. Jewell against Harding into Latin; a man, in writer's opinion, inferior in learning, and especially in the knowledge of the Greek tongue, to none of his time in England. Presumes to move Burghley herein because he fears there will be some packing and evil dealing about that benefice.—Bewdley, 20 September 1578.
598. Sir Thomas Cornwallis to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 20. Thanks him for his friendly travail for his son Cornwallis. Doubts that his forbearing to make some other great bodies acquainted with the matter, was the occasion his lordship could not attain it. Was loth that more should be privy to the cause why he desired it, as he feared not to open his daughter-in-law's imperfections, assuring himself (“that in respect his poor house is now allied with yours”) his lordship would cover and help to amend the same by all good means.—Brome, 20 September 1578.
1 p.
599. Alderman Starkye to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 21. Because the sickness is here so rife and by reason of the late restraint, durst not attempt to repair to his lordship about his suit. Has a daughter who was the wife of Richard Rogers, deceased, dwelling at Edmonton, who, at his decease conveyed her lands and goods to a nephew, Richard Rogers, who by fraudulent devices seeks to deprive writer's daughter of that portion which by the custom of this city should come to the wife of a freeman. Understands that Rogers has made suit to Burghley to become his servant, and has presumptuously within sixteen days after he had buried two out of his house of the plague, attempted to come to Burghley's house in the country. Desires Burghley's favour for his poor daughter.—London, 21 September 1578.
1 p.
600. The Countess of Shrewsbury to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 23. Hopes shortly to be with the Queen, as the Earl is now determined of her coming very shortly to Court. Thanks him for his goodness to her daughter Lennox and her poor Arabella.—Chatsworth, 23 September.
Endorsed :—1578.
Holograph. 1 p.
601. Giles, Lord Chandos, to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 23. Prays Burghley to extend his favourable countenance to John Bowser (sometime writer's servant) in his suit to her Majesty for mercy and pardon for offences committed by him.—Princknash, 23 September 1578.
Seal. 1 p.
602. Sir Nicholas Poyntz to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 24. In favour of John Bowser. Desires Burghley to favour his purpose, rather to serve her Majesty, as nature and duty bindeth a true subject, than a strange nation, whereto want will force him without her Majesty's pardon. His father did valiant service in writer's father's company at the overthrow given the western rebels in King Edward's time.—Acton, 24 September 1578.
Seal. 1 p.
603. Sir Thomas Cecil to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 25. This day his servant Johnson brought a letter—his Lordship being upon the way from the Lord Chief Justice's—whereby he perceives that Burghley has yielded to his request for the borrowing of so much as will discharge the Statute he stands bound unto Payne for the payment of £2,000, the fourth of next month; to be paid at writer's lodging in the Savoy.
“My wife and I have of late made a little progress into Lincolnshire, to such our friends as we have there : where we have been greatly entertained and, in some respect, I was the willinger to bring her into that country, to have her liking to the place where I mean to build, for that I mean to leave it for her jointure. Thus, being on my way from Grantham to my Lady of Suffolk's, which I take in my way homewards, I have nothing else to write unto your Lordship worth the sending. And, as touching such disagreements as have fallen out there, I shall better satisfy your lordship by my next letters, after I have been there, than now I can; but this far I understand, that my Lady of Suffolk's coming down from London was to appease certain unkindness grown between her son and his wife. More particularly as yet I cannot write at this time, but I think my Lady Mary will be beaten with that rod which heretofore she prepared for others. For it is an old saying, in quo peccatur eodem punitur.”—From Mr. Hall's house by Grantham, 25 September 1578.
P.S.—I beseech your Lordship excuse me towards my Lord Howard for the simple entertainment he found at Burghley, being neither my wife nor myself at home, with my great thanks unto him for his good accepting thereof, which I understand by my cousin Cheke he did.
1 p.
604. Thomas Randolphe to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 25. Mr. Justice Manwood, passing this way homeward, prayed me to see this letter conveyed to your lordship. I understand that he hath been at the Court, and hath long talked with her Majesty and departed with her gracious favour. I have to crave your lordship's help in a matter that toucheth me the nearer for that it is against an old friend of my own, in the support of those whose father of any man living was most bound unto your lordship. Mr. John Hastinge, who married my brother Edward's wife, dealeth too extremely hardly with my brother's two sons, The one, for the space of 8 or 9 years, continually kept in Italy, in very great necessity, scarce relieved with sufficient meat and drink, sent over with a detestable papist, and what he is himself in religion—God knoweth! The other, as I suppose, in this town within these few days, in such misery as he had neither cloak nor hat to his back. That your lordship may see that there was sufficient left by my brother, I send a true report of my sister's state at my brother's death. Unless this be reformed by your lordship's advice, I will not leave it unsought at her Majesty's Council, yea, rather than fail, at her Majesty's own feet.—London, 25 September 1578.
Seal. 1½ pp.
605. Doctor Hector to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 25. Certifies the news from beyond the seas, “which be lamentable for all Christendom.” Letters from Lisbon, dated 24 August, declare that by the 26th of that month the Cardinal of Portugal (the King's great uncle, and a man of four-score and above) should be sworn King of that realm, because the young King and all his nobility were slain by the Moors on the 4th of August. The said King with his army was going to the kingdom of Feyes [Fez], where the old King of Morocco had many friends, and it was thought that they would conspire with him against the new King. Passing a river, called Morbey, the battle was cruel between both, and there died the poor young King of Portugal and 20,000 of his best men, and the rest, to the number of 9,000, taken prisoners by the Moors. Amongst them was Senor Don Antonia, son to Infante Don Lewes, second child of King Emanuel, next to King John III., grandfather to this young King. Don Lewes never had a wife, but got the said Don Antonia by a woman who was likewise unmarried. The eldest son of the Duke of Braganza was also taken prisoner and divers other noblemen. Only about 50 Christians escaped, who, having good horses were able to get into the holds again. On the Moors' side died, as the report is, 50,000 men, and both the Kings of Morocco, the old and the young; which, if true, fears much for the Christians there. The King of Portugal had a good offer from the new King, before they fought, of all the ports in Barbary and also possession of land within 20 miles of the ports. This was refused because of his promise to the old King of Morocco, to give him the possession of his kingdom. It was said yesterday, by way of France, that the King escaped with two wounds and was in safety in Arzela, one of his holds.
Concerning the Flanders matters, a letter of the 21st declared that both camps were approaching each other, but it was thought they would not fight till the matter of any agreement were concluded by the Emperor. The writer of this letter said that it had been better for Don John that he had been in Spain to see the harvest, than to tarry in Flanders for the vintage.
Concerning the matter of Richard Rogers refers Burghley to Sir Rowland Hayward, Alderman, to Mr. Robert Hayes, to Mr. Glerke, a preacher dwelling in Thames Street, and to Dr. Forde for explanations. Writer was physician to Rogers and explains the facts with regard to the visit of Rogers to Burghley after two boys had died of the plague in his house. “And as concerning the wrong they say is offered unto the orphan and widow I refer myself to the men aforesaid, and methinks in this point we may well allege the usage and custom of the Indians of Nori Spain, where the sisters' children be inheritors commonly, for they be sure to be of their own blood, &c.” It is reported the child is not orphan yet. The young man has consented to have the matter settled by arbitration.—Mark Lane, 26 September 1578.
606. John Byron and others to Lord Burghley.
1578, September 26. Where certain persons (under-tenants of the rectory of St. Michael [upon Wyre]) have charged Robert Worseley, esquire, with a great conspiracy and fraud to avoid their estates, writers have thought good to signify their opinions of the matter in favour of Mr. Worseley.—Penwortham, 26 September 1578.
1 p.
607. Roger Manners to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 27. I cannot but advertise your lordship of the good health of your mother. I suppose she can see much better than can Mr. Edmond Hall, specially of the one eye. She saith she can see her way, and near hand can well know one man from another or discern a colour from another. I think your lordship will very well like your building at Burghley. I can praise it no further than to say it is in very truth the best builded and fairest that ever I saw anywhere. Sir Thomas Cecil and my lady are not yet returned to Burghley.—Uffington, 72 September.
Endorsed :—1578.
1 p.
608. The Earl of Essex to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 27. “Yoluntati tuæ, et amicorum desiderio satisfeci, honoratissime domine, primum enim me rus contuli, ubi omnibus videbar gratissimus, quapropter tibi mittenti, et illis me excipientibus immortales gratias habeo. Deinde cum ad oppidum Tamworth venissem, cognatum Ferrers accersivi, quem interrogabam utrum mihi cederet, et contentus esset, ut ego oppidanorum essem Senescallus; ille primum se cedere affirmabat, turn omnes me suum Senescallum agnoscebant, et balivi cum cæteris oppidanis me per oppidum sunt comitati, idem intra biduum postea fecerunt, et quisque mihi Senescallo gratulari et omnes inter se gaudere videbantur. Nunc tandem in Academiam redii sine aliqua uti spero studii jactura, et hactenus fluctibus agitatus jam ad Ithacam meam, quæ mihi est immortalitate charior, veni, ubi fructus illos ex doctrinæ fontibus me exhausturum spero, ut tempus non malè consumptum, sed bene impensum videbitur. Deus tuam dominationem servet salvam et incolumem. Vale, vto Cal. Octobris 1578.”
Endorsed :—26 Sept. 1578.
Holograph. ½ p.
609. Byfleet Parsonage.
1578, Sept. 28. Receipt given by William Watever, parson of “Biffelette” [Byfleet], to Edward Earl of Lincoln, for the sum of five pounds, for one half-year's rent of glebe lands called “Wishelei-land.”
1 p.
610. Sir Christopher Hatton, Vice-Chamberlain, to Lord Burghley.
1578, Sept. 28. I hear you stand “trowbely” with my Lord of Leicester; his taking offence towards you in that he was not made privy to this last warrant for the coining of money. Assuredly, Sir, as I have before her Majesty answered, so must I still avow, that at my Lord's return from Buxton to Havering, your lordship declared your dealing both to my Lord Chamberlain and his Lordship in my hearing; and what advantage over and above that conclusion, by the Lords' orders set down, you had by your most earnest travail and care won to the enriching the monies I likewise showed her Majesty; leaving the consideration of your great desert herein to her and my Lords, which, I hope, in their wisdoms will be found far unworthy of blame.
But, hereof riseth the grief, that the Bill signed was not subscribed and warranted by the rest. I was asked whether I had ever read over that warrant in parchment; in paper, I affirmed I had seen and read it, but not otherwise. So that this answer of mine I found, in his lordship's replication, that he looked their lordships should have been privy and warranted the Bill itself. Let not these things trouble you; they will record your memory with high honour and singular commendation. Her Majesty greatly wisheth you health and ease, and hath commanded me yesternight to let you know that she will pray to God for it.—28 September 1578.
Endorsed :—“From Richmond.”
2 pp.