Cecil Papers: July 1581

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1581', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp395-404 [accessed 13 January 2025].

'Cecil Papers: July 1581', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed January 13, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp395-404.

"Cecil Papers: July 1581". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 13 January 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp395-404.

July 1581

994. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1581 ?], July 2. Begs her to excuse him for not earlier fulfilling his duty to her Majesty, from which he has been hindered both by the “traval de la mer” and by his long journey to this place. Is about to proceed presently to the relief of Cambray, and hopes in passing to see the Queen his mother, whom he has not seen for nearly two years.
Meantime the Prince of Parma has caused him to lose time by going to besiege Dunkirk which is of great vportance as her Majesty knows both to the States and to the Spaniards who need only such a port. His numerous armies prove the great efforts that the King of Spain intends to make this year as he has already informed her Majesty by “Chartier,” who as her Majesty knows has been taken by La Motte who treats him very badly. Continues his first demands and with greater need than ever, for if it does not please her Majesty to send him the succour he has requested his affairs in the present crisis and those of the States are in danger of a very heavy disaster.—Abbeville. 2 July.
French. 2 pp.
995. Sir Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
1581, July 3. Since Monseigneur procured the public peace many quarrels have been picked and preparations appointed for renewing the civil wars in Dauphiné. His enterprise for relieving Cambray has been impeded by the King's published prohibitions; yet some favourable demonstrations have passed from the King to his brother. Their Majesties for the matter of the marriage seem to concur with Monseigneur's desires., being loth to hear tell of anything which shall stay its consummation. La Mothe Fenelon and Brisson or Pinart are to deliberate with us. According to some no league with her Majesty without the marriage will be much more advantageous than that with the late King Charles. God knows if it will content her Majesty, considering that the other Catholic leagues are enforced with straiter terms against all who do not acknowledge the supremacy of the Pope. Moreover the practices of Scotland will be maintained, and the young King's heart won to be Romish, and united in practices and intelligencies with his mother. Her Scottish Ambassador had order from the King to deal thus. The late pretended interview between the King and his brother was letted either through sight of the guards which were with the King, and the mistrust thereof objected by Monseigneur, or on some such ground. I hope the negociation we have in hand will very well serve to discover the King's meaning to his brother, and cause him to resolve what manner of league he will enter into.—From Paris, 3 July, 1581.
996. Réau to Du Bex.
1581, July 3. “Monsieur, tout homme qui confesse sa faulte, on ne luy peult denier grâce. Ainsi je m'asseure d'estre exempt de toute peine, car j'avoue ingénuement que je debvois respondre, estant assailly deux foys. Si vous m'en croyez, j'en seray quicte pour ceste çy à la charge que je vous en feray aucunement rire, au moins si vous estes aussi ayze à esmouvoir que les princes. Dès le commancement que Monsieur de Marchaumont alla en Angleterre, et que j'entray en ceste charge, le sieur de Vétizon estoit en ceste court et auparavant. S'il ne ha faict de la peine ou rien tort à nostre maistre et à moy, je vous asseure que je ne l'ay pas dict à son altesse, et aussi peu m'en suys je plainct de cela. Je m'en rapporte à sa mémoire aux sieurs de La Fin et d'Elbane, et à tous ceulx qui ont esté de deça, et qui ont veu en ce faict quelque chose qu'ilz disoient n'y estre à désirer. Au contraire, si je n'ay prié tous mes amys de le taire, que jamais je ne soys tenu pour digne de comparoir entre les gens d'honneur. Aussi les lettres de son altesse, dont il y ha coppie en ce pacquet, tesmoigneront assez que le malcontentement qu'il pouvoit conçepvoir de sa (sic) lettres ne procédoit en façon du monde de moy, ains du sieur. de Vray, comme vous verrez par icelles. Le discours que vous verrez est le pareil à celuy que j'ay envoié à Monseigneur, et que j'ay faict fort à la haste. Cela n'en valoit pas la peine, mais j'ay eu craincte que ledit sieur de Vétizon, par le moyen de ses amys, n'en fist venir quelque chose jusques en Angleterre. Mais je perde mon honneur si le contenu audite mémoire n'est vérité. Enfin je pensois que les diamantz ne valussent qu'au combat Vénérique, mais pour ce jour il me servit d'armes martiales. Et à la vérité, il fut cause, ayant faict apparoistre beaucoup de sang, que la querelle fut appoinctable. Enfin, la vérité est tousjours favorisée de Dieu. Que si je sçay que c'est que le faict de Vray et de luy, jamais je n'entre en paradis. Au reste, je suys bien ayze que Mr de Marchaumont soit tellement en la bonne grâce d'un chacun. Il doibt rapporter cela à Dieu, et à la prudence, qu'il luy ha de parti[e]. Quant à la dame, dont m'escrivez, si je la congnoissoys tant soit peu, je la verroys quand ce ne seroit que pour l'amour de ceux à qui elle ha faict si bonne chère. Je n'ay encores eu le bien de veoir Mr Arnault. Monsieur, je vous baise bien humblement les mains, et prie Dieu vous continuer ses grâces. A Paris, ce iij Julliet, Vostre serviteur, Réau.
Endorsed :—“1581.”
1 p.
997. [Madame de Marchaumont] to Du Bex.
[1581], July 6. “Despuis vostre partement je n'ay rien apris, atemdent toujours quelle sera la résolutyon de vos asfayres. J'ay pryé Momsieur de Réau avoir pityé des absens, et m'en fayre part. Il y a lieu ses srs forses gemdarmes à Touson, qui est umg nosmé gueryer. J'amvoye soudim Guerim cheps vous, ou il trova l'amseygnie logée, qui fesoict beau ravage, estent vostre fermyère aslée à unne foyre de Maleserbe, je crois pour vemdre ses lesnes [laines]. Enfim il s'adousiret, et l'ont comtemtée estent delogé dès le matim suyvent, et se dist que s'est umg garde de bois, qui les y anvoye toujours. Je luy en feray parlay par Monsieur des Pignons qu'il s'en pouroict bien mal trover. S'est pityé si se temps dure. Je ne sçay qui s'en poura examter, cresgnant fort qu'il aspregnie à vesnir jusques à ses valées. Si sela est, je quiteray se pais. Tenes moy en vos bonnes grasses, et me faicttes part des novelles de vostre aryvée; pryant Dieu, Momsieur, vous comserver. De vostre mayson de Couramse, se vje Julyet.
“Je crims fort la santé de mon mary. Faicttes, je vous suplye, qui se règle, qui ne se fie à la guéryson de la veue de ses belles dames, qui n'ont toujours tent de puysense de charmer le mal.”
Signed :—“[symbol]”
1 p.
998. Scottish Ships trading to Lyme Regis.
1581, July 8. A list, with the masters' and merchants' names, of twenty-four ships from Scottish ports, i.e., Kinghorn, Leith, Dysart, Kirkcaldy, Anstruther, Burntisland, &c., which entered Lyme Regis with cargoes of white salt, coals, &c. between April 25 and July 8, and which passed out of Lyme laden with beans and peas.
3 pp.
999. A Memorial for the French Ambassador of the Communications to be made by him to the Queen of England.
1581, July 9. There should be notified to her Majesty :
The arrival of the Queen Mother, who convened the Commissioners in order that they might render an account of their charge to Monseigneur and consult together as to what should be necessary for the furthering of this marriage after having learnt the wishes of his Highness therein, which were so entirely agreeable that her Majesty returned well pleased therewith to get the contract ratified by the King. The other point in discussion was the retardation of the expedition to Cambray, lest it should be the cause of putting off the marriage; as the King did not wish to declare himself before the marriage was concluded, fearing that the Queen of England, seeing war broken out between the two kingdoms, might no longer wish to marry.
To which his Highness answered that, being very well assured of the good-will of the Queen, his mistress, he had no hesitation in attacking the Spaniard and succouring those of Cambray; besides he was compelled thereto, both because, having given them his word, at his assurance they had undergone so much that they were reduced to the greatest necessity, and to the great peril of their lives if he did not soon put himself en route; and because he had assembled a great number of noblemen and gentlemen who had shown themselves ready to do him service, and had put themselves to great expense on this occasion, and by sending them back without employment he feared to lose both his credit with them and his reputation with the foreigner by allowing a town of so great importance to be lost.
Excuses should be made to her Majesty that his Highness has not been able to come thither earlier, owing to the necessity for his presence in the expedition to Cambray, without which his nobility would not move; but as soon as her said Majesty shall have agreed with the King as to what further concerns the marriage, he will be ready to come, when it shall please her to advertise him thereof, inasmuch as the King having thereby declared himself, his Highness's presence with the army may the more easily be dispensed with. His Highness moreover thanks her Majesty for the good advice which she has given him which is a true token of her goodwill. He hopes to have in his army four thousand horse and eight to ten thousand foot, good soldiers and capable of attacking a much greater force. He is moreover assured of a lack of courage in the enemy's foot, and besides the forces above enumerated will join himself if possible to those of the States who number a thousand good lances and four thousand soldiers; whilst he has certain intelligence that the Spanish army will not exceed in number fifteen thousand men.
He entreats her Majesty to write to the King desiring him to show to his Highness all the favour in his power, and also to command the Marshal de Cosse to betake himself to his army, and even to write to him (the Marshal) particularly on that behalf, conjuring him by the friendship which he has promised to her, and the service which he has told her he has vowed to his Highness.
With regard to M. de Simier he beseeches her Majesty to believe that on her account he has treated him most gently, having always desired and expected that he would have exculpated himself; but that on the contrary he had always new causes for mistrusting him more than ever; which is the reason why he cannot re-instate him in his government, so as to be the principal person of his retinue in a fortress which is his sole security; nor in his position of first gentleman of his chamber, to see and observe all his actions; and that he will be constrained on leaving this kingdom to make provision for leaving the government in the hands of persons whom he can trust. As to the rest of the benefits which Simier received at his hands whilst he did him good service, he has left him the enjoyment of the Abbey of Beaufort and Lamenistree, the revenues of which amount to 20,000 crowns; and the said Simier has not long ago sold the Abbey of Bourgeul for 50,000 crowns, and wishes to retire to Italy, not desiring to remain any longer in his Highness's service.
Above all the Sieur de Marchaumont is to assure her Majesty of the goodwill of his Highness and of his desire for the accomplishment of this marriage, for which he is to make himself an earnest suitor.—Done at Mantes this 9th day of July, 1581.
Signed :—Lunettes Quinsay.
French. 3 pp.
1000. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1581 ?], July 10. Apologizes for the length of time which has elapsed without his sending her a despatch, which, however, is not his fault, as the Sieur de Marchaumont will give her to understand more particularly.
The Queen, his mother, has honoured him with a visit in order that in her presence he might hear from the mouths of the Commissioners the result of their negotiations, with which he declared himself very well satisfied. Assures her Majesty, however, that he will know neither ease nor rest until the affair has been satisfactorily concluded. Has instructed M. de Marchaumont to speak to her Majesty touching Simier, relying entirely on his judgment in that and all other particulars.—Mantes, 10 July.
French 2 pp.
1001. [Madame de Marchaumont] to Du Bex.
1581, July 17. “Je vous pamsois delà la mer il y a lomgs temps, ayant reseu des lettres de mon mary, à qu'il y anvye bien qu'il ne vous voict. L'on ne par [part] pas aysément de ses despeches, la estent pour aspremdre unne résolutyon qui je crois ne sera, qu'il ne se fase encores quelque voyage. J'avois seu le maryage de Momsieur d'Arques; voyla que sert d'avoir sy bon mestre. Je trève que vous aves bien profité que j'estymeray encores davemtaygie [davantage], si le may faict se que Gardet dit luy avoir promis. Je luy en ay escrit, et à Momsieur de Beaulieu, pour se que desmemde le resepveurs de Beaumons. Vous aves très bien faict de pramdre de l'argen. Il ne fault pas desmeure la court. Vous estes tropt (sic) advysé pour faillir, estent bien marye que je n'ay decoy [de quoy] fayre se secours. S'est ung maslheur de se tent travaillier et ses amis, et enfim se n'est que pour vivre, sens qu'il reste pour resemtir umg jour de la cosmodité, et estre avent soy. Ors, imsy va se momde là! Momsieur pram la Beausse, et ne l'aurons point en se vaslon, dont nous paserons bien. J'ay envoyé pour Préau, sy d'asventure il s'en asprochois. Vostre fermyère a vx sovegardé. La crimte de tous ses brins luy a faict m'asporte le reste le ses finamses, qui est c.ff, que je vous garde, temt que me mamdies se que j'en feray. Jasques ne m'a poims mamdé sy vous avoict baillié se que luy avois comemdé. Enfin, nous serons bien avent en vos papiers, mais que soyons ors de se voyage. Il se fauldra asquiter, quant aures repris vos espris. Vous feres part de vos nouvelles à vos amis, l'estat en coy [quoy] aves trové vostre amy. Atemdent, je vous présenteray mes humbles recommandations à vos bonnes grasses, pryant Dieu, Momsieur, vous comtemter. De vostre mayson de Couramse. se xvije Julyet.
“Je crois que aures là reseu de mes lettres que j'avois envoyées; vous y pamsent, j'ay bien veu les beautés, estent pase Madame de St. Mesmin, par sy sela mesryte bien ne s'arester à se que l'on pouroict fayre à d'ostres. Que je sçachie comme tout le momde de delà se porte, s'il vous plaict.”
Signed :—“[symbol].”
Endorsed :—“1581.”
2 pp.
1001a. The Queen to the Duke of Anjou.
1581, July 21. “Mon trèscher, je vous ay souvent mandé si [çl] devant les lettres, asteure [à cette heure] je vous envoye ung mémorial de nostre grande action, & vous supplie de ramasser tous mes déportements du commencement de ceste cause, & vous verrez clairement qu'il n'y a eu une seulle tasche en mon affection en vostre endroyt, ou quelque prolonguement, qui ne fust constraint autant pour vostre contentement que mon bien. A cest heure le temps est arrivé qui me permet à parler que bien claire, me faisant croire que trop qu'il y a grande différence des souhits aux acquiz, ne me pouvant rien en ce monde avenir de si grand regret, qu'a ne pouvoyr achever si peu de jours qui me restent, en la compaignie de celuy que plus j'ayme & honore, y estant convié par tant & si ennarrables modes. Je m'assure que doleur prendra la possession la plus grande du démourant de ma vie, non seulement pour la privation de ce plus j'estime, ains par la condemnation que me ferez de la choze ingrate que mon cœur tient tant en horreur. J'apparçoy par la response que le Roy a donné à mon embassadeur & à Sommer, qu'il est délibéré que la guerre ez Pais Bas se fera par moy conjonct avecq luy, & tellement le mariage et trompette de bataille commençeront en ung mesme temps, qui me semble bien estrange, ayant consommé ces deux ans pour faire cest' acte agréable à noz Angloys, y ayant labouré par tants bons moyens, & pensant à la conclusion d'accommoder très bien toutes doutes. Voyey une resource de pire teste que celle d'hydra, ce Royaume, à qui, grâces à Dieu, de qui toute bonté sorte, nulle étincelle des prochains feux c'est esclatté, nonsbstaut l'extrémité des calamitez qu'autres pais ont souffert, estant exempt de tant de ruines qu'acompaignent la guerre, estant la plus intime affection que mon peuple me porte, fondé sur le baze du grand soing qui m'est enté au cœur pour leur conserver en paix. Pensez, mon trècher, comment horribles nouvelles ce leur sera, que mon marri leur présente ung don, que pire ne se pourroyt d'ung ennemi présenter. Ce me seroyt trop de crèvecœur de vous voyr accueilly de tel mescontentement; jà Dieu ne plaise que pour l'amour que tant me prêtez, je vous rendiz ung si indigne présent. Voyez, monsieur, en quels termes on m'a conduist. Il n'y a papier assez pour contenir l'enuy que mon âme souffre, ny suis assez fourny de mots pour l'exprimer à moitié. Pour ce je vous invoque pour juge, si c'estoyt mon invention ou mon malheur pour me faire ce tort; et ne me deffie tant de vostre jugement, que ne croyez que ce ne tient à moy que v[ost]re grand désir ne soyt arrivé à mellieur havre. Mais pour ne sembler si surpris de deuil que je ne tienne mémoire de v[ost]re grandeur & honneur ez affaires de Flandres, et voyant trop clair que les Espaignolz prendront occasion de pattizer avecq le Roy Catholyque, & laisser tumber l'ayde des estats en faisant acroitre tousjours sa grandeur, lesquel comme impetueux torrent avancera par inondation, les moindres rivières ne surpassent que trop haut les proches courants, je délibère mander, en toute diligence, Walsingham vers le Roy, l'ayant instruit de luy faire conoistre, par infiniz raisons, qu'il doyt ouvrir les yeux à ne permettre que vous ne soyez l'honorable instrument d'acroistre le bien de la France, & que ne retirez le pied qui marche au sentier si droyt, et que, de ma part, je ne manqueray à voz desseins, en taut que semble raison-able, ne voulant estre la dernière à vous honorer, et ne volu qu'il vous face la révérence premier qu'au Roy, si ne serez à son arivée trop eslogné pcur le peu de jours que par l'accord me retient. Je luy ay chargé en voz affaires de se conduire comme il vous plairra l'ordonner, de qui je prens plus de soing que moymesme, comme sçayt le Créateur, &c.”
To the above draft, Queen Elizabeth adds the following in her own hand :—“Ne pençes pas que chose du monde me changera me changera (sic) de vous demourer telle que prendra tousjours part de vostre fortune, voyr la plus mauvaise, & que, si le corps me soit, l'âme vous est toute dédié, comme ces tabliers vous tesmoignent.”
Endorsed :—“Coppie of the Queen's letter to Monsieur by his barber, the xxj of July, 1581.” Also, “N. 6.”
2 pp.
Modern copy of preceding; very faulty.
3 pp.
1002. Clausse Véry to Du Bex.
1581, July 27. It is three days ago since he received what Du Bex wrote to him from Paris on the 12th July. Has written accordingly to M. Jeguy to know where he wants the money sent. Will not fail to forward it. Thanks him for the assistance he gave to M. de Montsabert, who married the writer's daughter on the 11th July. De Montsabert is preparing, on his return from Paris, to go to his Highness. Cannot tell him any news, except the ennui and regret he feels in being reduced to waiting there for that Portuguese noble, who does not come. Dares not, however, leave the place, until he arrives. Du Bex must feel the same in being so long in London. Desires remembrances to all. Ponts-de-See, 27 July.
Addressed :—A Monsieur, Monsieur du Bex, gentilhomme ordinaire de la chambre de Monseigneur à Londres.
Endorsed :—“1581.”
French. Seal, with green silk. 1 p.
1003. [The Queen to the Duke of Anjou.]
[1581?], July 27. “Monsieur, comme voz lettres ne m'arrivent jamais qu'en bonne heure, si suis je bien marrie d'en entendre vostre maladie qui seul ne vous touche, que je n'y ay ma part, espérant que ceste mienne recevra ies bonnes nouvelles de vostre convalescence, selon mon extrême désir. Et ne puis faillir de vous rendre grâces infinies pour la continuation de telle affection, qui ne s'amoindrist par doubtes, ne s' esvanouist par persuasions, ne se contentant que de la consommation par laquelle il me semble que manderez les commissaires. Mais qu'il vous souvienne, mon trèscher, que c'est vostre opinion, non mon consentement, sans que leur adjoustiez quelque aultre, comme au devant mes lettres en ont faict mention pour les raisons prédictes, et encores demeure (avec vostre bon pardon) en mesme volunté. Et trouve fort estrange que de mesme halaine la guerre se faict en France, et telle légation se mande en Angleterre. Comment s'accordent ces deux discords ? Les gens mal affectionez à ce mariage en feront une belle feste, qui ont auparavant prénostiqué la ruine de nostre religion, monstrant au doigt comme faisant à croire à tout le monde que le Roy conduiroit la paix par vostre moyen, vous en donnant ample authorité, et, ce temps pendant, on mect le siège à La Fere, ung beau commencement d'accord. Ou il fault, Monsieur, qu'on impute la faulte à la rupture de promesse au Roy, qui ne la garda en la donnant (chose trop ignominieuse à ung Prince d'honneur), ou que vous, soubs umbre de leur soubhaister repos, attachez leurs pieds des laqz de faux-semblant, duquel crime je vous jureray très innocent. Et croy fermement que les choses se trouvent par tel ordre pour vous faire mespriser par leur moyen, qui mectront tousjours nuees à vostre gloire, en vous amoindrissant les cœurs de telz qui seront très ayses de se mectre en voz mains, ne les doubtant injustes, si ma requeste tient lieu en vostre cueur. Je la vous fais de considérer de combien près il touchera à nostre action que les commissaires se acheminent sans que ung passeport se donne ce temps pendant à la guerre. Autrement je ne trouve raison de leur labeur, sans estre remplis de soupçons plus que ne sera de besoing. Vous estez, Monsieur, si sage, que n'aurez de besoing à reçevoir conseil en ce négoce. Il ne se pourroit trouver empeschement plus commode de laisser tomber à terre ceste cause que à justifier en faictz les meschantes prophéties que du commencement on a inventé, que tout est trompérie et artifices à deçevoir les innocents. J'en ay escript ung mot au Roy, par son ambassadeur et par le mien, luy suppliant de croire que la Royne d'Angleterre n'est asses apprentisse à desguiser, et seroit for mal contente d'estre deçeue en masque. J'ay prins la hardiesse de jurer pour le Roy, et au Roy de Navarre, et à Monsieur le Prince de Condé, qu'il a eu grande envye de la paix de la France, me semblant guerres mal convenable ou les vaincuers (sic) seront les perdeurs. Et par mes persuasions, leur ont faict retarder leurs préparatifz en Allemaigne, qu'est pour les perdre, nie pouvant bien remarquer pour la seule cause de leur ruyne. Voyez, s'il vous plaist (mon trèscher), comme mon crédulité intempestive m'a faict plus de dishonneur que n'a mérité le bon tour que je feis au Roy et à toute la France par ce seul acte, qui me semble attendroit meilleur salaire; qui tant plus me contente d'estre accompaignée de quelque malle grace qu'en pourra arriver au Roy mesme, qui ne me trouvera une aultre fois si hastive à luy complaire. L'importance de la cause me constraint à vous en escrire si rondement. Si quelque accroissement se pourroit adjouster à l'obligacion que vous doibz, vous y avez mis ung bon accès par la responce des actions es Pays Bas. Je vous supplie croire qu'en suis si satisfaicte que ne me pense suffisante à y respondre, me lyant si estroitement par vostre sincérité en mon endroit, de qui n'aurez jamas (sic) occasion de vous en ressentir, ne voulant vivre jusques en estre ingrate : comme sçait le Créateur, qui vous conserve en bonne santé et vous donne cent ans à vivre, après m'estre recommandée une million de fois aux petits doigtz.”
Draft, endorsed by Elizabeth :—“les dernières, 27 de Juillet;” also, in another hand, “N. 19.”
1004. The Earl of Leicester to Sir Francis Walsingham.
1581, July 30. “Sir, I received your letter by your brother-in-law, Mr. Sembard, perceiving that you found yourself somewhat distempered with your watching and posting, which I easily believe, and am heartily sorry for. I imparted your letter to her Majesty, who expressed very great favour with many gracious words towards you; and, perusing your postscript, she willed me to say thus to you, that, as she doth know her Moor cannot change his colour, no more shall it be found that she will alter her old wont, which is, always to hold both ears and eyes open for her good servants, and that it shall be indeed observed, not of the common sort of Princes, bnt 'nella fede della Reyna d' Ingellaterra.' These be her own words she 'willed me to write, and I doubt not but she will graciously perform. And for mine own part, I shall not fail to do the endeavour of an honest friend that it be so, for it is the very duty of all honest men to deal so toward any in your place and case; and further, in particular, I have cause to do it, and faithfully will do it to the uttermost, as you shall hear and know, as occasion shall be offered. The Queen's Majesty was almost altered for her going to Wanstead by some thwart practice whatsoever, but at last she went, and hath been very well and merry there, and so returned yesternight best pleased with all things. And her Majesty resteth in good health, God be thanked, and hitherto never spake word to me touching your negotiation. Marchomont was with her this journey, and said little or nothing of these matters. Her Majesty stayeth here till she hears from you. Marchomont is gone this morning to Mere (?) hall to my Lord Chancellor. Thus in haste, with most hearty salutations, I bid your good master here as myself, Farewell, this xxx of July, Your most assured, R. Leycester.”
Addressed :—“To my very good frende Mr. Secretary Walsingham.”
Endorsed :—“30 July 1581.”
2 pp.
1005. A Memorial (for the French Ambassador) of Matters to be represented by him to the Queen of England.
[1581, July.] The Queen of England must be given to understand the reasons why his Highness cannot cross the sea so promptly as he could wish in consequence of his impending voyage to Flanders for the speedy relief of Cambray, for which purpose his presence is most necessary in order to obviate the jealousies of the commanders, which otherwise would bring utter ruin to his affairs. Besides, being with his army he would find many more followers ready to accompany him out of respect for his person, and would no longer have any fear lest in his absence the King should take occasion not only not to show him any favour, but rather to injure him, in accordance with the counsels of many about his Court who favour the Spanish party; and who nevertheless would be constrained to keep silence if they saw him so resolute, and at the head of such an army as they would rather bring about the ears of the King of Spain than against themselves.
Moreover his Highness does not understand why the further progress of the marriage should be delayed by the arrangements for his journey to England, and entreats her Majesty to put no hindrance in the way of the Commissioners, repeating his assurances of his own goodwill to the marriage, and assuring her that as soon as he has put his army in order he will take the first possible opportunity of visiting her. His Highness begs also that a safe conduct may be sent to France for him to be used when occasion shall serve. In order to facilitate the said journey the Sieur de Marchaumont will propose to M. le Marechal that he should return immediately to put the army in order, and if he finds him well disposed thereto, will beseech her Majesty, as a good friend to his Highness and one who desires the advancement of his affairs, to speak with him and persuade him accordingly.
He will also entreat her Majesty to send one of her servants to the King to interest him in his Highness's favour. He will also cause the Queen to understand how the Queen, his Highness's mother, came to find him at Alençon in order to persuade him to go to the Court of which his Highness pointed out the great significance, and showed that by his not going there the King of Spain would be led to suppose that the expedition to Flanders was being undertaken without the consent of the King; who would thus have more power at his disposal wherewith to assist his brother, being able to devote his whole army thereto when not hindered by a war against the Spaniard, whereupon the Queen did not make any great insistance.
Her said Majesty also proposed to him to retard his journey until he had completed the re-establishment of peace in this country, to which his Highness rejoined that, if he delayed by ever so little his setting out to Flanders, he would not only lose Cambray, which would be a great grief to him, but also his entire credit, and would bring utter ruin to his affairs.
Her Majesty was so contented with the above reasons that she promised his Highness to procure if she could the assistance of the King. His Highness further gave an account to the Queen his mother, of his expedition to Gascony, and how the King of Navarre had given him assurance of his desire for a Treaty.
It will also be very opportune that the Sieur de Marchaumont should, as of his own accord, propose to her Majesty that in sending to the King she should, in order to inspire him with a greater desire to assist his Highness, and not to be outdone by her Majesty, make an offer on her own part of 50,000 or 60,000 crowns as a mark of her goodwill to his Highness, and as a contribution to the expenses of the expedition; at the same time giving her to understand that his Highness is resolved to go thither in person, and to risk his life rather than to fail them, and that any help that may be given him will be the only means of recalling his person, and thus of forwarding his journey to England.
French. 4 pp.