America and West Indies: April 1700, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 18, 1700. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'America and West Indies: April 1700, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 18, 1700, ed. Cecil Headlam( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 27 July 2024].

'America and West Indies: April 1700, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 18, 1700. Edited by Cecil Headlam( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed July 27, 2024,

"America and West Indies: April 1700, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 18, 1700. Ed. Cecil Headlam(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 27 July 2024.

April 1700

April 16. It being thought necessary to purchase a sloop to serve as a tender to H.M.S. Shoreham, Capt. Passenger was ordered to send his men to view the sloop, offered for 40l. by Mr. Joshua Broadbent, and to fit her out if found suitable, applying for necessaries to Major James Wilson and Capt. Samuel Bush, who are also to give Capt. Aldred credit and assistance for the careening and refitting of the Essex prize in Elizabeth River. Capt. Aldred ordered to make all dispatch and as soon as may be to prefix a day for his sailing, giving notice to the merchant ships accordingly that they may take advantage of his convoy.
Mr. Auditor directed to sell the Providence of Dublin, condemned as an illegal trader, to Mr. Eccles for the 100l. he offers, if no one gives more. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 53. pp. 405–411.]
April 16.
327. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King, laying the duplicate of a defaced Act of Jamaica before His Majesty for approbation (See Jan. 5, 1699). Signed, Stamford, Lexington, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Jno. Pollexfen, Abr. Hill, Geo. Stepney. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 57. pp. 41, 42.]
April 16.
328. Bishop of London to Mr. Popple. Not knowing what title to give those worthy and noble persons as make up the Committee of Trade and Plantations, I entreat you to acquaint them that I have the honour of two informations from their hands. The first, relating to Rhode Island, I laid before His Majesty, who commanded me to let their Honours know that he would have them to lay before him what might be proper for him to do in that case, and he will give orders accordingly. As to the other matter, if I mistake not, the Lord Chancellor purposes to call the Trustees to an account. However, when I shall have known the King's pleasure, and how far his Lordship will proceed in the business, I shall, if there be occasion, give you a farther account. Signed, H. London. Endorsed, Recd. Read April 17, 1700. ¾ p. [Board of Trade. New England, 10. No. 28; and 37. pp. 441, 442; and Proprieties, 26. p. 192.]
329. Memorandum of above. ½ p. [Board of Trade. Proprieties, 5. No. 40.]
April 16.
330. Minutes of Council of the Massachusetts Bay. Payment of 8l. ordered to Luke Hitchcock of Springfield, on behalf of Daniel Bagg and Jedadiah Dewey for their journey to Albany this April with expresses, and of 10s. on behalf of John Pynchon 3ins for expenses in despatching the said express, and 2l. for his own service in riding post from Springfield.
Proclamation, for dissolving the Assembly, and issuing writs for holding an Assembly upon the last Wednesday in May next, ordered. His Excellency communicated to the Board intelligences he had lately received from Albany, of April 8, that upon the report of an insurrection intended to be made by the Indians, the Commissioners entrusted with the management of the Indian affairs had made strict enquiry and could find no ground for any such fears; and that the gentlemen instructed by His Excellency to visit the Castles of the Five Nations were set forward on their journey thither.
George Tohanto and Wattanuman, the Sachems of Pennicook, waited upon His Excellency and Council, to vindicate themselves against the false reports of their designing an insurrection. They assured His Excellency of their fidelity to His Majesty according to the articles they had lately subscribed, and in token presented a Belt of Wampum. A suitable present ordered to be made them in return.
The Council advised that His Excellency should discharge all the soldiers under His Majesty's pay posted at Woodstock and within the counties of Middlesex and Essex and one half of those in the county of York.
Licence granted to Thomas Gold, founder, to erect a building of timber, to be roofed with slate or tile and inclosed with roughcast, by his house at the south end of Boston. [Board of Trade. New England, 49. pp. 288, 289.]
April 16. 331. Minutes of Council of New York. Content Titus, J.P. for Queen's County, Island Nassau, appeared, and the petition of Thomas Lawrence against him, after being argued, was dismissed.
Mr. Lott's petition v. Ducie Hungerford was referred to Lord Bellomont.
William Creed ordered to file his errors within a fortnight, or that execution issue as the law directs.
The Lt. Governor and Council, attended by the Mayor and Aldermen of New York, proceeded to the publication, at the City Hall, of two Acts of Parliament, one for encouraging the woollen manufactures in England, and the other for raising some duties and lowering others.
April 17. Salaries and accounts paid. Two accounts of Hendrick Hansen, from Albany, referred to a Committee. Notice ordered to be given that the Excise will be farmed out. The Indian Sachems from Nassau Island appeared and said that they desired peace, amity and protection from H.M. Government, which they looked upon to be a mighty tree, under the benignity of whose shadow they could only hope to be safe. They presented a bunch of wampum to the Lt. Governor. They had not believed the report of His Majesty withdrawing his protection. The Lt. Governor assured them that it was untrue. They said that they were very well satisfied with his assurance, and promised, upon any further report of the like kind to give his Honour an immediate account thereof. The customary present of refreshment was ordered to be given to them.
April 18. The Attorney General's statement of the case of Engelbert Lott v. Ducie Hungerford approved of and referred to Lord Bellomont.
Petition of Michael Hawdon referred to a Committee.
Payment ordered to Hendrick Hansen for sundries delivered by him to the Indians, June—Sept.
Other Sachems of Nassau Island appeared and a conference was held with them similar to that of Ap. 17. [Board of Trade. New York, 72. pp. 307–312.]
April 17.
Drs Commons.
332. Sir Thomas Pinfold to William Popple. I enclose my opinion upon the case submitted to me in your letter of the 4th. I could not answer sooner, for the whole time I was in the country I was moving every day. Signed, Tho. Pinfold. Endorsed, Recd. Read April 19, 1700. ½ p. Enclosed,
332. i. Extract of Lord Bellomont's letter, Oct. 20, 1699, relating to seamen's wages. 1 p. Inscribed on back,
332. ii. Opinion on the case referred to. In case of forfeitures of ships trading contrary to law by the neglect of the master or owners, the mariners, being innocent, may have their action against them for their wages, but not against the ship. The Hester being condemned for delivering goods at Perth-Amboy without entering at New York, the mariners had no right of action against the ship to recover their wages. Signed, Tho. Pinfold, April 18, 1700. ¼ p. [Board of Trade. New York, 9. Nos. 24, 24.i., ii.; and (ii. only) 54. p. 195.]
April 17.
333. Richard Haynes and others to William Popple. With regard to the proposals of your Board, April 11th, (No. 312. j.) we agree to the first four articles, and to the fifth so far that we be not obliged to go upon all the particulars at once, for some must be a work of time. As to the 6th, though we believe much more may be had, yet we will only oblige ourselves to produce 50 last pitch and 60 last tarr in the two first years, as much the third year, and annually during the charter make such a progression as may amount to 200 last pitch and 200 last tarr with as much rosin as we have encouragement to bring. As for the masts, timber etc. we decline, and indeed the whole, unless on a fixed price with the Government and not tied up to wait and attend the uncertain acceptance of preemption. As to the concluding proviso we cannot comply to more than we already offered, for no man will subscribe considerably and on any petulant complaint be in danger of having the Company's actions construed a misuse, whereby they shall be liable to a dissolution. If the danger suggested by stock-jobbing, restrained as in other Companies, be in their Lordships' opinion of more consequence than the good of this undertaking, we shall forbear attempting a public good, unless on better encouragement than an impending hazard of ruin. We were encouraged to this undertaking by some not accounted the meanest in the House of Commons. Signed, Thomas Byfeld, John Rolfe, Richard Haynes, Richard Martyn. Endorsed, Recd. 18th, Read 23rd April, 1700. 1¾ pp. [Board of Trade. Plantations General, 5. No. 53.]
April 16.
[Should be
Ap. 17th.]
334. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Commission for Edmund Bedingfield to act as Secretary, dated Feb. 27, read and approved. Members of the new Assembly were sworn and subscribed the Test and Association. One member only was returned for St. Peter's.
April 17.
[Should be
Ap. 18].
His Majesty's letter, Nov. 10, concerning pirates etc., read and recommended to the Assembly that means may be found for making a strong goal.
His Majesty's letter, Nov. 15, about the French etc. settling on Sta. Lucia, read. Committee appointed to prepare a letter to the Governor of Martinique and the French inhabitants upon Sta. Lucia, to require them to leave the said island, together with instructions to the Hon. Tobias Frere to take upon him the management of that affair.
Examinations of 10 pirates who surrendered themselves in the Vine Pinck, Thomas Warren, commander, and His Majesty's Proclamation Dec. 8, 1698, concerning them, read. The pirates were called up and His Excellency informed them if any of them wished to go to England, he would give them his certificate that they had surrendered themselves upon His Majesty's Proclamation, and that the rest should continue here till His Majesty's pleasure be known.
The Assembly announced that they had chosen the Hon. James Colleton Esq. for Speaker. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. pp. 501, 502.]
April 17. 335. Minutes of Assembly of Barbados. Representatives returned:—
Parishes. Representatives.
St. Michael's, George Peers, William Heysham.
Christchurch, Daniel Hooper, Philip Kirton.
St. Philip, William Fortescue, Enoch Gritton.
St. George, Richard Downes, Miles Toppin.
St. John, The Hon. James Colleton, Col. John Lesslye.
St. Joseph, John Holder, jun., George Forster.
St. Andrew, The Hon. John Holder, Rober (sic) Morris.
St. Lucy, Thomas Maycock, William Terrell.
St. Peter's and All Saints, Major Samuel Maynard.
St. Thomas, The Hon. Thos. Sadleir, Jonathan Downes.
St. James, Col. Abel Alleyne, William Holder.
James Colleton chosen Speaker, Richard Reuolin, Clerk, William Woodhouse, Marshall.
April 18. (See preceding abstract under Ap. 16 and 17.)
Petition of William Battyn against Richard Downes for violating the freedom of elections read. Evidence summoned. Petition of Alexander Walker to be admitted a member, as having been elected by the majority of votes in St. Peter's, read. Evidence summoned. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 65. pp. 555–558.]
April 18.
336. Order of King in Council referring enclosed petition to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report thereon. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. April 19, Read April 23, 1700. ¾ p. Enclosed,
336. i. Petition of William Crouch, Joseph Tatem, Henry Phillips and other merchants of the City of London. Petitioners have for several years past shipt from this kingdom to New England considerable quantities of woollen and other commodities of the manufacture of this kingdom, and have by their agents there had the produce thereof remitted from New England to Spain and Portugal in pipe-staves, deal boards, and timber, the produce of which has been remitted to this kingdom in silver, wine, oil, fruit, etc. But of late their agents in New England have by Governor the Earl of Bellamont been forbid from making returns in the said commodities from New England to Spain and Portugal, by which means petitioners are debarred from carrying on their trade with New England, having for the most part no other way of returns for the commodities sent thither. Their ship, the Mary, is not permitted to proceed on her voyage from New England. Petitioners have never shipped any timber from New England fitting for His Majesty's service. They pray that they may not be further debarred of their trade, and that the Mary may be suffered to proceed. Copy. 1½ pp. [Board of Trade. New England, 10. Nos. 29, 29.i.; and 38. pp. 3–6.]
April 18. 337. William Popple to Mr. Burchett. The Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations command me to send you the enclosed extract from Lord Bellomont's letter, Oct. 25, 1699, (Mr. Bridger's account), and desire the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty would please that you may signify to me their opinion upon what I writ you the 5th inst. about sending timber from Piscataway to Portugal, as likewise the opinion of the Navy Board upon the several specimens of Naval Stores that have lately been received from New England, in case any further survey have been made of those stores and report thereupon, besides what you sent me in yours of Feb. 12. [Board of Trade. New England, 37. p. 468.]
April 18. 338. Copy of bond of 2,000l. given by Capt. Haskett to John, Earl of Bathe for the due discharge of his trust as Governor of the Bahama Islands. Signed, E. Haskett, Robt. Nasmith, Josias Dickens. Endorsed, Recd. Read April 23rd, 1700. 1 p. [Board of Trade. Proprieties, 5. No. 41.]
April 18.
339. Order of King in Council, referring enclosed petition to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. Read April 29, 1700. Enclosed,
339. i. Petition of Capt. George Brook. Encouraged by Charles II., petitioner bought a troop of horse in the Duke of Ormonde's regiment in Ireland, but under James II. was broke as being a Protestant, and afterward served under the Duke of Schonburg. On account of his losses and sufferings in the late reign, prays for the Government of the Barmoodus. Copy. 1 p. [Board of Trade. Bermuda, 4. Nos. 22, 22. i.; and 29. pp. 280–282.]
April 18.
340. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lords Commissioners of H.M. Treasury. It being requisite, upon the late change in the Commission of this Board, that a new establishment be made, we take this occasion to offer that the salary appointed by the old establishment for our Deputy Secretary or Chief Clerk is but half the sum that was at first proposed by this Board for one in that employment, and has been always esteemed so much less than what Mr. William Popple, junior, does very well deserve, etc. Signed, Stamford, Lexington, Ph. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, Jon. Pollexfen, Abr. Hill, Geo. Stepney. [Board of Trade. Miscellanies, 11. pp. 82, 83.]
April 18.
341. Journal of Council of Trade and Plantations. Postscript added to the letter to Lord Bellomont, April 11.
Answer to Lord Bellomont's letter relating to New Hampshire ordered. Paragraph from his letter, October 25th last, ordered to be sent to the Admiralty. Opinion of the Naval Board upon the specimens of Naval Stores lately received from New England ordered to be desired, together with an answer to the Secretary's letter of April 5th about exporting timber.
Letter from the Board to the Treasury, relating to a new Establishment for this Commission, signed.
April 19. Present:—Lord President, Earl of Bridgwater, Earl of Stamford, Earl of Jersey, Lord Lexington, Mr. Sec. Vernon, Sir Philip Meadows, Mr. Blathwayt, Mr. Pollexfen, Mr. Hill. Letter from Sir Thomas Pinfold read. Copy ordered to be sent to Lord Bellomont.
Draught of a letter to Lord Bellomont about New Hampshire was agreed upon.
Lord Bellomont's letter, Feb. 28, relating to the conspiracy of the Indians, considered. Mr. Secretary Vernon acquainting the Board with what had been writ by the French King to the Governor of Canada, March 25, and by His Majesty to the Earl of Bellomont, April 4, 1699, relating to the Indians in those parts, their Lordships gave directions for drawing a Representation to be laid before His Majesty upon that matter. [Board of Trade. Journal, 13. pp. 9—11; and 97. Nos. 72, 73.]
April 19.
342. Council of Trade and Plantations to Governor the Earl of Bellomont. This is in answer to yours of Sept. 9, Oct. 25 and Nov. 22 about New Hampshire. We have taken notice of your care in the disputes about the Government between Mr. Usher and others, and do not doubt but you will proceed in the best manner towards the quieting those differences, and that, whatever may happen, your Lordship will see that the King's authority be not trampled upon, either there or anywhere else in the Provinces under your Government. Upon all that you write us concerning Mr. Allen, we can only direct that you take care that there be no obstruction of justice nor partiality in any proceedings between him and his adversaries, but that he have all assistance in any reasonable and just claim that can be given him by law. As to the waste committed in the woods, concerning which you have written to the Treasury, we must at present refer you to their answer, but as that matter has lately been referred by His Majesty to our consideration, we shall make what despatch we can in reporting upon it and then acquaint you with what may be further necessary, not doubting in the meanwhile your Lordship will use your utmost care for the preventing of such waste. Your Lordship has done very well in looking so far as you could into the proceedings of the Commissioners for inspecting the woods of that country, and sending home specimens of Naval Stores, and we have sent to the Admiralty an extract from your letter, Oct. 25. We have received from them a copy of the report of officers appointed to survey the stores lately brought from New England, with a letter from the Navy Board to the Admiralty upon that subject; both which we send you, and when we know what further steps are made therein, either by the Navy Board or otherwise, we shall acquaint you. We wish you had explained to us the mistery you mention relating to the furnishing His Majesty with masts, because a new contract has lately been made with one Mr. Wallis, but however the sooner it be yet done, it will be the better; for if we have any memorials put into our hands for His Majesty's service, we shall be always careful, as much as in us lies, that they be made use of in fit opportunities. In reporting, as we have before hinted, about the preventing of waste in the woods of that country, we shall have occasion also to consider what you write about the exporting of timber from thence to Portugal, and then give you the necessary informations. Meanwhile, we think you will do well to discourage that practice as much as possibly you can without engaging in any violation of the law, and above all Mr. Partridge ought to be very much blamed for his concern in that trade, both as he bears the character of a Governor, who ought not to trade, and as a purveyor of Naval Stores for the King, who ought, therefore, more especially to be careful of avoiding everything that tends to His Majesty's and this kingdom's prejudice in that respect.
You are much to be commended for the enquiries you are making upon every occasion into all things relating to Naval Stores, as now the price of tar, and the use of turpentine mixed with brimstone, mentioned in your letter, Oct. 25, concerning which last experiment, as you get more light into it, we shall be glad to receive further information. But as for the main scheme of producing Naval Stores in the Province of New York by the labour of the soldiers there, though His Majesty be very desirous that the production of Naval Stores in the Plantations be some way or other effectually prosecuted, we can add nothing to what we have already writ you in our letter relating to the affairs of that Province, until some real experiment be made, though but in small quantities, by which calculations may be made with certainty, and solid grounds laid for the undertaking of it. The papers that you have sent us relating to the difference between Mr. Montains and Mr. Sheaf about the Hopewell shall be considered. We wonder the Government of the Massachusets Bay should take so little care of their own safety as you express in your letter of Sept. 9, with relation to the Eastern Indians, but can say nothing more than that you still press them, and especially by the argument of self-interest and preservation, to do what is necessary. If they do not, their obstinacy, as we have hinted in our letter about the affairs of that Province, may probably oblige the Parliament of England to provide fitting remedies.
The Acts you have sent us of New Hampshire lye yet, as those of your other Governments, with Mr. Solicitor General; when they come to us you may be assured of our inclination and readiness to report favourably to His Majesty upon those wherein you are concerned. But as for the laws of that Province in general, they seem to us by the copies that we have to be in so great disorder, that we are not able to lay any opinion upon the whole before His Majesty for his approbation or disallowance. We therefore desire you to send us a complete collection of all the Laws in force there under the public seal of the Province, that we may consider them and report thereupon as shall be necessary. Signed, Stamford, Lexington, Phil. Meadows, Wm. Blathwayt, John Pollexfen, Abr. Hill, Geo. Stepney. [Board of Trade. New England, 37. pp. 469–475.]
April 19.
343. J. Burchett to W. Popple. My Lords of the Admiralty have considered your letters of yesterday's date and the 5th instant, and therein advised with the Navy Board. It is their opinion the inhabitants of Piscataway ought to be restrained from cutting and transporting to any place whatever but His Majesty's dominions and more especially this kingdom, any trees whatever that now are or may be fit for masts for vessels of H.M. Royal Navy; but as for other timber it has been represented to their Lordships that by the specimens sent thereof hither, it does not appear fit for His Majesty's service; concerning which specimens there has not any report been made or survey taken more than what I transmitted Feb. 12. As to what my Lord Bellomont writes touching the extravagant charge the Purveyors have put His Majesty to in New England, they being sent for home, their accounts will be strictly enquired into. Signed, J. Burchett. Endorsed, Recd. April 19, Read April 23, 1700. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New England, 10. No. 30; and 38. pp. 1, 2.]
April 19. 344. Minutes of Council of Virginia. Michael Cole, master of the Friends' Adventure, petitioning that, being bound from London to North Carolina, with a design to load with tobacco for London again, and having bought some skins, furs, logwood and rice in S. Carolina, and, since he was unable to get into N. Carolina by reason of a sandbank washed up at the going in thereof, having come into James River and fearing the worms might get into his skins, etc., he might be allowed to ship them, and the logwood and rice on some ship bound directly for London, without paying further duty than that already paid at S. Carolina, upon the advice of the Attorney General was given leave to ship the logwood and rice so, but not the skins.
Nicholas Thomas Jones, master of the Ronoak-Merchant, was permitted to sell his cargo of Indian corn, shipped from N. Carolina for Maryland, to one bound for Bermoodus. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 53. pp. 412, 413.]
April 20.
345. Governor the Earl of Bellomont to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I gave your Lordships an account, Feb. 28, by the Advice frigate, of the alarm the country were in of a general insurrection of the Indians. In my letter of March 6 by the said Advice frigate I also acquainted you that the Council advised my letting the General Assembly meet the 13th of last moneth, to provide against all attempts of the Indians. I complied. The discourse I made the Assembly goes. The laws we passed are No. 2. We sat but nine days and passed 12 Acts, which was such a dispatch as was never known in this Province. I remembered your commands, Feb. 3, 1699, to avoid as much as possibly we could the passing of temporary laws, and renewing them from time to time, a fault you observe the Assembly of this Province are much addicted to. Most of the laws we passed this last session being military ones, we were willing to follow the example of the Parliament of England in making them to cease after a year, and therein I believe you will not blame us. I confess I was in my judgment for those laws being made temporary for the same reasons I was so in the Parliament of England. Yet there is one of the military laws, against deserters, which we have made perpetual, because there is no hazard in it, for it cannot operate but in time of alarm or actual war, when forces are raised. The 8th, 9th and 10th Acts as they stand in the Book of Laws now sent are also made perpetual. The 11th and last of the public Acts is intended a probationary law, and is made to have continuance for three years only. The Assembly were not willing to make it perpetual till they should first make an experiment how well it would answer. March 14 I issued a Proclamation for undeceiving the Indians and quieting their minds under the terror and apprehension they were made to have of the King's ordering them to be disarmed and cut off, and also requiring the English in the country to carry it towards them with kindness and moderation. I sent this Proclamation to all parts of this Province by expresses, even as far as Casco Bay, where I understood there was got together a number of Eastern Indians; and those people pretended to receive great satisfaction from it. But whether the sudden march of the forces I ordered to the frontier towns did not operate more effectually, is a question. I send Proclamations for a General Fast and for dissolving the Assembly. Nobody here doubts but the Indians within this Province, Conecticut Colony and those called Eastern Indians intended an insurrection against the English, and if the Five Nations were not concerned in the design, which I shall shortly know, tho' at present I do not, there is good reason for suspecting the Shacthook or River Indians, who are a distinct nation from the other five, and live at the head of Hudson's River, above Albany. I have had a great many accounts from several hands of the Indians designing mischief to us. I transmit the most material, including further information of Mr. Sabin, which, among other things, confirms me in the opinion of the Indians being stirred up by the Governor of Canada and his Jesuits. Mr. Dwight's letter also goes; he is Minister of Woodstock, bordering on Conecticut. Because Col. Schuÿler's letter, Feb. 1 (a copy whereof I sent you, Feb. 28) assured me the Five Nations were quiet and satisfied, I was not so expeditious in sending to Albany to inquire after those Indians, as otherwise I should have been, yet I thought it proper to write to the Commissioners at Albany for the Indian affairs, directing their sending three of them, Col. Schuÿler, Mr. Livingston and Mr. Hanson, on a message from me to the Five Nations, and giving them my instructions for their negotiations. I hope this message will have a good effect for keeping the Indians steddy in their obedience to the King, till your Lordships direct me to do such things for their encouragement as I have formerly proposed. I enclose the reply of the Commissioners and the examination of three Indian Sachems taken at Albany. The Commissioners and Mr. Livingston express a jealousy of the French missionaries tampering with our Five Nations. 'Tis but too apparent we are in a probable way of loosing them; and the King seems to slight the Indians too much when, instead of taking measures to secure their affection and obedience, by protecting them from the French, the few ragged soldiers are to be reduced and the miserable wooden forts suffered to fall with meer rotteness.
I pretend to be able to demonstrate that if the Five Nations should at any time, in conjunction with the Eastern Indians and those that live within these Plantations, revolt from the English to the French, they would in a short time drive us quite out of this Continent. For their way of fight is not to come hand to hand, but they lie sculking in the woods behind bushes and flat on their bellies, and if those they shoot at drop, then they scalp them, but if they perceive they have missed their shot, they run away without being so much as seen, and 'tis to as much purpose to pursue 'em in the thick woods as to pursue birds that are on the wing. They laugh at the English and French for exposing their bodies in fight, and call 'em fools. At my first coming hither, I used to ridicule the people here for suffering 3 or 400 Indians to cut off five times their number, but I was soon convinced it was not altogether want of courage in the English that gave the advantage to the Indians this last war, but chiefly the Indians' manner of birding, as I may call it, the English and using the advantage of the woods. Yet the Government were faulty too; they did not push the war vigorously enough, which gave the Indians boldness and discouraged the English. Another misconduct was that, upon every slight application of the relations of those men that were out upon service against the Indians, the Government yielded to their coming home, and raw men were sent in their places, who, by being unacquainted with the Indian way of fighting, contracted such a dread of 'em that they often proved cowardly. If there should be a general defection of the Indians, the English in a moneth's time would be forced on all the continent of America to take refuge in their towns, where I am most certain they could not subsist two moneths, for the Indians would not leave 'em any sort of cattle or corn. Mr. Sabin's informations are worth your Lordships' observation. There is something in his last that looks as if the Indians, or the French and they, had in their thoughts what I have been now saying is my apprehension. Mr. Sabin seems to be a sober, discreet man, and I cannot believe he would be at the pains to come two journies of a 150 miles each to tell me an untruth. Your Lordships know the value of these Plantations to England, though I am confident 'tis what is known but by few besides. I am every day more and more sensible of it, and 'tis great pity the king is not made to have a right notion of their usefulness and advantage to the Crown. I reckon the French have been and still are with indefatigable pains undermining the interest of England on all this Continent. I believe you will be of opinion these Plantations are not in a certain state of security at this time : how then comes the king to be so ill-advised to order the breaking, or at least reducing, two of the four companies at New York, and that they are no better paid than if the Government were in no concern what became of the Province or people? Yet I will be bold to say that, should these Plantations be lost by neglect, it would be an irreparable loss to England, and would tarnish all the great things the King has done for the nation. What return I have to the messages I have sent to the Five Nations, I will communicate by the first opportunity. The persons that I employed expected to be a moneth abroad in performing that journey. I drew the letter and instructions with my own hand, because I would omit nothing that I thought necessary for them to do and me to know. Signed, Bellomont. I had like to forget a Bill sent up by the House of Representatives for mine and the Council's passing, an Act in addition to the Act against piracy, etc. It was intended to make piracy punishable with death, and to patch up their present law, which your Lordships know will not touch the life of a pirate. But I told the Council I would by no means give the assent to any Bill of that nature, till I knew the King's pleasure upon the miscarriage of the Bill, which your Lordships sent with me, entituled, An Act for restraining and punishing Privateers and Pirates, which the Council refused formerly. Endorsed, Recd. June 27, Read July 2, 1700. Holograph. 4pp. Enclosed,
345. i. Abstract of above. 1½ pp.
345. ii. Speech of His Excellency the Earl of Bellomont to the Council and Assembly, Boston, March 13, 1699 (1700), recommending that measures be taken against the threatened insurrection of Indians. Copy. Printed by Bartholomew Green and John Allen, Boston. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. June 27, Read July 2, 1700.
345. iii. Memorandum of Acts of the Massachusetts Bay passed at an Assembly held March 13, 1699/1700. ½ p.
345. iv. Proclamation, calling upon the inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay to undeceive the Indians, who have been falsely taught that His Majesty had withdrawn his protection from them and designed to cut off and utterly extirpate them; and requiring them to avoid giving the Indians any just provocation, but in the meantime to watch them carefully. Signed, Bellomont. Boston, March 14, 1699 (1700). Printed copy. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. June 27, Read July 2, 1700.
345. v. Proclamation for a General Fast in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, April 25, and supplication for the preservation of Peace and the blasting of the evil designs of all that hate Zion, etc. Signed, Bellomont. March 20, 1699 (1700). Endorsed, Recd. June 27, 1700. Printed copy. 1 p.
345. vi. Proclamation dissolving the Great and General Court of Assembly of the Massachusetts Bay, April 16, 1700. Signed, Bellomont. Endorsed, Recd. June 27, Read June 2, 1700. Printed copy. 1 p.
345. vii. The further information of John Sabin, living near Woodstock, Boston. March 27, 1700. His Indian friends acquainted him that the Indian Sachems are now holding a Court, as they call it, or general consultation to carry on their design of an insurrection upon the English; and particularly Nenaquabin, this informer's pretended special friend, who is a very subtle man, tells him that it has been reported among them from Canada that the King of England did resolve to destroy and utterly extirpate all Indians out of the country, and most of the Indians believed this. Another, (being uncle to Toby), told him that they would not attack the English with any great body, but would scatter themselves in small parties throughout the country, and keep them so constantly alarmed that they should not be able to stir about, and so in some few years should weary and starve them out, and the Indians should enjoy their country again. And the French have insinuated to them that the Virgin Mary was a French lady and Our Saviour a Frenchman, but the English are hereticks, and that it will be a meritorious service to kill Englishmen, and that, if any of the Indians happen to die in so good a cause, they would certainly be saved and go to Heaven. The Indians have contrived a method for communicating intelligences speedily by posting men at several stages. If their design be discovered and the English take to their garrisons and be provided to resist them, the Indians would lie still for some time, until the English believed it was all peace, and then come upon them by surprise. Copy. 1¾ pp. Endorsed as preceding.
345. viii. Josiah Dwight to Governor the Earl of Bellomont. Woodstock, March 11, 1699/1700. We cannot be more fully persuaded of mischief boding than we are, nor can we give other assurance, unless we would be content to be the amazing butchered spectacles of so many miserable cadavers for any would come and take pains to behold us. Pity our strait and grant us men and means. Signed, Josiah Dwight. Copy. 1 p. On back,
Benjamin Sabin to the Earl of Bellomont. We are satisfied a great war is intended, not as of old a paganish, but papist war. We pray you send a messenger to learn our need. The Governor of Connecticut urged us to inform you how the case is. This is signed in addition by two Connecticut gentlemen who have been here three days to assist us in Council taking. Signed, Benjamin Sabin, Thomas Lessingwell, John Chandler. Copy. ½ p. Same endorsement.
345. ix. Joseph Storer, John Wheelwright, and Jonathan Hamond to the Earl of Bellomont, March 27, 1700. We, the inhabitants of Wells, have received a suitable supply of soldiers and acknowledge your fatherly care. We beg for a supply of arms and ammunition. An Indian lately said that last summer there was a great plot among the Indians at Pennycook and Winnebessehkick to make war upon the English about our Indian harvest, and had it not been for Kahton Bamet, Sagamoor of Pegnohket, they had struck the blow upon us before winter. Copy. 1 p. Same endorsement.
345. x. William Rayment, Lt. of the new detached company posted in the county of York, to the Earl of Bellomont, April 13, 1700. Divers of the Eastern Indians have shown themselves about the town of Wells. One of them, Capt. Tom, said the Indians were gathering together because Governor Winthrop had seized the Natick Sagamore and said he would kill the Indians. Fifteen Natick Indians had come to Pennicook to stir up the Indians there to make war, and also to Uncas, another Sagamore to the west, and the Pennicooks had sent unto the Kennebeck Indians, who refused to join them. The Pennicooks could do nothing with the Eastern Indians: they were no more than a papoos (child). Narrator denied that the Governor had seized any Indian or intended any harm to the Indians. Capt. Tom professed to be very well satisfied with your Excellency's Proclamation, and said the Indians have design for war: they have hunted much this winter and taken but little game, and are very poor and pinched. They are now going out a hunting for the space of two moons. Copy. 1¾ pp. Same endorsement.
345. xi. Governor the Earl of Bellomont to the Commissioners for Indian Affairs at Albany. Boston, March 21, 1699/1700. This letter is to supplement that which I wrote to you on the 16th. We are alarmed with a design of a general insurrection of all the Indians in this and the neighbouring colonies. If our advices be true the Eastern Indians are not only engaged in confederacy with the others but also the Five Nations, and all this mischief contrived against us by the French missionaries, and, if some Indians inform us aright, the Governor of Canada is as deep in the design as his Jesuits. I am confident the Five Nations are staggering in their affection to His Majesty, and we must not longer delay the sending such a message to them as will defeat the artifices of the Jesuits and retrieve the affection and submission of those nations. I advise that Col. Peter Schuÿler, Mr. Livingston and Mr. Hendrick Hanson take the message and John Baptist van Eppe go with them as interpreter. I will take care to give the King's ministers an account of the affection and zeal they shew in this occasion for His Majesty's service. Their expenses and recompense shall be punctually paid them. If they are hindered, appoint others in their stead, and let them go as soon as possibly they can. Copy. 1½ pp. Same endorsement.
345. xii. Governor the Earl of Bellomont's Instructions to Peter Schuÿler, Robert Livingston and Hendrick Hanson. (i) You are to visit in my name the Mohack, Oneydes and Onondage Indians and try to find out whether the French Jesuits have been endeavouring to entice them or any of the Five Nations from their allegiance to His Majesty, and by what artifices. If they own that the French missionaries have so endeavoured, then you are by degrees to discover to them that I am not a stranger to those false reports. (ii) As to the report that His Majesty has ordered them to be disarmed, you are to assure them that 'tis so far from being true that I intend, God willing, to meet the Chief Sachems of all the Five Nations at Albany on Aug. 10, at which time I will not only make them a good present of cloathes, etc., but also of a good number of fuzils and some powder and lead. (iii) You are to assure them of His Majesty's favour and protection, and that I am in daily expectation of the King's orders to build a fort at the Onondage's Castle to defend them from the French of Cadaraque etc., and that I also expect orders to settle some Protestant ministers among them. (iv) You are to send some trusty Indians to the Cayouges and Synneke Nations to acquaint them with this whole message, and that I will meet their Sachems at Albany, Aug. 10. You are also to carry five belts of wampum in my name as a token of our King's friendship for the Five Nations, and, if you think proper at your return to Albany, a belt of wampum in my name to the Schackhook. (v) You are to inform yourselves what number of Jesuits and other French missionaries are now or lately have been among the Five Nations, what are their names and what lies they infuse into the Indians, and whether they use the Governor of Canada's name. You are to learn what you can about the French designs, to put all particulars in writing and not to suffer these Instructions to be copied, but, after making use of them, you are to lodge them with Mr. Livingston, as Secretary for the Indian Affairs. Boston, March 21, 1699 (1700). Copy. 2 pp. Same endorsement.
345. xiii. Commissioners of the Indian Affairs at Albany to Governor the Earl of Bellomont. Albany, April 8, 1700. We have not heard the least mention of the intended Indian insurrection, except a copy of an examination taken before the Governor of Connecticut. We are not apprehensive that any of our Indians are concerned in that matter. We know the French are very industrious to debauch the Five Nations from us, and have got some families to Canada, where they caress them at another rate than we can, since of late we have not been able to gratify the well-deserving Indians as they merit, there being nothing in store. We have sent for the Sachims of Skachkook and a New Roxbury Indian lately come from thence, whose examination we enclose. We thought it requisite the three gentlemen should stay till that was over, the better to inform themselves; they will have a hard journey of it, being the worst time of the year. We have cautioned the Skachkoke Indians to be watchful and give us an account whatever passes, who have engaged to do it. Signed, Dirck Wessells, J. Janse Bleecker, Johannes Roosebone, Erbert Wendell, Albert Ripman, Wessell Ten Broock. PS.—Last week, when we received your letter, there were three Cayouges Indians here, who said that all the Indians are out a hunting and never better satisfied nor quieter in their lives. Copy. 1¾ pp. Same endorsement.
345. xiv. Robt. Livingston to Lord Bellomont. Albany, April 8, 1700. I do really believe our Indians, both Skachkooke and Five Nations are innocent, except some particular ones probably instigated by the French, for our Skachkook Indians insist, as they did last spring, to have their land plowed by the Christians, whom they are willing to pay, and I have desired our gentlemen to procure some fit persons to do it. And I could wish the Pennacook Indians would come and settle among 'em, which would divert their evil thoughts of falling upon the English. Then we could have a watchful eye over them. We are fearful here that the English to the eastward are too rigid and jealous of their Indians, and their keeping them so in awe does rather exasperate them than keep them under, but we doubt not but your Lordship will prescribe such good rules and methods for them that will prevent those mischiefs, which by their unskilful management of Indian affairs have formerly proven very fatal to that country. Last Saturday our burch cano that was carrying up the hill was suddenly taken up with a whirlwind and broak to pieces. We have got two other small ones which we hope will carry us on the journey. Our provisions is gone to Shennectady and we follow immediately on horseback, and hope to return in less than four weeks and to speak to the Cayouges and Sinnekes too. The way we go, they tell me, is not above a day and a half from Cadarachqui. I could wish I had your Lordship's liberty, I would have gone and seen that fort, which annoys us so much in war-time, but then it would create a jealousy in the French. Copy. 1½ pp. Same endorsement.
345. xv. Examination of Suckquans and Sasquehaan, two Sachems of Skachkook, and of Nichnemeno, a New Roxbury Indian. Albany, April 7, 1700. Nichnemeno said that last fall the Pennecoke Indians to the eastward sent a belt of wampum by Toby the Indian to the New Roxbury Indians, saying they were glad there was a general peace concluded between the English and all the Indians and that they might now go a hunting without any fear: if the New Roxbury Indians were minded to go a hunting towards the eastward they would be safe. No women nor children were present when this belt was given, because the New Roxbury Indians were afraid lest the English, if they should hear of it, would forbid the selling of powder wholly, for now an Indian could get no more than two charges. Sucquans said the English of New England were so jealous of their Indians that they would not suffer them to go out a hunting without some English went with them, and gave them so little powder that they could not go far. A New Roxbury Indian, Ninnequabbin, brought the Belt of Wampum to Oneco, a Sachim of the Mowhegans, who gave it to the English and told Ninnequabbin that they corresponded with the Onnagouques, or Eastern Indians, and had some ill design, whereupon Ninnequabbin was put in prison, and the Indian women fled to the the woods, but he being in some few days released, they returned. Sucquans said, if there were windows in his breast and we could see his heart we should find nothing amiss in it. About six weeks ago three high- land Indians came to Skachkook, having heard that there was like to be troublesome times in New England, for the Maquase had sent to the Catskill Indians to come and live at Tronondoroge, 32 miles above Shinnechtady, and the Skachkook Indians had been ordered to come and live at Albany. They brought a small girdle of wampum to the Catskill Indians and another to Col Schuyler, but could learn nothing of any disturbance, and were therefore come to Skachkook with the third girdle and gave it to us. We told them all was quiet and peaceable. Two are gone out a hunting with our Indians, and the third has returned well contented to the Highlands. The two Sachems were asked what propositions the three Pennecokes and three Onnagouques or Eastern Indians made to the Maquase last fall, when they went with you Skachkook Indians to the Maquase country with our leave? They replied that the substance was that, since there was now a General Peace, they (the Pennecoke and Eastern Indians) desire to be linked in the Covenant Chain, to be united to this Government and to be looked upon as Skachkook Indians. The Maquase said, you have been enemies to the English, and we have been enemies to the French, but now we have a great Governor come over, who has brought us a General Peace, concluded between the two Kings, which we adhere to, and do keep close to the Covenant Chain made with the Earl of Bellomont, whom they call Corlaer, and there being a Tree of Welfare planted at Skachkook by our Governor, which, if he accepts of your coming to live and plant there, we are willing for our parts to receive you into the Covenant Chain, but we depend wholly upon Corlaer. Copy. Signed, Robt. Livingston, Secretary for the Indian Affairs. 3½ pp. Same endorsement.
345. xvi. Copy of an Act in addition to the Act against piracy and robbing upon the sea. "Whosoever shall commit piracy and be thereof convicted shall be accounted felons and adjudged to suffer the pains of death." House of Representatives, March 19, 1699 (1700). Sent up for concurrence. Signed, James Converse, Speaker. ¾ p. Same endorsement.
345. xvii. Duplicate of Bellomont's letter (No. 31.) [Board of Trade. New England, 10. Nos. 31, 31. i–xvii.; and (without enclosures) 38. pp. 33–45; and, memoranda of above, 12 pp. New York, 9. No. 25; and (without enclosures) 54. pp. 252–262.]
April 20.
346. Governor Sir William Beeston to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have received the duplicate of your letter of Jan. 26, but the original and the two letters you mention from His Majesty about pirates, I hear nothing of. The Act for the Revenue was past perpetual in his Grace the Duke of Albemarle's Government and sent to England, but there being great complaints made by the people that the Assembly, that made it and some other laws, were violently and unduly chosen and returned, it has pleased His Majesty hitherto not to confirm any of those laws, but, on the refusal of Assemblies for the future to perpetuate it, it's in His Majesty's pleasure to pass that law, which I have often used to the Assembly for an argument for them to do it, but it has not hitherto prevailed with them. The late Provost Marshall, Mr. Atkinson, is dead, to supply whose place I put in Mr. Henry Brabant, a gentleman bred to the law, very acceptable to the country and fitting for the office, since which a deputation is come from the Patentee to one Mr. Toplady, who is thought generally to be in no wise qualified for it, nor can he be admitted, being contrary to H.M. Order in Council and the Act lately made to that purpose in this Island; besides, the extravagant rate he gave for it, must oblige him when in it to squeeze and injure all people he has to do with to get up his money, else he would have a hard bargain, for Atkinson, though he never paid 6d. to anyone for his office, died worth nothing, for the generality of the people are now not only grown out of debt but have good estates and money, both here and in England, so that there is little or no credit given, and by consequence but few law suits of value, which is the profit of the Provost Marshall's place.
And therefore, that you may the better judge of the value of this Island to the Crown, people and trade of England, I transmit a short estimate of what is shipped yearly from this Island to England, which is above 500,000l., and is a moderate estimate; if, therefore, the Island were peopled according to its capacity this exportation would be proportionable, all which, except the gold and silver, I take to be so much perfectly added to the stock and value of England by the work of servants and negroes, and the money is of great use to the nation also, besides the employment of so many ships and seamen and the exportation of so great quantities of the English manufactory. I have received the Baron of Bellamont's Memorial about the Jews, on which I sent for the chief of the Nation, and communicated it to them, who have promised to give me the sentiments of their people about it, which, together with the Council's opinion on it, who have not yet met about it, shall be transmitted to your Lordships by the next. By the ship that brought your letter, I also received the honour of His Majesty's Patent for this Government, which in all thankful obedience I acknowledge, and have caused to be published in this town and Port Royal, with all the ceremony the places could afford. The Island, blessed be God, is now in perfect health, and if it continues so, I doubt not but will fill with people and flourish apace. The Governor of Cartagena is still before Calidonia, but I do not hear has attempted anything against them. Now the ships of war are gone we are at quiet again, and the whole island is in amity without any manner of disturbance. Signed, Wm. Beeston. Endorsed, Recd. 21st, Read 24th June, 1700. Holograph. 1½ pp. Annexed,
346. i. Abstract of above, with comment on the passage about Toplady, "Let it alone till somebody complain of his non-admission." [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 9. Nos. 18, 18.i.; and 57. pp. 72–75.]
April 20. 347. An estimate of what value is shipped annually from Jamaica to England.
About 13,000 hhds. of sugar at about 17l. 211,000l.
In Vere alone this year it's believed there will be made indigo to the value of 100,000l.
In gold and silver, coin and uncoined, there goes not less than. 150,000l.
In logwood not less than 20,000l.
Piemento, ginger, cotton, cacao, anotto, Fusticks, Lignum vitae, etc. not so little as 50,000l.
Total 531,000l.
[Board of Trade. Jamaica, 57. p. 76.]
April 20.
348. Governor Grey to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I have received your pacquet and enclosures by Capt. Parsons. I return you many thanks for your favour expressed towards me, Jan. 23, relating to Mr. Wheeler being sworn into the Council, but with due submission I conceive I have acted nothing contrary to the authority reposed in me by His Majesty, for though it be, as your Lordships observe, that I am restrained in express words by my Patent to make the number of Councillors above seven, whensoever there shall happen to be less than that number residing, yet in a precedent clause of my Commission I am commanded to do and execute all things in due manner, not only according to the several powers and directions granted thereby, but likewise according to such instructions and authorities as should at any time thereafter be granted and appointed me under His Majesty's signet or sign manual or by His Order in Council. Now by your Lordships consulting the 7th, 9th and 11th paragraphs of those instructions, it will plainly appear the number of seven is increased to twelve, and my Commission having relation to my Instructions, they ought to be considered together, and upon doing that I am in hopes you will be of opinion that I have acted nothing contrary to my duty. Upon the death of Mr. Bond, I was so circumspect in this affair that before Mr. Wheeler was sworn, there being but eleven Councillors then in the Island, I consulted His Majesty's late Attorney and Solicitor General, and likewise the present Attorney General since the receipt of your letter, who were all of opinion that I was as well obliged to observe my Instructions as the Patent, and that the number of seven by my Patent was increased to twelve. Signed, R. Grey. Endorsed, Recd. 24th June, Read 17th July, 1700. 2½ pp. Enclosed,
349. i. Opinion of Attorney and Solicitor General of Barbados referred to above. Bridge Town in Barbados, April 10, 1700. Signed, E. Chilton, Rich. Turner. ¾ p. [Board of Trade. Barbados 8. Nos. 52, 52.I.; and 45. pp. 86–89.]