Cecil Papers: May 1575

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: May 1575', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp96-99 [accessed 24 October 2024].

'Cecil Papers: May 1575', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed October 24, 2024, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp96-99.

"Cecil Papers: May 1575". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 24 October 2024. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp96-99.

May 1575

246. John Weston to the Earl of Lincoln.
1575, May 9. In answer to his dated May 5, reports that he met Sir John Gilbert, April 15, in St. Peter's Churchyard, Exeter, with two other gentlemen. Sir John hotly charged him with keeping back the letters of the Lords of the Council, which the writer denied, having sent them back as directed, the surmises upon which they were written not having been found to be true. Assures his Lordship that he never admitted to Sir John that he had any articles or commission to examine his doings. Exeter, 9th May, 1575.
Endorsed by Lord Lincoln : Mr. Weston's lettre touchinge Sr John Gilbart & the coppie of my lettre within it.
Enclosure :
The Earl of Lincoln to John Weston.
1574/5, Feb. 24. Asking him to inquire whether the information given him by Gilbert Peppell, that Sir John Gilbert had interfered with his (Lord Lincoln's) office by forbidding his servant to deal with a ship that came laden with Portugal goods into a Devonshire port, be true. If so, he is to deliver the enclosed letter from the Lords of the Council to Sir John Gilbert, but he is first to send for and examine Peppell. From Porford, 24 Feb. 1574.
Copy. ½ p.
247. Henry, Lord Morley to Lord Burghley.
1575, May 20. Thanks him for offering to intercede for him with her Majesty, whose favour he esteems as the greatest jewel he could have in this world, and according to his Lordship's advice has written a letter to her which he sends unsealed for his Lordship's perusal.
Articles have been directed against him objecting to certain of his speeches in which he did but call her Majesty his sovereign lady, and state that during his life he would be a true and faithful subject to her and would hinder all attempts that should be made against her, calling all those seditious and rebellious that wrote any books or procured anything to the derogation of her honour, or who should touch with libels any of her Majesty's Council. Hereupon he is reputed and famed abroad to be no Catholic, and in such sort that if it had not been for the State of which he is a subject he might easily by their malice have been brought to the Inquisition.
Would not his lordship think it strange that it should be declared to him “that the day should come when the best Earls and Lords in England should be glad to putt off their caps to the rakehell Stukely,” affirming him to be the Earl of Washford, and Duke of Leinster? To this he replied that he would see his Office of Marshal of Ireland exercised at his creation, but with a hempen halter instead of a coronet. The varlet is now at Rome and hath 18 men to attend upon him and is honoured and reputed amongst the clergy as if he were a principal nobleman.
Desires his lordship to entreat her Majesty that her favour and remission being so far obtained that he shall not hereafter be charged with any breach of law heretofore committed, she will also be so gracious as to restore him and his to their former estate, otherwise, owing as they do upwards of £3,000, he and his wife and children would be reduced to absolute beggary; or if that suit should not be heard that her Majesty will licence him to live in Germany for two or three years so as to recover these debts. Trusts also that when he does return he will not be forced in matters of religion contrary to his conscience whilst living privately, and not breaking nor repugning the laws. Venice, 20th May, 1575.
4 pp.
248. The Duke of Alençon to the Queen.
[1575?] May 20. The affection and goodwill which Her Majesty has shown to him on all occasions have put him under such an obligation that he would feel himself to be most ungrateful if he did not take the present opportunity of most humbly thanking her. His actions are so narrowly watched that he has dared to assure himself that her Majesty would excuse him for not fulfilling his duty earlier, which he beseeches her to do. Implores her further to employ all the means in her power to succour and support an unfortunate prince, who is altogether devoted to her, and to deliver him out of the hands of those who seek only to take his life or by a perpetual captivity to place him at the mercy of his enemies, whose designs may be seen to unfold themselves daily, and their effects to increase hour by hour.
These he had always hoped to moderate by his patience, but seeing no remedy at present he has at last resolved to entreat his nearest relatives and most faithful friends to oppose themselves to the many indignities that have been offered to him and which continue to be so offered. To this appeal his cousin the Prince de Condé and many other nobles and gentlemen his friends have responded with such forces as are at their disposal, his cause being so united to theirs and by such an indissoluble vow that they cannot be separated, as Her Majesty will hear more at length from his cousin the “Sieur de Mera” together with other particulars, with which he has entrusted him, and to which he begs Her Majesty to extend the same credence as she would to himself. For the rest thanks her most affectionately for the help which it has pleased her to send to his cousin in Germany, and for the offer of a sum of fifty thousand crowns, which sum he would were sufficient for the levying of a good number of men at arms, so that it would be unnecessary to importune Her Majesty further, but being so small in proportion to the great expenses which it will be necessary for them to undertake, he again beseeches Her most humbly to help him in his present great need, in which his life, his reputation, and his honour are concerned, by furnishing to his said cousin the Prince de Condé with as much celerity as her affairs will permit, a further sum of 150,000 crowns, for the repayment of which he will be responsible; hoping that by this means God will favour him so far as to enable him some day to show Her Majesty that the liberality and favour shown to him on so holy and just an occasion, for which he will always owe Her such gratitude as she might expect from a prince whom she has rescued from the misery and captivity to which he is now reduced, have not been extended to him in vain. Paris, 20th May, Signed : “Francoys, Duc Dalençon.”
French, 2½ pp.
249. Valentine Dale to Lord Burghley.
1575, May 29. Has signified to the King his election to the Order and such other formalities as he was directed.
At the departure of the Deputies, the King accorded unto them a walled town for exercise of religion in every government which are 16 in number; but because those towns are to be in the government of the King's officers the Deputies made little account of them, because they should stand always at the courtesy of the King's officers, which they have tried already to their cost. Furthermore the matter of Aiguemortes and Beaucaire, which the King would have by this composition, are towns not to be parted with without good consideration, for by them they have the revenue of the salt in that country and a good port in the Levant Sea, and also a passage upon the river Rhone, a means of conveying the salt up into the country, and therefore the King striketh hard upon these towns.
Sends in this packet a copy of what he has lately given to the King concerning the causes of Her Majesty's subjects, to show his diligence in the matter.
The expedition towards Genoa goes forward and begins to be notorious. Fregoso and one of the Biragnes are busy thereabout at Marseilles. It is also said that young Lausac is departed towards the sea.
It is reported that Montbrun hath given an overthrow of late to Monsieur de Gordes in Dauphiné, and that they of the religion are strong in Gascony and have taken a good town there named Agen.
The King of Navarre hath put away a couple of the Queen of Navarre's women from her, which she taketh heavily.
There is much straiter guard in the Court by night than was wont to be, and divers murders committed of late.
Du Gar braveth about the town with 30 or 40 after him with harquebusses charged and bent.
The Chancellor is become a courtier again since the departure of the Deputies. The Marshal de Retz is sick.
The Bishop of Ross waxeth out of credit here, he is so busy in all places and with all men.
James Fitz-Morris of Ireland is come to this town and keepeth himself very close.
There was a great rumour that Buchy d'Amboise and his brother were slain, and the matter was taken very heavily. The truth fell out that they were set upon and pistols discharged at them, but they saved themselves. The occasion is attributed to the displeasure of the King of Navarre.—Paris, 29 May 1575.
[Murdin, p. 279. In extenso. 3 pp.]
Copy of his letter to Mr. Secretary touching the negotiation of Monsieur la Chastres.
[Murdin, p. 280. In extenso. 2 pp.].
250. The Huguenots.
1575, May 29. A note of certain articles to be added to the Treaty between the French king and the Huguenots;
(1.) That they may have a walled town within each of the sixteen governments to be nominated and chosen by themselves.
(2.) That for the due execution of justice they may send representatives to Poictiers.
French. 1 p.
251. Henry, Lord Morley, to Lord Burghley.
1575, May 29. Fears that his former letters have not come to hand, and repeats his appeal to his Lordship to obtain for him his Majesty's favour, either to return and serve her Highness, or with her licence to remain abroad for two or three years till his debts be paid.
The news are here that Genoa standeth still in revolt, and it is feared that if the King of Spain do take part, the other states of Italy will not suffer it.
The Turk maketh no preparation this year by sea; what the Christian navy will do the world doth daily expect.—Venice, 29 May 1575.
1 p.