Cecil Papers: December 1574

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: December 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp81-83 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: December 1574', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp81-83.

"Cecil Papers: December 1574". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp81-83.

December 1574

219. Sir Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
1574, Dec. 14. Her Majesty's pleasure is that the bearer, Mr. Lee, have a lease in reversion of the parsonage of Hatfield in Yorkshire, whereof he is now possessed, giving such fine as Lord Burghley thinks reasonable.—Hampton Court, 14 Dec. 1574.
Signed. ½ p.
220. M. Scheyfui, Chancellor of Brabant, to the [Council].
1574. “A proposition for bills or obligations of the States of Brabant for 440,000 guldens for their part of the moiety of the two hundred pence until the two million yearly already consented to should be paid”
Dutch. 6¼ pp.
221. Mary, Queen of Scots, to —.
[1574.] “D'où que ce bruit soit venu, je vous puis asseurer que ce n'a jamays esté selon mon intention ni de l'aprovoir, sinon qu'il y a long temps qu'à la solicitation des siens je traite aveques le feu compte de Northomberland pour son filz, qui en faysoit difficulté pour la réputation de ses parantes & humeurs de sa mère, disoit il; & au reste, l'ayant nourrie soigneusement comme si elle eut esté mon enfant, je n'avois cherché moingns que le filz du compte pour elle, & serois bien marrie de fayre ce plesir à sa grandmère d'averer, ce qu'elle a plu persuader à son pere, que je voulois fayre mon profit de son mariage. Je n'y cognois l'advantasge si grand que je voulusse en estre obligé à mes enemys; & pour vous dire vray, ces conditions commencent tant à raporter à celles de sa grand mère, que tout mon dessayng c'est de la randre à les parants saine & bien nourrie. Je requis la royno de l'honorer de son service. Aynsin ilz me sont obligés, & non moy à eulx. Je serois très marrie que personne qui m'apartint en fut endoné . . . . . . . . . . . . .”
Holograph. Fragment. Unsigned. [See Fourth Report Hist. MSS. Comm., Appendix, p. 215.]
222. The Queen's Houses.
1574. Notes of the sums paid by the inhabitants of several hundreds within the Rape of Bramber, co. Sussex, for the carriage of timber for repairing the Queen's houses.
1 p.
223. The Establishment in Ireland.
1574. Memoranda by Burghley relating to the number and cost, under successive Lord Deputies in Ireland, of the garrison established there. Begins :
“Ao po Marie 300 horse vc. men
200 foot
“10 July 1559 ao po Eliz. 336 horse lm iiijc iiijxx.”
864 foot
300 kern
Ends : “1574 Aug. 16 Eliz. Garrison ijm iijc lxii. per mensem ijm vc xxxjl viijd. ob. unde discharged” &c.
Holograph. 2 pp. Endorsed : “1574.”
224. Importation of Bowstaves.
[1574.] A return of the number of bowstaves imported since the 2nd of August 1572, stating by whom they were imported, and from what towns. [A note is added to the effect that most of the Hanse towns from which bowstaves ouyht to come being frequented only by “strangers of the Stilyard,” who find it more to their gain to import other commodities, the realm is left altogether unfurnished in this respect.]
1 p.
225. Concerning the different kinds of Bowstaves.
[1574.] Of bowstaves there are four kinds, the first of which grows in or about the Bishopric of Saltzburg in Germany, being conveyed in boats down the Rivers Main and Rhine to Dort, whence they are shipped to England. These bowstaves were formerly in the hands of the merchants of Nuremberg, who had a monopoly thereof from Charles V.
This sort of wood is sold at present by the Stillyard for 15l. and 16l. the hundred.
The second kind grows in Switzerland, and is embarked in the Rhine above Basle, and thence forwarded to England as before. The price of this kind is less than that of the other by 3l. or 4l. The third kind grows in the East countries, as in Revell, Dansk, Pollonia, and all countries east of the Sound. These are not worth above 4l. or 5l. the hundred at most, being hollow wood and full of sap by reason of the coldness of the country.
The fourth sort comes out of Italy, and is brought in by the Venetians. “This is the principall, fynest, and steadfastest woode, by reason of the heate of the sua which drieth up the humiditie and moisture of the sappe.”
1 p.
226. John Bradley to the Earl of Leicester and Lord Burghley.
[1574?] Begs them to help him to the restoration of his lands and goods in the Low Countries of which he has been deprived for the bringing over of Dr. Story, which he affirms without his help and God's providence had never been done. Encloses a report by Messrs. Marshe and Aldarson as to the value of his said goods wherein in truth not the half is declared. His poor wife has also been in trouble before the Bishop of Antwerp, and threats are used of greater sharpness both towards her and towards his children, who, Spanish soldiers being now laid within the town of Barrow, are in “most extreme trobles as well of their lyves as other myseries, rather to be wished a fair death then so to live amonge suche ungodlie and tirannous people.”
Has nothing wherewith to help himself or to relieve them except the goods and lands before mentioned, for the recovery of which he beseeches their help.
A valuation by John Mershe and Thomas Aldarson of the lands and goods of John Bradley in the Low Countries, to which is appended the following note :
I am told further to advertise your good Lordships that the said John Bradley did hire the ship wherein Storye was conveyed over and was therefore enforced to leave his habitation at Barrowe and come hether, and since he hathe been much sent and sought for, and his wife hath bene convened afore the Bishop, and I doubt is in danger of loss of all that he hath.”
(Signed) John Mershe.