Cecil Papers: August 1585

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1585', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp105-108 [accessed 16 February 2025].

'Cecil Papers: August 1585', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025, https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp105-108.

"Cecil Papers: August 1585". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol3/pp105-108.

August 1585

180. Sir William selby to Archibald Douglas.
1585, Aug. 6. Concerning Scottish news, whilst the Court is beyond the water, and the common rising of brawlers hindered by the pest which rageth still at Edinburgh and other places in those quarters, her Majesty especially having an ambassador resident at that Court, you may not expect any at our hands, the last we wrote being scarcely current. And you know “burnt child fire dreadeth.'' We beseech you to make this our excuse known to Mr. Secretary, whom according to our duty and his deserts we honour and shall serve in all we may.
For the unfortunate accident of the Lord Russell's death, and the Earl Herries' imprisonment following thereon as author of that trouble by his instrument the Lord of Fernehurst preferred by him to that office, who is summoned to appear presently before the King, Mr. Secretary, 1 am sure, hath been more specially and certainly informed by Sir John Forster than he could have been by us, not being there present, and now 18 miles from the place. Recommendations to Captain Levington.—Binised, 6 August.
½ p.
181. Thomas Fowler.
1585, Aug, 7. Warrant under the Signet, directing that at the determination, in August next, of the lease held by Christopher Wyld (by purchase) of the grange of Lasingby, co. York, late parcel of the possessions of Lady Margaret, late Countess of Lennox, Thomas Fowler shall have a lease of the said grange, without fine, in consideration of his long and faithful service to the said Lady, under the like covenants as are contained in the present lease.—Given under our Signet at the manor of Nonsuch, 7 August 1585.
Signed and sealed.
1 p.
182. Sir Francis Walsingham to Archibald Douglas.
1585. Aug. 10. Her Majesty hath willed me to send you word that you bring hither to-morrow Christopher Benson, who shall receive here his despatch.—From the Court at Nonsuch, the 10th of August 1585.
½ p.
183. Export of Ordnance.
1585, Aug. 10. Warrant under the Privy Signet for the transportation of ordnance to Bukhuysen in Holland.—Nonsuch, 10 August 1585.
1 p.
184. Robert Petre to Lord Burghley.
1585, Aug. 11. Sends a statement of the amount of foreign gold, in pistoletts, double milrcis, and French crowns, remaining in the Receipt of the Exchequer.—Westminster, 11 August 1585.
1 p.
185. Robert Petre to Lord Burghley.
1585, Aug. 16. The foreign gold has been delivered to Mr. Alderman Martyn to refine. Has this morning, as requested, instructed him to delay doing so until his lordship's further pleasure is known.—Westminster, 16 August 1585.
1 p.
186. Exchequer Accounts.
1585, Aug. 17, and 18. Similar to those under date July 4, 17, and 25. [Nos. 168, 174, and 176.]
9 pp.
187. Owen Oglethorpe and Roderick Warcop to Lord Burghley.
1585, Aug. 19. We have endeavoured ourselves, with as much speed as possible, to learn out the certainty of the demeanour of William Awder, mentioned in your honor's letters. So it is, therefore, that the said William Awder hath conversed in these parts two years or there abouts, taking upon him divers personages : as sometimes of a school master, sometimes of a reading minister, and sometimes of a physician or chirurgeon. But whereas at his first coming he went orderly and usually to the Church, shortly afterwards he did not only withdraw himself from thence, but also persuaded others to do the like. Amongst the rest, he sojourned for a time with one Andrew Hawe, a wheelwright dwelling in Pirton, one reputed amongst his neighbours to be a poor honest man, with whom (as the party himself hath confessed since unto us) he had, often and sundry, conferences concerning religion, seeking by many persuasions to seduce him from that opinion he had already embraced; whereat the poor man, being somewhat perplexed, brought forth unto the said Awder a Testament translated by Tyndale, saying unto him that it was God's book, and that therein his faith and salvation was contained. “Notwithstanding (quoth he) if by any authority better than this you can persuade me, 1 am contented to relent.” Unto whom the said Awder replied, that the translation of that book was false and corrupted, and therefore not to be credited, much less to be read of a man so simple in capacity and understanding, and “better (quoth he) thou canst not do than burn it, for i have burnt twenty of them in my dayes.” In the end we expostulated with the said poor man, and demanded of him what other thing he knew of the said Awder's bad dealings. “Surely, gentlemen,” (quoth he) “know that he hath cozened divers poor men hereabouts of their money, under pretence that he could cure them of this and that disease; and, having received their money, hath in the end done them no good at all. And besides, I can avouch to his face that once, in private conference with me, he signified unto me how he could make the portrait of any man or woman in wax, and by art either preserve or kill the party.”
Furthermore we do understand that, before his late apprehension, he frequented the houses of Mrs. Symon of Pirton, sister unto Molyns mentioned in your letters, Mr. Betham of Adwell, Mr. Lee sometimes of Whitfield, one Freemar, a husbandman dwelling on Pirton Hill, one Kibble, likewise a husbandman, and a party of Henley-onThames. But his chiefest conversation hath been with Molyns, a most obstinate recusant, and one who, by his secret conferences with sundry persons not the best affected in religion, is thought, not only to have perverted divers in these parts, but also, both in private and public places, giveth out that he hath not to glory in any one thing more than that he is reckoned amongst the number of them who are infected with the opinion of Papistry.
As to the cause of Awder's coming, true he owed three pounds to Bowyer of Watlington, mentioned in your letters for apparel, &c., and had some conference with the party at Henley on Thursday, the day of his apprehension, about satisfaction for the said money. But his going afterwards from thence to Watlington, a place so remote from the execution of the charge committed unto him by your honour and the Lord Chancellor, and his private and long conference with Molyns at his inn, and with Mrs. Symon at her house, both notable recusants, and the small desire we perceived in him, when he came before us, to be examined as to the satisfying Bowyer with some part of the money found about him (some thirty shillings), argueth some indirect dealing, and some other matter of greater importance to be accomplished by him. The Popish book found about him, and sent to you, he confessed to have taken, amongst others, in the house of one Taylor in Fetter Lane, a pursuivant and his near kinsman.—At Newington, this 19th of August 1585.
2 pp.
188. “Yours Knaicin” to Archibald Douglas.
1585, Aug. 21. Denies indignantly the evil reports spread about him, that he has been a dealer for Arran. Is very much beholden to his friends, who trusted no evil of him, and, on the other side, very little to the Queen, who condemned him without knowledge. Will satisfy his honest friends, Lord Leicester, Sir Francis Walshigham, and Sir Philip Sidney, that he never meant any crooked course. The Justice Clerk has this day purged himself before the Ambassador, &c.—From Stirling, this 20th of August 1585.
5 pp.
189. Sir Christopher Hatton to Mr. Wilkes, a Clerk of the Privy Council.
1585, Aug. 22. I have with great difficulty, after many storms and thwarts, obtained your bill to be signed by her Majesty, which, notwithstanding, is as yet stayed by commandment, and may not proceed to the Signet, until I have spoken with you. I pray you, therefore, let me see you here as soon as you can, and then you shall hear further what her Majesty's pleasure is, and what course is to be taken for the free discharge of that matter.—From the Court at Nonsuch, the 22nd of August 1585.
Endorsed :—“Mr. Vice-Chamberlain; my bill is signed and stayed.”
½ p.
190. “Yours Knaicin” to Archibald Douglas.
1585, Aug. 24. Notwithstanding in his last he affirmed he would not write or deal “in the course,” till fully satisfied for the wrong done him, yet, perceiving things going wrong, he could not abstain from opening his mind wholly to the Ambassador, without respect to any quarrel he might justly have against him. Arran and Morton are agreed, the former having desired leave of the King to speak with Morton. If this course take effect, Arran thinks it will be his overthrow, and sees no way of preventing it, but only in apprehending the King's person. He will not do it himself, because that would be yet more his overthrow, therefore he intends to make Morton the doer of it, and to get the thanks of his Majesty for preserving him. Their intent has a “farther fetch,” to have him in fear, and thus they think he shall be made a Catholic. Morton very sincere in that religion. Since the home-coming of these Jesuits, he has said daily mass in his house, and paid his men with French crowns, &c.—Inchemera, 24 August 1585.
2 pp.
191. Thomas Randolph to Archibald Douglas.
1585, Aug. 25. The book he sent him is not that he desires, although it bears the same title and name. That which lie would have is subscribed by a worthy knight with these words, “Uni soli et semper,” and by a great counsellor of his, “Nil nisi consilio.” Prays him to let him hear from him sometimes how the world goeth, but to send his letters by no man but him that comes in his (Randolph's) name.—Maidstone, 25 August 1585.
1 p.
192. The Earl of Leicester to Lord Burghley.
1585, Aug. 28. I do thank your Lordship for both your letters, and will refer the further answer till I speak with you, which I hope will be shortly, albeit I have got a shrewd wrench on my foot by the fall of my horse, which drives me to my couch, and more rest than here I would have had. I perceive by your letters and Mr. Secretary's that her Majesty is now in good inclination to help the Low Countries, and you both think her Majesty will employ me. Surely, my Lord, for mine own part, I am most ready to serve her, specially in any service where I may set my life in hazard for her safety. My only wish is, not only for myself but for the whole, as well those that shall go to serve as they that remain, that her Majesty will take this matter (if she will deal withal) even to the heart, as a cause that doth concern both her life and State. For, if her Majesty be not persuaded and fully resolved that the cause is of other importance than as it were to make a show and become only a scarecrow, it were better never enter into it. And men abroad begin to doubt her persuasion in this case, albeit every man doth see the necessity thereof as well as her counsellors.
It will be very needful, if her Majesty mean to proceed in the cause, to make it some ways more apparent than hitherto it hath been, to encourage a number of men that think, if they be so forward to seek a dangerous service, they shall have as little thanks as if they stayed at home. I speak it not without some cause. Therefore the half winning of this matter beforehand must be, her Majesty's undoubted and comfortable countenance that she doth mean to deal thoroughly and princely in the cause. Then, no doubt, she shall see new heart spring up again, and need not care for loss of Antwerp, for surely it will come again, and the rest withal, if her Majesty so deal. Thus much, my good Lord, I thought good to say, knowing by Mr. Secretary that ye have of late said and dealt further than I am able to advise, and that ye know my whole mind touching this action, having wished well in respect of avoiding further danger to her Majesty and the realm. I will here make an end, with request that, if her Majesty command my service, I may have your good will for my cousin, Sir Thomas Cecil, to have his company.—From Mr. Lees, at Stoneley, this 28th of August.
P.S.—I pray you, if you find her disposition to employ me, procure me her resolute pleasure known as soon as may be.
Holograph, with Burghley's endorsement :—“Erie of Lecester, his consent to serve the Queen in the Low Countrey.”
2 pp.