Cecil Papers: October 1578

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp208-224 [accessed 27 July 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp208-224.

"Cecil Papers: October 1578". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp208-224.

October 1578

611. Thomas Lovell to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 1. This present Wednesday, the 1st of October, being set at supper, I received a letter, by a poor neighbour of mine, from one who named himself Griffen, accompanied with only one, riding (as he said) from Derry to Norwich, the effect whereof, as within written, I leave to your and the Council's consideration. Notwithstanding this, I protest by the faith of a Christian that I will be disappointed in every purport, before any consent shall pass either to the prejudice of my most noble and merciful “sufferen” [Sovereign] or my mother the commonwealth.—From Hooling this Wednesday late in the Evening.
Endorsed :—“2 October 1578.”
1 p.
612. Richard Meidglay, Vicar of Rochdale, and Thomas Williamson, Vicar of Eccles, to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 1. Understand that there is a suit depending in the Exchequer between their good neighbour and friend Mr. Worseley and divers others for certain tithes within the parish of St. Michael upon Wyrc, and write strongly in his favour.—Rochdale, 1 October.
Endorsed :—“1578.”
1 p.
613. John Johnson to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 1. Enclosing a “discourse” to be considered at his lordship's leisure.—Westminster, 1 October 1578.
½ p.
614. Brian Annesley to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 1. Detailing the particulars of Mr. Mynne's case, “grown by his own stay in the Fleet when he needed not have tarried.”—Lewisham, 1 October 1578.
2 pp.
615. Robert Tyrwhit, G. Skipwith, and Christopher Kelk, Commissioners of Sewers, to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 1. Reporting on and furnishing particulars of the “jutties” at Gouxhill, with the charges.—Thornton, 1 October 1578.
“The charge of so much of the first 'jutty' that is this summer made, containing 21 rooms, viz., 94 yards, amounteth to £200.
“Item, there be 19 rooms more to be made of the said 'jutty,' which will amount to as much more, because it standeth further into the water, and asketh more filling, length, and strength of timber, viz., to £200.
“Item, there is one other 'jutty' to be made of 20 rooms, which according to the length will grow to as great charge as the other, viz., to £200.
616. Lady Margery Williams to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 1. Understands there has been at Donnington some to survey it and all the lands appertaining to the whole manor, viz., Winterborne, Davers, and Leckhamsted; amounting to the value of £100, besides the park. Understands likewise that it was to be sold, and to one of neither merit nor calling meet for such a matter. Wherefore, she is bold to appeal to his lordship's favour so far, that if the Queen shall be disposed to sell either the fee-farm or fee-simple, that her husband, Sir William Drury, may have it for his money before any other; the rather, because it is the only thing her husband hath desired above all others.—From my house at Weston, 1 October 1578.
2 pp.
617. James Glaseor to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 2. Understands the Earl of Leicester (upon an Information made that the géntlemen should join in commission with the Dean and Chapter) has written to the Commissioners to stay the executing of the commission until the Term, and in the mean time they will work their devices to hinder Burghley's good meaning to the poor Church through corruption. Beseeches him to stand good to the poor House.—2 October.
Endorsed :—“1578.—A stay made of executing the Commission touching the lands of the College of Chester.”
Seal. 1 p.
618. Sir Christopher Hatton to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 2. Craving favour for his friend, Mr. Skofeilde, a man that hath done him much pleasure beyond the seas, and one to whom he is very greatly beholden.—From the Court at Richmond, 2 October 1578.
Seal. ½ p.
619. The Earl of Lincoln to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 2. Asking that one Williams, detained in prison for receiving money stolen from the Earl of Rutland's men in a house in London, might be admitted to bail. Would be glad to hear of his lordship's good amendment of his disease. Perceives, since his coming hither, that there was a meaning that his lordship should have beer sent for, but, since his lordship is not in perfect health, it is forborne, and the Lords do send to him (Burghley) touching such matters as are advertised from the Low Countries.—From the Court at Richmond, 2 October 1578.
1 p.
620. Henry, Lord Cheyne, to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 6. Reminding him of his promise to speak to the Queen about the purchase of writer's land in Sheppy. It will greatly benefit writer, inasmuch as men are afraid to buy his land because of the great bonds unto her Majesty for the warranty of those lands which she had of him in exchange.—From my house at Teddington, 6 October 1578.
2 pp.
621. Dr. Thomas Watson to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 6. Two infirmities drive him again to crave Burghley's succour and aid—blindness and lameness. Four years ago, in the Marshalsea, he lost one of his eyes, and the other eye is now so dimmed that he can scarcely see his meat upon the table. Prays pardon for expressing his infirmities, but, “need,” they say, “thinketh no shame.” His strait keeping in divers prisons these twenty years, hath wrought in him great weakness, being aged three score and five years already past. His suit is that he may be released from the custody of the Bishop of Winchester “(who hath dealt with me this whole year and a quarter, as if I had been his natural brother)” and be committed to the custody of his brother John Watson, at his house in London or (if the sickness be near unto him) at his house in the country, four miles off. He and his brother will gladly keep such bonds as may be appointed, only craving that he may once a week, with his brother, take the open air in the field, without which his sight will be altogether soon gone. As for matters of religion already established within this realm, as he has not meddled in them with any person when he was before in his house, so also will he promise to do hereafter. As for resort of any persons to him, he shall admit none; only waiving that the barber, tailor, physician and other artificers, be not accompted for resorters. Hopes the Bishop of Winchester will report well of his quiet behaviour, which kind of life he intends to keep to the end and daily meditates how he may end it well.—Farnham, 6 October 1578.
622. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1578?] Oct. 7. Her Majesty's great kindness emboldens him to hope that she will take it in good part that he has recourse to her in his supreme misery. It is on a subject which his judgment will not permit him to confide to paper, and the importance of which has caused him to choose as his envoy the Sieur “Dalferant” the bearer of the present letter, to whom he has opened his heart and who will know how to give a true representation to her Majesty of the Duke's discourses to him which are full of zeal and of ardent affection to her service as, God aiding him, his subsequent actions shall show.
The Sieur “des Revans” has returned who has given him the letter which it has pleased her Majesty to write to him, full of assurances of the continuation of her friendship towards her slave, and yet couched in language which enables him easily to judge of the unfavourable impressions of him which certain persons have wished to convey to her.
Is much rejoiced to find that her “belle Majesté” has not allowed herself to be influenced by reports invented by those who in the guise of sheep would like to act as worse than wolves. Assures her that, whatever they may say to her, his enemies bear no greater affection to her Majesty than they do to himself, which is made sufficiently apparent by their endeavours to separate her Majesty from the one person on earth who is the most devoted to her and to take away from him the support of her whom he has always esteemed more highly than his own life.
Regrets that he is unable to express himself in terms more fitting to the subject, for which purpose alone he would fain possess “la loquause dun siseron ou de ses Gres qui en peu de parolles exseprimoit beaucoup.” Begs her to excuse his defects and to attribute them to the misfortunes and crosses with which he has been afflicted ever since he begun to have any knowledge which have given him no leisure “ daprandre afayre les belles parolles.”—Cambray, 7 Oct.
French. 2 pp.
623. The Earl of Shrewsbury to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 7. In respect that his wife may do her duty to the Queen's Majesty, and for some causes of great importance to them, he grants her this journey she takes to the Court. Earnestly desires Burghley's friendliest counsel to her, as well for her best ordering and preferring the same, as to pressing them to a good ending. Without this she looketh not for the least success.—Sheffield, 7 October 1578.
Endorsed :—For your Lordship's advice to the Countess, his wife, repairing to the Court.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
624. The Bishop of Winchester to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 7. Has to trouble Burghley with a double suit, partly for himself and partly for Dr. Watson who remaineth with him by the Council's order. Is very desirous to be delivered of the charge for many respects, but chiefly because he (the Bishop) is shortly to be brought to London, if the plague cease, to consult some physicians. Prays that Watson may be returned to his brother's keeping; he is very troublesome to the bishop and no less to himself. Thinks he will not be a meddler with any disorderly sort; “for he hath seemed to have much mislike of Feckenham, whome he calleth Abbat, and Dr. Young, for the unwise usage of themselves.” He is old, impotent, and was of the Bishop's old acquaintance in St. John's College. Wishes well to his soul, which is sore infected with an incurable disease, yet would he have his body to descend into the grave in peace, and so to leave him to God's merciful judgment.—Farnbam Castle, 7 October 1578.
1 p.
625. William Barley to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 9. Asking Burghley to have a form of protection drawn up for him by the Attorney or Solicitor-General, to enable him safely to prosecute his suits in the Exchequer.—9 October 1578.
¾ p.
626. Michael Locke to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 10. I thought you had been certified by Mr. Frobisher. as others of my Lords have been, which caused me to stay writing.
Herewith I send a book delivered me of the whole voyage, which, when you have read, send it me back again sealed; for the Commissioners have not yet seen it. All 13 ships be laden with “ewer” [ore], and 10 of them be safe arrived; the three not yet heard of are :—the “ Thomas Allen,” the “Francis” of Fowey, and the “Mannell” of Bridgwater. The ore is said to be very good; for the most part of the ships' loading Denham saith holdeth almost an ounce of gold in one hundred [weight] of ore. But, I do not believe it until I see better proof. It is the grace of God whatsoever it be. Jonas beginneth the fireworks with two furnaces on Monday next, and on Saturday some good proof will be made. God grant good success. Beseeches furtherance of his suit for money to pay the freight and wages of the ships and men now returned.—London, 10 October 1578.
Endorsed :—“With a discourse of Mr. Frobisher's voyage.
627. Doctor Richard Howlande to Lord Berghley.
1578, Oct. 10. Understands that the new mayor, Mr. Wallis, and other townsmen purpose to sue out a commission of sewers, and are ridden up about the same, not making the University privy thereunto. Suspects their dealing may be hurtful to some of the colleges adjoining the river, and craves, therefore, that there may be a convenient number of University commissioners with them. Otherwise, it is to be feared that, under the pretence of scouring the river (which is a thing very necessary), they will shoot at other men's possessions, which would breed great inconvenience. They have great cause to suspect the man; who was heretofore very troublesome in Mr. Slegge's business. The University is clear from sickness; that in Queen's College wrought more fear than danger, the parties being now known to die upon a surfeit of fruit. Yet, to avoid further inconvenience, that company is dissolved, and no least suspicion falling out since that time, we have thought good to begin our term and continue our exercises in the schools. For the order of apparel, craves some little further time to consider it.—St. John's College, 10 October 1578.
1 p. Seal.
628. The Earl of Bedford to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 10. Trusts that before this time he is recovered. Cannot but remember his lordship for a good bishop in this diocese, and, now that the progress is ended, trusts there will be time to consider thereof. John Russell told him how well Burghley took the letters written in that behalf, adding, if the Earl had written for any particular man, his lordship would have been willing to further him. Has small judgment in the choice of a bishop, and his chief desire is that a meet man might have the place. There is one Mr. Woolton, a canon of this church, a man well learned, of honest life and conversation, wise in government, and a very good and diligent preacher; has very often attended Burghley for causes between the Queen and the Church. Is well thought of in this country, and was brought up under the Dean of St. Paul's. Some speech there is in this country that Mr. Townsend should be in the election. Thinks him nothing fit for the place, and conceives so much the worse of him for that part he once played (which his lordship may well remember) for the College at Manchester.—Exeter, 10 October 1578.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Wolton to be preferred to the bishoprick of Exeter.”
Seal. 1 p.
629. The Earl of Shrewsbury to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 11. I have been so bold, sending my wife up to do her duty to see the Queen's Majesty, to write to your lordship by her, and to commend her and her causes to your noble advice. She took her journey on Thursday last and minds to be at Dunstable on Monday next, and so to Remboldes (?) house, where her daughter Lennox (?) is and there will rest three or four days, because she dare not go to London for the infection there.—Sheffield, 11 October 1578.
1 p.
630. William Bulkeley to Lord Burghley, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.
1578, Oct. 11. Preferring a complaint against Mr. Nicols and asking for Burghley's interference in the matter.—Undated.
Endorsed :—“11 Octob. 1578.—Mr. Bulkley of Magdalen College.”
Latin. 1 p.
631. The Bishop of Norwich to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 11. Touching the controversy with Dr. Beacon, his late Chancellor, perceives affection towards the man partly beareth rule in some others. Therefore imparts his mind unto Burghley, and requests his assistance in this unkind trouble. Before he understood the contents of the Council's letter of Sept. 8 had revoked the commission granted to Dr. Beacon of the chancellorship, yet in accordance with its tenour had allowed the fees of that office although that grant tended to the bishop's prejudice. Has also surceased his court of audience, intending to exercise the whole jurisdiction himself. In respect of the said revocation has been greatly molested by Dr. Beacon. Since which troubles has received a second letter from the Council, in which their lordships misliked the revocation, as savouring of severity and rigour, whereby writer perceives “quicquid tango ulcus est.” Copies of the Council's letters are given out, to the dispersing of writer's discredit in the country. Wherefore prays Burghley that in lieu of some pension or other recompence he may be delivered of him (Beacon), or else that they may both be left unto law. Rather than to be overruled he intends first to resign his bishoprick.—Ludham, 11 October 1578.
P.S.—“That your lordship may see what contempt the copies of the said letters dispersed have wrought already in this country, I send your lordship certain letters written unto me from a gentleman of these parts of the precisest sort.”
2 pp.
632. John Fuller to Lord Burghley
1578, Oct. 12. Detailing the proceedings in a Chancery suit, begun in Michaelmas term 13 Eliz., between Avary Uvedal, plaintiff, and John Fuller, defendant, and asking to have it referred to Burghley's decision. States that the Master of the Rolls, in the defendant's cases, “stood never yet upright or indifferent.”—12 October 1578.
2 pp.
633. The Earl of Northumberland to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 12. Has directed the bearer, his servant, to see how Burghley is after this long travel and progress, which cannot be otherwise than painful and troublesome. Is moved to become a suitor in behalf of Sir James Croftes, Comptroller [of the Household], who is marvellously oppressed with grief of mind that he could not attain to such honour at her Majesty's hands as he thought his service had deserved. Thinks the man has not the readiest way to do good to himself as other courtiers have, and finds he is hindered by indirect means. He standeth in need of help more than, perhaps, his stomach will yield to make show of to the world.—Petworth, 12 October 1578.
Seal. 1 p.
634. Richard Swynshed, “post” at Ware, to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 13. Since Michaelmas he went to London to one Robert Permenter, deputy to Mr. Randolphe, Master of the Posts, thinking to have received his wages for three quarters of a year (which is very long for a poor man to forbear), but he was told that he could not have any money, as the Treasurer of the Queen's Chamber had denied the payment thereof. As Burghley has always been good to him and all other “posts,” seeks remedy through him. Would have come up himself, but that the town of Ware of late hath been infected with the plague (but, “farther off from my house than a man can shoot”). Letters and packets come so last, at the least xxxiiijty (sic) times every month, and the charges so great, that, without payment, they shall not be able to continue in service.—Ware, 13 October 1578.
1 p.
635. R. Wrighte to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 13. Shortly after “my Lord's” [Essex] return to Cambridge the plague began in Queen's College, the infection being taken by the company of a Londoner in Stourbridge fair. There died only two scholars, whose death, although it caused a dissolution of the college, yet the danger was not found to be general, till it was further known that they were visited by divers scholars coming out of other colleges, suspecting not any contagious disease. This fear conceived, moved many to depart for a time, amongst whom he thought it convenient to remove “my Lord,” whom a particular cause did more nearly touch, by reason that one of the scholars aforesaid died in a house adjoining to his lordship's servants' inn, where, according to the proverb, Aliquod malum propter vicinum malum. His lordship did not repair to Keyston as before, because his uncle had left the town for fear of a disease wherewith it is visited, but chose a farm house of his own in Newington, 25 miles from Cambridge. Here his lordship remained 16 days, going forward in learning. Purposed to have returned to Cambridge, if his lordship had not been advertised of the death of a woman near the other house infected, which stayed him till Burghley's pleasure should be known.—Newton, alias Newington, in Bucks, 13 Oct. 1578.
Endorsed :—“My Lord of Essex at Newington.”
1 p.
636. Richard Pyope (Lord Mayor of London) to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 14. By reason of the dryness of this last summer, it is thought that this country's tallow will be very scant, and the price enhanced, to the great burthen of the poorer sort. Has, therefore, thought it his duty to signify to his lordship that there is arrived at Harwich some good quantity of Moscow tallow, and, it being there discharged, is bought by certain private persons, and laden again for foreign countries. If true, it is a great pity that this country should not be fully supplied, before any be suffered to pass hence. Commends this for consideration.—14 Oct. 1578.
Signed :—“Rychard Pyope m. electyd.”
Endorsed :—“Lord Mayor of London elect.”
637. Francesco Giraldi [the Portugese Ambassador] to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 15. Requesting Burghley to facilitate the transportation of 5 or 6,000 weight of candles stopped by the officials of the customs.—“De la Xertosa,” 15 October, 1578.
Holograph. Italian. 1 p.
638. M. Baptiste, “Castilion,” and Roger Young to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 15. In accordance with Burghley's letters to displace Brooker and his son of the possession of the inn in Ilsley and to deliver the same to Chandler, writer, with the assistance of Mr. Henry Blanchard, steward of the manor, went to the inn. There, Burghley's letters were read to Brooker in the presence of the parson, “the chief supporter and procurer of the controversy.”
Brooker and his wife, with great clamour (and keeping the doors fast shut), contemptuously said, that notwithstanding Burghley's letters they would kneel before the Queen before they would leave the possession thereof. The parson animated them therein and arrogantly said, that he marvelled to see such mutability in his lordship, and that they should try the fortune of the law before they should leave the possession thereof.—Battlesdon, 15 October 1578.
1 p.
639. Robert Dow to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 15. Andreas de Loo having obtained a new licence for “peltes” brought the same first to the collectors of the custom, who received the 20s. upon the thousand by virtue of the word “customer” in the licence. After, he understood that the same should have been paid to him, being collector of the subsidy outward, and making all cockets for strangers. The said Loo, having more pelts to lade, writer desires to know whether he may stay the cocket unless the 20s. per 1,000 is paid to him—London, 15 October 1578.
P.S.—The above letter finished, he received Burghley's letter touching Sir T. Gresham's licence. Iron unwrought is rated at £8 6s. 8d. the ton, and irou wrought is rated outward at £16 13s. 4d. the ton, being 20 cwt., which after 12d. for poundage pays 16s. 8d. the ton. For iron ordnance there is no rate, but they take the best rate for the Queen's advantage, the rather, because it is ordnance and (though it be cast) “we say it is wrought in his nature and kind for that service and use.”
Sir T. Gresham says it is not worth above £11 the ton and would pay poundage but after that rate, which is 11s. per ton, where others have paid 16s. 8d. per ton; and therefore desired writer to stay the rate till Burghley's pleasure were known. Consented to this as Sir Thomas was “no common merchant.”
1 p.
640. Thomas Wotton to Lord Burghley.
1578, Oct. 15. If the favour to be extended to Doctor Hector—in a licence of 200 quarters of wheat, to be transported to parts beyond the sea—depend upon a report of the plenty of that kind of corn, thus much may he say boldly and truly :—That the Lord hath this year blessed this part (and, he thinks, every other part) of the realm with such store of grain, fruit, and mast, that a large proportion of corn conveniently may be, and for the good estate of the realm necessarily ought to be, transported beyond sea, that may at good prices, to the comfort of poor farmers, be there readily and easily uttered.—From my house at Bocton Malherbe, 15 October 1578.
Endorsed :—“The plenty of grain in Kent.”
Seal. 1 p.
641. John Birche (Baron of the Exchequer) to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 15. Has been grieved with an ache in divers parts of his body for six weeks, and doubts that he will not be able to be at any part of this next Term. As the election of the Lord Mayor of London is to be considered and his oath taken on this day fortnight—it being doubtful whether Mr. Baron Frevill will then be able to be at the Exchequer for that matter—asks his lordship to be a mean that the matter may be done at the Tower of London, before such persons there as before this time it hath been used in that behalf, when it could not, for some reasonable cause, be done at the Exchequer at Westminster. Requests that Mr. Fanshawe be commanded to search the precedents of the Exchequer in that behalf, and to give information whether it hath been used to be done by Writ or Commission out of the Chancery, or otherwise.—Putney, 5 Oct. 1578.
1 p.
642. The Earl of Huntingdon to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 15. Has received his lordship's letters of the 8th inst. Such advertisements, if they prove to be true, must needs be acceptable to all Englishmen that fear God, love her Majesty, and thankfully embrace the happy peace hitherto enjoyed. For surely, that Duke John is of all men at this day living, if he live, the chief hope that the Papists have to be their martial champion; and, in those parts of the world a person that is had in great admiration. But, as he is but flesh, so is he but a blast, and live he never so long, he shall do no more harm than our God will suffer him, and that to the good of His children.
Of late he received a letter from the Privy Council directed to him and others appointed to examine the causes concerning the Dean of Durham. The letter is written somewhat earnestly, as if her Highness conceived some cold and partial dealing to be in some of the Commissioners. It hath been told writer that some in Court, and of good credit, had said that he (Huntingdon) was a fast friend to the Dean. He may well deal unskilfully, but never corruptly, or partially, if he be one of them.—York, 15 October 1578.
P.S.—Although the 21st and 22nd are appointed for the Gaol-Delivery, at which he thought to be present, yet now, after this letter, will go to Durham about this commission.
1 p.
643. The Earl of Huntingdon to Sir Francis Walsingham.
1578. Oct. 16. I thank God heartily for your good and safe return home again, where I trust you shall do more good in all good causes than many that for religion, etc., do not greatly like you would have you to do. If it be true, that is so constantly reported, of the death of Don Juan, the world in Flanders and elsewhere will marvellously alter, as I do think. But if he live, except we stick better to the cause than we hitherto have done, you know better than I what peril may ensue. Desires to know what he thought of his letters to the Council. On Sunday goes to Durham, leaving the despatch of the end of the sitting here and gaol-delivery to others of this Council.—York, 16 October 1578.
Holograph. 1 p.
644. Robert Petre to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 16. Mr. Hawkins had two Privy Seals, the one dated 23 Feb. last, for £150, for making two flood-gates at Deptford Strand; the other, dated 7 March, to be employed on the repair of her Majesty's ships aud for the new making of boats and “cockes” to the same. Encloses an order for £1,845 to be signed.—Westminster, 16 October 1578.
Endorsed :—“With a warrant for issuing of money, upon the extraordinary, for the navy.”
½ p.
645. Edward More to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 16. I delivered your letter unto her Majesty this morning, which was as well taken as any letter that ever you wrote unto her; for there was never a line but she did read it to me with singular liking of it, and she taketh special delight in finding your lordship is not a mis-liker of the cause. I was bold to write this much (being at this instant appointed to travail again in the cause), not so much to certify your lordship of that which is past, as that you may gather by this how to deal in it hereafter.—Richmond, 16 October 1578.
Addressed to :—“Theballes” [Theobalds].
1 p.
646. William Hutchenson to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 16. Whereas I have “traveiled” in divers parts of this realm, having letters for the apprehension of certain fugitive persons, enemies to the gospel of God and to the laws of this realm; in which circuit I find what great refuge and succour the papists have, which cannot easily be known nor apprehended by enquiries of Commission, neither by the bishops nor their officers exercising ecclesiastical jurisdiction, but rather are nourished or borne withal by such as have authority. So that thereby arise an ungodly diversity, for want of one uniform order in the church. For if the Queen's injunctions were ministered effectually, reformation would soon be had, and that by a certain mean which I will shew unto you. A rental might be made of all the names of papists, with their ability, that are in every diocese; and, being known, some kind of cross might be laid upon them for their surer obedience.
Endorsed :—“16 Oct. 1578.—For commission to search for fugitive papists.”
1 p.
647. E. Tremaine to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 17. Encloses a letter from Sir Richard Greinvile which, owing to the unskilfulness of the messenger, was carried back to Cornwall. Is sorry for the continuance of Burghley's infirmity, and much wished his presence at the return of the ambassadors out of the Low Countries, but hears her Majesty is well satisfied of all their doings. Wishes a right course were agreed upon for these causes, and pursued without alteration. Though the charges thereof may seem to be great yet were it better that this realm bore a good burden now, than to be subject to the thraldom that it shall endure by the setling of an evil neighbourhood in that country.
From the Earl of Bedford he hears that Sir H. Gilbert has but a bad beginning of his voyage. For, setting forth out of Dartmouth about the end of the last month, he was encountered with a contrary wind, which dispersed all his ships, and being sore beaten with weather, were forced, not without great dangers, to come back again to Dartmouth, where they remained the 10th of this present. Sir Humphrey himself being in the “Admiral” was driven to the “Kowe” by the Isle of Wight. Is sorry that so forward a mind hath so backward success.—Ankerwick, 17 October 1568.
Endorsed :—“With letter from Sir Richard Grenefield.”
1 p.
648. Dean Carewe to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 17. Desiring his assistance for the bearer, Traver, late servant to Sir Arthur Champernoun (“my nephew, deceased,”) to obtain the parsonage of Melles co. Somerset—patron Sir John Horner—which writer is willing to resign in Traver's favour.—St. Giles, 17 October 1578.
½ p.
649. The Earl of Leicester to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 17. The Ambassador of Portugal has written that the customers of the Port of London deal very hardly with him, in not suffering him to carry out the tallow for which he had licence. The Queen, meaning to deal as favourably with him now as when his master was alive, willed me to write to your Lordship that, except you know any cause to the contrary, you should order the customers to suffer him to carry out the said tallow.—From the Court, 17 October 1578.
1 p.
650. Sir Edward Stafford to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 17. I received twice within this se'nnight letters from Baqueville and Cussi, the one from Mons upon their report made unto Monsieur of their voyage hither, the other from Paris, whither they were sent to declare unto the King that which they had done here. I have sent them to your lordship, which I had done afore this time, but that they have been hitherto in her Majesty's hands. Since, again, the Ambassador brought a letter to her Majesty from Monsieur, full of the greatest courtesy in the world; in which he toucheth partly the voyage of Simier hither. Her Majesty did scarce like of Simier's coming, because she did take it that he was sent to conclude all things, which she liketh nothing, till she had seen him that she would agree withal. Would thereupon have had me write a letter for the stay, which I desiring her Majesty to consider first of, she spake with Mr. Secretary, and so agreed that he should write unto him about his coming hither; that, at the least, it should be with as little show and speech of the world as might be, and as little company. Which letter, being sent to the Ambassador, he hath despatched this day away. It seemeth Monsieur [is] very resolute in his opinion for this matter, and the Ambassador dealeth very affectionately in it. He hopeth to be no loser by it, I think. For her Majesty, I find her still with a meaning in the matter, howbeit, not so earnest as afore.—Greenwich, 17 October 1578.
Endorsed :—“With certain letters out of France.”
1 p.
651. C. Blithe to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 19. Asking for a warrant to Mr. Jenkins the Receiver in these parts for the payment of writer's fee as secretary.—York, 19 October 1578.
1 p.
652. Sir Thomas Gresham to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 20. It may please your lordship to receive by this bringer 70 great carp, 15 perch, and 70 bream; such as one of my ponds has bred. Having yet three of my greatest ponds to let out, I trust, by the end of this month, to send you, for the accomplishment of my promise to make up 100 great carp and 100 bream, of a greater sort. Desires his lordship to accept these till the rest come, which shall be shortly after his coming from Mayfield, on Saturday next.—Osterley, 20 October 1578.
Endorsed :—“With certain carp and bream.”
1 p.
653. The Earl of Leicester to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 20. Has imparted the cause of the stay of the residue of the Ambassador's licence to her Majesty, which was that it was turned into made candles, and the licence was only for tallow. Her Majesty says that if there be no more substance in the candles than was in the other matter of the licence, she does not conceive what hindering it can be more to the realm than if it had not been converted into candles. If she had known before her former grant the scarcity of tallow, she would not have granted it; but does not see how with her honour she may stay it. Albeit, she would have it pass away with as much silence as may be, seeing the bruit thereof may cause the ill-disposed to raise the price of candles. If there be any quantity come into the realm, Burghley should do well to see that there be stay made.—Sunday the 19th of October.
Endorsed :—“20 Oct. 1578.—Her Majesty's pleasure touching the passing of the candle by the Portugal Ambassador.”
Seal. 1 p.
654. The Earl of Warwick to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 20. Thanks Burghley for his great courtesy in serving him in this his necessity. Without help in this extremity writer's ruinous house should have been finished he cannot tell when. “My most hearty commendations not forgotten to my good lady your wife, as likewise to the sweet little Countess of Oxford. My 'amys' hath the like to your good lordship and to both the ladies.”—From the Court, 20 October 1578.
Seal. 1 p.
655. Transportation of Hides.
1578. Oct. 21. Warrant authorising the transportation of certain hides and goat skins brought hither by Barbary merchants, which are of no use for the realm and ought not to be stored up in any houses “in this contagious time of sickness.”—Richmond Manor. 21 October 1578, 20 Eliz.
Sign manual at the head.
1 sheet.
656. Sir W. Fletewoode (Recorder of London) to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 21. Advertises him that there is a matter in law between John Lucas, plaintiff, and Richard Scofeld, one of the executors of Alexander Scofeld, defendant, depending before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the Queen's Majesty's Court holden before them. Which cause, by a querela levata according to the custom of the City of London, was brought from before the Sheriffs to the Lord Mayor's Court by Lucas. Understands by Scofeld that Burghley has written to the Lord Mayor, at the request of Lucas, to remand the cause into the Sheriffs' Court, again, Thinks it good, therefore, to state that the ancient use and custom within the City hath been and is continued, that when any action or suit by levata querela is removed from the Sheriffs' Court to the Lord Mayor's Court, which is the higher Court, then the same hath never been remanded, but hath received trial there; which Scofeld desireth. Further, the truth is, that in her Majesty's Court holden before the Lord Mayor and his brethren, the evidence is always given as solemnly at the bar as it is in Westminster Hall; and therefore they have very often the Queen's Serjeants, Attorney, and Solicitor come there to give in evidence, whereas a “meane” counsellor will not deal in the Sheriffs' Courts because the evidence is never given before any Judge nor at the bar, but under a pillar in some corner of the Hall, where great disorder is used. In weighty causes men are glad, therefore, to remove their matters up by a querela levata, to the intent that they and their counsel may be heard by a competent judge. There is twice as much expedition in the Mayor's Court as in the Sheriffs', and by custom they may not deny any man his querela levata.—London, 21 October 1578.
1 p.
657 Edward Baesh to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 21. Praying Burghley to renew his suit touching the “stallation” of his debt, of £2,000, in case her Majesty will remit no part thereof. In case of his death, would be loath to leave so heavy a burden upon his wife and two little boys. As to the day of payment, it is an old proverb—“Beggars can be no choosers”; but desires Burghley to obtain for him as long time as he can.—Stanstead, 21 October 1578.
P.S.—Mr. Fanshaw has reformed a draft of a Privy Seal for the “stallation,” which writer has caused to be engrossed, leaving “a glass window” for the number of years.
1 p.
658. The Earl of Shrewsbury to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 21. Thanks him for the entertainment given to the Countess both at Mr. Rombold's and at his lordship's own house. Is sorry to hear that Burghley has been troubled with the rheum (?), he will not term it the gout.—Sheffield, 21 October 1578.
659. Sir William Winter to the Lord Admiral (Earl of Lincoln).
1578. Oct. 21. The unlooked for decay that has fallen out upon searching the ships (which have been lately repaired at Woolwich and Deptford in their dry docks), is not unknown to his lordship. Having considered what hath been the cause thereof, finds that it is the ballast, being gravel, which could not be trenched by reason of the cook-rooms that were made upon the same, and of the leakage of beer, with the shedding of water upon the said ballast; which did breed such a damp therein as it did taint both timber, plank, trynail, and the iron work near it. For remedy whereof, henceforward, it is thought good that there be cook-rooms devised upon the “overloppes,” and that the ships be ballasted with stones, which will suffer air to go through. As the quantity required for the Navy would grow to a round charge if it all came from the quarries near Maidstone, suggests that a letter be directed to the Keeper of Rochester Castle commanding him to suffer them to dig up the stones which lie in the old foundations within the Castle, without touching any part of that which standeth above ground.—Upnor, 21 October 1578.
P.S.—Encloses a draft letter to be written by his lordship and the rest.
1 p.
660. Sir W. Fletewood (Recorder of London) to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 22. Has been in Buckinghamshire since Michaelmas because he was hardly troubled every day with such as came to him having plague sores about them; and, being sent by the Lords to search for lewd persons, in sundry places be found “dead corses” under the table, which, surely, did greatly amaze him.
There has been news raised within these three days that Don John is alive, and hath given Casimerus a marvellous overthrow. The authors of the news were certain papists that haunt “Pools” [St. Paul's]. There is news that Thomas Cobham is dead in Flanders. Dr. Burcott, of St. Clement's Churchyard, is dead; I think of thought that he took for the death of a child of his.
This morning Doctor Bowes and writer are to examine certain of the rioters of Drayton Bassett; in the afternoon they are to examine certain in the town, where the Bishop of London, Lord Wentworth, the Master of the Rolls, and the Lieutenant will be.
Upon Monday last we had a Great Sessions of 200 at Newgate. The causes were very small, most of them for “pelfry” of meat, drink, and such like. We hanged nine horse-stealers, being old thieves. There was not one reprieved by any suit from the Court.—22 October 1578.
661. The Lord Mayor of London (Thomas Ramsey) and others to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 24. They are informed by Sir Rowland Haywarde (one of their brethren) of the staying of a ship lately arrived at Harwich, called the “Brave,” of London, tallow being a small parcel of the lading. Find the Lord [Mayor] elect has had information by two persons free of the Chandlers' Company, who sought the stay for their own gain. Writers—not ignorant of the baseness of the tallow brought from thence (especially of late years), the small quantity in the ship, and the loss to the Company of Muscovy laders by discharging parcel of the lading of the said ship—pray his lordship that he will set the same at liberty.—London, 24 Oct. 1578.
Twelve signatures.
1 p.
662. The Countess of Shrewsbury to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 24. My Lord of Leiceste, before my coming to Court, appointed one very good chamber, with some other little room, to be made ready for me, being part of his own lodging; whereof I rest very glad, for that I had rather have, albeit never so little a corner within the Court, than greater easement further off. Her Majesty vouchsafed most gracious acceptance of my duty. With most hearty commendations to your lordship, my good lady your wife, and good Lady Oxford, with her little sweet lady, I end.—Richmond, 24 October.
Endorsed :—“1578.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
663. The Lord Admiral (Earl of Lincoln) to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 24. Encloses a letter from Sir William Winter [see No. 659] desiring some other order of ballasting, and alteration of the cook-rooms in the ships, also that certain stone might be had from Rochester Castle. Thinks it will serve the purpose very well if Burghley would write a letter for the delivery of so much stone from the castle as may be spared without the defacing of the front. Sends copy of a suggested letter for the keeper of that Castle.
The ship which arrived in Sussex—with wines, books, and divers other things of good value—brought thither by pirates, is conveyed to certain ports on that coast, and the goods distributed, the Queen being deceived of her right therein under pretence of some privilege they have by charter of pirates' goods. The officer that went to stay the goods to her Highness' use was so troubled, arrested, and vexed, as hath not been the like heard of. Doubts not Burghley will see the offenders reformed, and thinks the Judge of the Admiralty will thoroughly give knowledge of all the disorders committed in Sussex. Would be glad to hear of Burghley's good recovery of health and of his coming to the Court.—From the Court, 24 October 1578.
664. Thomas Ramsey, Lord Mayor of London, to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 25. Upon information given to him of a great quantity of candle ready to be transported, has caused search to be made, and found 2,035 pounds further to be sent away, whereof he has made stay considering the present want of tallow. Since which has received from Mr. Dowe, of the Custom House, a copy of a letter whereby Burghley required them to suffer a quantity to pass for Sr Giraldi, the Portuguese Ambassador. Craves, therefore, his Lordship's direction, insomuch as the quantity that the ambassador has in readiness amounts to 4,300 pounds, which cannot but be some cause of dearth and enhancement of price.—25 October 1578.
1 p.
665. John Floydd to Lord Burghley.
1578. Oct. 28. Has been earnestly requested by the Lord Mayor for this last year past to signify his great grief conceived of the message Burghley sent him by Sir Roland Heyward and Mr. Customer Smith, touching his small providence in this dangerous time of infection, and his remissness in punishing of such as, being of houses infected, presumed to come abroad. There might be want of power or knowledge to do so well as he (the Lord Mayor) wished; “in respect that the multitude great who are to be governed, it cannot be but some faults must be either in the inferior officers who seek not so carefully to discharge their duty, or in the people, who will hardlv conceive what is for their good provided.—25 October 1578.
Endorsed :—“In excuse [of] the Lord Mayor.”
1 p.