Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.
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'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 16 February 2025].
'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 16, 2025,
"Index: C". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 16 February 2025.
Cadalion, —; 216.
Caen; 33.
castle of; 33.
Caer, Lord of the; 216.
Caermarthen. See Carmarthen.
Caesar :
Dr. Julius; 291.
—letter to; 407.
Cagnoli, T., letter of; 170.
Cahir Castle, in Ireland; 4.
Cairnie (Cairney, Carnei); 178, 188, 221, 248.
Caithness, earl of; 154.
Calais; 25, 76, 82, 336, 430–1, 445.
letters dated; 299, 432.
East; 429.
Spanish Armada at; 345–6, 350.
Spanish'army before; 210.
Calvin, doctrines of; 51.
Cambray; 12, 16–20, 26, 31, 34, 37, 41, 44, 69, 75, 83, 432.
Treaty of (1559); 181.
Cambridgeshire; 428.
Camp in the Netherlands, letter dated; 169.
Camp, the (at Shoebury ?); 346.
Campheer. See Campvere.
Campian, Father; 348.
Campvere (Caropheer), conservator of Scotland in; 141.
Cannoniers; 220.
Canon Law; 36.
Canterbury :
letter dated; 75.
John Whitgift, Archbishop of; 137, 413.
—letters of; 133, 406.
—letter to; 35.
—Popish practises by; 90.
Canygate (qu. the Canongate of Edinburgh?), letter dated; 26.
Capilucchi :
Biagio; 263.
Camillo; 263.
Capponi, —; 263.
Captain, the. See Haggerston, Captain.
Car, Andrew, of Fawdin; 73.
Caran or Caron, —, of Bruges; 31, 45.
Carbery (or Carberry), in Ireland; 7, 451.
Cardiff; 202.
bailiffs of; 215.
charter of; 215.
High Street; 215.
Town Hall; 215.
Cardinal, an English; 290.
Cardinals, the; 129.
in France; 95.
Carey (or Cary):
Mr.; 70.
Sir Edmond, Lord Hunsdon's son; 293, 458.
Guy; 4.
Robert; 226, 231, 234, 236, 313, 329, 333–4, 342.
Carle. See Curll.
Carlisle; 149, 167, 260, 323, 333.
Carlisles, the family; 157, 175–6.
Carmarthen; 394, 406.
Carmarthen, Richard, letter of; 98.
Carmerden, Richard, letter of; 273.
Carmichael :
—; 140, 260, 318, 326, 381, 404, 438.
Laird of; 304, 362, 403.
John; 312–13.
William; 361.
Carnei. See Cairnie.
Caron or Caran, —; 31, 45.
Carr :
George, letter to; 418.
Robert; 253.
Carrick; 173.
earldom of; 422.
Carrs, the; 149, 156, 165, 167.
Caithagena, in the Indies; 152.
Carvyle (Carvell, Carwell):
Captain; 319.
Robert, Lord Hunsdon's servant; 247, 255, 260, 327, 374.
—letters of; 128, 229, 234, 253, 261, 268, 293, 298, 303, 339, 395, 404, 450.
Carwell. See Carvyle.
Cascale, letter dated; 414.
Casie, Richard; 371.
Casimir (Cazimir):
Duke; 8, 15, 19, 70, P6, 219, 280, 323, 393, 423.
—letter to; 313.
Cassilis, Countess of; 73.
—Lord; 437.
Castile, King of. See Philip II.
Castle Cornett, in Guernsey; 224.
Castrell Beltram, prince of; 271.
Castro (Castrensis):
Cardinal of; 351.
family; 351.
Catario, Baltazar, a synonym; 36, 88.
Catcher :
Alderman; 367.
John; 417.
Catholic King, the. See Philip II.
Catholics. See Papists.
Cattle; 138.
Cavaillon, —; 58, 59, 61.
Cave, Mr., Walsingham's servant, letter to; 130.
Cavendish :
Lady. See Shrewsbury, Countess of.
—; 147.
Sir Charles; 153, 166.
Mr. Henry; 161–2.
—, his marriage; 162.
William; 163, 166.
Cavendishes, the; 143, 158–63.
Caverley, Mr.; 291.
Cazimir. See Casimir.
Cecil :
Robert, letter of; 250.
Sir Robert, letters of; 276, 303, 386.
—, note by; 408.
(Sitcill), Sir Thomas; 108, 169, 270, 297, 325, 377, 427.
—, letter of; 276.
William; 130, 179.
—his marriage; 429. See also Burghley, lord.
Ceford, Lord; 221 (qu. Crawford ? q. v.).
Cell's house; 311.
Cesford :
Laird of; 73, 221, 244, 404 (?Seaford).
young; 282, 292, 318–19.
Chaineuf, M. de; 202 (qu. Chateauneuf ?).
Chalons; 79.
Chamberlain, Lord. See Hunsdon, Lord,
Chambéry, in Savoy; 64, 65, 279.
Champagne, in France; 79, 86, 120, 364.
Champernoun, Sir Arthur, his son; 453.
Chancellor, Lord. (See Bromley, Sir Thomas; see also Hatton, Sir Chr.); 153, 164, 250–2, 280, 298, 361, 389, 407, 456.
letter to; 366.
memorandum by; 270.
Chard, letter dated; 387.
“Charles”; 14.
Charles, Duke of Burgundy, quoted; 35.
Charles V., Emperor; 68, 289, 306.
Charney, M. de; 407.
Charsincourt, —, agent of the King of Navarre; 25.
Chartlcy, letters dated; 142, 149, 153, 213.
Chasteau. See Chateau.
Chastelbcrault; 398.
Chastenay,—; 85.
Chastillon, M. de; 279.
Chastre. See La Chastre.
Chateau Neuf; 36–7.
Chateauneuf :
Madame de; 113, 130.
G. de l'Aubespine, sieur de, French ambassador (1586); 90, 102–3, 130, 137, 151, 202 (? Chaineuf), 225. See also Ambassadors.
Chateau Thierri; 26, 34, 39, 79, 81.
letters dated; 15, 16, 17, 19.
Chatelet; 12.
Chaterdin; 407.
Chatsworth; 152, 158–9, 161–2, 166.
Chaulnes, — de; 130.
Chawoith, Sir Patrick; 396.
Chechester. See Chichester.
Chedenay. See Sidney.
Chedington; 311.
Cheeses, present of; 411.
Chelsea; 163, 165.
letters dated; 152, 165.
Cherbourg; 23.
Cheries; 311.
Chesham, John; 193.
Cheshire men; 438.
Chester (West Chester); 409.
Cheverni (Chiverny), Philip Hurault de, Chancellor of France; 66.
Cheynev, John; 303.
Chichester; 178, 297, 341.
Chinon; 407.
Chisholm, John; 245.
Chiverny. See Cheverni.
Chosley, the good man of; 388.
Chreusburye. See Shrewsbury.
Chrysostom, St. John, cited; 351.
Church, States of the, in Italy; 263.
Cicero, quotation of; 206.
Cinque Ports, burgesses for; 71.
Ciphers, undeciphered; 9, 17, 19, 23, 98, 136–7, 180, 206, 211, 226–9, 233, 314–317, 403.
Civitte, Francois de, letter of; 151.
Cianbrasselagh, in Ireland; 67.
Ciancan, in Ireland; 67.
Clancarty :
Earl of; 451–2.
—daughter of; 450–1.
—his bastard son; 452.
Clanclouden (Liucluden ?), the provost of; 51.
Clandeboy, in Ireland; 67.
Clan William, the Bourkes of. See Bourkes.
Clapham Park, Beds; 9.
Clarencieux King of Arms; 185.
Clarencieux and Garter, threatened amalgamation of the offices; 71.
Clarke, John; 121.
Clark's farm; 311.
Clascoue. See Glasgow.
Claud, Lord. See Hamilton, Lord Claud.
Clergy, the; 412–13.
Clerk of the Crown; 427
Clerke, Dr., Dean of Arches; 355.
Cleyton, Thomas; 109.
Clinton, Lady; 122.
Clipston; 408.
Clonmel; 215–16.
Cloths (Wiltshire cloths, Broadcloth), export, &c. of; 18, 133, 177, 202, 265, 278, 335, 354, 409, 456.
Cobb, Michael; 393.
Cobham, letters dated; 109, 287.
Cobham :
Lady; 122, 136–7.
Lord; 75, 137, 185, 225, 239, 294, 335, 376, 460.
—letters of; 109, 286.
—letters to; 71–2, 77, 356.
—his title; 396.
Cobham, Sir Henry; 12, 33, 302.
Cockburn, Cockbourne, or Cookburne:
—; 332.
R., letter of; 387.
Samuel; 283.
—letters of; 204, 353, 394.
—P. S. by; 304.
William, letter of; 429.
Cod; 177.
Colby, Francis; 301.
Colchester; 341.
Coldherbert; 160.
Coldingham; 228, 318.
Coldinghowe, Laird of; 244.
Colepeper, Francis; 303.
Coles, Edmund, letter of; 355.
Collingwood, Sir Cuthbert; 149, 173, 198, 291, 444.
Collwall park; 355.
Coin. See Cologne.
Cologne (Coin); 263.
Abp. of, letter to; 181.
Elector of; 21.
—letter of, 98.
Colvill, Colvin, Colvilc, Colvvle:
—; 191.
Mr.; 428.
Mr., Scotch Ambassador; 430, 435.
James, letter of; 231, 332.
James, of Eshlennes, letters of, 354, 431.
James, Laird of Ester Wemyss, warrant to; 409.
John; 131–2, 156–7, 172, 272, 317, 353, 374, 399, 442, 455–6.
—letters of; 11, 379, 440,
William; 99, 155–6.
—his brother; 99, 155.
Colvin. See Colville.
Comber (Cumbre), Thomas; 414, 416.
Comerford, Gerard, letter of; 401.
Commendado, the (Requesens); 68.
Commi, Innocentio, musician; 409.
Common Prayer, Book of; 35, 412.
Compton, Lord; 185.
Comptroller, Mr. See Crofts, Sir James.
Concette :
Francis; 223.
William; 223.
Condé, Prince of; 25, 80, 113, 407 (?).
Condon, Patrick: 7.
Condon Grange; 290.
Connaught : 285, 410.
the men of; 82.
wrecks of Spaniards in; 371.
Constable :
Young; 438, 441–2.
—letter to; 442.
J., of Dundee, letter of; 215. See also Dundee, Constable of.
Sir Robert; 160, 454.
—letter of; 409.
Constantinople; 351.
sack of (in 1453); 24.
Conti, Prince of; 397.
Conway :
Sir John; 305.
—letter of; 457.
Cook, —, 405.
Cookburne. See Cockburn.
Cooper, Mr.; 432.
Coorke, Mr., of Clonmel; 215.
Coraghe Moore, baron of. See Power, Lord.
Corbett, —,216.
Corcelles. See Courcelles.
Cordaillot, —; 147.
Cordall or Cordell :
Mr., Venetian merchant; 454.
Thomas; 423.
—letter of; 281.
Corfe Castle, captain of; 155.
Corfe Moulin; 155.
Cork; 5, 450–1.
letters dated; 4, 7.
munitions at; 354.
Cornells, Jacob; 343.
Cornish, Thomas; 159, 100.
Cornwallis :
—; 13, 204.
Henry; 311.
J.; 253.
(Cornwaleys), Sir Thomas, letters of; 269, 377–8.
—his son; 209, 377–8.
William, letter of; 376.
Correggio, castle of; 80.
Corsini, —; 263.
Cotes, Richard, the elder; 370, 408.
Cottesford, John, goldsmith; 214.
Cotton :
Francis; 100.
Sir Thomas; 302.
Coudenknows. See Cowdenknowes.
Council. See Privy Council.
Courcelles (Corcelles):
Mons. de; 102–3, 153, 167, 225, 280, 294.
—letters to; 194, 202, 213.
Courcy (Coursey), Lord, sells his lands for wine; 7.
Court, the; 74, 104, 189, 211, 252, 277, 294, 309, 321, 361, 366, 376, 406, 416, 420.
letters dated; 98, 143, 144, 195, 202–3, 217, 225, 236, 241–2, 249, 253, 275, 280, 290, 295, 323, 327, 332, 337, 389, 391, 413, 416, 423–4, 426, 428, 459,
Coventry; 159.
Covert, Walter; 297.
Cowdenknowes (Coudenknows), Laird of (Home); 236, 318, 321, 439.
Cowdrey; 178.
Cowty, Agnes, letters of; 155, 179.
Cowy; 321.
Craig, Thomas; 388.
Craigmillar; 404.
Cranatoun, Cranstoune, or Cranston:
Laird of; 426.
John of; 239.
Thomas; 246, 255, 319.
—letters of; 221, 250.
—, his father; 246.
Crauford. See Crawford.
Craven, Mr.; 273.
Crawe, Squinteye; 146.
Crawford; 190.
Crawford (Crayford), Earl of; 11, 48, 55, 57, 73, 128, 182, 188, 221(? Ceford), 248, 250, 255, 268, 280, 321, 404, 418, 443.
—his brothers; 381.
Crawford,—; 175.
Crawghe, Dr., a Papist; 216.
Crawley, — , a Papist; 139.
Crayford. See Crawford.
Creighton, Father. See Crichton.
Cresswell, William, 303.
Creswell, Robert; 100.
Crevecoeur, M.; 24.
Creytton. See Crichton.
Crichton (Creighton, Creytton), —, Jesuit; 68, 137, 447.
Criechtoun; 321.
Crofts, Sir James, Comptroller of the Household; 179, 393, 460.
—letter of; 335.
—signature; 71.
Cromwell, Francis, letter to; 109.
Crossbows; 272.
Crystie (Crysty), William; 429–30, 449.
Cuba, in the Indies; 153.
Culpeper, Sir Alexander; 302.
Culverwell, Nicholas, 462.
Cumberland :
Countess of; 438.
Earl of; 147, 224.
—his ship; 341.
Cumbre. See Comber.
Cunningham, Robert; 172, 317.
Curll or Curie :
E., letter of; 110.
—her two daughters; 110.
Gilbert; 110–11, 116, 130, 142, 171, 176, 180, 208, 213, 232.
—letter to; 170.
—his sister; 111, 213.
—his wife; 111, 213.
(Carle), James; 171.
—letter to; 176.
Janet, letter of; 176.
Mrs.; 232.
Cusack,—; 459.
Customs; 390, 444, 454.
payment of; 209.