Cecil Papers: December 1578

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp225-230 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1578', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp225-230.

"Cecil Papers: December 1578". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp225-230.

December 1578

670. Thomas Martin to Lord Burghley.
1578. Dec. 17. According to my promise I have sent a note of such notable practices for orchards, gardens, and ponds, and other like things of commodity and pleasure as my poor skill could attain unto. And because I have many of your lordship's fruit trees “mozy,” and “some to rot, and other some sick of the gall, or of the worms, and such other diseases which the very best trees are subject to,” I have prescribed in writing sundry remedies for the same, and did partly admonish your gardener and steward thereof. At what time I brought six other pearmain trees to be then presently set amongst your cherry trees, which fruit of pearmain is of that excellency that Sergeant Baram, and also Harris, her Majesty's fruiterer, did cut off 40 heads of the rennet to graft the said pearmain upon with “cyons” [scions] which they had from me. I have sent herewith a basket of the fruit, and trust to present likewise of the said apple and the pond pear at Easter and Whitsuntide next.—Murdon, 17 December.
Endorsed :—“1578.”
1 p.
671. Lord Cobham to Lord Burghley.
1578. Dec. 18. A French bark, taken by an Englishman, laden with wines, was brought near Margate, where, happening upon her a leak, the man-of-war was forced to forsake her, and so the ship, with the wine, coming upon the main, there was saved about 28 tuns by the men of the Isle of Thanet. Two French merchants now claim the wine, and, meaning to sell it upon the coast, are suitors to have Burghley's release of the impost in consideration of their great loss.—Cobham, 18 December 1578.
1 p.
672. Doctor D. Lewes to Lord Burghley.
1578. Dec. 20. Asking for a letter in behalf of Thomas Nicholson, citizen and merchant tailor of London, for the transporting of 400 quarters of wheat.—London, 20 December 1578.
½ p.
673. John Throkmorton to Lord Burghley.
1578. Dec. 21. Yesternight, about five of the clock in the evening, the sheriffs of London, by command of the Lord Mayor, with some difficulty apprehended the writer's brother-in-law, George Puttenham, and have this morning sent him to the Court. Trusts he may now, without offence, repair to his own poor house, from whence he has been long absent.—Throkmorton House, 21 December 1578.
1 p.
674. The Duke of Anjou to the English Ambassador [Sir H. Cobham.]
[1578 ?] Dec. 26. In sending a despatch to Simier has wished also to write a line to him entreating his good offices with the Queen his mistress. Thinks the Ambassador has often met Simier, and begs him to speak with the latter as freely as he would with himself, for Simier knows his intentions and the depth of his heart.—Alençon, 26 Dec.
Endorsed :—“A Monsieur Cobant, Enbassadeur pour la Royne d'Angletere.”
French. 1 p.
675. The Countess of Shrewsbury to Sir Francis Walsingham.
1578. Dec. 29. I do in mind acknowledge myself greatly beholden, the opinion you have of my fidelity and loyal service to her Majesty. My lord pronounced the contents of the articles you sent to this Queen [Mary], who seemed not so much to mislike of the same as that he charged her with them, and not, therefore, well pleased with him. Said she would not put her answer to his report for doubt of his “adecyone” [addition], but write herself at her peril as she hath done. And that stayed my lord so long because she kept her bed, saving “Cretoline” [Christmas] day, ever in effect since my coming. She is grown lean and sickly and saith want of exercise brings her into that weak state. I see no change in her of life, and whatsoever she writes in excuse of herself, I hope their will be advised considerations in believing her.—Sheffield, 29 December.
[P.S.]—I came hither “of Crestoline's even” and left my little “arbell” [Arabella] at Chatsworth. She endured very well with travel and yet I was forced to take long journeys to be here with my lord afore the day.
Enaorsed :—“Sc[ottish] Q[ueen] will answer.”
Holograph. 1 p.
676. “Presents at Richmond.”
1578. Dec. List of presents headed :—“a 20 Novemb.”
Item, from Sir Harry Lee, 2 “dowes.”
” from Mr. Comptroller, half a doe, half a cheese.
” from Mr. Lewes Dyve, 4 “vesants,” 4 little cheeses.
” at two several times from my Lord Admiral's, 2 pheasants.
” from Mr. Edmondes, 2 pheasants.
” from my Lord of Arundel, one pheasant.
” from Thomas Keyes, a “cock” of the kitchen, a pullet in “grese,” one woodcock, 6 plovers, 4 “snytes,” 12 larks.
” from Mr. J. Croftes, a capon, 2 pullets, 2 conies.
” from Serjeant Bore, 3 “snytes,” 3 dozen of larks.
” from my Lady Knightsley, 2 cheeses.
” from Sir Christopher Heydon, a card of sprats.
” from my Lord Riche, 12 plovers, 8 curlews, 10 marles, 2 woodcocks.
” from Mistress Walter, 10 puddings.
” from Mistress Lyfeld, 8 puddings.
” from Mr. Bridges, 7 puddings.
” from Mr. Fitton, a pie of woodcocks.
” from the Earl of Hertford, a pasty of “whyld bore.”
” from my Lord Admiral, 12 larks, 2 plovers.
” from the Serjeant of the Pastry, an orange pie.
” from my Lady Dacres, one fat doe.
” from Mr. Dacres, 3 pheasants, 8 puddings.
” from Mr. Plum, the master cook of the Lord “Syee” [? Say], a pot of jelly and 2 dishes.
” from Mr. Stokes, 2 “pastives” of red deer, one pasty of “whyld bore,” one of Hever.
January :—
Item, from my Lord Admiral, 1 “patridge.”
” from Mr. Jo. Croftes, 12 “snytes,” 2 pullets, 2 conies.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“Presents at Richmond. 1578.—Novemb., Dec.”
1 p.
677. The Earl of Rutland and Thomas Markham.
1578. Inprimis. Thomas Markham informeth that I, the Earl of Rutland, by buying this lease of Mansfield, have taken away the rest of all his countenance” in Nottinghamshire, yet hath he :—The keepership of Bestwood Park; the keepership of Clipston Park; two keeperships of two walks and woods, the one called Billow and Byrkland, and the other Romewood and Oslands; the keeping of Lyndhurst and Forsworne woods; the bailiwick of Mansfield, Mansfield Woodhouse, and Sutton; the stewardship of Newark; the stewardship of Plumtrie and Allerton; a lease of the demesnes of Wheatley; a lease of the manor of Idenstowe; the parsonages of Elsley and Bottomsell; the parsonage of Colson Bassett, by lease in reversion; a lease of Greveley parks. Also, the said Markham has found means to stay the “particular” to be granted of the castle and demesnes of Newark, whereby the earl is prevented from renewing his lease of the same. Also, the said Markham knowing that the Queen had promised the office of Justice and the forestership of Sherwood Forest to the Earl, with the keeping of Billow, &c., procured a patent of the said keepership for life, when her Majesty had before signed a Bill for him of all the aforesaid offices, during the Earl's minority, and caused both his patents to bear one date.
Endorsed :—“1578.—A note of those things which Thomas Markham hath of her Majesty's in the county of Nottingham.”
678. William Powell.
1578. Draft Warrant under the Sign Manual for grant of a lease in reversion for — years of tenements in the parish of Barking, near the Tower of London (now in the tenure of Roger James), unto William Powell, for his good service in the wars in Ireland, and also for his “mayhemes” received there.—20 Eliz.
Signet not affixed, and the dates left blank.
One sheet of paper.
679. The Earl of Lincoln.
1578. Bills for materials supplied by Alderman Kympton to the Earl of Lincoln, Lord Admiral, from 1576 to 1578. The items include :—“assur” at 9s. the yard, “blew bayes” at 2s. 6d., “asheculler bayes” at 2s. 8d., “red kersey” at 4s.; for “my lady,” “makrell-culler” and “Torky-culler,” each at 9s. the yard, and “veyolett in grayne” at 12s.
2 pp.
680. Articles to be ministered unto Anthony Gwerras.”
[1578.] 1. What letters have been either sent by you to the Scots' Queen or received by you from her during her imprisonment?
2. By whom were they conveyed, and when?
3. What was contained in them, and what letters or messages do you know to have passed between Don John and the Scots' Queen?
5 [sic]. How far did Don John proceed in treaty of marriage with the Scots' Queen, and who were the principal dealers therein?
4. Did you not let Don John understand by your letters that the said Queen had written to you to pray the King your master to have care of the banished men, especially the Earl of Westmorland?
5. In the cipher that passed between you and Don John, who were “82,” “29,” and “38”?
6. Whom do you know to be the principal favourers of the Scottish Queen?
7. What plots do you know to have been laid for her delivery, and by whom?
8. What practices have been intended for the disquieting of this realm, and who were the principal authors?
9. What secret messages have you received since you were restrained, and by whom?
Endorsed :—“1578.”
681. Mr. Moore's Conformity.
[1578.] I do acknowledge and confess that as the Articles of Religion, which only concern the confession of the true Christian faith and the doctrine of the Sacraments, authorised by Act of Parliament the 13th of her Majesty's reign, be good, godly, consonant and agreeable to the Word of God, as which (sic) I have hitherto most willingly taught and professed, and mind (God willing) continually to do the same.
And for the other Articles comprised in the said book touching ceremonies, the discipline and government of the Church, and other orders now established, I do acknowledge, confess, and am verily persuaded in conscience for anything therein contained (fn. 1) [the corruptions and imperfections not to be so great], (fn. 2) as that for the same no man ought to refuse to come to the church to hear sermons and the service in the Church, (fn. 3) and be partakers of the Sacraments. And, further, I do judge in my conscience and find by daily experience that the unnecessary teaching of such questions now in controversy in preaching or other public assemblies, to breed disquiet in the Church of God and to bring misliking of the state now present, are wisely to be foreseen, restrained, and avoided; which I mind and promise for mine own part (God willing) carefully to consider and perform.
As further, for the taking away of as (sic) offence, or the least suspicion of misliking, not in my private prayers only heartily, but also in my public prayers unfeignedly, together with the other estates and callings used, namely, to commend to God the right reverend father in God, Edmund, the Bishop of this diocese, [beseeching God of His infinite goodness for His, Christ and Chinch cause, that as He hath committed to him a great charge and, therefore, will require again a great accompt at his hands, so He will aid him with his special grace and a mighty portion of his Holy Spirit to perform the duty of his place, and to walk in singleness of heart before Him, to the comfort of His Church and to the confusion of Anti-Christ and his kingdom]. (fn. 4)
Endorsed by Burghley :—“Norwich.—A recognition of Mr. Moore's conformity.”
1 p.
682. Robert Standen to Anthony Standen, “Minor.”
[1578 ?] “O most dear, loving, and gentle brother, as I ever have found you, and also have tried you more than any brother or sister tha you have, as you know and as I may very well say, if I again on the other side for my part should seem so forgetful or so unmindful of you my brothers, being now in a strange land, you might think and also very well say that, pity it were the earth should bear so unnatural a wretch.” Finds no comfort at his father's hands nor at his brother Edmund's. Desires his most hearty commendations to his brother John.—Undated.
3 pp.
683. Lord Burghley to the Princess of Navarre and Béarn.
? [1578.] Purport unknown.
Draft. Illegible.
1 p.
684. Trade to the Indies.
[1578 ?] A paper headed, “Whether your Majesties' subjects may lawfully trade into the Indies,” stating :—(1.) It is to be understood that the King of Spain's title to the West Indies dependeth upon the gift of Pope Alexander VI., in anno 1493. (2.) The consent of the Pope was only conditional and the very words of the Bull are not to grant a conquest, but a means to convert and reduce them to Christianity; although the usage of the Spaniard hath been otherwise (and so the grant void). (3.) The Bull of grant is to be understood in cases lawful and not tending to the prejudice of a third person. But all princes had and have by the Law of Nations the right of navigation in the sea and the right of traffic, which the Pope cannot take from them. (4.) Since the date of the Bull, the King of Spain's ancestors have agreed with the Kings of England that the subjects of both sides might freely traffic in the dominions of both. And, therefore, the Spanish lawyers themselves have concluded long since, that the Venetians cannot inhibit that none but themselves should trade in the Adriatic Sea. Neither can the Spaniards or Portuguese make any such prohibition of their “Indias,” to prohibit lawful and orderly traffic.—Undated.
Signed :—“To A.”
1 p.
685. Scottish Hostages.
[? 1578.] List of names with the following headings :—
“The Regent's grace intending to pass in the North and mistrusting that the thieves should 'brek' in his absence, for the better assurance, caused take some more of them 'attor' the ordinary hostages, and has caused commit them in sure ward in several places” :—
“John Ellott of the Park” (and 13 others).
“The remaining pledges not altered from the places where they remained afore” :—
“William Ellot son to Martin of Reidhewch” (and 28 others).
These persons has (sic) found responsible sureties for their entry, when they shall be called on; and they themselves stand obliged for the good rule and obedience of all their men and servants” :—
“Edward Irving of Boneschall” (and 14 others).—Undated.
686. Ottaviano Lott to Sir Thomas Wilson.
[1578 ?] Praying him to send by bearer the articles which he read to him the other evening in the Spanish language, simply for curiosity. Asks him to breakfast with him on the morrow to meet a particular friend.
1 p.


  • 1. The words in italics are inserted in the margin byBurghley, and the following note in his hand is cancelled : “that although some of the said ceremonies have been brought into the Church since the time of the Apostles, and might by public authority be altered or . . . yet none ought.”
  • 2. The passage between brackets is apparently cancelled.
  • 3. Interlineated by Burghley.
  • 4. The passage between brackets is noted by Burghley : “This amplification of words doth breed more offence than edifying.”