America and West Indies: April 1700, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 18, 1700. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'America and West Indies: April 1700, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 18, 1700, ed. Cecil Headlam( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'America and West Indies: April 1700, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 18, 1700. Edited by Cecil Headlam( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"America and West Indies: April 1700, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 18, 1700. Ed. Cecil Headlam(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

April 1700

April 11. Order of Council, March 28, about boundaries of New York and Connecticut read.
Proposals of Mr. Haynes, etc., for bringing pitch, etc., considered. Some heads relating to that matter agreed upon and ordered to be sent to Mr. Haynes.
Letter to the Lord Bishop of London about the instruction of Indians (Nov. 29, 1699), signed.
Letter from Col. Codrington, April 10, read.
Draft of letter to Lord Bellomont about New England agreed upon. Lord Bellomont's letters about New Hampshire considered.
Letters to Governor Nicholson and Governor Blakiston signed.
April 12. Letter from Mr. Burchet, Ap. 11, read.
Memorial from Barbados Agents, April 10, about Dominico, read.
Letter from Mr. Perry, Secretary of the African Company, April 9, read. [Board of Trade. Journal, 12. pp. 427–430; and 97. Nos. 65–67.]
April 11.
307. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor the Earl of Bellomont. Letters sent August 21–February 16, and received, dated April 13–January 5, enumerated. As to NEW YORK:— We are glad to perceive by your letter of July 22 that the uneasiness you had been under in relation to the conduct of the Five Nations of Indians with the French of Canada was then over; and that you had found them in good humour and resolved to remain steady in our friendship. We doubt not therefore but you will be able to keep them so. As to the insinuation, which you say, August 24, had been made to them of your correspondence with the Governor of Canada in order to their ruin, though it be never so groundless, yet we think it advisable for preventing the ill effects of such reports and the growth of any humours amongst them to the prejudice of H.M. affairs, that you endeavour to have always some persons whom you can trust conversant amongst them, either about trade or upon any other pretence, who may be serviceable for that end, and have some small allowance for it out of the public money of the Province. And if anything can be procured from those of the Corporation for Evangelizing the Indians at Boston, as we desired in our letter of August 21 last, and which your Lordship has writ us you intended to endeavour, it may be of good use for this end. The most effectual thing to preserve those Indians in perfect friendship with us, would undoubtedly be, as you write, the building of some Forts in proper places on the frontiers, and the letting them see a force constantly maintained in the Province capable to defend ourselves and assist them upon all occasions. But we have formerly acquainted your Lordship with the reduction of the soldiers from 400 to 200 men, and Mr. Weaver and Mr. Champante will doubtless have sufficiently acquainted you with the difficulty they find in procuring even subsistence for them, though we have been always ready to give Mr. Weaver what assistance we could, as we shall henceforward do the like to Mr. Champante, and do believe our application to the Treasury was of some use in the payment last obtained of what was due for their subsistence March–Dec., 1699. As for what is due for their arrears till March, 1698–9, they are in the same case with all the rest of the land forces, who by an Act passed this Session are to be paid by debentures upon the forfeited estates in Ireland. As for the Forts, your Lordship does seem, May 3rd, to expect that a fund might be raised out of Col. Fletcher's debt to the Crown, towards the building of them; but in your letter of 15th May, we observe that by your departure from New York to Boston and the embezzlement of some accounts in the Assembly, by which that debt might have been stated, there was a stop put to it; wherefore we again desire your Lordship, though you should not yourself be returned to New York, to give strict orders to your L.G. and Council there to proceed in stating and auditing those accounts in the best manner and besides what may be raised thereby, you are to use your utmost endeavours with the Assembly to dispose them to provide for the repairing and erecting of fortifications in the places where you judge them to be most needful. As to the new trade, which you proposed, April 13th, to be set on foot with some Western Indians lying on the back of Maryland and Virginia, we have writ both to Col. Nicholson and Col. Blakiston about it, with our opinion that they will do well to promote the same, provided it do not interfere with the planting of tobacco, which in those provinces is to be preferred before all other things. We intend now to write to them again, upon occasion of what you inform us, October 20, of those Western Indians having killed five of our Seneca Indians, that they may use their endeavours to prevent any suchlike mischief for the future. But in the meanwhile, however that prove, we are very well satisfied with your Lordship's reasons for not complaining of that injury to the Governor of Canada. And as for your desire to have His Majesty's leave to meet those Governors at Philadelphia without forfeiting the half of your salary, etc., we are ordered to signify His Majesty's leave accordingly for your meeting them at any place agreed on. We are very sensible of the difficulties your Lordship has met with from the opposition of those men who find themselves uneasy by the alterations you have made in public offices, and by your conduct in respect to trade, grants of lands, etc., and of what has passed here of the like nature your agents will give you a full account, in which we assure you that nothing has been or shall be wanting on our parts in your Lordship's behalf.
We observe what you write, April 27 and May 15, about the conduct of those men in or relating to the Assembly; their opposition to the settling of the Revenue, and the assistance you found from others in that important service, and are therefore very well satisfied with your conduct in all that matter. The Acts you have sent us are yet with Mr. Solicitor General, so that we have not hitherto been able to lay our opinion upon any of them before His Majesty. Meanwhile, as the vacating of the extravagant grants of land has been done in pursuance of the Lords Justices_ directions, we cannot but commend your Lordship's care therein and exhort you to continue the same in the next Assembly. And we conceive it will be also necessary that you endeavour, in any new Act of that kind, to have the rate of quitrents and other things relating to the grants of lands, which could not conveniently be put into the first, regulated and settled, as you propose in your letter of August 24. If the Assembly be absolutely averse to those regulations, some method must in the end be thought upon to do the thing here, but it would be much better that all this matter were settled there, and therefore at present we leave it to your care. We have considered all that you write concerning naval stores to be furnished from the Province of New York, and upon your desire that a copy of your letter of April 17 should be communicated to the Lords of the Admiralty, we sent them not only that, but also extracts of your letters of Aug. 24 and Oct. 20, which relate to the same subject. We are very sensible that your care and pains in getting informations, calculating thereupon and forming the scheme of methods and encouragements for carrying on that work have been very great, and should be glad to see that business put in execution. But as the charge of what you propose for the whole is too great to be undertaken without very good assurance of its answering the end arrived at, we desire your Lordship to make what essay you can with the men now there, according to your own proposal, October 20, and in this experiment also it will be very well that proof be made of the method which you mention in the same place for floating masts of the largest size down the great fall above Albany, and that computation be carefully made at what rates such great trees may be delivered on board at New York. And whereas you mention an ill custom in that Province of burning woods to clear the lands at less charge, which will be of ill consequence in regard to the production of naval stores, we think it not enough that you issue a proclamation against it, as you say you have done against the cutting of trees fit for masts for H.M. ships, but that you endeavour also to get an Act of Assembly past for the preventing of that mis- chief. We have considered what you write in your letters of May 13 and October 20 relating to Col. Depeyster's buying the ship Fortune, the mistake that led him into that bargain, and the Council buying the ship again since your absence from New York, for His Majesty's use, and reimbursing him the cost and charges that he had laid out upon her. We are of opinion that whether that happened by the ignorance of the Attorney General as a private lawyer or otherwise, the loss that Col. Depeyster was like to have suffered thereby ought not to have been thrown upon His Majesty. Wherefore your Lordship will do well for the future to take all possible care that no such irregularities be committed there in your absence. All that you writ us about pirates has been very useful, and we have accordingly laid before His Majesty divers representations of your Lordship's care in the taking of Kidd, Bradish, Gillam and others, with an account of Shelley and many other things of that nature, concerning all which matters His Majesty's directions have been sent you; and, as we doubt not of your continuing your endeavours for the suppression of piracy, so we hope, amongst others, to have some good account of the seizing of those pirates, which you say, July 22, were sheltred with a great deal of money in Nassau Island, though we are very sensible of the difficulty to do it in a place where they are so much favoured. His Majesty is pleased to allow your Lordship to pardon Col. Pierson (May 3), provided he has delivered up all the effects he had in his hands belonging to the said pirates. We are sensible by the many instances you have given us with relation to the ordinary course of justice, H.M. Revenue, trade, piracy and everything else, of the great want of some able lawyers, especially one for a Chief Justice and another for an Attorney General, in that Province. We send you copies of our Representation accordingly and the minutes of Council thereupon. Meanwhile, however, if you do find reason to believe that Col. Smith, the Chief Justice of that Province, be guilty of abetting pirates, your own prudence in making use of the powers of your Commission will be your best guide. As for Mr. Clarkson's insolence in striking Mr. Parmiter in the King's House, your Lordship has a sufficient authority to punish such crimes. As to the requiring of bonds for ships putting out to sea, that they will not go to Madagascar or other places where pirates frequent, we do conceive that where your Lordship is at liberty to give or refuse passes, and where you have cause of suspecting their being intended for such places, the best means to prevent it will be by forbearing to give such passes unto those who refuse to give such bonds.
As to the endenizing of foreigners (May 15 and January 5), we can add nothing to what you will find in the Order of Council on that subject, which we sent you, February 16 last. We will consider Widow Wandal's case (Aug. 24), whenever there may be occasion. Meanwhile, as your L.G. and Council made a very wrong step in refusing Alsop an appeal to His Majesty from your Lordship's judgment in that case, we commend your care in removing that obstruction. For His Majesty's car is always open to justice, and there must be no stop laid in the course of it. We have proposed your query about seamen's wages, occasioned by the condemnation of the Hester, to H.M. Advocate General, and, when we receive his answer, shall acquaint you therewith. Though the observations made by Mr. Parmiter upon the Revenue Act (Oct. 20), are proper for our information, yet we cannot give any directions upon them. Your Lordship being upon the place is best capable to judge of their usefulness, and to get remedies for the defects in that Act by some additional and explanatory Bill, when the Assembly may sit again. But if the Assembly prove refractory, it may then perhaps be fit to think of providing some remedy by Act of Parliament here, and your Lordship in your own prudence will judge whether it may not be convenient in the meanwhile to tell them so.
As for the Colony of Connecticut having refused to submit to your Lordship's Admiralty power, we conceive that the Bill proposed to be passed there, though it were enacted will no ways effect (sic) that power. But besides what has been directed by His Majesty's forementioned letter relating to pirates, there is an Act now passed this session of Parliament here, for the suppression of piracy, which will be your guide in all those matters. We have upon your desire represented to His Majesty our opinion that Mr. Robert Walters may be confirmed in the place of a Councillor, but as for Mr. Ducie Hungerford, we find by your letter, Jan. 5, to the Commissioners of Customs that you have changed your opinion of him. Because of the many alterations that have been made in the Council of New York, and the reasons that you have often found to change your opinion of men, we think it would be very useful that you send us frequently lists both of names of the Councillors that are in place and of others fit to supply vacancies, with notes upon each name, either in confirmation of the opinion you may have formerly given us thereupon, or signifying the reason of your changing it.
As for ships of war to attend your Government, which you mention in several letters and more particularly, in that of Aug. 24, desire that they may be a fourth and fifth rate, we find after our applications therein, that no other than a fifth and sixth rate are thought proper for that service. We have lately laid before His Majesty a state of the controversy between New York and Connecticut about the towns of Rye and Bedford, and His Majesty having been pleased to approve of our opinion, we prepared an instrument confirming the Agreement made between those Governments in 1683 relating to their boundaries. one of which, with His Majesty's Royal Confirmation in Council, will be sent to you, and another to the Government of Connecticut, by the Earl of Jersey. We acquainted Mr. Weaver with your Lordship's complaint, October 24, of his too long stay in England, for which he excused himself for some time by the necessity of his soliciting the payment of the subsistence for the soldiers, but promised us to make all the despatch possible in order to his return to New York.
We writ you, August 21, that we supposed Mr. Livingston's case to have been settled at New York, but having since been attended by a solicitor in his behalf, we directed him to lay the same before His Majesty by a Secretary of State, which we conceive to be the proper method. We shall be glad to receive the account of the Militia in all your Governments, which you promise, January 5. What relates to New England, etc., we shall make the subject of another letter, and have only here to add our great satisfaction in your Lordship's care and application in the discharge of the Government, and shall be always ready to be assisting therein your Lordship by our advice and otherwise. Hoping that your Lordship has already surmounted the greatest difficulties. Signed, Stamford, Lexington, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, John Pollexfen, Abr. Hill, George Stepney. P.S.—Upon further consideration of what you write about the reversal of the judgment given by Col. Fletcher and the Council of New York in favour of Mr. Alsop against the widow Wandell, we cannot but observe that we do not know that it has been the practice anywhere in the Plantations for a succeeding Governor to reverse judgments given in that manner by his predecessor, and are apprehensive lest a precedent of this nature should prove of ill consequence. For the Governor and Council in each Plantation, being the Supreme Judicature, it would create endless doubts and perplexities amongst the inhabitants, if their judgments were liable to be reversed any otherwise than by appeal to His Majesty in Council, which being the established method for the relief of those that think themselves aggrieved in such cases, it ought to be observed accordingly. His Majesty's forementioned letters relating to the boundaries between New York and Connecticut are both of them enclosed, that you may take care the letter for the Government of Connecticut be sent to them by some sure conveyance. We have now received Sir Tho. Pinfold's answer to your query about seamen's wages, and therefore enclose it. [Board of Trade. New York, 54. pp. 142–165; and (rough draft), 44A. No. 40.]
April 11.
308. Order of King in Council, referring to the Council of Trade and Plantations the enclosed petition and representation for their report. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed., Recd. April 12th, Read April 16th, 1700. ¾ p. Enclosed,
308. i. Petition of Capt. Elias Haskett for His Majesty's approbation of a commission granted him by the Lords Proprietors of the Bahama Islands for the government of the said islands. Petitioner has been at Providence and many of the Bahama Islands several times, loaded his vessels thence, and is well acquainted with the trade there, and the manners and customs of the people. In reference to the said employment, petitioner has bought a ship and put himself to very great charge in providing things fit for the improvement of the islands, which stand in great need of a present Governor. Signed, Elias Haskett. Copy. 1½ pp.
308. ii. Representation from the Lords Proprietors of the Bahama Islands, certifying that they have granted above commission. Signed, Bathe, Berkeley, Craven, G. Carteret for the Lord Carteret, M. Ashley, Wm. Thornburgh for Sir Jno. Colleton, Bart. Copy. ¾ p. [Board of Trade. Proprieties, 5. Nos. 39, 39.i–ii; and 26. pp. 188–191.]
April 11.
309. Order of King in Council. Referring Representation of Council of Trade and Plantations to the Attorney and Solicitor General, who are to be attended with the papers relating to the misdemeanours of Rhode Island. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed., Recd. Read April 15th, 1700. ½ p. [Board of Trade. Proprieties, 5. No. 38; and 26. p. 187.]
April 11.
310. J. Burchett to W. Popple. I send, as desired, the names of the pirates brought home in H.M.S. Advice from New England with Capt. Kidd, being 32, including Kidd. Addressed. Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed., Recd. April 11, Read April 12, 1700. 1 p. On back, 310. i. List of pirates:—
William Kidd. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
Edward Davis. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
James Kelley alias Gillam. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
Gabriel Loffe. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
Samuel Arris. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
Hugh Parratt. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
Robt. Lamley. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
Wm. Jenkins. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
Richd. Barleycorn. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
Jos. Palmer. Associates and Accomplices of William Kidd.
Joseph Bradish. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Tee Witherel. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Jno. Loyd. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Thomas Davis. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Robt. Knox. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Thomas Dane. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Cornelius Larkin. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Thomas Read. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Aylmer Clarke. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Jno. Westby. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Robt. Amsden. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Robt. Mason. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Jno. Peirce. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Andw. Martin. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Thomas Simpson. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Rowland Martin. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Willm. Griffin. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
James Vennen. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Edwd. Hamm. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Jno. Parrat. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Thomas Edgehill. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
Thomas Hewes. Associates and Accomplices of Joseph Bradish.
[Board of Trade. New England, 10. No. 26; and 37. pp. 439, 440; and (memorandium only, ¼ p.) Plantations General, 5. No. 52.]
April 11.
311. William Popple to Richard Haynes. The Council of Trade and Plantations command me to send the enclosed heads relating to the bringing of Naval Stores from H.M. Plantations. Annexed,
311. i. Proposals for the bringing in of Naval Stores from America. (i) Subscribers to be incorporated as the Governor and Company for bringing Naval Stores from H.M. Plantations, with power to use a common seal, plead and implead. (ii) There shall be a Governor, Deputy Governor and 24 assistants. (iii) No person shall subscribe less than 100l.; all persons paying 100l. shall have a vote, but none more than five votes. (iv) Persons residing in America may vote by proxy in London, no person here to be proxy for more than one person there. (v) The stock under writt to be employed in the making of pitch, tar and rosin and providing masts and ship's timber or deal boards, flax or hemp and transporting the same to England. (vi) The Company to be obliged to import from some of H.M. territories in America into England within two years after the passing of the charter, 100 last of pitch, 100 last of tar, 100 tuns of rozin, three ships each of 300 tuns loaden with masts and timber for building ships, and double the said quantities every year after, during the continuance of the charter. His Majesty to have the preemption of such goods. No subscriber to sell his shares within the five years from the passing of the charter, under penalty of forfeiture. The King reserves the power to dissolve the Company by six of his Privy Council, if the Company misuse their powers or neglect to import the naval stores mentioned. [Board of Trade. Plantations General, 35. pp. 195–197.]
April 11.
312. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor the Earl of Bellomont. This letter relates to the business of the Massachussets Bay and other neighbouring colonies. The dates of the letters received from you referring principally to them are July 8, 26, August 28, October 24, November 6, 18, 27, 29, 30. We refer to our letter of November 27 for our answer to a great part of what we find in these relating to pirates. Your care in seizing the persons and effects of Kidd, Gillam, etc., deserves great commendations, and it has been accordingly represented to His Majesty. But we can add nothing to the Orders that have been sent you thereupon. Letters have been writ to Barbados, the Leeward Islands and Jamaica, about Bourk and Bolton, and about pirates' goods carried by them or others to St. Thomas and Curacao, but we see little likelihood of recovering anything from thence. Upon what you write about the Fidelia, we spoke with Mr. Charles Noden, one of the owners, but could not fix any criminal matter upon the owners, yet have reason to suspect that the ship was sent out upon an unlawful design. We communicated to the Treasury what you mention, Nov. 29, about pirates' goods in the hands of the Governor of Rhode Island and relating to the Dep. Collector there, and doubt not but you will receive from them the necessary orders. It is most reasonable that the owners of the Adventure should reimburse your Lordship the reward and other charges paid for taking Bradish or anything else relating to that matter, and we cannot doubt but they will do it accordingly. We observe what you write July 26 and August 28 about the want of a law in the Massachusetts Bay to punish pirates with death, and about the refusal of some of the members of that Council to pass an Act to the like effect as that of Jamaica, and we thereupon refer it to your Lordship's consideration, whether it may not be expedient in the next election of that Council to reject those who have shown themselves on that occasion so averse not only to that Act but even in general to the Laws of England. But as for that Act, it is no longer necessary that your Lordship insists upon the passing of it, since the Parliament, having in view the refractoriness of New England and other Plantations, have now past an Act for the suppression of piracy, which extends to all the Plantations and other foreign parts, by which those of New England may perceive that where the public good does suffer by their obstinacy, the proper remedies will be easily found here.
We have read your speech to the Assembly of the Massachussets Bay and commend your zeal in rendring that people sensible of the great blessings we and they enjoy by this happy Revolution, but we wish it had been done without any reflection upon His Majesty's Royal Progenitors, and desire your Lordship for the future to avoid such disadvantageous mention of them, lest, among other reasons, it should alienate the minds of that people from monarchy itself. We desire you will continue upon all occasions your endeavours to dispose the Assembly to provide for the building of forts, not only in the harbour of Boston, but in all other places where forts are necessary. And in reference to the remoter parts, we think they ought to be more especially moved to the rebuilding at least of the fort at Pemaquid, either in the same place it was formerly or near it, as may be most convenient. And to engage them the better in this, your Lordship may do well to represent to them that the Province of Main and other northern parts were annexed to the Government of the Massachusetts Bay for the maintaining of that fort, which is the security of that whole coast, and a necessary protection to the fishery there against interruptions given by the French, which they themselves complain of. They must therefore be prest as much as possible to that work, and at the same time to the peopling of the Province of Main, that so the fishery in those parts may be effectually carried on and improved.
Your Lordship was much in the right in the contest you say you had with the Council about the nomination of officers, and likewise in refusing to pass the Bill about Harvard College. As for the Act which they have passed for giving your Lordship 1,000l., and which you understand to be not an extraordinary present, but as part of the salary promised at your going over, it is yet with Mr. Solicitor General, together with the rest of the Acts of that Province, as are also those of New York and New Hampshire. But in the meanwhile we think it very ill done of them to leave the subsistence of a Governor so precarious. They are the only Colony depending immediately upon the King where there is not a fixed revenue for that purpose, and they may the better be pressed to that, as also to the building of a convenient house for the Governor's residence and providing for the necessary and incidental charges of the Government, (which might answer the expense your Lordship has been at in reference to Gillam, etc.) in this conjuncture, seeing it appears by your Speech that they are out of debt and cannot plead poverty.
We are very glad to find that the Eastern Indians had submitted and promised obedience to His Majesty. We hope you will be able to manage them so, either by fair means or otherwise, that they may be kept in good temper and order, and not commit such mischiefs as they have done formerly. But in order there-unto we think it highly necessary, in the first place, that the Council and Assembly be moved in the most effectual manner you possibly can to take care that justice be done them in the matter of their complaints mentioned in your letter, Oct. 24.
As to the rates of the ships of war to attend New York and New England, we refer to our other letter of this date, relating to the affairs of New York. As to what you writ, Oct. 24, about the convoy to Saltertudos in the winter, and Capt. Nicholls' causing the colours worn by Capt. Cary to be taken down, we writ to the Admiralty, and have understood from them that in the first point they have sent your Lordship full authority according to your own desire, and that in the second they have signified to you that they esteem Capt. Nicholls to have done nothing but according to his duty. We acquainted the Commissioners of Customs with what you write about the Naval Officers' fees both in New England and New York. We doubt not but they will have writ you about it. We told Mr. Brenton that your Lordship complained of his too long stay here, but his answer was that the occasion of his stay is for the determination of two appeals that he has brought from New England and laid before His Majesty in Council, which he thought of such importance that, if they and other such like appeals be not allowed, it cannot be expected that any right will be done there in cases relating to breaches of the Acts for Trade. In your letter of Nov. 18, you acquaint us with your having taken bonds, as we had desired, from the Governors of Connecticut and Rhode Island, for their observing the Acts of Trade, which we hope will be of benefit to fair trade, and we observe that you, not having been able to bring those two Colonies to an agreement about the Narraganset Country, had appointed them to send over Agents hither in order to a final determination thereof, which is a thing much to be desired, that the country may be settled in peace and quiet.
We have considered your report upon the misdemeanours of the Government of Rhode Island, and thereupon laid before His Majesty a representation, whereof we send you a copy, and a copy of H.M. Order in Council upon it. As to the petition of some of the inhabitants of Rhode Island for a minister of the Church of England, we have recommended it to the Lord Bishop of London, as also what you write, November 29, about settling some Protestant ministers amongst the Indians both of New York and New England. The letter you received from the Lords Justices, about encouraging the officers of the Admiralty and Customs, was no other than one of the circular ones on that subject. We conclude this letter, as our former, with our great satisfaction in your Lordship's care and diligence in the discharge of your trust. Signed, Stamford, Lexington, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Jno. Pollexfen, Abr. Hill, Geo. Stepney. [Board of Trade. New England, 37. pp. 428–438.]
April 11.
313. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Bishop of London. We enclose extract from Lord Bellomont's letter (Nov. 29, 1699) relating to the instruction of the Indians, that your Lordship may consider how so good a work may be most effectually promoted. Signed, Stamford, Lexington, Wm. Blathwayt, Jon. Pollexfen, Abr. Hill. [Board of Trade. New England, 37. pp. 426, 427.]
April 11.
314. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts Bay. By order of His Excellency the clause in the Act of Parliament referred to April 8 was publicly read and published at the Town-house in Boston. [Board of Trade. New England, 49. p. 288.]
April 12.
315. Council of Trade and Plantations to Gov. Nicholson. We recommend the French Protestants to your favourable assistance in order to their intended settlement in Virginia. We writ you our thoughts, Jan. 4, upon the proposed new trade with some Western Indians, and, Lord Bellomont having since informed us that some of those Indians had killed and scalped five of the New York Indians called Senecas, we think it the more necessary that you use your endeavours in concert with the Governor of Maryland, to settle some trade or intercourse with them, in order to the preventing of any such like mischief. Lord Bellomont having desired us to procure His Majesty's leave that he may have a meeting with you and Col. Blakiston at Philadelphia, we have by H.M. Order signified to his Lordship and do the same now to you, that His Majesty is pleased to approve of your proposed meeting and gives leave accordingly that it shall be wherever you shall agree amongst yourselves. Signed, Stamford, Lexington, Ph. Meadows. Wm. Blathwayt, John Pollexfen, Abr. Hill, George Stepney. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 37. pp. 397, 398.]
April 12.
316. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor Blakiston. Repeats directions, mutatis mutandis, given in preceding letter about trade with the Western Indians. Signed as preceding. [Board of Trade. Maryland, 9. pp. 482, 483.]
April 12.
317. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Popple. My Lords of the Admiralty having received from H.M. Principal Secretaries of State several pacquets sent from New England by my Lord Bellomont in H.M.S. Advice, among which are some directed for the Lords of the Council for Trade and Plantations, and yourself, they desire that their Lordships will appoint some proper person to receive the said packets from them to-morrow morning, and I do believe it will be expected that the said packetts should be opened and read in their presence, as the Secretary of State did theirs this morning, that if anything relates therein to Capt. Kidd the pirate, the same may remain here till such time as he shall be examined. Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed., Recd. April 12, Read April 13, 1700. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New England, 10. No. 27; and 37. pp. 440, 441.]
April 12.
318. Gov. Read Elding to Mr. Secretary Vernon. I received your Instructions of June 18 relating to the Scots, which I shall put in execution. The Spaniards make it a common practice to make prize many vessels belonging to H.M. subjects. They encourage pirates to sieze English ships and receive them at Havanna, by which means we must expect that no vessel that comes through the gulf, which most part of the Jamaica ships doth, but will for the best part be taken. Esq. Randolph hath a deposition taken before me and will speak to that matter and others. Signed, Read Elding. Post.—The whole matter relating to the affair of Jon. Edwards, who left his brigantine and was brought into this harbour, I have given to Mr. Randolph, the most fitting person to give an impartial account. Endorsed., R. July 29, 1700. Addressed (Sir James Vernon) and sealed. 1 p. Enclosed,
318. i. Copy of above.
318. ii. Copy of deposition of Thomas Smith, Commander of the Prudent Mary. On March 8, 1699 (1700), his ship was seized by pirates off Cuba, who were openly entertained by the Spaniards of the Havanna. 2½ pp. [America and West Indies.. Bahamas, 452. Nos. 63, 63. i., ii..]
April 13.
319. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Letter from Mr. Burchett, April 12th, read. Secretary ordered to go immediately to the Admiralty Office, open the packets referred to and leave whatever papers the Lords of the Admiralty think fit. [Board of Trade. Journal, 13. p. 1; and 97. No. 68.]
April 15.
320. Governor Day to James Vernon. I lately transmitted vindication of my proceedings and now enclose a copy and send to wait on you Mr. Thomas Burton, Solicitor General, whom I find just, though he hath not wanted the envy, hatred and malice of many who have interrupted the peace of this Government. He well knows the transactions that have been here in several Governments. By him I transmit the Journals of Council and other papers and proofs heretofore sent. The Journal shows that on my first arrival I called the Council according to my Instructions, viz., William Peniston, Samuel Trott, William Outerbridge, Gilbert Nelson, Richard Peniston and John Tucker. William Peniston and Capt. John Tucker desired to be excused, the former on account of his age and the latter on account of business. It was several days before I could get a Council. On the advice of Nicholas Trott, who knew the country, I appointed Lt.-Col. Anthony White, Charles Walker and Capt. Thomas Harford to be of the Council, but I soon found that, as they had demeaned themselves in former Governments, so now they became insolent and continually opposed and affronted me. Mr. Walker and Mr. White came to my house and said that if the country might not choose their Treasurer, there should be no money raised, in spite of H.M. Instructions. Col. Goddard will attest they said the same to him before. Again they came to my house and told me they had sent 1,000l. to England and would spend every farthing of it, but that they would have a Bermudian for their Governor. Mr. Burton will attest that he heard Mr. Harford declare the same to me. With all the prudence and circumspection I could, I have endeavoured to act, and the first six months' things proceeded easy, until the restless and ambitious temper of these men broke out into such extravagance that I suspended them. About the same time Mr. Randolph arrived, whom I received with all courtesy and kindness, but, falling into the company of the said persons, he wrote his unjust and villainous letters against me. To punish which I took not upon myself, but imparted it to the Council, and upon examination he was committed to prison until delivered by due course of law and upon trial at the Quarter Sessions he was fined 50l. to the King and to lie in prison till paid, where he remained until their Excellencies' Order arrived, and was immediately obeyed. But the Commissioners having refused me copies of the depositions taken by them, I am altogether uncapable to transmit my answer according to their Excellencies' Order. I immediately discharged the Dolphin, but Mr. Isaac Adderly makes no manner of progress to proceed on his voyage. I never seized her, but only demanded a reasonable salvage, for that by sending out of my boat I saved her from being totally lost. Signed, Sam. Day. 2¼ pp. Endorsed, R. June 1, 1700. Addressed and sealed. Enclosed,
320. i. Copy of letter of Jan. 29, but dated Feb. 10. 2½ pp. [America and West Indies. Bermuda, 477. Nos. 62, 62. i.].
April 15.
321. Governor Day to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Repeats in substance above letter, adding:—I formerly gave your Lordships an account of the evil practice of clipping and defacing the current money and sent you an ounce of the clippings, since which Walter Turner, the person in whose custody it was found, was prosecuted, but he made such an interest that a bill was not found. He has lately with the advice of Mr. White and others entered his action against the Sheriff for taking the clippings in his custody. Signed, Sam Day. Endorsed., Recd. Read June 11, 1700. 3 pp. Enclosed,
321. i. Abstract of above. 1 p.
321. ii. Memorandum of Minutes of Council of Bermuda, Aug. 17, 1698–July 4, 1699. ¼ p.
321. iii. Memorandum of proceedings of Courts re sloops St. George and Endeavour, July 5, 1699, and Sep. 15, 1699. ¼ p. [Board of Trade. Bermuda, 4. Nos. 20, 20.i.–iii.; and 30. pp. 12–19.]
April 15.
322. Secretary of Bermuda to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Repeats substance of letter of Feb. 13. Concludes:— Since Gov. Day made his protest about the depositions, I have been informed they have made several other affidavits against him, when I cannot perceive that he gives them any just cause for their being anywise uneasy under his conduct of the Government, for he seems to me to act with great prudence and candour and not to be the person they do render him. Signed, Ed. Jones. Endorsed., Recd. Read June 11, 1700. 1 p. Addressed and sealed. [Board of Trade. Bermuda, 4. No. 21; and 30. pp. 19, 20.]
April 15. 323. Receipt given by Lt. Governor of New York for the treasure seized by Col. Markham as belonging to the pirate, Dr. Robert Bradenham, and also for the persons of Dr. Bradenham and David Evans. Signed, John Nanfan, New York, April 15, 1700. ¾ p. [America and West Indies.. New York, 580. No. 25.]
April 16. 324. Receipt given by the Lt. Governor of New York for treasure seized by Col. Quary, belonging to John Eldridge and Syon Arnold, pirates. Signed, John Nanfan, New York, April 16, 1700. ½ p. [America and West Indies.. New York, 580. No. 26.]
April 15. 325. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. The Secretary acquainted the Board that he had been to the Admiralty as directed (Ap. 13) and left there a letter from Lord Bellomont, dated March 16, and other papers relating to Kidd etc., and brought away others which appeared to have no relation to pirates.
Order of Council, April 11th, read. Capt. Hasket acquainted the Board that he had given security to the Lords Proprietors of the Bahama Islands for his faithful discharge of the trust of Governor. He was directed to bring a copy of that bond, together with some persons of credit to testify of his fitness for that employment.
Order of Council, Ap. 11th, read. Ordered that a list of the papers relating to the irregularities in the Government of Rhoad Island be prepared, in order to the sending such as may be necessary to the Attorney and Solicitor General.
April 16. Representation to His Majesty, with the duplicate of an Act of Jamaica, 1696, the original having been defaced, was signed.
Minutes of Council of the Massachusets Bay, March 25, 1698– Aug. 24, 1699, read.
April 17. Letters to Lord Bellomont, April 11th, signed.
Letter from the Bishop of London, April 16, read.
Letter from Lord Bellomont, Feb. 28, read, and papers relating to it were laid before the Board. Those which related to the conspiracy on foot amongst the Indians against the English being read, letters were writ by the Board to the Lord President, Lord Privy Seal, Earl of Jersey and Mr. Secretary Vernon to desire the favour of their company at this Board on Friday next in order to advise what representations may be fit to be made to His Majesty in a matter of so great importance.
Mr. Secretary ordered to write to Mr. Sansom to borrow a large map, which the Commissioners of the Customs have of H.M. Plantations. [Board of Trade. Journal, 13. pp. 2–9; and 97. Nos. 69–71.]
April 15.
James City.
326. Minutes of Council of Virginia. Gawin Corbin's bond for a ship certified lost discharged.
Letters from the Earl of Bellomont and Lt. Col. George Mason, relating to the Indians, referred till the Indians come to town with their tribute.
Ordered that Lt. Col. George Mason, Commander-in-Chief of the Militia in Stafford County, send David Straugham and Giles Tillit, or other understanding persons, to the island where the Piscataway Indians lately lived in the head of Potowmeck River, to see whether they are now there, in what condition and how many, and to enquire whether any of them have lately been from that place and whether they have seen any strange Indians this winter or last fall; if they have, of what Nation and how many and whither they went. They are to give a particular account in writing of these enquiries to Lt. Col. Mason, who is immediately to transmit it to be laid before His Excellency.
His Excellency delivered to Capt. John Aldred, H.M.S. Essex prize, the Admiralty's orders for him to return to England, and directed him to inform the Council what things he wants and in what time he can be ready to sail.
Capt. Passenger, H.M.S. Shoreham, having laid his Instructions before His Excellency, and requiring nine men and a pilot, warrants ordered accordingly. Directions given to him by His Excellency with the advice of the Council as to cruizing, victualling, etc.