Cecil Papers: April 1579

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp245-253 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp245-253.

"Cecil Papers: April 1579". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp245-253.

April 1579

719. The Queen's Marriage.
1579, Apr. 1. A collection of the perrells to be feared to ensew if Her Majesty shall not marry, with a comparison of the remedies of the same.
Draft, by Lord Burghley. 3 pp.
Rough notes, by Lord Burghley, of the foregoing perils and remedies.
1 p.
Further notes, by Lord Burghley, on the same subject.
3 pp.
Answers to the objections that may be made to the marriage.
Draft, by Lord Burghley. 3½pp.
[N.B.—The substance of all the foregoing memoranda is repeated in the later documents bearing on the same subject]
720. Cecilius to Lord Burghley.
1579, Apr. 1. Furnishing a long statement as to his distressed condition, and asking Burghley's assistance.
Heading :—Illustrissimo viro, religione, virtute, pietate, cumulatissimo D. Guiliel. Cecilio, equiti aurato, Do. Burghleio, summo regii ærarii prefecto, serenissimse Elizabethse a consiliis infimus Cecilius /??/evtiaipoviai.
Endorsed :—“Primo Apr. 1579. Cecilii espistola.”
Latin. 1½pp.
721. The Great Seal.
1579, Apr. 3. Docquet of bills that have passed the Great Seal.
21 Eliz.
Mar. 28. Lease to Michael Bothe and others of the site of the manor of Warrington, co. Northampton.
Lease to Henry Lord Cromwell of a tenement and certain tithes in Belton, co. Rutland.
Lease to Earl of Lincoln of the parsonage of Sempringham.
Lease to William Parradyne of lands, &c., in the town of Bedford.
Lease to Thomas Johnson, Esq., of the site and demesnes of the manor of Bromflete, co. York.
Mar. 20. Protection for William Edwards, proctor of the Poor House of St. Giles at Norwich, to gather in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Like protection for Thomas Smyth, one other proctor of the said house.
Protection for Henry Jones, proctor of the Poor House of St. Bennett's at Norwich, to gather in Norfolk and Suffolk.
Like protection for Richard Bushe, another proctor of the said house.
Protection for Thomas Jones, guider of the Poor House without Magdalen Gates at Norwich, to gather in Norfolk and Suffolk.
The like for Richard Betts, proctor of the said house.
Mar. 11. Protection for the Poor House of My Lend [Mile End] granted to John Thomas, proctor, to gather in Essex and Herts.
The like for Thomas Young, another proctor of the said house.
Mar. 3. Licence of alienation from Anthony Viscount Montague to Thomas Cure, the younger.
Mar. 28. Presentation for Henry Sittern to Ewhurst Parsonage.
Presentation for Robert Beard to Hilmerton Vicarage. [This entry is struck out and noted in margin by Burghley, “passed 18 Apr. 157–.”]
Mar. 22. Commission of appeal between James Goodcall and Blanche Cragge in a cause late depending before Dr. Awbrey and Dr. Clark, Judges of the Court of Audience. [this entry is struck out.]
Mar. 28. Exemplification of depositions of witnesses examined in Chancery between Robert Halton, Esq., plt., and William Brend, gent., deft.
Similar exemplification between Robert Cole, plt., and William Jarmv and others, defts.
Exemplification of the enrolment of a lease to William Pinchbeck of the parsonage of Chipping Wycombe, co. Bucks, for 21 years.
Mar. 28. Four commissions for John Somers to take up capons, hens, chickens, and pullets, &c., for the Queen's household.
Two commissions for Richard Spillesburie to take up wines for the same purpose.
Two commissions for Alexander Higham to take up “hoopes, twigges,” &c., for the same purpose.
Licence to sell wine for Elizabeth Paprell in Prickwell, co. Essex.
Licence to eat flesh granted to Hugh Kay ell, gent., his wife and two others.
Similar licence to Henry Drake and one other.
Dispensation to Thomas Jefferies to retain two benefices.
Mar. 27. Exemplification of a writ of Liberate between John Saunders and George Copsheif made 20 Eliz.
Custody of a garden and meadows belonging to the manor of Woodstock granted to Sir Henry Lee, Knt.
Dispensation to Owen Jones to retain two benefices.
Feb. 3. Pardon of alienation for Sir Thomas Kytson, Knt.
Apr. 1. Four commissions of provision for Mathew Besbiche to take up calves, “sturkes,” “veales,” bacon, pigs, &c., for the Queen's household.
Mar. 29. Commission of peace co. Warwick, renewed for the placing of Thomas Leigh, Esq. [This entry is struck out and noted by Burghley in margin, “Passed—Cressyng.”]
Feb. 19. Grant to Richard Patrick, citizen and haberdasher of London, of the manor of Woolwich, co. Kent, and of all right her Majesty hath in the said manor by reason of a deed made unto her Highness by Christopher Heywood, son of Richard Heywood, deceased, which deed was made by the said Christopher to the intent to defraud Richard Patrick of the said manor. For which manor the said Patrick hath disbursed £1,503 [m.vciij.], and is charged besides with an annuity of £60 yearly.
Apr. 1. Commission for John Boade to take up wheat for the Queen's household.
Lease to Henry Williams alias Crumwell, Knt., of the parsonage of Stukeley and Herford, co. Hunts, for 21 years.
Lease to Henry Wilcockes of two water-mills in Suthall and Clifton, co. Beds.
Lease to Brian Annesley, Esq., of the parsonage of Kidbroke, co. Kent, for 21 years.
Lease to John Ricardes of certain closes and pasture in Kentish Town, co. Middx.
Mar. 3. Licence of alienation from Arthur Lord Grey to Nicholas Rolles and others.
Licence of alienation from same Lord Grey to Charles Herbert, Esq.
Licence of alienation from Katherine Baker, widow, to George Bond.
Apr. 1. Escheator's patent for William Unwin, Esq., in co. Stafford.
Exemplification of [depositions] of witnesses examined in Chancery, between Thomas Wayte, plt., and Philip Watts, deft :
Commission of rebellion against Owen ap John Coytemore, at the suit of William Morgan.
Apr. 2. Patent to William Norrys, Esq., of the Receivership in cos. Middx., Herts, Essex, and the City of London.
Commission for George Ball and Rafe Redman, gent., to take up in co. Bucks, oxen, sheep, lambs, veales, sturkes, and hogs, for the Queen's household.
Lease to Anthony Lowe, Esq., of messuages, &c., in the cities of London and Bristol.
Lease to John Mownslowe of the chantry of Westbury, co. Wilts, for 21 years.
Lease to Boger Broke and others of tithes in Huddersfield, co. York, for 21 years.
Signed by Burghley and Leicester, and dated by the former, “Die Veneris, 3 Martii (sic.) 1579.”
Endorsed :—3 Apr. 1579.
5 pp.
722. The Great Seal.
1579, Apr. 11. Docquet of Bills that have passed the Great Seal.
21 Eliz.
Apr. 10. Protection for Morgan Walter, proctor of the Poor House of Highgate to gather in Surrey and Hants.
Protection for John Robinson, proctor of the Poor House of Knightsbridge to gather in Suffolk and Cambridge.
Protection for Nicholas Lambert, proctor of the Poor House of the Lock in Kentish Street to gather in Kent and Surrey.
Sixteen commissions for William Huckell and John Rayment to take up capons, geese, rabbits, all kind of wildfowl, &c., for the Qeeen's household.
Two commissions for John Stapleford, purveyor for the Queen's Majesty's mouth, to take up capons, chickens, &c.
Two commissions for Richard Freman to take up the like.
Four commissions for Henry Sladd to take up pikes, carps, tenches and other Thames fish for her Majesty's provision
Pardon for John Hopton, gent., for manslaughter.
Patent to David Morgan, gent., for the office of gaol-keeper in co. Glamorgan.
Pardon for John Roberts, citizen and merchant of London, for marrying a wife born beyond the seas, contrary to the letters patent granted to the merchant adventurers of England.
Grant in exchange made to Lord Hunsdon of the manor of Estenborne co. Berks, with other lands in divers cos.
Apr. 8. Commission to inquire after the death of Sir Thomas Gargrave, knt., co. York.
The like on Arthur Dakins, gent., co. York.
Commission to inquire of the idiotcy of William Seale.
Dispensation for Osmond David to retain two benefices.
Apr. 10. Patent to John Hunt, as one of the Queen's gunners within the Tower of London, for life.
Presentation for Owen Davies, to the parsonage of Maghuntley, dioc. of St. Asaph.
The like for Stephen Beaver, to Edmundthorpe parsonage, dioc. of Lincoln.
The like for Owen Nicholas, to Asheley parsonage, dioc. of Peterborough.
The like for George Downes, to the parsonage of Higham on the Hill, dioc. of Lincoln.
The like for John Savelle, one of the gentlemen of the Queen's Chapel, to the parsonage of Guissinge, dioc. of Norwich.
The like for Henry Hooper, to the parsonage of Blendworth, dioc. of Winchester.
The like for John Dood, to the parsonage of Churchlawford.
The like for John Walker, to Fillack parsonage, dioc. of Exeter.
Commission to inquire after the death of Edward Skegges, Esq.
Presentation for William Harrys, to Stretton parsonage, dioc. of Hereford.
Apr. 8. Exemplification of an office after the death of Jefferay de Nevell found in co. York, 13 Edw. I.; by request of Thomas Baldwyn, gent.
Apr. 10. Fee-farm granted to Sir Christopher Hatton, knt., of certain tithes in Brightelmeston co. Sussex, and divers other tithes in sundry shires.
Commission of rebellion against William Brockett and James Parker, at the suit of Francis Barker.
Feb. 3. Licence of alienation from Lord Monteagle to the Earl of Shrewsbury.
Commission to inquire after the death of John Mucklowe, esq., in co. Worcester.
Signed by Barghley and walsingham, and dated 11 April 1579.
723. The Queen's Marriage.
1579, April 13. The remedyes sought for to preserve hir Majesty and the State in peace, if she shall not marry.
The consideration hereof must consist upon the remembrance first of the perrills, and theruppon to mak provision for resistance.
The perrills may be comprehended within these two generall heades followyng :
1. Domesticque, that may happen directly within the Realme.
2. Forrayn, that may indirectly trooble the Domesticque.
Consideration of the Domesticque.
1. First, a generall greeff' of myndes to all good subjects that have had a desyre to have hir Majesty marry for the stablishyng the succession of the Crown in the happy issew of hir body by whom the Realme hath receaved so beneficiait a government, as this Crown never enjoyed the lyk, and therby the lyne of King Henry the viijtes body myght have had continuance without translating of the Crown to a stranger.
2. Secondly, an unspeakable sorrowe, with a perpetuall feare to all Godly subjects, lookyng for a terrible change of trew Christian relligion, not only to the slaughter and distruction of ther boddyes and disherison of ther houses, but a perpetuall bondage in the sowles of all good Christian people of the Realm and therby an infamy to the noble kingly crown of this realme which is now fre from all forrayn authorite and tyranny to be made subject and tributary to a shaven priest at Roome that occupyeth the place of Antechrist.
3. Thirdly, to the contrary sort ther must follow an universall inward joye and comfort to all such as beare no devotion to hir Majesty, as desyre vehemently a change of relligion for Popery, as are affected and have secretly vowed themselves to the Scottish Quene enemy to the Queen's Majesty and to trew Christian relligion and frendly to all such as for ther publick or privat respect have bene greved with many accidents duryng this Government.
Conclusion.—By these contrary affections of the mynds of the subjects of the Realme must nedes followe great difficulties in matter of government for hir Majesty, wher all hir best subjects shall be dayly discomforted and brought into dispayre, & all hir worst comforted and made bold and strengthened; so as what perrill so ever may grow to her Majesty, at home or from abrode, she shall dayly fynd decaye and weaknes in on part to serve hir, and in the other manifest reddynes with rancour and mallyce to offend hir and hir government. And whan hir Majesty shall hereafter in hir own person behold this calamite, and se the increse of the nombre of hir evill subjects and the defection or decay of the good; and fynd that by no meanes she can help it, but shall fynd the perrill dayly to augment, because that which was the only remedye by the ordere of God and nature left to hir Majesty is irrecoverable; it may be feared that the greff therof may perce her princely hart and hynder hir helth and deminish her yeres & so accelerat the ruyn of this kyngly state, which no tong can express how miserable it shall be, both for distruction therof by civill warr and by reducying rellygion into barbarisme by persequution and by a finall subversion of the trew faith in Christ in this realme.
4. Fourthly, ther may be feared also perrills at home by styrryng upp of rebellions for many respects, as cheffly for popery, and particularly for many other accidents redely taken holde on by discontented subjects, being provoked also by instigation of fugytyves abrode and called uppon from the pope and other forrayn princes, by whose small comfort and ayde ther may be easely procured styrrs and rebellions in sondry partes of the realme at on instant, and than all persons secretly reconciled to Roome, all persons not contented with the present government, who are not few nor unprovided of great welth, and all others frends to the Scottish Queen and naturally affected to all ther contrymen that have suffred deth or loss of inheritance for ther rebellion, and that ar fugytyves, will be bold to shew ther rancor, ther stoutnes, and ther vallor, ageynst which it will be hard, if any small forrayn ayde be gyven, to procure resistance without a gretar hazard of the State or chardg than can be now thought of, having respect how it cost the Queen's Majesty and the realm above ijc thousand pounds the only subduyng of the northern rebellion which lasted not above two monethes.
The perrils from abrode that may probably be dangerous to the Queen's estate.
Herin is to be considered, that if hir Majesty had issew wherby ther war hope of the certenty of succession, or that ther war not a knowen competitor that is favoured not only by the gretest princes and potentats of Christendom but also by a greate nombre of subjects dispersed almost in all parts of the realme, ther neded no more feare of forrayn perrills than was in the tyme of King Henry the viijth, King Edward, yea, or in Queen Mary's tyme, for that ther was a certenty of succession knowen in the iij children of King Henry the viijth successyvely to follow, with hope of issew by marriadg, which hope because it is to end with the Queen's Majestie's refusall of marriadg, the perrills therfor must ensew to hir estate which in the tymes of hir father, brother, and sistar happened nor was manifestly so dangerooss to be feared in these hir xx yeres reygn past, as now by no argument can be justly denyed, but of necessite must and will follow as by memoriall of these particulars followyng may to evydently appeare.
1. First, it can not be denyed but that the Pope, the French Kyng, and the King of Spayne do and will beare malyce to hir Majesty for ther particular interest and for reveng of injuries as they suppose, but specially for hurts to them doone in aydyng ther evill subjects both secretly and oppenly, which can not be denyed. And in respect of confederacy with them by the Emperor and all other states of Christendom for relligion, ther will not want good will to furder all attempts to the daunger of hir Majesty and to trooble of hir realme.
2. Secondly, for execution of ther forsayd evill will ther ar many meanes and provocations for such princes, knowyng what a party they may have in this realme, to attempt the offence of hir Majesty and the quietnes of her estate. First, they all shall for ther blynd zeale to the restitution of popery, and as they conceyve, to suppress heresyes and principally therby to reduce ther own contryes into obedyence, judg it grett wisdom to attempt ether a common warr by ther own joynt forces, or a great rebellion in England by ther support, to the rootyng upp of the trew relligion in the realme. And the more easely to accelerat this they shall temporise with ther own discontented subjects, so as they shall have none or lytle impeachment at home. And, for example, the French by the instigation of the house of Guise, the Queen's Majestie's sworn enemy, shall begyn to challeng the settyng of the Queen of Scots at full liberty, which, whyther it shall be denyed or graunted, must nedes torn to the daunger of her Majesty. The faction in Scotland favoryng the Queen of Scotts shall mak such a division in Scotland, as with a small countenance of men and ayd of monny, shall overrule the party for the kyng, and yet the person of the kyng shall be preserved, and the rather to contynew the quarrell that wold be made to this Crown by them both. The French also shall recontynew ther old plott to send some small forces into Ireland, wher, fyndyng people dyscontented, the French may with spence of xm crowns, dryve hir Majesty to spend jc thousand, and percase endaunger the whole state ther. To the increase of the French attempts it is not to be thought but the refusall of the Duke of Anjou's offers of mariadg will be no small furderance, and specially if he shall marry with Spayn, by which mariadg he will also become hable to mak enemyte betwixt England and the Low Contreys.
From Spayn may grow also lyk daungers, by gyving ayde to move troobles in Irland, wherof the present aydyng of James Fitzmoryce, allredy begon with shipps and monny, is a manifest argument.
If by pollecy, our trade of marchandise into the Low Contreys and into Spayn may be disturbed, by gret impositions, and by molestyng all marchants that will not profess popery, and by fardryng the contrary, the realme of England, havyng not otherwise sufficient vent, will ether be so greatly at home, as by lack of vent tumults will follow in clothyng contreys, or els by favoryng of popish marchants the worss sort of subjects at home will dayly incress both in welth and nombre.
Item, the present tyme also proveth very evill in acceleratyng of this perill, for that ther is newly controversy betwixt the marchants of England and the Hanz townes, wher, if trafficq be interrupted or suspended, the enemyes abrode will tak no small advantage.
The remedyes, mariadg being refused.
There must be expectation more of God by some syngular unknown remedy, than by humayn reason. Wherof hope only must be conceaved of his goodnes if ther may appere that by syncerite of professyng of his rellygion in this realme, and without other wordly respect, the Queen's Majesty and hir good subjects shall be subject to the generall mallyce of the grett potentates.
The remedyes in human reason ar to be comprehended in lyk ij generall heads as the perills war.
Domestically : (1.) To stablysh rellygion syncerly, to comfort the subjects that shall orderly observe the same, to brydle and to chastyse the contrary by Justyce. (2.) To govern the people with justyce indifferently, to forbeare to molest them with innovations, with frequent subsydyes, with disordered executyon of penall lawes for privat mens disordred gayne, and not for the publyck weale. (3.) The Queen's Majesty is also to be well furnished with both aforhand, to mayntean hir Navy uppon the seas, to have plenty of provisions for all kynd of warrs, specially of provisions which must be hadd from forrayn contreys, and also to wage armeys at home to withstand rebellions or forrayn invasions; and in lyk sort ther must be meanes to supply her tresur when it shall be spent, which must be by subsydyes, xvths, and such lyk, or by sale or mortgage of her own lands. (4.) Also an Act of Parliament to dishable any person pretendyng title to the crown, from any right or claym to the same, in case by any of them, directly or indirectly, the Queen's Majesty be disturbed in hir government by any outward act of hostilite, or otherwise by any overt act to the danger of hir person.
For perrill abrode :
Ther must be meanes used to contynew the inward troobles of the French Kyng and Kyng of Spayn, for which purpoos ther must be some conjunction made with the heades of those factions, and the principall must be to yeld them releve of monny, both for themselves and strangors, soldiers, namely out of Almayn, wher her Majesty is also to conjoyn hirself with such prynces as profess hir relligion, the band of which conjunction must yerly be made by her Majesty of gold or silver, for no other meane will ty them to any service.
Hir Majesty also must presently obteyne the King of Scotts to be at hir direction, namely for mariadg; which must be had by a yerly support gyven to hymself, and rewards to his nobillite. So that, [to] conclude, with these strangers the verss will be verefyed, “Querenda pecunia primum : virtus post nummos.”
Endorsed :—“Die Lune, 13 Apl. 1579. The contents hereof war declared by me, W. B., to the Queen's Majesty in presence of the Erles of Sussex and Lecester, the Lord Hunsdon, Mr Secretary Walsyngham and Wilson.”
Draft by Lord Burghley. 6 pp.
724. The Earl of Shrewsbury to Lord Burghley.
1579, Apr. 15. I had forgotten to let you understand of a papist I caused to be apprehended, that I have a good while laid wait for within my lordship of Glossop. His name is Feldsende, sometime vicar of Westall (?), and because he could not mass and mask in his garments he resigned up his vicarage, and hath ever since kept himself in secret, and denies not his absenting himself both from Service and receiving of the Communion. And surely he is both wise and stout (?), and bears the name of learning and therefore may do much harm; and do mind to keep him here till I hear from you what shall be further done with him.—Sheffield, 15 April 1579.
Endorsed :—“From the Earl of Shrewsbury : He hath apprehended a certain popish priest.”
In very bad condition. 1 p.
725. Nicholas Roldesbye to Lord Burghley.
1579, Apr. 22. Offers his house and nine acres of land in pasture within the parish of Edelmeton for the sum of one hundred pounds, in lieu of one hundred and twenty previously asked.—22 April 1579.
1 p.
726. The Earl of Shrewsbury to Secretary Walsingham.
1579, Apr. 26. I have received your letter concerning the papist priest. He is a very obstinate and froward fellow, and hath done no good where he was. I will accordingly take order for him. I think best to send him to York which is nearest unto me, being at Sheffield.—From Sheffield, 26 April 1579.
Holograph. 1 p.