Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1889.
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'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online [accessed 6 February 2025].
'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589(London, 1889), British History Online, accessed February 6, 2025,
"Index: D". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 3, 1583-1589. (London, 1889), British History Online. Web. 6 February 2025.
D., Lord, in Scotland, marriage of his sister; 336.
Dacres :
Lord, of the North; 32.
Lady, of the South; 251.
Lord, of the South; 251–2.
— lands of; 251.
—title of; 396.
Lord, so called; 443.
Francis; 179.
Dagenham; 311.
Daglas. See Douglas.
Dale :
Dr. Valentine; 335–6, 460.
— instructions to; 341.
—notes by; 65, 104, 211, 234, 253, 259, 274, 301, 304, 306, 310, 370, 414, 427.
Dalkeith; 226, 228, 230, 321, 404, 409.
letters dated; 117, 177, 235.
Dalle, Robert (Ric. Douglas); 435.
Dalton, Roger, 274, 438, 443.
Dane, Margaret; 9.
Dangalstoun, Alexander, 396.
Daniell, Mr., letter to, 449.
Danpier, M.; 398.
Darbishire, —, a Jesuit; 64.
Darnley, Lord; 12 (late king of Scotland).
inheritance of; 243.
D'Arsey, —; 22.
Dartmouth; 341.
Dartrye, captain of; 284.
Datchet; 201.
Daulphinie. See Dauphiné.
Daumont, Marshall; 397, 407.
Dauphin, Prince, Montpensier's son 398.
Dauphiné; 84, 364, 375.
David. See Rizzio, David.
Davidson or Davison :
—; 56.
Captain; 282.
John, 429.
William, secretary; 8, 77, 98, 132, 189, 203, 218, 224, 236, 330.
—, letters of, 182, 198, 203, 212.
—, letter to; 1.
Day, John; 311.
Dee, Bridge of; 321.
Defence of the Realm. See Loan.
Delft; 271.
letter from; 301.
Denaio, P., letter of; 323.
Denbigh, manor and castle of; 20.
Denbighshire; 104.
Denham, Mr. goldsmith; 358.
Denmark; 62, 245, 255, 257, 263, 272, 366, 390, 421, 439–40, 447, 455.
Chancellor of; 334.
Court of; 139.
embassy to; 329.
a gentleman of; 334.
the four governors of; 329
King of (Frederick II.); 43, 144, 263, 334, 366.
—death of; 329.
—sends an embassy to England 139.
—warrant for; 177.
King of (Christiern IV.); 329, 401, 403, 421, 426, 456.
—letter, of; 423.
Queen mother of; 329, 401, 403, 421, 426, 456.
Scotch ambassadors to; 185, 255, 401.
Denmark :
Anne of. See Anne.
Elizabeth of; 403.
Dennis, Mr.; 136.
Dennis Morris, M.; 397.
Denny, Mr. 286.
Dennye, Sir Edward; 411.
Deputation of a lord lieutenant; 297.
Derby :
Earl of; 39, 75, 90, 91. 94, 96, 224, 280, 335–6, 438, 460.
—letter of; 336.
—his secretary; 335.
Dermond, in the Low Countries; 65.
Des Markais, —; 119.
Desmond :
Earl of; 4, 6, 7, 24, 25, 451, 453.
Sir John of; 452–3.
earldom of; 451, 452.
Despruneaux, M.; 45, 66, 77.
Des Trappes. See Du Trap.
Dethicke, William, Garter King of Arms, 424.
Deurbina, John, 387.
Devedstone, Mr.; 437.
Devereux, Sir Walter; 396.
Devonshire, papists in; 294.
Diamonds, sale of; 214.
“Diana”; 441–2.
Dieppe; 33, 432.
letters dated; 395, 406, 412.
Dignam, Nicholas; 371.
Dijon; 79.
parliament of; 76.
Dillon (Dyllon):
Justice; 459.
Sir Lucas; 82.
Nathaniel; 411.
Sir Robert; 410.
Theobald; 371.
Dingwall, Andrew lord, colonel-general of Scotland; 420, 426, 438, 455.
Dinteviile, M.; 387.
Dirrickson, Dirrick; 459.
Dix, William; 266, 414–15.
Dixon, Mr., goldsmith; 358.
Do (Dow), M.; 33, 66, 398.
Dobson, Samuel; 429.
Dodge, Mr.; 209.
Doe, Robert; 354.
Dogs; 169, 271–2, 313, 427–8.
Doleraan, Alban, a priest, 89, 129. (N.B. Robert Parsons used the pseudonym of John Doleman.)
Dolu, —; 130.
Domelaw, John; 415.
Domfermeling. See Dunfermline.
Domingo. See St. Domingo.
Donnoghoe, McCormac; 6.
Dordrecht, letter from;
Dorsetshire; 433.
Dort, chief pensioner of
Dorvall, John; 195.
Douglas (Daglas):
—; 51, 81.
Alexander; 310.
(Du Glas, Archubal), Scotch Ambassador, parson of Glasgow; 4, 9, 12, 14, 97, 124, 127, 155, 168, 234, 252–5, 267–8, 288, 298–9, 313, 400–1 (my uncle), 17–8, 426, 447.
—letters of, 95, 117, 144, 176, 197, 205.
—letters to; 8, 10, 11, 16, 96–101, 103–5, 107–8, 110, 112, 114–6, 128, 129, 131, 133–4, 13S–9, 144–6, 149–52, 154–6, 165, 167–71, 174–9, 182–5, 188, 189, 190, 192–200, 202–5, 207, 211, 214–15, 221, 225, 228–31, 234–6, 239, 241, 241, 247, 249–50, 259, 261, 268, 270–1, 275, 277, 282, 287–8, 290–1, 293, 295, 298–9, 303–4, 306, 309, 310, 312, 317, 320–3, 325, 327–8, 331–2, 336–41, 343, 346, 349, 352–4, 356, 358–9, 361–3, 365–6, 371–2, 374–6, 378–9, 381–2, 389–91, 394–9, 401, 403–7, 409–12, 416–17, 423–4, 426–7, 429, 431, 436–7, 439, 441, 444, 448, 450, 454, 456, 458–60.
his nephew; 158, 236, 376, 379, 426.
—his nephew Mr. William; 427.
—lease to; 135.
—posts for; 194.
—his “project”; 295, 383.
— his restoration in Scotland as one of the Lords of Session; 148.
—sells jewels; 214.
—signature; 267.
—his late wife; 396. See also under Ambassadors.
George of Lochleven; 51, 228, 230.
James; 239 (?), 339, 373, 401, 437.
—letter of; 460.
—his father; 461.
Jane, letter of; 338.
John; 190, 239.
—letter to; 460.
Mr. (Richard ?); 353.
Richard; 177, 234, 261, 268, 293, 303–4, 350, 3X5, 391, 394, 399, 406 (Richart), 417, 424, 435–7, 439–40, 447, 450
—letters of; 139, 239, 244, 255, 271, 287, 299, 304, 306, 322, 325, 332, 336, 339, 341, 343, 349, 352, 356, 359, 372, 374, 381, 391, 394, 397, 400–1, 426–7, 418.
— (R. Douglas), letters of; 133, 134, 149, 171, 229, 235–6, 241, 247, 254, 255, 259, 2G1, 282, 317, 320, 323, 356, 390, 441–2, 454.
— letter to; 116.
— his brother; 239–40, 241, 244–8, 322, 325, 373.
letter to; 400.
—copy by; 462.
— his father and mother; 139, 239, 373, 390–1, 400.
—instructions for; 267.
—his uncle; 247.
Thomas, letters of; 423, 441.
—death of; 133.
William, of Whittinghamo, letters of; 323, 398.
—letter of; 340.
Doune (Dun), Lord; 47, 48, 49, 54, 55, 60, 118, 182, 188, 420.
Dover; 8, 63, 216, 341, 356, 424–5, 432, 445.
letter dated; 12.
Haven; 292.
Dow, M. See Do.
Dowalla, in Ireland; 6.
Down, Lord. See Doune, Lord.
Downs, the; 402, 425.
Drake, Sir Francis; 116, 142, 144, 147–8, 152, 279, 281, 364, 387, 424–5.
—memorandum by; 233.
Draughton; 178.
Drogheda, letter dated at; 154.
commission dated; 411.
Dromont. See Drummond.
Drumlanrig, Laird of; 176.
Drummond (Dromont), —; 51.
Drury, Sir Dru; 231–2.
Drythe (qu. Erith ?); 346.
Du Bartas (Bartras), M.; 253, 255–6, 260, 262, 282.
Du Bellay, —; 331.
Dublin; 6, 451.
letter dated; 353.
Castle of; 453.
—letters dated; 285–6.
—order dated; 142.
—Chamber of; 264.
Dublin, Archbishop of; 459.
Ducke, Wm.; 23.
Dudhope; 420.
Dudley :
Edward lord; 311.
Thomas; 251.
Dudlowe, Mr., Sheriff of Newcastle; 436.
Du Gast, Captain; 405.
Du Glas. See Douglas.
Du Guet, Chevalier; 33.
Duke, the. See Lennox, Duke of, also Parma, Duke of.
Du Marigny, M.; 403.
Dumbarton; 282.
letter dated; 410.
Dumblane. See Dunblane.
Dumfermline. See Dunfermline.
Dumfries; 120, 244–5, 249, 292, 334, 437.
letters dated; 173, 178, 184, 188.
Dumlenvick, Laird of; 262, 307.
Du Moulins, M. See Moulins.
Dun. See Doun.
Dunbar; 128, 408.
Dunblane (Dumblane), Bishop of; 103, 318.
Dunhoyne, Lord; 216.
Dundee; 404.
letters dated at; 129, 179, 215.
constable of (James Scrymgeour); 420, 455. See also Constable, J.
—letter from; 129.
Dune, Henry; 209.
Dunfermline; 245, 318, 372, 374, 404, 449.
letters dated; 100, 151, 168–9, 171, 184, 386, 420.
warrant dated; 148.
Abbey; 254 (? abbacy), 260 (? benefice), 455.
—abbot of; 51, 72, 73.
—commendator of, articles by; 463.
Dungannon; 285.
Baron of. See O'Neill, T.
Dunglas, letter dated at; 193.
Dunkirk (Dunquerque); 81, 157, 288, 356, 376, 379, 394, 408, 448.
letters dated; 2, 3, 23.
ships of; 426.
vice-admiral of; 408.
Dunottar; 321.
Dunsany, Lord; 453.
Du Perray, Sire; 154.
Du Pin, —; 29, 361–2.
Du Plessis, M.; 28, 29, 66, 75, 79, 361–2.
Duras, Madame de; 9.
Durham; 98.
Richard Barnes, bishop of (died 1587); 98, 290, 371.
Bishop of, to be nominated; 371.
Bishopric of; 426.
—sheriff of; 371.
Dean of; 371.
Durham, A., letter of; 366.
Du Ruisseau, —; 94, 130, 213.
Dutch sailors; 343.
Dutch, see also German.
Du Trap, —; 212–13, 216.
Dy. . . . letter dated; 304.
Dyllon. See Dillon.
Dymock, Edward; 297.
Dysart, letter dated; 361.