Cecil Papers: July 1585

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1585', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp100-104 [accessed 11 February 2025].

'Cecil Papers: July 1585', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 11, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp100-104.

"Cecil Papers: July 1585". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 11 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp100-104.

July 1585

168. Exchequer Accounts.
1585, July 4. Beginning :
“To the Earl of Sussex, Captain of Portsmouth, for his entertainment and his band, for one month xlvijli. xijs.
“To Robert Creswell, to the use of the Merchant Adventurers, for 1,000 gildernes delivered at Antwerp to Captain Thos. Morgan for his transportation and his band into Ireland cxlli.
“To Sir Thomas Gawdie and Francis Gawdie, Justices, for their diets at the next assizes (Home Circuit) cijli. xijs.
“To Fras. Windham and Edward Flowerdue, Justices, for their charges at the next assizes (Midland Circuit clxxli. xvjs.
“To Frances Cotton, for Her Majesty's works at Portsmouth ccli.
“To Horatio Pallavicino, half-yecharges at the next assizes ar's interest mvjc.lxviijli.
&c. &c. &c.
Ending :
“To John Popham, A[ttorney] G[eneral], for his charges and daily attendance in the last Parlt. and drawing and penning sundry bills and acts lli.
“To Thomas Egerton, S[olicitor] G[eneral], for like service xlli.
3 pp.
169. [The Master of Gray] to Archibald Douglas.
1585, July 8. Thought it good to let him know of his own estate, and of that of matters there. As for the former it is, as at his last, in good favour with his Prince and all honest men; the estate of the country stands in the same terms as before.
The King is very well satisfied with the articles, and, if they had been more unreasonable, they had been granted. As it was the intent of some to have indirectly stayed the league, by calling the matter in question before the Estates, thinking that way by the maniest votes to have borne the matter away, to prevent their design in that point they have thought this form the meetest to be used : That, the Estates being convened for giving answer to the Danish Ambassadors, the King should show to them that he must enter in league with the Queen and estate of England, both for that he pretends to be some day King of it, and also for the present defence of religion, and seeing that, not only in this matter of the league, but in many other necessary things which will occur daily to be treated of with England, their advice will be requisite, it being a thing “fasheuse” to send for them or convene them for every particular, he will ask whether it be a thing necessary and profitable for him and his Estate to enter with England : no man will deny that, unless he will be reputed for an evil subject, and, all condescending thereto, the King will crave of his Estates full power to deal with the particulars as too troublesome for them, which they are welt assured will not be denied, and so their design in plurality of votes will be escaped, and the league by the grace of God go forward.
The Earl of Arran has dealt marvellously well with him, and yet has deceived himself; for, when the Earl gives him fairest words, he speaks the most of him behind his back, but assures him that an angel shall come from heaven before he trusts him.—alkland, 8 July 1585.
Signed :—“Yours Knawin.”
[Lodge, II., pp. 310–312. In extenso.]
170. Thomas Morgan to the Queen of Scots.
1585, July 10/20. His greatest grief is to understand that, since he has been a prisoner, now almost five months, her Majesty's service and intelligence has been discontinued. Some days before he was taken prisoner, heard that her Majesty was to be removed to Tutbury, where upon he wrote to Mr. Christopher Blunt, requesting him to have special request to her honour and service. Fifteen days since or thereabouts, there arrived a special messenger from Mr. Blunt, with letters declaringthat he was bound to serve and honor “the onlye saynt that he knowes living uppon the ground,” as he terms her Majesty, and that means should be found to establish an intelligence with her Majesty, though it cost him his life.
The bearer of Blunt's letters was a gentleman named Robert Poley, who, however, Morgan being still a prisoner, was not permitted to have access to him. Poley, being asked to communicate what he had to deliver to Thomas Throgmorton, declined to do so, declaring that he would deliver his charge to none living, till he spake with Morgan himself. Some friends here began to doubt that Poley had been sent to compass Morgan's death in prison by some means or other, and dissuaded the latter from speaking with him, or receiving anything from him, but he gave no ear to this persuasion, and found means to communicate with Poley through the window of his chamber, and received letters from him containing ample instructions as to the state of England, which he im Parted with all speed to my lord of Glasgow a ad to Charles Paget praying him to communicate the same to Mendoza, that they might all consider thereof, and of the service offered to be rendered to her Majesty.
De l'Aubespine has used him friendly and courteously in his captivity, on the recommendation of many good and honourable personages, more especially of d'Entragues, to whom he is much beholden, and also to Arnault.
Has been and still is marvellously assaulted by the malice of England, and is made notorious by his troubles, which he yet hopes are for the best. Is well satisfied of the devotion both of Poley and Blunt to her Majesty's service. Also commends to her Majesty one William Grene, a good Catholic, who, like many others, followed Leicester, in the hope of quietness and being able thereby to live a Christian life.
Thinks Leicester will alter his mind about Blunt, because he knows him to be a Catholic, but, if the latter be sent, has warned and prayed him earnestly to persuade her Majesty's son to beware of Leicester and all the practices of England, and to join himself in faith and league with other Christian kings and princes that honoured and loved her Majesty, and further, that he should by all means honour, serve and obey her Majesty and the kings and princes Catholic, and not those of England, that be heretics and seek the ruin of her Majesty and him. Also wrote to Blunt, desiring him to be in hand with her son to write to her Majesty, assuring her of his service and obedience. Having written thus far, perceived that the Duke of Guise was come to the King, whereupon he wrote to him by Charles Paget specially to respect her Majesty's state and her son, and prayed him further to consider of some means to have her Majesty better supported and comforted in this furious time in England. Lastly, prayed him to further his own liberty, wherein he understands that he dealt earnestly with the King and his mother, and with others at several times. If he had been sent to England, d'Aumale was prepared to rescue him by the way, for all which favour he beseeches her Majesty to thank the Duke of Guise and Monsieur d'Aumale when she may, and also my lord of Glasgow for his good disposition towards him.
The custody of the Lord Paget's money hath done him some displeasure, on account of the bruit thereof that hath passed through all places, with addition of the sum ten times more than it was, and, which is worst of all, the world thinketh the said money was his own store, and therefore have the less compassion of his charges in this captivity.
Further, a jealous conceit is entered into the heads of many of the English in banishment and in distress, that the money was her Majesty's own, and that he should have “imparted it to the service of their turnes,” to which vain opinion, amongst others, his friend Charles Arundel grossly and unkindly fell. Protests, as he shall answer to God at the day of judgment, and before her Majesty in this life, that all the money taken in his lodging was the goods of the Lord Paget, except 200 crowns of his own, which was soon gone in that broil.
Does not know what her Majesty has done in recompence of De Courcelles' service, but the latter hath been in this country these three months past and more, and detaineth in his hands 200 crowns which he (Morgan) procured to be disbursed to charitable uses at the request of his good friend Atslowe, and for which he is answerable.
Cannot get a sou thereof from De Courcelles, who is disposed to take these 200 crowns as parcel of his recompence, and dare not insist thereon, for fear of offending him, and thereby doing harm to her Majesty's service. If her Majesty should please to bestow anything on De Courcelles hereafter, prays that it maybe done through his hands, so that he may have some opportunity of recovering the said 200 crowns.
Charles Paget lived here very private these years past but, since his (Morgan's) troubles, and for the recovery of Lord Paget's money, was forced to travel about the Court, and made some good acquaintances thereby. He now writes that he would go away hence, if Morgan were at liberty, yet this is the place of France where he can do her Majesty most service, and she may therefore require him to reside here.
Poley's voyage being for her Majesty's service, a sum of thirty pistolets was advanced to him by Lord Glasgow, which sum he trusts her Majesty will see repaid.
Her Majesty's affairs are recommended by the King and his mother to de L'Aubespine.
The King hath taken the edict for liberty of religion granted to the Huguenots, which will not please England, yet, notwithstanding the instance made for his liberty, the King continueth somewhat slow therein; but God will send him the same, when it shall please Him, to Whose will he remits the matter.
“Written where I am prisoner, the 20th of July.”
[Murdin, pp. 446–452. In extenso.]
171. The Master of Gray to Archibald Douglas, parson of Glasgow.
1585, July 16. Edward Johnston is imprisoned in Bruges, taken as a spy sent by you. I cannot say whether he be alive or not. I pray you let him not want in prison. He was no fit man to be employed for the purpose. The Bishop of Dumblane is presently in Bruges.—From Paris, this 16 of July (Stilo Vetero), 1585.
1 p.
172. Thomas Morgan to the Queen of Scots.
1585, July 16/26. Recommends these few lines to Babington, to move him to be more diligent in her Majesty's service, and to put his helping hand to further her intelligence, which he is well able to do, having many friends and kinsfolk in the parts where her Majesty liveth.
1 p. [Murdin, p. 453. In extenso.]
173. Charles Paget to the Queen of Scots.
1585, July 17/27. Recommends an aspirant to her Majesty's service, but thinks it well her Majesty should make some proof of him before he is trusted with matters of importance.–27 July.
1 p. [Murdin, p. 453. In extenso.]
174. Exchequer Accounts.
1585, July 17. Beginning :
“To Thomas Piersonne, upon the liberate of the Receipt this half year, as well for sundry necessaries spent in her Majesty's service as also for wages and diets, lxixli xviijs viijd.
Ending :
“To John Hawkins, Esquire, Treasurer of thadmiralty, upon his ordnance warrant for repair of ships, &c., iiijc. xxviijli.
3 pp.
175. Thomas Fludd to Lord Burghley.
158[5], July 19. Asks Burghley to stay the passing of certain farms in Kent in reversion to the use of Robert Sprakling and William Marchant, the present farmers thereof, he having promised in their name eight years' rent and forty shillings over. They and their ancestors have been long farmers thereof.—Milgate, 19 July 158–.
176. Exchequer Accounts.
1585, July 25. Beginning :
“To Thos. Lichfield, Esqre., for the moiety of a concealed fine by Ralph Hope, gent., for lands in co. Denbigh,” xvli.
Ending :
“To Chodiock Wardour, Clerk of the Pells, for attendance in the times of vacation, for a year,” xli.
177. Thomas Randolph to Archibald Douglas.
1585, July 25. Thanks him for the sight of the letters sent to him, which he now returns. As the Master of Gray hath showed himself a worthy gentleman, trusts he will be accounted of as he deserves amongst all honest men.
Finds that there is an intention of Commissioners to meet and confirm this good beginning. Suggests that, in the place of one of their number who is not very well liked, Sir Walter Mildmay should be appointed as a Commissioner, and himself as another.—Maidstone, 25 July 1585.
2 pp. [Murdin, p. 543. In extenso.]
178. Lord Burghley to [Sir Thomas Dmonds].
1585, July 29. Has pressed his suit with her Majesty, reminding her how many painful services he had rendered, and how chargeable his last service was, to which she gave good hearing, but, remembering the many things she had already done for him, desired to know how much he had received for his journey to Embden, which he (Lord Burghley) will ascertain accordingly, and then pursue his relief in better sort.
Saw yesterday a letter out of Scotland, declaring that the King was informed from this Court that he had no greater enemy in the Court than himself, and the like was written to the Master of Gray of himself.
“If you knew how ernest a course I hold with her Majesty, both privatly and oppenly, for hir to reteyn the King of Scotts with frendship and liberallety; yea and to reteyn the Master of Gray and the Justice Clerk with some rewards to continew ther offices, which indede are to me knowen to be very good, you wold thynk ther cold be no more shamfull lyes made by Satan hymself than these be, and fyndyng myself thus malicioosly bytten with the tonges and pens of courtyars here, if God did not comfort me, I had cause to feare murtheryng hands or poysonyng pryckes; but God is my Kepar.”—29 July 1585.
179. William Lyngarde and William Haynes (ordinary servants) to the Queen.
1585, July. Petition for a lease in reversion of the parsonage of Bisiey, Gloucestershire.
[Note by Valentine Dale that the Queen grants the petition.]
Endorsed :—“July 1585.”
1 p.