Cecil Papers: April 1580

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: April 1580', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp319-322 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: April 1580', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp319-322.

"Cecil Papers: April 1580". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp319-322.

April 1580

835. Robert Garrod to the Earl of Lincoln.
1580, April 2. Poor state of his health. Thinks himself ever bound to be at his Lordship's commandment. In answer to the first part of the Earl's letter, is heartily sorry that his son Lord Clinton should any ways offend so good, so honorable, and so natural a father as the Earl has ever been to him. Lord Clinton's taking his son, Mr. Clinton, from the Earl. The writer has long known that Lady Clinton continually spoke to him to write to the Earl, that she might go up to London only to see her son, and if not, then that the Earl would be so good as to send her son down, that she might but once see him. These were her continual requests, and how often she hath by her letters practised to Lord Huntingdon and others her friends for the same he is not ignorant. Moved the Earl to consent to her importunate suit, being but motherly and natural. “And truly with much ado it was granted by my lord, marry, in no wise that she should go up to London, which, as he ever said, would be too costly, and with these words said, I can bring him down and up again with 20l., and I cannot have him up and down not with 200l., which were too much. Other policy or any unnatural dealings of the father, truly before God, and, as I think, there is none; but only to please our Dame, or else there can be no peace in the house. And yet, when my Lord Clinton came home, and had a little before sent to Tatarsall his son by E. Dyghton, I said to my lord these words, I pray God you have not offended my lord your father in bringing him down, for I know that my lord your father doth love him dearly. His answer was that, although I had made his Lordship privy to his mother's request, yet, if it liked not his Lordship, he would no ways offend him in that nor in any other.” Wherewith the Earl was satisfied, and, in the presence of Lord Huntingdon, was content that he should be placed in Cambridge. This is all that he knows in the matter, but is sure that his [Lord Clinton's] meaning was not to offend the Earl therein; he meant neither policy nor subtilty in this matter.
As for the other matter of throwing a dagger at a gentleman, wherewith the Earl is aggrieved, is sorry for it, and wishes Lord Clinton more advisement, with better consideration, than to deal so rashly. The Earl wishes no man to be privy to it. Had no means of knowing the matter, save from one of his Lordship's men, who affirmed that the doctor's son-in-law gave unto his Lordship so hard, so unhonest, and so indecent words, that any man of any courage, though a much meaner man than Lord Clinton, would not have borne it. Begs the Earl to be, as he has ever been to his son, a very good, honourable, and natural father, and not in any choler or displeasure to strike the nail to the head; nevertheless not to be better to his children.—Shefford, 2 April 1580.
3 pp.
836. Lady Bridget Dymoke to the Earl of Lincoln.
[1580], April 5. Concerning her husband's debts, and her proposed method of obtaining relief.—“Scrylesbye,” 5 April.
Addressed :—“To the Reghte honorable and her singuler good lorde and father, the Earle Lyncolne.”
Below the address the Earl has written :—“My daughter Dymocke's leter, and on other leter shewing of her forder desyer secretly consernyng that mater.”
1 p.
837. Robert Payne to Lord Burghley.
1580, April 13. I have heard by divers that your Honour would have Stamford a clothing town. If your Honour would but procure your own tenants to convert the most part of their wool into yarn and train up their poor people in spinning, but two years at the most, there would not be so few as a thousand poor people presently set a-work; but also they would be so perfect in that space that clothiers would sue to your Honour to set up there. Which now would not [ ] a thousand li. stock, because the poor hath no skill in their spinning. So I would put them in good sureties to make them as good a reckoning above all charges as if they sold it in wool, so that they would among them all keep but two skilful persons to instruct the rest.—Undated.
Endorsed :—“13 Apr. 1580. Robert Payne to my Lord. Draping at Stamford.”
1 p.
838. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1580, April 18. Granting permission for Sir Henry Wallop to transport 400 quarters of grain from Southampton for Ireland.—The Court, 18 April 1580.
Signed :—T. Bromiey, Canc., T. Sussex, F. Bedford, R. Leycester, F. Knollys, Jamys Croft, Chr. Hatton. Fra. Walsyngham, Tho. Wylson, Wa. Mildmay.
Seal. 1 p.
839. Simier to the Queen.
1580, April 18. Madame,—Suivant ce que je vous ay escrit nagayres, monseigneur vous despeche le Sr de Vray, présent porteur, plenemant informé de ce qui se passe pardesà et delà la fidelle affection et bien humble servisse qu'il porte à vostre ma; l'ayent chargé vous représenter de sa part ce qui est de plus particulyer en son âme, pour vous témogner la vanité des bruitz que j'ay entandus vous avoyr estés mis en avant, pour destourner de luy vostre inclination et bonne volonté, auquelz je ne daignerois respondre que par une sertayne et Joyalle preuve que vostre Ma ara de sa foy á l'androit de vostre servisse, laquelle vous recognoistres en luy ausy ferme et costante que leurs inpostures sont passionés artifices et contre vérité : ce que je vous suplye croyre de moy que suis vostre singe, serviteur, esclave, et très affectionné à vostre servisse. Monseigneur mon mestre vous suplye plus que très humblement, ayent bien considéré et antandu la créance de se porteur, qu'il vous plese le ranvoyer en dilygence avec une parolle assurée de vostre dernyère vollonté sur l'article de la relygion, résoudre le temps qu'il vous playra apeler et resevoyr les conmiseres pour la conclusion du maryage. La royne, mère du Roy, est venue en se lyeu de Bouryeul trouver mon seigneur son filz; ce n'a pas esté sans parler de vostre Matè. Je n'us oncques en ma vye plus de contantement qu'à leur raconter les perfections de vostre chose, an laquelle la royne, mere du Roy, prenoit si grand plesir, qu'il n'a esté jour que ce propos n'est esté continué plus de trois grosses heures; vous assurant que sa Ma n'a pas moins amyré vos rares vertus et perfections, qu'elle a desir extrême de vous voyr ung jour sa belle filye, et ne peut à ce qu'elle m'a dit (plus de sant fois) vivre contante ny bien hereuse que sela ne soit. Quant à vostre grenoulye, sa flame est immortelle, et son amour en vestre androit ne peut james avoyr fin en se monde ny en l'austre. Pour Dyeu, Madame, ne perdes plus de tenps; prenes résollution et conseil de vous mesmes et de seulx dont la fidelle affection vous est cogneu plus pour vostre grandeur que pour leur partyculyer. Je le suplye de tout mon ceur vous bien expirer en affayre de si grand inportance, et que Monseigneur se puise bientost aprocher de vostre beaulté, c'est la pryère ordynère de vostre singe, qui vous bayse en toutte humilité très humblement l'onbre de ves pyés : suplyent le Créateur vous donner, Madame, l'aconplysemant de vos désirs,—De Bouryenl se xviij Avryl, 1580.
Vostre très humble et très hobéysant et fidelle serviteur,
Semyer, le singe vostre.
At the beginning of the letter is a lover's knot, and, above, the letter E, with an “$” on either side.
Seal, with red silk strings.
Holograph. 4 pp.
840. Sir Henry Cobham to the Lord Chamberlain (the Earl of Sussex).
1580, Apr. 26. De Vray is come hither, despatched from Monsieur towards her Majesty, bringing with him (as I hear by him) ample commission to deal in those affairs, and with intent to entreat her Majesty to send for the Commissioners, for that Monsieur doth desire to find himself nigher to her Majesty; as also that he requireth to understand her pleasure for his directions, in what sort he may proceed in the causes of Flanders. It seemeth he [De Vray] purposed to have dined with me this day, and so to have taken his post-horses, but he was let blood, for that the last evening he felt some indisposition and grudging of a fever. This afternoon Marchamont is arrived here and hath sent word to be with me to-morrow.—Paris, 26 April 1580.
1 p.
841. Sir Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
1580, Apr. 26. Sends the bearer, who is the party written of in former letters. He hath assured the writer of his faithful dealing; whereof, hitherto, writer has had sufficient proof. Thinks he will discover to Burghley an enterprise intended in time past against his lordship's own person. Is a party who was made privy to the chiefest devices of those bad days. Wishes he (bearer) may have means to get the notice of these malicious intentions now pretending.—Paris, 26 April 1580.
P.S.—“My Lord, I have proved him very faithful toward me. I do assure myself your Lordship shall find him most trusty in those affairs. He is chiefly addicted to the Lord Hamilton.”
1 p.
842. Sir Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
1580, Apr. 28. Has this week sent to his lordship the party concerning the affairs northwards. M. de Vrey has been with him, commanded by his Highness to impart that he is despatched to answer her Majesty's letters sent by the last messengers. Whereon he passeth with opinion to bring the cause to some final issue, because the Duke is now most desirous to understand the clear determination of her Majesty; having power given him to receive her Majesty's opinion therein, with commission to deliver the signification and assured resolutions of the Duke, in the treaty whereof he meaneth not to stay more than a very few days. It seems he will seek to be informed in what sort her Highness may march in the affairs of the Low Countries; for he stayeth his proceeding therein in order to be directed by the Queen. Finding that this service doth require some approved gentleman here, has chosen Mr. William Waade, which he trusts may have Burghley's good liking.— Paris, 28 April 1580.
P.S.—“My Lord Sandes is come to this town two or three days past.”
1 p.