Cecil Papers: May 1580

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1580', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp323-325 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1580', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp323-325.

"Cecil Papers: May 1580". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp323-325.

May 1580

843. The Privy Council to the Lord Treasurer.
1580, May 8. Granting permission to William Nutshawe to transport from Norfolk into the parts beyond the seas 300 quarters of wheat.—Westminster, 8 May 1580.
Signed :— T. Bromley, Canc., W. Burghley, E. Lyncoln, T. Sussex, F. Bedford, F. Knollys, Jamys Croft, Chr. Hatton, Fra. Walsyngham, Tho. Wylson, R. Sadleir.
Seal. 1 p.
844. Copies of Letters sent to the States.
1. Ro. de Meleun to the States.
1580, May 12. Has received their letters, in which they recommend Monsieur de la None for treatment according to his position. assures them that whatever clemency the rules of warfare permit, shall be exercised towards him. Trust that they will in like manner afford reciprocal treatment, to those detained by them; and that they will not forget that the capture of the greater part of their side was very different from that of De la Noue.—Courtray, 12 May 1580.
P.S.—Asks them to take compassion on the calamities of this miserable war and to employ him to procure a lasting peace.
1 p.
2. Pierre de Meleun to the Four Members of Flanders or their Deputies.
1580, May 12. Whilst fully trusting in their discretion, and that they will bear firmly the loss suffered yesterday by the disgrace suffered by M. de la Noue and his men, and will consider it (what it is) the fortune of war, still, he would not omit to send this line to say on his part that he esteems it thus, and is in no wise alarmed; having as good a desire, and better than ever, to make war against their enemies. Prays them forthwith to do the like, to take a good and firm resolve, to assemble again some forces, to strengthen the towns and frontier places, without alarm. Trusting that God will help them in their just quarrel and defence, and will give them shortly some good fortune, towards which he will labour day and night.—Castle of Tournay, 11 May 1580.
Endorsed :—“Copies of letters written to the States.”
1 p.
845. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1580?], May 17. Has seen by the despatch sent to him by M. de Simier what is her Majesty's wish with respect to the articles and negotiation of which the latter is now treating, and also her discontent at his insistance. Is also on his part much displeased to find that she has taken occasion to vex herself in the matter and to think that he has any other object or desire than the attainment of her charms and good favour. Has again charged Simier by the present bearer to declare his wishes fully to her Majesty with which he hopes she will be content and satisfied. The said M. de Simier has also given him to understand that it was his good fortune to find himself one morning in her Majesty's chamber where he robbed her of a nightcap which he has sent to him. Assures her that he will keep it most carefully together with her handkerchief thanking her most humbly for the favour permitted to Simier in this behalf.—Paris, 17 May.
French. 2 pp.
846. The Privy Council to the Lord Treasurer.
1580, May 21. Granting permission to Sir Thomas Leyghton, Captain of Guernsey, to transport into that island, from the counties of Southampton and Dorset, one hundred quarters of wheat.—Westminster, 21 May 1580.
Signed :—T. Bromley, Canc., E. Lyncoln, F. Bedford, R. Leycester, F. Knollys, Jamys Croft, Fra Walsyngham.
1 p.
847. Arthur Hall to Lord Burghley.
1580, May 25. Touching reports prejudicial to Burghley's reputation openly made at Stamford by Sir George Bowes. Being a suitor to him for the wardship of Mr. Metcalfe's heir says Burghley told him it was bestowed on the Earl of Rutland, to whom he repairing and demanding the question, found it not so, &c.—Grantham. 25 May 1580.
½ p.
848. The Privy Council to the Lord Treasurer.
1580, May 26. Whereas in October last, after the landing of the traitor James Fitzmoris in Ireland, upon certain good considerations, they had written to the Earl of Bedford, then being in the west parts, that, for the better discovery of such attempts, as might be intended by the great navy which was then preparing in Spain, his lordship should appoint some small barks to repair out of those parts thither, promising that the charges of any such person and bark should be recompensed, either upon some license for transportation of grain out of those quarters, or otherwise in such sort as, upon the return of any such party, and his lordship's advertisement, they should see cause. Forasmuch as they have been informed, both by his lordship's report, and also by letters from some of the Justices of Peace in Cornwall, that one Edward Rawes of Fovye [Fowey] being according to that order so employed, it happened that both such things as he carried thither were confiscated, and he and some of his company imprisoned by the Inquisition of Spain, where he not long after finished his life. Seeing it is reported unto them that thereby he hath left his wife and children in very poor estate they have thought good, both for the discharge of their own promise, relief of the poor folks, and better encouragement of others to be the more willing to serve her highness in such causes hereafter, to pray his lordship, upon the receipt hereof, to give order to the officers of the Customs in Devon and Cornwall, that the said Rawes' wife, or her deputy, may be suffered to transport out of Devon 100 quarters of corn, and out of Cornwall 100 quarters more, of the said county's measure, into the parts beyond the seas, which they trust the said shires may very conveniently spare, without any hindrance or prejudice to the markets, or raising of the ordinary prices of grain there. And so, praying his lordship (for that it behoveth them to see their word and promise performed) that hereof there be no default, but to give order that all such favour and expedition may be used as conveniently may be, they bid his lordship right heartily farewell.—Westminster, 26 May, 1580.
Signed :—T. Bromley, Canc., E. Lyncoln, T. Sussex, F. Knollys, Jamys Croft, Chr. Hatton, Fra. Walsyngham, Tho. Wylson.
Seal. 2 pp.
849. The Privy Council to the Lord Treasurer.
1580, May 29. Granting permission for Captain William Piers to transport into the north part of Ireland, where there is a scarcity of grain, 100 quarters of wheat and 200 quarters of malt from Chester, and 100 quarters of wheat from Hythe.—Nonsuch, 29 May 1580.
Signed :—E. Lyncoln, E. Warwyk, R. Leycester, Jamys Croft, Chr. Hatton, Fra. Walsyngham.
Seal. 1 p.
850. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1580?], May 30. It would be a great folly in him to attempt a particular description of the misfortune which has overtaken him which would require the eloquence of a better orator. Will content himself therefore with the mere statement that having transported himself to Dieppe unknown to any one he had embarked, “avec toutes les allegresses possibles” at the prospect of so soon seeing her Majesty, when all his joy was turned not only to sadness but even to despair, for the wind becoming all at once very boisterous, turned contrary and compelled them, after having made them very sick, to return to the port from which they had set out, where, being met by a great number of people he was recognized and followed to his lodging; seeing which, and that he could not immediately again embark, he returned to his present place of abode under circumstances with which M. de Marchaumont, to whom he has written the particulars, will make her acquainted. Beseeches her to take into consideration his misfortune and his great patience, which is not at all abated, and to bring the negotiation concerning him to a conclusion in order that finding matters so well disposed he may have a mind more at liberty to render her the service which he has vowed to her. When it shall please her to agree in all subjects with Messieurs the Commissioners besides the great satisfaction thereby given to him she will gratify those gentlemen who have it in their power to some day do her good service.—Evreux, 30 May.
French, 3 pp.