Cecil Papers: January 1579

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp231-233 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp231-233.

"Cecil Papers: January 1579". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp231-233.

January 1579

687. The Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Francis Walsingham.
1578/9, Jan. 7. His joy on being informed of his sovereign's continued good health. The occurrences in the Low Countries he does not mislike, because it seems those of the religion are in hope of good success, for which every good Christian ought earnestly to pray : for if the Pope prevail there, he will have the more hope this way, and being withstood there, they see no cause to doubt in England, “although there be his friends too many. I can write to you no news from hence : my charge is sure, the country very well; but the gout doth somewhat pinch me by the hand and forbiddeth me to write.”—Sheffield, 7 Jan. 1578.
½ p.
688. The States General and the Queen.
1578/9, Jan. 8. Note of a bond from the States General to the Queen for the repayment of £100,000, which the Marquis d'Haver had treaty to borrow. Within 40 days after such loan made, they would give bonds of particular towns, to be named by her Majesty's agent, for repayment at the end of 12 months. If within the said 12 months peace should be made with the King of Spain, then to give full satisfaction before the conclusion of the said peace; or to send 12 hostages into England, whereof 6 of them to be of the States General themselves, and six others of honourable quality.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“A note of a Commission to the Marquis d'Haver to borrow £100,000 of her Majesty.”
½ p.
689. The Queen's Houses.
1578/9, Jan. 15. A warrant dormant for the payment to the Officers of her Majesty's works of such small sums, not to exceed in the aggregate £400 per annum, as may be necessary for occasional repairs in her Majesty's houses of access.—Richmond, 15 Jan. 21 Elizabeth.
Copy. 1 p.
690. The Queen to the [Duke of Anjou].
1578/9, Jan. 16. “Monsr, après la longue arrestée du voyage de Monsr Symey, il est ores, (fn. 1) grâces à Dieu, arrivé en vie et bonne santé, dont, pour l'amour que vous luy portes, en premier lieu, j'en suis très-aise, et puis, pour ce qu'il me semble de se monstrer digne d'honorer l'élection que vous en avez faicte, et trouve en moy que, sans l'ayde d'aultre advocat, luy mesme fera son paix avecques moy. Ce gentilhomme m'a livré vos lettres dignes, non du parchemin, ains d'estre escriptes en marbre, pour lesquelles, comme pour plus de choses, vous m'obliges de trop, comme icelle qui me confesse pour ma personne de ne le mériter, mais de bonne volunté m'advanceray jusques à la première. Et pour ne faillir en la plus grande occasion à la monstrer, je ne me puis gouverner que ne vous prie considérer, comme du commancement, je vous counsellois de prendre l'advis de plus sages, et en qui vous vous fiastes le plus, si ne pensâtes que v[ost]re honneur ne se esblouiroit en prenant le voyage en ce pays sans l'asseurance de v[ost]re désir. Et si en la moindre part vous le pençeries, je ne le soubhaiterois pour tout l'or du monde, et voyant le temps couler si avant sans v[ost]re résolution à le faire, je ne puis imaginer, qu'ilz le pensent convenable, pourtant je ne me monstreray si outrecuidante de préjudicier leurs sages advis, ains très-instamment vous supplie suivre ce chemin que peult conduire n[ost]re amitié asseurée, et de ne passer les columnes d'Hercules en disant plus oultre. Je vous ose promettre l'asseurance d'une telle que encores est à dire le mot qu'elle n'a gardé, et ne failleray la parolle pour la vie, et pour estre telle constance rare entre les princes, qui sont et ne le sont comme les affaires se présentent, je ne vous présente chose trop commune. Et craignant que Monsieur Symey ne geste quelque trame contre ce mien desseing, je vous ay fasché que trop de si fascheuse lettre, vous priant de pardonner la longueur d'icelle, suppliant le Créateur, après mes très-cordialles recommendations à vous, Monsieur, que vous vivies les ans de Nestor à la confusion des machines de vos subtilz ennemys pour les pouvoir tousjours vainquer. v[ost]re très-asseurée bonne sœur et cousine,—Elizabeth R.”
Endorsed :—“16 Jan. 1578.”—“No. 5.”
Copy. 1½ pp.
Modern copy of preceding; very faulty.
691. The Mayor of Dartmouth to Lord Burghley.
1578/9, Jan. 18. Informs him that the loading and unloading of merchandise is carried on daily in the Port of Dartmouth contrary to the instructions given by his lordship.
1 p.
692. The Merchants of the Stillyard.
1578/9, Jan. 27. Order of Council directing that licence be granted to the Merchants of the Stillyard to transport cloths out of the realm, which license had been restrained on information given to her Majesty that the Merchants Adventurers being her subjects had been restrained of sundry liberties and privileges which they had heretofore used and received from the “Free Towns of the Steedes.” The merchants of the Stillyard are at the same time enjoined to use their good offices to restore the ancient amity.
1 p.
693. The Merchants of the Stillyard.
1578/9, Jan. 30. Copies of several warrants to the Merchants of the Stillyard for the transportation of cloths out of the realm, bearing date from 1576 to 1578 inclusive.
4 pp.
694. The Merchants of the Stillyard.
1578/9, Jan. 30. Abstracts of warrants from the Lord Treasurer to the Merchants of the Stillyard for the exportation of cloth from 3 July 1576 to 28 Jan. 1578 inclusive.
1 p.
695. The Merchants of the Stillyard.
1578/9, Jan. 30. Statement of the amount of cloth passed by the Merchants of the Stillyard from July 1576 to Jan. 1578.
1 p.
696. Edward Stanhope to Lord Burghley.
1578/9, Jan. 31. Denying the appropriation of timber which had been allowed for the repair of her Majesty's great lodge of Beskwood. The timber work of the lodge has been so thoroughly repaired that he dares undertake for 6s. 8d. a year to repair it during his life (if it be not abused in keeping kine and cattle in the nether rooms there, and hay and corn kept and threshed in the upper chambers, as heretofore there hath been). The out-house used for a chapel, and the leaded out-room of stone have, according to order, been left standing, as also most of the “privies” about the house, which, by the “platt” were to be pulled down. Furnishes particulars as to the employment of the timber, and as to the work done on the “pale and rail.”
As the keepers and under-officers have informed this untruth of him, will briefly state what he conceives to be their grief.
Thinks it troubled them that by his constant visits to the park he found stems of goodly oaks near about the lodge, not long since felled, and some chambers in the house filled with “clift” and sawn ware for wainscot. Also, that by resorting thither he might understand of a strange kind of “browse” [brush] used there by the keepers, namely, so much top-wood felled in the park about Midsummer of a wood called lime, the bark whereof is used to make ropes, sold in one year for £5 or thereabouts, and the wood thereof converted to charcoal. Another grief was that the old “pale” was to be used as far as possible. Also, where any great thorns, hazels, or maples stood in the pale row, the workmen were to nourish them, or pin to them, using them for quick “stowpes,” and cut off the top of a good height for striking the pale. Thus has he both truly set down the matter they have charged him with, and a like truth in charging the keepers of the misusing of the Queen's grounds.—Gray's Inn, 31 January 1578.


  • 1. The word “hors” has been struck out, and “ores” substituted by Elizabeth.