Cecil Papers: January 1574

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp67-69 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp67-69.

"Cecil Papers: January 1574". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp67-69.

January 1574

181. Edward Lord Windsor to Lord Burghley.
1573/4, Jan. 10. Is heartily sorry for the unkindness which he hears Burghley has conceived of him. His esteem for his Lordship often manifested to the Queen and his own friends. In the book sent unto her Majesty, he calls God to witness he had more respect unto the discharging of a true meaning subject unto her highness, “then anni one sparkell of mallis or hatrid” to Burghley, to whom he has been greatly beholden, as also to the Lord Keeper. “For the matter in the corte of wards ber with me, my good lord, if somwhat I deall plainli & not colleriklye as I am generalli condemnide of; my lord I have temperrid my coller more with flem this littel time since mi departure last oughte [out] of Inglande then ever I did in my life. I find no horte in hit; God send me grace to doo soo stil. For I most confese unto the world, hit was one of the chiffest causis of mi stei [stay] for a time oughte of Ingland. I mene hit not, God I take to witnis, to yowe nor anni of iowers; but I rather ferd rather my whote [hot] nature could not have borne such open ingeris [injuries], and so to have mad mi case muche worse.” Thought it great unkindness that he did not hear from Burghley before the office was found. Perhaps his lordship thought it unkindness that he did not speak to him before his departure, but he never means “to make anni scruopell of a thinge wher ther is no doughte” [doubt], and he always found that the Lord Keeper never served a subpœna on him, except by friendly letter or word, which he always honourably answered without delay. Burghley's courtesy, since the office was found, to Walter, the writer's brother, and also to the writer in a letter sent “to the Spawe” [Spa]. Thinks himself greatly bound to Burghley for his justice and courtesy since the hearing of the cause, for he craves no more at his hands than “faverable justis according to equiti,” and Burghley shall never find him “ungratfull nor sliperi.”—Venice, 10 Jan. 1574.
Endorsed by Burghley:—“1573, 10 Januar. The Lord Wyndsor from Vennyce.”
2 pp.
182. Ralph Lane to Lord Burghley.
1573/4, Jan. 17. The matter he opened unto his lordship the previous night was, he understands since, broken with Guerras two days before “R. B.” was sent for. Hears that he entertains it, but has no opinion at all in the matter. Their lordships having offered “R. B.” the place of lieutenant to them both, with great promises, he has very honestly and wisely disabled himself in two reasonable respects: one, because he said his late service on the contrary part would but make their lordships meanings suspected to the D., and so be rather a hindrance than otherwise to their purpose. The other, which touched himself, was that the whole companies lately retired have reposed their trust in him for the recovery of their pay by law, amounting, besides all deductions, to 6,000l. sterling. This were utterly lost, if he entered as yet into any doings against them. His excuse being accepted, they suddenly resolved upon another agent for them, viz., Rowland York. Lane himself, being propounded, was refused, and termed too hot in spirit for this voyage. The conclusion was, that without delay, Guerras must have a fresh charge immediately upon his return from the Court; land to be pawned; 6,000l. forthwith to be taken up; 1,200 men and six ships to be armed with all speed, and rather than delay of Guerras for lack of commission (wherewith he has once answered them) should make loss of time, my lord E. was of opinion that 3,000l. borrowed of Guerras upon the said pawn might serve the turn. With this resolution the Council broke up. And now one councillor more (Burghley) than was looked for, or than Lane thinks will be desired, having entered the conference, he hopes their lordships will be employed about some more convenient services for their own prince elsewhere, and as much to their own satisfaction, and of less danger every way. If Burghley sends for Guerras immediately upon his return, “for fear of some May-games to be carried over by this messenger that lately is come,” and put him out of all doubt that nothing can escape his [Burghley's] intelligence, touching any the said lord's dealings, since Burghley's interest in him is such as it is, it will cut off not only this, but any other advantages that foreign factions may seek to take of his young unstaid mind. Thinks the acquainting Guerras too much with foreign intelligence (though no harm be meant or done on his part) may yet turn him in time to much hurt; “and a western Spanish storm may, with some unhappy mate at helm, steer his noble bark so much to the northward that unawares he may wreck, as some of his noblest kind hath done, the more pity of their fault.” To be plain, if her majesty take not some order to employ Guerras well in some way, he is like enough at one time or other to employ himself abroad, without his best friends' advices. And, therefore, to draw him from this humour lately crept into him, if Burghley thinks of some employment of him in her Majesty's service, were it but to accompany the Lord Deputy into Ireland, and there to bestow this summer, this motion only, with such hope of further employment hereafter in greater matters as Burghley may add thereto, will peradventure be sufficient of itself to quench this vapour newly kindled, and especially when he shall understand that Burghley is not ignorant of this present match. Lane's dutiful affection to Burghley, whom he knows the case of Guerras doth touch, has made him bewray his folly in advising his lordship, but he knows Burghley will not contemn his good meaning, although peradventure the substance, of his opinion deserves no better.
Touching his own unrelieved necessity, beseeches Burghley's interest in his suit (of which he wrote to him at the beginning of his lordship's sickness) concerning the protection of Portugal's traffic. After he had made Burghley privy to the same he instantly, both by himself and by his cousin Hatton, moved her majesty, who has made him her absolute grant, if the lords of the Council shall not find it inconvenient. The matter already debated at the Board, and their lordships finding only good therein for the common traffic, and profit to her Majesty's Custom, have appointed Mr. Secretary Walsingham to obtain Burghley's opinion also therein, and then to recommend it to her Majesty. Beseeches Burghley's consent and favour. When he has gained that for which he is a suitor, although it be nothing so good as he was first informed, yet, as he promised, Burghley shall wholly dispose of it at his pleasure.—17 Jan. 1573.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“17 June 1573. Raff Lane. Er. Oxf. L. Edw~d Sem. Guerrass.”
Seal. 2 pp.
183. Shipment of Merchandize and Victuals.
1573/4 [January]. The certificate of wares, merchandize, and commodities of the realm laden and discharged at Yarmouth, from port to port, from the last day of September 1573 to the last day of November next ensuing. The goods outwards include:—nails, vinegar, dross of spicery, aqua vitæ, herrings, cotton-wool, “frise” gowns and mantles, “gonne linte,” broad ash-colour, and women's hose. The goods inwards consist of:—soaps, flannel, Scottish cloth, coals, “Lisburne” salt, cabbages, bay salt, iron, hops, holland, cod-fish, onions, &c.
Endorsed :—Jan. 1573.
19 pp.