Cecil Papers: March 1574

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp70-73 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp70-73.

"Cecil Papers: March 1574". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp70-73.

March 1574

187. Recognizance of Benedict Spinola and Sir Thos. Gresham.
1573/4, March 4. The sum of 1,943l. 6s. 8d. being due from the Queen to Spinola for certain merchants of Jana, if he shall before May 4 next ensuing deliver to the Lord High Treasurer or his. assign, sufficient proof to whom it belongs, this recognizance, by which Spinola and Gresham stands bound to the Queen in 2,000l., is to be void.—4 March, 16. Eliz.
Copy. ¾ p.
188. The Privy Council to the Lord Admiral.
1573/4, March 5. Ordering the stay of all ships of Flushing and Zeeland, and the seizure of their crews and cargoes, in consequence of wrongs inflicted on English merchants and others. Westminster, 5 March, 1573.
1 p. [Murdin, p. 274. In extenso.]
189. The Archbishop of Canterbury to Lord Burghley.
1573/4, March 8. “Where you require my present answer to your writing, your honour shall understand that your messenger coming to me when I was at supper on Tuesday at night told me that your Lordship would be at my house by 9 of the clock the next day with [the] Master of the Rolls for my lord Hereford['s] matter. I remembered then nothing of the Earl, but of the b., thinking that you desired some spare room in my house to sit in commission with others. The next morning came Say, the registrar, to me, and told me that Dr. Lewes had sent for him to bring the sentence and books of the Earl's cause. Then I thought her Majesty had appointed to examine the cause with the appeal, the rather for that I did hear then that the Master of the Rolls should say that he wished always any subject to have the benefit of appeal. By chance that morning meeting with the Earl, I asked him what he had done in that matter to any such meeting of ours, &c. He told me that he knew nothing of any meeting, but said that [he] had spoken to her Majesty in the behalf of his tenants, who made exclamation for payments of such fines as were set on his head, whereof he said most was remitted concerning the order of the Star Chamber (where I was not, as he himself noted), praying me that if I spake with her highness, to move her to some pity for his tenants' payments, &c. I heard him, but said little. After dinner her highness called me to her to signify her inclination she had to that sentence; perceiving thereby that her highness meant not any dissolution of that sentence, or doubt of the appeal. In which communication with her Majesty, I answered that I had no present remembrance of that matter, saving that I sent to your Lordship certain writings of that matter, which you desired privately, and no other thing I said to her; but afterwards I spake to yourself, secretly I think in the Star Chamber, and prayed you not to reveal them, as I did not to anybody; although the Earl hath been diverse times about me to have the copy of that sentence, which as yet he could never get, but I never agreed to him. After that, in the afternoon of that day, he requested me to know what her highness said. I made answer, 'Nothing of that matter.' What her highness said to Dr. Lewes or Dr. Yale I could not tell, for I was willed to depart the chamber. After that, when he knew that I was again with her Majesty, he then asked me whether her highness said anything to me. I answered no, of that matter, and now this other day, on Friday, coming from the court, he was again with me, to know more of the matter. But I answered him still, I know no more than I did at the first; that is, by any allegations or proofs brought in by either, of himself or of the Lady Katherine. We could not give any other sentence, than that we could see nothing for solemnation (sic) or for any marriage. And as for the appeal, what it was, I could not tell, but I thought that either your Lordship, or Mr. Lewes, or Mr. Yale, could say more to him. As for your request this last year, since her highness was at Canterbury, was but to have the sight of such writings in that cause, which I sent your honour, and remembered no more of that matter, but unto her highness I said no more. Marry, I was now (till I was confirmed by her highness) in some doubt whether some body had obtained that the cause and sentence should be new ruffled up and reversed again : and this [is] all that I can now remember. Beseeching Almighty God to send you his favour. From my house, this 8 of March. Your honor's in Christ, Matth. Cantuar.”
Endorsed :—8 March 1573.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p.
190. The Archbishop of Canterbury to Lord Burghley.
1573/4, March 9. “I have ransacked among my records, &c., and I find these only words, written by your honor in letters : 'I pray your Grace send me a note who were the commissioners for the case of the Earl of Hereford, and how many of them did assent to the sentence. I would have a copy of the sentence.' Nothing did your Lordship write to me further, and never spake to me for such writings in the Queen's Majesty's name, nor I never said so to any person. I am sure, whatsoever be construed or insinuated by any person, I use not I trow to lie so openly and so dangerously, and I keep my things of secrecy as close as I can. I, only on that day, when her Majesty was at my house before your coming, was in some doubt what it should mean, that we should be called to examine that cause again, and asked of Dr. Yale, in my chapel alone, his counsel if such matter should be urged. I said that I would not deal in that cause again, except I had a plain warrant under the Great Seal from her highness to warrant me it. I think I said that if any alteration were meant, there must be some new commissioners, &c. He only answered me, that peradventure some nullity might be moved and found in the sentence; but, being both in doubt, we ceased. I thought within myself that some man might work to have the case opened again, with such reasons as the Earl hath more gotten (as he saith) since, for that he sent Beale over the seas, to have the judgment of learned men in that cause. In talk with him, I asked what were the precise words of his question to them, &c., and doubting what such ado might mean, I thought within myself, but uttered it to nobody living, that peradventure her Majesty would have the Earl's fair childer to be pronounced legitimate and heritable, &c., but yet I moved no such matter to any man. When once I heard her highness' resolution spoken to myself, I was fully answered in such cogitations. Furthermore, I find among my notes that on the 13 of October, 1573, at the Star Chamber, I delivered to your own hands, first, the sentence of the commissioners against the Earl and Lady Katherine, the copy thereof; item, a copy of the Queen's commission; item, a treatise made of the whole cause, which I desired to have again, because I sent you my original, which was written in good length, that time should be too short to cause it to be copied, and for that also I would use no man of my writers to smell any thing; and this is all. If I have answered the very point you desire, I am glad; if not, I am sorry; for I know no more substance of that matter. Thus God preserve your honor. From Lambeth, this 9 of March, in the morning, 1573. Your assured in Christ, Matthue Cantuar.
Holograph. 1 p.
191. Venice and the Turk.
1573/4, March 13. “Articles of peace agreed on between the Great Turk and the State of Venice, the xiijth of March, 1573.”
½ p. [Murdin, pp. 274, 275. In extenso, except one article, by which the Venetians surrender Sopoto and the artillery therein to the Turk.]
192. Rodolph Gualter to [Dr. Thomas Wilson]. (fn. 1)
1573/4, March 16. Received his letter of the 12th of June at the beginning of October, on his return from the Frankfort fair. Discusses at some length the question of church government, remarking, “Vehementer metuo ne sub Presbyterio Oligarchiæ affectatio lateat, quae tandem in Monarchiam imò in apertam tyrannidem degeneret,” and cites an instance which came under his notice. Has desired his son to visit or write to him.—Zurich, 16 March 1574.
Endorsed in a later hand :—“Rodolphus Gualtherus—Dr. Wilson.”
[Murdin, pp. 276–278. In extenso.]
193. Works at the Isle of Guernsey.
1574, March 27. Warrant for the delivery of 40 tons of oak from the New Forest to Thomas Leighton, Captain of the Isle of Guernsey, for works to be done at Castle Cornet in the said isle.—Greenwich, 27 March 1574.
Signet and Sign manual. 1 p.


  • 1. Or, perhaps, to Richard Cox, Bishop of Ely.