Cecil Papers: February 1574

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp69-70 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp69-70.

"Cecil Papers: February 1574". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp69-70.

February 1574

184. Thomas Marbury.
1573/4, Feb. 1. Petition of Thomas Marbury and Elizabeth his wife, for a re-grant of certain lands and tenements in the Manors of Warden and Southill, co. Beds, together with certain tenements and a warren of conies of the yearly rent of £9 10s. 4d. In consideration whereof, the said Elizabeth is willing to resign the £20 pension granted to her at the beginning of the reign, as also the £60 of arrearages of the same due at Christmas 1573.
[An endorsement, signed by Thomas Seckford, states, that at Hampton Court, 1 February 1573, the Queen was pleased to grant the above petition. 1 p.]
Annexed :
A rental of certain lands, &c., in Warden and Southill of the yearly value of £9 10s. 4d., with the names of the tenants.
1 p.
185. The Earl of Leicester to the French Ambassador.
1573/4, Feb. 1. Shortly after his return to the Court (when he had informed her Majesty of what passed at the conference held in the house of the Lord High Treasurer) he sought, according to the request of his Excellency, with many reasons, to induce her Majesty to consent that the coming of the Duke [d'Alençon] should be a public one; but in no way could he gain that point. Her Majesty protests that, if it was not more to satisfy the King [of France] and the Queen-Mother, than for any hope she has of some good effect arising from the interview (as her Majesty can draw no hope or comfort, unmixed with doubts from none of those who have seen him, that they will satisfy one another), she would not consent to his coming in any manner, public or private. Because she fears (notwithstanding the protestations made to the contrary both by the King and Queen) that, if this interview has not the effect which they hope for, then, in place of the present friendship and excellent relations between the two crowns, there will ensue dislike and discontent. The fear of this makes her Majesty very perplexed and irresolute with regard to approving of his coming, as a princess who highly values the good relations subsisting between her and the French King. Finally, her Majesty commanded him to tell his Excellency that, if he (notwithstanding the small hope she had of any good effect from this interview) thinks the Duke will come in any private way, then she desires that he, in whose company he shall come, may be some one of less rank than the Duke de Montmorency, or such like, and not be accompanied by so large a retinue, to avoid suspicion at his coming: in order that, if the desired satisfaction with one another did not result, the greater the skill and the less the noise with which the affair is managed, the less will their honour be touched.—Hampton Court, 1 Feb. 1573.
[Postscript.]—As to the safe-conduct, her Majesty is of opinion that, before she is assured that the Duke (because of the alleged difficulties) is resolved to come in the aforesaid manner, it will be inopportune to grant it to him. But as soon as her Majesty knows that he resolves to come, his Excellency may assure him that he shall not lack the safe-conduct.
Endorsed by Burghley:—“po Febr. 1573. Earl of Leicester to the French Ambassador, for answer to the request that he made at my house.”
Copy. 2 pp.
186. Sir Thomas Scott to Lord Burghley.
1573/4, Feb. 10. The daily rise in the price of corn and all manner of victuals. The Council had foreseen and provided well, but their plans had failed in execution in some principal points, by the transporting of beer, and, under colour thereof, other victuals from Sandwich, Dover, and other ports, to places beyond the seas: also, by suffering corn buyers in as great numbers almost as at any time, who not only drew corn in great quantities to places of vent and transportation, but also forestalled the markets of such corn as otherwise would have served them. Upon the bruit of a letter from the Council to the Commissioners, requiring 4,000 quarters of wheat, and so much of other grain as might be spared, for the use of London, the prices of wheat were suddenly raised from 12 and 13 groats to 15 and 16, and some markets were left almost destitute of corn. Necessity for remedial measures. If, as in some parts spoken of, such as have corn brought by turns a certain quantity every market day, the markets might conveniently be served till Whitsuntide or Midsummer, when the poor people, by the warmth of the year, the fruits of the earth, and the increase of cattle, might be sustained. The transporting of beer and other victuals beyond the seas should be stopped.—Scots-hall, 10 Feb. Endorsed, 10 Feb. 1573.
Seal. 1 p.