Cecil Papers: May 1579

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp253-259 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1579', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp253-259.

"Cecil Papers: May 1579". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp253-259.

May 1579

727.—Reports as to the Conferences with M. Simier.
“3 Die Maii, die Dominica, apud Westminster.”
1579, May 3 and 4. The Queen calling to her the Lord Treasurer, the Earls of Sussex and Leicester, and Mr. Vice-Chamberlain, commanded that the Council should be made acquainted with the whole matter as it had passed concerning the Duke of Anjou's request to marry her Majesty.
Whereupon the Lord Treasurer succinctly declared what had been done both by M. Bacherville the last summer, and now lately by M. Simier; and how her Majesty had always refused to conclude marriage without an interview; to which Monsieur had at last agreed and given Simier commission to assent thereto, provided he might first see what the Articles to be agreed upon for the Covenant of Marriage should be. How sundry conferences had thereupon been had, and it was by common consent agreed that the question of religion should remain in suspense until an interview had taken place, when if there should be a mutual liking it should be finally settled, and if there were no such liking the cause of breaking off the marriage should be imputed to the difference on matters of religion. And because certain new Articles had lately been offered on the part of Monsieur by M. Simier, which differed greatly from all previous Articles, and which contained matter of great consequence and hard to be allowed, her Majesty was pleased to direct that her whole Council should consider the present state of the case especially with reference to these new Articles. The tenor of the said Articles was : (1.) That Monsieur on his marriage with her Majesty should be crowned King during his life, with caution not to prejudice her Majesty's right or that of any of her successors. (2.) That he might enjoy in society with her Majesty a joint authority in the giving of Benefices, Offices, Lands, &c. (3.) That he might have an assurance of 60,000 pounds sterling, both during the marriage and during the minority of any child born thereof, and being heir to the Crown.
After these declarations it was asked by some of the Council, namely, by such as had not been present at any former conferences, whether her Majesty's pleasure was that they should give their opinions on the whole question of the marriage or only with reference to the new Articles; which point being referred to her Majesty she decided that the present consultation should be on the new Articles only, as Simier pressed for an answer thereto, and her Majesty had promised that he should have it in two days. Whereupon the said Articles were closely examined, and by some of the Council all three were thought meet to be utterly denied; but by the greater part of the Council it was resolved that the first for the coronation, and the last for the sixty thousand pounds should be denied as things not to be considered of but by the counsel of the whole realm in Parliament, and so to be partly put in suspense until Monsieur's coming. For the second, concerning conjunction with her Majesty in all things pertaining to the Crown, it was by all the Council thought meet to be utterly rejected and denied as a matter that touched her Majesty's regality so much that thereby Monsieur might have vocem negativam; and also because in the marriage of Queen Mary the contents of that Article were prohibited by a special clause of the Treaty.
“4 Maii, die Lunæ.”
In the forenoon report was made to her Majesty by the Treasurer, the Earls of Sussex and Leicester, and Secretary Wilson of the resolution of her Council, which her Majesty did allow, and willed that M. de Simier should be sent for, and asked whether he meant to insist on these Articles or if he had authority to qualify them; and if he had none, then that he should be informed of her Majesty's mind concerning the same according to the resolution of the Council.
Minute, in Lord Burghley's hand.
4 pp. [Murdin, p. 319. In extenso.]
728. The Answer made by the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Admiral, the Earls of Sussex and Leicester to M. Simier.
1579, May 4. He was told that her Majesty had caused her Council to take into consideration his last answer, which contained three Articles of the greatest importance; and being asked whether he meant to persist in these demands or whether he had any authority to qualify them, he answered that he was charged to persist therein; and although he had authority to treat thereon largely, and even to alter them in reasonable cases, yet he saw no sufficient reason for doing so. He was then informed of the resolution of the Council, and in the end persisted in all his demands and yet concluded to forbear the second, requiring her Majesty's private assurance that the other two should be propounded to Parliament and obtained. This he was informed her Majesty could not give consistently with her honour, and so departed unsatisfied. Report was made to her Majesty in the garden, and immediately M. Simier resorted to her.
Minute, in Lord Burghley's hand.
1 p. [Murdin, p. 321. In extenso.]
729. William Waade to Lord Burghley.
1579, May 7. In my last, from Venice, I did advertise as the time then did yield. Since which, on a sudden, are seen great preparations for war, all for the King of Spain, but where to be employed rather guessed than known. In Tuscany are already in readiness 9,000, whereof is General D. Pietro, the Great Duke's brother; Prospero Colonna “Coronell” of 3,000; the Prior of Hungary “Coronell” likewise of 3,000; and Spinelli, a Neapolitan, of other 3,000—which do but attend their pay to march.
At Naples are 50 galleys, with those of Genoa, all in order, besides divers other vessels which are stayed, as many as come to Naples. Out of Germany are 12,000 spoken of, and in Spain 150 ensigns, besides the third of Naples; and in Lombardy they muster at this present.
The King of Spain hath taken up 300,000 crowns upon the Dogana and silk at Naples, which is furnished by Florentines. The Pope hath forbidden, upon pain of death, that none go out of his dominions.
The common voice is that all these preparations are against Portugal; the opinion of some, against the King of Fesse [Fez]; and others say, to assure the coast of Spain against the Moors, which “the Portugal” hath called to invade Spain. Another opinion is that some exploit in Africa is intended, because, at Naples, are made certain bottles they call “borachos,” every soldier to carry with him, and they weave a kind of baudric cross, their body, which is hollow, to carry “bickit” in, whereof is prepared great quantity at Naples, and of shoes 20,000 pairs. D. Pietro's being in Spain before the King of Portugal's death makes men think this enterprise long since intended.
Besides, John Marino, that was sent by the King of Spain to treat the league with the Turk, hath been these three months at Raguse with the Janissaries and “a Chans” [sic] attending the king's ambassador that should bring his resolution; and long since did set forth from Naples. So it is thought that the King hath secretly revoked his ambassador and entertaineth the Turk with delays, meaning to break off that practice. For it is certain that the Turk hath received a great overthrow of the Persian at Seroan [Servan] not far from Tauris, with the loss of 100,000 men and 200 pieces of artillery. Wherefore the Turk means to go in person against the Sophy, and hath commanded general musters of all that are able to wear a sword. But if these forces of the King of Spain are to be employed somewhere in Africa, it seemeth “unleavely” that the Pope should let his subjects and forbid them, upon so great pain, to stir forth. Thus, there are diverse opinions. In the mean season there is no more order here, nor hath not been this month, for money for the Low Country.
I sent your lordship fifty sorts of sundry seeds, by the best means I could, to come in time to sow. If they come too late I have bespoken others of this year for the next, if they be of such sort as do like your lordship. They are the rarest and most excellent that are to be found in all Italy.—Florence, 7 May (where, as I did arrive, I found the ordinary ready to depart).
Endorsed :—“1579.”
2 pp.
730. Restraint of Alum.
1579, May 9. Warrant to prevent Italians and other merchant strangers from bringing alum into the realm and transporting it thence.—Westminster Palace, 9 May 1579, 21 Eliz.
1 p.
731. The Earl of Shrewsbury to Sir Francis Walsingham.
1579, May 10. Thanks him for his letter of comfortable advice, for the better conceiving of that it pleased her Majesty to write to the Earl in so earnest sort, touching the complaints of the Earl's tenants. Trusts no misliking may accrue to him “by the causeless complaints of these lewd persons, that refused so reasonable offers.” The unjust complaints about parcel of the severalty of the Peak Forest, wherein the tenants claimed certain inheritance against her Majesty, whose only right the Earl defended, is now put into her Majesty's remembrance as a thing to be misliked. The matter was heard judicially in the court of the Duchy of Lancaster. Trusts her Majesty will command the Chancellor to report the truth of that cause, which should show that the complainants had therein neither wrong nor any hindrance offered by him.
“I shall have such dutiful regard to the rest of the contents of her Majesty's letter, as well to satisfy her Majesty's expectation every way, as also for my own honour, as becometh me; and for the 'impearinge' of my credit or ability (by these complaints), so as it might be any hazard to the safety of my charge, I see no such doubt, knowing, as I assuredly do, the gentlemen and people of that county to be in very quiet order, and so affectionate, as they will be most ready and willing to perform their duty of service to her Majesty under me upon any occasion.” Trusts he will resolve any doubts her Majesty may conceive of him.—Sheffield, 10 May 1579.
1 p.
732. “Occurrents out of Scotland.”
1579, May 14. On the 4th of May Hamilton Castle was besieged by the Earls of Morton and Angus, the Lords Ruthven, Boyd, and Cathcart, and the Master of Glencarne. There are in the house 50 able men. The house is well garnished with armour and weapons, and furnished with victuals for a year.
The Hamiltons have been openly with the Lords Maxwell and Harrys [Herries]. Arbroath hath embarked at Kirkcubray [Kirkcudbright] for France, but Claude remaineth quietly in Scotland.
The Lord Harrys is sent by the Hamiltons to the King to offer to yield the houses of Hamilton and Draffyn, providing that the Captains thereof to be appointed may be Stewards, and neither Douglas nor Boyd. They offer also to leave the realm, so they may enjoy their livings.
Captain Crawford is hurt in the foot, two soldiers slain, and divers hurt with shot out of the house. The siege is to be continued and holden by quarterage; Morton and the other now present there are to return within a short time; and Argyle, Athol, Montrose and others shall succeed and enter. Before they come home there will be news.
The Earl of Lennox is to be Lieutenant-General in Scotland during these wars, and Argyle shall be Chancellor. But no sudden resolution is like to ensue in either of these.
On the 13th of May there was sent out of the Castle of Edinburgh, towards Hamilton, two cannons, a “battard” and a “moyen.” Other ordnance is sent from Stirling and Dumbarton, and the town of Edinburgh has sent 200 men with the ordnance.
It is looked that the Hamiltons shall seek support from the Queen of England, because her Majesty hath been the author of the general pacification in that realm.
Six earls, besides sundry lords and barons, with other gentlemen, have subscribed to pursue the murder of the Earl of Athol.
If the Earl of Huntley be not already departed towards France, upon his licence before obtained, he is then like to be restrained. The Earl of Angus intendeth to hold on his journey to France.
Lord Seaton and his three sons are charged, under pain of treason, to enter “in ward” in the castle of Brechin, where they are all except the Lord himself, who repaired to Stirling to mitigate this charge.
It is thought that the Cavalier de Bucca (besides the outward show that he brought to the King) had either privy direction or quiet traffic to be intended, with some quiet favours of the Queen Mother, to the King of Scots.
Lord Seaton was charged before to bring in Robert Bruce, servant to the Bishop of Glasgow, who, Seaton affirmed, had not been in his company long before. Bruce is now declared rebel and enemy to the King's Majesty.
It is commanded by open proclamation that no passenger should be received into any ship to be carried out of the realm, and all licences granted are disallowed.
There is a conventicle of Athol's friends to be holden the 15th of May, instant, at Dunkeld, where Argyle is looked for. But he is more like to be absent.
Captain Ninian Cockburne died the 6th of May.
733. Mark Luntley, Merchant, of London.
1579, May 18. Recognizance reciting that Mark Luntley “hath remained prisoner in the Counter in the Poultry by a certain space for divers misdemeanours by him committed in her Majesty's chace of Enfield, in hunting there.” He now enters into a recognizance of £40 to be of good behaviour.—18 May, 21 Eliz.
Signed. Seal.
½ p.
734. [—Heriot ?] to [Archibald Douglas], the Scottish Ambassador in England.
[1579 ?], May 21. J'ay presenté vos lettres et la pistole à sa Majesté qui a tout réçeu de bonne part, luy ayant fait entendre ausi que me l'avez dit. Monsieur le Chancelier y estoit présent. Le Roy estant en son cabinet, ou il a leu vostre lettre en sa présence. J'ay trouvé cy une Court composée de diverses humeurs. Je m'y trouve Robin tout neuf. Je veoray quel sera le cours du marché, et j'éspere pas y faire long séjour. Il a plu a sa Majesté déscrire en France pour moy, tout ainsy que je l'ay desiré. Je attendray la responce, pour tout incontinent après m'achéminer à vous, pour passer en France, si ma réqueste est interniée (?). Je trouve que les fidèles amys sont aussy rares en ce pays autant ou plus qu'en pais ou j'ay jamais este.
J'ay passé chez monsieur vostre frère, qui de sa grace m'a fait fort bonne chère, et m'a monté pour parvenir jusques icy, ou jay trouvé vostre [nepneur laisoir ?] qui s'y trouve aussi empesché que moy. Maistre Richard est passé au pays du North, qui n'est encores de rétour.—A Edynbourg, ce xxj de May.
Dépuis ma lettre escrite, Maistre Richard est révenu, au moyen duquel nous avons entendu ce que vous avez mandé du tumulte de Paris.
1 p.
735. Advertisements from Edinburgh.
1579, May 24. The castles of Hamilton and Draffin, seeing the ordnance to approach on the 15th of May, offered composition and to render upon these conditions :—(1.) That they within might have remission for all faults done before that day, except the murder of the King and two Regents; and that for those crimes they might remain unaccused for 15 days next after their coming forth of the houses. (2.) That they might depart with bag and baggage.
The Abbot of Dryburgh returned with those articles from the camp to the King, who resolutely denied all the conditions, affirming that it was not honourable for a prince to deal with his rebels in such manner, and that the offences of those men ought not to receive any form of “Indente.”
Lord Ruthven, also, was sent afterwards from Hamilton to persuade the King to more clemency, wherein he could not prevail to get other grace or answer of the King than that, if they would yield simply, he would perhaps show favour to such as he thought worthy. It is though that the Earl of Morton, by secret messages, procured the King thus to deal with them.
Upon the 19th of May the house of Hamilton was rendered simply, and the Earl of Morton carried the prisoners taken therein to Stirling, where he was honourably received by the King, who oftentimes had said openly that no nobleman's service in his realm was to be compared to Morton's, whereupon no small offence is conceived by sundry hearing the same.
Captain Crawford, with his band, remaineth at Hamilton to raise and cast down the same.
The keepers of Draffin abandoned the house in the night, and young Sir James Hamilton, with a gentleman of the King's, remain in the house there, which is to be rased, as is yet determined.
There is a Convention of the nobility begun at Stirling the 23rd of this month. It is thought the Lord Maxwell, the Provost of Edinburgh, and other of the associates at Falkirk shall be committed to ward.
It is like that Montrose shall join in friendship with Morton.
At the conventicle at Dunkeld Sir James Bayford's case was holden so desperate as none would meddle therewith. He is quietly departed into the North, intending, as some think, to pass into France; but others are of opinion that he would seek to persuade the Gordons that their estates and conditions are no better than the Hamiltons. All which matters will be prevented.
The Earl of Arran is brought to Lythekoe [Linlithgow], and left there in the custody of Captain Launney. His mother and Lord David Hamilton are likewise to be brought to Lythecoe.
These prisoners following, taken at Hamilton, are to “theyle” an assize at Stirling the 25th of this month, for the several slaughters of the Earls of Murray and Lennox, viz. :—Arthur Merington, late Captain of Hamilton; David, his son, laird of Sillerton; Arthur of Bothwellhaugh, brother to him that slew the Earl of Murray, and he that held James Hamilton's stirrup after he had killed the Earl of Murray at Lighkoe.
James Douglas, son of the Earl of Morton, seeketh earnestly the life of Arthur Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh, and the Earls of Mar and Bougham with the Laird of Loughleven travail also for the same, saying that the lives of ten of the best of the Hamiltons is but a small recompense for the loss of the Earl of Murray.
Lord Seaton with his three sons are removed from Bryghan [Brichan] to St. Andrews, where they remain prisoners.
There is no tumultuous commotion seen in Scotland at this present, yet the privy whisperings and many other like circumstances threaten some trouble hastily to arise.—From Edinburgh, 24 May, 1579.
736. The Archbishopric of Canterbury.
1579, [May]. A paper with the heading : “A short way to reckon what Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, ought to pay for First Fruits of his see, and how much he is overcharged by his late composition therefor.”
First, the value of the Archbishopric at the granting of First Fruits, 26 Hen. VIII., was £3,233 18s.d., and half a third part.
Owing to exchanges between the King and the Archbishop, the revenue was decayed in yearly value £277 0s. 12d., and therefore Edward VI. by Letters Patent, 31 Aug., 1 Edw. VI., fixed the yearly extent at £2,956 17s. 9d.
Of this sum is to be abated £140, by reason that the faculties being valued 26 Hen. VIII. at £200, were by Decree, made 5 Edw. VI., valued at £60.
So the value is £2,816 17s. 9d., whereof the yearly tenth was rated by Edw. VI.'s Letters Patent at £148 5s. 7d., and thereof since was abated £14 by force of the Decree, and so the tenth hath remained at £134 5s. 7d.
So this tenth being deducted, the First Fruits should be charged at no more than £2,682 12s. 2d.
Notwithstanding this, Edmund, now Archbishop, compounded at the rate of £2,784 10s. 10¼d. (not then knowing of the said Letters Patent), and desireth abatement accordingly out of the payment, due 20 May, 1579.
Endorsed : “1579.”
1 p.
737. The Anjou Marriage.
1579, May. Notes of certain points to be considered in treaty with M. Simier, as to the coming of the Duke of Anjou to England, the manner of his reception, &c.
2 pp.