America and West Indies: June 1716, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1930.

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'America and West Indies: June 1716, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1930), British History Online [accessed 18 February 2025].

'America and West Indies: June 1716, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1930), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025,

"America and West Indies: June 1716, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 29, 1716-1717. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1930), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025.

June 1716, 21-30

June 21. 222. Thomas Johnson's receipt for £25 recd. from Richard Shelton for the transportation of John Dalzele to Virginia or Carolina, in order to serve Lord Carteret 7 years (if required) (cf. June 15). Signed, Tho. Johnson. Copy. [C.O. 5, 290. p. 98.]
June 21.
St. James's.
223. Lord Carteret to Governor Eden. H.M. having been graciously pleas'd to grant the request of some gentlemen, who were taken in rebellion at Preston, that they may be transported into H.M. Colonies and Plantations in America; the bearer hereof John Dalzyel, Esq., brother to the Earl of Darnworth being one of those gentlemen, and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales having commanded me to give him his liberty; I do desire you to receive him kindly as an inhabitant, and do him what friendly offices may be in your power. Signed, Carteret. [C.O. 5, 291. p. 41.]
June 22.
224. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. Governor Hamilton having inform'd us that he has visited the chief of the Islands under his Government and finds them all in a defenceless condition, their forts and platforms very much out of order, most of the guns dismounted and ordnance store and ammunition wanted everywhere, and Lt. Genl. Mathew having given us the like information, and sent us an acct. of what stores of war are remaining there, as also of what is wanting; we humbly take leave to annex a copy thereof, and thereupon to represent, that these Islands being in a manner surrounded by the French and Spaniards, unless they are sufficiently provided with Ordnance stores, they may be in danger upon any rupture and even in times of peace from the buccaneers and pirates that infest those seas, wherefore we are humbly of opinion, it will be for your Majesty's service that the said Islands be speedily supply'd with the several particulars wanting, according to the said annex'd account. Annexed,
224. i. List of Stores of War remaining in the Leeward Islands and wanting there. [C.O. 153, 12. pp. 419–421.]
June 22.
225. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following for their report. Signed, James Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. 23rd June, Read 4th July, 1716. ¾ p. Enclosed,
225. i. Proposals of Col. Charles Douglass for the disposal of the late French part of St. Christophers. The delay in settling these lands costs H.M. over £30,000 a year in customs. Of the 21,500 acres available, after allowing for grants to French Refugees, salt pans, bad land upon the coast to be given gratis to poor people, proposes that remaining 10,000 acres of good land should be granted to the undertaker for £16,000, he giving security to plant, cultivate, till, and manure at least 7000 acres thereof within two years etc. 2¼ pp. [C.O. 152, 11. Nos. 10, 10 i.; and (without enclosure) 153, 12. p. 422.]
[June 22.] 226. Joseph Boone and Richard Beresford, Agents for Carolina, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refer to letter and address of the Assembly (v. March 15), and enclosed list of imports and exports of South Carolina, in the navigation whereof were imploy'd about 100 ships. Continue:—The preservation of this Province is of very great consequence to H.M. (1) because its present produce is suitable and necessary to the occasions of Great Brittain, and in some particulars are such as Great Brittain doth not produce; (2) because it is a barrier and might be made a bulwark to all H.M. Collonys on the S.W. part of the Continent against French, Spaniards and Indians, etc. The country is proper for the produce of indigo, silk and cochineal as well as Royall mines, etc. The security desired may be effected if some forts and garrisons were placed on both sides the Gulph of Florida att Providence, att Port Royall and on the banks of the Isthmus of Florida towards Mobile on the borders of our frontiers, etc. Signed, Joseph Boone, Richd. Beresford. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd, Read 23rd June, 1716. 1 p. Enclosed,
226. i. Account of imports and exports, South Carolina, 6th June, 1712–13. Imports:—Prime cost, £25,420 15s. 6¼d. Includes wine, rum, sugar, beer, cider, molasses, flour, logwood, salt fish, and 262 negroes. Exports:—73,790 deer skins; 75 Indians; rice, 12,677 barrells, 200 baggs; pitch, 4580 barrels; tar, 2037 barrels; turpentine, 661 barrells; tallow, 29 barrells; leather, 1965 sides; beef, 1963 barrells; pork, 1241 barrells; sugar, 6 hoghds; snake root, 5 barrells; oyle, 29 barrells; candles and soap, 76 boxes; garlick, 37 barrells; logwood and braziletta, 143 tunns; salt fish, 6 barrells; sweetwood bark and cocoa. There are great quantities of salt, boards, staves (lumber) etc. exported which pay no duty, etc. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. Nos. 29, 29 i.; and (without enclosure) 5, 1293. pp. 5–7.]
June 22.
227. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Governor of New Yorke. The Proprietors of New Jersey having constituted James Alexander to be Receiver General and Collector of all their quittrents, and praying H.M. directions to you to assist him, etc., you are to give him all the protection and countenance in your power in the faithfull discharge of the aforesaid office. Signed, James Stanhope. [C.O. 5, 190. p. 351.]
June 22.
228. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to Governor Hamilton. John Thornton is to remain in the quiet enjoyment of his plantation in Basseterre, till H.M. shall think fit how to dispose of that part of St. Christophers, wch. was the French Settlement, etc. Signed, James Stanhope. [C.O. 5, 190. pp. 351, 352; and 152, 11. No. 17.]
June 23.
229. Mr. Popple to Messrs. Boon and Beresford. Desires their attendance before the Board to make good the statements in their (following) memorial particularly as to the products of Carolina and the Bahama Islands, and the valuation of Carolina, etc. [C.O. 5, 1293. p. 20.]
[June 23.] 230. Richard Beresford to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The present state of South Carolina is as follows. That Province having for a year past been engaged in war with the Indians, numbers of its inhabitants have been destroy'd by fire and sword and many more have deserted the place. The small number of white men (fit to bear arms) that are left continue to desert the Province, and had not the Government of Virginia and North Carolina sent to their assistance about 200 men (for part of whom they were obliged to consent to terms almost impossible to be complied with) many more if not the greatest part of the present inhabitants would in all probability have deserted. The whole Province being thus distressed and despairing of further assistance from other American Colonies as also from the Honourable the Lords Proprietors of that Province, were under a necessity of making application to the King and Parliament to enable em to subdue or reduce their enemies to reason. Accordingly their case by petition from their Agent and severall merchants of London trading thither was on the 9th of Augst. last laid before the Parliament and after an examination before the Committee. the Honourable House of Commons were pleas'd to address H.M. to send to the assistance of Carolina such supplies as should in his great wisdom be thought needfull, the charge of which to be made good in the next aides. Whereupon H.M. was graciously pleas'd to send a sufficient quantity of arms and ammunition, but the unnatural rebellion obstructed sending men. By advices since the said stores of war were sent which came with petition from the Upper and Lower houses of Assembly of that Province to H.M. for releif and protection it has been represented that a supply of men and money is the chief of what they stand in need of without which they are in the greatest danger of loosing that Province, the remaining small number of its inhabitants being almost wearied out through continual fatigue and the charge insupportable. A second petition from the Agent, merchants and others to the King, praying that some of the rebels who petition'd for to be transported might be sent to Carolina to serve in the time of their extremity until better provision could be made for them was under the consideration of H.M. and the Lords of the Council. By other letters and advices received the beginning of March last from the most interested and credible inhabitants it appeared that notwithstanding they had made peace with one nation of their Indian enemies they were still obliged to employ all the force of white men they could raise together with many of their black slaves against those nations of Indians who were the forwardest to begin the war and have since committed the greatest barbaritys. All which representations and applications being made to this Government and also by proper persons here made known to the Honourable the Lords Proprietors and no sufficient assistance sent them, about the beginning this instant June arrived here from that Province another address to the King and a letter from the Assembly there very plainly setting forth their present state, which having been shown to the Honourable the Lord Cartwright and others the Lords Proprietors, they have signified their dislike thereto and as we have too much reason to fear will not only refuse to consent to what may be necessary on their parts but also endeavour to invalidate the said representation which obliges us the more earnestly to make all the application we are able, that the condition of those distressed subjects may in the most effectual manner be laid and come under the consideration of H.M. and the Government with the greatest expedition, etc. By many former circumstances as well as by the late letter from the Assembly, there is too much reason to be assur'd that the French (who live and trade with the Indians from Quebeck and along the Lakes of Canida, and southward too and down the great River of Messisippi to Fort Movilla scituated on a River near the mouth of the said great River with the Bay of Mexico) have stirred up and encourag'd several nations of Indians to this warr. And as the French have of late years (very far with the bounds of the charter of Carolina) settled themselves on the back of the improved part of that Province by which they are as near those Indian settlements who were in alliance with Carolina as the English there are, and thereby having possessed themselves from the northermost part of the sea to the southermost on the back of all the most valuable Brittish Plantations and Colonies on the main of America and having with them very numerous nations of Indians, 'tis too obvious what they (especially South Carolina) must expect whenever a rupture with France may happen if not before. It's also as obvious how formidable the French will grow there during peace considering how industrious they are in frequently supplying their settlements with people etc., an instance of which we were lett to know by late advances from France that shipping with men and women were going from Brest to their New Colony Luciana on Messisippi which by the small number of inhabitants in Carolina the French had the opportunity to begin and by the present troubles with our Indians are encourag'd to increase. Carolina being the only Southern frontier of all Brittish America both to the French and Spaniards who have shelter'd those very Indians who commenced this present war with the English, it is humbly presum'd that a settlement of H.M. subjects on one of the Bahama Islands (now inhabited only by a few scatter'd English settlements notorious for being without Government etc.) with a small garrison there it being on the eastermost side of the Gulf of Florida, and the like Settlement and garrison on Port Royall Island adjoyning the main land of Carolina on the opposite side of the Gulf, and as occasion might be vessels appointed to attend that short cruise would be the greatest security imaginable not only to Carolina but to other American Colonies possest by the English. Those Islands being a very pleasant and profitable climate when protected and encouraged will very soon florish and fill with inhabitants and in some measure deter the French from increasing their Settlements on Messisippi for as much as it will be difficult for any ships to come through the Gulf (as all Spanish galloons and French from Messisippi and Movilla are obliged to) but they will be discovered. Port Royall Island hath an extraordinary harbour for shipping by all pilots allow'd to be the best upon the coast of Carolina having about 4 fathom water on the most difficult enterance and abounds with provisions and naval stores and amongst the Bahama Islands it is beyond doubt there wants not the like advantages for such an undertaking. In time of peace it is much more adviseable to make such settlements on the said Islands then in time of war. Carolina being thus circumstanced and capable of affording greater quantity of valuable produce then any other part of Brittish America as the best of rice in abundance all manner of timber in great plenty pitch tar turpentine rossin indigo and silk which has been manufactur'd in London and proves to be of extraordinary substance and lustre, provisions, etc., 'tis humbly hoped the King and Parliment will be of opinion that it merits a particular notice and protection, etc. If the inhabitants of Carolina and the Bahama Islands were more numerous and protected severall other productions would thrive well in that climate, as sugar, fruit, coffee, olives, Spanish vines etc. Cotton wool has been tryed and comes to perfection, not to enlarge on the mines of silver if not gold which are expected to be found in the Appalatia Mountains, scituate between the Frenches new Settlements on Messisippi and the improv'd part of Carolina. There are also great quantitys of cedar and cypress far exceeding any Norway deals being free from knots of curious white colour and great lengths proper for floring of the most magnificent buildings. The cedar for some uses far exceeds any other sort of wood and at the request of some noblemen and gentlemen of this nation hath been brought into this Kingdom but the importers being obliged to pay duty for it as sweetwood amounts to a prohibition the further importation thereof has been quite discourag'd, our navigation lessen'd and given to foreigners of whom we purchase in part with money and loose the advantage of freight. Signed, Richd. Beresford. Endorsed, Recd. Read 23rd June, 1716. 4pp. Enclosed,
230. i. A demonstration of the present state of Carolina. Value of the Province the year before the Indian war by assessment, vizt. lands, negroes, stock and merchandize, £709, 763. This has been diminished by desertion, destruction etc. at least one third. Debts and bills before the war, £44,000. Since the war, £100,000, etc. 2pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. Nos. 30, 30 i.; and 5, 1293. pp. 8–19.]
June 24. 231. Petty expenses of the Board of Trade, postage, stationery, coal, etc. Lady Day to Midsummer. 5 pp. [C.O. 388, 77. Nos. 16–19.]
June 25.
St. James's.
232. Order of King in Council. Approving Commission for Thos. Pitt to be Governor of Jamaica, etc. Signed, Edward Southwell. Endorsed, Recd. 8th, Read 16th Jan., 1716/17. 1p. [C.O. 137, 12. No. 36; and 138, 15. p. 187.]
[June 26.] 233. Copy of James Colleton's plea when Judge in his own case against Sir John Colleton, April 15, 1701. Endorsed, Recd. Read 26th June, 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 14. No. 52.]
[June 26.] 234. Col. Cleland to Sir John Colleton, Oct. 8, 1712. Proposes, on behalf of John Colleton, a settlement of the dispute between them, etc. Signed, Wm. Cleland. Endorsed, Recd. Read 26th June, 1716. 2¼ pp. [C.O. 28, 14. No. 53.]
June 26. 235. H.M. Warrant accepting the surrender of Leonard Compere, and appointing Richard Mill Receiver General of Jamaica. Endorsed, Recd. Read 3rd Oct., 1717. Copy. 1p. [C.O. 137, 12. No. 70.]
June 28.
236. Mr. Secretary Stanhope to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers following for their report, what may be fitly done therein. Signed, James Stanhope. ¼ p. Overleaf,
236. i. Petition of William Popple to the King. Having for several years serv'd the Crown as Secretary to your Majesty's Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, he has discharg'd that office with integrity and zeal for ye publick service. Had he allow'd himself the liberty of receiving voluntary gratuities, he might e'er this have raised a considerable fortune; but notwithstanding the temptation of a numerous family, he has contented himself with the bare income of his salary. He did so far prefer the publick to his private interest (at a time when he could not have the least prospect of reward) that he run the greatest risque of being turn'd out of his place, which would have happened had the late Queen liv'd a few days longer, for his place was actually offer'd to another. The late Earl of Halifax (not to mention others) was so sensible of the service he had done, that after your Majesty's happy accession to the Crown, his Lordp. bid petitioner think of asking something for his family; whereupon he prayed his Lordp. to intercede with your Majesty for a grant of the Plantation call'd Pensez y bien, containing between 4 and 500 acres of land in the late French part of St. Christophers, but his Lordp. dying soon after, nothing was done, etc. Prays for said grant. 1 p. The whole endorsed, Recd. 28th June, Read 4th July, 1716. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 11. Nos. 11, 11 i.; and 153, 12. pp. 422–424.]
June 28.
237. Governor Hamilton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses duplicate of May 25th. Continues:—Presently after which I left Nevis, and came hither, where I am regulating the Militia, and geting the forts and platformes repaired, and doing such other matters as I hope will be for the service of H.M. and the good of the Island. Encloses Acts, which I should have transmitted sooner, had I not been prevented by visiting the other Islands, in doing of which I do assure yor. Lordships that my self and family, have suffered more than a few inconveniencys, having nothing to transport us but sloops, in which the accomodations, are not much better than those in the common hoys at home, they being built much after the same manner, and many of them not much bigger. I hope the Acts that I have assented to, will be adjudged by yor. Lordships to be for H.M. service, and the good of the Collony, and that your Lordships will get them layd before H.M. etc. Signed, W. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 10th Sept., 1716, Read 5th April, 1717. 1 p. Enclosed,
237. i. List of Acts of Antigua 1715, 1716. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 11. Nos. 53, 53 i.; and 153, 13. pp. 8, 9.]
June 28.
238. Council of Trade and Plantations to the King. Representation upon Sir E. Ernley's petition (v. April 28th). Quote objections v. John Colleton (May 15). In answer, it has been observ'd to us, that several of the present Council have suits depending and that it is the constant practice when any Councillor has a cause to be heard, for him to retire from the Bench; but whether any of the said Councillors had any considerable law suits depending at their admission; or whether there were any objections made to them upon that account does not appear to us. And as we have been informed that the said suit between Sir John and John Colleton is in a fair way of being determined in a few months time, if your Majesty shall be graciously pleas'd to approve of Wm. Carter (v. 20th April), agt. whom we have not heard of any objection, Mr. Colleton may have an opportunity of being recommended to your Majesty's favour for the first vacancy after the said suit shall be determined, etc. [C.O. 29, 13. pp. 334–336.]
June 29.
239. Mr. Secretary to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following, to be considered when the state of South Carolina comes to be debated at your Board. Signed, James Stanhope. Endorsed, Recd. Read 4th July, 1716. 1p. Enclosed,
239. i. Assembly of South Carolina to [?Messrs. Boone and Beresford]. Enclose duplicates of former Address and a new Address to be laid immediately before H.M., etc., being now fully convinced that the Lords Proprietors are neither able nor willing to afford that assistance to this province as is absolutely necessary to preserve itt from ruin and desolation, etc. Wee have recd. from Mr. Kettleby their replies to some queries putt to the Lords Proprietors by the Lords Commissioners for Trade etc. (v. C.S.P. 1715. Nos. 516 i., 517). To their answer to No. 1 wee say, Their Lordships have sent no such orders to this government. They have not above 12 or £1400 in their Receiver's hands, 7 or £800 of which he tells us is due to their officers here, and that by a letter from one of that Board he has orders to remitt the remainder home to them as soon as possible. To No. ii. That this Province did send to the value of £2500 in goods (prest from the merchants in Charles Towne upon that extraordinary occasion) to New England, which goods they are to be paid for by a tax levyed upon the estates of the inhabitants of this province and for which wee are not at all oblidged to ye Proprietors. We doe not know of any money that their Lordships have laid out in England for the use of this province, att least if they have 'tis so small a matter that it can be but of little service, etc. The vessell their Lordships mention which was ready to saile with their orders is arrived and was not sent att their Lordships' charge, being hired by our Agents att the charge of this province to transport such warlike stores as H.M. should think fitt to send us, etc. Those other vessells mentioned by their Ldships. which would be ready to saile in a very short time after were only merchant ships bound here upon their own accounts, and as to their Lordships' orders the Government has received none since the commencement of the warr. To No. iii. It was unreasonable in ye Lords to expect that this province in ye condition wee were and still are in could send vessells and provisions for the transportation [of H.M. garrisons in North America], we having noe vessells belonging to this Government and what ships are here be only merchantmen who are in a hurry to get their effects off from this troublesome province besides the additionall charges which have been so great that this province could not have supported itself under itt. To No. iv. We think their Lordships' answer wants a clearer explanation, not being able to judge thereby whether they intended to repay with what is and will be hereafter due to them from this province, or whether they intended the same should be paid out of the produce of the estates of ye inhabitants, if the latter, wee look upon itt as if thereby their Lordships did intend to evade the repayment of that money, they knowing well that ye great debt this province has already contracted for it's immediate defence and will further be oblidged to contract for it's future defence added to that additional charge would have as effectually ruined us as our enemies could possibly have done had wee not made any resistance against them. To No. v. As to their Lordships being willing to surrender the Governmt. to the King wee have but little to say etc., but we doe affirme that unless H.M. doth take ye immediate government into his own hands, this settlement will be entirely ruin'd and as to their Lordships' continually defending and supporting this province when invaded by the French and other enemies, wee say itt is no such thing, neither have they disbursed one penny towards the defraying the charge of that invasion nor of any of the former invasions which were made upon us by the neighbouring Indians and by the Spaniards from St. Augustine, neither did they contribute anything towards the great expence wee were att in fortifieing this place att the beginning of the late warr, unless the summ of £400 Carolina money which was designed to hire a vessell to fetch some guns from one of H.M. ships which was drove ashore on the Bahama Bankes, but the guns never came and that is the only money that ever the Lords Proprietors laid out for the defence of this province from the first grant of their charter to this time, which is but a small part of the great charges this province has been att, etc. Wee have something further to add, etc., that is, that the said Proprietors are neither able nor willing to support and defend this Colony, etc. For if they had been in a capacity to have supported itt of themselves, it would be unreasonable to beleive they would have applied themselves to H.M. etc., and it appears to us that they are not willing because they have absolutely refused to surrender up or mortgage their charter to H.M. for a security of the repayment of the charges H.M. should be at in granting the assistance desired, etc., which had they complyed with wee have good reason to beleive wee should have had assistance from the Crown long before now, etc. Wee are forced to conclude yt. we are ye most unfortunate of all H.M. subjects being immediately under the Government of gentlemen who are not able to afford us that protection which all other H.M. subjects doe enjoy, which oblidges us earnestly to press you to use your utmost endeavours to gett the Government of this province into H.M. immediate care and protection, etc. There is but little alteration in ye posture of affairs, saving that upon the murder committed by the Charakee Indians upon some of the head men of the Creek Indians, that the whole nation of the said Creeks removed from their old habitations some days nearer to the French att Moville and wee are informed by some of our people (who were prisoners amongst them and are now gott home to us) that the French have promised the Creeks yt. as soon as there is war between Great Britain and France (which they tell them they expect to hear every day) they will joine themselves with them and our other enemy Indians and totally destroy this province, and in the mean time they supply them with arms and ammunition and give them all the encouragemt. they possibly ca[n to disturb ?] us in our settlements. You must needs be sensible what a long and bloody warr was carried on by a small handfull of Indians (assisted by the French att Canada) against New England who are a numerous people what may wee expect who are but a small people and have severall great nations of Indians who are our enemies, and who are also supplied and encouraged by the French att Moville, for these reasons it is gentlemen that wee again press you to lay our circumstances before the king and [ ], if possible, such a supply of men to settle in the countrey as may be for the future security of the same. As the publick acknowledgements of this province are justly due to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations for their hearty zeale and readiness to serve this distressed Colony at home in it's greatest extremity, you are therefore directed and ordered to give them the thanks of this House for such their strenuous and sincere endeavours etc., and likewise to desire that they would be pleased to continue the same affection towards us, by making all the earnest application they can possible unto such person or persons as they shall think proper so as to obtaine the favour of his Most Gracious Majesty to take this government under his immediate care and protection. Refer to enclosures. By the contents of Governour Craven's speech wee have reason to beleive that he will att his arrivall in England endeavour to insinuate that this province is out of all danger from our Indian enemies, but wee can in no wise concurr in our judgements with him in that affaire, etc. Seeing that the Lords Proprietors are not capable of affording this province releif and protection wee order you to desist making any further application to them. There is just now arrived in the Shoreham man of warr an agent from Virginia with whom wee hope to make up all differences between that Government and this. Signed, by order of ye House, Tho. Broughton, Speaker. 3½ pp.
239. ii. Governor Craven's speech to the Assembly of South Carolina. It is a considerable time past since I received permission from their Lordships the Proprietrs. to return to England, to settle my private affairs; but the Indian war breaking out, I readily put off my voyage, etc. But seeing (thro' God's blessing on our endeavours) the clouds that then threatned ruine and destruction to this Colony are now blowne over and dissipated, our enemies for the most parte defeated and fled away, and the war itself in a manner extinguish'd, I cannot but reassume my design to return home, and am now ready to take my departure, etc. Asks for their directions, "if in any case he can be serviceable to Carolina, in his absence." Recommends loyalty, unity and obedience to his Deputy, etc. Signed, Charles Craven. Endorsed, (Recd. from Mr. Boon and Mr. Beresford) Read 13th July, 1716. 1p.
239. iii. Reply of the Assembly of South Carolina to Governor Craven's speech (supra). Return thanks for his speech and wish him a prosperous voyage etc. Continue: We can't but take notice of that part relating to our Indian war, etc. It is ye unanimous opinion of this House, and of ye whole province, that those clouds of danger and destruction are still hanging over us, and in all humane probability will be ye ruine of this Colony, unless ye immediate blessing of God, and ye charitable assistance of our gracious Sovereign interpose, and dissipate the same. What obliges us farther to be of this opinion, is, that notwithstanding ye small defeats and disappointmts. our Indian enemies have met with, they are not wholy discouraged from prosecuting ye war against us. The greatest and most warlike part likewise of our Indians which were in friendship with this Governmt. are now in ye interest of ye French and Spaniards, and as we are inform'd, not only protected, but abetted and set on by them to disturb, and (if possible) ruine this Colony; When we consider the vast charge we have been at in carrying on this war, and large expences wch. must necessarily accrue in ye future prosecution of ye same, and setling the necessary garisons for ye future security of this province, without receiving ye least help or assistance from ye Lords Proprietors, we cannot but think that their Lordships, instead of using their endeavours to save and protect their Colony in its distressed condition, and being instrumts. of our receiving assistance from ye Crown, they have been ye sole bar to our relief. We shall always be glad of shewing proofs to ye world of our firm and steady loyalty to our most gracious Sovereign King George (whom God long preserve) and we flatter ourselves, that we have not, in any of our words or actions, given room for any person to doubt of our firm adherence to his interest, and good wishes for ye succession in the Illustrious House of Hannover. At the same time that we make this publick acknowledgment of our sincerity to our Sovereign, we take ye liberty to say, that it had been highly pleasing to us, and ye whole province in general, if some notice had been taken in a publick manner, of ye disrespectful language and talk made use of by some persons against his said most Gracious Majesty, and the Succession: As we are ye representatives of ye province, we should have been very glad if yor. Honr. had been pleased to have conferred wth. us upon the choice of a proper person for ye administration of the Governmt. in yor. absence, but as it is in yor. Honr's., whatever person you shall appoint in yor. stead, we shall be ready to concur wth. him in all things that may be for ye welfare and good of this Colony. We give yor. Honr. our unfeigned thanks for ye kind proffer to make use of yor. services in England, and if yor. Honr. would be pleased to use yor. interest in procuring the Governmt. to be taken into ye immediate care and protection of ye Crown, as ye other Plantations are, we shall esteem it as a great favour; we further take ye liberty to return yor. Honr. our hearty thanks for yor. services to ye province since ye comencemt. of ye war, etc. Signed, Tho. Broughton, Speaker. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 1265. Nos. 31, 31 i., 32, 33; and (without enclosures) 5, 1293. p. 21.]